/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2023, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file EncGOP.cpp \brief GOP encoder class */ #include <list> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include "EncLib.h" #include "EncGOP.h" #include "Analyze.h" #include "libmd5/MD5.h" #include "CommonLib/SEI.h" #include "CommonLib/NAL.h" #include "NALwrite.h" #include <math.h> #include <deque> #include <chrono> #include <cinttypes> #include "CommonLib/UnitTools.h" #include "CommonLib/dtrace_codingstruct.h" #include "CommonLib/dtrace_buffer.h" #include "CommonLib/ProfileLevelTier.h" #include "DecoderLib/DecLib.h" #define ENCODE_SUB_SET 0 using namespace std; //! \ingroup EncoderLib //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Constructor / destructor / initialization / destroy // ==================================================================================================================== int getLSB(int poc, int maxLSB) { if (poc >= 0) { return poc % maxLSB; } else { return (maxLSB - ((-poc) % maxLSB)) % maxLSB; } } EncGOP::EncGOP() { m_iLastIDR = 0; m_iGopSize = 0; m_iNumPicCoded = 0; //Niko m_bFirst = true; m_iLastRecoveryPicPOC = 0; m_latestDRAPPOC = MAX_INT; m_lastRasPoc = MAX_INT; m_pcCfg = NULL; m_pcSliceEncoder = NULL; m_pcListPic = NULL; m_HLSWriter = NULL; m_bSeqFirst = true; m_audIrapOrGdrAuFlag = false; m_bRefreshPending = 0; m_pocCRA = 0; m_numLongTermRefPicSPS = 0; ::memset(m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps, 0, sizeof(m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps)); ::memset(m_ltRefPicUsedByCurrPicFlag, 0, sizeof(m_ltRefPicUsedByCurrPicFlag)); ::memset(m_lastBPSEI, 0, sizeof(m_lastBPSEI)); m_rapWithLeading = false; m_bufferingPeriodSEIPresentInAU = false; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VPS_LAYERS; i++) { m_associatedIRAPType[i] = NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP; } ::memset(m_associatedIRAPPOC, 0, sizeof(m_associatedIRAPPOC)); #if W0038_DB_OPT m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv = NULL; #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS m_ppcFrameOrg = nullptr; m_ppcFrameRec = nullptr; m_pcConvertFormat = nullptr; m_pcConvertIQuantize = nullptr; m_pcColorTransform = nullptr; m_pcDistortionDeltaE = nullptr; m_pcTransferFct = nullptr; m_pcColorTransformParams = nullptr; m_pcFrameFormat = nullptr; m_metricTime = std::chrono::milliseconds(0); #endif m_bInitAMaxBT = true; m_bgPOC = -1; m_picBg = NULL; m_picOrig = NULL; m_isEncodedLTRef = false; m_isUseLTRef = false; m_isPrepareLTRef = true; m_lastLTRefPoc = 0; } EncGOP::~EncGOP() { if( !m_pcCfg->getDecodeBitstream(0).empty() || !m_pcCfg->getDecodeBitstream(1).empty() ) { // reset potential decoder resources tryDecodePicture( NULL, 0, std::string("") ); } #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS delete [] m_ppcFrameOrg; delete [] m_ppcFrameRec; m_ppcFrameOrg = m_ppcFrameRec = nullptr; delete m_pcConvertFormat; delete m_pcConvertIQuantize; delete m_pcColorTransform; delete m_pcDistortionDeltaE; delete m_pcTransferFct; delete m_pcColorTransformParams; delete m_pcFrameFormat; m_pcConvertFormat = nullptr; m_pcConvertIQuantize = nullptr; m_pcColorTransform = nullptr; m_pcDistortionDeltaE = nullptr; m_pcTransferFct = nullptr; m_pcColorTransformParams = nullptr; m_pcFrameFormat = nullptr; #endif } /** Create list to contain pointers to CTU start addresses of slice. */ void EncGOP::create() { m_bLongtermTestPictureHasBeenCoded = 0; m_bLongtermTestPictureHasBeenCoded2 = 0; #if JVET_V0094_BILATERAL_FILTER || JVET_X0071_CHROMA_BILATERAL_FILTER m_cBilateralFilter.create(); #endif } void EncGOP::destroy() { #if W0038_DB_OPT if (m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv) { m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv->destroy(); delete m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv; m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv = NULL; } #endif if (m_picBg) { m_picBg->destroy(); delete m_picBg; m_picBg = NULL; } if (m_picOrig) { m_picOrig->destroy(); delete m_picOrig; m_picOrig = NULL; } #if JVET_V0094_BILATERAL_FILTER || JVET_X0071_CHROMA_BILATERAL_FILTER m_cBilateralFilter.destroy(); #endif } void EncGOP::init ( EncLib* pcEncLib ) { m_pcEncLib = pcEncLib; m_pcCfg = pcEncLib; m_seiEncoder.init(m_pcCfg, pcEncLib, this); m_pcSliceEncoder = pcEncLib->getSliceEncoder(); m_pcListPic = pcEncLib->getListPic(); m_HLSWriter = pcEncLib->getHLSWriter(); m_pcLoopFilter = pcEncLib->getLoopFilter(); m_pcSAO = pcEncLib->getSAO(); m_pcALF = pcEncLib->getALF(); m_pcRateCtrl = pcEncLib->getRateCtrl(); #if JVET_AA0096_MC_BOUNDARY_PADDING m_pcFrameMcPadPrediction = pcEncLib->getFrameMcPadPredSearch(); #endif ::memset(m_lastBPSEI, 0, sizeof(m_lastBPSEI)); ::memset(m_totalCoded, 0, sizeof(m_totalCoded)); m_HRD = pcEncLib->getHRD(); m_AUWriterIf = pcEncLib->getAUWriterIf(); #if WCG_EXT if (m_pcCfg->getLmcs()) { pcEncLib->getRdCost()->setReshapeInfo(m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType(), m_pcCfg->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)); pcEncLib->getRdCost()->initLumaLevelToWeightTableReshape(); } else if (m_pcCfg->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().mode) { pcEncLib->getRdCost()->setReshapeInfo(RESHAPE_SIGNAL_PQ, m_pcCfg->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)); pcEncLib->getRdCost()->initLumaLevelToWeightTableReshape(); } pcEncLib->getALF()->getLumaLevelWeightTable() = pcEncLib->getRdCost()->getLumaLevelWeightTable(); int alfWSSD = 0; if (m_pcCfg->getLmcs() && m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_PQ ) { alfWSSD = 1; } pcEncLib->getALF()->setAlfWSSD(alfWSSD); #endif m_pcReshaper = pcEncLib->getReshaper(); #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS const bool calculateHdrMetrics = m_pcEncLib->getCalcluateHdrMetrics(); if(calculateHdrMetrics) { //allocate frame buffers and initialize class members int chainNumber = 5; m_ppcFrameOrg = new hdrtoolslib::Frame* [chainNumber]; m_ppcFrameRec = new hdrtoolslib::Frame* [chainNumber]; double* whitePointDeltaE = new double[hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE]; for (int i=0; i<hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE; i++) { whitePointDeltaE[i] = m_pcCfg->getWhitePointDeltaE(i); } double maxSampleValue = m_pcCfg->getMaxSampleValue(); hdrtoolslib::SampleRange sampleRange = m_pcCfg->getSampleRange(); hdrtoolslib::ChromaFormat chFmt = hdrtoolslib::ChromaFormat(m_pcCfg->getChromaFormatIdc()); int bitDepth = m_pcCfg->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA); hdrtoolslib::ColorPrimaries colorPrimaries = m_pcCfg->getColorPrimaries(); bool enableTFunctionLUT = m_pcCfg->getEnableTFunctionLUT(); hdrtoolslib::ChromaLocation* chromaLocation = new hdrtoolslib::ChromaLocation[2]; for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { chromaLocation[i] = m_pcCfg->getChromaLocation(i); } int chromaUpFilter = m_pcCfg->getChromaUPFilter(); int cropOffsetLeft = m_pcCfg->getCropOffsetLeft(); int cropOffsetTop = m_pcCfg->getCropOffsetTop(); int cropOffsetRight = m_pcCfg->getCropOffsetRight(); int cropOffsetBottom = m_pcCfg->getCropOffsetBottom(); int width = m_pcCfg->getSourceWidth() - cropOffsetLeft + cropOffsetRight; int height = m_pcCfg->getSourceHeight() - cropOffsetTop + cropOffsetBottom; m_ppcFrameOrg[0] = new hdrtoolslib::Frame(width, height, false, hdrtoolslib::CM_YCbCr, colorPrimaries, chFmt, sampleRange, bitDepth, false, hdrtoolslib::TF_PQ, 0); m_ppcFrameRec[0] = new hdrtoolslib::Frame(width, height, false, hdrtoolslib::CM_YCbCr, colorPrimaries, chFmt, sampleRange, bitDepth, false, hdrtoolslib::TF_PQ, 0); m_ppcFrameOrg[1] = new hdrtoolslib::Frame(m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_width[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_height[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], false, hdrtoolslib::CM_YCbCr, colorPrimaries, hdrtoolslib::CF_444, sampleRange, bitDepth, false, hdrtoolslib::TF_PQ, 0); m_ppcFrameRec[1] = new hdrtoolslib::Frame(m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_width[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_height[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], false, hdrtoolslib::CM_YCbCr, colorPrimaries, hdrtoolslib::CF_444, sampleRange, bitDepth, false, hdrtoolslib::TF_PQ, 0); // 420 to 444 conversion m_ppcFrameOrg[2] = new hdrtoolslib::Frame(m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_width[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_height[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], true, hdrtoolslib::CM_YCbCr, colorPrimaries, hdrtoolslib::CF_444, hdrtoolslib::SR_UNKNOWN, 32, false, hdrtoolslib::TF_PQ, 0); m_ppcFrameRec[2] = new hdrtoolslib::Frame(m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_width[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_height[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], true, hdrtoolslib::CM_YCbCr, colorPrimaries, hdrtoolslib::CF_444, hdrtoolslib::SR_UNKNOWN, 32, false, hdrtoolslib::TF_PQ, 0); // 444 to Float conversion m_ppcFrameOrg[3] = new hdrtoolslib::Frame(m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_width[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_height[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], true, hdrtoolslib::CM_RGB, hdrtoolslib::CP_2020, hdrtoolslib::CF_444, hdrtoolslib::SR_UNKNOWN, 32, false, hdrtoolslib::TF_PQ, 0); m_ppcFrameRec[3] = new hdrtoolslib::Frame(m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_width[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_height[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], true, hdrtoolslib::CM_RGB, hdrtoolslib::CP_2020, hdrtoolslib::CF_444, hdrtoolslib::SR_UNKNOWN, 32, false, hdrtoolslib::TF_PQ, 0); // YCbCr to RGB conversion m_ppcFrameOrg[4] = new hdrtoolslib::Frame(m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_width[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_height[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], true, hdrtoolslib::CM_RGB, hdrtoolslib::CP_2020, hdrtoolslib::CF_444, hdrtoolslib::SR_UNKNOWN, 32, false, hdrtoolslib::TF_NULL, 0); m_ppcFrameRec[4] = new hdrtoolslib::Frame(m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_width[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_height[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP], true, hdrtoolslib::CM_RGB, hdrtoolslib::CP_2020, hdrtoolslib::CF_444, hdrtoolslib::SR_UNKNOWN, 32, false, hdrtoolslib::TF_NULL, 0); // Inverse Transfer Function m_pcFrameFormat = new hdrtoolslib::FrameFormat(); m_pcFrameFormat->m_isFloat = true; m_pcFrameFormat->m_chromaFormat = hdrtoolslib::CF_UNKNOWN; m_pcFrameFormat->m_colorSpace = hdrtoolslib::CM_RGB; m_pcFrameFormat->m_colorPrimaries = hdrtoolslib::CP_2020; m_pcFrameFormat->m_sampleRange = hdrtoolslib::SR_UNKNOWN; m_pcConvertFormat = hdrtoolslib::ConvertColorFormat::create(width, height, chFmt, hdrtoolslib::CF_444, chromaUpFilter, chromaLocation, chromaLocation); m_pcConvertIQuantize = hdrtoolslib::Convert::create(&m_ppcFrameOrg[1]->m_format, &m_ppcFrameOrg[2]->m_format); m_pcColorTransform = hdrtoolslib::ColorTransform::create(m_ppcFrameOrg[2]->m_colorSpace, m_ppcFrameOrg[2]->m_colorPrimaries, m_ppcFrameOrg[3]->m_colorSpace, m_ppcFrameOrg[3]->m_colorPrimaries, true, 1); m_pcDistortionDeltaE = new hdrtoolslib::DistortionMetricDeltaE(m_pcFrameFormat, false, maxSampleValue, whitePointDeltaE, 1); m_pcTransferFct = hdrtoolslib::TransferFunction::create(hdrtoolslib::TF_PQ, true, (float) maxSampleValue, 0, 0.0, 1.0, enableTFunctionLUT); } #endif #if JVET_Z0118_GDR m_lastGdrIntervalPoc = -1; #endif } int EncGOP::xWriteVPS (AccessUnit &accessUnit, const VPS *vps) { OutputNALUnit nalu(NAL_UNIT_VPS); m_HLSWriter->setBitstream( &nalu.m_Bitstream ); CHECK( nalu.m_temporalId, "The value of TemporalId of VPS NAL units shall be equal to 0" ); m_HLSWriter->codeVPS( vps ); accessUnit.push_back(new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); return (int)(accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData.str().size()) * 8; } int EncGOP::xWriteDCI(AccessUnit& accessUnit, const DCI* dci) { OutputNALUnit nalu(NAL_UNIT_DCI); m_HLSWriter->setBitstream(&nalu.m_Bitstream); CHECK(nalu.m_temporalId, "The value of TemporalId of DCI NAL units shall be equal to 0"); m_HLSWriter->codeDCI(dci); accessUnit.push_back(new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); return (int)(accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData.str().size()) * 8; } int EncGOP::xWriteSPS( AccessUnit &accessUnit, const SPS *sps, const int layerId ) { OutputNALUnit nalu(NAL_UNIT_SPS); m_HLSWriter->setBitstream( &nalu.m_Bitstream ); nalu.m_nuhLayerId = layerId; CHECK( nalu.m_temporalId, "The value of TemporalId of SPS NAL units shall be equal to 0" ); m_HLSWriter->codeSPS( sps ); accessUnit.push_back(new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); return (int)(accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData.str().size()) * 8; } int EncGOP::xWritePPS( AccessUnit &accessUnit, const PPS *pps, const int layerId ) { OutputNALUnit nalu(NAL_UNIT_PPS); m_HLSWriter->setBitstream( &nalu.m_Bitstream ); nalu.m_nuhLayerId = layerId; #if RPR_ENABLE nalu.m_temporalId = accessUnit.temporalId; #endif CHECK( nalu.m_temporalId < accessUnit.temporalId, "TemporalId shall be greater than or equal to the TemporalId of the layer access unit containing the NAL unit" ); m_HLSWriter->codePPS( pps ); accessUnit.push_back(new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); return (int)(accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData.str().size()) * 8; } int EncGOP::xWriteAPS( AccessUnit &accessUnit, APS *aps, const int layerId, const bool isPrefixNUT ) { OutputNALUnit nalu( isPrefixNUT ? NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_APS : NAL_UNIT_SUFFIX_APS ); aps->setLayerId( layerId ); #if EMBEDDED_APS m_aps.push_back( *aps ); return 0; #endif m_HLSWriter->setBitstream(&nalu.m_Bitstream); nalu.m_nuhLayerId = layerId; nalu.m_temporalId = aps->getTemporalId(); CHECK( nalu.m_temporalId < accessUnit.temporalId, "TemporalId shall be greater than or equal to the TemporalId of the layer access unit containing the NAL unit" ); #if EMBEDDED_APS m_HLSWriter->codeAPS( aps, true ); #else m_HLSWriter->codeAPS( aps ); #endif accessUnit.push_back(new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); return (int)(accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData.str().size()) * 8; } int EncGOP::xWriteParameterSets(AccessUnit &accessUnit, Slice *slice, const bool bSeqFirst, const int layerIdx) { int actualTotalBits = 0; if( bSeqFirst ) { if (layerIdx == 0) { if (m_pcCfg->getDCIEnabled()) { actualTotalBits += xWriteDCI(accessUnit, m_pcEncLib->getDCI()); } if (slice->getSPS()->getVPSId() != 0) { actualTotalBits += xWriteVPS(accessUnit, m_pcEncLib->getVPS()); } } if( m_pcEncLib->SPSNeedsWriting( slice->getSPS()->getSPSId() ) ) // Note this assumes that all changes to the SPS are made at the EncLib level prior to picture creation (EncLib::xGetNewPicBuffer). { CHECK( !( bSeqFirst ), "Unspecified error" ); // Implementations that use more than 1 SPS need to be aware of activation issues. actualTotalBits += xWriteSPS( accessUnit, slice->getSPS(), m_pcEncLib->getLayerId() ); } } if( m_pcEncLib->PPSNeedsWriting( slice->getPPS()->getPPSId() ) ) // Note this assumes that all changes to the PPS are made at the EncLib level prior to picture creation (EncLib::xGetNewPicBuffer). { #if JVET_AC0096 if (m_pcEncLib->getRprPopulatePPSatIntraFlag()) { if (slice->isIntra()) { actualTotalBits += xWritePPS(accessUnit, slice->getPPS(), m_pcEncLib->getLayerId()); if (!(slice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == 0)) { const PPS* pPPS = m_pcEncLib->getPPS(0); actualTotalBits += xWritePPS(accessUnit, pPPS, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId()); } if (!(slice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR)) { const PPS* pPPS = m_pcEncLib->getPPS(ENC_PPS_ID_RPR); actualTotalBits += xWritePPS(accessUnit, pPPS, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId()); } if (!(slice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR2)) { const PPS* pPPS = m_pcEncLib->getPPS(ENC_PPS_ID_RPR2); actualTotalBits += xWritePPS(accessUnit, pPPS, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId()); } if (!(slice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR3)) { const PPS* pPPS = m_pcEncLib->getPPS(ENC_PPS_ID_RPR3); actualTotalBits += xWritePPS(accessUnit, pPPS, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId()); } } else { if (!(slice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == 0) && !(slice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR) && !(slice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR2) && !(slice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR3)) { const PPS* pPPS = m_pcEncLib->getPPS(0); actualTotalBits += xWritePPS(accessUnit, pPPS, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId()); } } } else { actualTotalBits += xWritePPS(accessUnit, slice->getPPS(), m_pcEncLib->getLayerId()); } #else actualTotalBits += xWritePPS( accessUnit, slice->getPPS(), m_pcEncLib->getLayerId() ); #endif } return actualTotalBits; } int EncGOP::xWritePicHeader( AccessUnit &accessUnit, PicHeader *picHeader ) { OutputNALUnit nalu(NAL_UNIT_PH); m_HLSWriter->setBitstream( &nalu.m_Bitstream ); nalu.m_temporalId = accessUnit.temporalId; nalu.m_nuhLayerId = m_pcEncLib->getLayerId(); #if EMBEDDED_APS m_HLSWriter->codePictureHeader( picHeader, true, m_aps ); #else m_HLSWriter->codePictureHeader( picHeader, true ); #endif accessUnit.push_back(new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); return (int)(accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData.str().size()) * 8; } void EncGOP::xWriteAccessUnitDelimiter (AccessUnit &accessUnit, Slice *slice) { AUDWriter audWriter; OutputNALUnit nalu(NAL_UNIT_ACCESS_UNIT_DELIMITER); nalu.m_temporalId = slice->getTLayer(); int vpsId = slice->getSPS()->getVPSId(); if (vpsId == 0) { nalu.m_nuhLayerId = 0; } else { nalu.m_nuhLayerId = slice->getVPS()->getLayerId(0); } CHECK( nalu.m_temporalId != accessUnit.temporalId, "TemporalId shall be equal to the TemporalId of the AU containing the NAL unit" ); int picType = slice->isIntra() ? 0 : (slice->isInterP() ? 1 : 2); audWriter.codeAUD(nalu.m_Bitstream, m_audIrapOrGdrAuFlag, picType); accessUnit.push_front(new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); } // write SEI list into one NAL unit and add it to the Access unit at auPos void EncGOP::xWriteSEI (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, AccessUnit::iterator &auPos, int temporalId) { // don't do anything, if we get an empty list if (seiMessages.empty()) { return; } OutputNALUnit nalu( naluType, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId(), temporalId ); m_seiWriter.writeSEImessages(nalu.m_Bitstream, seiMessages, *m_HRD, false, temporalId); auPos = accessUnit.insert(auPos, new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); auPos++; } void EncGOP::xWriteSEISeparately (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, AccessUnit::iterator &auPos, int temporalId) { // don't do anything, if we get an empty list if (seiMessages.empty()) { return; } for (SEIMessages::const_iterator sei = seiMessages.begin(); sei!=seiMessages.end(); sei++ ) { SEIMessages tmpMessages; tmpMessages.push_back(*sei); OutputNALUnit nalu( naluType, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId(), temporalId ); m_seiWriter.writeSEImessages(nalu.m_Bitstream, tmpMessages, *m_HRD, false, temporalId); auPos = accessUnit.insert(auPos, new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); auPos++; } } void EncGOP::xClearSEIs(SEIMessages& seiMessages, bool deleteMessages) { if (deleteMessages) { deleteSEIs(seiMessages); } else { seiMessages.clear(); } } // write SEI messages as separate NAL units ordered void EncGOP::xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, bool testWrite) { AccessUnit::iterator itNalu = accessUnit.begin(); while ((itNalu != accessUnit.end()) && ((*itNalu)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_ACCESS_UNIT_DELIMITER || (*itNalu)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_VPS || (*itNalu)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_DCI || (*itNalu)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_SPS || (*itNalu)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_PPS )) { itNalu++; } SEIMessages localMessages = seiMessages; SEIMessages currentMessages; #if ENABLE_TRACING g_HLSTraceEnable = !testWrite; #endif // The case that a specific SEI is not present is handled in xWriteSEI (empty list) // Buffering period SEI must always be following active parameter sets currentMessages = extractSeisByType(localMessages, SEI::BUFFERING_PERIOD); CHECK(!(currentMessages.size() <= 1), "Unspecified error"); xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId); xClearSEIs(currentMessages, !testWrite); // Picture timing SEI must always be following buffering period currentMessages = extractSeisByType(localMessages, SEI::PICTURE_TIMING); CHECK(!(currentMessages.size() <= 1), "Unspecified error"); xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId); xClearSEIs(currentMessages, !testWrite); // Decoding unit info SEI must always be following picture timing if (!duInfoSeiMessages.empty()) { currentMessages.push_back(duInfoSeiMessages.front()); if (!testWrite) { duInfoSeiMessages.pop_front(); } xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId); xClearSEIs(currentMessages, !testWrite); } if (m_pcCfg->getScalableNestingSEIEnabled()) { // Scalable nesting SEI must always be the following DU info currentMessages = extractSeisByType(localMessages, SEI::SCALABLE_NESTING); xWriteSEISeparately(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId); xClearSEIs(currentMessages, !testWrite); } // And finally everything else one by one xWriteSEISeparately(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, localMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId); xClearSEIs(localMessages, !testWrite); if (!testWrite) { seiMessages.clear(); } } void EncGOP::xWriteLeadingSEIMessages (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, const SPS *sps, std::deque<DUData> &duData) { AccessUnit testAU; SEIMessages picTimingSEIs = getSeisByType(seiMessages, SEI::PICTURE_TIMING); CHECK(!(picTimingSEIs.size() < 2), "Unspecified error"); SEIPictureTiming * picTiming = picTimingSEIs.empty() ? NULL : (SEIPictureTiming*) picTimingSEIs.front(); // test writing xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered(seiMessages, duInfoSeiMessages, testAU, temporalId, true); // update Timing and DU info SEI xUpdateDuData(testAU, duData); xUpdateTimingSEI(picTiming, duData, sps); xUpdateDuInfoSEI(duInfoSeiMessages, picTiming, sps->getMaxTLayers()); // actual writing xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered(seiMessages, duInfoSeiMessages, accessUnit, temporalId, false); // testAU will automatically be cleaned up when losing scope } void EncGOP::xWriteTrailingSEIMessages (SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId) { // Note: using accessUnit.end() works only as long as this function is called after slice coding and before EOS/EOB NAL units AccessUnit::iterator pos = accessUnit.end(); xWriteSEISeparately(NAL_UNIT_SUFFIX_SEI, seiMessages, accessUnit, pos, temporalId); deleteSEIs(seiMessages); } void EncGOP::xWriteDuSEIMessages (SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, std::deque<DUData> &duData) { if( m_pcCfg->getDecodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled() && m_HRD->getBufferingPeriodSEI()->m_decodingUnitCpbParamsInPicTimingSeiFlag ) { int naluIdx = 0; AccessUnit::iterator nalu = accessUnit.begin(); // skip over first DU, we have a DU info SEI there already while (naluIdx < duData[0].accumNalsDU && nalu!=accessUnit.end()) { naluIdx++; nalu++; } SEIMessages::iterator duSEI = duInfoSeiMessages.begin(); // loop over remaining DUs for (int duIdx = 1; duIdx < duData.size(); duIdx++) { if (duSEI == duInfoSeiMessages.end()) { // if the number of generated SEIs matches the number of DUs, this should not happen CHECK(!(false), "Unspecified error"); return; } // write the next SEI SEIMessages tmpSEI; tmpSEI.push_back(*duSEI); xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, tmpSEI, accessUnit, nalu, temporalId); // nalu points to the position after the SEI, so we have to increase the index as well naluIdx++; while ((naluIdx < duData[duIdx].accumNalsDU) && nalu!=accessUnit.end()) { naluIdx++; nalu++; } duSEI++; } } deleteSEIs(duInfoSeiMessages); } void EncGOP::xCreateIRAPLeadingSEIMessages (SEIMessages& seiMessages, const SPS *sps, const PPS *pps) { OutputNALUnit nalu(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI); if(m_pcCfg->getFramePackingArrangementSEIEnabled()) { SEIFramePacking *sei = new SEIFramePacking; m_seiEncoder.initSEIFramePacking (sei, m_iNumPicCoded); seiMessages.push_back(sei); } if (m_pcCfg->getParameterSetsInclusionIndicationSEIEnabled()) { SEIParameterSetsInclusionIndication* sei = new SEIParameterSetsInclusionIndication; m_seiEncoder.initSEIParameterSetsInclusionIndication(sei); seiMessages.push_back(sei); } #if U0033_ALTERNATIVE_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS_SEI if(m_pcCfg->getSEIAlternativeTransferCharacteristicsSEIEnable()) { SEIAlternativeTransferCharacteristics *seiAlternativeTransferCharacteristics = new SEIAlternativeTransferCharacteristics; m_seiEncoder.initSEIAlternativeTransferCharacteristics(seiAlternativeTransferCharacteristics); seiMessages.push_back(seiAlternativeTransferCharacteristics); } #endif if (m_pcCfg->getErpSEIEnabled()) { SEIEquirectangularProjection *sei = new SEIEquirectangularProjection; m_seiEncoder.initSEIErp(sei); seiMessages.push_back(sei); } if (m_pcCfg->getSphereRotationSEIEnabled()) { SEISphereRotation *sei = new SEISphereRotation; m_seiEncoder.initSEISphereRotation(sei); seiMessages.push_back(sei); } if (m_pcCfg->getOmniViewportSEIEnabled()) { SEIOmniViewport *sei = new SEIOmniViewport; m_seiEncoder.initSEIOmniViewport(sei); seiMessages.push_back(sei); } if (m_pcCfg->getRwpSEIEnabled()) { SEIRegionWisePacking *seiRegionWisePacking = new SEIRegionWisePacking; m_seiEncoder.initSEIRegionWisePacking(seiRegionWisePacking); seiMessages.push_back(seiRegionWisePacking); } if (m_pcCfg->getGcmpSEIEnabled()) { SEIGeneralizedCubemapProjection *sei = new SEIGeneralizedCubemapProjection; m_seiEncoder.initSEIGcmp(sei); seiMessages.push_back(sei); } if (m_pcCfg->getSubpicureLevelInfoSEICfg().m_enabled) { SEISubpicureLevelInfo *seiSubpicureLevelInfo = new SEISubpicureLevelInfo; m_seiEncoder.initSEISubpictureLevelInfo(seiSubpicureLevelInfo, sps); seiMessages.push_back(seiSubpicureLevelInfo); } if (m_pcCfg->getSampleAspectRatioInfoSEIEnabled()) { SEISampleAspectRatioInfo *seiSampleAspectRatioInfo = new SEISampleAspectRatioInfo; m_seiEncoder.initSEISampleAspectRatioInfo(seiSampleAspectRatioInfo); seiMessages.push_back(seiSampleAspectRatioInfo); } // film grain if (m_pcCfg->getFilmGrainCharactersticsSEIEnabled()) { SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics *sei = new SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics; m_seiEncoder.initSEIFilmGrainCharacteristics(sei); seiMessages.push_back(sei); } // mastering display colour volume if (m_pcCfg->getMasteringDisplaySEI().colourVolumeSEIEnabled) { SEIMasteringDisplayColourVolume *sei = new SEIMasteringDisplayColourVolume; m_seiEncoder.initSEIMasteringDisplayColourVolume(sei); seiMessages.push_back(sei); } // content light level if (m_pcCfg->getCLLSEIEnabled()) { SEIContentLightLevelInfo *seiCLL = new SEIContentLightLevelInfo; m_seiEncoder.initSEIContentLightLevel(seiCLL); seiMessages.push_back(seiCLL); } // ambient viewing environment if (m_pcCfg->getAmbientViewingEnvironmentSEIEnabled()) { SEIAmbientViewingEnvironment *seiAVE = new SEIAmbientViewingEnvironment; m_seiEncoder.initSEIAmbientViewingEnvironment(seiAVE); seiMessages.push_back(seiAVE); } // content colour volume if (m_pcCfg->getCcvSEIEnabled()) { SEIContentColourVolume *seiContentColourVolume = new SEIContentColourVolume; m_seiEncoder.initSEIContentColourVolume(seiContentColourVolume); seiMessages.push_back(seiContentColourVolume); } } void EncGOP::xCreatePerPictureSEIMessages (int picInGOP, SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& nestedSeiMessages, Slice *slice) { if ((m_pcCfg->getBufferingPeriodSEIEnabled()) && (slice->isIRAP() || slice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR) && slice->getNalUnitLayerId()==slice->getVPS()->getLayerId(0) && (slice->getSPS()->getGeneralHrdParametersPresentFlag())) { SEIBufferingPeriod *bufferingPeriodSEI = new SEIBufferingPeriod(); bool noLeadingPictures = ( (slice->getNalUnitType()!= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL) && (slice->getNalUnitType()!= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) )?(true):(false); m_seiEncoder.initSEIBufferingPeriod(bufferingPeriodSEI,noLeadingPictures); m_HRD->setBufferingPeriodSEI(bufferingPeriodSEI); seiMessages.push_back(bufferingPeriodSEI); m_bufferingPeriodSEIPresentInAU = true; if (m_pcCfg->getScalableNestingSEIEnabled()) { SEIBufferingPeriod *bufferingPeriodSEIcopy = new SEIBufferingPeriod(); bufferingPeriodSEI->copyTo(*bufferingPeriodSEIcopy); nestedSeiMessages.push_back(bufferingPeriodSEIcopy); } } if (m_pcEncLib->getDependentRAPIndicationSEIEnabled() && slice->isDRAP()) { SEIDependentRAPIndication *dependentRAPIndicationSEI = new SEIDependentRAPIndication(); m_seiEncoder.initSEIDependentRAPIndication(dependentRAPIndicationSEI); seiMessages.push_back(dependentRAPIndicationSEI); } } #if JVET_R0294_SUBPIC_HASH void EncGOP::xCreateScalableNestingSEI(SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& nestedSeiMessages, const std::vector<int> &targetOLSs, const std::vector<int> &targetLayers, const std::vector<uint16_t>& subpicIDs) #else void EncGOP::xCreateScalableNestingSEI(SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& nestedSeiMessages, const std::vector<uint16_t>& subpicIDs) #endif { SEIMessages tmpMessages; while (!nestedSeiMessages.empty()) { SEI* sei = nestedSeiMessages.front(); nestedSeiMessages.pop_front(); tmpMessages.push_back(sei); SEIScalableNesting *nestingSEI = new SEIScalableNesting(); #if JVET_R0294_SUBPIC_HASH m_seiEncoder.initSEIScalableNesting(nestingSEI, tmpMessages, targetOLSs, targetLayers, subpicIDs); #else m_seiEncoder.initSEIScalableNesting(nestingSEI, tmpMessages, subpicIDs); #endif seiMessages.push_back(nestingSEI); tmpMessages.clear(); } } void EncGOP::xCreateFrameFieldInfoSEI (SEIMessages& seiMessages, Slice *slice, bool isField) { if (m_pcCfg->getFrameFieldInfoSEIEnabled()) { SEIFrameFieldInfo *frameFieldInfoSEI = new SEIFrameFieldInfo(); // encode only very basic information. if more feature are supported, this should be moved to SEIEncoder frameFieldInfoSEI->m_fieldPicFlag = isField; if (isField) { frameFieldInfoSEI->m_bottomFieldFlag = !slice->getPic()->topField; } seiMessages.push_back(frameFieldInfoSEI); } } void EncGOP::xCreatePictureTimingSEI (int IRAPGOPid, SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& nestedSeiMessages, SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, Slice *slice, bool isField, std::deque<DUData> &duData) { // Picture timing depends on buffering period. When either of those is not disabled, // initialization would fail. Needs more cleanup after DU timing is integrated. if (!