diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.cpp b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.cpp
index b70cd5767514829112b92041d475f16514f5fd3e..b63b46c9831ddd2f4350674562bd675fc1824224 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.cpp
@@ -2401,6 +2401,9 @@ SPSRExt::SPSRExt()
 : m_SPSId                     (  0)
 , m_VPSId                     ( 0 )
+, m_layerId                   ( 0 )
 , m_affineAmvrEnabledFlag     ( false )
 , m_DMVR                      ( false )
 , m_MMVD                      ( false )
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h
index fada6a97b8b94cd614a021fefcc93cc5d6ea151d..61ca297d570a7ce8956b398b278411b3ce2db992 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h
@@ -1291,7 +1291,9 @@ class SPS
   int               m_SPSId;
   int               m_VPSId;
+  int               m_layerId;
   bool              m_affineAmvrEnabledFlag;
   bool              m_DMVR;
   bool              m_MMVD;
@@ -1482,7 +1484,10 @@ public:
   void                    setSPSId(int i)                                                                 { m_SPSId = i;                                                         }
   int                     getVPSId() const                                                                { return m_VPSId; }
   void                    setVPSId(int i)                                                                 { m_VPSId = i; }
+  void                    setLayerId( int i )                                                             { m_layerId = i;                                                       }
+  int                     getLayerId() const                                                              { return m_layerId;                                                    }
   ChromaFormat            getChromaFormatIdc () const                                                     { return m_chromaFormatIdc;                                            }
   void                    setChromaFormatIdc (ChromaFormat i)                                             { m_chromaFormatIdc = i;                                               }
   void                    setSeparateColourPlaneFlag ( bool b )                                           { m_separateColourPlaneFlag = b;                                       }
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
index 2687c367fb58b4bffe68e392f3ae02e6493581d2..8fb480fe5e35f991f0e4121b8612bdf5255f255e 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
 #include <cassert>
 //########### place macros to be removed in next cycle below this line ###############
+#define JVET_R0194_CONSTRAINT_PS_SHARING_REFERENCING      1 // JVET-R0194: Constraint that if slice at layer A refer to PS at layer B, then all OLS that contains layer A must contain layer B as well.
 #define JVET_R0188                                        1 // JVET-R0188: Signalling slice_width_in_tiles_minus1[i] and slice_height_in_tiles_minus1[i]
diff --git a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp
index 75e85852a8b768e5852c154532b763d4d09becf8..2889918d26130ae630aa13f5c5319c164b5af1cd 100644
--- a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp
@@ -2020,6 +2020,54 @@ bool DecLib::xDecodeSlice(InputNALUnit &nalu, int &iSkipFrame, int iPOCLastDispl
   m_pcPic->layerId    = nalu.m_nuhLayerId;
   m_pcPic->subLayerNonReferencePictureDueToSTSA = false;
+  if( pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() != pcSlice->getSPS()->getLayerId() )
+  {
+    CHECK( pcSlice->getSPS()->getLayerId() > pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId(), "Layer Id of SPS cannot be greater than layer Id of VCL NAL unit the refer to it" );
+    CHECK( pcSlice->getSPS()->getVPSId() == 0, "VPSId of the referred SPS cannot be 0 when layer Id of SPS and layer Id of current slice are different" );
+    for (int i = 0; i < pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumOutputLayerSets(); i++ )
+    {
+      bool isCurrLayerInOls = false;
+      bool isRefLayerInOls = false;
+      int j = pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumLayersInOls(i) - 1;
+      for (; j >= 0; j--)
+      {
+        if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() )
+        {
+          isCurrLayerInOls = true;
+        }
+        if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == pcSlice->getSPS()->getLayerId() )
+        {
+          isRefLayerInOls = true;
+        }
+      }
+      CHECK( isCurrLayerInOls && !isRefLayerInOls, "When VCL NAl unit in layer A refers to SPS in layer B, all OLS that contains layer A shall also contains layer B" );
