/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file SampleAdaptiveOffset.cpp \brief sample adaptive offset class */ #include "SampleAdaptiveOffset.h" #include "UnitTools.h" #include "UnitPartitioner.h" #include "CodingStructure.h" #include "CommonLib/dtrace_codingstruct.h" #include "CommonLib/dtrace_buffer.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> //! \ingroup CommonLib //! \{ SAOOffset::SAOOffset() { reset(); } SAOOffset::~SAOOffset() { } void SAOOffset::reset() { modeIdc = SAO_MODE_OFF; typeIdc = -1; typeAuxInfo = -1; ::memset(offset, 0, sizeof(int)* MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES); } const SAOOffset& SAOOffset::operator= (const SAOOffset& src) { modeIdc = src.modeIdc; typeIdc = src.typeIdc; typeAuxInfo = src.typeAuxInfo; ::memcpy(offset, src.offset, sizeof(int)* MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES); return *this; } SAOBlkParam::SAOBlkParam() { reset(); } SAOBlkParam::~SAOBlkParam() { } void SAOBlkParam::reset() { for(int compIdx = 0; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++) { offsetParam[compIdx].reset(); } } const SAOBlkParam& SAOBlkParam::operator= (const SAOBlkParam& src) { for(int compIdx = 0; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++) { offsetParam[compIdx] = src.offsetParam[compIdx]; } return *this; } SampleAdaptiveOffset::SampleAdaptiveOffset() { } SampleAdaptiveOffset::~SampleAdaptiveOffset() { destroy(); m_signLineBuf1.clear(); m_signLineBuf2.clear(); } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::create( int picWidth, int picHeight, ChromaFormat format, uint32_t maxCUWidth, uint32_t maxCUHeight, uint32_t maxCUDepth, uint32_t lumaBitShift, uint32_t chromaBitShift ) { //temporary picture buffer UnitArea picArea(format, Area(0, 0, picWidth, picHeight)); m_tempBuf.destroy(); m_tempBuf.create( picArea ); //bit-depth related for(int compIdx = 0; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++) { m_offsetStepLog2 [compIdx] = isLuma(ComponentID(compIdx))? lumaBitShift : chromaBitShift; } m_numberOfComponents = getNumberValidComponents(format); } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::destroy() { m_tempBuf.destroy(); } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::invertQuantOffsets(ComponentID compIdx, int typeIdc, int typeAuxInfo, int* dstOffsets, int* srcOffsets) { int codedOffset[MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES]; ::memcpy(codedOffset, srcOffsets, sizeof(int)*MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES); ::memset(dstOffsets, 0, sizeof(int)*MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES); if(typeIdc == SAO_TYPE_START_BO) { for(int i=0; i< 4; i++) { dstOffsets[(typeAuxInfo+ i)%NUM_SAO_BO_CLASSES] = codedOffset[(typeAuxInfo+ i)%NUM_SAO_BO_CLASSES]*(1<<m_offsetStepLog2[compIdx]); } } else //EO { for(int i=0; i< NUM_SAO_EO_CLASSES; i++) { dstOffsets[i] = codedOffset[i] *(1<<m_offsetStepLog2[compIdx]); } CHECK(dstOffsets[SAO_CLASS_EO_PLAIN] != 0, "EO offset is not '0'"); //keep EO plain offset as zero } } int SampleAdaptiveOffset::getMergeList(CodingStructure& cs, int ctuRsAddr, SAOBlkParam* blkParams, SAOBlkParam* mergeList[NUM_SAO_MERGE_TYPES]) { const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv; int ctuX = ctuRsAddr % pcv.widthInCtus; int ctuY = ctuRsAddr / pcv.widthInCtus; const CodingUnit& cu = *cs.getCU(Position(ctuX*pcv.maxCUWidth, ctuY*pcv.maxCUHeight), CH_L); int mergedCTUPos; int numValidMergeCandidates = 0; for(int mergeType=0; mergeType< NUM_SAO_MERGE_TYPES; mergeType++) { SAOBlkParam* mergeCandidate = NULL; switch(mergeType) { case SAO_MERGE_ABOVE: { if(ctuY > 0) { mergedCTUPos = ctuRsAddr- pcv.widthInCtus; if(cs.getCURestricted(Position(ctuX*pcv.maxCUWidth, (ctuY-1)*pcv.maxCUHeight), cu, cu.chType)) { mergeCandidate = &(blkParams[mergedCTUPos]); } } } break; case SAO_MERGE_LEFT: { if(ctuX > 0) { mergedCTUPos = ctuRsAddr- 1; if(cs.getCURestricted(Position((ctuX-1)*pcv.maxCUWidth, ctuY*pcv.maxCUHeight), cu, cu.chType)) { mergeCandidate = &(blkParams[mergedCTUPos]); } } } break; default: { THROW("not a supported merge type"); } } mergeList[mergeType]=mergeCandidate; if (mergeCandidate != NULL) { numValidMergeCandidates++; } } return numValidMergeCandidates; } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::reconstructBlkSAOParam(SAOBlkParam& recParam, SAOBlkParam* mergeList[NUM_SAO_MERGE_TYPES]) { const int numberOfComponents = m_numberOfComponents; for(int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numberOfComponents; compIdx++) { const ComponentID component = ComponentID(compIdx); SAOOffset& offsetParam = recParam[component]; if(offsetParam.modeIdc == SAO_MODE_OFF) { continue; } switch(offsetParam.modeIdc) { case SAO_MODE_NEW: { invertQuantOffsets(component, offsetParam.typeIdc, offsetParam.typeAuxInfo, offsetParam.offset, offsetParam.offset); } break; case SAO_MODE_MERGE: { SAOBlkParam* mergeTarget = mergeList[offsetParam.typeIdc]; CHECK(mergeTarget == NULL, "Merge target does not exist"); offsetParam = (*mergeTarget)[component]; } break; default: { THROW("Not a supported mode"); } } } } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::xReconstructBlkSAOParams(CodingStructure& cs, SAOBlkParam* saoBlkParams) { for(uint32_t compIdx = 0; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++) { m_picSAOEnabled[compIdx] = false; } const uint32_t numberOfComponents = getNumberValidComponents(cs.pcv->chrFormat); for(int ctuRsAddr=0; ctuRsAddr< cs.pcv->sizeInCtus; ctuRsAddr++) { SAOBlkParam* mergeList[NUM_SAO_MERGE_TYPES] = { NULL }; getMergeList(cs, ctuRsAddr, saoBlkParams, mergeList); reconstructBlkSAOParam(saoBlkParams[ctuRsAddr], mergeList); for(uint32_t compIdx = 0; compIdx < numberOfComponents; compIdx++) { if(saoBlkParams[ctuRsAddr][compIdx].modeIdc != SAO_MODE_OFF) { m_picSAOEnabled[compIdx] = true; } } } } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng& clpRng, int typeIdx, int* offset , const Pel* srcBlk, Pel* resBlk, int srcStride, int resStride, int width, int height , bool isLeftAvail, bool isRightAvail, bool isAboveAvail, bool isBelowAvail, bool isAboveLeftAvail, bool isAboveRightAvail, bool isBelowLeftAvail, bool isBelowRightAvail) { int x,y, startX, startY, endX, endY, edgeType; int firstLineStartX, firstLineEndX, lastLineStartX, lastLineEndX; int8_t signLeft, signRight, signDown; const Pel* srcLine = srcBlk; Pel* resLine = resBlk; switch(typeIdx) { case SAO_TYPE_EO_0: { offset += 2; startX = isLeftAvail ? 0 : 1; endX = isRightAvail ? width : (width -1); for (y=0; y< height; y++) { signLeft = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[startX] - srcLine[startX-1]); for (x=startX; x< endX; x++) { signRight = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLine[x+1]); edgeType = signRight + signLeft; signLeft = -signRight; resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>( srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng); } srcLine += srcStride; resLine += resStride; } } break; case SAO_TYPE_EO_90: { offset += 2; int8_t *signUpLine = &m_signLineBuf1[0]; startY = isAboveAvail ? 