From 218ef7e6f80336d72ba2dae941ae60f367ec4247 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thierry Dumas <>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2023 10:42:55 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update the documentation of the neural network-based intra
 prediction and a training script.

---                                     | 46 ++---------
 .../training_intra_prediction/CMakeLists.txt  | 14 ----
 training/training_intra_prediction/  | 82 +++++++++++++++++--
 .../                  |  2 +
 .../                         | 38 ---------
 .../                 | 13 +++
 .../                  | 11 +++
 .../                  | 11 +++
 8 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 training/training_intra_prediction/
 create mode 100644 training/training_intra_prediction/
 create mode 100644 training/training_intra_prediction/
 create mode 100644 training/training_intra_prediction/

diff --git a/ b/
index 60beddecfa..a702cb37a1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -411,43 +411,11 @@ To specify model paths, use e.g. following command lines. Note that model paths
 Low-complexity version of the neural network-based intra prediction mode
-Below, it is assumed that the current directory is the root directory of the VTM-11-NNVC repository.
-1. Initialize and update SADL if not already done.
-git submodule init
-git submodule update
-2. Download the models of the low-complexity version of the neural network-based intra prediction mode.
-curl  --user "ri-nextgen_r:0Hl5X4yy" -o "models_ee1_2023_january.tgz"  "s"
-If the above command does not work, perhaps because of the `curl` version, please try the command below.
-sftp ri-nextgen_r@sftp:JVET-EE1-3.2/models_ee1_2023_january.tgz ./
-using "0Hl5X4yy" as password.
-3. Uncompress the obtained "models_ee1_2023_january.tgz".
-tar -xvf models_ee1_2023_january.tgz && mv models_ee2_2023_january models_intra_prediction
-4. Rate-distortion tests with the low-complexity version of the neural network-based intra prediction mode in 16-bit signed integer.
-    * VTM-11-NNVC can be compiled as usual, i.e. without any additional macro passed as argument to `cmake`.
-    * To run VTM-11-NNVC with the low-complexity version of the neural network-based intra prediction mode, the neural networks being in 16-bit signed integer, please provide the following two arguments to the encoder and the decoder:
-        * --DescriptionPairHeightWidthPathToGraphOutput=4,4,graph_output_4_4_int16.sadl;4,8,graph_output_4_8_int16.sadl;4,16,graph_output_4_16_int16.sadl;4,32,graph_output_4_32_int16.sadl;8,8,graph_output_8_8_int16.sadl;8,16,graph_output_8_16_int16.sadl;16,16,graph_output_16_16_int16.sadl;
-        * --PrefixAbsolutePathsToGraphsOutput=models_intra_prediction
-Note that, in 4., `--PrefixAbsolutePathsToGraphsOutput` gives the encoder and the decoder the path
-to the directory storing the neural network models, i.e. the files ".sadl".
+When building VTM-11-NNVC, if the macro `JVET_AB0149_INTRA_PRED` is equal to 1 (default), the low-complexity version of the NN-based
+intra prediction mode is activated. By default, the encoder and decoder parameter `PrefixAbsolutePathsToGraphsOutput` is equal to
+"models/intra" as it is assumed that the VTM-11-NNVC encoder/decoder executable is run from the root directory of the project. If
+the VTM-11-NNVC encoder/decoder executable is run from a directory different from the root directory of the project, please add
+the following argument when running the VTM-11-NNVC encoder/decoder executable: `--PrefixAbsolutePathsToGraphsOutput=path_to_directory_models_intra`,
+where `path_to_directory_models_intra` is the path to the directory "models/intra" relatively to the directory from which the
+VTM-11-NNVC encoder/decoder executable is run.
diff --git a/training/training_intra_prediction/CMakeLists.txt b/training/training_intra_prediction/CMakeLists.txt
index ef78d8173b..34ed05a076 100644
--- a/training/training_intra_prediction/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/training/training_intra_prediction/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -142,27 +142,13 @@ if(USE_SEARCH)
     message(FATAL_ERROR "When `USE_SEARCH` is 1, `USE_TM_INF` has to be 0.")
