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  • jvet-tuc/VVCSoftware_VTM
  • tlu/vvc-software-vtm-tuc
  • hendry197/vvc-software-vtm-tuc
  • jeeva.raj/vvc-software-vtm-tu-c-2
  • ksuehring/vvc-software-vtm-tuc
  • jiechen/vvc-software-vtm-tuc
  • sw.xie/adaptive-film-grain-models
  • Kaifa/vvc-software-vtm-tuc
  • hallapur/vvc-software-vtm-tuc
  • biatekt/vvc-software-vtm-tmuc
  • pbcowan/vvc-software-vtm-tuc
11 results
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with 3269 additions and 531 deletions
#======== SEI messages processing order ===============
SEIPOEnabled : 1 #Enabling SEI processing order flag
SEIPOPayLoadType : 4 19 142 211 4 #SEI PayloadTypes to be processed
SEIPOProcessingOrder : 3 2 1 0 4 #Processing order of SEI payload types
SEIPONumofPrefixByte : 6 0 0 0 5
SEIPOPrefixByte : 0 60 0 1 4 1 181 0 59 0 9
SEIPOEnabled : 1 #Enabling SEI processing order flag.
SEIPONumMinus2 : 2 #Number of SEIs minus2 in SEI PO SEI
SEIPOWrappingFlag : 0 1 1 0 #Wrapping flag, 1: SEI is carried inside SEI PO SEI (specify SEI parameters after SEIPOPrefixByte); 0: SEI is carried outside SEI PO SEI
SEIPOImportanceFlag : 1 0 0 0 #importance flag
SEIPOPrefixFlag : 0 0 0 1
SEIPOPayLoadType : 142 144 149 4 #SEI PayloadTypes to be processed: 142: CTI SEI, 144:CLL SEI, 149:CCV, 4:T35 user registered SEI
SEIPOProcessingOrder : 0 1 1 2 #Processing order of SEI payload types
SEIPONumofPrefixByte : 0 0 0 6
SEIPOPrefixByte : 0 60 0 1 4 1
SEICLLMaxContentLightLevel : 4000 #start SEI paramters related to 144 (wrapped), parameters are same as content_light_level.cfg
SEICLLMaxPicAvgLightLevel : 600 #end SEI parameters related to 144 (wrapped)
SEICCVCancelFlag : 0 #start SEI parameters related to 149 (wrapped), parameters are same as content_colour_volume.cfg
SEICCVPersistenceFlag : 1
SEICCVPrimariesPresent : 1
m_ccvSEIPrimariesX0 : 0.300
m_ccvSEIPrimariesY0 : 0.600
m_ccvSEIPrimariesX1 : 0.150
m_ccvSEIPrimariesY1 : 0.060
m_ccvSEIPrimariesX2 : 0.640
m_ccvSEIPrimariesY2 : 0.330
SEICCVMinLuminanceValuePresent : 1
SEICCVMinLuminanceValue : 0.0
SEICCVMaxLuminanceValuePresent : 1
SEICCVMaxLuminanceValue : 0.1
SEICCVAvgLuminanceValuePresent : 1
SEICCVAvgLuminanceValue : 0.01 #end SEI parameters related to 149 (wrapped)
#======== SEI messages processing order ===============
# SEIPOEnabled : 1 #Enabling SEI processing order flag
# SEIPONumMinus2 : 2 #Number of SEIs minus2 in SEI PO SEI
# SEIPOWrappingFlag : 0 0 0 0 #Wrapping flag
# SEIPOImportanceFlag : 1 1 0 0 #importance flag
# SEIPOPrefixFlag : 1 1 0 0
# SEIPOPayLoadType : 4 4 211 19 #SEI PayloadTypes to be processed
# SEIPOProcessingOrder : 0 0 1 2 #Processing order of SEI payload types
# SEIPONumofPrefixByte : 6 5 0 0
# SEIPOPrefixByte : 0 60 0 1 4 1 181 0 59 0 9
#add 2 more T35 SEIs to test prefix cases
# T35 (HDR10+): 0x00 0x3c 0x00 0x01 0x4 0x1
#======== Exif metadata SEI message =====================
SEIXmpEnabled : 1 # enable to use Xmp SEI message.
