ECM master (5bfc0d9b) encoding CHECK failure for AHG7 tool off test, related to JVET_AF0163_TM_SUBBLOCK_REFINEMENT
The issue may be reproduced with the following command line options
./EncoderAppStatic -c ../cfg/encoder_randomaccess_ecm.cfg -c ../cfg/per-sequence/BasketballPass.cfg -c offgroup1-4.cfg -i ../../../sequences/BasketballPass_416x240_50.yuv -v 6 -dph 1 -f 9
Encoding log:
VVCSoftware: ECM Encoder Version 10.1 (VTM-10.0) [Linux][GCC 13.2.0][64 bit] [SIMD=AVX2]
BVD Prediction is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of non-inter-TM tools is set off.
DBV is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of non-inter-TM tools is set off.
IntraTMP is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of non-inter-TM tools is set off.
TIMD is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of non-inter-TM tools is set off.
SGPM is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of non-inter-TM tools is set off.
TMRL is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of non-inter-TM tools is set off.
MPMsorting is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of non-inter-TM tools is set off.
CCPmerge is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of non-inter-TM tools is set off.
DMVR is forcefully disabled since it has been disabled by the macro MULTI_PASS_DMVR.
TM-AMVP mode is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
TM-MRG mode is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
GPM-TM mode is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
OBMC-TM mode is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
Reordering for TMVP and non-adjacent MVP is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
TM-MMVD mode is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
GPM split mode reordering is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
ARMC is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
Refined motion for ARMC is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
Diversity criterion for ARMC is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
Reference picture reordering is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
MVD prediction is forcefully disabled since the enable flag of TM tools is set off.
Input File : ../../../sequences/BasketballPass_416x240_50.yuv
Bitstream File : str.bin
Reconstruction File : rec.yuv
Real Format : 416x240 50Hz
Internal Format : 416x240 50Hz
Sequence PSNR output : Linear average only
Hexadecimal PSNR output : Disabled
Sequence MSE output : Disabled
Frame MSE output : Disabled
MS-SSIM output : Disabled
Cabac-zero-word-padding : Disabled
Frame/Field : Frame based coding
Frame index : 0 - 8 (9 frames)
Profile : main_10
CTU size / min CU size : 128 / 4
Max MTT Hierarchy Depth in B-slices by temporal ID: 333333
subpicture info present flag : Disabled
subpicture ID present flag : Disabled
Max TB size : 128
Motion search range : 384
Intra period : 32
Decoding refresh type : 1
DRAP period : 0
QP : 32
Max dQP signaling subdiv : 0
Cb QP Offset (dual tree) : 0 (0)
Cr QP Offset (dual tree) : 0 (0)
QP adaptation : 0 (range=0)
GOP size : 32
Input bit depth : (Y:8, C:8)
MSB-extended bit depth : (Y:8, C:8)
Internal bit depth : (Y:10, C:10)
Intra reference smoothing : Enabled
cu_chroma_qp_offset_subdiv : -1
extended_precision_processing_flag : Disabled
transform_skip_rotation_enabled_flag : Disabled
transform_skip_context_enabled_flag : Disabled
high_precision_offsets_enabled_flag : Disabled
