memory issue with JVET_AC0196_NNSR
./EncoderAppStatic -c cfg/encoder_intra_vtm.cfg -c cfg/per-sequence/BasketballPass.cfg --InputFile=BasketballPass_416x240_50.yuv --QP=42 --SEIDecodedPictureHash=1 --FramesToBeEncoded=600 --NnIntraPred=0 --NnlfOption=0 --ReconFile="" The command line above will trigger the issue below (when JVET_AC0196_NNSR is on ): ERROR: In function "create" in /mnt/avg267new-2/liyue/tasks/test/NNVC/NNVC-4.0/VVCSoftware_VTM/source/Lib/CommonLib/Buffer.cpp:687: Trying to re-create an already initialized buffer Reason of the issue: destroyTempBuffers() is not called when the option of writing YUV files is not enabled, i.e. temporary memory is not correctly freed.