(m_pcCfg->getPictureTimingSEIEnabled() && m_pcCfg->getBufferingPeriodSEIEnabled())) { return; } const GeneralHrdParams *hrd = slice->getSPS()->getGeneralHrdParameters(); // update decoding unit parameters if ((m_pcCfg->getPictureTimingSEIEnabled() || m_pcCfg->getDecodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled()) && slice->getNalUnitLayerId() == slice->getVPS()->getLayerId(0)) { int picSptDpbOutputDuDelay = 0; SEIPictureTiming *pictureTimingSEI = new SEIPictureTiming(); // DU parameters if( hrd->getGeneralDecodingUnitHrdParamsPresentFlag() ) { uint32_t numDU = (uint32_t) duData.size(); pictureTimingSEI->m_numDecodingUnitsMinus1 = ( numDU - 1 ); pictureTimingSEI->m_duCommonCpbRemovalDelayFlag = false; pictureTimingSEI->m_numNalusInDuMinus1.resize( numDU ); const uint32_t maxNumSubLayers = slice->getSPS()->getMaxTLayers(); pictureTimingSEI->m_duCpbRemovalDelayMinus1.resize( numDU * maxNumSubLayers ); } const uint32_t cpbRemovalDelayLegth = m_HRD->getBufferingPeriodSEI()->m_cpbRemovalDelayLength; const uint32_t maxNumSubLayers = slice->getSPS()->getMaxTLayers(); pictureTimingSEI->m_auCpbRemovalDelay[maxNumSubLayers-1] = std::min<int>(std::max<int>(1, m_totalCoded[maxNumSubLayers-1] - m_lastBPSEI[maxNumSubLayers-1]), static_cast<int>(pow(2, static_cast<double>(cpbRemovalDelayLegth)))); // Syntax element signalled as minus, hence the . CHECK( (m_totalCoded[maxNumSubLayers-1] - m_lastBPSEI[maxNumSubLayers-1]) > pow(2, static_cast<double>(cpbRemovalDelayLegth)), " cpbRemovalDelayLegth too small for m_auCpbRemovalDelay[pt_max_sub_layers_minus1] at picture timing SEI " ); const uint32_t temporalId = slice->getTLayer(); for( int i = temporalId ; i < maxNumSubLayers - 1 ; i ++ ) { int indexWithinGOP = (m_totalCoded[maxNumSubLayers - 1] - m_lastBPSEI[maxNumSubLayers - 1]) % m_pcCfg->getGOPSize(); pictureTimingSEI->m_ptSubLayerDelaysPresentFlag[i] = true; if( ((m_rapWithLeading == true) && (indexWithinGOP == 0)) || (m_totalCoded[maxNumSubLayers - 1] == 0) || m_bufferingPeriodSEIPresentInAU || (slice->getPOC() + m_pcCfg->getGOPSize()) > m_pcCfg->getFramesToBeEncoded() ) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaEnabledFlag[i] = false; } else { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaEnabledFlag[i] = m_HRD->getBufferingPeriodSEI()->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltasPresentFlag; } if( pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaEnabledFlag[i] ) { if( m_rapWithLeading == false ) { switch (m_pcCfg->getGOPSize()) { case 8: { if((indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 2)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 0; } else if((indexWithinGOP == 2 && i == 2) || (indexWithinGOP == 6 && i == 2)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 1; } else if((indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 1) || (indexWithinGOP == 3 && i == 2)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 2; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 2 && i == 1) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 3; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 0) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 4; } else { THROW("m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx not applicable for the sub-layer and GOP size"); } } break; case 16: { if((indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 3)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 0; } else if((indexWithinGOP == 2 && i == 3) || (indexWithinGOP == 10 && i == 3) || (indexWithinGOP == 14 && i == 3)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 1; } else if((indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 2) || (indexWithinGOP == 3 && i == 3) || (indexWithinGOP == 7 && i == 3) || (indexWithinGOP == 11 && i == 3)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 2; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 4 && i == 3) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 3; } else if((indexWithinGOP == 2 && i == 2) || (indexWithinGOP == 10 && i == 2)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 4; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 1) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 5; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 3 && i == 2) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 6; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 2 && i == 1) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 7; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 0) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 8; } else { THROW("m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx not applicable for the sub-layer and GOP size"); } } break; default: { THROW("m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx not supported for the current GOP size"); } break; } } else { switch (m_pcCfg->getGOPSize()) { case 8: { if((indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 2) || (indexWithinGOP == 5 && i == 2)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 0; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 2 && i == 2) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 1; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 1) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 2; } else { THROW("m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx not applicable for the sub-layer and GOP size"); } } break; case 16: { if((indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 3) || (indexWithinGOP == 9 && i == 3) || (indexWithinGOP == 13 && i == 3)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 0; } else if((indexWithinGOP == 2 && i == 3) || (indexWithinGOP == 6 && i == 3) || (indexWithinGOP == 10 && i == 3)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 1; } else if((indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 2) || (indexWithinGOP == 9 && i == 2) || (indexWithinGOP == 3 && i == 3)) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 2; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 2 && i == 2) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 3; } else if(indexWithinGOP == 1 && i == 1) { pictureTimingSEI->m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx[i] = 4; } else { THROW("m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx not applicable for the sub-layer and GOP size"); } } break; default: { THROW("m_cpbRemovalDelayDeltaIdx not applicable for the sub-layer and GOP size"); } break; } } } else { int scaledDistToBuffPeriod = (m_totalCoded[i] - m_lastBPSEI[i]) * static_cast<int>(pow(2, static_cast<double>(maxNumSubLayers - 1 - i))); pictureTimingSEI->m_auCpbRemovalDelay[i] = std::min<int>(std::max<int>(1, scaledDistToBuffPeriod), static_cast<int>(pow(2, static_cast<double>(cpbRemovalDelayLegth)))); // Syntax element signalled as minus, hence the . CHECK( (scaledDistToBuffPeriod) > pow(2, static_cast<double>(cpbRemovalDelayLegth)), " cpbRemovalDelayLegth too small for m_auCpbRemovalDelay[i] at picture timing SEI " ); } } pictureTimingSEI->m_picDpbOutputDelay = slice->getSPS()->getNumReorderPics(slice->getSPS()->getMaxTLayers()-1) + slice->getPOC() - m_totalCoded[maxNumSubLayers-1]; if(m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled() && IRAPGOPid > 0 && IRAPGOPid < m_iGopSize) { // if pictures have been swapped there is likely one more picture delay on their tid. Very rough approximation pictureTimingSEI->m_picDpbOutputDelay ++; } int factor = hrd->getTickDivisorMinus2() + 2; pictureTimingSEI->m_picDpbOutputDuDelay = factor * pictureTimingSEI->m_picDpbOutputDelay; if( m_pcCfg->getDecodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled() ) { picSptDpbOutputDuDelay = factor * pictureTimingSEI->m_picDpbOutputDelay; } if (m_bufferingPeriodSEIPresentInAU) { for( int i = temporalId ; i < maxNumSubLayers ; i ++ ) { m_lastBPSEI[i] = m_totalCoded[i]; } if( (slice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL)||(slice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) ) { m_rapWithLeading = true; } } if( m_pcCfg->getPictureTimingSEIEnabled() ) { seiMessages.push_back(pictureTimingSEI); if (m_pcCfg->getScalableNestingSEIEnabled() && !m_pcCfg->getSamePicTimingInAllOLS()) { SEIPictureTiming *pictureTimingSEIcopy = new SEIPictureTiming(); pictureTimingSEI->copyTo(*pictureTimingSEIcopy); nestedSeiMessages.push_back(pictureTimingSEIcopy); } } if( m_pcCfg->getDecodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled() && hrd->getGeneralDecodingUnitHrdParamsPresentFlag() ) { for( int i = 0; i < ( pictureTimingSEI->m_numDecodingUnitsMinus1 + 1 ); i ++ ) { SEIDecodingUnitInfo *duInfoSEI = new SEIDecodingUnitInfo(); duInfoSEI->m_decodingUnitIdx = i; for( int j = temporalId; j <= maxNumSubLayers; j++ ) duInfoSEI->m_duSptCpbRemovalDelayIncrement[j] = pictureTimingSEI->m_duCpbRemovalDelayMinus1[i*maxNumSubLayers+j] + 1; duInfoSEI->m_dpbOutputDuDelayPresentFlag = false; duInfoSEI->m_picSptDpbOutputDuDelay = picSptDpbOutputDuDelay; duInfoSeiMessages.push_back(duInfoSEI); } } if( !m_pcCfg->getPictureTimingSEIEnabled() && pictureTimingSEI ) { delete pictureTimingSEI; } } } void EncGOP::xUpdateDuData(AccessUnit &testAU, std::deque<DUData> &duData) { if (duData.empty()) { return; } // fix first uint32_t numNalUnits = (uint32_t)testAU.size(); uint32_t numRBSPBytes = 0; for (AccessUnit::const_iterator it = testAU.begin(); it != testAU.end(); it++) { numRBSPBytes += uint32_t((*it)->m_nalUnitData.str().size()); } duData[0].accumBitsDU += ( numRBSPBytes << 3 ); duData[0].accumNalsDU += numNalUnits; // adapt cumulative sums for all following DUs // and add one DU info SEI, if enabled for (int i=1; i<duData.size(); i++) { if (m_pcCfg->getDecodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled()) { numNalUnits += 1; numRBSPBytes += ( 5 << 3 ); } duData[i].accumBitsDU += numRBSPBytes; // probably around 5 bytes duData[i].accumNalsDU += numNalUnits; } // The last DU may have a trailing SEI if (m_pcCfg->getDecodedPictureHashSEIType()!=HASHTYPE_NONE) { duData.back().accumBitsDU += ( 20 << 3 ); // probably around 20 bytes - should be further adjusted, e.g. by type duData.back().accumNalsDU += 1; } } void EncGOP::xUpdateTimingSEI(SEIPictureTiming *pictureTimingSEI, std::deque<DUData> &duData, const SPS *sps) { if (!pictureTimingSEI) { return; } const GeneralHrdParams *hrd = sps->getGeneralHrdParameters(); if( hrd->getGeneralDecodingUnitHrdParamsPresentFlag() ) { int i; uint64_t ui64Tmp; uint32_t uiPrev = 0; uint32_t numDU = ( pictureTimingSEI->m_numDecodingUnitsMinus1 + 1 ); std::vector<uint32_t> &rDuCpbRemovalDelayMinus1 = pictureTimingSEI->m_duCpbRemovalDelayMinus1; uint32_t maxDiff = ( hrd->getTickDivisorMinus2() + 2 ) - 1; int maxNumSubLayers = sps->getMaxTLayers(); for( int j = 0; j < maxNumSubLayers - 1; j++ ) pictureTimingSEI->m_ptSubLayerDelaysPresentFlag[j] = false; for( i = 0; i < numDU; i ++ ) { pictureTimingSEI->m_numNalusInDuMinus1[ i ] = ( i == 0 ) ? ( duData[i].accumNalsDU - 1 ) : ( duData[i].accumNalsDU- duData[i-1].accumNalsDU - 1 ); } if( numDU == 1 ) { rDuCpbRemovalDelayMinus1[ 0 + maxNumSubLayers - 1 ] = 0; /* don't care */ } else { rDuCpbRemovalDelayMinus1[ (numDU - 1) * maxNumSubLayers + maxNumSubLayers - 1 ] = 0;/* by definition */ uint32_t tmp = 0; uint32_t accum = 0; for( i = ( numDU - 2 ); i >= 0; i -- ) { ui64Tmp = (((duData[numDU - 1].accumBitsDU - duData[i].accumBitsDU) * (sps->getGeneralHrdParameters()->getTimeScale() / sps->getGeneralHrdParameters()->getNumUnitsInTick()) * (hrd->getTickDivisorMinus2() + 2)) / (m_pcCfg->getTargetBitrate())); if( (uint32_t)ui64Tmp > maxDiff ) { tmp ++; } } uiPrev = 0; uint32_t flag = 0; for( i = ( numDU - 2 ); i >= 0; i -- ) { flag = 0; ui64Tmp = (((duData[numDU - 1].accumBitsDU - duData[i].accumBitsDU) * (sps->getGeneralHrdParameters()->getTimeScale() / sps->getGeneralHrdParameters()->getNumUnitsInTick()) * (hrd->getTickDivisorMinus2() + 2)) / (m_pcCfg->getTargetBitrate())); if( (uint32_t)ui64Tmp > maxDiff ) { if(uiPrev >= maxDiff - tmp) { ui64Tmp = uiPrev + 1; flag = 1; } else ui64Tmp = maxDiff - tmp + 1; } rDuCpbRemovalDelayMinus1[ i * maxNumSubLayers + maxNumSubLayers - 1 ] = (uint32_t)ui64Tmp - uiPrev - 1; if( (int)rDuCpbRemovalDelayMinus1[ i * maxNumSubLayers + maxNumSubLayers - 1 ] < 0 ) { rDuCpbRemovalDelayMinus1[ i * maxNumSubLayers + maxNumSubLayers - 1 ] = 0; } else if (tmp > 0 && flag == 1) { tmp --; } accum += rDuCpbRemovalDelayMinus1[ i * maxNumSubLayers + maxNumSubLayers - 1 ] + 1; uiPrev = accum; } } } } void EncGOP::xUpdateDuInfoSEI(SEIMessages &duInfoSeiMessages, SEIPictureTiming *pictureTimingSEI, int maxSubLayers) { if (duInfoSeiMessages.empty() || (pictureTimingSEI == NULL)) { return; } int i=0; for (SEIMessages::iterator du = duInfoSeiMessages.begin(); du!= duInfoSeiMessages.end(); du++) { SEIDecodingUnitInfo *duInfoSEI = (SEIDecodingUnitInfo*) (*du); duInfoSEI->m_decodingUnitIdx = i; for ( int j = 0; j < maxSubLayers; j++ ) { duInfoSEI->m_duiSubLayerDelaysPresentFlag[j] = pictureTimingSEI->m_ptSubLayerDelaysPresentFlag[j]; duInfoSEI->m_duSptCpbRemovalDelayIncrement[j] = pictureTimingSEI->m_duCpbRemovalDelayMinus1[i*maxSubLayers+j] + 1; } duInfoSEI->m_dpbOutputDuDelayPresentFlag = false; i++; } } static void validateMinCrRequirements(const ProfileLevelTierFeatures &plt, std::size_t numBytesInVclNalUnits, const Picture *pPic, const EncCfg *pCfg) { // numBytesInVclNalUnits shall be less than or equal to // FormatCapabilityFactor * MaxLumaSr * framePeriod / MinCr, // ( = FormatCapabilityFactor * MaxLumaSr / (MinCr * frameRate), if (plt.getLevelTierFeatures() && plt.getProfileFeatures() && plt.getLevelTierFeatures()->level!=Level::LEVEL15_5) { const uint32_t formatCapabilityFactorx1000 = plt.getProfileFeatures()->formatCapabilityFactorx1000; const uint64_t maxLumaSr = plt.getLevelTierFeatures()->maxLumaSr; const uint32_t frameRate = pCfg->getFrameRate(); const double minCr = plt.getMinCr(); const double denominator = (minCr * frameRate * 1000); if (denominator!=0) { const double threshold =(formatCapabilityFactorx1000 * maxLumaSr) / (denominator); if (numBytesInVclNalUnits > threshold) { msg( WARNING, "WARNING: Encoded stream does not meet MinCr requirements numBytesInVclNalUnits (%.0f) must be <= %.0f. Try increasing Qp, tier or level\n", (double) numBytesInVclNalUnits, threshold ); } } } } #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO static std::size_t #else static void #endif cabac_zero_word_padding(const Slice *const pcSlice, const Picture *const pcPic, const std::size_t binCountsInNalUnits, const std::size_t numBytesInVclNalUnits, #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO const std::size_t numZeroWordsAlreadyInserted, #endif std::ostringstream &nalUnitData, const bool cabacZeroWordPaddingEnabled, const ProfileLevelTierFeatures &plt) { const SPS &sps=*(pcSlice->getSPS()); const ChromaFormat format = sps.getChromaFormatIdc(); const int log2subWidthCxsubHeightC = (::getComponentScaleX(COMPONENT_Cb, format)+::getComponentScaleY(COMPONENT_Cb, format)); const int minCuWidth = 1 << pcSlice->getSPS()->getLog2MinCodingBlockSize(); const int minCuHeight = 1 << pcSlice->getSPS()->getLog2MinCodingBlockSize(); const int paddedWidth = ( ( pcSlice->getPPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() + minCuWidth - 1 ) / minCuWidth ) * minCuWidth; const int paddedHeight = ( ( pcSlice->getPPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() + minCuHeight - 1 ) / minCuHeight ) * minCuHeight; const int rawBits = paddedWidth * paddedHeight * (sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA) + ((2*sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA))>>log2subWidthCxsubHeightC)); const int vclByteScaleFactor_x3 = ( 32 + 4 * (plt.getTier()==Level::HIGH ? 1 : 0) ); const std::size_t threshold = (vclByteScaleFactor_x3*numBytesInVclNalUnits/3) + (rawBits/32); // "The value of BinCountsInPicNalUnits shall be less than or equal to vclByteScaleFactor * NumBytesInPicVclNalUnits + ( RawMinCuBits * PicSizeInMinCbsY ) / 32." // binCountsInNalUnits <= vclByteScaleFactor_x3 * numBytesInVclNalUnits / 3 + rawBits / 32. // If it is currently not, then add cabac_zero_words to increase numBytesInVclNalUnits. if (binCountsInNalUnits >= threshold) { // need to add additional cabac zero words (each one accounts for 3 bytes (=00 00 03)) to increase numBytesInVclNalUnits const std::size_t targetNumBytesInVclNalUnits = ((binCountsInNalUnits - (rawBits/32))*3+vclByteScaleFactor_x3-1)/vclByteScaleFactor_x3; if (targetNumBytesInVclNalUnits>numBytesInVclNalUnits) // It should be! { #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO const std::size_t numberOfAdditionalBytesNeeded= std::max<std::size_t>(0, targetNumBytesInVclNalUnits - numBytesInVclNalUnits - numZeroWordsAlreadyInserted * 3); #else const std::size_t numberOfAdditionalBytesNeeded=targetNumBytesInVclNalUnits - numBytesInVclNalUnits; #endif const std::size_t numberOfAdditionalCabacZeroWords=(numberOfAdditionalBytesNeeded+2)/3; const std::size_t numberOfAdditionalCabacZeroBytes=numberOfAdditionalCabacZeroWords*3; if (cabacZeroWordPaddingEnabled) { std::vector<uint8_t> zeroBytesPadding(numberOfAdditionalCabacZeroBytes, uint8_t(0)); for(std::size_t i=0; i<numberOfAdditionalCabacZeroWords; i++) { zeroBytesPadding[i*3+2]=3; // 00 00 03 } nalUnitData.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&(zeroBytesPadding[0])), numberOfAdditionalCabacZeroBytes); msg( NOTICE, "Adding %d bytes of padding\n", uint32_t( numberOfAdditionalCabacZeroWords * 3 ) ); } else { msg( NOTICE, "Standard would normally require adding %d bytes of padding\n", uint32_t( numberOfAdditionalCabacZeroWords * 3 ) ); } #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO return numberOfAdditionalCabacZeroWords; #endif } } #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO return 0; #endif } class EfficientFieldIRAPMapping { private: int IRAPGOPid; bool IRAPtoReorder; bool swapIRAPForward; public: EfficientFieldIRAPMapping() : IRAPGOPid(-1), IRAPtoReorder(false), swapIRAPForward(false) { } void initialize(const bool isField, const int gopSize, const int POCLast, const int numPicRcvd, const int lastIDR, EncGOP *pEncGop, EncCfg *pCfg); int adjustGOPid(const int gopID); int restoreGOPid(const int gopID); int GetIRAPGOPid() const { return IRAPGOPid; } }; void EfficientFieldIRAPMapping::initialize(const bool isField, const int gopSize, const int POCLast, const int numPicRcvd, const int lastIDR, EncGOP *pEncGop, EncCfg *pCfg ) { if(isField) { int pocCurr; for ( int iGOPid=0; iGOPid < gopSize; iGOPid++ ) { // determine actual POC if(POCLast == 0) //case first frame or first top field { pocCurr=0; } else if(POCLast == 1 && isField) //case first bottom field, just like the first frame, the poc computation is not right anymore, we set the right value { pocCurr = 1; } else { pocCurr = POCLast - numPicRcvd + pCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_POC - isField; } // check if POC corresponds to IRAP NalUnitType tmpUnitType = pEncGop->getNalUnitType(pocCurr, lastIDR, isField); if (tmpUnitType >= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL && tmpUnitType <= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) // if picture is an IRAP { if(pocCurr%2 == 0 && iGOPid < gopSize-1 && pCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_POC == pCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid+1).m_POC-1) { // if top field and following picture in enc order is associated bottom field IRAPGOPid = iGOPid; IRAPtoReorder = true; swapIRAPForward = true; break; } if(pocCurr%2 != 0 && iGOPid > 0 && pCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_POC == pCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid-1).m_POC+1) { // if picture is an IRAP remember to process it first IRAPGOPid = iGOPid; IRAPtoReorder = true; swapIRAPForward = false; break; } } } } } int EfficientFieldIRAPMapping::adjustGOPid(const int GOPid) { if(IRAPtoReorder) { if(swapIRAPForward) { if(GOPid == IRAPGOPid) { return IRAPGOPid +1; } else if(GOPid == IRAPGOPid +1) { return IRAPGOPid; } } else { if(GOPid == IRAPGOPid -1) { return IRAPGOPid; } else if(GOPid == IRAPGOPid) { return IRAPGOPid -1; } } } return GOPid; } int EfficientFieldIRAPMapping::restoreGOPid(const int GOPid) { if(IRAPtoReorder) { if(swapIRAPForward) { if(GOPid == IRAPGOPid) { IRAPtoReorder = false; return IRAPGOPid +1; } else if(GOPid == IRAPGOPid +1) { return GOPid -1; } } else { if(GOPid == IRAPGOPid) { return IRAPGOPid -1; } else if(GOPid == IRAPGOPid -1) { IRAPtoReorder = false; return IRAPGOPid; } } } return GOPid; } static void printHash(const HashType hashType, const std::string &digestStr) { const char *decodedPictureHashModeName; switch (hashType) { case HASHTYPE_MD5: decodedPictureHashModeName = "MD5"; break; case HASHTYPE_CRC: decodedPictureHashModeName = "CRC"; break; case HASHTYPE_CHECKSUM: decodedPictureHashModeName = "Checksum"; break; default: decodedPictureHashModeName = NULL; break; } if (decodedPictureHashModeName != NULL) { if (digestStr.empty()) { msg( NOTICE, " [%s:%s]", decodedPictureHashModeName, "?"); } else { msg( NOTICE, " [%s:%s]", decodedPictureHashModeName, digestStr.c_str()); } } } bool isPicEncoded( int targetPoc, int curPoc, int curTLayer, int gopSize, int intraPeriod ) { int tarGop = targetPoc / gopSize; int curGop = curPoc / gopSize; if( tarGop + 1 == curGop ) { // part of next GOP only for tl0 pics return curTLayer == 0; } int tarIFr = ( targetPoc / intraPeriod ) * intraPeriod; int curIFr = ( curPoc / intraPeriod ) * intraPeriod; if( curIFr != tarIFr ) { return false; } int tarId = targetPoc - tarGop * gopSize; if( tarGop > curGop ) { return ( tarId == 0 ) ? ( 0 == curTLayer ) : ( 1 >= curTLayer ); } if( tarGop + 1 < curGop ) { return false; } int curId = curPoc - curGop * gopSize; int tarTL = 0; while( tarId != 0 ) { gopSize /= 2; if( tarId >= gopSize ) { tarId -= gopSize; if( curId != 0 ) curId -= gopSize; } else if( curId == gopSize ) { curId = 0; } tarTL++; } return curTLayer <= tarTL && curId == 0; } void trySkipOrDecodePicture( bool& decPic, bool& encPic, const EncCfg& cfg, Picture* pcPic, ParameterSetMap<APS> *apsMap ) { // check if we should decode a leading bitstream if( !cfg.getDecodeBitstream( 0 ).empty() ) { static bool bDecode1stPart = true; /* TODO: MT */ if( bDecode1stPart ) { if( cfg.getForceDecodeBitstream1() ) { if( ( bDecode1stPart = tryDecodePicture( pcPic, pcPic->getPOC(), cfg.getDecodeBitstream( 0 ), apsMap, false ) ) ) { decPic = bDecode1stPart; } } else { // update decode decision bool dbgCTU = cfg.getDebugCTU() != -1 && cfg.getSwitchPOC() == pcPic->getPOC(); if( ( bDecode1stPart = ( cfg.getSwitchPOC() != pcPic->getPOC() ) || dbgCTU ) && ( bDecode1stPart = tryDecodePicture( pcPic, pcPic->getPOC(), cfg.getDecodeBitstream( 0 ), apsMap, false, cfg.getDebugCTU(), cfg.getSwitchPOC() ) ) ) { if( dbgCTU ) { encPic = true; decPic = false; bDecode1stPart = false; return; } decPic = bDecode1stPart; return; } else if( pcPic->getPOC() ) { // reset decoder if used and not required any further tryDecodePicture( NULL, 0, std::string( "" ) ); } } } encPic |= cfg.getForceDecodeBitstream1() && !decPic; if( cfg.getForceDecodeBitstream1() ) { return; } } // check if we should decode a trailing bitstream if( ! cfg.getDecodeBitstream(1).empty() ) { const int iNextKeyPOC = (1+cfg.getSwitchPOC() / cfg.getGOPSize()) *cfg.getGOPSize(); const int iNextIntraPOC = (1+(cfg.getSwitchPOC() / cfg.getIntraPeriod()))*cfg.getIntraPeriod(); const int iRestartIntraPOC = iNextIntraPOC + (((iNextKeyPOC == iNextIntraPOC) && cfg.getSwitchDQP() ) ? cfg.getIntraPeriod() : 0); bool bDecode2ndPart = (pcPic->getPOC() >= iRestartIntraPOC); int expectedPoc = pcPic->getPOC(); Slice slice0; if ( cfg.getBs2ModPOCAndType() ) { expectedPoc = pcPic->getPOC() - iRestartIntraPOC; slice0.copySliceInfo( pcPic->slices[ 0 ], false ); } if( bDecode2ndPart && (bDecode2ndPart = tryDecodePicture( pcPic, expectedPoc, cfg.getDecodeBitstream(1), apsMap, true )) ) { decPic = bDecode2ndPart; if ( cfg.getBs2ModPOCAndType() ) { for( int i = 0; i < pcPic->slices.size(); i++ ) { pcPic->slices[ i ]->setPOC ( slice0.getPOC() ); if ( pcPic->slices[ i ]->getNalUnitType() != slice0.getNalUnitType() && pcPic->slices[ i ]->getIdrPicFlag() && slice0.getRapPicFlag() && slice0.isIntra() ) { // patch IDR-slice to CRA-Intra-slice pcPic->slices[ i ]->setNalUnitType ( slice0.getNalUnitType() ); pcPic->slices[ i ]->setLastIDR ( slice0.getLastIDR() ); if ( pcPic->cs->picHeader->getEnableTMVPFlag() ) { pcPic->slices[ i ]->setColFromL0Flag( slice0.getColFromL0Flag() ); pcPic->slices[ i ]->setColRefIdx ( slice0.getColRefIdx() ); } } } } return; } } // leave here if we do not use forward to poc if( ! cfg.useFastForwardToPOC() ) { // let's encode encPic = true; return; } // this is the forward to poc section static bool bHitFastForwardPOC = false; /* TODO: MT */ if( bHitFastForwardPOC || isPicEncoded( cfg.getFastForwardToPOC(), pcPic->getPOC(), pcPic->temporalId, cfg.getGOPSize(), cfg.getIntraPeriod() ) ) { bHitFastForwardPOC |= cfg.getFastForwardToPOC() == pcPic->getPOC(); // once we hit the poc we continue encoding if( bHitFastForwardPOC && cfg.getStopAfterFFtoPOC() && cfg.getFastForwardToPOC() != pcPic->getPOC() ) { return; } //except if FastForwardtoPOC is meant to be a SwitchPOC in thist case drop all preceding pictures if( bHitFastForwardPOC && ( cfg.getSwitchPOC() == cfg.getFastForwardToPOC() ) && ( cfg.getFastForwardToPOC() > pcPic->getPOC() ) ) { return; } // let's encode encPic = true; } } void EncGOP::xPicInitHashME( Picture *pic, const PPS *pps, PicList &rcListPic ) { if (! m_pcCfg->getUseHashME()) { return; } PicList::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); while (iterPic != rcListPic.end()) { Picture* refPic = *(iterPic++); if (refPic->poc != pic->poc && refPic->referenced) { if (!refPic->getHashMap()->isInitial()) { if (refPic->getPOC() == 0) { Pel* picSrc = refPic->getOrigBuf().get(COMPONENT_Y).buf; int stridePic = refPic->getOrigBuf().get(COMPONENT_Y).stride; int picWidth = pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(); int picHeight = pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(); int blockSize = 4; int allNum = 0; int simpleNum = 0; for (int j = 0; j <= picHeight - blockSize; j += blockSize) { for (int i = 0; i <= picWidth - blockSize; i += blockSize) { Pel* curBlock = picSrc + j * stridePic + i; bool isHorSame = true; for (int m = 0; m < blockSize&&isHorSame; m++) { for (int n = 1; n < blockSize&&isHorSame; n++) { if (curBlock[m*stridePic] != curBlock[m*stridePic + n]) { isHorSame = false; } } } bool isVerSame = true; for (int m = 1; m < blockSize&&isVerSame; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < blockSize&&isVerSame; n++) { if (curBlock[n] != curBlock[m*stridePic + n]) { isVerSame = false; } } } allNum++; if (isHorSame || isVerSame) { simpleNum++; } } } if (simpleNum < 0.3*allNum) { m_pcCfg->setUseHashME(false); break; } } refPic->addPictureToHashMapForInter(); } } } } void EncGOP::xPicInitRateControl(int &estimatedBits, int gopId, double &lambda, Picture *pic, Slice *slice) { if ( !m_pcCfg->getUseRateCtrl() ) // TODO: does this work with multiple slices and slice-segments? { return; } int frameLevel = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCSeq()->getGOPID2Level( gopId ); if ( pic->slices[0]->isIRAP() ) { frameLevel = 0; } m_pcRateCtrl->initRCPic( frameLevel ); estimatedBits = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getTargetBits(); #if U0132_TARGET_BITS_SATURATION if (m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSaturationEnabled() && frameLevel != 0) { int estimatedCpbFullness = m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbState() + m_pcRateCtrl->getBufferingRate(); // prevent overflow if (estimatedCpbFullness - estimatedBits > (int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.9f)) { estimatedBits = estimatedCpbFullness - (int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.9f); } estimatedCpbFullness -= m_pcRateCtrl->getBufferingRate(); // prevent underflow #if V0078_ADAPTIVE_LOWER_BOUND if (estimatedCpbFullness - estimatedBits < m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLowerBound()) { estimatedBits = std::max(200, estimatedCpbFullness - m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLowerBound()); } #else if (estimatedCpbFullness - estimatedBits < (int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.1f)) { estimatedBits = std::max(200, estimatedCpbFullness - (int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.1f)); } #endif m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->setTargetBits(estimatedBits); } #endif int sliceQP = m_pcCfg->getInitialQP(); if ( ( slice->getPOC() == 0 && m_pcCfg->getInitialQP() > 0 ) || ( frameLevel == 0 && m_pcCfg->getForceIntraQP() ) ) // QP is specified { int NumberBFrames = ( m_pcCfg->getGOPSize() - 1 ); double dLambda_scale = 1.0 - Clip3( 0.0, 0.5, 0.05*(double)NumberBFrames ); double dQPFactor = 0.57*dLambda_scale; int SHIFT_QP = 12; int bitdepth_luma_qp_scale = 6 * (slice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA) - 8 - DISTORTION_PRECISION_ADJUSTMENT(slice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA))); double qp_temp = (double) sliceQP + bitdepth_luma_qp_scale - SHIFT_QP; lambda = dQPFactor*pow( 2.0, qp_temp/3.0 ); } else if ( frameLevel == 0 ) // intra case, but use the model { m_pcSliceEncoder->calCostPictureI(pic); if ( m_pcCfg->getIntraPeriod() != 1 ) // do not refine allocated bits for all intra case { int bits = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCSeq()->getLeftAverageBits(); bits = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getRefineBitsForIntra( bits ); #if U0132_TARGET_BITS_SATURATION if (m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSaturationEnabled() ) { int estimatedCpbFullness = m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbState() + m_pcRateCtrl->getBufferingRate(); // prevent overflow if (estimatedCpbFullness - bits > (int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.9f)) { bits = estimatedCpbFullness - (int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.9f); } estimatedCpbFullness -= m_pcRateCtrl->getBufferingRate(); // prevent underflow #if V0078_ADAPTIVE_LOWER_BOUND if (estimatedCpbFullness - bits < m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLowerBound()) { bits = estimatedCpbFullness - m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLowerBound(); } #else if (estimatedCpbFullness - bits < (int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.1f)) { bits = estimatedCpbFullness - (int)(m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSize()*0.1f); } #endif } #endif if ( bits < 200 ) { bits = 200; } m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->setTargetBits( bits ); } list<EncRCPic*> listPreviousPicture = m_pcRateCtrl->getPicList(); m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->getLCUInitTargetBits(); lambda = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->estimatePicLambda( listPreviousPicture, slice->isIRAP()); sliceQP = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->estimatePicQP( lambda, listPreviousPicture ); } else // normal case { list<EncRCPic*> listPreviousPicture = m_pcRateCtrl->getPicList(); lambda = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->estimatePicLambda( listPreviousPicture, slice->isIRAP()); sliceQP = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->estimatePicQP( lambda, listPreviousPicture ); } sliceQP = Clip3( -slice->getSPS()->getQpBDOffset(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), MAX_QP, sliceQP ); m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->setPicEstQP( sliceQP ); m_pcSliceEncoder->resetQP( pic, sliceQP, lambda ); } void EncGOP::xPicInitLMCS(Picture *pic, PicHeader *picHeader, Slice *slice) { if (slice->getSPS()->getUseLmcs()) { const SliceType realSliceType = slice->getSliceType(); SliceType condSliceType = realSliceType; if (condSliceType != I_SLICE && slice->getNalUnitLayerId() > 0 && (slice->getNalUnitType()>= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL && slice->getNalUnitType()<= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA)) { condSliceType = I_SLICE; } m_pcReshaper->getReshapeCW()->rspTid = slice->getTLayer() + (slice->isIntra() ? 0 : 1); m_pcReshaper->getReshapeCW()->rspSliceQP = slice->getSliceQp(); m_pcReshaper->setSrcReshaped(false); m_pcReshaper->setRecReshaped(true); m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo().chrResScalingOffset = m_pcCfg->getReshapeCSoffset(); if (m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_PQ) { m_pcReshaper->preAnalyzerHDR(pic, condSliceType, m_pcCfg->getReshapeCW(), m_pcCfg->getDualITree()); } else if (m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_SDR || m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_HLG) { m_pcReshaper->preAnalyzerLMCS(pic, m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType(), condSliceType, m_pcCfg->getReshapeCW()); } else { THROW("Reshaper for other signal currently not defined!"); } if (condSliceType == I_SLICE ) { if (m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_PQ) { m_pcReshaper->initLUTfromdQPModel(); m_pcEncLib->getRdCost()->updateReshapeLumaLevelToWeightTableChromaMD(m_pcReshaper->getInvLUT()); } else if (m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_SDR || m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_HLG) { if (m_pcReshaper->getReshapeFlag()) { m_pcReshaper->constructReshaperLMCS(); m_pcEncLib->getRdCost()->updateReshapeLumaLevelToWeightTable(m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo(), m_pcReshaper->getWeightTable(), m_pcReshaper->getCWeight()); } } else { THROW("Reshaper for other signal currently not defined!"); } m_pcReshaper->setCTUFlag(false); if (realSliceType != condSliceType) { m_pcReshaper->setCTUFlag(true); } } else { if (!m_pcReshaper->getReshapeFlag()) { m_pcReshaper->setCTUFlag(false); } else m_pcReshaper->setCTUFlag(true); m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo().setSliceReshapeModelPresentFlag(false); if (m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_PQ) { m_pcEncLib->getRdCost()->restoreReshapeLumaLevelToWeightTable(); } else if (m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_SDR || m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_HLG) { int modIP = pic->getPOC() - pic->getPOC() / m_pcCfg->getReshapeCW().rspFpsToIp * m_pcCfg->getReshapeCW().rspFpsToIp; #if JVET_Z0118_GDR if (m_pcCfg->getGdrEnabled() && slice->isInterGDR()) { modIP = 0; } #endif if (m_pcReshaper->getReshapeFlag() && m_pcCfg->getReshapeCW().updateCtrl == 2 && modIP == 0) { m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo().setSliceReshapeModelPresentFlag(true); m_pcReshaper->constructReshaperLMCS(); m_pcEncLib->getRdCost()->updateReshapeLumaLevelToWeightTable(m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo(), m_pcReshaper->getWeightTable(), m_pcReshaper->getCWeight()); } } else { THROW("Reshaper for other signal currently not defined!"); } } //set all necessary information in LMCS APS and picture header picHeader->setLmcsEnabledFlag(m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo().getUseSliceReshaper()); slice->setLmcsEnabledFlag(m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo().getUseSliceReshaper()); picHeader->setLmcsChromaResidualScaleFlag(m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo().getSliceReshapeChromaAdj() == 1); if (m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo().getSliceReshapeModelPresentFlag()) { int apsId = std::min<int>( 3, m_pcEncLib->getVPS() == nullptr ? 