SEIXmpCancelFlag : 0 # to cancel an active Xmp SEI message
SEIXmpPersistenceFlag : 1 # to enable persistence beyond a single picture; otherwise 0 for per-picture persistence
SEIXmpData : 00 58 4D 50 46 00 4D 4D 00 2A 00 00 00 08 00 03 B0 00 00 07 00 00 00 04 30 31 30 30 B0 01 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 B0 02 00 07 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 23 77 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 5F 82 00 23 50 C1 00 00 00 00
No preview for this file type
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -573,7 +573,6 @@ uint32_t BitstreamExtractorApp::decode()
bitstreamFileIn.seekg( 0, std::ios::beg );
int unitCnt = 0;
bool lastSliceWritten= false; // stores status of previous slice for associated filler data NAL units
VPS *vpsIdZero = new VPS();
......@@ -886,7 +885,6 @@ uint32_t BitstreamExtractorApp::decode()
m_prevPicPOC = slice.getPOC();
if( writeInpuNalUnitToStream )
......@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@
#include "CommonLib/dtrace_next.h"
namespace po = df::program_options_lite;
namespace po = ProgramOptionsLite;
// ====================================================================================================================
// Public member functions
......@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
fprintf( stdout, NVM_BITS );
std::string SIMD;
df::program_options_lite::Options optsSimd;
ProgramOptionsLite::Options optsSimd;
optsSimd.addOptions()( "SIMD", SIMD, std::string( "" ), "" );
df::program_options_lite::SilentReporter err;
df::program_options_lite::scanArgv( optsSimd, argc, ( const char** ) argv, err );
ProgramOptionsLite::SilentReporter err;
ProgramOptionsLite::scanArgv(optsSimd, argc, (const char**) argv, err);
fprintf( stdout, "[SIMD=%s] ", read_x86_extension( SIMD ) );
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -56,15 +56,31 @@
class DecApp : public DecAppCfg
static constexpr auto DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE = Fraction{ 50, 1 };
// class interface
DecLib m_cDecLib; ///< decoder class
std::unordered_map<int, VideoIOYuv> m_cVideoIOYuvReconFile; ///< reconstruction YUV class
std::unordered_map<int, VideoIOYuv> m_videoIOYuvSEIFGSFile; ///< reconstruction YUV with FGS class
std::unordered_map<int, VideoIOYuv> m_cVideoIOYuvSEICTIFile; ///< reconstruction YUV with CTI class
#if JVET_AI0181
std::unordered_map<int, VideoIOYuv> m_videoIOYuvSEIDOIFile; ///< reconstruction YUV with DOI class
int m_idxSEIDOI; ///< Index of the SEI DOI to be processed
int m_doiSEILastProcessedOverlay; ///< Index of the SEI DOI to be processed
Pel* m_doiSEIPelY;
Pel* m_doiSEIPelU;
Pel* m_doiSEIPelV;
bool m_ShutterFilterEnable; ///< enable Post-processing with Shutter Interval SEI
VideoIOYuv m_cTVideoIOYuvSIIPostFile; ///< post-filtered YUV class
VideoIOYuv m_VideoIOTextureYuvReconFile; ///< Reconstructed MPII texture layered YUV
VideoIOYuv m_VideoIOOpacityYuvReconFile; ///< Reconstructed MPII opacity layered YUV
SEIMultiplaneImageInfo m_mpiiInfo;
bool m_textureOpacityToggle;
bool m_MultiPlaneImageInfoEnable;
int m_SII_BlendingRatio;
struct IdrSiiInfo
......@@ -76,7 +92,6 @@ private:
std::map<uint32_t, IdrSiiInfo> m_activeSiiInfo;
// for output control
int m_iPOCLastDisplay; ///< last POC in display order
......@@ -90,6 +105,10 @@ private:
std::map<uint32_t, SEIAnnotatedRegions::AnnotatedRegionObject> m_arObjects; ///< AR object pool
std::map<uint32_t, std::string> m_arLabels; ///< AR label pool
SEIObjectMaskInfos::ObjectMaskInfoHeader m_omiHeader; ///< OMI header
bool xIsNaluWithinTargetDecLayerIdSet( const InputNALUnit* nalu ) const; ///< check whether given Nalu is within targetDecLayerIdSet
bool xIsNaluWithinTargetOutputLayerIdSet( const InputNALUnit* nalu ) const; ///< check whether given Nalu is within targetOutputLayerIdSet
......@@ -99,11 +118,15 @@ public:
virtual ~DecApp () {}
uint32_t decode (); ///< main decoding function
bool getShutterFilterFlag() const { return m_ShutterFilterEnable; }
void setShutterFilterFlag(bool value) { m_ShutterFilterEnable = value; }
