/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2018, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file RateCtrl.cpp \brief Rate control manager class */ #include "RateCtrl.h" #include "../CommonLib/ChromaFormat.h" #include <cmath> using namespace std; //sequence level EncRCSeq::EncRCSeq() { m_totalFrames = 0; m_targetRate = 0; m_frameRate = 0; m_targetBits = 0; m_GOPSize = 0; m_picWidth = 0; m_picHeight = 0; m_LCUWidth = 0; m_LCUHeight = 0; m_numberOfLevel = 0; m_numberOfLCU = 0; m_averageBits = 0; m_bitsRatio = NULL; m_GOPID2Level = NULL; m_picPara = NULL; m_LCUPara = NULL; m_numberOfPixel = 0; m_framesLeft = 0; m_bitsLeft = 0; m_useLCUSeparateModel = false; m_adaptiveBit = 0; m_lastLambda = 0.0; } EncRCSeq::~EncRCSeq() { destroy(); } void EncRCSeq::create( int totalFrames, int targetBitrate, int frameRate, int GOPSize, int picWidth, int picHeight, int LCUWidth, int LCUHeight, int numberOfLevel, bool useLCUSeparateModel, int adaptiveBit ) { destroy(); m_totalFrames = totalFrames; m_targetRate = targetBitrate; m_frameRate = frameRate; m_GOPSize = GOPSize; m_picWidth = picWidth; m_picHeight = picHeight; m_LCUWidth = LCUWidth; m_LCUHeight = LCUHeight; m_numberOfLevel = numberOfLevel; m_useLCUSeparateModel = useLCUSeparateModel; m_numberOfPixel = m_picWidth * m_picHeight; m_targetBits = (int64_t)m_totalFrames * (int64_t)m_targetRate / (int64_t)m_frameRate; m_seqTargetBpp = (double)m_targetRate / (double)m_frameRate / (double)m_numberOfPixel; if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.03 ) { m_alphaUpdate = 0.01; m_betaUpdate = 0.005; } else if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.08 ) { m_alphaUpdate = 0.05; m_betaUpdate = 0.025; } else if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.2 ) { m_alphaUpdate = 0.1; m_betaUpdate = 0.05; } else if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.5 ) { m_alphaUpdate = 0.2; m_betaUpdate = 0.1; } else { m_alphaUpdate = 0.4; m_betaUpdate = 0.2; } m_averageBits = (int)(m_targetBits / totalFrames); int picWidthInBU = ( m_picWidth % m_LCUWidth ) == 0 ? m_picWidth / m_LCUWidth : m_picWidth / m_LCUWidth + 1; int picHeightInBU = ( m_picHeight % m_LCUHeight ) == 0 ? m_picHeight / m_LCUHeight : m_picHeight / m_LCUHeight + 1; m_numberOfLCU = picWidthInBU * picHeightInBU; m_bitsRatio = new int[m_GOPSize]; for ( int i=0; i<m_GOPSize; i++ ) { m_bitsRatio[i] = 1; } m_GOPID2Level = new int[m_GOPSize]; for ( int i=0; i<m_GOPSize; i++ ) { m_GOPID2Level[i] = 1; } m_picPara = new TRCParameter[m_numberOfLevel]; for ( int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ ) { m_picPara[i].m_alpha = 0.0; m_picPara[i].m_beta = 0.0; } if ( m_useLCUSeparateModel ) { m_LCUPara = new TRCParameter*[m_numberOfLevel]; for ( int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ ) { m_LCUPara[i] = new TRCParameter[m_numberOfLCU]; for ( int j=0; j<m_numberOfLCU; j++) { m_LCUPara[i][j].m_alpha = 0.0; m_LCUPara[i][j].m_beta = 0.0; } } } m_framesLeft = m_totalFrames; m_bitsLeft = m_targetBits; m_adaptiveBit = adaptiveBit; m_lastLambda = 0.0; } void EncRCSeq::destroy() { if (m_bitsRatio != NULL) { delete[] m_bitsRatio; m_bitsRatio = NULL; } if ( m_GOPID2Level != NULL ) { delete[] m_GOPID2Level; m_GOPID2Level = NULL; } if ( m_picPara != NULL ) { delete[] m_picPara; m_picPara = NULL; } if ( m_LCUPara != NULL ) { for ( int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ ) { delete[] m_LCUPara[i]; } delete[] m_LCUPara; m_LCUPara = NULL; } } void EncRCSeq::initBitsRatio( int bitsRatio[]) { for (int i=0; i<m_GOPSize; i++) { m_bitsRatio[i] = bitsRatio[i]; } } void EncRCSeq::initGOPID2Level( int GOPID2Level[] ) { for ( int i=0; i<m_GOPSize; i++ ) { m_GOPID2Level[i] = GOPID2Level[i]; } } void EncRCSeq::initPicPara( TRCParameter* picPara ) { CHECK( m_picPara == NULL, "Object does not exist" ); if ( picPara == NULL ) { for ( int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ ) { if (i>0) { m_picPara[i].m_alpha = 3.2003; m_picPara[i].m_beta = -1.367; } else { m_picPara[i].m_alpha = ALPHA; m_picPara[i].m_beta = BETA2; } } } else { for ( int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ ) { m_picPara[i] = picPara[i]; } } } void EncRCSeq::initLCUPara( TRCParameter** LCUPara ) { if ( m_LCUPara == NULL ) { return; } if ( LCUPara == NULL ) { for ( int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ ) { for ( int j=0; j<m_numberOfLCU; j++) { m_LCUPara[i][j].m_alpha = m_picPara[i].m_alpha; m_LCUPara[i][j].m_beta = m_picPara[i].m_beta; } } } else { for ( int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ ) { for ( int j=0; j<m_numberOfLCU; j++) { m_LCUPara[i][j] = LCUPara[i][j]; } } } } void EncRCSeq::updateAfterPic ( int bits ) { m_bitsLeft -= bits; m_framesLeft--; } void EncRCSeq::setAllBitRatio( double basicLambda, double* equaCoeffA, double* equaCoeffB ) { int* bitsRatio = new int[m_GOPSize]; for ( int i=0; i<m_GOPSize; i++ ) { bitsRatio[i] = (int)( equaCoeffA[i] * pow( basicLambda, equaCoeffB[i] ) * m_numberOfPixel ); } initBitsRatio( bitsRatio ); delete[] bitsRatio; } //GOP level EncRCGOP::EncRCGOP() { m_encRCSeq = NULL; m_picTargetBitInGOP = NULL; m_numPic = 0; m_targetBits = 0; m_picLeft = 0; m_bitsLeft = 0; } EncRCGOP::~EncRCGOP() { destroy(); } void EncRCGOP::create( EncRCSeq* encRCSeq, int numPic ) { destroy(); int targetBits = xEstGOPTargetBits( encRCSeq, numPic ); if ( encRCSeq->getAdaptiveBits() > 0 && encRCSeq->getLastLambda() > 0.1 ) { double targetBpp = (double)targetBits / encRCSeq->getNumPixel(); double basicLambda = 0.0; double* lambdaRatio = new double[encRCSeq->getGOPSize()]; double* equaCoeffA = new double[encRCSeq->getGOPSize()]; double* equaCoeffB = new double[encRCSeq->getGOPSize()]; if ( encRCSeq->getAdaptiveBits() == 1 ) // for GOP size =4, low delay case { if ( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() < 120.0 ) { lambdaRatio[1] = 0.725 * log( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() ) + 0.5793; lambdaRatio[0] = 1.3 * lambdaRatio[1]; lambdaRatio[2] = 1.3 * lambdaRatio[1]; lambdaRatio[3] = 1.0; } else { lambdaRatio[0] = 5.0; lambdaRatio[1] = 4.0; lambdaRatio[2] = 5.0; lambdaRatio[3] = 1.0; } } else if ( encRCSeq->getAdaptiveBits() == 2 ) // for GOP size = 8, random access case { if ( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() < 90.0 ) { lambdaRatio[0] = 1.0; lambdaRatio[1] = 0.725 * log( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() ) + 0.7963; lambdaRatio[2] = 1.3 * lambdaRatio[1]; lambdaRatio[3] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1]; lambdaRatio[4] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1]; lambdaRatio[5] = 1.3 * lambdaRatio[1]; lambdaRatio[6] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1]; lambdaRatio[7] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1]; } else { lambdaRatio[0] = 1.0; lambdaRatio[1] = 4.0; lambdaRatio[2] = 5.0; lambdaRatio[3] = 12.3; lambdaRatio[4] = 12.3; lambdaRatio[5] = 5.0; lambdaRatio[6] = 12.3; lambdaRatio[7] = 12.3; } } xCalEquaCoeff( encRCSeq, lambdaRatio, equaCoeffA, equaCoeffB, encRCSeq->getGOPSize() ); basicLambda = xSolveEqua( targetBpp, equaCoeffA, equaCoeffB, encRCSeq->getGOPSize() ); encRCSeq->setAllBitRatio( basicLambda, equaCoeffA, equaCoeffB ); delete []lambdaRatio; delete []equaCoeffA; delete []equaCoeffB; } m_picTargetBitInGOP = new int[numPic]; int i; int totalPicRatio = 0; int currPicRatio = 0; for ( i=0; i<numPic; i++ ) { totalPicRatio += encRCSeq->getBitRatio( i ); } for ( i=0; i<numPic; i++ ) { currPicRatio = encRCSeq->getBitRatio( i ); m_picTargetBitInGOP[i] = (int)( ((double)targetBits) * currPicRatio / totalPicRatio ); } m_encRCSeq = encRCSeq; m_numPic = numPic; m_targetBits = targetBits; m_picLeft = m_numPic; m_bitsLeft = m_targetBits; } void EncRCGOP::xCalEquaCoeff( EncRCSeq* encRCSeq, double* lambdaRatio, double* equaCoeffA, double* equaCoeffB, int GOPSize ) { for ( int i=0; i<GOPSize; i++ ) { int frameLevel = encRCSeq->getGOPID2Level(i); double alpha = encRCSeq->getPicPara(frameLevel).m_alpha; double beta = encRCSeq->getPicPara(frameLevel).m_beta; equaCoeffA[i] = pow( 1.0/alpha, 1.0/beta ) * pow( lambdaRatio[i], 1.0/beta ); equaCoeffB[i] = 1.0/beta; } } double EncRCGOP::xSolveEqua( double targetBpp, double* equaCoeffA, double* equaCoeffB, int GOPSize ) { double solution = 100.0; double minNumber = 0.1; double maxNumber = 10000.0; for ( int i=0; i<g_RCIterationNum; i++ ) { double fx = 0.0; for ( int j=0; j<GOPSize; j++ ) { fx += equaCoeffA[j] * pow( solution, equaCoeffB[j] ); } if ( fabs( fx - targetBpp ) < 0.000001 ) { break; } if ( fx > targetBpp ) { minNumber = solution; solution = ( solution + maxNumber ) / 2.0; } else { maxNumber = solution; solution = ( solution + minNumber ) / 2.0; } } solution = Clip3( 0.1, 10000.0, solution ); return solution; } void EncRCGOP::destroy() { m_encRCSeq = NULL; if ( m_picTargetBitInGOP != NULL ) { delete[] m_picTargetBitInGOP; m_picTargetBitInGOP = NULL; } } void EncRCGOP::updateAfterPicture( int bitsCost ) { m_bitsLeft -= bitsCost; m_picLeft--; } int EncRCGOP::xEstGOPTargetBits( EncRCSeq* encRCSeq, int GOPSize ) { int realInfluencePicture = min( g_RCSmoothWindowSize, encRCSeq->getFramesLeft() ); int averageTargetBitsPerPic = (int)( encRCSeq->getTargetBits() / encRCSeq->getTotalFrames() ); int currentTargetBitsPerPic = (int)( ( encRCSeq->getBitsLeft() - averageTargetBitsPerPic * (encRCSeq->getFramesLeft() - realInfluencePicture) ) / realInfluencePicture ); int targetBits = currentTargetBitsPerPic * GOPSize; if ( targetBits < 200 ) { targetBits = 200; // at least allocate 200 bits for one GOP } return targetBits; } //picture level EncRCPic::EncRCPic() { m_encRCSeq = NULL; m_encRCGOP = NULL; m_frameLevel = 0; m_numberOfPixel = 0; m_numberOfLCU = 0; m_targetBits = 0; m_estHeaderBits = 0; m_estPicQP = 0; m_estPicLambda = 0.0; m_LCULeft = 0; m_bitsLeft = 0; m_pixelsLeft = 0; m_LCUs = NULL; m_picActualHeaderBits = 0; m_picActualBits = 0; m_picQP = 0; m_picLambda = 0.0; } EncRCPic::~EncRCPic() { destroy(); } int EncRCPic::xEstPicTargetBits( EncRCSeq* encRCSeq, EncRCGOP* encRCGOP ) { int targetBits = 0; int GOPbitsLeft = encRCGOP->getBitsLeft(); int i; int currPicPosition = encRCGOP->getNumPic()-encRCGOP->getPicLeft(); int currPicRatio = encRCSeq->getBitRatio( currPicPosition ); int totalPicRatio = 0; for ( i=currPicPosition; i<encRCGOP->getNumPic(); i++ ) { totalPicRatio += encRCSeq->getBitRatio( i ); } targetBits = int( ((double)GOPbitsLeft) * currPicRatio / totalPicRatio ); if ( targetBits < 100 ) { targetBits = 100; // at least allocate 100 bits for one picture } if ( m_encRCSeq->getFramesLeft() > 16 ) { targetBits = int( g_RCWeightPicRargetBitInBuffer * targetBits + g_RCWeightPicTargetBitInGOP * m_encRCGOP->getTargetBitInGOP( currPicPosition ) ); } return targetBits; } int EncRCPic::xEstPicHeaderBits( list<EncRCPic*>& listPreviousPictures, int frameLevel ) { int numPreviousPics = 0; int totalPreviousBits = 0; list<EncRCPic*>::iterator it; for ( it = listPreviousPictures.begin(); it != listPreviousPictures.end(); it++ ) { if ( (*it)->getFrameLevel() == frameLevel ) { totalPreviousBits += (*it)->getPicActualHeaderBits(); numPreviousPics++; } } int estHeaderBits = 0; if ( numPreviousPics > 0 ) { estHeaderBits = totalPreviousBits / numPreviousPics; } return estHeaderBits; } #if V0078_ADAPTIVE_LOWER_BOUND int EncRCPic::xEstPicLowerBound(EncRCSeq* encRCSeq, EncRCGOP* encRCGOP) { int lowerBound = 0; int GOPbitsLeft = encRCGOP->getBitsLeft(); const int nextPicPosition = (encRCGOP->getNumPic() - encRCGOP->getPicLeft() + 1) % encRCGOP->getNumPic(); const int nextPicRatio = encRCSeq->getBitRatio(nextPicPosition); int totalPicRatio = 0; for (int i = nextPicPosition; i < encRCGOP->getNumPic(); i++) { totalPicRatio += encRCSeq->getBitRatio(i); } if (nextPicPosition == 0) { GOPbitsLeft = encRCGOP->getTargetBits(); } else { GOPbitsLeft -= m_targetBits; } lowerBound = int(((double)GOPbitsLeft) * nextPicRatio / totalPicRatio); if (lowerBound < 100) { lowerBound = 100; // at least allocate 100 bits for one picture } if (m_encRCSeq->getFramesLeft() > 16) { lowerBound = int(g_RCWeightPicRargetBitInBuffer * lowerBound + g_RCWeightPicTargetBitInGOP * m_encRCGOP->getTargetBitInGOP(nextPicPosition)); } return lowerBound; } #endif void EncRCPic::addToPictureLsit( list<EncRCPic*>& listPreviousPictures ) { if ( listPreviousPictures.size() > g_RCMaxPicListSize ) { EncRCPic* p = listPreviousPictures.front(); listPreviousPictures.pop_front(); p->destroy(); delete p; } listPreviousPictures.push_back( this ); } void EncRCPic::create( EncRCSeq* encRCSeq, EncRCGOP* encRCGOP, int frameLevel, list<EncRCPic*>& listPreviousPictures ) { destroy(); m_encRCSeq = encRCSeq; m_encRCGOP = encRCGOP; int targetBits = xEstPicTargetBits( encRCSeq, encRCGOP ); int estHeaderBits = xEstPicHeaderBits( listPreviousPictures, frameLevel ); if ( targetBits < estHeaderBits + 100 ) { targetBits = estHeaderBits + 100; // at least allocate 100 bits for picture data } m_frameLevel = frameLevel; m_numberOfPixel = encRCSeq->getNumPixel(); m_numberOfLCU = encRCSeq->getNumberOfLCU(); m_estPicLambda = 100.0; m_targetBits = targetBits; m_estHeaderBits = estHeaderBits; m_bitsLeft = m_targetBits; int picWidth = encRCSeq->getPicWidth(); int picHeight = encRCSeq->getPicHeight(); int LCUWidth = encRCSeq->getLCUWidth(); int LCUHeight = encRCSeq->getLCUHeight(); int picWidthInLCU = ( picWidth % LCUWidth ) == 0 ? picWidth / LCUWidth : picWidth / LCUWidth + 1; int picHeightInLCU = ( picHeight % LCUHeight ) == 0 ? picHeight / LCUHeight : picHeight / LCUHeight + 1; #if V0078_ADAPTIVE_LOWER_BOUND m_lowerBound = xEstPicLowerBound( encRCSeq, encRCGOP ); #endif m_LCULeft = m_numberOfLCU; m_bitsLeft -= m_estHeaderBits; m_pixelsLeft = m_numberOfPixel; m_LCUs = new TRCLCU[m_numberOfLCU]; int i, j; int LCUIdx; for ( i=0; i<picWidthInLCU; i++ ) { for ( j=0; j<picHeightInLCU; j++ ) { LCUIdx = j*picWidthInLCU + i; m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_actualBits = 0; m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_QP = 0; m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_lambda = 0.0; m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_targetBits = 0; m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_bitWeight = 1.0; int currWidth = ( (i == picWidthInLCU -1) ? picWidth - LCUWidth *(picWidthInLCU -1) : LCUWidth ); int currHeight = ( (j == picHeightInLCU-1) ? picHeight - LCUHeight*(picHeightInLCU-1) : LCUHeight ); m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_numberOfPixel = currWidth * currHeight; } } m_picActualHeaderBits = 0; m_picActualBits = 0; m_picQP = 0; m_picLambda = 0.0; } void EncRCPic::destroy() { if( m_LCUs != NULL ) { delete[] m_LCUs; m_LCUs = NULL; } m_encRCSeq = NULL; m_encRCGOP = NULL; } double EncRCPic::estimatePicLambda( list<EncRCPic*>& listPreviousPictures, SliceType eSliceType) { double alpha = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha; double beta = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta; double bpp = (double)m_targetBits/(double)m_numberOfPixel; double estLambda; if (eSliceType == I_SLICE) { estLambda = calculateLambdaIntra(alpha, beta, pow(m_totalCostIntra/(double)m_numberOfPixel, BETA1), bpp); } else { estLambda = alpha * pow( bpp, beta ); } double lastLevelLambda = -1.0; double lastPicLambda = -1.0; double lastValidLambda = -1.0; list<EncRCPic*>::iterator it; for ( it = listPreviousPictures.begin(); it != listPreviousPictures.end(); it++ ) { if ( (*it)->getFrameLevel() == m_frameLevel ) { lastLevelLambda = (*it)->getPicActualLambda(); } lastPicLambda = (*it)->getPicActualLambda(); if ( lastPicLambda > 0.0 ) { lastValidLambda = lastPicLambda; } } if ( lastLevelLambda > 0.0 ) { lastLevelLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 10000.0, lastLevelLambda ); estLambda = Clip3( lastLevelLambda * pow( 2.0, -3.0/3.0 ), lastLevelLambda * pow( 2.0, 3.0/3.0 ), estLambda ); } if ( lastPicLambda > 0.0 ) { lastPicLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 2000.0, lastPicLambda ); estLambda = Clip3( lastPicLambda * pow( 2.0, -10.0/3.0 ), lastPicLambda * pow( 2.0, 10.0/3.0 ), estLambda ); } else if ( lastValidLambda > 0.0 ) { lastValidLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 2000.0, lastValidLambda ); estLambda = Clip3( lastValidLambda * pow(2.0, -10.0/3.0), lastValidLambda * pow(2.0, 10.0/3.0), estLambda ); } else { estLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 10000.0, estLambda ); } if ( estLambda < 0.1 ) { estLambda = 0.1; } m_estPicLambda = estLambda; double totalWeight = 0.0; // initial BU bit allocation weight for ( int i=0; i<m_numberOfLCU; i++ ) { double alphaLCU, betaLCU; if ( m_encRCSeq->getUseLCUSeparateModel() ) { alphaLCU = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, i ).m_alpha; betaLCU = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, i ).m_beta; } else { alphaLCU = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha; betaLCU = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta; } m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight = m_LCUs[i].m_numberOfPixel * pow( estLambda/alphaLCU, 1.0/betaLCU ); if ( m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight < 0.01 ) { m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight = 0.01; } totalWeight += m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight; } for ( int i=0; i<m_numberOfLCU; i++ ) { double BUTargetBits = m_targetBits * m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight / totalWeight; m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight = BUTargetBits; } return estLambda; } int EncRCPic::estimatePicQP( double lambda, list<EncRCPic*>& listPreviousPictures ) { int QP = int( 4.2005 * log( lambda ) + 13.7122 + 0.5 ); int lastLevelQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue; int lastPicQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue; int lastValidQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue; list<EncRCPic*>::iterator it; for ( it = listPreviousPictures.begin(); it != listPreviousPictures.end(); it++ ) { if ( (*it)->getFrameLevel() == m_frameLevel ) { lastLevelQP = (*it)->getPicActualQP(); } lastPicQP = (*it)->getPicActualQP(); if ( lastPicQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue ) { lastValidQP = lastPicQP; } } if ( lastLevelQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue ) { QP = Clip3( lastLevelQP - 3, lastLevelQP + 3, QP ); } if( lastPicQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue ) { QP = Clip3( lastPicQP - 10, lastPicQP + 10, QP ); } else if( lastValidQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue ) { QP = Clip3( lastValidQP - 10, lastValidQP + 10, QP ); } return QP; } double EncRCPic::getLCUTargetBpp(SliceType eSliceType) { int LCUIdx = getLCUCoded(); double bpp = -1.0; int avgBits = 0; if (eSliceType == I_SLICE) { int noOfLCUsLeft = m_numberOfLCU - LCUIdx + 1; int bitrateWindow = min(4,noOfLCUsLeft); double MAD = getLCU(LCUIdx).m_costIntra; if (m_remainingCostIntra > 0.1 ) { double weightedBitsLeft = (m_bitsLeft*bitrateWindow+(m_bitsLeft-getLCU(LCUIdx).m_targetBitsLeft)*noOfLCUsLeft)/(double)bitrateWindow; avgBits = int( MAD*weightedBitsLeft/m_remainingCostIntra ); } else { avgBits = int( m_bitsLeft / m_LCULeft ); } m_remainingCostIntra -= MAD; } else { double totalWeight = 0; for ( int i=LCUIdx; i<m_numberOfLCU; i++ ) { totalWeight += m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight; } int realInfluenceLCU = min( g_RCLCUSmoothWindowSize, getLCULeft() ); avgBits = (int)( m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_bitWeight - ( totalWeight - m_bitsLeft ) / realInfluenceLCU + 0.5 ); } if ( avgBits < 1 ) { avgBits = 1; } bpp = ( double )avgBits/( double )m_LCUs[ LCUIdx ].m_numberOfPixel; m_LCUs[ LCUIdx ].m_targetBits = avgBits; return bpp; } double EncRCPic::getLCUEstLambda( double bpp ) { int LCUIdx = getLCUCoded(); double alpha; double beta; if ( m_encRCSeq->getUseLCUSeparateModel() ) { alpha = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx ).m_alpha; beta = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx ).m_beta; } else { alpha = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha; beta = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta; } double estLambda = alpha * pow( bpp, beta ); //for Lambda clip, picture level clip double clipPicLambda = m_estPicLambda; //for Lambda clip, LCU level clip double clipNeighbourLambda = -1.0; for ( int i=LCUIdx - 1; i>=0; i-- ) { if ( m_LCUs[i].m_lambda > 0 ) { clipNeighbourLambda = m_LCUs[i].m_lambda; break; } } if ( clipNeighbourLambda > 0.0 ) { estLambda = Clip3( clipNeighbourLambda * pow( 2.0, -1.0/3.0 ), clipNeighbourLambda * pow( 2.0, 1.0/3.0 ), estLambda ); } if ( clipPicLambda > 0.0 ) { estLambda = Clip3( clipPicLambda * pow( 2.0, -2.0/3.0 ), clipPicLambda * pow( 2.0, 2.0/3.0 ), estLambda ); } else { estLambda = Clip3( 10.0, 1000.0, estLambda ); } if ( estLambda < 0.1 ) { estLambda = 0.1; } return estLambda; } int EncRCPic::getLCUEstQP( double lambda, int clipPicQP ) { int LCUIdx = getLCUCoded(); int estQP = int( 4.2005 * log( lambda ) + 