0 : 1; endY = isBelowAvail ? height : height-1; if (!isAboveAvail) { srcLine += srcStride; resLine += resStride; } const Pel* srcLineAbove= srcLine- srcStride; for (x=0; x< width; x++) { signUpLine[x] = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineAbove[x]); } const Pel* srcLineBelow; for (y=startY; y<endY; y++) { srcLineBelow= srcLine+ srcStride; for (x=0; x< width; x++) { signDown = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x]); edgeType = signDown + signUpLine[x]; signUpLine[x]= -signDown; resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>(srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng); } srcLine += srcStride; resLine += resStride; } } break; case SAO_TYPE_EO_135: { offset += 2; int8_t *signUpLine, *signDownLine, *signTmpLine; signUpLine = &m_signLineBuf1[0]; signDownLine= &m_signLineBuf2[0]; startX = isLeftAvail ? 0 : 1 ; endX = isRightAvail ? width : (width-1); //prepare 2nd line's upper sign const Pel* srcLineBelow= srcLine+ srcStride; for (x=startX; x< endX+1; x++) { signUpLine[x] = (int8_t)sgn(srcLineBelow[x] - srcLine[x- 1]); } //1st line const Pel* srcLineAbove= srcLine- srcStride; firstLineStartX = isAboveLeftAvail ? 0 : 1; firstLineEndX = isAboveAvail? endX: 1; for(x= firstLineStartX; x< firstLineEndX; x++) { edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineAbove[x- 1]) - signUpLine[x+1]; resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>( srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng); } srcLine += srcStride; resLine += resStride; //middle lines for (y= 1; y< height-1; y++) { srcLineBelow= srcLine+ srcStride; for (x=startX; x<endX; x++) { signDown = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x+ 1]); edgeType = signDown + signUpLine[x]; resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>( srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng); signDownLine[x+1] = -signDown; } signDownLine[startX] = (int8_t)sgn(srcLineBelow[startX] - srcLine[startX-1]); signTmpLine = signUpLine; signUpLine = signDownLine; signDownLine = signTmpLine; srcLine += srcStride; resLine += resStride; } //last line srcLineBelow= srcLine+ srcStride; lastLineStartX = isBelowAvail ? startX : (width -1); lastLineEndX = isBelowRightAvail ? width : (width -1); for(x= lastLineStartX; x< lastLineEndX; x++) { edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x+ 1]) + signUpLine[x]; resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>( srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng); } } break; case SAO_TYPE_EO_45: { offset += 2; int8_t *signUpLine = &m_signLineBuf1[1]; startX = isLeftAvail ? 0 : 1; endX = isRightAvail ? width : (width -1); //prepare 2nd line upper sign const Pel* srcLineBelow= srcLine+ srcStride; for (x=startX-1; x< endX; x++) { signUpLine[x] = (int8_t)sgn(srcLineBelow[x] - srcLine[x+1]); } //first line const Pel* srcLineAbove= srcLine- srcStride; firstLineStartX = isAboveAvail ? startX : (width -1 ); firstLineEndX = isAboveRightAvail ? width : (width-1); for(x= firstLineStartX; x< firstLineEndX; x++) { edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineAbove[x+1]) -signUpLine[x-1]; resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>(srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng); } srcLine += srcStride; resLine += resStride; //middle lines for (y= 1; y< height-1; y++) { srcLineBelow= srcLine+ srcStride; for(x= startX; x< endX; x++) { signDown = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x-1]); edgeType = signDown + signUpLine[x]; resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>(srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng); signUpLine[x-1] = -signDown; } signUpLine[endX-1] = (int8_t)sgn(srcLineBelow[endX-1] - srcLine[endX]); srcLine += srcStride; resLine += resStride; } //last line srcLineBelow= srcLine+ srcStride; lastLineStartX = isBelowLeftAvail ? 