int getBlendingRatio() const { return m_SII_BlendingRatio; }
void setBlendingRatio(int value) { m_SII_BlendingRatio = value; }
void xUnpackTextureLayer(Picture* pcPic);
void xUnpackOpacityLayer(Picture* pcPic);
void setMultiPlaneImageInfoFlag(bool value) { m_MultiPlaneImageInfoEnable = value; }
bool getMultiPlaneImageInfoFlag() const { return m_MultiPlaneImageInfoEnable; }
......@@ -120,6 +143,16 @@ private:
void writeLineToOutputLog(Picture * pcPic);
void xOutputAnnotatedRegions(PicList* pcListPic);
void xOutputObjectMaskInfos(Picture* pcPic);
void xOutputPackedRegionsInfo(Picture* pcPic);
void xOutputPackedRegionsInfoVector(FILE* fp, const char* paramName, const std::vector<uint32_t>& v);
#if JVET_AI0181
void xGenerateTargetPicture(Picture* pcPic);
//! \}
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#include "CommonLib/ChromaFormat.h"
#include "CommonLib/dtrace_next.h"
namespace po = df::program_options_lite;
namespace po = ProgramOptionsLite;
//! \ingroup DecoderApp
//! \{
......@@ -87,10 +87,11 @@ bool DecAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
("OutputBitDepth,d", m_outputBitDepth[ChannelType::LUMA], 0, "bit depth of YUV output luma component (default: use 0 for native depth)")
("OutputBitDepthC,d", m_outputBitDepth[ChannelType::CHROMA], 0, "bit depth of YUV output chroma component (default: use luma output bit-depth)")
("OutputColourSpaceConvert", outputColourSpaceConvert, std::string(""), "Colour space conversion to apply to input 444 video. Permitted values are (empty string=UNCHANGED) " + getListOfColourSpaceConverts(false))
("MaxTemporalLayer,t", m_iMaxTemporalLayer, 500, "Maximum Temporal Layer to be decoded. -1 to decode all layers")
("MaxTemporalLayer,t", m_maxTemporalLayer, TL_UNDEFINED, "Maximum Temporal Layer to be decoded. -1 to decode all layers")
("TargetOutputLayerSet,p", m_targetOlsIdx, 500, "Target output layer set index")
("SEIShutterIntervalPostFilename,-sii", m_shutterIntervalPostFileName, std::string(""), "Post Filtering with Shutter Interval SEI. If empty, no filtering is applied (ignore SEI message)\n")
("SEIMultiplaneImageInfoFilename,-mpii", m_multiplaneImageInfoFileName, std::string(""), "MPII output filename prefix. If empty, no MPI de packing is applied (ignore SEI message) \n")
("SEIDecodedPictureHash,-dph", m_decodedPictureHashSEIEnabled, 1, "Control handling of decoded picture hash SEI messages\n"
"\t1: check hash in SEI messages if available in the bitstream\n"
......@@ -101,12 +102,22 @@ bool DecAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
("SEICTIFilename", m_SEICTIFileName, std::string(""), "CTI YUV output file name. If empty, no Colour Transform is applied (ignore SEI message)\n")
("SEIFGSFilename", m_SEIFGSFileName, std::string(""), "FGS YUV output file name. If empty, no film grain is applied (ignore SEI message)\n")
("SEIAnnotatedRegionsInfoFilename", m_annotatedRegionsSEIFileName, std::string(""), "Annotated regions output file name. If empty, no object information will be saved (ignore SEI message)\n")
("SEIObjectMaskInfosFilename", m_objectMaskInfoSEIFileName, std::string(""), "Object mask information output file name. If empty, no object mask information will be saved (ignore SEI message)\n")
("OutputDecodedSEIMessagesFilename", m_outputDecodedSEIMessagesFilename, std::string(""), "When non empty, output decoded SEI messages to the indicated file. If file is '-', then output to stdout\n")
("360DumpFile", m_outputDecoded360SEIMessagesFilename, std::string(""), "When non empty, output decoded 360 SEI messages to the indicated file.\n")
("SEIPackedRegionsInfoFilename", m_packedRegionsInfoSEIFileName, std::string(""), "Packed regions info output file name. If empty, no object information will be saved\n")
("ClipOutputVideoToRec709Range", m_clipOutputVideoToRec709Range, false, "If true then clip output video to the Rec. 709 Range on saving")
("PYUV", m_packedYUVMode, false, "If true then output 10-bit and 12-bit YUV data as 5-byte and 3-byte (respectively) packed YUV data. Ignored for interlaced output.")