0 : m_pcEncLib->getVPS()->getGeneralLayerIdx( m_pcEncLib->getLayerId() ) ); picHeader->setLmcsAPSId(apsId); APS* lmcsAPS = picHeader->getLmcsAPS(); if (lmcsAPS == nullptr) { ParameterSetMap<APS> *apsMap = m_pcEncLib->getApsMap(); lmcsAPS = apsMap->getPS((apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + LMCS_APS); if (lmcsAPS == NULL) { lmcsAPS = apsMap->allocatePS((apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + LMCS_APS); lmcsAPS->setAPSId(apsId); lmcsAPS->setAPSType(LMCS_APS); } picHeader->setLmcsAPS(lmcsAPS); } //m_pcReshaper->copySliceReshaperInfo(lmcsAPS->getReshaperAPSInfo(), m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo()); SliceReshapeInfo& tInfo = lmcsAPS->getReshaperAPSInfo(); SliceReshapeInfo& sInfo = m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo(); tInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx = sInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx; tInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx = sInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx; memcpy(tInfo.reshaperModelBinCWDelta, sInfo.reshaperModelBinCWDelta, sizeof(int)*(PIC_CODE_CW_BINS)); tInfo.maxNbitsNeededDeltaCW = sInfo.maxNbitsNeededDeltaCW; tInfo.chrResScalingOffset = sInfo.chrResScalingOffset; m_pcEncLib->getApsMap()->setChangedFlag((lmcsAPS->getAPSId() << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + LMCS_APS); } if (picHeader->getLmcsEnabledFlag()) { int apsId = std::min<int>( 3, m_pcEncLib->getVPS() == nullptr ? 0 : m_pcEncLib->getVPS()->getGeneralLayerIdx( m_pcEncLib->getLayerId() ) ); picHeader->setLmcsAPSId(apsId); } } else { m_pcReshaper->setCTUFlag(false); } } #if JVET_V0094_BILATERAL_FILTER class BIFCabacEstImp : public BIFCabacEst { CABACWriter* CABACEstimator; public: BIFCabacEstImp(CABACWriter* _CABACEstimator) : CABACEstimator(_CABACEstimator) {}; virtual ~BIFCabacEstImp() {}; #if JVET_AG0196_CABAC_RETRAIN virtual uint64_t getBits( const ComponentID compID, Slice& slice, const BifParams& htdfParams ) #else virtual uint64_t getBits(const ComponentID compID, const Slice& slice, const BifParams& htdfParams) #endif { CABACEstimator->initCtxModels(slice); CABACEstimator->resetBits(); CABACEstimator->bif( compID, slice, htdfParams); return CABACEstimator->getEstFracBits(); } }; #endif // ==================================================================================================================== // Public member functions // ==================================================================================================================== void EncGOP::compressGOP(int iPOCLast, int iNumPicRcvd, PicList &rcListPic, std::list<PelUnitBuf *> &rcListPicYuvRecOut, bool isField, bool isTff, const InputColourSpaceConversion snr_conversion, const bool printFrameMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG const bool printMSSSIM, #endif bool isEncodeLtRef, const int picIdInGOP) { // TODO: Split this function up. Picture* pcPic = NULL; PicHeader* picHeader = NULL; Slice* pcSlice; OutputBitstream *pcBitstreamRedirect; pcBitstreamRedirect = new OutputBitstream; AccessUnit::iterator itLocationToPushSliceHeaderNALU; // used to store location where NALU containing slice header is to be inserted Picture* scaledRefPic[MAX_NUM_REF] = {}; xInitGOP( iPOCLast, iNumPicRcvd, isField, isEncodeLtRef ); m_iNumPicCoded = 0; SEIMessages leadingSeiMessages; SEIMessages nestedSeiMessages; SEIMessages duInfoSeiMessages; SEIMessages trailingSeiMessages; std::deque<DUData> duData; EfficientFieldIRAPMapping effFieldIRAPMap; if (m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled()) { effFieldIRAPMap.initialize(isField, m_iGopSize, iPOCLast, iNumPicRcvd, m_iLastIDR, this, m_pcCfg); } if( isField && picIdInGOP == 0 ) { for( int iGOPid = 0; iGOPid < max(2, m_iGopSize); iGOPid++ ) { m_pcCfg->setEncodedFlag( iGOPid, false ); } } for( int iGOPid = picIdInGOP; iGOPid <= picIdInGOP; iGOPid++ ) { // reset flag indicating whether pictures have been encoded m_pcCfg->setEncodedFlag( iGOPid, false ); if (m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled()) { iGOPid=effFieldIRAPMap.adjustGOPid(iGOPid); } //-- For time output for each slice auto beforeTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); #if !X0038_LAMBDA_FROM_QP_CAPABILITY uint32_t uiColDir = calculateCollocatedFromL1Flag(m_pcCfg, iGOPid, m_iGopSize); #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Initial to start encoding int iTimeOffset; int pocCurr; int multipleFactor = m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() ? 2 : 1; if(iPOCLast == 0) //case first frame or first top field { pocCurr=0; iTimeOffset = isField ? (1 - multipleFactor) : multipleFactor; } else if(iPOCLast == 1 && isField) //case first bottom field, just like the first frame, the poc computation is not right anymore, we set the right value { pocCurr = 1; iTimeOffset = multipleFactor + 1; } else { pocCurr = iPOCLast - iNumPicRcvd * multipleFactor + m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_POC - ((isField && m_iGopSize>1) ? 1 : 0); iTimeOffset = m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_POC; } if (m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() && isEncodeLtRef) { pocCurr++; iTimeOffset--; } if (pocCurr / multipleFactor >= m_pcCfg->getFramesToBeEncoded()) { if (m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled()) { iGOPid=effFieldIRAPMap.restoreGOPid(iGOPid); } continue; } if( getNalUnitType(pocCurr, m_iLastIDR, isField) == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL || getNalUnitType(pocCurr, m_iLastIDR, isField) == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP ) { m_iLastIDR = pocCurr; } // start a new access unit: create an entry in the list of output access units AccessUnit accessUnit; accessUnit.temporalId = m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry( iGOPid ).m_temporalId; xGetBuffer( rcListPic, rcListPicYuvRecOut, iNumPicRcvd, iTimeOffset, pcPic, pocCurr, isField ); picHeader = pcPic->cs->picHeader; picHeader->setSPSId( pcPic->cs->pps->getSPSId() ); picHeader->setPPSId( pcPic->cs->pps->getPPSId() ); picHeader->setMinQTSizes(pcPic->cs->sps->getMinQTSizes()); picHeader->setMaxMTTHierarchyDepths(pcPic->cs->sps->getMaxMTTHierarchyDepths()); picHeader->setMaxBTSizes(pcPic->cs->sps->getMaxBTSizes()); picHeader->setMaxTTSizes(pcPic->cs->sps->getMaxTTSizes()); picHeader->setSplitConsOverrideFlag(false); // initial two flags to be false picHeader->setPicInterSliceAllowedFlag(false); picHeader->setPicIntraSliceAllowedFlag(false); #if ER_CHROMA_QP_WCG_PPS // th this is a hot fix for the choma qp control if( m_pcEncLib->getWCGChromaQPControl().isEnabled() && m_pcEncLib->getSwitchPOC() != -1 ) { static int usePPS = 0; /* TODO: MT */ if( pocCurr == m_pcEncLib->getSwitchPOC() ) { usePPS = 1; } const PPS *pPPS = m_pcEncLib->getPPS(usePPS); // replace the pps with a more appropriated one pcPic->cs->pps = pPPS; } #endif // create objects based on the picture size const int picWidth = pcPic->cs->pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(); const int picHeight = pcPic->cs->pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(); const int maxCUWidth = pcPic->cs->sps->getMaxCUWidth(); const int maxCUHeight = pcPic->cs->sps->getMaxCUHeight(); const ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC = pcPic->cs->sps->getChromaFormatIdc(); const int maxTotalCUDepth = floorLog2(maxCUWidth) - pcPic->cs->sps->getLog2MinCodingBlockSize(); m_pcSliceEncoder->create( picWidth, picHeight, chromaFormatIDC, maxCUWidth, maxCUHeight, maxTotalCUDepth ); #if ENABLE_SPLIT_PARALLELISM pcPic->scheduler.init( pcPic->cs->pcv->heightInCtus, pcPic->cs->pcv->widthInCtus, 1 , 0 , m_pcCfg->getNumSplitThreads() ); #endif #if JVET_Y0240_BIM const bool isCurrentFrameFiltered = m_pcCfg->getGopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled() || m_pcCfg->getBIM(); #else const bool isCurrentFrameFiltered = m_pcCfg->getGopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled(); #endif const SPS& sps = *pcPic->cs->sps; pcPic->createTempBuffers(pcPic->cs->pps->pcv->maxCUWidth, isCurrentFrameFiltered, m_pcEncLib->isResChangeInClvsEnabled(), false); pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf().copyFrom(pcPic->getOrigBuf()); if (m_pcEncLib->isResChangeInClvsEnabled()) { pcPic->M_BUFS(0, PIC_TRUE_ORIGINAL_INPUT).copyFrom(pcPic->M_BUFS(0, PIC_ORIGINAL_INPUT)); } if(isCurrentFrameFiltered) { if (m_pcEncLib->isResChangeInClvsEnabled()) { m_pcEncLib->getTemporalFilter().filter(pcPic->M_BUFS(0, PIC_ORIGINAL_INPUT), pocCurr); const Window& curScalingWindow = pcPic->getScalingWindow(); const int curPicWidth = pcPic->M_BUFS(0, PIC_ORIGINAL).Y().width - SPS::getWinUnitX(sps.getChromaFormatIdc()) * (curScalingWindow.getWindowLeftOffset() + curScalingWindow.getWindowRightOffset()); const int curPicHeight = pcPic->M_BUFS(0, PIC_ORIGINAL).Y().height - SPS::getWinUnitY(sps.getChromaFormatIdc()) * (curScalingWindow.getWindowTopOffset() + curScalingWindow.getWindowBottomOffset()); const PPS* pps = m_pcEncLib->getPPS(0); const Window& refScalingWindow = pps->getScalingWindow(); const int refPicWidth = pcPic->M_BUFS(0, PIC_ORIGINAL_INPUT).Y().width - SPS::getWinUnitX(sps.getChromaFormatIdc()) * (refScalingWindow.getWindowLeftOffset() + refScalingWindow.getWindowRightOffset()); const int refPicHeight = pcPic->M_BUFS(0, PIC_ORIGINAL_INPUT).Y().height - SPS::getWinUnitY(sps.getChromaFormatIdc()) * (refScalingWindow.getWindowTopOffset() + refScalingWindow.getWindowBottomOffset()); const int xScale = ((refPicWidth << SCALE_RATIO_BITS) + (curPicWidth >> 1)) / curPicWidth; const int yScale = ((refPicHeight << SCALE_RATIO_BITS) + (curPicHeight >> 1)) / curPicHeight; std::pair<int, int> scalingRatio = std::pair<int, int>(xScale, yScale); Picture::rescalePicture(scalingRatio, pcPic->M_BUFS(0, PIC_ORIGINAL_INPUT), curScalingWindow, pcPic->M_BUFS(0, PIC_ORIGINAL), pps->getScalingWindow(), chromaFormatIDC, sps.getBitDepths(), true, true, sps.getHorCollocatedChromaFlag(), sps.getVerCollocatedChromaFlag()); } else { m_pcEncLib->getTemporalFilter().filter(pcPic->M_BUFS(0, PIC_ORIGINAL), pocCurr); } pcPic->getFilteredOrigBuf().copyFrom(pcPic->getOrigBuf()); } pcPic->cs->createTemporaryCsData((bool)pcPic->cs->sps->getPLTMode()); // Slice data initialization pcPic->clearSliceBuffer(); pcPic->allocateNewSlice(); m_pcSliceEncoder->setSliceSegmentIdx(0); m_pcSliceEncoder->initEncSlice(pcPic, iPOCLast, pocCurr, iGOPid, pcSlice, isField, isEncodeLtRef, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId() ); DTRACE_UPDATE( g_trace_ctx, ( std::make_pair( "poc", pocCurr ) ) ); DTRACE_UPDATE( g_trace_ctx, ( std::make_pair( "final", 0 ) ) ); #if JVET_AG0145_ADAPTIVE_CLIPPING getRealRange(pcPic); #endif #if !SHARP_LUMA_DELTA_QP //Set Frame/Field coding pcPic->fieldPic = isField; #endif pcSlice->setLastIDR(m_iLastIDR); pcSlice->setIndependentSliceIdx(0); if(pcSlice->getSliceType()==B_SLICE&&m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_sliceType=='P') { pcSlice->setSliceType(P_SLICE); } if(pcSlice->getSliceType()==B_SLICE&&m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_sliceType=='I') { pcSlice->setSliceType(I_SLICE); } pcSlice->setTLayer(m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_temporalId); #if JVET_Z0118_GDR if (m_pcCfg->getGdrEnabled() && pocCurr >= m_pcCfg->getGdrPocStart()) { pcSlice->setSliceType(B_SLICE); } else if (m_pcCfg->getGdrEnabled() && (pocCurr != 0) && (pocCurr < m_pcCfg->getGdrPocStart())) { pcSlice->setSliceType(B_SLICE); } // note : first picture is GDR(I_SLICE) if (m_pcCfg->getGdrEnabled() && pocCurr == 0) { pcSlice->setSliceType(I_SLICE); } #endif #if JVET_AI0136_ADAPTIVE_DUAL_TREE if ( pcSlice->isIntra() ) { pcSlice->setSeparateTreeEnabled( pcSlice->getSPS()->getUseDualITree() ); } else { //CHECK( !rpcSlice->getSPS()->getSpsNext().getInterSliceSeparateTreeEnabled(), "Error separate trees not enabled\n" ) pcSlice->setSeparateTreeEnabled( pcSlice->getSPS()->getInterSliceSeparateTreeEnabled() ); } pcSlice->setProcessingIntraRegion( false ); #endif // Set the nal unit type pcSlice->setNalUnitType(getNalUnitType(pocCurr, m_iLastIDR, isField)); // set two flags according to slice type presented in the picture if (pcSlice->getSliceType() != I_SLICE) { picHeader->setPicInterSliceAllowedFlag(true); } if (pcSlice->getSliceType() == I_SLICE) { picHeader->setPicIntraSliceAllowedFlag(true); } picHeader->setGdrOrIrapPicFlag(picHeader->getGdrPicFlag() || pcSlice->isIRAP()); if (m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled()) { if ( pcSlice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL || pcSlice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP || pcSlice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) // IRAP picture { m_associatedIRAPType[pcPic->layerId] = pcSlice->getNalUnitType(); m_associatedIRAPPOC[pcPic->layerId] = pocCurr; } pcSlice->setAssociatedIRAPType(m_associatedIRAPType[pcPic->layerId]); pcSlice->setAssociatedIRAPPOC(m_associatedIRAPPOC[pcPic->layerId]); } pcSlice->decodingRefreshMarking(m_pocCRA, m_bRefreshPending, rcListPic, m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled()); if (m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() && isEncodeLtRef) { setUseLTRef(true); setPrepareLTRef(false); setNewestBgPOC(pocCurr); setLastLTRefPoc(pocCurr); } else if (m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() && getLastLTRefPoc() >= 0 && getEncodedLTRef()==false && !getPicBg()->getSpliceFull() && (pocCurr - getLastLTRefPoc()) > (m_pcCfg->getFrameRate() * 2)) { setUseLTRef(false); setPrepareLTRef(false); setEncodedLTRef(true); setNewestBgPOC(-1); setLastLTRefPoc(-1); } if (m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() && m_picBg->getSpliceFull() && getUseLTRef()) { m_pcEncLib->selectReferencePictureList(pcSlice, pocCurr, iGOPid, m_bgPOC); } else { m_pcEncLib->selectReferencePictureList(pcSlice, pocCurr, iGOPid, -1); } if (!m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled()) { if ( pcSlice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL || pcSlice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP || pcSlice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) // IRAP picture { m_associatedIRAPType[pcPic->layerId] = pcSlice->getNalUnitType(); m_associatedIRAPPOC[pcPic->layerId] = pocCurr; } pcSlice->setAssociatedIRAPType(m_associatedIRAPType[pcPic->layerId]); pcSlice->setAssociatedIRAPPOC(m_associatedIRAPPOC[pcPic->layerId]); } pcSlice->setEnableDRAPSEI(m_pcEncLib->getDependentRAPIndicationSEIEnabled()); if (m_pcEncLib->getDependentRAPIndicationSEIEnabled()) { // Only mark the picture as DRAP if all of the following applies: // 1) DRAP indication SEI messages are enabled // 2) The current picture is not an intra picture // 3) The current picture is in the DRAP period // 4) The current picture is a trailing picture pcSlice->setDRAP(m_pcEncLib->getDependentRAPIndicationSEIEnabled() && m_pcEncLib->getDrapPeriod() > 0 && !pcSlice->isIntra() && pocCurr % m_pcEncLib->getDrapPeriod() == 0 && pocCurr > pcSlice->getAssociatedIRAPPOC()); if (pcSlice->isDRAP()) { int pocCycle = 1 << (pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitsForPOC()); int deltaPOC = pocCurr > pcSlice->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() ? pocCurr - pcSlice->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() : pocCurr - ( pcSlice->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() & (pocCycle -1) ); CHECK(deltaPOC > (pocCycle >> 1), "Use a greater value for POC wraparound to enable a POC distance between IRAP and DRAP of " << deltaPOC << "."); m_latestDRAPPOC = pocCurr; pcSlice->setTLayer(0); // Force DRAP picture to have temporal layer 0 } pcSlice->setLatestDRAPPOC(m_latestDRAPPOC); pcSlice->setUseLTforDRAP(false); // When set, sets the associated IRAP as long-term in RPL0 at slice level, unless the associated IRAP is already included in RPL0 or RPL1 defined in SPS PicList::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); Picture *rpcPic; while (iterPic != rcListPic.end()) { rpcPic = *(iterPic++); if ( pcSlice->isDRAP() && rpcPic->getPOC() != pocCurr ) { rpcPic->precedingDRAP = true; } else if ( !pcSlice->isDRAP() && rpcPic->getPOC() == pocCurr ) { rpcPic->precedingDRAP = false; } } } if (pcSlice->checkThatAllRefPicsAreAvailable(rcListPic, pcSlice->getRPL0(), 0, false) != 0 || pcSlice->checkThatAllRefPicsAreAvailable(rcListPic, pcSlice->getRPL1(), 1, false) != 0 || (m_pcEncLib->getDependentRAPIndicationSEIEnabled() && !pcSlice->isIRAP() && ( pcSlice->isDRAP() || !pcSlice->isPOCInRefPicList(pcSlice->getRPL0(), pcSlice->getAssociatedIRAPPOC())) ) || ((m_pcEncLib->getAvoidIntraInDepLayer() || !pcSlice->isIRAP()) && pcSlice->getPic()->cs->vps && m_pcEncLib->getNumRefLayers(pcSlice->getPic()->cs->vps->getGeneralLayerIdx(m_pcEncLib->getLayerId()))) ) { xCreateExplicitReferencePictureSetFromReference( pcSlice, rcListPic, pcSlice->getRPL0(), pcSlice->getRPL1() ); } pcSlice->applyReferencePictureListBasedMarking( rcListPic, pcSlice->getRPL0(), pcSlice->getRPL1(), pcSlice->getPic()->layerId, *(pcSlice->getPPS())); if(pcSlice->getTLayer() > 0 && !(pcSlice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL // Check if not a leading picture || pcSlice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL) ) { if (pcSlice->isStepwiseTemporalLayerSwitchingPointCandidate(rcListPic)) { bool isSTSA=true; for(int ii=0;(ii<m_pcCfg->getGOPSize() && isSTSA==true);ii++) { int lTid = m_pcCfg->getRPLEntry(0, ii).m_temporalId; if (lTid == pcSlice->getTLayer()) { const ReferencePictureList* rpl0 = pcSlice->getSPS()->getRPLList0()->getReferencePictureList(ii); for (int jj = 0; jj < pcSlice->getRPL0()->getNumberOfActivePictures(); jj++) { #if JVET_S0045_SIGN int tPoc = pcSlice->getPOC() + rpl0->getRefPicIdentifier(jj); #else int tPoc = pcSlice->getPOC() - rpl0->getRefPicIdentifier(jj); #endif int kk = 0; for (kk = 0; kk<m_pcCfg->getGOPSize(); kk++) { if (m_pcCfg->getRPLEntry(0, kk).m_POC == tPoc) { break; } } int tTid = m_pcCfg->getRPLEntry(0, kk).m_temporalId; if (tTid >= pcSlice->getTLayer()) { isSTSA = false; break; } } const ReferencePictureList* rpl1 = pcSlice->getSPS()->getRPLList1()->getReferencePictureList(ii); for (int jj = 0; jj < pcSlice->getRPL1()->getNumberOfActivePictures(); jj++) { #if JVET_S0045_SIGN int tPoc = pcSlice->getPOC() + rpl1->getRefPicIdentifier(jj); #else int tPoc = pcSlice->getPOC() - rpl1->getRefPicIdentifier(jj); #endif int kk = 0; for (kk = 0; kk<m_pcCfg->getGOPSize(); kk++) { if (m_pcCfg->getRPLEntry(1, kk).m_POC == tPoc) { break; } } int tTid = m_pcCfg->getRPLEntry(1, kk).m_temporalId; if (tTid >= pcSlice->getTLayer()) { isSTSA = false; break; } } } } if(isSTSA==true) { pcSlice->setNalUnitType(NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_STSA); } } } if (m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() && getUseLTRef() && (pocCurr > getLastLTRefPoc())) { pcSlice->setNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0, (pcSlice->isIntra()) ? 0 : min(m_pcCfg->getRPLEntry(0, iGOPid).m_numRefPicsActive + 1, pcSlice->getRPL0()->getNumberOfActivePictures())); pcSlice->setNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1, (!pcSlice->isInterB()) ? 0 : min(m_pcCfg->getRPLEntry(1, iGOPid).m_numRefPicsActive + 1, pcSlice->getRPL1()->getNumberOfActivePictures())); } else { pcSlice->setNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0, (pcSlice->isIntra()) ? 0 : pcSlice->getRPL0()->getNumberOfActivePictures()); pcSlice->setNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1, (!pcSlice->isInterB()) ? 0 : pcSlice->getRPL1()->getNumberOfActivePictures()); } if (m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() && getPrepareLTRef()) { arrangeCompositeReference(pcSlice, rcListPic, pocCurr); } // Set reference list pcSlice->constructRefPicList(rcListPic); // store sub-picture numbers, sizes, and locations with a picture #if JVET_S0258_SUBPIC_CONSTRAINTS pcSlice->getPic()->subPictures.clear(); for( int subPicIdx = 0; subPicIdx < pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSubPics(); subPicIdx++ ) { pcSlice->getPic()->subPictures.push_back( pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic( subPicIdx ) ); } #else pcSlice->getPic()->numSubpics = pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSubPics(); pcSlice->getPic()->subpicWidthInCTUs.clear(); pcSlice->getPic()->subpicHeightInCTUs.clear(); pcSlice->getPic()->subpicCtuTopLeftX.clear(); pcSlice->getPic()->subpicCtuTopLeftY.clear(); for (int subPicIdx = 0; subPicIdx < pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSubPics(); subPicIdx++) { pcSlice->getPic()->subpicWidthInCTUs.push_back(pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic(subPicIdx).getSubPicWidthInCTUs()); pcSlice->getPic()->subpicHeightInCTUs.push_back(pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic(subPicIdx).getSubPicHeightInCTUs()); pcSlice->getPic()->subpicCtuTopLeftX.push_back(pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic(subPicIdx).getSubPicCtuTopLeftX()); pcSlice->getPic()->subpicCtuTopLeftY.push_back(pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic(subPicIdx).getSubPicCtuTopLeftY()); } #endif const VPS* vps = pcPic->cs->vps; int layerIdx = vps == nullptr ? 0 : vps->getGeneralLayerIdx(pcPic->layerId); if (vps && !vps->getIndependentLayerFlag(layerIdx) && pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSubPics() > 1) { CU::checkConformanceILRP(pcSlice); } xPicInitHashME( pcPic, pcSlice->getPPS(), rcListPic ); #if JVET_AI0136_ADAPTIVE_DUAL_TREE if ( !pcSlice->isIntra() ) { if ( (picWidth * picHeight) <= (1280*720) && ( pcSlice->getTLayer()>0 ) ) { pcSlice->setSeparateTreeEnabled(false); } else if ( pcSlice->getTLayer()>=ID_SEP_TREE_TID_OFF ) { pcSlice->setSeparateTreeEnabled(false); } } #endif if( m_pcCfg->getUseAMaxBT() ) { if( !pcSlice->isIntra() ) { int refLayer = pcSlice->getDepth(); if( refLayer > 9 ) refLayer = 9; // Max layer is 10 #if JVET_X0144_MAX_MTT_DEPTH_TID if( m_pcCfg->getMaxMTTHierarchyDepthByTid( refLayer ) != m_pcCfg->getMaxMTTHierarchyDepth() ) { picHeader->setSplitConsOverrideFlag( true ); picHeader->setMaxMTTHierarchyDepth( P_SLICE, m_pcCfg->getMaxMTTHierarchyDepthByTid( refLayer ) ); } #endif if( m_bInitAMaxBT && pcSlice->getPOC() > m_uiPrevISlicePOC ) { ::memset( m_uiBlkSize, 0, sizeof( m_uiBlkSize ) ); ::memset( m_uiNumBlk, 0, sizeof( m_uiNumBlk ) ); m_bInitAMaxBT = false; } if( refLayer >= 0 && m_uiNumBlk[refLayer] != 0 ) { picHeader->setSplitConsOverrideFlag(true); double dBlkSize = sqrt( ( double ) m_uiBlkSize[refLayer] / m_uiNumBlk[refLayer] ); unsigned int newMaxBtSize = picHeader->getMaxBTSize(pcSlice->getSliceType(), CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA); if( dBlkSize < AMAXBT_TH32 ) { newMaxBtSize = 32; } else if( dBlkSize < AMAXBT_TH64 ) { newMaxBtSize = 64; } #if CTU_256 else if( dBlkSize < AMAXBT_TH128 ) { newMaxBtSize = 128; } else { newMaxBtSize = 256; } #else else { newMaxBtSize = 128; } #endif newMaxBtSize = Clip3(picHeader->getMinQTSize(pcSlice->getSliceType()), pcPic->cs->sps->getCTUSize(), newMaxBtSize); picHeader->setMaxBTSize(1, newMaxBtSize); m_uiBlkSize[refLayer] = 0; m_uiNumBlk [refLayer] = 0; } } else { if( m_bInitAMaxBT ) { ::memset( m_uiBlkSize, 0, sizeof( m_uiBlkSize ) ); ::memset( m_uiNumBlk, 0, sizeof( m_uiNumBlk ) ); } m_uiPrevISlicePOC = pcSlice->getPOC(); m_bInitAMaxBT = true; } #if JVET_S0133_PH_SYNTAX_OVERRIDE_ENC_FIX bool identicalToSPS=true; const SPS* sps =pcSlice->getSPS(); if (picHeader->getPicInterSliceAllowedFlag()) { if (picHeader->getMinQTSize(pcSlice->getSliceType()) != pcSlice->getSPS()->getMinQTSize(pcSlice->getSliceType()) || picHeader->getMaxMTTHierarchyDepth(pcSlice->getSliceType()) != pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxMTTHierarchyDepth() || picHeader->getMaxBTSize(pcSlice->getSliceType()) != pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxBTSize() || picHeader->getMaxTTSize(pcSlice->getSliceType()) != pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxTTSize() ) { identicalToSPS=false; } } if (identicalToSPS && picHeader->getPicIntraSliceAllowedFlag()) { if (picHeader->getMinQTSize(I_SLICE) != sps->getMinQTSize(I_SLICE) || picHeader->getMaxMTTHierarchyDepth(I_SLICE) != sps->getMaxMTTHierarchyDepthI() || picHeader->getMaxBTSize(I_SLICE) != sps->getMaxBTSizeI() || picHeader->getMaxTTSize(I_SLICE) != sps->getMaxTTSizeI() ) { identicalToSPS=false; } if (identicalToSPS && sps->getUseDualITree()) { if (picHeader->getMinQTSize(I_SLICE, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) != sps->getMinQTSize(I_SLICE, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) || picHeader->getMaxMTTHierarchyDepth(I_SLICE, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) != sps->getMaxMTTHierarchyDepthIChroma() || picHeader->getMaxBTSize(I_SLICE, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) != sps->getMaxBTSizeIChroma() || picHeader->getMaxTTSize(I_SLICE, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) != sps->getMaxTTSizeIChroma() ) { identicalToSPS=false; } } } if (identicalToSPS) { picHeader->setSplitConsOverrideFlag(false); } #endif } // Slice info. refinement if ( (pcSlice->getSliceType() == B_SLICE) && (pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1) == 0) ) { pcSlice->setSliceType ( P_SLICE ); } xUpdateRasInit( pcSlice ); if ( pcSlice->getPendingRasInit() ) { // this ensures that independently encoded bitstream chunks can be combined to bit-equal pcSlice->setEncCABACTableIdx( pcSlice->getSliceType() ); } else { pcSlice->setEncCABACTableIdx( m_pcSliceEncoder->getEncCABACTableIdx() ); } if (pcSlice->getSliceType() == B_SLICE) { bool bLowDelay = true; int iCurrPOC = pcSlice->getPOC(); int iRefIdx = 0; for (iRefIdx = 0; iRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0) && bLowDelay; iRefIdx++) { if ( pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, iRefIdx)->getPOC() > iCurrPOC ) { bLowDelay = false; } } for (iRefIdx = 0; iRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1) && bLowDelay; iRefIdx++) { if ( pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, iRefIdx)->getPOC() > iCurrPOC ) { bLowDelay = false; } } pcSlice->setCheckLDC(bLowDelay); #if JVET_AF0128_LIC_MERGE_TM bool bLowDelayB = false; if (pcSlice->isInterB() && bLowDelay) { int min = MAX_INT; for (int k = 0; k < NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01; k++) { for (iRefIdx = 0; iRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx((RefPicList)k); iRefIdx++) { if (pcSlice->getPOC() - pcSlice->getRefPic((RefPicList)k, iRefIdx)->getPOC() < min) { min = pcSlice->getPOC() - pcSlice->getRefPic((RefPicList)k, iRefIdx)->getPOC(); } } } if (min == 1) { bLowDelayB = true; } } pcSlice->setCheckLDB(bLowDelayB); #endif } else { pcSlice->setCheckLDC(true); } #if JVET_AA0093_DIVERSITY_CRITERION_FOR_ARMC if (!pcSlice->isIntra() && pcSlice->getSPS()->getUseAML()) { int index = pcSlice->getSPS()->getQPOffsetsIdx(pcSlice->getSliceQp() - (pcSlice->getPPS()->getPicInitQPMinus26() + 26)); if (index != -1) { const SPS* sps = pcSlice->getSPS(); #if JVET_AJ0237_INTERNAL_12BIT pcSlice->setCostForARMC(sps->getLambdaVal(index), sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)); #else pcSlice->setCostForARMC(sps->getLambdaVal(index)); #endif } else { #if JVET_AJ0237_INTERNAL_12BIT pcSlice->setCostForARMC((uint32_t)LAMBDA_DEC_SIDE[min(max(pcSlice->getSliceQp(), 0), MAX_QP)], pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)); #else pcSlice->setCostForARMC((uint32_t) LAMBDA_DEC_SIDE[min(max(pcSlice->getSliceQp(), 0), MAX_QP)]); #endif } if (pcSlice->getCheckLDC()) { int iCurrPOC = pcSlice->getPOC(); int iRefIdx = 0; int mindist = MAX_INT; for (iRefIdx = 0; iRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0); iRefIdx++) { if (abs(pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, iRefIdx)->getPOC() - iCurrPOC) < mindist) { mindist = abs(pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, iRefIdx)->getPOC() - iCurrPOC); } } if (pcSlice->isInterB()) { for (iRefIdx = 0; iRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1); iRefIdx++) { if (abs(pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, iRefIdx)->getPOC() - iCurrPOC) < mindist) { mindist = abs(pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, iRefIdx)->getPOC() - iCurrPOC); } } } if (mindist != 1 ) { #if JVET_AJ0237_INTERNAL_12BIT pcSlice->setCostForARMC((uint32_t)LAMBDA_DEC_SIDE[min(max(pcSlice->getSliceQp() - 4, 0), MAX_QP)], pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)); #else pcSlice->setCostForARMC((uint32_t) LAMBDA_DEC_SIDE[min(max(pcSlice->getSliceQp() - 4, 0), MAX_QP)]); #endif } } else { #if JVET_AJ0237_INTERNAL_12BIT pcSlice->setCostForARMC((uint32_t)LAMBDA_DEC_SIDE[min(max(pcSlice->getSliceQp() - 4, 0), MAX_QP)], pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)); #else pcSlice->setCostForARMC((uint32_t) LAMBDA_DEC_SIDE[min(max(pcSlice->getSliceQp() - 4, 0), MAX_QP)]); #endif } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------- #if MULTI_HYP_PRED pcSlice->setNumMultiHypRefPics(pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxNumAddHypRefFrames()); #endif pcSlice->setRefPOCList(); #if MULTI_HYP_PRED pcSlice->setNumMultiHypRefPics((int)pcSlice->getMultiHypRefPicList().size()); #endif pcSlice->setList1IdxToList0Idx(); if (m_pcEncLib->getTMVPModeId() == 2) { if (iGOPid == 0) // first picture in SOP (i.e. forward B) { picHeader->setEnableTMVPFlag(0); } else { // Note: pcSlice->getColFromL0Flag() is assumed to be always 0 and getcolRefIdx() is always 0. picHeader->setEnableTMVPFlag(1); } } else if (m_pcEncLib->getTMVPModeId() == 1) { picHeader->setEnableTMVPFlag(1); } else { picHeader->setEnableTMVPFlag(0); } // disable TMVP when current picture is the only ref picture #if JVET_AD0208_IBC_ADAPT_FOR_CAM_CAPTURED_CONTENTS if (pcSlice->isIRAP() && pcSlice->getUseIBC()) #else if (pcSlice->isIRAP() && pcSlice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag()) #endif { picHeader->setEnableTMVPFlag(0); } #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION int poc1stCol = -1; int list1stCol = 0; int list2ndCol = 0; #endif if (pcSlice->getSliceType() != I_SLICE && picHeader->getEnableTMVPFlag()) { int colRefIdxL0 = -1, colRefIdxL1 = -1; const bool isResamplingPossible = pcSlice->getSPS()->getRprEnabledFlag(); for (int refIdx = 0; refIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0); refIdx++) { CHECK(pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx)->unscaledPic == nullptr, "unscaledPic is not set for L0 reference picture"); #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION if ((!isResamplingPossible || !pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx)->isRefScaled(pcSlice->getPPS())) /*&& (pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx)->slices[0]->getSliceType() != I_SLICE)*/) #else if (!isResamplingPossible || !pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx)->isRefScaled(pcSlice->getPPS())) #endif { #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION poc1stCol = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx)->getPOC(); list1stCol = 0; #endif colRefIdxL0 = refIdx; break; } } if (pcSlice->getSliceType() == B_SLICE) { #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION list2ndCol = 1; if (colRefIdxL0 < 0) { for (int refIdx = 0; refIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1); refIdx++) { CHECK(pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx)->unscaledPic == nullptr, "unscaledPic is not set for L1 reference picture"); if ((!isResamplingPossible || !pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx)->isRefScaled(pcSlice->getPPS())) /*&& (pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx)->slices[0]->getSliceType() != I_SLICE)*/) { poc1stCol = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx)->getPOC(); list1stCol = 1; colRefIdxL0 = refIdx; break; } } } #endif for (int refIdx = 0; refIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1); refIdx++) { CHECK(pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx)->unscaledPic == nullptr, "unscaledPic is not set for L1 reference picture"); #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION int poc2ndCol = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx)->getPOC(); if ((poc1stCol != poc2ndCol) && (!isResamplingPossible || !pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx)->isRefScaled(pcSlice->getPPS())) /*&& (pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx)->slices[0]->getSliceType() != I_SLICE)*/) #else if (!isResamplingPossible || !pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx)->isRefScaled(pcSlice->getPPS())) #endif { #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION list2ndCol = 1; #endif colRefIdxL1 = refIdx; break; } } } #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION else { for (int refIdx = 0; refIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0); refIdx++) { int poc2ndCol = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx)->getPOC(); CHECK(pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx)->unscaledPic == nullptr, "unscaledPic is not set for L0 reference picture"); if ((poc1stCol != poc2ndCol) && (!isResamplingPossible || !pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx)->isRefScaled(pcSlice->getPPS())) /*&& (pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx)->slices[0]->getSliceType() != I_SLICE)*/) { colRefIdxL1 = refIdx; break; } } } #endif if (colRefIdxL0 >= 0 && colRefIdxL1 >= 0) { #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION const Picture *refPicL0 = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(list1stCol), colRefIdxL0); if (!refPicL0->slices.size()) { refPicL0 = refPicL0->unscaledPic; } const Picture *refPicL1 = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(list2ndCol), colRefIdxL1); if (!refPicL1->slices.size()) { refPicL1 = refPicL1->unscaledPic; } picHeader->setPicColFromL0Flag(1 - list1stCol); pcSlice->setColFromL0Flag(1 - list1stCol); pcSlice->setColRefIdx(colRefIdxL0); picHeader->setColRefIdx(colRefIdxL0); picHeader->setPicColFromL0Flag2nd(1 - list2ndCol); pcSlice->setColFromL0Flag2nd(1 - list2ndCol); pcSlice->setColRefIdx2nd(colRefIdxL1); picHeader->setColRefIdx2nd(colRefIdxL1); int poc1st = refPicL0->getPOC(); int poc2nd = refPicL1->getPOC(); int pocCur = pcSlice->getPOC(); if ((abs(poc1st - pocCur) == abs(poc2nd - pocCur)) && (refPicL0->slices[0]->getSliceQp() < refPicL1->slices[0]->getSliceQp())) { picHeader->setPicColFromL0Flag2nd(1 - list1stCol); pcSlice->setColFromL0Flag2nd(1 - list1stCol); pcSlice->setColRefIdx2nd(colRefIdxL0); picHeader->setColRefIdx2nd(colRefIdxL0); picHeader->setPicColFromL0Flag(1 - list2ndCol); pcSlice->setColFromL0Flag(1 - list2ndCol); pcSlice->setColRefIdx(colRefIdxL1); picHeader->setColRefIdx(colRefIdxL1); } #else const Picture *refPicL0 = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, colRefIdxL0); if (!refPicL0->slices.size()) { refPicL0 = refPicL0->unscaledPic; } const Picture *refPicL1 = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, colRefIdxL1); if (!refPicL1->slices.size()) { refPicL1 = refPicL1->unscaledPic; } CHECK(!refPicL0->slices.size(), "Wrong L0 reference picture"); CHECK(!refPicL1->slices.size(), "Wrong L1 reference picture"); const uint32_t uiColFromL0 = refPicL0->slices[0]->getSliceQp() > refPicL1->slices[0]->getSliceQp(); picHeader->setPicColFromL0Flag(uiColFromL0); pcSlice->setColFromL0Flag(uiColFromL0); pcSlice->setColRefIdx(uiColFromL0 ? colRefIdxL0 : colRefIdxL1); picHeader->setColRefIdx(uiColFromL0 ? colRefIdxL0 : colRefIdxL1); #endif } #if !JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION else if (colRefIdxL0 < 0 && colRefIdxL1 >= 0) { picHeader->setPicColFromL0Flag(false); pcSlice->setColFromL0Flag(false); pcSlice->setColRefIdx(colRefIdxL1); picHeader->setColRefIdx(colRefIdxL1); } #endif else if (colRefIdxL0 >= 0 && colRefIdxL1 < 0) { #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION picHeader->setPicColFromL0Flag(1 - list1stCol); pcSlice->setColFromL0Flag(1 - list1stCol); pcSlice->setColRefIdx(colRefIdxL0); picHeader->setColRefIdx(colRefIdxL0); picHeader->setPicColFromL0Flag2nd(1 - list2ndCol); pcSlice->setColFromL0Flag2nd(1 - list2ndCol); pcSlice->setColRefIdx2nd(0); picHeader->setColRefIdx2nd(0); #else picHeader->setPicColFromL0Flag(true); pcSlice->setColFromL0Flag(true); pcSlice->setColRefIdx(colRefIdxL0); picHeader->setColRefIdx(colRefIdxL0); #endif } else { picHeader->setEnableTMVPFlag(0); } #if JVET_AH0069_CMVP if (picHeader->getEnableTMVPFlag()) { pcSlice->setRefRefIdxList(); } #endif #if JVET_Y0134_TMVP_NAMVP_CAND_REORDERING if (picHeader->getEnableTMVPFlag()) { #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION for (int colFrameIdx = 0; colFrameIdx < (pcSlice->isInterB() ? 