diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h
index aa0dc49eee663cd61e40609f2d80873a8dcddd8f..cdad3208b2aa6bc5325b128828c3a8d41814c815 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h
@@ -1549,11 +1549,11 @@ public:
   void                    setSubPicId( int i, uint8_t u )                                                 { CHECK( i >= MAX_NUM_SUB_PICS, "Sub-picture index exceeds valid range" ); m_subPicId[i] = u;     }
   uint8_t                 getSubPicId( int i ) const                                                      { CHECK( i >= MAX_NUM_SUB_PICS, "Sub-picture index exceeds valid range" ); return  m_subPicId[i]; }
-  uint32_t                    getNumLongTermRefPicSPS() const                                                 { return m_numLongTermRefPicSPS;                                       }
-  void                    setNumLongTermRefPicSPS(uint32_t val)                                               { m_numLongTermRefPicSPS = val;                                        }
+  uint32_t                getNumLongTermRefPicSPS() const                                                 { return m_numLongTermRefPicSPS;                                       }
+  void                    setNumLongTermRefPicSPS(uint32_t val)                                           { m_numLongTermRefPicSPS = val;                                        }
-  uint32_t                    getLtRefPicPocLsbSps(uint32_t index) const                                          { CHECK( index >= MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS, "Index exceeds boundary" ); return m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps[index]; }
-  void                    setLtRefPicPocLsbSps(uint32_t index, uint32_t val)                                      { CHECK( index >= MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS, "Index exceeds boundary" ); m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps[index] = val;  }
+  uint32_t                getLtRefPicPocLsbSps(uint32_t index) const                                      { CHECK( index >= MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS, "Index exceeds boundary" ); return m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps[index]; }
+  void                    setLtRefPicPocLsbSps(uint32_t index, uint32_t val)                              { CHECK( index >= MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS, "Index exceeds boundary" ); m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps[index] = val;  }
   bool                    getUsedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag(int i) const                                          { CHECK( i >= MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS, "Index exceeds boundary" ); return m_usedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag[i];    }
   void                    setUsedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag(int i, bool x)                                        { CHECK( i >= MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS, "Index exceeds boundary" ); m_usedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag[i] = x;       }
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
index f546431cd5e39ab6c3167f59acf11efc485b9895..1eb6c6fc8ce98ef2167211a9c4edc6f8d87f46ae 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 #define JVET_Q0798_SPS_NUMBER_MERGE_CANDIDATE             1 // JVET-Q0798: signal the number of merge candidates in SPS
+#define JVET_Q0157_SUBPICTURE_REORDERING_CONSTRAINT       1 //JVET-Q0157: subpicture reordering constraint
 #define JVET_Q0371_DEBLOCKING_CLEANUP                     1 //JVET_Q0371: cleanup on deblocking across subpicture boundaries
diff --git a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp
index e854cb56fd0ff0151c27b42495804b24eb6ae724..56e44261c1da3563879f643d35e42a70a53e3eb7 100644
--- a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp
@@ -1590,6 +1590,52 @@ void DecLib::xCheckParameterSetConstraints(const int layerId)
     CHECK(levelIdcSps > maxLevelIdxDci, "max level signaled in the DCI shall not be less than the level signaled in the SPS");
+  // When the current picture is not the first picture of the CLVS, if the value of SubpicId[ i ] is not equal to the value of SubpicId[ i ] of previous picture in decoding order in the same layer,
+  // the nal_unit_type for all coded slice NAL units of the the subpicture with subpicture index i shall be in the range of IDR_W_RADL to CRA_NUT, inclusive.
+  if( sps->getSubPicInfoPresentFlag() )
+  {    
+    static std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int>> previousSubPicIds;
+    if( m_firstSliceInSequence[layerId] )
+    {
+      for( int subPicIdx = 0; subPicIdx < sps->getNumSubPics(); subPicIdx++ )
+      {
+        previousSubPicIds[layerId].push_back( pps->getSubPic( subPicIdx ).getSubPicID() );
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      int currentSubPicIdx = NOT_VALID;
+      for( int subPicIdx = 0; subPicIdx < sps->getNumSubPics(); subPicIdx++ )
+      {
+        if( pps->getSubPic( subPicIdx ).getSubPicID() == slice->getSliceSubPicId() )
+        {
+          currentSubPicIdx = subPicIdx;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      CHECK( currentSubPicIdx == NOT_VALID, "Sub-picture was not found" );
+      CHECK( !previousSubPicIds.count( layerId ), "Sub-picture information of the previously decoded picture was not stored" );
+      if( previousSubPicIds[layerId][currentSubPicIdx] != slice->getSliceSubPicId() )
+      {
+        CHECK( !slice->isIRAP(), "For reordered sub-pictures, the slice NAL shall be in the range of IDR_W_RADL to CRA_NUT, inclusive" )
+      }
+      // store PPS ID to have sub-picture info for the next pictures when last rectangular slice in the picture is encountered
+      if( slice->getSliceID() + 1 == pps->getNumSlicesInPic() )
+      {
+        for( int subPicIdx = 0; subPicIdx < sps->getNumSubPics(); subPicIdx++ )
+        {
+          previousSubPicIds[layerId].push_back( pps->getSubPic( subPicIdx ).getSubPicID() );
+        }
+      }
+    }    
+  }
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncGOP.cpp b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncGOP.cpp
index 9fc6e1feb4fb2ce910da463e8b657792f6832c7e..777172787f3f829dcd60d88df381713a1d42598c 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncGOP.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncGOP.cpp
@@ -2813,21 +2813,24 @@ void EncGOP::compressGOP( int iPOCLast, int iNumPicRcvd, PicList& rcListPic,
         pcSlice->setSliceMap( pcPic->cs->pps->getSliceMap( sliceIdx ) );
-	if( pcPic->cs->pps->getRectSliceFlag() )
-	{
+        if( pcPic->cs->pps->getRectSliceFlag() )
+        {
           Position firstCtu;
           firstCtu.x = pcSlice->getFirstCtuRsAddrInSlice() % pcPic->cs->pps->getPicWidthInCtu();
           firstCtu.y = pcSlice->getFirstCtuRsAddrInSlice() / pcPic->cs->pps->getPicWidthInCtu();
-          int subPicIdx = 0;
-          for(int sp = 0; sp < pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSubPics(); sp++)
+          int subPicIdx = NOT_VALID;
+          for( int sp = 0; sp < pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSubPics(); sp++ )
-            if(pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic(sp).containsCtu(firstCtu))
+            if( pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic( sp ).containsCtu( firstCtu ) )
               subPicIdx = sp;
+              break;
-          pcSlice->setSliceSubPicId( pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic(subPicIdx).getSubPicID() );
-	}
+          CHECK( subPicIdx == NOT_VALID, "Sub-picture was not found" );
+          pcSlice->setSliceSubPicId( pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic( subPicIdx ).getSubPicID() );
+        }
         m_pcSliceEncoder->precompressSlice( pcPic );
         m_pcSliceEncoder->compressSlice   ( pcPic, false, false );