#if JVET_AI0181
("SEIDOIId", m_SEIDOIId, -1, "Specifies the DOI SEI id which should be used to generate output picture with overlay embedded.")
("SEIDOIFilename", m_SEIDOIFileName, std::string(""), "DOI YUV output file name. If empty, no overlay is applied (ignore SEI message).\n")
("TraceChannelsList", bTracingChannelsList, false, "List all available tracing channels")
("TraceRule", sTracingRule, std::string(""), "Tracing rule (ex: \"D_CABAC:poc==8\" or \"D_REC_CB_LUMA:poc==8\")")
......@@ -129,7 +140,7 @@ bool DecAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
("MCTSCheck", m_mctsCheck, false, "If enabled, the decoder checks for violations of mc_exact_sample_value_match_flag in Temporal MCTS ")
("targetSubPicIdx", m_targetSubPicIdx, 0, "Specify which subpicture shall be written to output, using subpic index, 0: disabled, subpicIdx=m_targetSubPicIdx-1 \n" )
( "UpscaledOutput", m_upscaledOutput, 0, "Upscaled output for RPR" )
("UpscaledOutput", m_upscaledOutput, 0, "Output upscaled (2), decoded but in full resolution buffer (1) or decoded cropped (0, default) picture for RPR" )
("UpscaleFilterForDisplay", m_upscaleFilterForDisplay, 1, "Filters used for upscaling reconstruction to full resolution (2: ECM 12 - tap luma and 6 - tap chroma MC filters, 1 : Alternative 12 - tap luma and 6 - tap chroma filters, 0 : VVC 8 - tap luma and 4 - tap chroma MC filters)")
("RandomAccessPos", m_gdrPocRandomAccess, 0, "POC of GDR Random access picture\n")
......@@ -235,14 +246,13 @@ bool DecAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
msg( ERROR, "File %s could not be opened. Using all LayerIds as default.\n", cfg_TargetDecLayerIdSetFile.c_str() );
if (m_iMaxTemporalLayer != 500)
m_mTidExternalSet = true;
m_mTidExternalSet = m_maxTemporalLayer != TL_UNDEFINED;
if (!m_mTidExternalSet)
m_iMaxTemporalLayer = -1;
m_maxTemporalLayer = TL_INFINITY;
if ( m_targetOlsIdx != 500)
m_tOlsIdxTidExternalSet = true;
......@@ -256,32 +266,37 @@ bool DecAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
: m_bitstreamFileName()
, m_reconFileName()
, m_oplFilename()
: m_bitstreamFileName()
, m_reconFileName()
, m_oplFilename()
, m_iSkipFrame(0)
// m_outputBitDepth array initialised below
, m_outputColourSpaceConvert(IPCOLOURSPACE_UNCHANGED)
, m_targetOlsIdx(0)
, m_iMaxTemporalLayer(-1)
, m_mTidExternalSet(false)
, m_tOlsIdxTidExternalSet(false)
, m_decodedPictureHashSEIEnabled(0)
, m_decodedNoDisplaySEIEnabled(false)
, m_colourRemapSEIFileName()
, m_SEICTIFileName()
, m_SEIFGSFileName()
, m_annotatedRegionsSEIFileName()
, m_targetDecLayerIdSet()
, m_outputDecodedSEIMessagesFilename()
, m_iSkipFrame(0)
// m_outputBitDepth array initialised below
, m_outputColourSpaceConvert(IPCOLOURSPACE_UNCHANGED)
, m_targetOlsIdx(0)
, m_tOlsIdxTidExternalSet(false)
, m_decodedPictureHashSEIEnabled(0)