persistent_rice_adaptation_enabled_flag: Disabled
cabac_bypass_alignment_enabled_flag : Disabled
Cost function: : Lossy coding (default)
RateControl : 0
WeightedPredMethod : 0
GDREnabled : 0
Intra TMP: 0
Max CU size of TMP: 64
dynamic search range with fixed comparison per pixel:
searchRangeWidth = 5*Width
searchRangeHeight = 5*Heigh
Max Num Merge Candidates : 10
Max Num BM Merge Candidates : 4
Max Num Affine Merge Candidates : 16
Max Num Geo Merge Candidates : 10
Max Num MHP Merge Candidates : 10
Max Num IBC Merge Candidates : 6
TOOL CFG: IBD:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 LQP:0 SQP:0 ASR:1 MinSearchWindow:96 RestrictMESampling:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 CFM:0 ESD:0 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:5 ChromaTS:1 BDPCM:0 Tiles: 1x1 Slices: 1 MCTS:0 SAO:1 ALF:1 CCALF:1 WPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2 WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1 SignBitHidingFlag:0 RecalQP:0
TOOL CFG: GOP:32 LFNST:1 MMVD:1 Affine:1 AffineType:1 PROF:1 SbTMVP:1 DualITree:1 IMV:1 BIO:1 LMChroma:1 HorCollocatedChroma:1 VerCollocatedChroma:0 MTS: 1(intra) 1(inter) InterMTSMaxSize: 16 SBT:1 ISP:1 SMVD:1 CompositeLTReference:0 Bcw:1 BcwFast:1 LADF:0 CIIP:1 CIIPTIMD:0 Geo:1 AllowDisFracMMVD:1 AffineAmvr:1 AffineAmvrEncOpt:1 AffineAmvp:1 AffineTM:1 DMVR:0 AffineParameterRefinement:1 MmvdDisNum:6 JointCbCr:1 ACT:0 PLT:0 IBC:1 IBCMBVD:1 IBCMBVDAdaptive:0 IBCFrac:1 RRIBC:0 IBCMerge:1 IBCCIIP:0 IBCGPM:0 IBCLIC:0 IBCFilter:0 IBCBiPred:1 IBCNonAdjCand:0 HashME:0 WrapAround:0 VirtualBoundariesEnabledFlag:0 VirtualBoundariesPresentInSPSFlag:1 vertical virtual boundaries:[ ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[ ] Reshape:1 (Signal:SDR Opt:0 CSoffset:6) MRL:1 MIP:1 EncDbOpt:1
FAST TOOL CFG: LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 PBIntraFast:1 IMV4PelFast:1 MTSMaxCand: 4(intra) 4(inter) ISPFast:0 FastLFNST:0 AMaxBT:1 E0023FastEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 UseNonLinearAlfLuma:1 UseNonLinearAlfChroma:1 MaxNumAlfAlternativesChroma:8 FastMIP:0 NumSplitThreads:1 NumWppThreads:1+0 EnsureWppBitEqual:0 RPR:0 TemporalFilter:4/4
ECM TOOL CFG: DIMD:0 CCCM:0 BvgCCCM:1 EnableTMnoninterTools:0 ( BvdPred:0 DBV:0 BvpCluster:0 IntraTMP:0 IntraTmpMaxSize:64 FastIntraTMP:1 TIMD:0 SGPM:0 SGPMnoBlend:0 TMRL:0 MPMsorting:0 TM-IBC:0 CCPmerge:0 ) AffineMMVD:1 OBMC:1 AdditionalInterHyps:2 (2 weights,4 ref frames,1 try) LIC:0 InterCCCM:1 InterCcpMerge:0 DMVD:1 EnableTMTools:0 ( TMAmvp:0 TMMrg:0 GPMTM:0 OBMCTM:0 CIIPTM:0 TmvpNmvpAML:0 TMMMVD:0 AML:0 ArmcRefinedMotion:0 ARL:0 MvdPred:0 AltGPMSplitModeCode:0 ) DQ:2 SignPred:0 Log2SignPredArea:4 CCSAO:1 BIF:1 BIFStrength:1 BIFQPOffset:0 ChromaBIF:1 ChromaBIFStrength:1 ChromaBIFQPOffset:0 TempCABAC:1
ECM ENC CFG: CTU:128 MaxTU:128 MaxNumTUs:1 TTFastSkip:31 TTFastSkipThr:1.075 NumFullRDMrg:4 BIM:0
Input ChromaFormatIDC = 4:2:0
Output (internal) ChromaFormatIDC = 4:2:0
Non-environment-variable-controlled macros set as follows:
started @ Thu Nov 9 17:48:27 2023
POC 0 LId: 0 TId: 0 ( IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 29 ) 49832 bits [Y 39.1078 dB U 42.4234 dB V 42.3615 dB] [ET 76 ] [L0] [L1] [MD5:23d446aee8ed257f1721db0bc201bd6f,6cb0afaf00e85eabffe643923646174b,387d31b238a8419a83ca5ab316bdcadf]
ERROR: In function "deriveTMMv2Pel" in /usr/local/google/home/xlxiangli/program/g-ecm/source/Lib/CommonLib/InterPrediction.cpp:17844: Invalid reference index for TM