2 : 1); colFrameIdx++) { const Picture* const pColPic = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(colFrameIdx == 0 ? 1 - pcSlice->getColFromL0Flag() : 1 - pcSlice->getColFromL0Flag2nd()), colFrameIdx == 0 ? pcSlice->getColRefIdx() : pcSlice->getColRefIdx2nd()); #else const Picture* const pColPic = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(pcSlice->isInterB() ? 1 - pcSlice->getColFromL0Flag() : 0), pcSlice->getColRefIdx()); #endif if (pColPic) { const int currPOC = pcSlice->getPOC(); const int colPOC = pColPic->getPOC(); #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION pcSlice->resizeImBuf(pColPic->numSlices, colFrameIdx); #else pcSlice->resizeImBuf(pColPic->numSlices); #endif Slice *pColSlice = nullptr; for (int sliceIdx = 0; sliceIdx < pColPic->numSlices; sliceIdx++) { pColSlice = pColPic->slices[sliceIdx]; if (pColSlice->isIntra()) { continue; } for (int colRefPicListIdx = 0; colRefPicListIdx < (pColSlice->isInterB() ? 2 : 1); colRefPicListIdx++) { for (int colRefIdx = 0; colRefIdx < pColSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx)); colRefIdx++) { #if JVET_AI0183_MVP_EXTENSION const bool bIsColRefLongTerm = pColSlice->getIsUsedAsLongTerm(RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx); const int colRefPOC = pColSlice->getRefPOC(RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx); for (int curRefPicListIdx = 0; curRefPicListIdx < (pcSlice->isInterB() ? 2 : 1); curRefPicListIdx++) { double bestDistScale = MAX_DOUBLE; int targetRefIdx = -1; for (int curRefIdx = 0; curRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx)); curRefIdx++) { const int currRefPOC = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), curRefIdx)->getPOC(); const bool bIsCurrRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), curRefIdx)->longTerm; if (bIsCurrRefLongTerm != bIsColRefLongTerm) { continue; } if (bIsCurrRefLongTerm) { targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; bestDistScale = 1; break; } else if (colPOC - colRefPOC == currPOC - currRefPOC) { targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; bestDistScale = 1; break; } else { if (abs(1.0 - (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * 1.0 / abs(colPOC - colRefPOC) * 1.0)) < bestDistScale) { bestDistScale = abs(1.0 - (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * 1.0 / abs(colPOC - colRefPOC) * 1.0)); targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; } } } // curRefIdx #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION pcSlice->setImRefIdx(sliceIdx, RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx, targetRefIdx, colFrameIdx); #else pcSlice->setImRefIdx(sliceIdx, RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx, targetRefIdx); #endif if (pcSlice->getCheckLDC() == true) { continue; } int targetRefIdx1st = targetRefIdx; double bestOverScale = 0; double scale = 0; int curPOCMax, curPOCMin; int colPOCMax, colPOCMin; int bestTargetRefIdx = -1; bestDistScale = MAX_DOUBLE; targetRefIdx = -1; for (int curRefIdx = 0; curRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx)); curRefIdx++) { if (curRefIdx == targetRefIdx1st) { continue; } const int currRefPOC = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), curRefIdx)->getPOC(); const bool bIsCurrRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), curRefIdx)->longTerm; if (bIsCurrRefLongTerm != bIsColRefLongTerm) { continue; } if (bIsCurrRefLongTerm) { targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; bestDistScale = 1; bestTargetRefIdx = -1; break; } else if (colRefPOC == currRefPOC) { targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; bestDistScale = 1; bestTargetRefIdx = -1; break; } else { curPOCMax = std::max(currPOC, currRefPOC); curPOCMin = std::min(currPOC, currRefPOC); colPOCMax = std::max(colPOC, colRefPOC); colPOCMin = std::min(colPOC, colRefPOC); scale = std::max(0, std::min(curPOCMax, colPOCMax) - std::max(curPOCMin, colPOCMin)); scale = scale * scale / (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * abs(colPOC - colRefPOC)); if (scale > bestOverScale) { bestOverScale = scale; bestTargetRefIdx = curRefIdx; } if (abs(1.0 - (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * 1.0 / abs(colPOC - colRefPOC) * 1.0)) < bestDistScale) { bestDistScale = abs(1.0 - (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * 1.0 / abs(colPOC - colRefPOC) * 1.0)); targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; } } } // curRefIdx #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION if (bestTargetRefIdx != -1) { targetRefIdx = bestTargetRefIdx; } if (targetRefIdx == -1) { targetRefIdx = 0; } pcSlice->setImRefIdx2nd(sliceIdx, RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx, targetRefIdx, colFrameIdx ); #else pcSlice->setImRefIdx(sliceIdx, RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx, targetRefIdx); #endif bestOverScale = 0; scale = 0; bestTargetRefIdx = -1; bestDistScale = MAX_DOUBLE; targetRefIdx = -1; for (int curRefIdx = 0; curRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx)); curRefIdx++) { const int currRefPOC = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), curRefIdx)->getPOC(); const bool bIsCurrRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), curRefIdx)->longTerm; if (bIsCurrRefLongTerm != bIsColRefLongTerm) { continue; } if (bIsCurrRefLongTerm) { targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; bestDistScale = 1; bestTargetRefIdx = -1; break; } else if (colRefPOC == currRefPOC) { targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; bestDistScale = 1; bestTargetRefIdx = -1; break; } else { curPOCMax = std::max(currPOC, currRefPOC); curPOCMin = std::min(currPOC, currRefPOC); colPOCMax = std::max(colPOC, colRefPOC); colPOCMin = std::min(colPOC, colRefPOC); scale = std::max(0, std::min(curPOCMax, colPOCMax) - std::max(curPOCMin, colPOCMin)); scale = scale * scale / (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * abs(colPOC - colRefPOC)); if (scale > bestOverScale) { bestOverScale = scale; bestTargetRefIdx = curRefIdx; } if (abs(1.0 - (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * 1.0 / abs(colPOC - colRefPOC) * 1.0)) < bestDistScale) { bestDistScale = abs(1.0 - (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * 1.0 / abs(colPOC - colRefPOC) * 1.0)); targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; } } } // curRefIdx #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION if (bestTargetRefIdx != -1) { targetRefIdx = bestTargetRefIdx; } if (targetRefIdx == -1) { targetRefIdx = 0; } pcSlice->setImRefIdx3rd(sliceIdx, RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx, targetRefIdx, colFrameIdx); #else pcSlice->setImRefIdx(sliceIdx, RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx, targetRefIdx); #endif } // curRefPicListIdx #else const bool bIsColRefLongTerm = pColSlice->getIsUsedAsLongTerm(RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx); const int colRefPOC = pColSlice->getRefPOC(RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx); for (int curRefPicListIdx = 0; curRefPicListIdx < (pcSlice->isInterB() ? 2 : 1); curRefPicListIdx++) { double bestDistScale = MAX_DOUBLE; int targetRefIdx = -1; for (int curRefIdx = 0; curRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx)); curRefIdx++) { const int currRefPOC = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), curRefIdx)->getPOC(); const bool bIsCurrRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), curRefIdx)->longTerm; if (bIsCurrRefLongTerm != bIsColRefLongTerm) { continue; } if (bIsCurrRefLongTerm) { targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; bestDistScale = 1; break; } else if (colPOC - colRefPOC == currPOC - currRefPOC) { targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; bestDistScale = 1; break; } else { //printf("colRefPicListIdx:%d, curRefPicListIdx:%d, colRefIdx:%d, targetRefIdx:%d, curRefIdx:%d\n", colRefPicListIdx, curRefPicListIdx, colRefIdx, targetRefIdx, curRefIdx); //printf("currPOC:%d, currRefPOC:%d, colPOC:%d, colRefPOC:%d\n", currPOC, currRefPOC, colPOC, colRefPOC); //printf("bestDistScale:%.2f %.2f\n", bestDistScale, abs(1.0 - (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * 1.0 / abs(colPOC - colRefPOC) * 1.0))); if (abs(1.0 - (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * 1.0 / abs(colPOC - colRefPOC) * 1.0)) < bestDistScale) { bestDistScale = abs(1.0 - (abs(currPOC - currRefPOC) * 1.0 / abs(colPOC - colRefPOC) * 1.0)); targetRefIdx = curRefIdx; } } } // curRefIdx //printf("sliceIdx:%d, colRefPicListIdx:%d, curRefPicListIdx:%d, colRefIdx:%d, targetRefIdx:%d\n", sliceIdx, colRefPicListIdx, curRefPicListIdx, colRefIdx, targetRefIdx); #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION pcSlice->setImRefIdx(sliceIdx, RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx, targetRefIdx, colFrameIdx); #else pcSlice->setImRefIdx(sliceIdx, RefPicList(colRefPicListIdx), RefPicList(curRefPicListIdx), colRefIdx, targetRefIdx); #endif } // curRefPicListIdx #endif } } } } #if JVET_AC0185_ENHANCED_TEMPORAL_MOTION_DERIVATION } #endif } #endif } #if JVET_Y0128_NON_CTC #if JVET_Z0118_GDR // scaleRefPicList bool bDisableTMVP; if (pcPic->cs->isGdrEnabled()) { PicHeader *picHeader = new PicHeader; *picHeader = *pcPic->cs->picHeader; bDisableTMVP = pcSlice->scaleRefPicList(scaledRefPic, picHeader, m_pcEncLib->getApss(), picHeader->getLmcsAPS(), picHeader->getScalingListAPS(), false); } else { bDisableTMVP = pcSlice->scaleRefPicList(scaledRefPic, pcPic->cs->picHeader, m_pcEncLib->getApss(), picHeader->getLmcsAPS(), picHeader->getScalingListAPS(), false); } #else bool bDisableTMVP = pcSlice->scaleRefPicList( scaledRefPic, pcPic->cs->picHeader, m_pcEncLib->getApss(), picHeader->getLmcsAPS(), picHeader->getScalingListAPS(), false ); #endif if ( picHeader->getEnableTMVPFlag() && bDisableTMVP ) { picHeader->setEnableTMVPFlag( 0 ); } #else #if JVET_Z0118_GDR PicHeader *picHeader = new PicHeader; *picHeader = *pcPic->cs->picHeader; pcSlice->scaleRefPicList( scaledRefPic, picHeader, m_pcEncLib->getApss(), picHeader->getLmcsAPS(), picHeader->getScalingListAPS(), false ); picHeader = pcPic->cs->picHeader; #else pcSlice->scaleRefPicList( scaledRefPic, pcPic->cs->picHeader, m_pcEncLib->getApss(), picHeader->getLmcsAPS(), picHeader->getScalingListAPS(), false ); #endif #endif // set adaptive search range for non-intra-slices if (m_pcCfg->getUseASR() && !pcSlice->isIntra()) { m_pcSliceEncoder->setSearchRange(pcSlice); } bool bGPBcheck=false; if ( pcSlice->getSliceType() == B_SLICE) { if ( pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList( 0 ) ) == pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList( 1 ) ) ) { bGPBcheck=true; int i; for ( i=0; i < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList( 1 ) ); i++ ) { if ( pcSlice->getRefPOC(RefPicList(1), i) != pcSlice->getRefPOC(RefPicList(0), i) ) { bGPBcheck=false; break; } } } } if(bGPBcheck) { picHeader->setMvdL1ZeroFlag(true); } else { picHeader->setMvdL1ZeroFlag(false); } if ( pcSlice->getSPS()->getUseSMVD() && pcSlice->getCheckLDC() == false && picHeader->getMvdL1ZeroFlag() == false ) { int currPOC = pcSlice->getPOC(); int forwardPOC = currPOC; int backwardPOC = currPOC; int ref = 0, refIdx0 = -1, refIdx1 = -1; // search nearest forward POC in List 0 for ( ref = 0; ref < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); ref++ ) { int poc = pcSlice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, ref )->getPOC(); const bool isRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, ref)->longTerm; if ( poc < currPOC && (poc > forwardPOC || refIdx0 == -1) && !isRefLongTerm ) { forwardPOC = poc; refIdx0 = ref; } } // search nearest backward POC in List 1 for ( ref = 0; ref < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ); ref++ ) { int poc = pcSlice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, ref )->getPOC(); const bool isRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, ref)->longTerm; if ( poc > currPOC && (poc < backwardPOC || refIdx1 == -1) && !isRefLongTerm ) { backwardPOC = poc; refIdx1 = ref; } } if ( !(forwardPOC < currPOC && backwardPOC > currPOC) ) { forwardPOC = currPOC; backwardPOC = currPOC; refIdx0 = -1; refIdx1 = -1; // search nearest backward POC in List 0 for ( ref = 0; ref < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); ref++ ) { int poc = pcSlice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, ref )->getPOC(); const bool isRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, ref)->longTerm; if ( poc > currPOC && (poc < backwardPOC || refIdx0 == -1) && !isRefLongTerm ) { backwardPOC = poc; refIdx0 = ref; } } // search nearest forward POC in List 1 for ( ref = 0; ref < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ); ref++ ) { int poc = pcSlice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, ref )->getPOC(); const bool isRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, ref)->longTerm; if ( poc < currPOC && (poc > forwardPOC || refIdx1 == -1) && !isRefLongTerm ) { forwardPOC = poc; refIdx1 = ref; } } } if ( forwardPOC < currPOC && backwardPOC > currPOC ) { pcSlice->setBiDirPred( true, refIdx0, refIdx1 ); } else { pcSlice->setBiDirPred( false, -1, -1 ); } } else { pcSlice->setBiDirPred( false, -1, -1 ); } #if JVET_Y0128_NON_CTC pcSlice->checkBMAvailability(pcSlice); pcSlice->checkAmvpMergeModeAvailability(pcSlice); #endif #if JVET_Z0054_BLK_REF_PIC_REORDER if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getUseARL()) { pcSlice->generateCombinedList(); pcSlice->generateRefPicPairList(); } #endif #if JVET_AF0159_AFFINE_SUBPU_BDOF_REFINEMENT pcSlice->generateEqualPocDist(); #endif #if JVET_AI0183_MVP_EXTENSION pcSlice->generateIntersectingMv(); #endif double lambda = 0.0; int actualHeadBits = 0; int actualTotalBits = 0; int estimatedBits = 0; int tmpBitsBeforeWriting = 0; xPicInitRateControl(estimatedBits, iGOPid, lambda, pcPic, pcSlice); uint32_t uiNumSliceSegments = 1; { pcSlice->setDefaultClpRng( *pcSlice->getSPS() ); } // Allocate some coders, now the number of tiles are known. const uint32_t numberOfCtusInFrame = pcPic->cs->pcv->sizeInCtus; const int numSubstreamsColumns = pcSlice->getPPS()->getNumTileColumns(); const int numSubstreamRows = pcSlice->getSPS()->getEntropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag() ? pcPic->cs->pcv->heightInCtus : (pcSlice->getPPS()->getNumTileRows()); const int numSubstreams = std::max<int> (numSubstreamRows * numSubstreamsColumns, (int) pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSlicesInPic()); std::vector<OutputBitstream> substreamsOut(numSubstreams); #if ENABLE_QPA pcPic->m_uEnerHpCtu.resize (numberOfCtusInFrame); pcPic->m_iOffsetCtu.resize (numberOfCtusInFrame); #if ENABLE_QPA_SUB_CTU if (pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseDQP() && pcSlice->getCuQpDeltaSubdiv() > 0) { const PreCalcValues &pcv = *pcPic->cs->pcv; const unsigned mtsLog2 = (unsigned)floorLog2(std::min (pcPic->cs->sps->getMaxTbSize(), pcv.maxCUWidth)); pcPic->m_subCtuQP.resize ((pcv.maxCUWidth >> mtsLog2) * (pcv.maxCUHeight >> mtsLog2)); } #endif #endif #if JVET_V0094_BILATERAL_FILTER #if JVET_X0071_CHROMA_BILATERAL_FILTER if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() || pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseBIF() || pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseChromaBIF()) #else // BIF happens in SAO code so this needs to be done // even if SAO=0 if BIF=1. if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() || pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseBIF() ) #endif #else #if JVET_X0071_CHROMA_BILATERAL_FILTER if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() || pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseChromaBIF()) #else if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag()) #endif #endif { pcPic->resizeSAO( numberOfCtusInFrame, 0 ); pcPic->resizeSAO( numberOfCtusInFrame, 1 ); } // it is used for signalling during CTU mode decision, i.e. before ALF processing if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getALFEnabledFlag() ) { pcPic->resizeAlfCtuEnableFlag( numberOfCtusInFrame ); pcPic->resizeAlfCtuAlternative( numberOfCtusInFrame ); pcPic->resizeAlfCtbFilterIndex(numberOfCtusInFrame); } bool decPic = false; bool encPic = false; // test if we can skip the picture entirely or decode instead of encoding try { trySkipOrDecodePicture(decPic, encPic, *m_pcCfg, pcPic, m_pcEncLib->getApsMap()); } catch(const std::exception&) { decPic = false; encPic = true; tryDecodePicture(nullptr, 0, std::string("")); } #if JVET_AI0084_ALF_RESIDUALS_SCALING if ( decPic && pcPic != nullptr && pcPic->cs->sps->getALFEnabledFlag() ) { m_pcALF->restoreAlfScalePrev( pcPic->m_alfScalePrev ); } #endif pcPic->cs->slice = pcSlice; // please keep this #if ENABLE_QPA #if JVET_AI0136_ADAPTIVE_DUAL_TREE if ( pcSlice->getPPS()->getSliceChromaQpFlag() && pcSlice->getPic()->cs->slice->isIntra() && !pcSlice->getPic()->cs->pcv->ISingleTree && !m_pcCfg->getUsePerceptQPA() && (m_pcCfg->getSliceChromaOffsetQpPeriodicity() == 0)) #else if (pcSlice->getPPS()->getSliceChromaQpFlag() && CS::isDualITree (*pcSlice->getPic()->cs) && !m_pcCfg->getUsePerceptQPA() && (m_pcCfg->getSliceChromaOffsetQpPeriodicity() == 0)) #endif #else if (pcSlice->getPPS()->getSliceChromaQpFlag() && CS::isDualITree (*pcSlice->getPic()->cs)) #endif { #if JVET_AC0096 if (!(pcSlice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR || pcSlice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR2 || pcSlice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR3)) { #endif // overwrite chroma qp offset for dual tree pcSlice->setSliceChromaQpDelta(COMPONENT_Cb, m_pcCfg->getChromaCbQpOffsetDualTree()); pcSlice->setSliceChromaQpDelta(COMPONENT_Cr, m_pcCfg->getChromaCrQpOffsetDualTree()); if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getJointCbCrEnabledFlag()) { pcSlice->setSliceChromaQpDelta(JOINT_CbCr, m_pcCfg->getChromaCbCrQpOffsetDualTree()); } m_pcSliceEncoder->setUpLambda(pcSlice, pcSlice->getLambdas()[0], pcSlice->getSliceQp()); #if JVET_AC0096 } #endif } xPicInitLMCS(pcPic, picHeader, pcSlice); #if JVET_AG0145_ADAPTIVE_CLIPPING if (m_pcCfg->getIntraPeriod() == -1) { if (pcPic->cs->slice->getSliceType() == I_SLICE) { pcSlice->setLumaPelMax((1 << pcPic->cs->sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType(COMPONENT_Y))) - 1); pcSlice->setLumaPelMin(0); } } #endif if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getScalingListFlag() && m_pcCfg->getUseScalingListId() == SCALING_LIST_FILE_READ ) { picHeader->setExplicitScalingListEnabledFlag( true ); pcSlice->setExplicitScalingListUsed( true ); int apsId = std::min<int>( 7, m_pcEncLib->getVPS() == nullptr ? 0 : m_pcEncLib->getVPS()->getGeneralLayerIdx( m_pcEncLib->getLayerId() ) ); picHeader->setScalingListAPSId( apsId ); ParameterSetMap<APS> *apsMap = m_pcEncLib->getApsMap(); APS* scalingListAPS = apsMap->getPS( ( apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN ) + SCALING_LIST_APS ); assert( scalingListAPS != NULL ); picHeader->setScalingListAPS( scalingListAPS ); } pcPic->cs->picHeader->setPic(pcPic); pcPic->cs->picHeader->setValid(); if(pcPic->cs->sps->getFpelMmvdEnabledFlag()) { // cannot set ph_fpel_mmvd_enabled_flag at slice level - need new picture-level version of checkDisFracMmvd algorithm? // m_pcSliceEncoder->checkDisFracMmvd( pcPic, 0, numberOfCtusInFrame ); bool useIntegerMVD = (pcPic->lwidth()*pcPic->lheight() > 1920 * 1080); pcPic->cs->picHeader->setDisFracMMVD( useIntegerMVD ); } if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getJointCbCrEnabledFlag()) { m_pcSliceEncoder->setJointCbCrModes(*pcPic->cs, Position(0, 0), pcPic->cs->area.lumaSize()); } if( encPic ) // now compress (trial encode) the various slice segments (slices, and dependent slices) { DTRACE_UPDATE( g_trace_ctx, ( std::make_pair( "poc", pocCurr ) ) ); const std::vector<uint16_t> sliceLosslessArray = *(m_pcCfg->getSliceLosslessArray()); bool mixedLossyLossless = m_pcCfg->getMixedLossyLossless(); if (m_pcCfg->getCostMode() == COST_LOSSLESS_CODING) { pcPic->fillSliceLossyLosslessArray(sliceLosslessArray, mixedLossyLossless); } for(uint32_t sliceIdx = 0; sliceIdx < pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSlicesInPic(); sliceIdx++ ) { pcSlice->setSliceMap( pcPic->cs->pps->getSliceMap( sliceIdx ) ); if( pcPic->cs->pps->getRectSliceFlag() ) { Position firstCtu; firstCtu.x = pcSlice->getFirstCtuRsAddrInSlice() % pcPic->cs->pps->getPicWidthInCtu(); firstCtu.y = pcSlice->getFirstCtuRsAddrInSlice() / pcPic->cs->pps->getPicWidthInCtu(); int subPicIdx = NOT_VALID; for( int sp = 0; sp < pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSubPics(); sp++ ) { if( pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic( sp ).containsCtu( firstCtu ) ) { subPicIdx = sp; break; } } CHECK( subPicIdx == NOT_VALID, "Sub-picture was not found" ); pcSlice->setSliceSubPicId( pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPic( subPicIdx ).getSubPicID() ); } if (pcPic->cs->sps->getUseLmcs()) { pcSlice->setLmcsEnabledFlag(picHeader->getLmcsEnabledFlag()); if (pcSlice->getSliceType() == I_SLICE) { //reshape original signal if( m_pcCfg->getGopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled() ) { pcPic->getOrigBuf().copyFrom( pcPic->getFilteredOrigBuf() ); } else { pcPic->getOrigBuf().copyFrom( pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf() ); } if (pcSlice->getLmcsEnabledFlag()) { pcPic->getOrigBuf(COMPONENT_Y).rspSignal(m_pcReshaper->getFwdLUT()); m_pcReshaper->setSrcReshaped(true); m_pcReshaper->setRecReshaped(true); } else { m_pcReshaper->setSrcReshaped(false); m_pcReshaper->setRecReshaped(false); } } } bool isLossless = false; if (m_pcCfg->getCostMode() == COST_LOSSLESS_CODING) { isLossless = pcPic->losslessSlice(sliceIdx); } m_pcSliceEncoder->setLosslessSlice(pcPic, isLossless); #if JVET_S0258_SUBPIC_CONSTRAINTS if( pcSlice->getSliceType() != I_SLICE && pcSlice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, 0 )->subPictures.size() > 1 ) #else if (pcSlice->getSliceType() != I_SLICE && pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, 0)->numSubpics > 1) #endif { clipMv = clipMvInSubpic; #if JVET_AJ0158_SUBBLOCK_INTER_EXTENSION clipMv2 = clipMvInSubpic2; #endif m_pcEncLib->getInterSearch()->setClipMvInSubPic(true); } else { clipMv = clipMvInPic; #if JVET_AJ0158_SUBBLOCK_INTER_EXTENSION clipMv2 = clipMvInPic2; #endif m_pcEncLib->getInterSearch()->setClipMvInSubPic(false); } m_pcSliceEncoder->precompressSlice( pcPic ); #if JVET_AJ0249_NEURAL_NETWORK_BASED pcSlice->setPnnMode(m_pcCfg->getNnipMode()); #endif m_pcSliceEncoder->compressSlice ( pcPic, false, false ); if(sliceIdx < pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSlicesInPic() - 1) { uint32_t independentSliceIdx = pcSlice->getIndependentSliceIdx(); pcPic->allocateNewSlice(); m_pcSliceEncoder->setSliceSegmentIdx (uiNumSliceSegments); // prepare for next slice pcSlice = pcPic->slices[uiNumSliceSegments]; CHECK(!(pcSlice->getPPS() != 0), "Unspecified error"); pcSlice->copySliceInfo(pcPic->slices[uiNumSliceSegments - 1]); pcSlice->setSliceBits(0); independentSliceIdx++; pcSlice->setIndependentSliceIdx(independentSliceIdx); uiNumSliceSegments++; } } duData.clear(); #if DUMP_BEFORE_INLOOP if( m_pcEncLib->getDumpBeforeInloop() ) { static VideoIOYuv ioBeforeInLoop; if( pcPic ) { if( !ioBeforeInLoop.isOpen() ) { std::string reconFileName = m_pcEncLib->m_reconFileName; size_t pos = reconFileName.find_last_of( '.' ); if( pos != string::npos ) { reconFileName.insert( pos, "beforeInloop" ); } else { reconFileName.append( "beforeInloop" ); } const BitDepths &bitDepths = pcPic->cs->sps->getBitDepths(); ioBeforeInLoop.open( reconFileName, true, bitDepths.recon, bitDepths.recon, bitDepths.recon ); } const Window &conf = pcPic->getConformanceWindow(); const SPS* sps = pcPic->cs->sps; ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC = sps->getChromaFormatIdc(); InputColourSpaceConversion outputColourSpaceConvert = IPCOLOURSPACE_UNCHANGED; bool packedYUVMode = false; bool clipOutputVideoToRec709Range = false; if( m_pcCfg->getUpscaledOutput() ) { #if JVET_AB0082 ioBeforeInLoop.writeUpscaledPicture(*sps, *pcPic->cs->pps, pcPic->getRecoBuf(), outputColourSpaceConvert, packedYUVMode, m_pcCfg->getUpscaledOutput(), NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, clipOutputVideoToRec709Range, m_pcCfg->getUpscaleFilerForDisplay()); #else ioBeforeInLoop.writeUpscaledPicture( *sps, *pcPic->cs->pps, pcPic->getRecoBuf(), outputColourSpaceConvert, packedYUVMode, m_pcCfg->getUpscaledOutput(), NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, clipOutputVideoToRec709Range ); #endif } else { ioBeforeInLoop.write( pcPic->getRecoBuf().get( COMPONENT_Y ).width, pcPic->getRecoBuf().get( COMPONENT_Y ).height, pcPic->getRecoBuf(), outputColourSpaceConvert, packedYUVMode, conf.getWindowLeftOffset() * SPS::getWinUnitX( chromaFormatIDC ), conf.getWindowRightOffset() * SPS::getWinUnitX( chromaFormatIDC ), conf.getWindowTopOffset() * SPS::getWinUnitY( chromaFormatIDC ), conf.getWindowBottomOffset() * SPS::getWinUnitY( chromaFormatIDC ), NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, clipOutputVideoToRec709Range ); } } } #endif #if JVET_Z0118_GDR pcPic->setCleanDirty(false); #endif CodingStructure& cs = *pcPic->cs; pcSlice = pcPic->slices[0]; if (cs.sps->getUseLmcs() && m_pcReshaper->getSliceReshaperInfo().getUseSliceReshaper()) { picHeader->setLmcsEnabledFlag(true); int apsId = std::min<int>(3, m_pcEncLib->getVPS() == nullptr ? 