, m_decodedNoDisplaySEIEnabled(false)
, m_colourRemapSEIFileName()
, m_SEICTIFileName()
, m_SEIFGSFileName()
, m_annotatedRegionsSEIFileName()
, m_objectMaskInfoSEIFileName()
, m_targetDecLayerIdSet()
, m_outputDecodedSEIMessagesFilename()
, m_outputDecoded360SEIMessagesFilename()
, m_outputDecoded360SEIMessagesFilename()
, m_clipOutputVideoToRec709Range(false)
, m_packedYUVMode(false)
, m_statMode(0)
, m_mctsCheck(false)
#if JVET_AI0181
, m_SEIDOIId(-1)
, m_SEIDOIFileName()
, m_clipOutputVideoToRec709Range(false)
, m_packedYUVMode(false)
, m_statMode(0)
, m_mctsCheck(false)
......@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@
class DecAppCfg
static constexpr int TL_INFINITY = -1; // All temporal layers
static constexpr int TL_UNDEFINED = MAX_INT;
std::string m_bitstreamFileName; ///< input bitstream file name
std::string m_reconFileName; ///< output reconstruction file name
......@@ -65,8 +68,9 @@ protected:
InputColourSpaceConversion m_outputColourSpaceConvert;
int m_targetOlsIdx; ///< target output layer set
std::vector<int> m_targetOutputLayerIdSet; ///< set of LayerIds to be outputted
int m_iMaxTemporalLayer; ///< maximum temporal layer to be decoded
bool m_mTidExternalSet; ///< maximum temporal layer set externally
int m_maxTemporalLayer = TL_INFINITY; // maximum temporal layer to be decoded
bool m_mTidExternalSet = false; // maximum temporal layer set externally
bool m_tOlsIdxTidExternalSet; ///< target output layer set index externally set
int m_decodedPictureHashSEIEnabled; ///< Checksum(3)/CRC(2)/MD5(1)/disable(0) acting on decoded picture hash SEI message
bool m_decodedNoDisplaySEIEnabled; ///< Enable(true)/disable(false) writing only pictures that get displayed based on the no display SEI message
......@@ -74,21 +78,31 @@ protected:
std::string m_SEICTIFileName; ///< output Recon with CTI file name
std::string m_SEIFGSFileName; ///< output file name for reconstructed sequence with film grain
std::string m_annotatedRegionsSEIFileName; ///< annotated regions file name
std::string m_objectMaskInfoSEIFileName; ///< object mask information file name
std::vector<int> m_targetDecLayerIdSet; ///< set of LayerIds to be included in the sub-bitstream extraction process.
std::string m_outputDecodedSEIMessagesFilename; ///< filename to output decoded SEI messages to. If '-', then use stdout. If empty, do not output details.
std::string m_outputDecoded360SEIMessagesFilename; ///< filename to output decoded 360 SEI messages to.
std::string m_packedRegionsInfoSEIFileName; ///< packed regions file name
std::string m_shutterIntervalPostFileName; ///< output Post Filtering file name
std::string m_multiplaneImageInfoFileName; ///< Output MPII file name prefix
bool m_clipOutputVideoToRec709Range; ///< If true, clip the output video to the Rec 709 range on saving.