+    }
+  }
+  if( pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() != pcSlice->getPPS()->getLayerId() )
+  {
+    CHECK( pcSlice->getPPS()->getLayerId() > pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId(), "Layer Id of PPS cannot be greater than layer Id of VCL NAL unit the refer to it" );
+    CHECK( pcSlice->getSPS()->getVPSId() == 0, "VPSId of the referred SPS cannot be 0 when layer Id of PPS and layer Id of current slice are different" );
+    for (int i = 0; i < pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumOutputLayerSets(); i++ )
+    {
+      bool isCurrLayerInOls = false;
+      bool isRefLayerInOls = false;
+      int j = pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumLayersInOls(i) - 1;
+      for (; j >= 0; j--)
+      {
+        if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() )
+        {
+          isCurrLayerInOls = true;
+        }
+        if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == pcSlice->getPPS()->getLayerId() )
+        {
+          isRefLayerInOls = true;
+        }
+      }
+      CHECK( isCurrLayerInOls && !isRefLayerInOls, "When VCL NAl unit in layer A refers to PPS in layer B, all OLS that contains layer A shall also contains layer B" );
+    }
+  }
   if (m_bFirstSliceInPicture)
@@ -2212,6 +2260,30 @@ bool DecLib::xDecodeSlice(InputNALUnit &nalu, int &iSkipFrame, int iPOCLastDispl
   if (pcSlice->getExplicitScalingListUsed())
     APS* scalingListAPS = pcSlice->getPicHeader()->getScalingListAPS();
+    if( pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() != scalingListAPS->getLayerId() )
+    {
+      CHECK( scalingListAPS->getLayerId() > pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId(), "Layer Id of APS cannot be greater than layer Id of VCL NAL unit the refer to it" );
+      CHECK( pcSlice->getSPS()->getVPSId() == 0, "VPSId of the referred SPS cannot be 0 when layer Id of APS and layer Id of current slice are different" );
+      for (int i = 0; i < pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumOutputLayerSets(); i++ )
+      {
+        bool isCurrLayerInOls = false;
+        bool isRefLayerInOls = false;
+        for( int j = pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumLayersInOls(i) - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
+        {
+          if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() )
+          {
+            isCurrLayerInOls = true;
+          }
+          if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == scalingListAPS->getLayerId() )
+          {
+            isRefLayerInOls = true;
+          }
+        }
+        CHECK( isCurrLayerInOls && !isRefLayerInOls, "When VCL NAl unit in layer A refers to APS in layer B, all OLS that contains layer A shall also contains layer B" );
+      }
+    }
     ScalingList scalingList = scalingListAPS->getScalingList();
@@ -2236,6 +2308,30 @@ bool DecLib::xDecodeSlice(InputNALUnit &nalu, int &iSkipFrame, int iPOCLastDispl
         CHECK(lmcsAPS->getAPSId() != m_sliceLmcsApsId, "same APS ID shall be used for all slices in one picture");
+      if( pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() != lmcsAPS->getLayerId() )
+      {
+        CHECK( lmcsAPS->getLayerId() > pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId(), "Layer Id of APS cannot be greater than layer Id of VCL NAL unit the refer to it" );
+        CHECK( pcSlice->getSPS()->getVPSId() == 0, "VPSId of the referred SPS cannot be 0 when layer Id of APS and layer Id of current slice are different" );
+        for (int i = 0; i < pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumOutputLayerSets(); i++ )
+        {
+          bool isCurrLayerInOls = false;
+          bool isRefLayerInOls = false;
+          for( int j = pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumLayersInOls(i) - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
+          {
+            if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() )
+            {
+              isCurrLayerInOls = true;
+            }
+            if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == lmcsAPS->getLayerId() )
+            {
+              isRefLayerInOls = true;
+            }
+          }
+          CHECK( isCurrLayerInOls && !isRefLayerInOls, "When VCL NAl unit in layer A refers to APS in layer B, all OLS that contains layer A shall also contains layer B" );
+        }
+      }
       SliceReshapeInfo& sInfo = lmcsAPS->getReshaperAPSInfo();
       SliceReshapeInfo& tInfo = m_cReshaper.getSliceReshaperInfo();
       tInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx = sInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx;