0 : m_pcEncLib->getVPS()->getGeneralLayerIdx(m_pcEncLib->getLayerId())); picHeader->setLmcsAPSId(apsId); const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv; for (uint32_t yPos = 0; yPos < pcv.lumaHeight; yPos += pcv.maxCUHeight) { for (uint32_t xPos = 0; xPos < pcv.lumaWidth; xPos += pcv.maxCUWidth) { const CodingUnit* cu = cs.getCU(Position(xPos, yPos), CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA); if (cu->slice->getLmcsEnabledFlag()) { const uint32_t width = (xPos + pcv.maxCUWidth > pcv.lumaWidth) ? (pcv.lumaWidth - xPos) : pcv.maxCUWidth; const uint32_t height = (yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight > pcv.lumaHeight) ? (pcv.lumaHeight - yPos) : pcv.maxCUHeight; const UnitArea area(cs.area.chromaFormat, Area(xPos, yPos, width, height)); cs.getRecoBuf(area).get(COMPONENT_Y).rspSignal(m_pcReshaper->getInvLUT()); } } } m_pcReshaper->setRecReshaped(false); if( m_pcCfg->getGopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled() ) { pcPic->getOrigBuf().copyFrom( pcPic->getFilteredOrigBuf() ); } else { pcPic->getOrigBuf().copyFrom( pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf() ); } } #if JVET_AA0095_ALF_WITH_SAMPLES_BEFORE_DBF if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getALFEnabledFlag()) { // create ALF object based on the picture size Size alfSize = m_pcALF->getAlfSize(); if (alfSize.width != picWidth || alfSize.height != picHeight) { m_pcALF->destroy(); m_pcALF->create(m_pcCfg, picWidth, picHeight, chromaFormatIDC, maxCUWidth, maxCUHeight, maxTotalCUDepth, m_pcCfg->getBitDepth(), m_pcCfg->getInputBitDepth()); } m_pcALF->copyDbData(cs); } #endif #if JVET_AC0162_ALF_RESIDUAL_SAMPLES_INPUT if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getALFEnabledFlag()) { // create ALF object based on the picture size Size alfSize = m_pcALF->getAlfSize(); if (alfSize.width != picWidth || alfSize.height != picHeight) { m_pcALF->destroy(); m_pcALF->create(m_pcCfg, picWidth, picHeight, chromaFormatIDC, maxCUWidth, maxCUHeight, maxTotalCUDepth, m_pcCfg->getBitDepth(), m_pcCfg->getInputBitDepth()); } m_pcALF->copyResiData(cs); } #endif #if JVET_AJ0188_CODING_INFO_CLASSIFICATION m_pcALF->callCodingInfoBuf( cs ).fill( 0 ); #endif // create SAO object based on the picture size if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() #if JVET_W0066_CCSAO || pcSlice->getSPS()->getCCSAOEnabledFlag() #endif #if JVET_V0094_BILATERAL_FILTER || pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseBIF() #endif #if JVET_X0071_CHROMA_BILATERAL_FILTER || pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseChromaBIF() #endif ) { Size saoSize = m_pcSAO->getSaoSize(); const uint32_t widthInCtus = (picWidth + maxCUWidth - 1) / maxCUWidth; const uint32_t heightInCtus = (picHeight + maxCUHeight - 1) / maxCUHeight; const uint32_t numCtuInFrame = widthInCtus * heightInCtus; const uint32_t log2SaoOffsetScaleLuma = (uint32_t)std::max(0, pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA) - MAX_SAO_TRUNCATED_BITDEPTH); const uint32_t log2SaoOffsetScaleChroma = (uint32_t)std::max(0, pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) - MAX_SAO_TRUNCATED_BITDEPTH); if ( saoSize.width != picWidth || saoSize.height != picHeight ) { m_pcSAO->create(picWidth, picHeight, chromaFormatIDC, maxCUWidth, maxCUHeight, maxTotalCUDepth, log2SaoOffsetScaleLuma, log2SaoOffsetScaleChroma); #if JVET_AJ0237_INTERNAL_12BIT m_pcSAO->m_bilateralFilter.setInternalBitDepth(pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)); #endif m_pcSAO->setReshaper(m_pcReshaper); } // create SAO encoder data based on the picture size m_pcSAO->destroyEncData(); m_pcSAO->createEncData(m_pcCfg->getSaoCtuBoundary(), numCtuInFrame); } if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getScalingListFlag() && m_pcCfg->getUseScalingListId() == SCALING_LIST_FILE_READ ) { picHeader->setExplicitScalingListEnabledFlag(true); pcSlice->setExplicitScalingListUsed(true); int apsId = 0; picHeader->setScalingListAPSId( apsId ); } // SAO parameter estimation using non-deblocked pixels for CTU bottom and right boundary areas if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() && m_pcCfg->getSaoCtuBoundary() ) { // This is fine to skip even if SAO=0 and BIF=1. m_pcSAO->getPreDBFStatistics( cs ); } //-- Loop filter if ( m_pcCfg->getDeblockingFilterMetric() ) { #if W0038_DB_OPT if ( m_pcCfg->getDeblockingFilterMetric()==2 ) { applyDeblockingFilterParameterSelection(pcPic, uiNumSliceSegments, iGOPid); } else { #endif applyDeblockingFilterMetric(pcPic, uiNumSliceSegments); #if W0038_DB_OPT } #endif } #if DB_PARAM_TID else { applyDeblockingFilterParameterSelection( pcPic, pcSlice, uiNumSliceSegments, iGOPid ); } #endif if (m_pcCfg->getCostMode() == COST_LOSSLESS_CODING) { for (int s = 0; s < uiNumSliceSegments; s++) { if (pcPic->slices[s]->isLossless()) { pcPic->slices[s]->setDeblockingFilterDisable(true); } } } #if JVET_AB0171_ASYMMETRIC_DB_FOR_GDR if (m_pcCfg->getAsymmetricILF() && (pcPic->cs->picHeader->getInGdrInterval() || pcPic->cs->picHeader->getIsGdrRecoveryPocPic())) { m_pcLoopFilter->setAsymmetricDB(true); } else { m_pcLoopFilter->setAsymmetricDB(false); } #endif #if JVET_AJ0188_CODING_INFO_CLASSIFICATION const bool storeCodingInfo = cs.sps->getALFEnabledFlag(); PelUnitBuf codingInfoBuf = storeCodingInfo ? m_pcALF->callCodingInfoBuf( cs ) : PelUnitBuf(); m_pcLoopFilter->loopFilterPic( cs, codingInfoBuf, storeCodingInfo ); #else m_pcLoopFilter->loopFilterPic( cs ); #endif #if !MULTI_PASS_DMVR CS::setRefinedMotionField(cs); #endif #if JVET_AE0043_CCP_MERGE_TEMPORAL if ((pcPic->temporalId == 0) || (pcPic->temporalId < pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxTLayers() - 1)) { CS::saveTemporalCcpModel(cs); } #endif #if JVET_AG0058_EIP if ((pcPic->temporalId == 0) || (pcPic->temporalId < pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxTLayers() - 1)) { CS::saveTemporalEipModel(cs); } #endif #if JVET_W0066_CCSAO if ( cs.sps->getCCSAOEnabledFlag() ) { m_pcSAO->getCcSaoBuf().copyFrom( cs.getRecoBuf() ); } #endif #if JVET_V0094_BILATERAL_FILTER #if JVET_X0071_CHROMA_BILATERAL_FILTER if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() || pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseBIF() || pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseChromaBIF()) #else // We need to do this step if at least one of BIF or SAO are enabled. if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() || pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseBIF()) #endif #else #if JVET_X0071_CHROMA_BILATERAL_FILTER if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() || pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseChromaBIF()) #else if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() ) #endif #endif { bool sliceEnabled[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; m_pcSAO->initCABACEstimator( m_pcEncLib->getCABACEncoder(), m_pcEncLib->getCtxCache(), pcSlice ); #if JVET_V0094_BILATERAL_FILTER BIFCabacEstImp est(m_pcEncLib->getCABACEncoder()->getCABACEstimator(cs.slice->getSPS())); #endif m_pcSAO->SAOProcess( cs, sliceEnabled, pcSlice->getLambdas(), #if ENABLE_QPA (m_pcCfg->getUsePerceptQPA() && !m_pcCfg->getUseRateCtrl() && pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseDQP() ? m_pcEncLib->getRdCost (PARL_PARAM0 (0))->getChromaWeight() : 0.0), #endif m_pcCfg->getTestSAODisableAtPictureLevel(), m_pcCfg->getSaoEncodingRate(), m_pcCfg->getSaoEncodingRateChroma(), m_pcCfg->getSaoCtuBoundary(), m_pcCfg->getSaoGreedyMergeEnc() #if JVET_V0094_BILATERAL_FILTER , &est #endif ); //assign SAO slice header #if JVET_V0094_BILATERAL_FILTER || JVET_X0071_CHROMA_BILATERAL_FILTER if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() ) { #endif for (int s = 0; s < uiNumSliceSegments; s++) { if (pcPic->slices[s]->isLossless() && m_pcCfg->getCostMode() == COST_LOSSLESS_CODING) { pcPic->slices[s]->setSaoEnabledFlag(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, false); pcPic->slices[s]->setSaoEnabledFlag(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, false); } else { pcPic->slices[s]->setSaoEnabledFlag(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, sliceEnabled[COMPONENT_Y]); CHECK(!(sliceEnabled[COMPONENT_Cb] == sliceEnabled[COMPONENT_Cr]), "Unspecified error"); pcPic->slices[s]->setSaoEnabledFlag(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, sliceEnabled[COMPONENT_Cb]); } } #if JVET_V0094_BILATERAL_FILTER || JVET_X0071_CHROMA_BILATERAL_FILTER } #endif } #if JVET_W0066_CCSAO if ( pcSlice->getSPS()->getCCSAOEnabledFlag() ) { m_pcSAO->initCABACEstimator( m_pcEncLib->getCABACEncoder(), m_pcEncLib->getCtxCache(), pcSlice ); m_pcSAO->CCSAOProcess( cs, pcSlice->getLambdas(), m_pcCfg->getIntraPeriod() ); //assign CCSAO slice header for (int s = 0; s < uiNumSliceSegments; s++) { pcPic->slices[s]->m_ccSaoComParam = m_pcSAO->getCcSaoComParam(); pcPic->slices[s]->m_ccSaoControl[COMPONENT_Y] = m_pcSAO->getCcSaoControlIdc(COMPONENT_Y); pcPic->slices[s]->m_ccSaoControl[COMPONENT_Cb] = m_pcSAO->getCcSaoControlIdc(COMPONENT_Cb); pcPic->slices[s]->m_ccSaoControl[COMPONENT_Cr] = m_pcSAO->getCcSaoControlIdc(COMPONENT_Cr); } } m_pcSAO->jointClipSaoBifCcSao( cs ); #endif if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() #if JVET_W0066_CCSAO || pcSlice->getSPS()->getCCSAOEnabledFlag() #endif ) { m_pcSAO->destroyEncData(); } #if RPR_ENABLE && !JVET_AA0095_ALF_WITH_SAMPLES_BEFORE_DBF // create ALF object based on the picture size if ( pcSlice->getSPS()->getALFEnabledFlag() ) { Size alfSize = m_pcALF->getAlfSize(); if ( alfSize.width != picWidth || alfSize.height != picHeight ) { m_pcALF->destroy(); m_pcALF->create( m_pcCfg, picWidth, picHeight, chromaFormatIDC, maxCUWidth, maxCUHeight, maxTotalCUDepth, m_pcCfg->getBitDepth(), m_pcCfg->getInputBitDepth() ); } } #endif if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getALFEnabledFlag() ) { // create ALF encoder data based on the picture size m_pcALF->create(m_pcCfg, picWidth, picHeight, chromaFormatIDC, maxCUWidth, maxCUHeight, maxTotalCUDepth, m_pcCfg->getBitDepth(), m_pcCfg->getInputBitDepth(), true); for (int s = 0; s < uiNumSliceSegments; s++) { pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y, false); } m_pcALF->initCABACEstimator(m_pcEncLib->getCABACEncoder(), m_pcEncLib->getCtxCache(), pcSlice, m_pcEncLib->getApsMap()); m_pcALF->ALFProcess(cs, pcSlice->getLambdas() #if ENABLE_QPA , (m_pcCfg->getUsePerceptQPA() && !m_pcCfg->getUseRateCtrl() && pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseDQP() ? m_pcEncLib->getRdCost(PARL_PARAM0(0))->getChromaWeight() : 0.0) #endif , pcPic, uiNumSliceSegments #if JVET_AC0162_ALF_RESIDUAL_SAMPLES_INPUT , m_pcCfg->getIntraPeriod() #endif ); //assign ALF slice header for (int s = 0; s < uiNumSliceSegments; s++) { //For the first slice, even if it is lossless, slice level ALF is not disabled and ALF-APS is signaled so that the later lossy slices can use APS of the first slice. //However, if the first slice is lossless, the ALF process is disabled for all of the CTUs ( m_ctuEnableFlag == 0) of that slice which is implemented in the function void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::ALFProcess. if (pcPic->slices[s]->isLossless() && s && m_pcCfg->getCostMode() == COST_LOSSLESS_CODING) { pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y, false); pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cb, false); pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cr, false); } else { pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y, cs.slice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y)); pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cb, cs.slice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cb)); pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cr, cs.slice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cr)); } if (pcPic->slices[s]->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y)) { #if ALF_IMPROVEMENT #if JVET_AG0157_ALF_CHROMA_FIXED_FILTER pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Y, cs.slice->getTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Y)); #else pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(cs.slice->getTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx()); #endif #endif pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupNumAps(cs.slice->getTileGroupNumAps()); pcPic->slices[s]->setAlfAPSs(cs.slice->getTileGroupApsIdLuma()); } else { pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupNumAps(0); } if( s < uiNumSliceSegments - 1 ) { pcPic->slices[s]->setAlfAPSs(cs.slice->getAlfAPSs()); } pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupApsIdChroma(cs.slice->getTileGroupApsIdChroma()); pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupCcAlfCbApsId(cs.slice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbApsId()); pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupCcAlfCrApsId(cs.slice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrApsId()); #if JVET_AG0157_ALF_CHROMA_FIXED_FILTER pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Cb, cs.slice->getTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Cb)); pcPic->slices[s]->setTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Cr, cs.slice->getTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Cr)); #endif pcPic->slices[s]->m_ccAlfFilterParam = m_pcALF->getCcAlfFilterParam(); pcPic->slices[s]->m_ccAlfFilterControl[0] = m_pcALF->getCcAlfControlIdc(COMPONENT_Cb); pcPic->slices[s]->m_ccAlfFilterControl[1] = m_pcALF->getCcAlfControlIdc(COMPONENT_Cr); } m_pcALF->destroy(true); } DTRACE_UPDATE( g_trace_ctx, ( std::make_pair( "final", 1 ) ) ); if (m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() && getPrepareLTRef()) { updateCompositeReference(pcSlice, rcListPic, pocCurr); } #if JVET_AG0145_ADAPTIVE_CLIPPING adaptiveClipToRealRange(pcPic); #endif } else // skip enc picture { pcSlice->setSliceQpBase( pcSlice->getSliceQp() ); #if JVET_Z0135_TEMP_CABAC_WIN_WEIGHT m_pcSliceEncoder->getCABACDataStore()->updateBufferState( pcSlice ); #endif #if JVET_AG0098_AMVP_WITH_SBTMVP m_pcSliceEncoder->clearAmvpSbTmvpStatArea(pcSlice); if (pcSlice->getPicHeader()->getEnableTMVPFlag() && !pcSlice->isIntra()) { int minPoc = abs(pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(1 - pcSlice->getColFromL0Flag()), pcSlice->getColRefIdx())->getPOC() - pcSlice->getPOC()); if (pcSlice->isInterB() && pcSlice->getCheckLDC()) { int min2ndPoc = abs(pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(1 - pcSlice->getColFromL0Flag2nd()), pcSlice->getColRefIdx2nd())->getPOC() - pcSlice->getPOC()); minPoc = min(minPoc, min2ndPoc); } if (minPoc > 4) { pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpEnabledFlag(false); pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpAmvrEnabledFlag(false); } else { pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpEnabledFlag(true); g_picAmvpSbTmvpEnabledArea = 0; uint32_t prevEnabledArea; bool isExist = m_pcSliceEncoder->loadAmvpSbTmvpStatArea(pcSlice->getTLayer(), prevEnabledArea); if (isExist) { int ratio = int(prevEnabledArea * 100.0 / (pcSlice->getPic()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() * pcSlice->getPic()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples())); if (ratio < 4) { pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpNumOffset(1); } else if (ratio < 7) { pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpNumOffset(2); } else { pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpNumOffset(3); } } else { pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpNumOffset(2); } if (pcSlice->isInterB() && pcSlice->getCheckLDC()) { if (pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(1 - pcSlice->getColFromL0Flag()), pcSlice->getColRefIdx())->getPOC() == pcSlice->getRefPic(RefPicList(1 - pcSlice->getColFromL0Flag2nd()), pcSlice->getColRefIdx2nd())->getPOC()) { pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpNumColPic(1); } else { pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpNumColPic(2); } } else { pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpNumColPic(1); } pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpAmvrEnabledFlag(pcSlice->getPic()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() * pcSlice->getPic()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() < 3840 * 2160 ? false : true); } } else { pcSlice->setAmvpSbTmvpEnabledFlag(false); } #endif #if ENABLE_QPA if (m_pcCfg->getUsePerceptQPA() && !m_pcCfg->getUseRateCtrl() && pcSlice->getPPS()->getUseDQP()) { const double picLambda = pcSlice->getLambdas()[0]; for (uint32_t ctuRsAddr = 0; ctuRsAddr < numberOfCtusInFrame; ctuRsAddr++) { pcPic->m_uEnerHpCtu[ctuRsAddr] = picLambda; // initialize to slice lambda (just for safety) } } #endif if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getSAOEnabledFlag() ) { // This does not need to be run even if BIF=1. m_pcSAO->disabledRate( *pcPic->cs, pcPic->getSAO(1), m_pcCfg->getSaoEncodingRate(), m_pcCfg->getSaoEncodingRateChroma()); } if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getALFEnabledFlag() && (pcSlice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y) || pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbEnabledFlag() || pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrEnabledFlag())) { // IRAP AU: reset APS map { int layerIdx = pcSlice->getVPS() == nullptr ? 0 : pcSlice->getVPS()->getGeneralLayerIdx( pcSlice->getPic()->layerId ); if( !layerIdx && ( pcSlice->getPendingRasInit() || pcSlice->isIDRorBLA() ) ) { // We have to reset all APS on IRAP, but in not encoding case we have to keep the parsed APS of current slice // Get active ALF APSs from picture/slice header const std::vector<int> sliceApsIdsLuma = pcSlice->getTileGroupApsIdLuma(); m_pcALF->setApsIdStart( ALF_CTB_MAX_NUM_APS ); ParameterSetMap<APS>* apsMap = m_pcEncLib->getApsMap(); apsMap->clear(); for( int apsId = 0; apsId < ALF_CTB_MAX_NUM_APS; apsId++ ) { int psId = ( apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN ) + ALF_APS; APS* aps = apsMap->getPS( psId ); if( aps ) { // Check if this APS is currently the active one (used in current slice) bool activeAps = false; bool activeApsCcAlf = false; // Luma for( int i = 0; i < sliceApsIdsLuma.size(); i++ ) { if( aps->getAPSId() == sliceApsIdsLuma[i] ) { activeAps = true; break; } } // Chroma activeAps |= aps->getAPSId() == pcSlice->getTileGroupApsIdChroma(); // CC-ALF activeApsCcAlf |= pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbEnabledFlag() && aps->getAPSId() == pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbApsId(); activeApsCcAlf |= pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrEnabledFlag() && aps->getAPSId() == pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrApsId(); if( !activeAps && !activeApsCcAlf ) { apsMap->clearChangedFlag( psId ); } if( !activeAps ) { aps->getAlfAPSParam().reset(); } if( !activeApsCcAlf ) { aps->getCcAlfAPSParam().reset(); } } } } } // Assign tne correct APS to slice and emulate the setting of ALF start APS ID int changedApsId = -1; for( int apsId = ALF_CTB_MAX_NUM_APS - 1; apsId >= 0; apsId-- ) { ParameterSetMap<APS>* apsMap = m_pcEncLib->getApsMap(); int psId = ( apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN ) + ALF_APS; APS* aps = apsMap->getPS( psId ); if( aps ) { // In slice, replace the old APS (from decoder map) with the APS from encoder map due to later checks while bitstream writing if( pcSlice->getAlfAPSs() && pcSlice->getAlfAPSs()[apsId] ) { pcSlice->getAlfAPSs()[apsId] = aps; } if( apsMap->getChangedFlag( psId ) ) changedApsId = apsId; } } if( changedApsId >= 0 ) m_pcALF->setApsIdStart( changedApsId ); } } pcSlice->freeScaledRefPicList( scaledRefPic ); if( m_pcCfg->getUseAMaxBT() ) { for( const CodingUnit *cu : pcPic->cs->cus ) { if( !pcSlice->isIntra() ) { m_uiBlkSize[pcSlice->getDepth()] += cu->Y().area(); m_uiNumBlk [pcSlice->getDepth()]++; } } } if( encPic || decPic ) { pcSlice = pcPic->slices[0]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File writing #if EMBEDDED_APS m_aps.clear(); #endif // write various parameter sets #if JVET_Z0118_GDR // note : insert SPS/PPS at every GDR picture bool writePS = m_bSeqFirst || (m_pcCfg->getReWriteParamSets() && (pcSlice->isIRAP())) || pcSlice->isInterGDR(); #else bool writePS = m_bSeqFirst || (m_pcCfg->getReWriteParamSets() && (pcSlice->isIRAP())); #endif if (writePS) { m_pcEncLib->setParamSetChanged(pcSlice->getSPS()->getSPSId(), pcSlice->getPPS()->getPPSId()); } int layerIdx = m_pcEncLib->getVPS() == nullptr ? 0 : m_pcEncLib->getVPS()->getGeneralLayerIdx( m_pcEncLib->getLayerId() ); // it is assumed that layerIdx equal to 0 is always present m_audIrapOrGdrAuFlag = pcSlice->getPicHeader()->getGdrPicFlag() || (pcSlice->isIRAP() && !pcSlice->getPPS()->getMixedNaluTypesInPicFlag()); if ((( m_pcEncLib->getVPS()->getMaxLayers() > 1 && m_audIrapOrGdrAuFlag) || m_pcCfg->getAccessUnitDelimiter()) && !layerIdx ) { xWriteAccessUnitDelimiter(accessUnit, pcSlice); } // it is assumed that layerIdx equal to 0 is always present actualTotalBits += xWriteParameterSets(accessUnit, pcSlice, writePS, layerIdx); if (writePS) { // create prefix SEI messages at the beginning of the sequence CHECK(!(leadingSeiMessages.empty()), "Unspecified error"); xCreateIRAPLeadingSEIMessages(leadingSeiMessages, pcSlice->getSPS(), pcSlice->getPPS()); m_bSeqFirst = false; } //send LMCS APS when LMCSModel is updated. It can be updated even current slice does not enable reshaper. //For example, in RA, update is on intra slice, but intra slice may not use reshaper if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getUseLmcs()) { //only 1 LMCS data for 1 picture int apsId = picHeader->getLmcsAPSId(); ParameterSetMap<APS> *apsMap = m_pcEncLib->getApsMap(); APS* aps = apsMap->getPS((apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + LMCS_APS); bool writeAPS = aps && apsMap->getChangedFlag((apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + LMCS_APS); #if JVET_Z0118_GDR // note : insert APS at every GDR picture if (aps && apsId >= 0) { writeAPS |= pcSlice->isInterGDR(); } #endif if (writeAPS) { #if JVET_R0433 aps->chromaPresentFlag = pcSlice->getSPS()->getChromaFormatIdc() != CHROMA_400; #endif actualTotalBits += xWriteAPS( accessUnit, aps, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId(), true ); apsMap->clearChangedFlag((apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + LMCS_APS); #if JVET_Z0118_GDR if (!pcSlice->isInterGDR()) { CHECK(aps != picHeader->getLmcsAPS(), "Wrong LMCS APS pointer in compressGOP"); } #else CHECK(aps != picHeader->getLmcsAPS(), "Wrong LMCS APS pointer in compressGOP"); #endif } } // only 1 SCALING LIST data for 1 picture if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getScalingListFlag() && ( m_pcCfg->getUseScalingListId() == SCALING_LIST_FILE_READ ) ) { int apsId = picHeader->getScalingListAPSId(); ParameterSetMap<APS> *apsMap = m_pcEncLib->getApsMap(); APS* aps = apsMap->getPS( ( apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN ) + SCALING_LIST_APS ); bool writeAPS = aps && apsMap->getChangedFlag( ( apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN ) + SCALING_LIST_APS ); #if JVET_Z0118_GDR // note : insert APS at every GDR picture if (aps && apsId >= 0) { writeAPS |= pcSlice->isInterGDR(); } #endif if( writeAPS ) { #if JVET_R0433 aps->chromaPresentFlag = pcSlice->getSPS()->getChromaFormatIdc() != CHROMA_400; #endif actualTotalBits += xWriteAPS( accessUnit, aps, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId(), true ); apsMap->clearChangedFlag( ( apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN ) + SCALING_LIST_APS ); #if JVET_Z0118_GDR if (!pcSlice->isInterGDR()) { CHECK(aps != picHeader->getScalingListAPS(), "Wrong SCALING LIST APS pointer in compressGOP"); } #else CHECK( aps != picHeader->getScalingListAPS(), "Wrong SCALING LIST APS pointer in compressGOP" ); #endif } } if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getALFEnabledFlag() && (pcSlice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y) || pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbEnabledFlag() || pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrEnabledFlag())) { for (int apsId = 0; apsId < ALF_CTB_MAX_NUM_APS; apsId++) { ParameterSetMap<APS> *apsMap = m_pcEncLib->getApsMap(); APS* aps = apsMap->getPS((apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + ALF_APS); bool writeAPS = aps && apsMap->getChangedFlag((apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + ALF_APS); if (!aps && pcSlice->getAlfAPSs() && pcSlice->getAlfAPSs()[apsId]) { writeAPS = true; aps = pcSlice->getAlfAPSs()[apsId]; // use asp from slice header *apsMap->allocatePS((apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + ALF_APS) = *aps; //allocate and cpy m_pcALF->setApsIdStart( apsId ); } else if (pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbEnabledFlag() && !aps && apsId == pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbApsId()) { writeAPS = true; aps = apsMap->getPS((pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbApsId() << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + ALF_APS); } else if (pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrEnabledFlag() && !aps && apsId == pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrApsId()) { writeAPS = true; aps = apsMap->getPS((pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrApsId() << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + ALF_APS); } #if JVET_Z0118_GDR // note : insert APS at every GDR picture if (aps && apsId >= 0) { writeAPS |= (pcSlice->isInterGDR()); } #endif if (writeAPS ) { #if JVET_R0433 aps->chromaPresentFlag = pcSlice->getSPS()->getChromaFormatIdc() != CHROMA_400; #endif actualTotalBits += xWriteAPS( accessUnit, aps, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId(), true ); apsMap->clearChangedFlag((apsId << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN) + ALF_APS); #if JVET_Z0118_GDR if (!pcSlice->isInterGDR()) { CHECK(aps != pcSlice->getAlfAPSs()[apsId] && apsId != pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbApsId() && apsId != pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrApsId(), "Wrong APS pointer in compressGOP"); } #else CHECK(aps != pcSlice->getAlfAPSs()[apsId] && apsId != pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbApsId() && apsId != pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrApsId(), "Wrong APS pointer in compressGOP"); #endif } } } // reset presence of BP SEI indication m_bufferingPeriodSEIPresentInAU = false; // create prefix SEI associated with a picture xCreatePerPictureSEIMessages(iGOPid, leadingSeiMessages, nestedSeiMessages, pcSlice); // pcSlice is currently slice 0. std::size_t binCountsInNalUnits = 0; // For implementation of cabac_zero_word stuffing (section std::size_t numBytesInVclNalUnits = 0; // For implementation of cabac_zero_word stuffing (section #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO std::size_t sumZeroWords = 0; // sum of cabac_zero_word inserted per sub-picture std::vector<EncBitstreamParams> subPicStats (pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSubPics()); #endif for(uint32_t sliceSegmentIdxCount = 0; sliceSegmentIdxCount < pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSlicesInPic(); sliceSegmentIdxCount++ ) { pcSlice = pcPic->slices[sliceSegmentIdxCount]; if(sliceSegmentIdxCount > 0 && pcSlice->getSliceType()!= I_SLICE) { pcSlice->checkColRefIdx(sliceSegmentIdxCount, pcPic); } m_pcSliceEncoder->setSliceSegmentIdx(sliceSegmentIdxCount); pcSlice->setRPL0(pcPic->slices[0]->getRPL0()); pcSlice->setRPL1(pcPic->slices[0]->getRPL1()); pcSlice->setRPL0idx(pcPic->slices[0]->getRPL0idx()); pcSlice->setRPL1idx(pcPic->slices[0]->getRPL1idx()); picHeader->setNoOutputBeforeRecoveryFlag( false ); if (pcSlice->isIRAP()) { if (pcSlice->getNalUnitType() >= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL && pcSlice->getNalUnitType() <= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP) { picHeader->setNoOutputBeforeRecoveryFlag( true ); } //the inference for NoOutputPriorPicsFlag // KJS: This cannot happen at the encoder if( !m_bFirst && ( pcSlice->isIRAP() || pcSlice->getNalUnitType() >= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR ) && picHeader->getNoOutputBeforeRecoveryFlag() ) { if (pcSlice->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA || pcSlice->getNalUnitType() >= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR) { #if JVET_S0193_NO_OUTPUT_PRIOR_PIC pcSlice->setNoOutputOfPriorPicsFlag(true); #else picHeader->setNoOutputOfPriorPicsFlag(true); #endif } } } // code picture header before first slice if(sliceSegmentIdxCount == 0) { // code RPL in picture header or slice headers if( !m_pcCfg->getSliceLevelRpl() && (!pcSlice->getIdrPicFlag() || pcSlice->getSPS()->getIDRRefParamListPresent()) ) { picHeader->setRPL0idx(pcSlice->getRPL0idx()); picHeader->setRPL1idx(pcSlice->getRPL1idx()); picHeader->setRPL0(pcSlice->getRPL0()); picHeader->setRPL1(pcSlice->getRPL1()); *picHeader->getLocalRPL0() = *pcSlice->getLocalRPL0(); *picHeader->getLocalRPL1() = *pcSlice->getLocalRPL1(); } // code DBLK in picture header or slice headers if( !m_pcCfg->getSliceLevelDblk() ) { picHeader->setDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag ( pcSlice->getDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag() ); picHeader->setDeblockingFilterDisable ( pcSlice->getDeblockingFilterDisable() ); picHeader->setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 ( pcSlice->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2() ); picHeader->setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 ( pcSlice->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2() ); picHeader->setDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2( pcSlice->getDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2() ); picHeader->setDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2 ( pcSlice->getDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2() ); picHeader->setDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2( pcSlice->getDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2() ); picHeader->setDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2 ( pcSlice->getDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2() ); } if (!m_pcCfg->getSliceLevelDeltaQp()) { picHeader->setQpDelta(pcSlice->getSliceQp() - (pcSlice->getPPS()->getPicInitQPMinus26() + 26)); } // code SAO parameters in picture header or slice headers if( !m_pcCfg->getSliceLevelSao() ) { picHeader->setSaoEnabledFlag(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, pcSlice->getSaoEnabledFlag(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA )); picHeader->setSaoEnabledFlag(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, pcSlice->getSaoEnabledFlag(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA)); #if JVET_W0066_CCSAO picHeader->setCcSaoEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y, pcSlice->getCcSaoEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y)); picHeader->setCcSaoEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cb, pcSlice->getCcSaoEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cb)); picHeader->setCcSaoEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cr, pcSlice->getCcSaoEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cr)); #endif } // code ALF parameters in picture header or slice headers if( !m_pcCfg->getSliceLevelAlf() ) { picHeader->setAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y, pcSlice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y ) ); picHeader->setAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cb, pcSlice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cb) ); picHeader->setAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cr, pcSlice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cr) ); #if ALF_IMPROVEMENT #if JVET_AG0157_ALF_CHROMA_FIXED_FILTER picHeader->setAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Y, pcSlice->getTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Y)); picHeader->setAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Cb, pcSlice->getTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Cb)); picHeader->setAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Cr, pcSlice->getTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(COMPONENT_Cr)); #else picHeader->setAlfFixedFilterSetIdx(pcSlice->getTileGroupAlfFixedFilterSetIdx()); #endif #endif picHeader->setNumAlfAps(pcSlice->getTileGroupNumAps()); picHeader->setAlfAPSs(pcSlice->getTileGroupApsIdLuma()); picHeader->setAlfApsIdChroma(pcSlice->getTileGroupApsIdChroma()); picHeader->setCcAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cb, pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbEnabledFlag()); picHeader->setCcAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cr, pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrEnabledFlag()); picHeader->setCcAlfCbApsId(pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCbApsId()); picHeader->setCcAlfCrApsId(pcSlice->getTileGroupCcAlfCrApsId()); } // code WP parameters in picture header or slice headers if (!m_pcCfg->getSliceLevelWp()) { picHeader->setWpScaling(pcSlice->getWpScalingAll()); picHeader->setNumL0Weights(pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0)); picHeader->setNumL0Weights(pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1)); } picHeader->setDisFracMBVD(pcSlice->getPicHeader()->getDisFracMBVD()); pcPic->cs->picHeader->setPic(pcPic); pcPic->cs->picHeader->setValid(); if (pcPic->cs->pps->getNumSlicesInPic() > 1 || !m_pcCfg->getEnablePictureHeaderInSliceHeader()) { pcSlice->setPictureHeaderInSliceHeader(false); actualTotalBits += xWritePicHeader(accessUnit, pcPic->cs->picHeader); } else { pcSlice->setPictureHeaderInSliceHeader(true); } if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getProfileTierLevel()->getConstraintInfo()->getPicHeaderInSliceHeaderConstraintFlag()) { CHECK(pcSlice->getPictureHeaderInSliceHeader() == false, "PH shall be present in SH, when pic_header_in_slice_header_constraint_flag is equal to 1"); } } pcSlice->setPicHeader( pcPic->cs->picHeader ); pcSlice->setNalUnitLayerId( m_pcEncLib->getLayerId() ); for ( uint32_t ui = 0 ; ui < numSubstreams; ui++ ) { substreamsOut[ui].clear(); } /* start slice NALunit */ OutputNALUnit nalu( pcSlice->getNalUnitType(), m_pcEncLib->getLayerId(), pcSlice->getTLayer() ); m_HLSWriter->setBitstream( &nalu.m_Bitstream ); tmpBitsBeforeWriting = m_HLSWriter->getNumberOfWrittenBits(); #if EMBEDDED_APS m_HLSWriter->codeSliceHeader( m_aps, pcSlice ); #else m_HLSWriter->codeSliceHeader( pcSlice ); #endif actualHeadBits += ( m_HLSWriter->getNumberOfWrittenBits() - tmpBitsBeforeWriting ); pcSlice->setFinalized(true); pcSlice->resetNumberOfSubstream( ); pcSlice->setNumSubstream( pcSlice->getSPS(), pcSlice->getPPS() ); pcSlice->clearSubstreamSizes( ); #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO const int subpicIdx = pcPic->cs->pps->getSubPicIdxFromSubPicId(pcSlice->getSliceSubPicId()); #endif { uint32_t numBinsCoded = 0; m_pcSliceEncoder->encodeSlice(pcPic, &(substreamsOut[0]), numBinsCoded); binCountsInNalUnits+=numBinsCoded; #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO subPicStats[subpicIdx].numBinsWritten += numBinsCoded; #endif } { // Construct the final bitstream by concatenating substreams. // The final bitstream is either nalu.m_Bitstream or pcBitstreamRedirect; // Complete the slice header info. m_HLSWriter->setBitstream( &nalu.m_Bitstream ); m_HLSWriter->codeTilesWPPEntryPoint( pcSlice ); // Append substreams... OutputBitstream *pcOut = pcBitstreamRedirect; const int numSubstreamsToCode = pcSlice->getNumberOfSubstream() + 1; for ( uint32_t ui = 0 ; ui < numSubstreamsToCode; ui++ ) { pcOut->addSubstream(&(substreamsOut[ui])); } } // If current NALU is the first NALU of slice (containing slice header) and more NALUs exist (due to multiple dependent slices) then buffer it. // If current NALU is the last NALU of slice and a NALU was buffered, then (a) Write current NALU (b) Update an write buffered NALU at approproate location in NALU list. bool bNALUAlignedWrittenToList = false; // used to ensure current NALU is not written more than once to the NALU list. xAttachSliceDataToNalUnit(nalu, pcBitstreamRedirect); accessUnit.push_back(new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); actualTotalBits += uint32_t(accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData.str().size()) * 8; numBytesInVclNalUnits += (std::size_t)(accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData.str().size()); #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO subPicStats[subpicIdx].numBytesInVclNalUnits += (std::size_t)(accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData.str().size()); #endif bNALUAlignedWrittenToList = true; if (!bNALUAlignedWrittenToList) { nalu.m_Bitstream.writeAlignZero(); accessUnit.push_back(new NALUnitEBSP(nalu)); } if( ( m_pcCfg->getPictureTimingSEIEnabled() || m_pcCfg->getDecodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled() ) && ((pcSlice->getSPS()->getGeneralHrdParameters()->getGeneralNalHrdParametersPresentFlag()) || (pcSlice->getSPS()->getGeneralHrdParameters()->getGeneralVclHrdParametersPresentFlag())) && (pcSlice->getSPS()->getGeneralHrdParameters()->getGeneralDecodingUnitHrdParamsPresentFlag())) { uint32_t numNalus = 0; uint32_t numRBSPBytes = 0; for (AccessUnit::const_iterator it = accessUnit.begin(); it != accessUnit.end(); it++) { numRBSPBytes += uint32_t((*it)->m_nalUnitData.str().size()); numNalus ++; } duData.push_back(DUData()); duData.back().accumBitsDU = ( numRBSPBytes << 3 ); duData.back().accumNalsDU = numNalus; } #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO if (pcSlice->isLastSliceInSubpic()) { // Check picture level encoding constraints/requirements ProfileLevelTierFeatures profileLevelTierFeatures; profileLevelTierFeatures.extractPTLInformation(*(pcSlice->getSPS())); sumZeroWords += cabac_zero_word_padding(pcSlice, pcPic, subPicStats[subpicIdx].numBinsWritten, subPicStats[subpicIdx].numBytesInVclNalUnits, 0, accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData, m_pcCfg->getCabacZeroWordPaddingEnabled(), profileLevelTierFeatures); } #endif } // end iteration over slices { // Check picture level encoding constraints/requirements ProfileLevelTierFeatures profileLevelTierFeatures; profileLevelTierFeatures.extractPTLInformation(*(pcSlice->getSPS())); validateMinCrRequirements(profileLevelTierFeatures, numBytesInVclNalUnits, pcPic, m_pcCfg); // cabac_zero_words processing #if JVET_Q0406_CABAC_ZERO cabac_zero_word_padding(pcSlice, pcPic, binCountsInNalUnits, numBytesInVclNalUnits, sumZeroWords, accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData, m_pcCfg->getCabacZeroWordPaddingEnabled(), profileLevelTierFeatures); #else cabac_zero_word_padding(pcSlice, pcPic, binCountsInNalUnits, numBytesInVclNalUnits, accessUnit.back()->m_nalUnitData, m_pcCfg->getCabacZeroWordPaddingEnabled(), profileLevelTierFeatures); #endif } #if JVET_Z0118_GDR pcPic->setCleanDirty(false); pcPic->copyCleanCurPicture(); #endif //-- For time output for each slice auto elapsed = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - beforeTime; auto encTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( elapsed ).count()/1000.0; std::string digestStr; #if JVET_Z0118_GDR // note : generate hash sei only for non-gdr pictures bool genHash = !