bool m_packedYUVMode; ///< If true, output 10-bit and 12-bit YUV data as 5-byte and 3-byte (respectively) packed YUV data
std::string m_cacheCfgFile; ///< Config file of cache model
int m_statMode; ///< Config statistic mode (0 - bit stat, 1 - tool stat, 3 - both)
bool m_mctsCheck;
#if JVET_AI0181
int m_SEIDOIId; // If != -1, specifies the DOI SEI id (doi_id) that should be targeted to reconstruct output layer
std::string m_SEIDOIFileName; ///< output file name for reconstructed sequence with display overlays
bool m_GMFA;
std::string m_GMFAFile;
......@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
fprintf( stdout, NVM_BITS );
std::string SIMD;
df::program_options_lite::Options optsSimd;
ProgramOptionsLite::Options optsSimd;
optsSimd.addOptions()("SIMD", SIMD, std::string(""), "");
df::program_options_lite::SilentReporter err;
df::program_options_lite::scanArgv( optsSimd, argc, ( const char** ) argv, err );
ProgramOptionsLite::SilentReporter err;
ProgramOptionsLite::scanArgv(optsSimd, argc, (const char**) argv, err);
fprintf( stdout, "[SIMD=%s] ", read_x86_extension( SIMD ) );
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -71,9 +71,7 @@ private:
EncLib m_cEncLib; ///< encoder class
VideoIOYuv m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile; ///< input YUV file
VideoIOYuv m_cVideoIOYuvReconFile; ///< output reconstruction file
VideoIOYuv m_cTVideoIOYuvSIIPreFile; ///< output pre-filtered file
int m_frameRcvd; ///< number of received frames
uint32_t m_essentialBytes;
uint32_t m_totalBytes;
......@@ -101,14 +99,10 @@ private:
PelStorage* m_orgPic;
PelStorage* m_trueOrgPicBeforeScale;
PelStorage* m_orgPicBeforeScale;
PelStorage* m_filteredOrgPic;
PelStorage* m_rprPic[2];
TExt360AppEncTop* m_ext360;
EncTemporalFilter m_temporalFilter;
PelStorage* m_filteredOrgPicForFG;
EncTemporalFilter m_temporalFilterForFG;
bool m_flush;
FeatureCounterStruct m_featureCounter;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -58,10 +58,12 @@ static inline std::istream& operator >> (std::istream &in, std::map<T1, T2> &map
namespace po = df::program_options_lite;
namespace po = ProgramOptionsLite;
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
//! \ingroup EncoderApp
//! \{
......@@ -72,15 +74,6 @@ namespace po = df::program_options_lite;
/// encoder configuration class
class EncAppCfg
template <class T>
struct OptionalValue
bool bPresent;
T value;
OptionalValue() : bPresent(false), value() { }
// file I/O
std::string m_inputFileName; ///< source file name
......@@ -118,6 +111,11 @@ protected:
int m_confWinRight;
int m_confWinTop;
int m_confWinBottom;
bool m_explicitScalingWindowEnabled;
int m_scalWinLeft;
int m_scalWinRight;
int m_scalWinTop;
int m_scalWinBottom;
int m_sourcePadding[2]; ///< number of padded pixels for width and height
int m_firstValidFrame;
int m_lastValidFrame;
......@@ -265,7 +263,8 @@ protected:
bool m_disableFastDecisionTT; ///< flag for disabling fast decision for TT from BT
// coding quality
OptionalValue<uint32_t> m_qpIncrementAtSourceFrame; ///< Optional source frame number at which all subsequent frames are to use an increased internal QP.
std::optional<uint32_t> m_qpIncrementAtSourceFrame; // Optional source frame number at which all subsequent frames
// are to use an increased internal QP.
int m_iQP; ///< QP value of key-picture (integer)
bool m_useIdentityTableForNon420Chroma;
ChromaQpMappingTableParams m_chromaQpMappingTableParams;
......@@ -354,8 +353,8 @@ protected:
bool m_PROF;
bool m_BIO;
int m_LMChroma;
bool m_horCollocatedChromaFlag;
bool m_verCollocatedChromaFlag;
int m_horCollocatedChromaFlag;
int m_verCollocatedChromaFlag;
int m_mtsMode; ///< XZ: Multiple Transform Set
int m_MTSIntraMaxCand; ///< XZ: Number of additional candidates to test
......@@ -395,6 +394,9 @@ protected:
unsigned m_IBCHashSearchMaxCand;
unsigned m_IBCHashSearchRange4SmallBlk;
unsigned m_IBCFastMethod;
bool m_dmvrEncSelect;
int m_dmvrEncSelectBaseQpTh;
bool m_dmvrEncSelectDisableHighestTemporalLayer;
bool m_wrapAround;
unsigned m_wrapAroundOffset;
......@@ -419,6 +421,7 @@ protected:
unsigned m_maxCuHeight; ///< max. CU height in pixel
unsigned m_log2MinCuSize; ///< min. CU size log2
bool m_useMttSkip;
bool m_useFastLCTU;
bool m_usePbIntraFast;
bool m_useAMaxBT;
......@@ -604,6 +607,9 @@ protected:
std::vector<uint32_t> m_sdiSEIViewIdVal;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_sdiSEIAuxId;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_sdiSEINumAssociatedPrimaryLayersMinus1;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_sdiSEIAssociatedPrimaryLayerIdx;