-  add_compile_definitions(JVET_AB0149_INTRA_PRED=1)
-  add_compile_definitions(JVET_AB0149_SEARCH_PNN=1)
-  add_compile_definitions(JVET_AB0149_TM_INF_PNN=0)
-  add_compile_definitions(NN_FIXED_POINT_IMPLEMENTATION=0)
-  add_compile_definitions(SPARSE_SUPPORT=1)
   set(TAG_SUFFIX "/search")
     message(FATAL_ERROR "When `USE_TM_INF` is 1, `USE_SEARCH` has to be 0.")
-  add_compile_definitions(JVET_AB0149_INTRA_PRED=1)
-  add_compile_definitions(JVET_AB0149_SEARCH_PNN=0)
-  add_compile_definitions(JVET_AB0149_TM_INF_PNN=1)
-  add_compile_definitions(NN_FIXED_POINT_IMPLEMENTATION=0)
-  add_compile_definitions(SPARSE_SUPPORT=1)
   set(TAG_SUFFIX "/tm_inf")
-  add_compile_definitions(JVET_AB0149_INTRA_PRED=0)
-  add_compile_definitions(JVET_AB0149_SEARCH_PNN=0)
-  add_compile_definitions(JVET_AB0149_TM_INF_PNN=0)
-  add_compile_definitions(NN_FIXED_POINT_IMPLEMENTATION=1)
   set(TAG_SUFFIX "/regular")
diff --git a/training/training_intra_prediction/ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
index 47be48e6d8..cf610de16f 100644
--- a/training/training_intra_prediction/
+++ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ It is assumed that the current directory is the root directory of the VTM-11-NNV
 ## I. Setups
+If the initialization of the SADL submodule is not already done,
+git submodule init
+git submodule update
 The first setup consists in building three different versions of VTM-11-NNVC. The first version,
 stored in the directory at "training/training_intra_prediction/bin/regular", corresponds to VTM-11-NNVC
 without Filter-Set, without the neural network-based intra prediction mode. It is used to generate
@@ -23,15 +30,68 @@ at "training/training_intra_prediction/bin/tm_inf", corresponds to VTM-11-NNVC w
 in floats, with the neural network-based intra prediction mode in floats. It is used for the final
 rate-distortion tests.
-In the file at "training/training_intra_prediction/", please set the two variables
-`PATH_TO_GPLUSPLUS` and `PATH_TO_GCC` following the associated comments. Then,
-git submodule init
-git submodule update
 cd training/training_intra_prediction
-chmod 755
+### I.1. Building the first version of VTM-11-NNVC
+In "../../source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h", please set the first six macros as follows.
+#define JVET_AB0149_INTRA_PRED 0
+#define JVET_AB0149_SEARCH_PNN 0
+#define JVET_AB0149_TM_INF_PNN 0
+chmod 755
+### I.2. Building the second version of VTM-11-NNVC
+In "../../source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h", please set the first six macros as follows.
+#define JVET_AB0149_INTRA_PRED 1
+#define JVET_AB0149_SEARCH_PNN 1
+#define JVET_AB0149_TM_INF_PNN 0
+chmod 755
+### I.3. Building the third version of VTM-11-NNVC
+In "../../source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h", please set the first six macros as follows.
+#define JVET_AB0149_INTRA_PRED 1
+#define JVET_AB0149_SEARCH_PNN 0
+#define JVET_AB0149_TM_INF_PNN 1
+chmod 755
 ## II. Dispatching the paths to raw data
@@ -231,6 +291,12 @@ The argument `--is_last_cycle` indicates that, at the end of the current trainin
 The neural network graphs used by the low-complexity version of the neural network-based intra prediction mode
 in VTM-11-NNVC are now stored in the directory at "../../models_intra_prediction". Please use these neural network
 graphs for the rate-distortion tests of VTM-11-NNVC with the low-complexity version of the neural network-based
-intra prediction mode, the neural networks being in floats.
+intra prediction mode, the neural networks being in floats. Please use the VTM-11-NNVC encoder and decoder executables
+stored in the directory at "bin/tm_inf" for these rate-distortion tests.