@@ -2347,6 +2443,9 @@ void DecLib::xDecodeSPS( InputNALUnit& nalu )
   CHECK( nalu.m_temporalId, "The value of TemporalId of SPS NAL units shall be equal to 0" );
   m_HLSReader.parseSPS( sps );
+  sps->setLayerId( nalu.m_nuhLayerId );
   DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_QP_PER_CTU, "CTU Size: %dx%d", sps->getMaxCUWidth(), sps->getMaxCUHeight() );
   m_parameterSetManager.storeSPS( sps, nalu.getBitstream().getFifo() );
diff --git a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.cpp b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.cpp
index f67cf62e0b474522a2026c01b1b8bc407bce47f2..a77544217801016f5e7b2f93bce4f88d4624b8d6 100644
--- a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.cpp
@@ -3465,6 +3465,30 @@ void  HLSyntaxReader::checkAlfNaluTidAndPicTid(Slice* pcSlice, PicHeader* picHea
       aps = parameterSetManager->getAPS(apsId[i], ALF_APS);
       CHECK(aps->getTemporalId() > curPicTid, "The TemporalId of the APS NAL unit having aps_params_type equal to ALF_APS and adaptation_parameter_set_id equal to ph_alf_aps_id_luma[ i ] shall be less than or equal to the TemporalId of the picture associated with the PH.");
+      if( pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() != aps->getLayerId() )
+      {
+        CHECK( aps->getLayerId() > pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId(), "Layer Id of APS cannot be greater than layer Id of VCL NAL unit the refer to it" );
+        CHECK( pcSlice->getSPS()->getVPSId() == 0, "VPSId of the referred SPS cannot be 0 when layer Id of APS and layer Id of current slice are different" );
+        for (int i = 0; i < pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumOutputLayerSets(); i++ )
+        {
+          bool isCurrLayerInOls = false;
+          bool isRefLayerInOls = false;
+          for( int j = pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumLayersInOls(i) - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
+          {
+            if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() )
+            {
+              isCurrLayerInOls = true;
+            }
+            if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == aps->getLayerId() )
+            {
+              isRefLayerInOls = true;
+            }
+          }
+          CHECK( isCurrLayerInOls && !isRefLayerInOls, "When VCL NAl unit in layer A refers to APS in layer B, all OLS that contains layer A shall also contains layer B" );
+        }
+      }
@@ -3476,6 +3500,31 @@ void  HLSyntaxReader::checkAlfNaluTidAndPicTid(Slice* pcSlice, PicHeader* picHea
       int chromaAlfApsId = picHeader->getAlfApsIdChroma();
       aps = parameterSetManager->getAPS(chromaAlfApsId, ALF_APS);
       CHECK(aps->getTemporalId() > curPicTid, "The TemporalId of the APS NAL unit having aps_params_type equal to ALF_APS and adaptation_parameter_set_id equal to ph_alf_aps_id_chroma shall be less than or equal to the TemporalId of the picture associated with the PH.");
+      CHECK(aps->getTemporalId() > curPicTid, "The TemporalId of the APS NAL unit having aps_params_type equal to ALF_APS and adaptation_parameter_set_id equal to ph_alf_aps_id_luma[ i ] shall be less than or equal to the TemporalId of the picture associated with the PH.");
+      if( pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() != aps->getLayerId() )
+      {
+        CHECK( aps->getLayerId() > pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId(), "Layer Id of APS cannot be greater than layer Id of VCL NAL unit the refer to it" );
+        CHECK( pcSlice->getSPS()->getVPSId() == 0, "VPSId of the referred SPS cannot be 0 when layer Id of APS and layer Id of current slice are different" );
+        for (int i = 0; i < pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumOutputLayerSets(); i++ )
+        {
+          bool isCurrLayerInOls = false;
+          bool isRefLayerInOls = false;
+          for( int j = pcSlice->getVPS()->getNumLayersInOls(i) - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
+          {
+            if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == pcSlice->getNalUnitLayerId() )
+            {
+              isCurrLayerInOls = true;
+            }
+            if( pcSlice->getVPS()->getLayerIdInOls(i, j) == aps->getLayerId() )
+            {
+              isRefLayerInOls = true;
+            }
+          }
+          CHECK( isCurrLayerInOls && !isRefLayerInOls, "When VCL NAl unit in layer A refers to APS in layer B, all OLS that contains layer A shall also contains layer B" );
+        }
+      }