// multiview acquisition information sei
bool m_maiSEIEnabled;
bool m_maiSEIIntrinsicParamFlag;
......@@ -685,6 +691,9 @@ protected:
std::vector<uint32_t> m_omniViewportSEIHorRange;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_omniViewportSEIVerRange;
std::string m_arSEIFileRoot; // Annotated region SEI - initialized from external file
std::string m_omiSEIFileRoot; // Object mask information SEI - initialized from external file
bool m_rwpSEIEnabled;
bool m_rwpSEIRwpCancelFlag;
bool m_rwpSEIRwpPersistenceFlag;
......@@ -730,6 +739,7 @@ protected:
EncCfgParam::CfgSEISubpictureLevel m_cfgSubpictureLevelInfoSEI;
bool m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsEnabled;
bool m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsUseSuffixSEI;
int m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsNumFilters;
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsId[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsModeIdc[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
......@@ -738,8 +748,10 @@ protected:
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsPurpose[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
bool m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsOutSubCFlag[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsOutColourFormatIdc[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsPicWidthInLumaSamples[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsPicHeightInLumaSamples[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsPicWidthNumerator[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsPicWidthDenominator[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsPicHeightNumerator[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsPicHeightDenominator[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsInpTensorBitDepthLumaMinus8[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsInpTensorBitDepthChromaMinus8[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsOutTensorBitDepthLumaMinus8[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
......@@ -748,6 +760,9 @@ protected:
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsInpFormatIdc[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsAuxInpIdc[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
bool m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsSepColDescriptionFlag[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
bool m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsFullRangeFlag[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsColPrimaries[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsTransCharacteristics[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsMatrixCoeffs[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
......@@ -755,6 +770,8 @@ protected:
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsOutFormatIdc[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsOutOrderIdc[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
bool m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsConstantPatchSizeFlag[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
bool m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsChromaLocInfoPresentFlag[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsChromaSampleLocTypeFrame[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsPatchWidthMinus1[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsPatchHeightMinus1[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsExtendedPatchWidthCdDeltaMinus1[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
......@@ -775,17 +792,24 @@ protected:
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsTotalKilobyteSize[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
bool m_nnPostFilterSEIActivationEnabled;
bool m_nnPostFilterSEIActivationUseSuffixSEI;
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEIActivationTargetId;
uint32_t m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsNumberInputDecodedPicturesMinus1[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
std::vector<uint32_t> m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsNumberInterpolatedPictures[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
std::vector<bool> m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsInputPicOutputFlag[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