(m_pcCfg->getGdrNoHash() && pcSlice->getPicHeader()->getInGdrInterval()); if (m_pcCfg->getDecodedPictureHashSEIType() != HASHTYPE_NONE && genHash) #else if (m_pcCfg->getDecodedPictureHashSEIType()!=HASHTYPE_NONE) #endif { SEIDecodedPictureHash *decodedPictureHashSei = new SEIDecodedPictureHash(); PelUnitBuf recoBuf = pcPic->cs->getRecoBuf(); m_seiEncoder.initDecodedPictureHashSEI(decodedPictureHashSei, recoBuf, digestStr, pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepths()); trailingSeiMessages.push_back(decodedPictureHashSei); } #if JVET_R0294_SUBPIC_HASH // create per-subpicture decoded picture hash SEI messages, if more than one subpicture is enabled const PPS* pps = pcPic->cs->pps; const int numSubpics = pps->getNumSubPics(); std::string subPicDigest; if (numSubpics > 1 && m_pcCfg->getSubpicDecodedPictureHashType() != HASHTYPE_NONE ) { for (int subPicIdx = 0; subPicIdx < numSubpics; subPicIdx++) { const SubPic& subpic = pps->getSubPic(subPicIdx); const UnitArea area = UnitArea(pcSlice->getSPS()->getChromaFormatIdc(), Area(subpic.getSubPicLeft(), subpic.getSubPicTop(), subpic.getSubPicWidthInLumaSample(), subpic.getSubPicHeightInLumaSample())); PelUnitBuf recoBuf = pcPic->cs->getRecoBuf(area); SEIDecodedPictureHash *decodedPictureHashSEI = new SEIDecodedPictureHash(); m_seiEncoder.initDecodedPictureHashSEI(decodedPictureHashSEI, recoBuf, subPicDigest, pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepths()); SEIMessages nestedSEI; nestedSEI.push_back(decodedPictureHashSEI); const std::vector<uint16_t> subPicIds = { (uint16_t)subpic.getSubPicID() }; std::vector<int> targetOLS; std::vector<int> targetLayers = {pcPic->layerId}; xCreateScalableNestingSEI(trailingSeiMessages, nestedSEI, targetOLS, targetLayers, subPicIds); } } #endif m_pcCfg->setEncodedFlag(iGOPid, true); double PSNR_Y; #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG xCalculateAddPSNRs(isField, isTff, iGOPid, pcPic, accessUnit, rcListPic, encTime, snr_conversion, printFrameMSE, printMSSSIM,&PSNR_Y, isEncodeLtRef ); #else xCalculateAddPSNRs(isField, isTff, iGOPid, pcPic, accessUnit, rcListPic, encTime, snr_conversion, printFrameMSE, &PSNR_Y, isEncodeLtRef ); #endif xWriteTrailingSEIMessages(trailingSeiMessages, accessUnit, pcSlice->getTLayer()); #if JVET_Z0118_GDR if (!(m_pcCfg->getGdrNoHash() && pcSlice->getPicHeader()->getInGdrInterval())) { printHash(m_pcCfg->getDecodedPictureHashSEIType(), digestStr); } #else printHash(m_pcCfg->getDecodedPictureHashSEIType(), digestStr); #endif if ( m_pcCfg->getUseRateCtrl() ) { double avgQP = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->calAverageQP(); double avgLambda = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->calAverageLambda(); if ( avgLambda < 0.0 ) { avgLambda = lambda; } m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->updateAfterPicture( actualHeadBits, actualTotalBits, avgQP, avgLambda, pcSlice->isIRAP()); m_pcRateCtrl->getRCPic()->addToPictureLsit( m_pcRateCtrl->getPicList() ); m_pcRateCtrl->getRCSeq()->updateAfterPic( actualTotalBits ); if ( !pcSlice->isIRAP() ) { m_pcRateCtrl->getRCGOP()->updateAfterPicture( actualTotalBits ); } else // for intra picture, the estimated bits are used to update the current status in the GOP { m_pcRateCtrl->getRCGOP()->updateAfterPicture( estimatedBits ); } #if U0132_TARGET_BITS_SATURATION if (m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbSaturationEnabled()) { m_pcRateCtrl->updateCpbState(actualTotalBits); msg( NOTICE, " [CPB %6d bits]", m_pcRateCtrl->getCpbState() ); } #endif } xCreateFrameFieldInfoSEI( leadingSeiMessages, pcSlice, isField ); xCreatePictureTimingSEI( m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled() ? effFieldIRAPMap.GetIRAPGOPid() : 0, leadingSeiMessages, nestedSeiMessages, duInfoSeiMessages, pcSlice, isField, duData ); if (m_pcCfg->getScalableNestingSEIEnabled()) { const SPS* sps = pcSlice->getSPS(); const PPS* pps = pcSlice->getPPS(); std::vector<uint16_t> subpicIDs; if (sps->getSubPicInfoPresentFlag()) { if(sps->getSubPicIdMappingExplicitlySignalledFlag()) { if(sps->getSubPicIdMappingInSpsFlag()) { subpicIDs = sps->getSubPicIds(); } else { subpicIDs = pps->getSubPicIds(); } } else { const int numSubPics = sps->getNumSubPics(); subpicIDs.resize(numSubPics); for (int i = 0 ; i < numSubPics; i++) { subpicIDs[i] = (uint16_t) i; } } } #if JVET_R0294_SUBPIC_HASH // Note (KJS): Using targetOLS = 0, 1 is as random as encapsulating the same SEIs in scalable nesting. // This can just be seen as example regarding how to write scalable nesting, not what to write. std::vector<int> targetOLS = {0, 1}; std::vector<int> targetLayers; xCreateScalableNestingSEI(leadingSeiMessages, nestedSeiMessages, targetOLS, targetLayers, subpicIDs); #else xCreateScalableNestingSEI(leadingSeiMessages, nestedSeiMessages, subpicIDs); #endif } xWriteLeadingSEIMessages( leadingSeiMessages, duInfoSeiMessages, accessUnit, pcSlice->getTLayer(), pcSlice->getSPS(), duData ); xWriteDuSEIMessages( duInfoSeiMessages, accessUnit, pcSlice->getTLayer(), duData ); m_AUWriterIf->outputAU( accessUnit ); msg( NOTICE, "\n" ); fflush( stdout ); } DTRACE_UPDATE( g_trace_ctx, ( std::make_pair( "final", 0 ) ) ); pcPic->reconstructed = true; m_bFirst = false; m_iNumPicCoded++; if (!(m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() && isEncodeLtRef)) { for( int i = pcSlice->getTLayer() ; i < pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxTLayers() ; i ++ ) { m_totalCoded[i]++; } } /* logging: insert a newline at end of picture period */ if (m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled()) { iGOPid=effFieldIRAPMap.restoreGOPid(iGOPid); } pcPic->destroyTempBuffers(); #if JVET_AH0135_TEMPORAL_PARTITIONING pcPic->cs->SetSplitPred(); #endif pcPic->cs->destroyTemporaryCsData(); #if JVET_AA0096_MC_BOUNDARY_PADDING m_pcFrameMcPadPrediction->init(m_pcEncLib->getRdCost(), pcSlice->getSPS()->getChromaFormatIdc(), #if JVET_AJ0172_IBC_ITMP_ALIGN_REF_AREA #if JVET_AJ0237_INTERNAL_12BIT pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxCUHeight(), NULL, pcPic->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(),pcPic->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(), pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)); #else pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxCUHeight(), NULL, pcPic->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(),pcPic->getPicHeightInLumaSamples()); #endif #else #if JVET_AJ0237_INTERNAL_12BIT pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxCUHeight(), NULL, pcPic->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)); #else pcSlice->getSPS()->getMaxCUHeight(), NULL, pcPic->getPicWidthInLumaSamples()); #endif #endif m_pcFrameMcPadPrediction->mcFramePad(pcPic, *(pcPic->slices[0])); m_pcFrameMcPadPrediction->destroy(); #endif } // iGOPid-loop delete pcBitstreamRedirect; CHECK( m_iNumPicCoded > 1, "Unspecified error" ); } void EncGOP::printOutSummary(uint32_t uiNumAllPicCoded, bool isField, const bool printMSEBasedSNR, const bool printSequenceMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG const bool printMSSSIM, #endif const bool printHexPsnr, const bool printRprPSNR, const BitDepths &bitDepths #if JVET_W0134_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG , int layerId #endif ) { #if ENABLE_QPA const bool useWPSNR = m_pcEncLib->getUseWPSNR(); #endif #if WCG_WPSNR const bool useLumaWPSNR = m_pcEncLib->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled() || (m_pcCfg->getLmcs() && m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_PQ); #endif if( m_pcCfg->getDecodeBitstream(0).empty() && m_pcCfg->getDecodeBitstream(1).empty() && !m_pcCfg->useFastForwardToPOC() ) { CHECK( !( uiNumAllPicCoded == m_gcAnalyzeAll.getNumPic() ), "Unspecified error" ); } //--CFG_KDY const int rateMultiplier=(isField?2:1); m_gcAnalyzeAll.setFrmRate( m_pcCfg->getFrameRate()*rateMultiplier / (double)m_pcCfg->getTemporalSubsampleRatio()); m_gcAnalyzeI.setFrmRate( m_pcCfg->getFrameRate()*rateMultiplier / (double)m_pcCfg->getTemporalSubsampleRatio()); m_gcAnalyzeP.setFrmRate( m_pcCfg->getFrameRate()*rateMultiplier / (double)m_pcCfg->getTemporalSubsampleRatio()); m_gcAnalyzeB.setFrmRate( m_pcCfg->getFrameRate()*rateMultiplier / (double)m_pcCfg->getTemporalSubsampleRatio()); #if WCG_WPSNR if (useLumaWPSNR) { m_gcAnalyzeWPSNR.setFrmRate(m_pcCfg->getFrameRate()*rateMultiplier / (double)m_pcCfg->getTemporalSubsampleRatio()); } #endif const ChromaFormat chFmt = m_pcCfg->getChromaFormatIdc(); //-- all msg( INFO, "\n" ); msg( DETAILS,"\nSUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------\n" ); #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS const bool calculateHdrMetrics = m_pcEncLib->getCalcluateHdrMetrics(); #endif #if JVET_W0134_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG std::string header, metrics; std::string id = "a"; if (layerId == 0) { id += ' '; } else { id += std::to_string(layerId); } m_gcAnalyzeAll.printOut(header, metrics, id, chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG printMSSSIM, #endif printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths, useWPSNR #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS , calculateHdrMetrics #endif ); if (g_verbosity >= INFO) { std::cout << header << '\n' << metrics << std::endl; } #else #if ENABLE_QPA m_gcAnalyzeAll.printOut( 'a', chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths, useWPSNR #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS , calculateHdrMetrics #endif ); #else m_gcAnalyzeAll.printOut('a', chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, bitDepths #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS , calculateHdrMetrics #endif ); #endif #endif #if JVET_W0134_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG id = "i"; if (layerId == 0) { id += ' '; } else { id += std::to_string(layerId); } m_gcAnalyzeI.printOut(header, metrics, id, chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG printMSSSIM, #endif printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths); if (g_verbosity >= DETAILS) { std::cout << "\n\nI Slices--------------------------------------------------------\n" << header << '\n' << metrics << std::endl; } id = "p"; if (layerId == 0) { id += ' '; } else { id += std::to_string(layerId); } m_gcAnalyzeP.printOut(header, metrics, id, chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG printMSSSIM, #endif printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths); if (g_verbosity >= DETAILS) { std::cout << "\n\nP Slices--------------------------------------------------------\n" << header << '\n' << metrics << std::endl; } id = "b"; if (layerId == 0) { id += ' '; } else { id += std::to_string(layerId); } m_gcAnalyzeB.printOut(header, metrics, id, chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG printMSSSIM, #endif printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths); if (g_verbosity >= DETAILS) { std::cout << "\n\nB Slices--------------------------------------------------------\n" << header << '\n' << metrics << std::endl; } #if WCG_WPSNR if (useLumaWPSNR) { id = "w"; if (layerId == 0) { id += ' '; } else { id += std::to_string(layerId); } m_gcAnalyzeWPSNR.printOut(header, metrics, id, chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG printMSSSIM, #endif printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths, useLumaWPSNR); if (g_verbosity >= INFO) { std::cout << "\nWPSNR SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------\n" << header << '\n' << metrics << std::endl; } } #endif #else msg( DETAILS, "\n\nI Slices--------------------------------------------------------\n" ); m_gcAnalyzeI.printOut( 'i', chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths ); msg( DETAILS, "\n\nP Slices--------------------------------------------------------\n" ); m_gcAnalyzeP.printOut( 'p', chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths ); msg( DETAILS, "\n\nB Slices--------------------------------------------------------\n" ); m_gcAnalyzeB.printOut( 'b', chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths ); #if WCG_WPSNR if (useLumaWPSNR) { msg(DETAILS, "\nWPSNR SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------\n"); m_gcAnalyzeWPSNR.printOut( 'w', chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths, useLumaWPSNR ); } #endif #endif if (!m_pcCfg->getSummaryOutFilename().empty()) { m_gcAnalyzeAll.printSummary(chFmt, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, bitDepths, m_pcCfg->getSummaryOutFilename()); } if (!m_pcCfg->getSummaryPicFilenameBase().empty()) { m_gcAnalyzeI.printSummary(chFmt, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, bitDepths, m_pcCfg->getSummaryPicFilenameBase()+"I.txt"); m_gcAnalyzeP.printSummary(chFmt, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, bitDepths, m_pcCfg->getSummaryPicFilenameBase()+"P.txt"); m_gcAnalyzeB.printSummary(chFmt, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, bitDepths, m_pcCfg->getSummaryPicFilenameBase()+"B.txt"); } #if WCG_WPSNR if (!m_pcCfg->getSummaryOutFilename().empty() && useLumaWPSNR) { m_gcAnalyzeWPSNR.printSummary(chFmt, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, bitDepths, m_pcCfg->getSummaryOutFilename()); } #endif if(isField) { //-- interlaced summary m_gcAnalyzeAll_in.setFrmRate( m_pcCfg->getFrameRate() / (double)m_pcCfg->getTemporalSubsampleRatio()); m_gcAnalyzeAll_in.setBits(m_gcAnalyzeAll.getBits()); // prior to the above statement, the interlace analyser does not contain the correct total number of bits. #if JVET_W0134_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG id = "a"; if (layerId == 0) { id += ' '; } else { id += std::to_string(layerId); } m_gcAnalyzeAll_in.printOut(header, metrics, id, chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG printMSSSIM, #endif printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths, useWPSNR); if (g_verbosity >= DETAILS) { std::cout << "\n\nSUMMARY INTERLACED ---------------------------------------------\n" << header << '\n' << metrics << std::endl; } #else msg( INFO,"\n\nSUMMARY INTERLACED ---------------------------------------------\n" ); #if ENABLE_QPA m_gcAnalyzeAll_in.printOut( 'a', chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, printRprPSNR, bitDepths, useWPSNR ); #else m_gcAnalyzeAll_in.printOut('a', chFmt, printMSEBasedSNR, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, bitDepths); #endif #endif if (!m_pcCfg->getSummaryOutFilename().empty()) { m_gcAnalyzeAll_in.printSummary(chFmt, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, bitDepths, m_pcCfg->getSummaryOutFilename()); #if WCG_WPSNR if (useLumaWPSNR) { m_gcAnalyzeWPSNR.printSummary(chFmt, printSequenceMSE, printHexPsnr, bitDepths, m_pcCfg->getSummaryOutFilename()); } #endif } } msg( DETAILS,"\nRVM: %.3lf\n", xCalculateRVM() ); } #if W0038_DB_OPT uint64_t EncGOP::preLoopFilterPicAndCalcDist( Picture* pcPic ) { CodingStructure& cs = *pcPic->cs; #if JVET_AB0171_ASYMMETRIC_DB_FOR_GDR if (m_pcCfg->getAsymmetricILF() && (pcPic->cs->picHeader->getInGdrInterval() || pcPic->cs->picHeader->getIsGdrRecoveryPocPic())) { m_pcLoopFilter->setAsymmetricDB(true); } else { m_pcLoopFilter->setAsymmetricDB(false); } #endif #if JVET_AJ0188_CODING_INFO_CLASSIFICATION const bool storeCodingInfo = false; PelUnitBuf codingInfoBuf = storeCodingInfo ? m_pcALF->callCodingInfoBuf( cs ) : PelUnitBuf(); m_pcLoopFilter->loopFilterPic( cs, codingInfoBuf, storeCodingInfo ); #else m_pcLoopFilter->loopFilterPic( cs ); #endif const CPelUnitBuf picOrg = pcPic->getRecoBuf(); const CPelUnitBuf picRec = cs.getRecoBuf(); uint64_t uiDist = 0; for( uint32_t comp = 0; comp < (uint32_t)picRec.bufs.size(); comp++) { const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(comp); const uint32_t rshift = 2 * DISTORTION_PRECISION_ADJUSTMENT(cs.sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID))); #if ENABLE_QPA CHECK( rshift >= 8, "shifts greater than 7 are not supported." ); #endif uiDist += xFindDistortionPlane( picOrg.get(compID), picRec.get(compID), rshift ); } return uiDist; } #endif // ==================================================================================================================== // Protected member functions // ==================================================================================================================== void EncGOP::xInitGOP( int iPOCLast, int iNumPicRcvd, bool isField , bool isEncodeLtRef ) { CHECK(!( iNumPicRcvd > 0 ), "Unspecified error"); // Exception for the first frames if ((isField && (iPOCLast == 0 || iPOCLast == 1)) || (!isField && (iPOCLast == 0)) || isEncodeLtRef) { m_iGopSize = 1; } else { m_iGopSize = m_pcCfg->getGOPSize(); } CHECK(!(m_iGopSize > 0), "Unspecified error"); return; } void EncGOP::xGetBuffer( PicList& rcListPic, std::list<PelUnitBuf*>& rcListPicYuvRecOut, int iNumPicRcvd, int iTimeOffset, Picture*& rpcPic, int pocCurr, bool isField ) { int i; // Rec. output std::list<PelUnitBuf*>::iterator iterPicYuvRec = rcListPicYuvRecOut.end(); if (isField && pocCurr > 1 && m_iGopSize!=1) { iTimeOffset--; } int multipleFactor = m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() ? 2 : 1; for (i = 0; i < (iNumPicRcvd * multipleFactor - iTimeOffset + 1); i += multipleFactor) { iterPicYuvRec--; } // Current pic. PicList::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); while (iterPic != rcListPic.end()) { rpcPic = *(iterPic); if( rpcPic->getPOC() == pocCurr && rpcPic->layerId == m_pcEncLib->getLayerId() ) { break; } iterPic++; } CHECK(!(rpcPic != NULL), "Unspecified error"); CHECK(!(rpcPic->getPOC() == pocCurr), "Unspecified error"); (**iterPicYuvRec) = rpcPic->getRecoBuf(); return; } #if ENABLE_QPA #ifndef BETA #define BETA 0.5 // value between 0.0 and 1; use 0.0 to obtain traditional PSNR #endif static inline double calcWeightedSquaredError(const CPelBuf& org, const CPelBuf& rec, double &sumAct, const uint32_t bitDepth, const uint32_t imageWidth, const uint32_t imageHeight, const uint32_t offsetX, const uint32_t offsetY, int blockWidth, int blockHeight) { const int O = org.stride; const int R = rec.stride; const Pel *o = org.bufAt(offsetX, offsetY); const Pel *r = rec.bufAt(offsetX, offsetY); const int yAct = offsetY > 0 ? 0 : 1; const int xAct = offsetX > 0 ? 0 : 1; if (offsetY + (uint32_t)blockHeight > imageHeight) blockHeight = imageHeight - offsetY; if (offsetX + (uint32_t)blockWidth > imageWidth ) blockWidth = imageWidth - offsetX; const int hAct = offsetY + (uint32_t)blockHeight < imageHeight ? blockHeight : blockHeight - 1; const int wAct = offsetX + (uint32_t)blockWidth < imageWidth ? blockWidth : blockWidth - 1; uint64_t ssErr = 0; // sum of squared diffs uint64_t saAct = 0; // sum of abs. activity double msAct; int x, y; // calculate image differences and activity for (y = 0; y < blockHeight; y++) // error { for (x = 0; x < blockWidth; x++) { const int64_t iDiff = (int64_t)o[y*O + x] - (int64_t)r[y*R + x]; ssErr += uint64_t(iDiff * iDiff); } } if (wAct <= xAct || hAct <= yAct) return (double)ssErr; for (y = yAct; y < hAct; y++) // activity { for (x = xAct; x < wAct; x++) { const int f = 12 * (int)o[y*O + x] - 2 * ((int)o[y*O + x-1] + (int)o[y*O + x+1] + (int)o[(y-1)*O + x] + (int)o[(y+1)*O + x]) - (int)o[(y-1)*O + x-1] - (int)o[(y-1)*O + x+1] - (int)o[(y+1)*O + x-1] - (int)o[(y+1)*O + x+1]; saAct += abs(f); } } // calculate weight (mean squared activity) msAct = (double)saAct / (double(wAct - xAct) * double(hAct - yAct)); // lower limit, accounts for high-pass gain if (msAct < double(1 << (bitDepth - 4))) msAct = double(1 << (bitDepth - 4)); msAct *= msAct; // because ssErr is squared sumAct += msAct; // includes high-pass gain // calculate activity weighted error square return (double)ssErr * pow(msAct, -1.0 * BETA); } #endif // ENABLE_QPA uint64_t EncGOP::xFindDistortionPlane(const CPelBuf& pic0, const CPelBuf& pic1, const uint32_t rshift #if ENABLE_QPA , const uint32_t chromaShiftHor /*= 0*/, const uint32_t chromaShiftVer /*= 0*/ #endif ) { uint64_t uiTotalDiff; const Pel* pSrc0 = pic0.bufAt(0, 0); const Pel* pSrc1 = pic1.bufAt(0, 0); CHECK(pic0.width != pic1.width , "Unspecified error"); CHECK(pic0.height != pic1.height, "Unspecified error"); if( rshift > 0 ) { #if ENABLE_QPA const uint32_t BD = rshift; // image bit-depth if (BD >= 8) { const uint32_t W = pic0.width; // image width const uint32_t H = pic0.height; // image height const double R = double(W * H) / (1920.0 * 1080.0); const uint32_t B = Clip3<uint32_t>(0, 128 >> chromaShiftVer, 4 * uint32_t(16.0 * sqrt(R) + 0.5)); // WPSNR block size in integer multiple of 4 (for SIMD, = 64 at full-HD) uint32_t x, y; if (B < 4) // image is too small to use WPSNR, resort to traditional PSNR { uiTotalDiff = 0; for (y = 0; y < H; y++) { for (x = 0; x < W; x++) { const int64_t iDiff = (int64_t)pSrc0[x] - (int64_t)pSrc1[x]; uiTotalDiff += uint64_t(iDiff * iDiff); } pSrc0 += pic0.stride; pSrc1 += pic1.stride; } return uiTotalDiff; } double wmse = 0.0, sumAct = 0.0; // compute activity normalized SNR value for (y = 0; y < H; y += B) { for (x = 0; x < W; x += B) { wmse += calcWeightedSquaredError(pic1, pic0, sumAct, BD, W, H, x, y, B, B); } } // integer weighted distortion sumAct = 16.0 * sqrt ((3840.0 * 2160.0) / double((W << chromaShiftHor) * (H << chromaShiftVer))) * double(1 << BD); return (wmse <= 0.0) ? 0 : uint64_t(wmse * pow(sumAct, BETA) + 0.5); } #endif // ENABLE_QPA uiTotalDiff = 0; for (int y = 0; y < pic0.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < pic0.width; x++) { Intermediate_Int iTemp = pSrc0[x] - pSrc1[x]; uiTotalDiff += uint64_t((iTemp * iTemp) >> rshift); } pSrc0 += pic0.stride; pSrc1 += pic1.stride; } } else { uiTotalDiff = 0; for (int y = 0; y < pic0.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < pic0.width; x++) { Intermediate_Int iTemp = pSrc0[x] - pSrc1[x]; uiTotalDiff += uint64_t(iTemp * iTemp); } pSrc0 += pic0.stride; pSrc1 += pic1.stride; } } return uiTotalDiff; } #if WCG_WPSNR double EncGOP::xFindDistortionPlaneWPSNR(const CPelBuf& pic0, const CPelBuf& pic1, const uint32_t rshift, const CPelBuf& picLuma0, ComponentID compID, const ChromaFormat chfmt ) { const bool useLumaWPSNR = m_pcEncLib->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled() || (m_pcCfg->getLmcs() && m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_PQ); if (!useLumaWPSNR) { return 0; } double uiTotalDiffWPSNR; const Pel* pSrc0 = pic0.bufAt(0, 0); const Pel* pSrc1 = pic1.bufAt(0, 0); const Pel* pSrcLuma = picLuma0.bufAt(0, 0); CHECK(pic0.width != pic1.width , "Unspecified error"); CHECK(pic0.height != pic1.height, "Unspecified error"); if( rshift > 0 ) { uiTotalDiffWPSNR = 0; for (int y = 0; y < pic0.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < pic0.width; x++) { Intermediate_Int iTemp = pSrc0[x] - pSrc1[x]; double dW = m_pcEncLib->getRdCost()->getWPSNRLumaLevelWeight(pSrcLuma[(x << getComponentScaleX(compID, chfmt))]); uiTotalDiffWPSNR += ((dW * (double)iTemp * (double)iTemp)) * (double)(1 >> rshift); } pSrc0 += pic0.stride; pSrc1 += pic1.stride; pSrcLuma += picLuma0.stride << getComponentScaleY(compID, chfmt); } } else { uiTotalDiffWPSNR = 0; for (int y = 0; y < pic0.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < pic0.width; x++) { Intermediate_Int iTemp = pSrc0[x] - pSrc1[x]; double dW = m_pcEncLib->getRdCost()->getWPSNRLumaLevelWeight(pSrcLuma[x << getComponentScaleX(compID, chfmt)]); uiTotalDiffWPSNR += dW * (double)iTemp * (double)iTemp; } pSrc0 += pic0.stride; pSrc1 += pic1.stride; pSrcLuma += picLuma0.stride << getComponentScaleY(compID, chfmt); } } return uiTotalDiffWPSNR; } #endif void EncGOP::xCalculateAddPSNRs(const bool isField, const bool isFieldTopFieldFirst, const int iGOPid, Picture *pcPic, const AccessUnit &accessUnit, PicList &rcListPic, const double dEncTime, const InputColourSpaceConversion snr_conversion, const bool printFrameMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG const bool printMSSSIM, #endif double *PSNR_Y, bool isEncodeLtRef) { xCalculateAddPSNR(pcPic, pcPic->getRecoBuf(), accessUnit, (double) dEncTime, snr_conversion, printFrameMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG printMSSSIM, #endif PSNR_Y, isEncodeLtRef); //In case of field coding, compute the interlaced PSNR for both fields if(isField) { bool bothFieldsAreEncoded = false; int correspondingFieldPOC = pcPic->getPOC(); int currentPicGOPPoc = m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(iGOPid).m_POC; if(pcPic->getPOC() == 0) { // particular case for POC 0 and 1. // If they are not encoded first and separately from other pictures, we need to change this // POC 0 is always encoded first then POC 1 is encoded bothFieldsAreEncoded = false; } else if(pcPic->getPOC() == 1) { // if we are at POC 1, POC 0 has been encoded for sure correspondingFieldPOC = 0; bothFieldsAreEncoded = true; } else { if(pcPic->getPOC()%2 == 1) { correspondingFieldPOC -= 1; // all odd POC are associated with the preceding even POC (e.g poc 1 is associated to poc 0) currentPicGOPPoc -= 1; } else { correspondingFieldPOC += 1; // all even POC are associated with the following odd POC (e.g poc 0 is associated to poc 1) currentPicGOPPoc += 1; } for(int i = 0; i < m_iGopSize; i ++) { if(m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(i).m_POC == currentPicGOPPoc) { bothFieldsAreEncoded = m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(i).m_isEncoded; break; } } } if(bothFieldsAreEncoded) { //get complementary top field PicList::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); while ((*iterPic)->getPOC() != correspondingFieldPOC) { iterPic ++; } Picture* correspondingFieldPic = *(iterPic); if ((pcPic->topField && isFieldTopFieldFirst) || (!pcPic->topField && !isFieldTopFieldFirst)) { xCalculateInterlacedAddPSNR(pcPic, correspondingFieldPic, pcPic->getRecoBuf(), correspondingFieldPic->getRecoBuf(), snr_conversion, printFrameMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG printMSSSIM, #endif PSNR_Y, isEncodeLtRef); } else { xCalculateInterlacedAddPSNR(correspondingFieldPic, pcPic, correspondingFieldPic->getRecoBuf(), pcPic->getRecoBuf(), snr_conversion, printFrameMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG printMSSSIM, #endif PSNR_Y, isEncodeLtRef); } } } } void EncGOP::xCalculateAddPSNR(Picture *pcPic, PelUnitBuf cPicD, const AccessUnit &accessUnit, double dEncTime, const InputColourSpaceConversion conversion, const bool printFrameMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG const bool printMSSSIM, #endif double *PSNR_Y, bool isEncodeLtRef) { const SPS& sps = *pcPic->cs->sps; const CPelUnitBuf& pic = cPicD; CHECK(!(conversion == IPCOLOURSPACE_UNCHANGED), "Unspecified error"); // const CPelUnitBuf& org = (conversion != IPCOLOURSPACE_UNCHANGED) ? pcPic->getPicYuvTrueOrg()->getBuf() : pcPic->getPicYuvOrg()->getBuf(); const CPelUnitBuf& org = (sps.getUseLmcs() || m_pcCfg->getGopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled()) ? pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf() : pcPic->getOrigBuf(); #if ENABLE_QPA const bool useWPSNR = m_pcEncLib->getUseWPSNR(); #endif double dPSNR[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG double msssim[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; #endif #if WCG_WPSNR const bool useLumaWPSNR = m_pcEncLib->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled() || (m_pcCfg->getLmcs() && m_pcCfg->getReshapeSignalType() == RESHAPE_SIGNAL_PQ); double dPSNRWeighted[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; double MSEyuvframeWeighted[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; #endif double upscaledPSNR[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; double upscaledMsssim[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; for(int i=0; i<MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++) { dPSNR[i]=0.0; #if WCG_WPSNR dPSNRWeighted[i]=0.0; MSEyuvframeWeighted[i] = 0.0; #endif upscaledPSNR[i] = 0.0; } #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS double deltaE[hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE]; double psnrL[hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE]; for (int i=0; i<hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE; i++) { deltaE[i] = 0.0; psnrL[i] = 0.0; } #endif PelStorage interm; if (conversion != IPCOLOURSPACE_UNCHANGED) { interm.create(pic.chromaFormat, Area(Position(), pic.Y())); VideoIOYuv::ColourSpaceConvert(pic, interm, conversion, false); } const CPelUnitBuf& picC = (conversion == IPCOLOURSPACE_UNCHANGED) ? pic : interm; //===== calculate PSNR ===== double MSEyuvframe[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] = {0, 0, 0}; const ChromaFormat formatD = pic.chromaFormat; const ChromaFormat format = sps.getChromaFormatIdc(); const bool bPicIsField = pcPic->fieldPic; const Slice* pcSlice = pcPic->slices[0]; PelStorage upscaledRec; if (m_pcEncLib->isResChangeInClvsEnabled()) { const CPelBuf& upscaledOrg = ( sps.getUseLmcs() || m_pcCfg->getGopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled() ) ? pcPic->M_BUFS( 0, PIC_TRUE_ORIGINAL_INPUT ).get( COMPONENT_Y ) : pcPic->M_BUFS( 0, PIC_ORIGINAL_INPUT ).get( COMPONENT_Y ); upscaledRec.create( pic.chromaFormat, Area( Position(), upscaledOrg ) ); int xScale, yScale; // it is assumed that full resolution picture PPS has ppsId 0 const PPS* pps = m_pcEncLib->getPPS(0); CU::getRprScaling( &sps, pps, pcPic, xScale, yScale ); std::pair<int, int> scalingRatio = std::pair<int, int>( xScale, yScale ); #if JVET_AB0082 bool rescaleForDisplay = true; Picture::rescalePicture(scalingRatio, picC, pcPic->getScalingWindow(), upscaledRec, pps->getScalingWindow(), format, sps.getBitDepths(), false, false, sps.getHorCollocatedChromaFlag(), sps.getVerCollocatedChromaFlag(), rescaleForDisplay, m_pcCfg->getUpscaleFilerForDisplay()); #else Picture::rescalePicture( scalingRatio, picC, pcPic->getScalingWindow(), upscaledRec, pps->getScalingWindow(), format, sps.getBitDepths(), false, false, sps.getHorCollocatedChromaFlag(), sps.getVerCollocatedChromaFlag() ); #endif } for (int comp = 0; comp < ::getNumberValidComponents(formatD); comp++) { const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(comp); const CPelBuf& p = picC.get(compID); const CPelBuf& o = org.get(compID); CHECK(!