+Given the above explanation, when running either the VTM-11-NNVC encoder executable or the VTM-11-NNVC decoder executable,
+the following arguments must be specified: `--PrefixAbsolutePathsToGraphsOutput=models_intra_prediction` and
+Here, it is assumed that the two executables are run from the root directory of the VTM-11-NNVC project.
diff --git a/training/training_intra_prediction/ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
index 53a71c404f..60b9daf155 100644
--- a/training/training_intra_prediction/
+++ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
@@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ class GeneratorDataPart(object):
             args_encoding = [dict_picked['path_to_exe_encoder'],'-c',dict_picked['path_to_cfg'],'-i',dict_chr_own['pbfe'],'-b',dict_picked['path_to_bitstream'],'-wdt',str(width_video),'-hgt',str(height_video),'--InputBitDepth={}'.format(input_bit_depth),'--OutputBitDepth={}'.format(input_bit_depth),'--InputChromaFormat={}'.format(input_chroma_format),'--SEIDecodedPictureHash=1','--ReconFile=','--FramesToBeEncoded={}'.format(nb_frames),'--FrameSkip={}'.format(nb_fixed),'--QP={}'.format(numpy.random.choice(dict_picked['qps_int']).item())]
             if dict_picked['descr_stacked_up']:
+                args_encoding.append('--PrefixAbsolutePathsToGraphsOutput=')
             if pcetx:
                 args_encoding += ['-c', pcetx]
@@ -352,6 +353,7 @@ class GeneratorDataPart(object):
             args_decoding = [dict_picked['path_to_exe_decoder'],'-b',dict_picked['path_to_bitstream'],'-o',dict_picked['path_provided_2'],'--OutputBitDepth={}'.format(input_bit_depth)]
             if dict_picked['descr_stacked_up']:
+                args_decoding.append('--PrefixAbsolutePathsToGraphsOutput=')
             if dict_picked['path_provided_1']:
             if self._are_csts_mapgsym:
diff --git a/training/training_intra_prediction/ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce5a61fe83..0000000000
--- a/training/training_intra_prediction/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-############ Parameters to be set #################################
-# Path to the G++ executable.
-# Path to the GCC executable.
-cd ../..
-mkdir build
-cd build
-# Step 0: VTM-11-NNVC without Filter-Set, without the neural network-based intra prediction mode is built (for writing training data).
-mkdir regular
-cd regular
-make -j 8
-cd ..
-# Step 1: VTM-11-NNVC without Filter-Set, with the neural network-based intra prediction mode in floating-point is built (for writing training data).
-mkdir search
-cd search
-make -j 8
-cd ..
-# Step 2: VTM-11-NNVC without Filter-Set, with the neural network-based intra prediction mode in floating-point is built (for final rate-distortion tests).
-mkdir tm_inf
-cd tm_inf
-make -j 8
-cd ../..
diff --git a/training/training_intra_prediction/ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6d619080c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+cd ../..
+mkdir build
+cd build
+# Step 0: VTM-11-NNVC without Filter-Set, without the neural network-based intra prediction mode is built (for writing training data).
+mkdir regular
+cd regular
+cmake ../../training/training_intra_prediction -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="-O3 -DNDEBUG"
+make -j 8
+cd ../..
diff --git a/training/training_intra_prediction/ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f369a2b5c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cd ../../build
+# Step 1: VTM-11-NNVC without Filter-Set, with the neural network-based intra prediction mode in floating-point is built (for writing training data).
+mkdir search
+cd search
+cmake ../../training/training_intra_prediction -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="-O3 -DNDEBUG" -DUSE_SEARCH=1
+make -j 8
+cd ../..
diff --git a/training/training_intra_prediction/ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca53304ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/training_intra_prediction/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cd ../../build
+# Step 2: VTM-11-NNVC without Filter-Set, with the neural network-based intra prediction mode in floating-point is built (for final rate-distortion tests).
+mkdir tm_inf
+cd tm_inf
+cmake ../../training/training_intra_prediction -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="-O3 -DNDEBUG" -DUSE_TM_INF=1
+make -j 8
+cd ../..