0 : 1; lastLineEndX = isBelowAvail ? endX : 1; for(x= lastLineStartX; x< lastLineEndX; x++) { edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x-1]) + signUpLine[x]; resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>(srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng); } } break; case SAO_TYPE_BO: { const int shiftBits = channelBitDepth - NUM_SAO_BO_CLASSES_LOG2; for (y=0; y< height; y++) { for (x=0; x< width; x++) { resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>(srcLine[x] + offset[srcLine[x] >> shiftBits], clpRng ); } srcLine += srcStride; resLine += resStride; } } break; default: { THROW("Not a supported SAO types\n"); } } } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetCTU( const UnitArea& area, const CPelUnitBuf& src, PelUnitBuf& res, SAOBlkParam& saoblkParam, CodingStructure& cs) { const uint32_t numberOfComponents = getNumberValidComponents( area.chromaFormat ); bool bAllOff=true; for( uint32_t compIdx = 0; compIdx < numberOfComponents; compIdx++) { if (saoblkParam[compIdx].modeIdc != SAO_MODE_OFF) { bAllOff=false; } } if (bAllOff) { return; } bool isLeftAvail, isRightAvail, isAboveAvail, isBelowAvail, isAboveLeftAvail, isAboveRightAvail, isBelowLeftAvail, isBelowRightAvail; //block boundary availability deriveLoopFilterBoundaryAvailibility(cs, area.Y(), isLeftAvail,isRightAvail,isAboveAvail,isBelowAvail,isAboveLeftAvail,isAboveRightAvail,isBelowLeftAvail,isBelowRightAvail); const size_t lineBufferSize = area.Y().width + 1; if (m_signLineBuf1.size() < lineBufferSize) { m_signLineBuf1.resize(lineBufferSize); m_signLineBuf2.resize(lineBufferSize); } for(int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numberOfComponents; compIdx++) { const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(compIdx); const CompArea& compArea = area.block(compID); SAOOffset& ctbOffset = saoblkParam[compIdx]; if(ctbOffset.modeIdc != SAO_MODE_OFF) { int srcStride = src.get(compID).stride; const Pel* srcBlk = src.get(compID).bufAt(compArea); int resStride = res.get(compID).stride; Pel* resBlk = res.get(compID).bufAt(compArea); offsetBlock( cs.sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)), cs.slice->clpRng(compID), ctbOffset.typeIdc, ctbOffset.offset , srcBlk, resBlk, srcStride, resStride, compArea.width, compArea.height , isLeftAvail, isRightAvail , isAboveAvail, isBelowAvail , isAboveLeftAvail, isAboveRightAvail , isBelowLeftAvail, isBelowRightAvail ); } } //compIdx } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::SAOProcess( CodingStructure& cs, SAOBlkParam* saoBlkParams ) { CHECK(!saoBlkParams, "No parameters present"); xReconstructBlkSAOParams(cs, saoBlkParams); const uint32_t numberOfComponents = getNumberValidComponents(cs.area.chromaFormat); bool bAllDisabled = true; for (uint32_t compIdx = 0; compIdx < numberOfComponents; compIdx++) { if (m_picSAOEnabled[compIdx]) { bAllDisabled = false; } } if (bAllDisabled) { return; } const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv; PelUnitBuf rec = cs.getRecoBuf(); m_tempBuf.copyFrom( rec ); int ctuRsAddr = 0; for( uint32_t yPos = 0; yPos < pcv.lumaHeight; yPos += pcv.maxCUHeight ) { for( uint32_t