( p.width == o.width), "Unspecified error"); CHECK(!( p.height == o.height), "Unspecified error"); #if JVET_AA0146_WRAP_AROUND_FIX int padX = m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding( 0 ); int padY = m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding( 1 ); #else int padX = m_pcEncLib->getPad( 0 ); int padY = m_pcEncLib->getPad( 1 ); #endif // when RPR is enabled, picture padding is picture specific due to possible different picture resoluitons, however only full resolution padding is stored in EncLib // get per picture padding from the conformance window, in this case if conformance window is set not equal to the padding then PSNR results may be inaccurate if (m_pcEncLib->isResChangeInClvsEnabled()) { Window& conf = pcPic->getConformanceWindow(); padX = conf.getWindowRightOffset() * SPS::getWinUnitX( format ); padY = conf.getWindowBottomOffset() * SPS::getWinUnitY( format ); } const uint32_t width = p.width - ( padX >> ::getComponentScaleX( compID, format ) ); const uint32_t height = p.height - ( padY >> ( !!bPicIsField + ::getComponentScaleY( compID, format ) ) ); // create new buffers with correct dimensions const CPelBuf recPB(p.bufAt(0, 0), p.stride, width, height); const CPelBuf orgPB(o.bufAt(0, 0), o.stride, width, height); const uint32_t bitDepth = sps.getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)); #if ENABLE_QPA const uint64_t uiSSDtemp = xFindDistortionPlane(recPB, orgPB, useWPSNR ? bitDepth : 0, ::getComponentScaleX(compID, format), ::getComponentScaleY(compID, format)); #else const uint64_t uiSSDtemp = xFindDistortionPlane(recPB, orgPB, 0); #endif const uint32_t maxval = 255 << (bitDepth - 8); const uint32_t size = width * height; const double fRefValue = (double)maxval * maxval * size; dPSNR[comp] = uiSSDtemp ? 10.0 * log10(fRefValue / (double)uiSSDtemp) : 999.99; MSEyuvframe[comp] = (double)uiSSDtemp / size; #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG if (printMSSSIM) { msssim[comp] = xCalculateMSSSIM(o.bufAt(0, 0), o.stride, p.bufAt(0, 0), p.stride, width, height, bitDepth); } #endif #if WCG_WPSNR const double uiSSDtempWeighted = xFindDistortionPlaneWPSNR(recPB, orgPB, 0, org.get(COMPONENT_Y), compID, format); if (useLumaWPSNR) { dPSNRWeighted[comp] = uiSSDtempWeighted ? 10.0 * log10(fRefValue / (double)uiSSDtempWeighted) : 999.99; MSEyuvframeWeighted[comp] = (double)uiSSDtempWeighted / size; } #endif if (m_pcEncLib->isResChangeInClvsEnabled()) { const CPelBuf& upscaledOrg = ( sps.getUseLmcs() || m_pcCfg->getGopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled() ) ? pcPic->M_BUFS( 0, PIC_TRUE_ORIGINAL_INPUT ).get( compID ) : pcPic->M_BUFS( 0, PIC_ORIGINAL_INPUT ).get( compID ); #if JVET_AA0146_WRAP_AROUND_FIX const uint32_t upscaledWidth = upscaledOrg.width - ( m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding( 0 ) >> ::getComponentScaleX( compID, format ) ); const uint32_t upscaledHeight = upscaledOrg.height - ( m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding( 1 ) >> ( !!bPicIsField + ::getComponentScaleY( compID, format ) ) ); #else const uint32_t upscaledWidth = upscaledOrg.width - ( m_pcEncLib->getPad( 0 ) >> ::getComponentScaleX( compID, format ) ); const uint32_t upscaledHeight = upscaledOrg.height - ( m_pcEncLib->getPad( 1 ) >> ( !!bPicIsField + ::getComponentScaleY( compID, format ) ) ); #endif // create new buffers with correct dimensions const CPelBuf upscaledRecPB( upscaledRec.get( compID ).bufAt( 0, 0 ), upscaledRec.get( compID ).stride, upscaledWidth, upscaledHeight ); const CPelBuf upscaledOrgPB( upscaledOrg.bufAt( 0, 0 ), upscaledOrg.stride, upscaledWidth, upscaledHeight ); #if ENABLE_QPA const uint64_t upscaledSSD = xFindDistortionPlane( upscaledRecPB, upscaledOrgPB, useWPSNR ? bitDepth : 0, ::getComponentScaleX( compID, format ) ); #else const uint64_t scaledSSD = xFindDistortionPlane( upsacledRecPB, upsacledOrgPB, 0 ); #endif upscaledPSNR[comp] = upscaledSSD ? 10.0 * log10( (double)maxval * maxval * upscaledWidth * upscaledHeight / (double)upscaledSSD ) : 999.99; upscaledMsssim[comp] = xCalculateMSSSIM (upscaledOrgPB.bufAt(0, 0), upscaledOrgPB.stride, upscaledRecPB.bufAt(0, 0), upscaledRecPB.stride, upscaledWidth, upscaledHeight, bitDepth); } } #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO m_ext360.calculatePSNRs(pcPic); #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS const bool calculateHdrMetrics = m_pcEncLib->getCalcluateHdrMetrics(); if (calculateHdrMetrics) { auto beforeTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); xCalculateHDRMetrics(pcPic, deltaE, psnrL); auto elapsed = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - beforeTime; m_metricTime += elapsed; } #endif /* calculate the size of the access unit, excluding: * - any AnnexB contributions (start_code_prefix, zero_byte, etc.,) * - SEI NAL units */ uint32_t numRBSPBytes = 0; for (AccessUnit::const_iterator it = accessUnit.begin(); it != accessUnit.end(); it++) { uint32_t numRBSPBytes_nal = uint32_t((*it)->m_nalUnitData.str().size()); if (m_pcCfg->getSummaryVerboseness() > 0) { msg( NOTICE, "*** %6s numBytesInNALunit: %u\n", nalUnitTypeToString((*it)->m_nalUnitType), numRBSPBytes_nal); } if( ( *it )->m_nalUnitType != NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI && ( *it )->m_nalUnitType != NAL_UNIT_SUFFIX_SEI ) { numRBSPBytes += numRBSPBytes_nal; if (it == accessUnit.begin() || (*it)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_VPS || (*it)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_DCI || (*it)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_SPS || (*it)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_PPS || (*it)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_APS || (*it)->m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_SUFFIX_APS) { numRBSPBytes += 4; } else { numRBSPBytes += 3; } } } uint32_t uibits = numRBSPBytes * 8; m_vRVM_RP.push_back( uibits ); //===== add PSNR ===== m_gcAnalyzeAll.addResult(dPSNR, (double) uibits, MSEyuvframe, upscaledPSNR, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG msssim, upscaledMsssim, #endif isEncodeLtRef); #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO m_ext360.addResult(m_gcAnalyzeAll); #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS if (calculateHdrMetrics) { m_gcAnalyzeAll.addHDRMetricsResult(deltaE, psnrL); } #endif if (pcSlice->isIntra()) { m_gcAnalyzeI.addResult(dPSNR, (double) uibits, MSEyuvframe, upscaledPSNR, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG msssim, upscaledMsssim, #endif isEncodeLtRef); *PSNR_Y = dPSNR[COMPONENT_Y]; #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO m_ext360.addResult(m_gcAnalyzeI); #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS if (calculateHdrMetrics) { m_gcAnalyzeI.addHDRMetricsResult(deltaE, psnrL); } #endif } if (pcSlice->isInterP()) { m_gcAnalyzeP.addResult(dPSNR, (double) uibits, MSEyuvframe, upscaledPSNR, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG msssim, upscaledMsssim, #endif isEncodeLtRef); *PSNR_Y = dPSNR[COMPONENT_Y]; #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO m_ext360.addResult(m_gcAnalyzeP); #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS if (calculateHdrMetrics) { m_gcAnalyzeP.addHDRMetricsResult(deltaE, psnrL); } #endif } if (pcSlice->isInterB()) { m_gcAnalyzeB.addResult(dPSNR, (double) uibits, MSEyuvframe, upscaledPSNR, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG msssim, upscaledMsssim, #endif isEncodeLtRef); *PSNR_Y = dPSNR[COMPONENT_Y]; #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO m_ext360.addResult(m_gcAnalyzeB); #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS if (calculateHdrMetrics) { m_gcAnalyzeB.addHDRMetricsResult(deltaE, psnrL); } #endif } #if WCG_WPSNR if (useLumaWPSNR) { m_gcAnalyzeWPSNR.addResult(dPSNRWeighted, (double) uibits, MSEyuvframeWeighted, upscaledPSNR, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG msssim, upscaledMsssim, #endif isEncodeLtRef); } #endif char c = (pcSlice->isIntra() ? 'I' : pcSlice->isInterP() ? 'P' : 'B'); if (! pcPic->referenced) { c += 32; } if (m_pcCfg->getDependentRAPIndicationSEIEnabled() && pcSlice->isDRAP()) c = 'D'; if( g_verbosity >= NOTICE ) { msg( NOTICE, "POC %4d LId: %2d TId: %1d ( %s, %c-SLICE, QP %d ) %10d bits", pcSlice->getPOC(), pcSlice->getPic()->layerId, pcSlice->getTLayer(), nalUnitTypeToString(pcSlice->getNalUnitType()), c, pcSlice->getSliceQp(), uibits ); msg( NOTICE, " [Y %6.4lf dB U %6.4lf dB V %6.4lf dB]", dPSNR[COMPONENT_Y], dPSNR[COMPONENT_Cb], dPSNR[COMPONENT_Cr] ); #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO m_ext360.printPerPOCInfo(NOTICE); #endif if (m_pcEncLib->getPrintHexPsnr()) { uint64_t xPsnr[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++) { copy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&dPSNR[i]), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&dPSNR[i]) + sizeof(dPSNR[i]), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&xPsnr[i])); } msg(NOTICE, " [xY %16" PRIx64 " xU %16" PRIx64 " xV %16" PRIx64 "]", xPsnr[COMPONENT_Y], xPsnr[COMPONENT_Cb], xPsnr[COMPONENT_Cr]); #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO m_ext360.printPerPOCInfo(NOTICE, true); #endif } #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG if (printMSSSIM) { msg( NOTICE, " [MS-SSIM Y %1.6lf U %1.6lf V %1.6lf]", msssim[COMPONENT_Y], msssim[COMPONENT_Cb], msssim[COMPONENT_Cr] ); } #endif if( printFrameMSE ) { msg( NOTICE, " [Y MSE %6.4lf U MSE %6.4lf V MSE %6.4lf]", MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Y], MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Cb], MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Cr] ); } #if WCG_WPSNR if (useLumaWPSNR) { msg(NOTICE, " [WY %6.4lf dB WU %6.4lf dB WV %6.4lf dB]", dPSNRWeighted[COMPONENT_Y], dPSNRWeighted[COMPONENT_Cb], dPSNRWeighted[COMPONENT_Cr]); if (m_pcEncLib->getPrintHexPsnr()) { uint64_t xPsnrWeighted[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++) { copy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&dPSNRWeighted[i]), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&dPSNRWeighted[i]) + sizeof(dPSNRWeighted[i]), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&xPsnrWeighted[i])); } msg(NOTICE, " [xWY %16" PRIx64 " xWU %16" PRIx64 " xWV %16" PRIx64 "]", xPsnrWeighted[COMPONENT_Y], xPsnrWeighted[COMPONENT_Cb], xPsnrWeighted[COMPONENT_Cr]); } } #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS if(calculateHdrMetrics) { for (int i=0; i<1; i++) { msg(NOTICE, " [DeltaE%d %6.4lf dB]", (int)m_pcCfg->getWhitePointDeltaE(i), deltaE[i]); if (m_pcEncLib->getPrintHexPsnr()) { int64_t xdeltaE[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { copy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&deltaE[i]), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&deltaE[i]) + sizeof(deltaE[i]), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&xdeltaE[i])); } msg(NOTICE, " [xDeltaE%d %16" PRIx64 "]", (int)m_pcCfg->getWhitePointDeltaE(i), xdeltaE[0]); } } for (int i=0; i<1; i++) { msg(NOTICE, " [PSNRL%d %6.4lf dB]", (int)m_pcCfg->getWhitePointDeltaE(i), psnrL[i]); if (m_pcEncLib->getPrintHexPsnr()) { int64_t xpsnrL[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { copy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&psnrL[i]), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&psnrL[i]) + sizeof(psnrL[i]), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&xpsnrL[i])); } msg(NOTICE, " [xPSNRL%d %16" PRIx64 "]", (int)m_pcCfg->getWhitePointDeltaE(i), xpsnrL[0]); } } } #endif msg( NOTICE, " [ET %5.3f ]", dEncTime ); // msg( SOME, " [WP %d]", pcSlice->getUseWeightedPrediction()); for( int iRefList = 0; iRefList < 2; iRefList++ ) { msg( NOTICE, " [L%d", iRefList ); for( int iRefIndex = 0; iRefIndex < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( RefPicList( iRefList ) ); iRefIndex++ ) { const std::pair<int, int>& scaleRatio = pcSlice->getScalingRatio( RefPicList( iRefList ), iRefIndex ); if( pcPic->cs->picHeader->getEnableTMVPFlag() && pcSlice->getColFromL0Flag() == bool(1 - iRefList) && pcSlice->getColRefIdx() == iRefIndex ) { if( scaleRatio.first != 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS || scaleRatio.second != 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS ) { msg( NOTICE, " %dc(%1.2lfx, %1.2lfx)", pcSlice->getRefPOC( RefPicList( iRefList ), iRefIndex ), double( scaleRatio.first ) / ( 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS ), double( scaleRatio.second ) / ( 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS ) ); } else { msg( NOTICE, " %dc", pcSlice->getRefPOC( RefPicList( iRefList ), iRefIndex ) ); } } else { if( scaleRatio.first != 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS || scaleRatio.second != 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS ) { msg( NOTICE, " %d(%1.2lfx, %1.2lfx)", pcSlice->getRefPOC( RefPicList( iRefList ), iRefIndex ), double( scaleRatio.first ) / ( 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS ), double( scaleRatio.second ) / ( 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS ) ); } else { msg( NOTICE, " %d", pcSlice->getRefPOC( RefPicList( iRefList ), iRefIndex ) ); } } if( pcSlice->getRefPOC( RefPicList( iRefList ), iRefIndex ) == pcSlice->getPOC() ) { msg( NOTICE, ".%d", pcSlice->getRefPic( RefPicList( iRefList ), iRefIndex )->layerId ); } } msg( NOTICE, "]" ); } if (m_pcEncLib->isResChangeInClvsEnabled()) { #if JVET_W0134_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG msg( NOTICE, " [Y2 %6.4lf dB U2 %6.4lf dB V2 %6.4lf dB]", upscaledPSNR[COMPONENT_Y], upscaledPSNR[COMPONENT_Cb], upscaledPSNR[COMPONENT_Cr] ); msg( NOTICE, " MS-SSIM2: [Y %6.4lf U %6.4lf V %6.4lf ]", upscaledMsssim[COMPONENT_Y], upscaledMsssim[COMPONENT_Cb], upscaledMsssim[COMPONENT_Cr] ); #else msg( NOTICE, "\nPSNR2: [Y %6.4lf dB U %6.4lf dB V %6.4lf dB]", upscaledPSNR[COMPONENT_Y], upscaledPSNR[COMPONENT_Cb], upscaledPSNR[COMPONENT_Cr] ); msg( NOTICE, "\nMS-SSIM2: [Y %6.4lf U %6.4lf V %6.4lf ]", upscaledMsssim[COMPONENT_Y], upscaledMsssim[COMPONENT_Cb], upscaledMsssim[COMPONENT_Cr] ); #endif } } else if( g_verbosity >= INFO ) { std::cout << "\r\t" << pcSlice->getPOC(); std::cout.flush(); } } #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG double EncGOP::xCalculateMSSSIM(const Pel *org, const int orgStride, const Pel *rec, const int recStride, const int width, const int height, const uint32_t bitDepth) { const int MAX_MSSSIM_SCALE = 5; const int WEIGHTING_MID_TAP = 5; const int WEIGHTING_SIZE = WEIGHTING_MID_TAP * 2 + 1; uint32_t maxScale; // For low resolution videos determine number of scales if (width < 22 || height < 22) { maxScale = 1; } else if (width < 44 || height < 44) { maxScale = 2; } else if (width < 88 || height < 88) { maxScale = 3; } else if (width < 176 || height < 176) { maxScale = 4; } else { maxScale = 5; } assert(maxScale > 0 && maxScale <= MAX_MSSSIM_SCALE); // Normalized Gaussian mask design, 11*11, s.d. 1.5 double weights[WEIGHTING_SIZE][WEIGHTING_SIZE]; double coeffSum = 0.0; for (int y = 0; y < WEIGHTING_SIZE; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < WEIGHTING_SIZE; x++) { weights[y][x] = exp(-((y - WEIGHTING_MID_TAP) * (y - WEIGHTING_MID_TAP) + (x - WEIGHTING_MID_TAP) * (x - WEIGHTING_MID_TAP)) / (WEIGHTING_MID_TAP - 0.5)); coeffSum += weights[y][x]; } } for (int y = 0; y < WEIGHTING_SIZE; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < WEIGHTING_SIZE; x++) { weights[y][x] /= coeffSum; } } // Resolution based weights const double exponentWeights[MAX_MSSSIM_SCALE][MAX_MSSSIM_SCALE] = { { 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0.1356, 0.8644, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0.0711, 0.4530, 0.4760, 0, 0 }, { 0.0517, 0.3295, 0.3462, 0.2726, 0 }, { 0.0448, 0.2856, 0.3001, 0.2363, 0.1333 } }; // Downsampling of data: std::vector<double> original[MAX_MSSSIM_SCALE]; std::vector<double> recon[MAX_MSSSIM_SCALE]; for (uint32_t scale = 0; scale < maxScale; scale++) { const int scaledHeight = height >> scale; const int scaledWidth = width >> scale; original[scale].resize(scaledHeight * scaledWidth, double(0)); recon[scale].resize(scaledHeight * scaledWidth, double(0)); } // Initial [0] arrays to be a copy of the source data (but stored in array "double", not Pel array). for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { original[0][y * width + x] = org[y * orgStride + x]; recon[0][y * width + x] = rec[y * recStride + x]; } } // Set up other arrays to be average value of each 2x2 sample. for (uint32_t scale = 1; scale < maxScale; scale++) { const int scaledHeight = height >> scale; const int scaledWidth = width >> scale; for (int y = 0; y < scaledHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < scaledWidth; x++) { original[scale][y * scaledWidth + x] = (original[scale - 1][2 * y * (2 * scaledWidth) + 2 * x] + original[scale - 1][2 * y * (2 * scaledWidth) + 2 * x + 1] + original[scale - 1][(2 * y + 1) * (2 * scaledWidth) + 2 * x] + original[scale - 1][(2 * y + 1) * (2 * scaledWidth) + 2 * x + 1]) / 4.0; recon[scale][y * scaledWidth + x] = (recon[scale - 1][2 * y * (2 * scaledWidth) + 2 * x] + recon[scale - 1][2 * y * (2 * scaledWidth) + 2 * x + 1] + recon[scale - 1][(2 * y + 1) * (2 * scaledWidth) + 2 * x] + recon[scale - 1][(2 * y + 1) * (2 * scaledWidth) + 2 * x + 1]) / 4.0; } } } // Calculate MS-SSIM: const uint32_t maxValue = (1 << bitDepth) - 1; const double c1 = (0.01 * maxValue) * (0.01 * maxValue); const double c2 = (0.03 * maxValue) * (0.03 * maxValue); double finalMSSSIM = 1.0; for (uint32_t scale = 0; scale < maxScale; scale++) { const int scaledHeight = height >> scale; const int scaledWidth = width >> scale; const int blocksPerRow = scaledWidth - WEIGHTING_SIZE + 1; const int blocksPerColumn = scaledHeight - WEIGHTING_SIZE + 1; const int totalBlocks = blocksPerRow * blocksPerColumn; double meanSSIM = 0.0; for (int blockIndexY = 0; blockIndexY < blocksPerColumn; blockIndexY++) { for (int blockIndexX = 0; blockIndexX < blocksPerRow; blockIndexX++) { double muOrg = 0.0; double muRec = 0.0; double muOrigSqr = 0.0; double muRecSqr = 0.0; double muOrigMultRec = 0.0; for (int y = 0; y < WEIGHTING_SIZE; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < WEIGHTING_SIZE; x++) { const double gaussianWeight = weights[y][x]; const int sampleOffset = (blockIndexY + y) * scaledWidth + (blockIndexX + x); const double orgPel = original[scale][sampleOffset]; const double recPel = recon[scale][sampleOffset]; muOrg += orgPel * gaussianWeight; muRec += recPel * gaussianWeight; muOrigSqr += orgPel * orgPel * gaussianWeight; muRecSqr += recPel * recPel * gaussianWeight; muOrigMultRec += orgPel * recPel * gaussianWeight; } } const double sigmaSqrOrig = muOrigSqr - (muOrg * muOrg); const double sigmaSqrRec = muRecSqr - (muRec * muRec); const double sigmaOrigRec = muOrigMultRec - (muOrg * muRec); double blockSSIMVal = ((2.0 * sigmaOrigRec + c2) / (sigmaSqrOrig + sigmaSqrRec + c2)); if (scale == maxScale - 1) { blockSSIMVal *= (2.0 * muOrg * muRec + c1) / (muOrg * muOrg + muRec * muRec + c1); } meanSSIM += blockSSIMVal; } } meanSSIM /= totalBlocks; finalMSSSIM *= pow(meanSSIM, exponentWeights[maxScale - 1][scale]); } return finalMSSSIM; } #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS void EncGOP::xCalculateHDRMetrics( Picture* pcPic, double deltaE[hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE], double psnrL[hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE]) { copyBuftoFrame(pcPic); ChromaFormat chFmt = pcPic->chromaFormat; if (chFmt != CHROMA_444) { m_pcConvertFormat->process(m_ppcFrameOrg[1], m_ppcFrameOrg[0]); m_pcConvertFormat->process(m_ppcFrameRec[1], m_ppcFrameRec[0]); } m_pcConvertIQuantize->process(m_ppcFrameOrg[2], m_ppcFrameOrg[1]); m_pcConvertIQuantize->process(m_ppcFrameRec[2], m_ppcFrameRec[1]); m_pcColorTransform->process(m_ppcFrameOrg[3], m_ppcFrameOrg[2]); m_pcColorTransform->process(m_ppcFrameRec[3], m_ppcFrameRec[2]); m_pcTransferFct->forward(m_ppcFrameOrg[4], m_ppcFrameOrg[3]); m_pcTransferFct->forward(m_ppcFrameRec[4], m_ppcFrameRec[3]); // Calculate the Metrics m_pcDistortionDeltaE->computeMetric(m_ppcFrameOrg[4], m_ppcFrameRec[4]); *deltaE = m_pcDistortionDeltaE->getDeltaE(); *psnrL = m_pcDistortionDeltaE->getPsnrL(); } void EncGOP::copyBuftoFrame( Picture* pcPic ) { int cropOffsetLeft = m_pcCfg->getCropOffsetLeft(); int cropOffsetTop = m_pcCfg->getCropOffsetTop(); int cropOffsetRight = m_pcCfg->getCropOffsetRight(); int cropOffsetBottom = m_pcCfg->getCropOffsetBottom(); int height = pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf( COMPONENT_Y ).height - cropOffsetLeft + cropOffsetRight; int width = pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf( COMPONENT_Y ).width - cropOffsetTop + cropOffsetBottom; ChromaFormat chFmt = pcPic->chromaFormat; Pel *pOrg = pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf( COMPONENT_Y ).buf; Pel* pRec = pcPic->getRecoBuf(COMPONENT_Y).buf; uint16_t* yOrg = m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP]; uint16_t* yRec = m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP]; uint16_t* uOrg = m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Cb_COMP]; uint16_t* uRec = m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Cb_COMP]; uint16_t* vOrg = m_ppcFrameOrg[0]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Cr_COMP]; uint16_t* vRec = m_ppcFrameRec[0]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Cr_COMP]; if(chFmt == CHROMA_444){ yOrg = m_ppcFrameOrg[1]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP]; yRec = m_ppcFrameRec[1]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Y_COMP]; uOrg = m_ppcFrameOrg[1]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Cb_COMP]; uRec = m_ppcFrameRec[1]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Cb_COMP]; vOrg = m_ppcFrameOrg[1]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Cr_COMP]; vRec = m_ppcFrameRec[1]->m_ui16Comp[hdrtoolslib::Cr_COMP]; } for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { yOrg[i * width + j] = static_cast< uint16_t >(pOrg[(i + cropOffsetTop) * pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf( COMPONENT_Y ).stride + j + cropOffsetLeft]); yRec[i*width + j] = static_cast<uint16_t>(pRec[(i + cropOffsetTop) * pcPic->getRecoBuf(COMPONENT_Y).stride + j + cropOffsetLeft]); } } if (chFmt != CHROMA_444) { height >>= 1; width >>= 1; cropOffsetLeft >>= 1; cropOffsetTop >>= 1; } pOrg = pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf( COMPONENT_Cb ).buf; pRec = pcPic->getRecoBuf(COMPONENT_Cb).buf; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { uOrg[i * width + j] = static_cast< uint16_t >(pOrg[(i + cropOffsetTop) * pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf( COMPONENT_Cb ).stride + j + cropOffsetLeft]); uRec[i*width + j] = static_cast<uint16_t>(pRec[(i + cropOffsetTop) * pcPic->getRecoBuf(COMPONENT_Cb).stride + j + cropOffsetLeft]); } } pOrg = pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf( COMPONENT_Cr ).buf; pRec = pcPic->getRecoBuf(COMPONENT_Cr).buf; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { vOrg[i * width + j] = static_cast< uint16_t >(pOrg[(i + cropOffsetTop) * pcPic->getTrueOrigBuf( COMPONENT_Cr ).stride + j + cropOffsetLeft]); vRec[i*width + j] = static_cast<uint16_t>(pRec[(i + cropOffsetTop) * pcPic->getRecoBuf(COMPONENT_Cr).stride + j + cropOffsetLeft]); } } } #endif void EncGOP::xCalculateInterlacedAddPSNR( Picture* pcPicOrgFirstField, Picture* pcPicOrgSecondField, PelUnitBuf cPicRecFirstField, PelUnitBuf cPicRecSecondField, const InputColourSpaceConversion conversion, const bool printFrameMSE, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG const bool printMSSSIM, #endif double *PSNR_Y, bool isEncodeLtRef) { const SPS &sps = *pcPicOrgFirstField->cs->sps; const ChromaFormat format = sps.getChromaFormatIdc(); double dPSNR[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; Picture *apcPicOrgFields[2] = {pcPicOrgFirstField, pcPicOrgSecondField}; PelUnitBuf acPicRecFields[2] = {cPicRecFirstField, cPicRecSecondField}; #if ENABLE_QPA const bool useWPSNR = m_pcEncLib->getUseWPSNR(); #endif for(int i=0; i<MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++) { dPSNR[i]=0.0; } PelStorage cscd[2 /* first/second field */]; if (conversion!=IPCOLOURSPACE_UNCHANGED) { for(uint32_t fieldNum=0; fieldNum<2; fieldNum++) { PelUnitBuf& reconField= (acPicRecFields[fieldNum]); cscd[fieldNum].create( reconField.chromaFormat, Area( Position(), reconField.Y()) ); VideoIOYuv::ColourSpaceConvert(reconField, cscd[fieldNum], conversion, false); acPicRecFields[fieldNum]=cscd[fieldNum]; } } //===== calculate PSNR ===== double MSEyuvframe[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] = {0, 0, 0}; #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG double msssim[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] = {0.0,0.,0.}; #endif CHECK(!(acPicRecFields[0].chromaFormat==acPicRecFields[1].chromaFormat), "Unspecified error"); const uint32_t numValidComponents = ::getNumberValidComponents( acPicRecFields[0].chromaFormat ); for (int chan = 0; chan < numValidComponents; chan++) { const ComponentID ch=ComponentID(chan); CHECK(!(acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).width==acPicRecFields[1].get(ch).width), "Unspecified error"); CHECK(!(acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).height==acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).height), "Unspecified error"); uint64_t uiSSDtemp=0; #if JVET_AA0146_WRAP_AROUND_FIX const uint32_t width = acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).width - (m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding(0) >> ::getComponentScaleX(ch, format)); const uint32_t height = acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).height - ((m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding(1) >> 1) >> ::getComponentScaleY(ch, format)); #else const uint32_t width = acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).width - (m_pcEncLib->getPad(0) >> ::getComponentScaleX(ch, format)); const uint32_t height = acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).height - ((m_pcEncLib->getPad(1) >> 1) >> ::getComponentScaleY(ch, format)); #endif const uint32_t bitDepth = sps.getBitDepth(toChannelType(ch)); #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG double sumOverFieldsMSSSIM = 0; #endif for(uint32_t fieldNum=0; fieldNum<2; fieldNum++) { CHECK(!(conversion == IPCOLOURSPACE_UNCHANGED), "Unspecified error"); #if ENABLE_QPA uiSSDtemp += xFindDistortionPlane( acPicRecFields[fieldNum].get(ch), apcPicOrgFields[fieldNum]->getOrigBuf().get(ch), useWPSNR ? bitDepth : 0, ::getComponentScaleX(ch, format), ::getComponentScaleY(ch, format) ); #else uiSSDtemp += xFindDistortionPlane( acPicRecFields[fieldNum].get(ch), apcPicOrgFields[fieldNum]->getOrigBuf().get(ch), 0 ); #endif #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG if (printMSSSIM) { CPelBuf o = apcPicOrgFields[fieldNum]->getOrigBuf().get(ch); CPelBuf p = acPicRecFields[fieldNum].get(ch); sumOverFieldsMSSSIM += xCalculateMSSSIM(o.bufAt(0, 0), o.stride, p.bufAt(0, 0), p.stride, width, height, bitDepth); } #endif } #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG if (printMSSSIM) { msssim[ch] = sumOverFieldsMSSSIM / 2; } #endif const uint32_t maxval = 255 << (bitDepth - 8); const uint32_t size = width * height * 2; const double fRefValue = (double)maxval * maxval * size; dPSNR[ch] = uiSSDtemp ? 10.0 * log10(fRefValue / (double)uiSSDtemp) : 999.99; MSEyuvframe[ch] = (double)uiSSDtemp / size; } uint32_t uibits = 0; // the number of bits for the pair is not calculated here - instead the overall total is used elsewhere. //===== add PSNR ===== m_gcAnalyzeAll_in.addResult(dPSNR, (double) uibits, MSEyuvframe, MSEyuvframe, #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG msssim, msssim, #endif isEncodeLtRef); *PSNR_Y = dPSNR[COMPONENT_Y]; msg( INFO, "\n Interlaced frame %d: [Y %6.4lf dB U %6.4lf dB V %6.4lf dB]", pcPicOrgSecondField->getPOC()/2, dPSNR[COMPONENT_Y], dPSNR[COMPONENT_Cb], dPSNR[COMPONENT_Cr] ); if (printFrameMSE) { msg( DETAILS, " [Y MSE %6.4lf U MSE %6.4lf V MSE %6.4lf]", MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Y], MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Cb], MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Cr] ); } #if MSSIM_UNIFORM_METRICS_LOG if (printMSSSIM) { printf(" [MS-SSIM Y %1.6lf U %1.6lf V %1.6lf]", msssim[COMPONENT_Y], msssim[COMPONENT_Cb], msssim[COMPONENT_Cr] ); } #endif for(uint32_t fieldNum=0; fieldNum<2; fieldNum++) { cscd[fieldNum].destroy(); } } /** Function for deciding the nal_unit_type. * \param pocCurr POC of the current picture * \param lastIDR POC of the last IDR picture * \param isField true to indicate field coding * \returns the NAL unit type of the picture * This function checks the configuration and returns the appropriate nal_unit_type for the picture. */ NalUnitType EncGOP::getNalUnitType(int pocCurr, int lastIDR, bool isField) { #if JVET_Z0118_GDR if (m_pcCfg->getGdrEnabled() && m_pcCfg->getDecodingRefreshType() == 3 && (pocCurr >= m_pcCfg->getGdrPocStart())) { int m = pocCurr - m_pcCfg->getGdrPocStart(); int n = m_pcCfg->getGdrPeriod(); if (m % n == 0) { return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR; } } #endif if (pocCurr == 0) { return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP; } if (m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled() && isField && pocCurr == (m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() ? 2: 1)) { // to avoid the picture becoming an IRAP return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TRAIL; } if (m_pcCfg->getDecodingRefreshType() != 3 && (pocCurr - isField) % (m_pcCfg->getIntraPeriod() * (m_pcCfg->getUseCompositeRef() ? 