13.7122 + 0.5 ); //for Lambda clip, LCU level clip int clipNeighbourQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue; for ( int i=LCUIdx - 1; i>=0; i-- ) { if ( (getLCU(i)).m_QP > g_RCInvalidQPValue ) { clipNeighbourQP = getLCU(i).m_QP; break; } } if ( clipNeighbourQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue ) { estQP = Clip3( clipNeighbourQP - 1, clipNeighbourQP + 1, estQP ); } estQP = Clip3( clipPicQP - 2, clipPicQP + 2, estQP ); return estQP; } void EncRCPic::updateAfterCTU( int LCUIdx, int bits, int QP, double lambda, bool updateLCUParameter ) { m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_actualBits = bits; m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_QP = QP; m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_lambda = lambda; m_LCULeft--; m_bitsLeft -= bits; m_pixelsLeft -= m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_numberOfPixel; if ( !updateLCUParameter ) { return; } if ( !m_encRCSeq->getUseLCUSeparateModel() ) { return; } double alpha = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx ).m_alpha; double beta = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx ).m_beta; int LCUActualBits = m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_actualBits; int LCUTotalPixels = m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_numberOfPixel; double bpp = ( double )LCUActualBits/( double )LCUTotalPixels; double calLambda = alpha * pow( bpp, beta ); double inputLambda = m_LCUs[LCUIdx].m_lambda; if( inputLambda < 0.01 || calLambda < 0.01 || bpp < 0.0001 ) { alpha *= ( 1.0 - m_encRCSeq->getAlphaUpdate() / 2.0 ); beta *= ( 1.0 - m_encRCSeq->getBetaUpdate() / 2.0 ); alpha = Clip3( g_RCAlphaMinValue, g_RCAlphaMaxValue, alpha ); beta = Clip3( g_RCBetaMinValue, g_RCBetaMaxValue, beta ); TRCParameter rcPara; rcPara.m_alpha = alpha; rcPara.m_beta = beta; m_encRCSeq->setLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx, rcPara ); return; } calLambda = Clip3( inputLambda / 10.0, inputLambda * 10.0, calLambda ); alpha += m_encRCSeq->getAlphaUpdate() * ( log( inputLambda ) - log( calLambda ) ) * alpha; double lnbpp = log( bpp ); lnbpp = Clip3( -5.0, -0.1, lnbpp ); beta += m_encRCSeq->getBetaUpdate() * ( log( inputLambda ) - log( calLambda ) ) * lnbpp; alpha = Clip3( g_RCAlphaMinValue, g_RCAlphaMaxValue, alpha ); beta = Clip3( g_RCBetaMinValue, g_RCBetaMaxValue, beta ); TRCParameter rcPara; rcPara.m_alpha = alpha; rcPara.m_beta = beta; m_encRCSeq->setLCUPara( m_frameLevel, LCUIdx, rcPara ); } double EncRCPic::calAverageQP() { int totalQPs = 0; int numTotalLCUs = 0; int i; for ( i=0; i<m_numberOfLCU; i++ ) { if ( m_LCUs[i].m_QP > 0 ) { totalQPs += m_LCUs[i].m_QP; numTotalLCUs++; } } double avgQP = 0.0; if ( numTotalLCUs == 0 ) { avgQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue; } else { avgQP = ((double)totalQPs) / ((double)numTotalLCUs); } return avgQP; } double EncRCPic::calAverageLambda() { double totalLambdas = 0.0; int numTotalLCUs = 0; int i; for ( i=0; i<m_numberOfLCU; i++ ) { if ( m_LCUs[i].m_lambda > 0.01 ) { totalLambdas += log( m_LCUs[i].m_lambda ); numTotalLCUs++; } } double avgLambda; if( numTotalLCUs == 0 ) { avgLambda = -1.0; } else { avgLambda = pow( 2.7183, totalLambdas / numTotalLCUs ); } return avgLambda; } void EncRCPic::updateAfterPicture( int actualHeaderBits, int actualTotalBits, double averageQP, double averageLambda, SliceType eSliceType) { m_picActualHeaderBits = actualHeaderBits; m_picActualBits = actualTotalBits; if ( averageQP > 0.0 ) { m_picQP = int( averageQP + 0.5 ); } else { m_picQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue; } m_picLambda = averageLambda; double alpha = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha; double beta = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta; if (eSliceType == I_SLICE) { updateAlphaBetaIntra(&alpha, &beta); } else { // update parameters double picActualBits = ( double )m_picActualBits; double picActualBpp = picActualBits/(double)m_numberOfPixel; double calLambda = alpha * pow( picActualBpp, beta ); double inputLambda = m_picLambda; if ( inputLambda < 0.01 || calLambda < 0.01 || picActualBpp < 0.0001 ) { alpha *= ( 1.0 - m_encRCSeq->getAlphaUpdate() / 2.0 ); beta *= ( 1.0 - m_encRCSeq->getBetaUpdate() / 2.0 ); alpha = Clip3( g_RCAlphaMinValue, g_RCAlphaMaxValue, alpha ); beta = Clip3( g_RCBetaMinValue, g_RCBetaMaxValue, beta ); TRCParameter rcPara; rcPara.m_alpha = alpha; rcPara.m_beta = beta; m_encRCSeq->setPicPara( m_frameLevel, rcPara ); return; } calLambda = Clip3( inputLambda / 10.0, inputLambda * 10.0, calLambda ); alpha += m_encRCSeq->getAlphaUpdate() * ( log( inputLambda ) - log( calLambda ) ) * alpha; double lnbpp = log( picActualBpp ); lnbpp = Clip3( -5.0, -0.1, lnbpp ); beta += m_encRCSeq->getBetaUpdate() * ( log( inputLambda ) - log( calLambda ) ) * lnbpp; alpha = Clip3( g_RCAlphaMinValue, g_RCAlphaMaxValue, alpha ); beta = Clip3( g_RCBetaMinValue, g_RCBetaMaxValue, beta ); } TRCParameter rcPara; rcPara.m_alpha = alpha; rcPara.m_beta = beta; m_encRCSeq->setPicPara( m_frameLevel, rcPara ); if ( m_frameLevel == 1 ) { double currLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 10000.0, m_picLambda ); double updateLastLambda = g_RCWeightHistoryLambda * m_encRCSeq->getLastLambda() + g_RCWeightCurrentLambda * currLambda; m_encRCSeq->setLastLambda( updateLastLambda ); } } int EncRCPic::getRefineBitsForIntra( int orgBits ) { double alpha=0.25, beta=0.5582; int iIntraBits; if (orgBits*40 < m_numberOfPixel) { alpha=0.25; } else { alpha=0.30; } iIntraBits = (int)(alpha* pow(m_totalCostIntra*4.0/(double)orgBits, beta)*(double)orgBits+0.5); return iIntraBits; } double EncRCPic::calculateLambdaIntra(double alpha, double beta, double MADPerPixel, double bitsPerPixel) { return ( (alpha/256.0) * pow( MADPerPixel/bitsPerPixel, beta ) ); } void EncRCPic::updateAlphaBetaIntra(double *alpha, double *beta) { double lnbpp = log(pow(m_totalCostIntra / (double)m_numberOfPixel, BETA1)); double diffLambda = (*beta)*(log((double)m_picActualBits)-log((double)m_targetBits)); diffLambda = Clip3(-0.125, 0.125, 0.25*diffLambda); *alpha = (*alpha) * exp(diffLambda); *beta = (*beta) + diffLambda / lnbpp; } void EncRCPic::getLCUInitTargetBits() { int iAvgBits = 0; m_remainingCostIntra = m_totalCostIntra; for (int i=m_numberOfLCU-1; i>=0; i--) { iAvgBits += int(m_targetBits * getLCU(i).m_costIntra/m_totalCostIntra); getLCU(i).m_targetBitsLeft = iAvgBits; } } double EncRCPic::getLCUEstLambdaAndQP(double bpp, int clipPicQP, int *estQP) { int LCUIdx = getLCUCoded(); double alpha = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha; double beta = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta; double costPerPixel = getLCU(LCUIdx).m_costIntra/(double)getLCU(LCUIdx).m_numberOfPixel; costPerPixel = pow(costPerPixel, BETA1); double estLambda = calculateLambdaIntra(alpha, beta, costPerPixel, bpp); int clipNeighbourQP = g_RCInvalidQPValue; for (int i=LCUIdx-1; i>=0; i--) { if ((getLCU(i)).m_QP > g_RCInvalidQPValue) { clipNeighbourQP = getLCU(i).m_QP; break; } } int minQP = clipPicQP - 2; int maxQP = clipPicQP + 2; if ( clipNeighbourQP > g_RCInvalidQPValue ) { maxQP = min(clipNeighbourQP + 1, maxQP); minQP = max(clipNeighbourQP - 1, minQP); } double maxLambda=exp(((double)(maxQP+0.49)-13.7122)/4.2005); double minLambda=exp(((double)(minQP-0.49)-13.7122)/4.2005); estLambda = Clip3(minLambda, maxLambda, estLambda); *estQP = int( 4.2005 * log(estLambda) + 13.7122 + 0.5 ); *estQP = Clip3(minQP, maxQP, *estQP); return estLambda; } RateCtrl::RateCtrl() { m_encRCSeq = NULL; m_encRCGOP = NULL; m_encRCPic = NULL; } RateCtrl::~RateCtrl() { destroy(); } void RateCtrl::destroy() { if ( m_encRCSeq != NULL ) { delete m_encRCSeq; m_encRCSeq = NULL; } if ( m_encRCGOP != NULL ) { delete m_encRCGOP; m_encRCGOP = NULL; } while ( m_listRCPictures.size() > 0 ) { EncRCPic* p = m_listRCPictures.front(); m_listRCPictures.pop_front(); delete p; } } void RateCtrl::init( int totalFrames, int targetBitrate, int frameRate, int GOPSize, int picWidth, int picHeight, int LCUWidth, int LCUHeight, int keepHierBits, bool useLCUSeparateModel, GOPEntry GOPList[MAX_GOP] ) { destroy(); bool isLowdelay = true; for ( int i=0; i<GOPSize-1; i++ ) { if ( GOPList[i].m_POC > GOPList[i+1].m_POC ) { isLowdelay = false; break; } } int numberOfLevel = 1; int adaptiveBit = 0; if ( keepHierBits > 0 ) { numberOfLevel = int( log((double)GOPSize)/log(2.0) + 0.5 ) + 