xPos = 0; xPos < pcv.lumaWidth; xPos += pcv.maxCUWidth ) { const uint32_t width = (xPos + pcv.maxCUWidth > pcv.lumaWidth) ? (pcv.lumaWidth - xPos) : pcv.maxCUWidth; const uint32_t height = (yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight > pcv.lumaHeight) ? (pcv.lumaHeight - yPos) : pcv.maxCUHeight; const UnitArea area( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area(xPos , yPos, width, height) ); offsetCTU( area, m_tempBuf, rec, cs.picture->getSAO()[ctuRsAddr], cs); ctuRsAddr++; } } DTRACE_UPDATE(g_trace_ctx, (std::make_pair("poc", cs.slice->getPOC()))); DTRACE_PIC_COMP(D_REC_CB_LUMA_SAO, cs, cs.getRecoBuf(), COMPONENT_Y); DTRACE_PIC_COMP(D_REC_CB_CHROMA_SAO, cs, cs.getRecoBuf(), COMPONENT_Cb); DTRACE_PIC_COMP(D_REC_CB_CHROMA_SAO, cs, cs.getRecoBuf(), COMPONENT_Cr); DTRACE ( g_trace_ctx, D_CRC, "SAO" ); DTRACE_CRC( g_trace_ctx, D_CRC, cs, cs.getRecoBuf() ); xPCMLFDisableProcess(cs); } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::xPCMLFDisableProcess(CodingStructure& cs) { const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv; const bool bPCMFilter = (cs.sps->getUsePCM() && cs.sps->getPCMFilterDisableFlag()) ? true : false; if( bPCMFilter || cs.pps->getTransquantBypassEnabledFlag() ) { for( uint32_t yPos = 0; yPos < pcv.lumaHeight; yPos += pcv.maxCUHeight ) { for( uint32_t xPos = 0; xPos < pcv.lumaWidth; xPos += pcv.maxCUWidth ) { UnitArea ctuArea( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( xPos, yPos, pcv.maxCUWidth, pcv.maxCUHeight ) ); // CU-based deblocking xPCMCURestoration(cs, ctuArea); } } } } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::xPCMCURestoration(CodingStructure& cs, const UnitArea &ctuArea) { const SPS& sps = *cs.sps; for( auto &cu : cs.traverseCUs( ctuArea, CH_L ) ) { // restore PCM samples if( ( cu.ipcm && sps.getPCMFilterDisableFlag() ) || CU::isLosslessCoded( cu ) ) { const uint32_t numComponents = m_numberOfComponents; for( uint32_t comp = 0; comp < numComponents; comp++ ) { xPCMSampleRestoration( cu, ComponentID( comp ) ); } } } } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::xPCMSampleRestoration(CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID) { const CompArea& ca = cu.block(compID); if( CU::isLosslessCoded( cu ) && !cu.ipcm ) { for( auto &currTU : CU::traverseTUs( cu ) ) { const CPelBuf& pcmBuf = currTU.getPcmbuf( compID ); PelBuf dstBuf = cu.cs->getRecoBuf( currTU.block(compID) ); dstBuf.copyFrom( pcmBuf ); } return; } const TransformUnit& tu = *cu.firstTU; CHECK( cu.firstTU != cu.lastTU, "Multiple TUs present in a PCM CU" ); const CPelBuf& pcmBuf = tu.getPcmbuf( compID ); PelBuf dstBuf = cu.cs->getRecoBuf( ca ); const SPS &sps = *cu.cs->sps; const uint32_t uiPcmLeftShiftBit = sps.getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)) - sps.getPCMBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)); for (uint32_t y = 0; y < ca.height; y++) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < ca.width; x++) { dstBuf.at(x,y) = (pcmBuf.at(x,y) << uiPcmLeftShiftBit); } } } void SampleAdaptiveOffset::deriveLoopFilterBoundaryAvailibility(CodingStructure& cs, const Position &pos, bool& isLeftAvail, bool& isRightAvail, bool& isAboveAvail, bool& isBelowAvail, bool& isAboveLeftAvail, bool& isAboveRightAvail, bool& isBelowLeftAvail, bool& isBelowRightAvail ) const { const int width = cs.pcv->maxCUWidth; const int height = cs.pcv->maxCUHeight; const CodingUnit* cuCurr = cs.getCU(pos, CH_L); const CodingUnit* cuLeft = cs.getCU(pos.offset(-width, 0), CH_L); const