2 : 1)) == 0) { if (m_pcCfg->getDecodingRefreshType() == 1) { return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA; } else if (m_pcCfg->getDecodingRefreshType() == 2) { return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL; } } if(m_pocCRA>0) { if(pocCurr<m_pocCRA) { // All leading pictures are being marked as TFD pictures here since current encoder uses all // reference pictures while encoding leading pictures. An encoder can ensure that a leading // picture can be still decodable when random accessing to a CRA/CRANT/BLA/BLANT picture by // controlling the reference pictures used for encoding that leading picture. Such a leading // picture need not be marked as a TFD picture. return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL; } } if (lastIDR>0) { if (pocCurr < lastIDR) { return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL; } } #if JVET_Z0118_GDR if (m_pcCfg->getGdrEnabled() && pocCurr >= m_pcCfg->getGdrPocStart() && ((pocCurr - m_pcCfg->getGdrPocStart()) % m_pcCfg->getGdrPeriod() == 0)) { return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR; } else if (m_pcCfg->getGdrEnabled() && (pocCurr != 0) && (pocCurr < m_pcCfg->getGdrPocStart())) { return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TRAIL; } else { return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TRAIL; } #else return NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TRAIL; #endif } void EncGOP::xUpdateRasInit(Slice* slice) { slice->setPendingRasInit( false ); if ( slice->getPOC() > m_lastRasPoc ) { m_lastRasPoc = MAX_INT; slice->setPendingRasInit( true ); } if ( slice->isIRAP() ) { m_lastRasPoc = slice->getPOC(); } } double EncGOP::xCalculateRVM() { double dRVM = 0; if( m_pcCfg->getGOPSize() == 1 && m_pcCfg->getIntraPeriod() != 1 && m_pcCfg->getFramesToBeEncoded() > RVM_VCEGAM10_M * 2 ) { // calculate RVM only for lowdelay configurations std::vector<double> vRL , vB; size_t N = m_vRVM_RP.size(); vRL.resize( N ); vB.resize( N ); int i; double dRavg = 0 , dBavg = 0; vB[RVM_VCEGAM10_M] = 0; for( i = RVM_VCEGAM10_M + 1 ; i < N - RVM_VCEGAM10_M + 1 ; i++ ) { vRL[i] = 0; for( int j = i - RVM_VCEGAM10_M ; j <= i + RVM_VCEGAM10_M - 1 ; j++ ) { vRL[i] += m_vRVM_RP[j]; } vRL[i] /= ( 2 * RVM_VCEGAM10_M ); vB[i] = vB[i-1] + m_vRVM_RP[i] - vRL[i]; dRavg += m_vRVM_RP[i]; dBavg += vB[i]; } dRavg /= ( N - 2 * RVM_VCEGAM10_M ); dBavg /= ( N - 2 * RVM_VCEGAM10_M ); double dSigamB = 0; for( i = RVM_VCEGAM10_M + 1 ; i < N - RVM_VCEGAM10_M + 1 ; i++ ) { double tmp = vB[i] - dBavg; dSigamB += tmp * tmp; } dSigamB = sqrt( dSigamB / ( N - 2 * RVM_VCEGAM10_M ) ); double f = sqrt( 12.0 * ( RVM_VCEGAM10_M - 1 ) / ( RVM_VCEGAM10_M + 1 ) ); dRVM = dSigamB / dRavg * f; } return( dRVM ); } /** Attaches the input bitstream to the stream in the output NAL unit Updates rNalu to contain concatenated bitstream. rpcBitstreamRedirect is cleared at the end of this function call. * \param codedSliceData contains the coded slice data (bitstream) to be concatenated to rNalu * \param rNalu target NAL unit */ void EncGOP::xAttachSliceDataToNalUnit (OutputNALUnit& rNalu, OutputBitstream* codedSliceData) { // Byte-align rNalu.m_Bitstream.writeByteAlignment(); // Slice header byte-alignment // Perform bitstream concatenation if (codedSliceData->getNumberOfWrittenBits() > 0) { rNalu.m_Bitstream.addSubstream(codedSliceData); } codedSliceData->clear(); } #if JVET_AG0145_ADAPTIVE_CLIPPING void EncGOP::getRealRange(Picture* pcPic) { int compIdx = 0; ComponentID compID = ComponentID(compIdx); int width = pcPic->cs->pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(); int height = pcPic->cs->pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(); int oriStride = pcPic->getOrigBuf().get(compID).stride; Pel* oriPel = pcPic->getOrigBuf().get(compID).buf; int pelMax = 0; int pelMin = (1 << pcPic->cs->sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID))) - 1; for (uint32_t yPos = 0; yPos < height; yPos++) { for (uint32_t xPos = 0; xPos < width; xPos++) { int tmpPel = oriPel[yPos * oriStride + xPos]; if (tmpPel > pelMax) { pelMax = tmpPel; } if (tmpPel < pelMin) { pelMin = tmpPel; } } } pcPic->lumaClpRng.min = pelMin; pcPic->lumaClpRng.max = pelMax; } void EncGOP::adaptiveClipToRealRange(Picture* pcPic) { ClpRng clpRng; clpRng.min = pcPic->cs->slice->getLumaPelMin(); clpRng.max = pcPic->cs->slice->getLumaPelMax(); int compIdx = 0; ComponentID compID = ComponentID(compIdx); int width = pcPic->cs->pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(); int height = pcPic->cs->pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(); Pel* reconPel = pcPic->getRecoBuf().get(compID).buf; int stride = pcPic->getRecoBuf().get(compID).stride; for (uint32_t yPos = 0; yPos < height; yPos++) { for (uint32_t xPos = 0; xPos < width; xPos++) { reconPel[yPos * stride + xPos] = ClipPel(reconPel[yPos * stride + xPos], clpRng); } } } #endif void EncGOP::arrangeCompositeReference(Slice* pcSlice, PicList& rcListPic, int pocCurr) { Picture* curPic = NULL; PicList::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); const PreCalcValues *pcv = pcSlice->getPPS()->pcv; m_bgPOC = pocCurr + 1; if (m_picBg->getSpliceFull()) { return; } while (iterPic != rcListPic.end()) { curPic = *(iterPic++); if (curPic->getPOC() == pocCurr) { break; } } if (pcSlice->isIRAP()) { return; } int width = pcv->lumaWidth; int height = pcv->lumaHeight; int stride = curPic->getOrigBuf().get(COMPONENT_Y).stride; int cStride = curPic->getOrigBuf().get(COMPONENT_Cb).stride; Pel* curLumaAddr = curPic->getOrigBuf().get(COMPONENT_Y).buf; Pel* curCbAddr = curPic->getOrigBuf().get(COMPONENT_Cb).buf; Pel* curCrAddr = curPic->getOrigBuf().get(COMPONENT_Cr).buf; Pel* bgOrgLumaAddr = m_picOrig->getOrigBuf().get(COMPONENT_Y).buf; Pel* bgOrgCbAddr = m_picOrig->getOrigBuf().get(COMPONENT_Cb).buf; Pel* bgOrgCrAddr = m_picOrig->getOrigBuf().get(COMPONENT_Cr).buf; int cuMaxWidth = pcv->maxCUWidth; int cuMaxHeight = pcv->maxCUHeight; int maxReplace = (pcv->sizeInCtus) / 2; maxReplace = maxReplace < 1 ? 1 : maxReplace; typedef struct tagCostStr { double cost; int ctuIdx; }CostStr; CostStr* minCtuCost = new CostStr[maxReplace]; for (int i = 0; i < maxReplace; i++) { minCtuCost[i].cost = 1e10; minCtuCost[i].ctuIdx = -1; } int bitIncrementY = pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA) - 8; int bitIncrementUV = pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) - 8; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += cuMaxHeight) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += cuMaxWidth) { double lcuDist = 0.0; double lcuDistCb = 0.0; double lcuDistCr = 0.0; int realPixelCnt = 0; double lcuCost = 1e10; int largeDist = 0; for (int tmpy = 0; tmpy < cuMaxHeight; tmpy++) { if (y + tmpy >= height) { break; } for (int tmpx = 0; tmpx < cuMaxWidth; tmpx++) { if (x + tmpx >= width) { break; } realPixelCnt++; lcuDist += abs(curLumaAddr[(y + tmpy)*stride + x + tmpx] - bgOrgLumaAddr[(y + tmpy)*stride + x + tmpx]); if (abs(curLumaAddr[(y + tmpy)*stride + x + tmpx] - bgOrgLumaAddr[(y + tmpy)*stride + x + tmpx]) >(20 << bitIncrementY)) { largeDist++; } if (tmpy % 2 == 0 && tmpx % 2 == 0) { lcuDistCb += abs(curCbAddr[(y + tmpy) / 2 * cStride + (x + tmpx) / 2] - bgOrgCbAddr[(y + tmpy) / 2 * cStride + (x + tmpx) / 2]); lcuDistCr += abs(curCrAddr[(y + tmpy) / 2 * cStride + (x + tmpx) / 2] - bgOrgCrAddr[(y + tmpy) / 2 * cStride + (x + tmpx) / 2]); } } } //Test the vertical or horizontal edge for background patches candidates int yInLCU = y / cuMaxHeight; int xInLCU = x / cuMaxWidth; int iLCUIdx = yInLCU * pcv->widthInCtus + xInLCU; if ((largeDist / (double)realPixelCnt < 0.01 &&lcuDist / realPixelCnt < (3.5 * (1 << bitIncrementY)) && lcuDistCb / realPixelCnt < (0.5 * (1 << bitIncrementUV)) && lcuDistCr / realPixelCnt < (0.5 * (1 << bitIncrementUV)) && m_picBg->getSpliceIdx(iLCUIdx) == 0)) { lcuCost = lcuDist / realPixelCnt + lcuDistCb / realPixelCnt + lcuDistCr / realPixelCnt; //obtain the maxReplace smallest cost //1) find the largest cost in the maxReplace candidates for (int i = 0; i < maxReplace - 1; i++) { if (minCtuCost[i].cost > minCtuCost[i + 1].cost) { swap(minCtuCost[i].cost, minCtuCost[i + 1].cost); swap(minCtuCost[i].ctuIdx, minCtuCost[i + 1].ctuIdx); } } // 2) compare the current cost with the largest cost if (lcuCost < minCtuCost[maxReplace - 1].cost) { minCtuCost[maxReplace - 1].cost = lcuCost; minCtuCost[maxReplace - 1].ctuIdx = iLCUIdx; } } } } // modify QP for background CTU { for (int i = 0; i < maxReplace; i++) { if (minCtuCost[i].ctuIdx != -1) { m_picBg->setSpliceIdx(minCtuCost[i].ctuIdx, pocCurr); } } } delete[]minCtuCost; } void EncGOP::updateCompositeReference(Slice* pcSlice, PicList& rcListPic, int pocCurr) { Picture* curPic = NULL; const PreCalcValues *pcv = pcSlice->getPPS()->pcv; PicList::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); while (iterPic != rcListPic.end()) { curPic = *(iterPic++); if (curPic->getPOC() == pocCurr) { break; } } assert(curPic->getPOC() == pocCurr); int width = pcv->lumaWidth; int height = pcv->lumaHeight; int stride = curPic->getRecoBuf().get(COMPONENT_Y).stride; int cStride = curPic->getRecoBuf().get(COMPONENT_Cb).stride; Pel* bgLumaAddr = m_picBg->getRecoBuf().get(COMPONENT_Y).buf; Pel* bgCbAddr = m_picBg->getRecoBuf().get(COMPONENT_Cb).buf; Pel* bgCrAddr = m_picBg->getRecoBuf().get(COMPONENT_Cr).buf; Pel* curLumaAddr = curPic->getRecoBuf().get(COMPONENT_Y).buf; Pel* curCbAddr = curPic->getRecoBuf().get(COMPONENT_Cb).buf; Pel* curCrAddr = curPic->getRecoBuf().get(COMPONENT_Cr).buf; int maxCuWidth = pcv->maxCUWidth; int maxCuHeight = pcv->maxCUHeight; // Update background reference if (pcSlice->isIRAP())//(pocCurr == 0) { curPic->extendPicBorder( pcSlice->getPPS() ); curPic->setBorderExtension(true); m_picBg->getRecoBuf().copyFrom(curPic->getRecoBuf()); m_picOrig->getOrigBuf().copyFrom(curPic->getOrigBuf()); } else { //cout << "update B" << pocCurr << endl; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += maxCuHeight) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += maxCuWidth) { if (m_picBg->getSpliceIdx((y / maxCuHeight)*pcv->widthInCtus + x / maxCuWidth) == pocCurr) { for (int tmpy = 0; tmpy < maxCuHeight; tmpy++) { if (y + tmpy >= height) { break; } for (int tmpx = 0; tmpx < maxCuWidth; tmpx++) { if (x + tmpx >= width) { break; } bgLumaAddr[(y + tmpy)*stride + x + tmpx] = curLumaAddr[(y + tmpy)*stride + x + tmpx]; if (tmpy % 2 == 0 && tmpx % 2 == 0) { bgCbAddr[(y + tmpy) / 2 * cStride + (x + tmpx) / 2] = curCbAddr[(y + tmpy) / 2 * cStride + (x + tmpx) / 2]; bgCrAddr[(y + tmpy) / 2 * cStride + (x + tmpx) / 2] = curCrAddr[(y + tmpy) / 2 * cStride + (x + tmpx) / 2]; } } } } } } m_picBg->setBorderExtension(false); m_picBg->extendPicBorder( pcSlice->getPPS() ); m_picBg->setBorderExtension(true); curPic->extendPicBorder( pcSlice->getPPS() ); curPic->setBorderExtension(true); m_picOrig->getOrigBuf().copyFrom(curPic->getOrigBuf()); m_picBg->setBorderExtension(false); m_picBg->extendPicBorder( pcSlice->getPPS() ); m_picBg->setBorderExtension(true); } } void EncGOP::applyDeblockingFilterMetric( Picture* pcPic, uint32_t uiNumSlices ) { PelBuf cPelBuf = pcPic->getRecoBuf().get( COMPONENT_Y ); Pel* Rec = cPelBuf.buf; const int stride = cPelBuf.stride; const uint32_t picWidth = cPelBuf.width; const uint32_t picHeight = cPelBuf.height; Pel* tempRec = Rec; const Slice* pcSlice = pcPic->slices[0]; const uint32_t log2maxTB = pcSlice->getSPS()->getLog2MaxTbSize(); const uint32_t maxTBsize = (1<<log2maxTB); const uint32_t minBlockArtSize = 8; const uint32_t noCol = (picWidth>>log2maxTB); const uint32_t noRows = (picHeight>>log2maxTB); CHECK(!(noCol > 1), "Unspecified error"); CHECK(!(noRows > 1), "Unspecified error"); std::vector<uint64_t> colSAD(noCol, uint64_t(0)); std::vector<uint64_t> rowSAD(noRows, uint64_t(0)); uint32_t colIdx = 0; uint32_t rowIdx = 0; Pel p0, p1, p2, q0, q1, q2; int qp = pcSlice->getSliceQp(); const int bitDepthLuma=pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA); int bitdepthScale = 1 << (bitDepthLuma-8); int beta = LoopFilter::getBeta( qp ) * bitdepthScale; const int thr2 = (beta>>2); const int thr1 = 2*bitdepthScale; uint32_t a = 0; if (maxTBsize > minBlockArtSize) { // Analyze vertical artifact edges for(int c = maxTBsize; c < picWidth; c += maxTBsize) { for(int r = 0; r < picHeight; r++) { p2 = Rec[c-3]; p1 = Rec[c-2]; p0 = Rec[c-1]; q0 = Rec[c]; q1 = Rec[c+1]; q2 = Rec[c+2]; a = ((abs(p2-(p1<<1)+p0)+abs(q0-(q1<<1)+q2))<<1); if ( thr1 < a && a < thr2) { colSAD[colIdx] += abs(p0 - q0); } Rec += stride; } colIdx++; Rec = tempRec; } // Analyze horizontal artifact edges for(int r = maxTBsize; r < picHeight; r += maxTBsize) { for(int c = 0; c < picWidth; c++) { p2 = Rec[c + (r-3)*stride]; p1 = Rec[c + (r-2)*stride]; p0 = Rec[c + (r-1)*stride]; q0 = Rec[c + r*stride]; q1 = Rec[c + (r+1)*stride]; q2 = Rec[c + (r+2)*stride]; a = ((abs(p2-(p1<<1)+p0)+abs(q0-(q1<<1)+q2))<<1); if (thr1 < a && a < thr2) { rowSAD[rowIdx] += abs(p0 - q0); } } rowIdx++; } } uint64_t colSADsum = 0; uint64_t rowSADsum = 0; for(int c = 0; c < noCol-1; c++) { colSADsum += colSAD[c]; } for(int r = 0; r < noRows-1; r++) { rowSADsum += rowSAD[r]; } colSADsum <<= 10; rowSADsum <<= 10; colSADsum /= (noCol-1); colSADsum /= picHeight; rowSADsum /= (noRows-1); rowSADsum /= picWidth; uint64_t avgSAD = ((colSADsum + rowSADsum)>>1); avgSAD >>= (bitDepthLuma-8); if ( avgSAD > 2048 ) { avgSAD >>= 9; int offset = Clip3(2,6,(int)avgSAD); for (int i=0; i<uiNumSlices; i++) { Slice* pcLocalSlice = pcPic->slices[i]; pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag ( true); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterDisable ( false); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 ( offset ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 ( offset ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2 ( offset ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2 ( offset ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2 ( offset ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2 ( offset ); } } else { for (int i=0; i<uiNumSlices; i++) { Slice* pcLocalSlice = pcPic->slices[i]; const PPS* pcPPS = pcSlice->getPPS(); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag ( false); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterDisable ( pcPPS->getPPSDeblockingFilterDisabledFlag() ); #if DB_PARAM_TID int betaIdx = Clip3(0, (int)pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2().size() - 1, (int)pcLocalSlice->getTLayer() + (pcLocalSlice->isIntra() ? 0 : 1)); int tcIdx = Clip3(0, (int)pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2().size() - 1, (int)pcLocalSlice->getTLayer() + (pcLocalSlice->isIntra() ? 0 : 1)); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()[betaIdx] ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 ( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()[tcIdx] ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()[betaIdx]); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()[tcIdx]); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()[betaIdx]); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()[tcIdx]); #else pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2() ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 ( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2() ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2 ( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2() ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2 ( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2() ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2 ( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2() ); pcLocalSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2 ( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2() ); #endif } } } #if DB_PARAM_TID void EncGOP::applyDeblockingFilterParameterSelection( Picture* pcPic, Slice* pcSlice, const uint32_t numSlices, const int gopID ) { const PPS* pcPPS = pcPic->slices[0]->getPPS(); for (int i = 0; i<numSlices; i++) { Slice* pcSlice = pcPic->slices[i]; pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag(false); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterDisable(pcPPS->getPPSDeblockingFilterDisabledFlag()); int betaIdx = Clip3(0, (int)pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2().size() - 1, (int)pcSlice->getTLayer() + (pcSlice->isIntra() ? 0 : 1)); int tcIdx = Clip3(0, (int)pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2().size() - 1, (int)pcSlice->getTLayer() + (pcSlice->isIntra() ? 0 : 1)); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()[betaIdx]); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()[tcIdx]); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()[betaIdx]); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()[tcIdx]); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()[betaIdx]); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()[tcIdx]); } } #endif #if W0038_DB_OPT void EncGOP::applyDeblockingFilterParameterSelection( Picture* pcPic, const uint32_t numSlices, const int gopID ) { enum DBFltParam { DBFLT_PARAM_AVAILABLE = 0, DBFLT_DISABLE_FLAG, DBFLT_BETA_OFFSETD2, DBFLT_TC_OFFSETD2, //NUM_DBFLT_PARAMS }; const int MAX_BETA_OFFSET = 3; const int MIN_BETA_OFFSET = -3; const int MAX_TC_OFFSET = 3; const int MIN_TC_OFFSET = -3; PelUnitBuf reco = pcPic->getRecoBuf(); const int currQualityLayer = (!pcPic->slices[0]->isIRAP()) ? m_pcCfg->getGOPEntry(gopID).m_temporalId+1 : 0; CHECK(!(currQualityLayer <MAX_ENCODER_DEBLOCKING_QUALITY_LAYERS), "Unspecified error"); CodingStructure& cs = *pcPic->cs; if(!m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv) { m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv = new PelStorage; m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv->create( cs.area ); memset(m_DBParam, 0, sizeof(m_DBParam)); } //preserve current reconstruction m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv->copyFrom ( reco ); const bool bNoFiltering = m_DBParam[currQualityLayer][DBFLT_PARAM_AVAILABLE] && m_DBParam[currQualityLayer][DBFLT_DISABLE_FLAG]==false /*&& pcPic->getTLayer()==0*/; const int maxBetaOffsetDiv2 = bNoFiltering? Clip3(MIN_BETA_OFFSET, MAX_BETA_OFFSET, m_DBParam[currQualityLayer][DBFLT_BETA_OFFSETD2]+1) : MAX_BETA_OFFSET; const int minBetaOffsetDiv2 = bNoFiltering? Clip3(MIN_BETA_OFFSET, MAX_BETA_OFFSET, m_DBParam[currQualityLayer][DBFLT_BETA_OFFSETD2]-1) : MIN_BETA_OFFSET; const int maxTcOffsetDiv2 = bNoFiltering? Clip3(MIN_TC_OFFSET, MAX_TC_OFFSET, m_DBParam[currQualityLayer][DBFLT_TC_OFFSETD2]+2) : MAX_TC_OFFSET; const int minTcOffsetDiv2 = bNoFiltering? Clip3(MIN_TC_OFFSET, MAX_TC_OFFSET, m_DBParam[currQualityLayer][DBFLT_TC_OFFSETD2]-2) : MIN_TC_OFFSET; uint64_t distBetaPrevious = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(); uint64_t distMin = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(); bool bDBFilterDisabledBest = true; int betaOffsetDiv2Best = 0; int tcOffsetDiv2Best = 0; for(int betaOffsetDiv2=maxBetaOffsetDiv2; betaOffsetDiv2>=minBetaOffsetDiv2; betaOffsetDiv2--) { uint64_t distTcMin = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(); for(int tcOffsetDiv2=maxTcOffsetDiv2; tcOffsetDiv2 >= minTcOffsetDiv2; tcOffsetDiv2--) { for (int i=0; i<numSlices; i++) { Slice* pcSlice = pcPic->slices[i]; pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag ( true); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterDisable ( false); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2( betaOffsetDiv2 ); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 ( tcOffsetDiv2 ); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2( betaOffsetDiv2 ); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2 ( tcOffsetDiv2 ); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2( betaOffsetDiv2 ); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2 ( tcOffsetDiv2 ); } // restore reconstruction reco.copyFrom( *m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv ); const uint64_t dist = preLoopFilterPicAndCalcDist( pcPic ); if(dist < distMin) { distMin = dist; bDBFilterDisabledBest = false; betaOffsetDiv2Best = betaOffsetDiv2; tcOffsetDiv2Best = tcOffsetDiv2; } if(dist < distTcMin) { distTcMin = dist; } else if(tcOffsetDiv2 <-2) { break; } } if(betaOffsetDiv2<-1 && distTcMin >= distBetaPrevious) { break; } distBetaPrevious = distTcMin; } //update: m_DBParam[currQualityLayer][DBFLT_PARAM_AVAILABLE] = 1; m_DBParam[currQualityLayer][DBFLT_DISABLE_FLAG] = bDBFilterDisabledBest; m_DBParam[currQualityLayer][DBFLT_BETA_OFFSETD2] = betaOffsetDiv2Best; m_DBParam[currQualityLayer][DBFLT_TC_OFFSETD2] = tcOffsetDiv2Best; // restore reconstruction reco.copyFrom( *m_pcDeblockingTempPicYuv ); const PPS* pcPPS = pcPic->slices[0]->getPPS(); #if DB_PARAM_TID int betaIdx = Clip3(0, (int)pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2().size() - 1, (int)pcPic->slices[0]->getTLayer() + (pcPic->slices[0]->isIntra() ? 0 : 1)); int tcIdx = Clip3(0, (int)pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2().size() - 1, (int)pcPic->slices[0]->getTLayer()) + (pcPic->slices[0]->isIntra() ? 0 : 1); #endif if(bDBFilterDisabledBest) { for (int i=0; i<numSlices; i++) { Slice* pcSlice = pcPic->slices[i]; pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag( true); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterDisable ( true); } } #if DB_PARAM_TID else if (betaOffsetDiv2Best == pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()[betaIdx] && tcOffsetDiv2Best == pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()[tcIdx]) #else else if(betaOffsetDiv2Best == pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2() && tcOffsetDiv2Best == pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()) #endif { for (int i=0; i<numSlices; i++) { Slice* pcSlice = pcPic->slices[i]; pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag ( false); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterDisable ( pcPPS->getPPSDeblockingFilterDisabledFlag() ); #if DB_PARAM_TID pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()[betaIdx]); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()[tcIdx]); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()[betaIdx]); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()[tcIdx]); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()[betaIdx]); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()[tcIdx]); #else pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 ( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2() ); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 ( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2() ); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2(pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2()); #endif } } else { for (int i=0; i<numSlices; i++) { Slice* pcSlice = pcPic->slices[i]; pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag ( true); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterDisable ( false ); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 ( betaOffsetDiv2Best); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 ( tcOffsetDiv2Best); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2 ( betaOffsetDiv2Best); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2 ( tcOffsetDiv2Best); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2 ( betaOffsetDiv2Best); pcSlice->setDeblockingFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2 ( tcOffsetDiv2Best); } } } #endif bool EncGOP::xCheckMaxTidILRefPics(Picture* refPic, bool currentPicIsIRAP) { const int maxTidILRefPicsPlus1 = m_pcCfg->getVPSParameters().m_maxTidILRefPicsPlus1; // -1 means not set if (maxTidILRefPicsPlus1 < 0) { return true; } // 0 allows only IRAP pictures to use inter-layer prediction if (maxTidILRefPicsPlus1 == 0) { return currentPicIsIRAP; } // all other cases filter by temporalID return ( refPic->temporalId < maxTidILRefPicsPlus1 ); } void EncGOP::xCreateExplicitReferencePictureSetFromReference( Slice* slice, PicList& rcListPic, const ReferencePictureList *rpl0, const ReferencePictureList *rpl1 ) { Picture* rpcPic; int pocCycle = 0; Picture* pic = slice->getPic(); const VPS* vps = slice->getPic()->cs->vps; int layerIdx = vps == nullptr ? 0 : vps->getGeneralLayerIdx( pic->layerId ); bool isIntraLayerPredAllowed = vps->getIndependentLayerFlag(layerIdx) || (vps->getPredDirection(slice->getTLayer()) != 1); bool isInterLayerPredAllowed = !vps->getIndependentLayerFlag(layerIdx) && (vps->getPredDirection(slice->getTLayer()) != 2); ReferencePictureList* pLocalRPL0 = slice->getLocalRPL0(); *pLocalRPL0 = ReferencePictureList( slice->getSPS()->getInterLayerPresentFlag() ); uint32_t numOfSTRPL0 = 0; uint32_t numOfLTRPL0 = 0; uint32_t numOfILRPL0 = 0; uint32_t numOfRefPic = rpl0->getNumberOfShorttermPictures() + rpl0->getNumberOfLongtermPictures(); uint32_t refPicIdxL0 = 0; if (isIntraLayerPredAllowed) { for (int ii = 0; ii < numOfRefPic; ii++) { // loop through all pictures in the reference picture buffer PicList::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); bool isAvailable = false; pocCycle = 1 << (slice->getSPS()->getBitsForPOC()); while (iterPic != rcListPic.end()) { rpcPic = *(iterPic++); if (rpcPic->layerId == pic->layerId) { #if JVET_S0045_SIGN if (!rpl0->isRefPicLongterm(ii) && rpcPic->referenced && rpcPic->getPOC() == slice->getPOC() + rpl0->getRefPicIdentifier(ii) && !slice->isPocRestrictedByDRAP(rpcPic->getPOC(), rpcPic->precedingDRAP)) #else if (!rpl0->isRefPicLongterm(ii) && rpcPic->referenced && rpcPic->getPOC() == slice->getPOC() - rpl0->getRefPicIdentifier(ii) && !slice->isPocRestrictedByDRAP(rpcPic->getPOC(), rpcPic->precedingDRAP)) #endif { isAvailable = true; break; } else if (rpl0->isRefPicLongterm(ii) && rpcPic->referenced && (rpcPic->getPOC() & (pocCycle - 1)) == rpl0->getRefPicIdentifier(ii) && !slice->isPocRestrictedByDRAP(rpcPic->getPOC(), rpcPic->precedingDRAP)) { isAvailable = true; break; } } } if (isAvailable) { pLocalRPL0->setRefPicIdentifier(refPicIdxL0, rpl0->getRefPicIdentifier(ii), rpl0->isRefPicLongterm(ii), false, NOT_VALID); refPicIdxL0++; numOfSTRPL0 = numOfSTRPL0 + ((rpl0->isRefPicLongterm(ii)) ? 0 : 1); numOfLTRPL0 += (rpl0->isRefPicLongterm(ii) && !rpl0->isInterLayerRefPic(ii)) ? 1 : 0; isAvailable = false; } } } // inter-layer reference pictures are added to the end of the reference picture list if (layerIdx && vps && !vps->getAllIndependentLayersFlag() && isInterLayerPredAllowed) { numOfRefPic = rpl0->getNumberOfInterLayerPictures() ? rpl0->getNumberOfInterLayerPictures() : m_pcEncLib->getNumRefLayers( layerIdx ); for( int ii = 0; ii < numOfRefPic; ii++ ) { // loop through all pictures in the reference picture buffer PicList::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); while( iterPic != rcListPic.end() && ii < numOfRefPic ) { rpcPic = *( iterPic++ ); int refLayerIdx = vps->getGeneralLayerIdx( rpcPic->layerId ); if (rpcPic->referenced && rpcPic->getPOC() == pic->getPOC() && vps->getDirectRefLayerFlag(layerIdx, refLayerIdx) && xCheckMaxTidILRefPics(rpcPic, slice->isIRAP()) ) { pLocalRPL0->setRefPicIdentifier( refPicIdxL0, 0, true, true, vps->getInterLayerRefIdc( layerIdx, refLayerIdx ) ); refPicIdxL0++; numOfILRPL0++; ii++; } } } } if( slice->getEnableDRAPSEI() ) { pLocalRPL0->setNumberOfShorttermPictures( numOfSTRPL0 ); pLocalRPL0->setNumberOfLongtermPictures( numOfLTRPL0 ); pLocalRPL0->setNumberOfInterLayerPictures( numOfILRPL0 ); if( !slice->isIRAP() && !slice->isPOCInRefPicList( pLocalRPL0, slice->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() ) ) { if( slice->getUseLTforDRAP() && !slice->isPOCInRefPicList( rpl1, slice->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() ) ) { // Adding associated IRAP as longterm picture pLocalRPL0->setRefPicIdentifier( refPicIdxL0, slice->getAssociatedIRAPPOC(), true, false, 0 ); refPicIdxL0++; numOfLTRPL0++; } else { // Adding associated IRAP as shortterm picture #if JVET_S0045_SIGN pLocalRPL0->setRefPicIdentifier(refPicIdxL0, slice->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() - slice->getPOC(), false, false, 0); #else pLocalRPL0->setRefPicIdentifier( refPicIdxL0, slice->getPOC() - slice->getAssociatedIRAPPOC(), false, false, 0 ); #endif refPicIdxL0++; numOfSTRPL0++; } } } ReferencePictureList* pLocalRPL1 = slice->getLocalRPL1(); *pLocalRPL1 = ReferencePictureList( slice->getSPS()->getInterLayerPresentFlag() ); uint32_t numOfSTRPL1 = 0; uint32_t numOfLTRPL1 = 0; uint32_t numOfILRPL1 = 0; numOfRefPic = rpl1->getNumberOfShorttermPictures() + rpl1->getNumberOfLongtermPictures(); uint32_t refPicIdxL1 = 0; if (isIntraLayerPredAllowed) { for (int ii = 0; ii < numOfRefPic; ii++) { // loop through all pictures in the reference picture buffer PicList::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); bool isAvailable = false; pocCycle = 1 << (slice->getSPS()->getBitsForPOC()); while (iterPic != rcListPic.end()) { rpcPic = *(iterPic++); if (rpcPic->layerId == pic->layerId) { #if JVET_S0045_SIGN if (!rpl1->isRefPicLongterm(ii) && rpcPic->referenced && rpcPic->getPOC() == slice->getPOC() + rpl1->getRefPicIdentifier(ii) && !slice->isPocRestrictedByDRAP(rpcPic->getPOC(), rpcPic->precedingDRAP)) #else if (!rpl1->isRefPicLongterm(ii) && rpcPic->referenced && rpcPic->getPOC() == slice->getPOC() - rpl1->getRefPicIdentifier(ii) && !slice->isPocRestrictedByDRAP(rpcPic->getPOC(), rpcPic->precedingDRAP)) #endif { isAvailable = true; break; } else if (rpl1->isRefPicLongterm(ii) && rpcPic->referenced && (rpcPic->getPOC() & (pocCycle - 1)) == rpl1->getRefPicIdentifier(ii) && !slice->isPocRestrictedByDRAP(rpcPic->getPOC(), rpcPic->precedingDRAP)) { isAvailable = true; break; } } } if (isAvailable) { pLocalRPL1->setRefPicIdentifier(refPicIdxL1, rpl1->getRefPicIdentifier(ii), rpl1->isRefPicLongterm(ii), false, NOT_VALID); refPicIdxL1++; numOfSTRPL1 = numOfSTRPL1 + ((rpl1->isRefPicLongterm(ii)) ? 0 : 1); numOfLTRPL1 += (rpl1->isRefPicLongterm(ii) && !rpl1->isInterLayerRefPic(ii)) ? 1 : 0; isAvailable = false; } } } // inter-layer reference pictures are added to the end of the reference picture list if (layerIdx && vps && !vps->getAllIndependentLayersFlag() && isInterLayerPredAllowed) { numOfRefPic = rpl1->getNumberOfInterLayerPictures() ? rpl1->getNumberOfInterLayerPictures() : m_pcEncLib->getNumRefLayers( layerIdx ); for( int ii = 0; ii < numOfRefPic; ii++ ) { // loop through all pictures in the reference picture buffer PicList::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); while( iterPic != rcListPic.end() && ii < numOfRefPic ) { rpcPic = *( iterPic++ ); int refLayerIdx = vps->getGeneralLayerIdx( rpcPic->layerId ); if (rpcPic->referenced && rpcPic->getPOC() == pic->getPOC() && vps->getDirectRefLayerFlag(layerIdx, refLayerIdx) && xCheckMaxTidILRefPics( rpcPic, slice->isIRAP() ) ) { pLocalRPL1->setRefPicIdentifier( refPicIdxL1, 0, true, true, vps->getInterLayerRefIdc( layerIdx, refLayerIdx ) ); refPicIdxL1++; numOfILRPL1++; ii++; } } } } //Copy from L1 if we have less than active ref pic int numOfNeedToFill = rpl0->getNumberOfActivePictures() - (numOfLTRPL0 + numOfSTRPL0); bool isDisallowMixedRefPic = ( slice->getSPS()->getAllActiveRplEntriesHasSameSignFlag() ) ? true : false; int originalL0StrpNum = numOfSTRPL0; int originalL0LtrpNum = numOfLTRPL0; int originalL0IlrpNum = numOfILRPL0; for( int ii = 0; numOfNeedToFill > 0 && ii < ( pLocalRPL1->getNumberOfLongtermPictures() + pLocalRPL1->getNumberOfShorttermPictures() + pLocalRPL1->getNumberOfInterLayerPictures() ); ii++ ) { if( ii <= ( numOfLTRPL1 + numOfSTRPL1 + numOfILRPL1 - 1 ) ) { //Make sure this copy is not already in L0 bool canIncludeThis = true; for( int jj = 0; jj < refPicIdxL0; jj++ ) { if( ( pLocalRPL1->getRefPicIdentifier( ii ) == pLocalRPL0->getRefPicIdentifier( jj ) ) && ( pLocalRPL1->isRefPicLongterm( ii ) == pLocalRPL0->isRefPicLongterm( jj ) ) && pLocalRPL1->getInterLayerRefPicIdx( ii ) == pLocalRPL0->getInterLayerRefPicIdx( jj ) ) { canIncludeThis = false; } bool sameSign = ( pLocalRPL1->getRefPicIdentifier( ii ) > 0 ) == ( pLocalRPL0->getRefPicIdentifier( 0 ) > 0 ); if( isDisallowMixedRefPic && canIncludeThis && !pLocalRPL1->isRefPicLongterm( ii ) && !sameSign ) { canIncludeThis = false; } } if( canIncludeThis ) { pLocalRPL0->setRefPicIdentifier( refPicIdxL0, pLocalRPL1->getRefPicIdentifier( ii ), pLocalRPL1->isRefPicLongterm( ii ), pLocalRPL1->isInterLayerRefPic( ii ), pLocalRPL1->getInterLayerRefPicIdx( ii ) ); refPicIdxL0++; numOfSTRPL0 = numOfSTRPL0 + ( ( pLocalRPL1->isRefPicLongterm( ii ) ) ? 0 : 1 ); numOfLTRPL0 += ( pLocalRPL1->isRefPicLongterm( ii ) && !pLocalRPL1->isInterLayerRefPic( ii ) ) ? 1 : 0; numOfILRPL0 += pLocalRPL1->isInterLayerRefPic( ii ) ? 1 : 0; numOfNeedToFill--; } } } pLocalRPL0->setNumberOfLongtermPictures( numOfLTRPL0 ); pLocalRPL0->setNumberOfShorttermPictures( numOfSTRPL0 ); pLocalRPL0->setNumberOfInterLayerPictures( numOfILRPL0 ); int numPics = numOfLTRPL0 + numOfSTRPL0; pLocalRPL0->setNumberOfActivePictures( ( numPics < rpl0->getNumberOfActivePictures() ? numPics : rpl0->getNumberOfActivePictures() ) + numOfILRPL0 ); pLocalRPL0->setLtrpInSliceHeaderFlag( 1 ); slice->setRPL0idx( -1 ); slice->setRPL0( pLocalRPL0 ); //Copy from L0 if we have less than active ref pic numOfNeedToFill = pLocalRPL0->getNumberOfActivePictures() - ( numOfLTRPL1 + numOfSTRPL1 ); for( int ii = 0; numOfNeedToFill > 0 && ii < ( pLocalRPL0->getNumberOfLongtermPictures() + pLocalRPL0->getNumberOfShorttermPictures() + pLocalRPL0->getNumberOfInterLayerPictures() ); ii++ ) { if( ii <= ( originalL0StrpNum + originalL0LtrpNum + originalL0IlrpNum - 1 ) ) { //Make sure this copy is not already in L0 bool canIncludeThis = true; for( int jj = 0; jj < refPicIdxL1; jj++ ) { if( ( pLocalRPL0->getRefPicIdentifier( ii ) == pLocalRPL1->getRefPicIdentifier( jj ) ) && ( pLocalRPL0->isRefPicLongterm( ii ) == pLocalRPL1->isRefPicLongterm( jj ) ) && pLocalRPL0->getInterLayerRefPicIdx( ii ) == pLocalRPL1->getInterLayerRefPicIdx( jj ) ) { canIncludeThis = false; } bool sameSign = ( pLocalRPL0->getRefPicIdentifier( ii ) > 0 ) == ( pLocalRPL1->getRefPicIdentifier( 0 ) > 0 ); if( isDisallowMixedRefPic && canIncludeThis && !pLocalRPL0->isRefPicLongterm( ii ) && !sameSign ) { canIncludeThis = false; } } if( canIncludeThis ) { pLocalRPL1->setRefPicIdentifier( refPicIdxL1, pLocalRPL0->getRefPicIdentifier( ii ), pLocalRPL0->isRefPicLongterm( ii ), pLocalRPL0->isInterLayerRefPic( ii ), pLocalRPL0->getInterLayerRefPicIdx( ii ) ); refPicIdxL1++; numOfSTRPL1 = numOfSTRPL1 + ( ( pLocalRPL0->isRefPicLongterm( ii ) ) ? 0 : 1 ); numOfLTRPL1 += ( pLocalRPL0->isRefPicLongterm( ii ) && !pLocalRPL0->isInterLayerRefPic( ii ) ) ? 1 : 0; numOfLTRPL1 += pLocalRPL0->isInterLayerRefPic( ii ) ? 1 : 0; numOfNeedToFill--; } } } pLocalRPL1->setNumberOfLongtermPictures( numOfLTRPL1 ); pLocalRPL1->setNumberOfShorttermPictures( numOfSTRPL1 ); pLocalRPL1->setNumberOfInterLayerPictures( numOfILRPL1 ); numPics = numOfLTRPL1 + numOfSTRPL1; pLocalRPL1->setNumberOfActivePictures( ( isDisallowMixedRefPic ? numPics : ( numPics < rpl1->getNumberOfActivePictures() ? numPics : rpl1->getNumberOfActivePictures() ) ) + numOfILRPL1 ); pLocalRPL1->setLtrpInSliceHeaderFlag( 1 ); slice->setRPL1idx( -1 ); slice->setRPL1( pLocalRPL1 ); } //! \}