1; } if ( !isLowdelay && GOPSize == 8 ) { numberOfLevel = int( log((double)GOPSize)/log(2.0) + 0.5 ) + 1; } numberOfLevel++; // intra picture numberOfLevel++; // non-reference picture int* bitsRatio; bitsRatio = new int[ GOPSize ]; for ( int i=0; i<GOPSize; i++ ) { bitsRatio[i] = 10; if ( !GOPList[i].m_refPic ) { bitsRatio[i] = 2; } } if ( keepHierBits > 0 ) { double bpp = (double)( targetBitrate / (double)( frameRate*picWidth*picHeight ) ); if ( GOPSize == 4 && isLowdelay ) { if ( bpp > 0.2 ) { bitsRatio[0] = 2; bitsRatio[1] = 3; bitsRatio[2] = 2; bitsRatio[3] = 6; } else if( bpp > 0.1 ) { bitsRatio[0] = 2; bitsRatio[1] = 3; bitsRatio[2] = 2; bitsRatio[3] = 10; } else if ( bpp > 0.05 ) { bitsRatio[0] = 2; bitsRatio[1] = 3; bitsRatio[2] = 2; bitsRatio[3] = 12; } else { bitsRatio[0] = 2; bitsRatio[1] = 3; bitsRatio[2] = 2; bitsRatio[3] = 14; } if ( keepHierBits == 2 ) { adaptiveBit = 1; } } else if ( GOPSize == 8 && !isLowdelay ) { if ( bpp > 0.2 ) { bitsRatio[0] = 15; bitsRatio[1] = 5; bitsRatio[2] = 4; bitsRatio[3] = 1; bitsRatio[4] = 1; bitsRatio[5] = 4; bitsRatio[6] = 1; bitsRatio[7] = 1; } else if ( bpp > 0.1 ) { bitsRatio[0] = 20; bitsRatio[1] = 6; bitsRatio[2] = 4; bitsRatio[3] = 1; bitsRatio[4] = 1; bitsRatio[5] = 4; bitsRatio[6] = 1; bitsRatio[7] = 1; } else if ( bpp > 0.05 ) { bitsRatio[0] = 25; bitsRatio[1] = 7; bitsRatio[2] = 4; bitsRatio[3] = 1; bitsRatio[4] = 1; bitsRatio[5] = 4; bitsRatio[6] = 1; bitsRatio[7] = 1; } else { bitsRatio[0] = 30; bitsRatio[1] = 8; bitsRatio[2] = 4; bitsRatio[3] = 1; bitsRatio[4] = 1; bitsRatio[5] = 4; bitsRatio[6] = 1; bitsRatio[7] = 1; } if ( keepHierBits == 2 ) { adaptiveBit = 2; } } else { msg( WARNING, "\n hierarchical bit allocation is not support for the specified coding structure currently.\n" ); } } int* GOPID2Level = new int[ GOPSize ]; for ( int i=0; i<GOPSize; i++ ) { GOPID2Level[i] = 1; if ( !GOPList[i].m_refPic ) { GOPID2Level[i] = 2; } } if ( keepHierBits > 0 ) { if ( GOPSize == 4 && isLowdelay ) { GOPID2Level[0] = 3; GOPID2Level[1] = 2; GOPID2Level[2] = 3; GOPID2Level[3] = 1; } else if ( GOPSize == 8 && !isLowdelay ) { GOPID2Level[0] = 1; GOPID2Level[1] = 2; GOPID2Level[2] = 3; GOPID2Level[3] = 4; GOPID2Level[4] = 4; GOPID2Level[5] = 3; GOPID2Level[6] = 4; GOPID2Level[7] = 4; } } if ( !isLowdelay && GOPSize == 8 ) { GOPID2Level[0] = 1; GOPID2Level[1] = 2; GOPID2Level[2] = 3; GOPID2Level[3] = 4; GOPID2Level[4] = 4; GOPID2Level[5] = 3; GOPID2Level[6] = 4; GOPID2Level[7] = 4; } m_encRCSeq = new EncRCSeq; m_encRCSeq->create( totalFrames, targetBitrate, frameRate, GOPSize, picWidth, picHeight, LCUWidth, LCUHeight, numberOfLevel, useLCUSeparateModel, adaptiveBit ); m_encRCSeq->initBitsRatio( bitsRatio ); m_encRCSeq->initGOPID2Level( GOPID2Level ); m_encRCSeq->initPicPara(); if ( useLCUSeparateModel ) { m_encRCSeq->initLCUPara(); } #if U0132_TARGET_BITS_SATURATION m_CpbSaturationEnabled = false; m_cpbSize = targetBitrate; m_cpbState = (uint32_t)(m_cpbSize*0.5f); m_bufferingRate = (int)(targetBitrate / frameRate); #endif delete[] bitsRatio; delete[] GOPID2Level; } void RateCtrl::initRCPic( int frameLevel ) { m_encRCPic = new EncRCPic; m_encRCPic->create( m_encRCSeq, m_encRCGOP, frameLevel, m_listRCPictures ); } void RateCtrl::initRCGOP( int numberOfPictures ) { m_encRCGOP = new EncRCGOP; m_encRCGOP->create( m_encRCSeq, numberOfPictures ); } #if U0132_TARGET_BITS_SATURATION int RateCtrl::updateCpbState(int actualBits) { int cpbState = 1; m_cpbState -= actualBits; if (m_cpbState < 0) { cpbState = -1; } m_cpbState += m_bufferingRate; if (m_cpbState > m_cpbSize) { cpbState = 0; } return cpbState; } void RateCtrl::initHrdParam(const HRD* pcHrd, int iFrameRate, double fInitialCpbFullness) { m_CpbSaturationEnabled = true; m_cpbSize = (pcHrd->getCpbSizeValueMinus1(0, 0, 0) + 1) << (4 + pcHrd->getCpbSizeScale()); m_cpbState = (uint32_t)(m_cpbSize*fInitialCpbFullness); m_bufferingRate = (uint32_t)(((pcHrd->getBitRateValueMinus1(0, 0, 0) + 1) << (6 + pcHrd->getBitRateScale())) / iFrameRate); msg( NOTICE, "\nHRD - [Initial CPB state %6d] [CPB Size %6d] [Buffering Rate %6d]\n", m_cpbState, m_cpbSize, m_bufferingRate); } #endif void RateCtrl::destroyRCGOP() { delete m_encRCGOP; m_encRCGOP = NULL; }