CodingUnit* cuRight = cs.getCU(pos.offset(width, 0), CH_L); const CodingUnit* cuAbove = cs.getCU(pos.offset(0, -height), CH_L); const CodingUnit* cuBelow = cs.getCU(pos.offset(0, height), CH_L); const CodingUnit* cuAboveLeft = cs.getCU(pos.offset(-width, -height), CH_L); const CodingUnit* cuAboveRight = cs.getCU(pos.offset(width, -height), CH_L); const CodingUnit* cuBelowLeft = cs.getCU(pos.offset(-width, height), CH_L); const CodingUnit* cuBelowRight = cs.getCU(pos.offset(width, height), CH_L); // check cross slice flags { //left isLeftAvail = (cuLeft != NULL) ? ( !CU::isSameSlice(*cuCurr, *cuLeft) ? cuCurr->slice->getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag() : true ) : false; //above isAboveAvail = (cuAbove != NULL) ? ( !CU::isSameSlice(*cuCurr, *cuAbove) ? cuCurr->slice->getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag() : true ) : false; //right isRightAvail = (cuRight != NULL) ? ( !CU::isSameSlice(*cuCurr, *cuRight) ? cuRight->slice->getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag() : true ) : false; //below isBelowAvail = (cuBelow != NULL) ? ( !CU::isSameSlice(*cuCurr, *cuBelow) ? cuBelow->slice->getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag() : true ) : false; //above-left isAboveLeftAvail = (cuAboveLeft != NULL) ? ( !CU::isSameSlice(*cuCurr, *cuAboveLeft) ? cuCurr->slice->getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag() : true ) : false; //below-right isBelowRightAvail = (cuBelowRight != NULL) ? ( !CU::isSameSlice(*cuCurr, *cuBelowRight) ? cuBelowRight->slice->getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag() : true ) : false; //above-right isAboveRightAvail = false; if (cuAboveRight != NULL) { const bool bLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag = (cuCurr->slice->getSliceCurStartCtuTsAddr() > cuAboveRight->slice->getSliceCurStartCtuTsAddr()) ? cuCurr->slice->getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag() : cuAboveRight->slice->getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag(); isAboveRightAvail = ( !CU::isSameSlice(*cuCurr, *cuAboveRight) ) ? bLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag : true; } //below-left isBelowLeftAvail = false; if (cuBelowLeft != NULL) { const bool bLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag = (cuCurr->slice->getSliceCurStartCtuTsAddr() > cuBelowLeft->slice->getSliceCurStartCtuTsAddr()) ? cuCurr->slice->getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag() : cuBelowLeft->slice->getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag(); isBelowLeftAvail = ( !CU::isSameSlice(*cuCurr, *cuBelowLeft) ) ? bLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag : true; } } #if HEVC_TILES_WPP // check cross tile flags const bool isLoopFilterAcrossTilePPS = cs.pps->getLoopFilterAcrossTilesEnabledFlag(); if (!isLoopFilterAcrossTilePPS) { isLeftAvail = (!isLeftAvail) ? false : CU::isSameTile(*cuCurr, *cuLeft); isAboveAvail = (!isAboveAvail) ? false : CU::isSameTile(*cuCurr, *cuAbove); isRightAvail = (!isRightAvail) ? false : CU::isSameTile(*cuCurr, *cuRight); isBelowAvail = (!isBelowAvail) ? false : CU::isSameTile(*cuCurr, *cuBelow); isAboveLeftAvail = (!isAboveLeftAvail) ? false : CU::isSameTile(*cuCurr, *cuAboveLeft); isAboveRightAvail = (!isAboveRightAvail) ? false : CU::isSameTile(*cuCurr, *cuAboveRight); isBelowLeftAvail = (!isBelowLeftAvail) ? false : CU::isSameTile(*cuCurr, *cuBelowLeft); isBelowRightAvail = (!isBelowRightAvail) ? false : CU::isSameTile(*cuCurr, *cuBelowRight); } #endif } //! \}