Encoder/decoder mismatch with EIP
Issue is originally discussed here: !656 (merged).
It seems that in some very rare cases the m_eipMergeModel[modeIdx].eipDimdMode is not calculated for all the modes going to full RD check. This can happen in IntraSearch::estIntraPredChromaQT when eipSaveFlag is true, EIP mode ends up as the last mode in the uiRdModeList and is removed from that list when "reduceRD" parameter is true. In this case the removed EIP mode is not going to the RD check right away, but it still stays in the m_uiSavedRdModeListEip list and can end up to the RD check if/when estIntraPredChromaQT is called again for the same CU. If that EIP mode gets selected as the final mode for the CU its eipDimdMode is a random number from an earlier CU and decoder is likely to end up with a different transform mode and wrongly reconstructed samples.