bool m_nnPostFilterSEICharacteristicsAbsentInputPicZeroFlag[MAX_NUM_NN_POST_FILTERS];
bool m_nnPostFilterSEIActivationCancelFlag;
bool m_nnPostFilterSEIActivationTargetBaseFlag;
bool m_nnPostFilterSEIActivationNoPrevCLVSFlag;
bool m_nnPostFilterSEIActivationNoFollCLVSFlag;
bool m_nnPostFilterSEIActivationPersistenceFlag;
std::vector<bool> m_nnPostFilterSEIActivationOutputFlag;
bool m_poSEIEnabled;
#if JVET_AD0386_SEI
uint32_t m_poSEINumMinus2;
std::vector<bool> m_poSEIWrappingFlag;
std::vector<bool> m_poSEIImportanceFlag;
std::vector<bool> m_poSEIPrefixFlag;
std::vector<uint16_t> m_poSEIPayloadType;
std::vector<uint16_t> m_poSEIProcessingOrder;
std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> m_poSEIPrefixByte;
......@@ -800,6 +824,59 @@ protected:
bool m_postFilterHintSEIChromaCoeffPresentFlag;
std::vector<int32_t> m_postFilterHintValues;
bool m_crSEIEnabled;
uint32_t m_crSEINumRectsMinus1;
bool m_crSEIRectIdPresentFlag;
uint32_t m_crSEIRectIdLen;
bool m_crSEIRectTypeEnabledFlag;
bool m_crSEIRectTypeDescriptionsEnabledFlag;
bool m_crSEISubpicsPartitioningFlag;
bool m_crSEIRectSameSizeFlag;
uint32_t m_crSEINumColsMinus1;
uint32_t m_crSEINumRowsMinus1;
uint32_t m_crSEILog2UnitSize;
uint32_t m_crSEIRectSizeLenMinus1;
std::vector<bool> m_crSEIRectTypePresentFlag;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_crSEIRectTypeIdc;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_crSEIRectId;
std::vector<bool> m_crSEIRectTypeDescriptionPresentFlag;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_crSEIRectTopLeftInUnitsX;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_crSEIRectTopLeftInUnitsY;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_crSEIRectWidthInUnitsMinus1;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_crSEIRectHeightInUnitsMinus1;
std::string m_crSEIRectTypeDescription[MAX_RECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTIONS];
#if JVET_AI0181
// Display overlays info
bool m_doiSEIEnabled;
uint32_t m_doiSEIId;
bool m_doiSEICancelFlag;
bool m_doiSEIPersistenceFlag;
uint32_t m_doiSEINumDisplayOverlaysMinus2;
bool m_doiSEINuhLayerIdPresentFlag;
bool m_doiSEITargetPicSizePresentFlag;
uint32_t m_doiSEITargetPicWidthMinus1;
uint32_t m_doiSEITargetPicHeightMinus1;
bool m_doiSEIPicPartitionFlag;
bool m_doiSEIPartitionTypeFlag;
uint32_t m_doiSEIPartitionIdLenMinus1;
bool m_doiSEIOffsetParamsPresentFlag;
uint32_t m_doiSEIOffsetParamsLengthMinus1;
bool m_doiSEIResamplingEnabledFlag;
uint32_t m_doiSEISizeParamLengthMinus1;
int m_doiSEIPartitionId[MAX_DISPLAY_OVERLAYS];
int m_doiSEIAlphaPresentFlag[MAX_DISPLAY_OVERLAYS];
int m_doiSEIAlphaNuhLayerId[MAX_DISPLAY_OVERLAYS];
int m_doiSEIAlphaPartitionId[MAX_DISPLAY_OVERLAYS];
int m_doiSEIWidthMinus1[MAX_DISPLAY_OVERLAYS];
int m_doiSEIHeightMinus1[MAX_DISPLAY_OVERLAYS];
bool m_constrainedRaslEncoding;
bool m_sampleAspectRatioInfoSEIEnabled;
......@@ -845,16 +922,20 @@ protected:
int m_TMVPModeId;
bool m_depQuantEnabledFlag;
bool m_signDataHidingEnabledFlag;
bool m_RCEnableRateControl; ///< enable rate control or not
int m_RCTargetBitrate; ///< target bitrate when rate control is enabled
int m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit; ///< 0: equal bit allocation; 1: fixed ratio bit allocation; 2: adaptive ratio bit allocation
bool m_RCLCULevelRC; ///< true: LCU level rate control; false: picture level rate control NOTE: code-tidy - rename to m_RCCtuLevelRC
bool m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel; ///< use separate R-lambda model at LCU level NOTE: code-tidy - rename to m_RCUseCtuSeparateModel
int m_RCInitialQP; ///< inital QP for rate control
bool m_RCForceIntraQP; ///< force all intra picture to use initial QP or not
bool m_RCCpbSaturationEnabled; ///< enable target bits saturation to avoid CPB overflow and underflow
uint32_t m_RCCpbSize; ///< CPB size
double m_RCInitialCpbFullness; ///< initial CPB fullness
// Rate control
bool m_rcEnableRateControl; // enable rate control or not
int m_rcTargetBitrate; // target bitrate when rate control is enabled
int m_rcKeepHierarchicalBit; // 0: equal bit allocation; 1: fixed ratio bit allocation; 2: adaptive ratio bit
// allocation
bool m_rcCtuLevelRateControl; // true: CTU level rate control; false: picture level rate control
bool m_rcUseCtuSeparateModel; // use separate R-lambda model at CTU level
int m_rcInitialQp; // inital QP for rate control
bool m_rcForceIntraQp; // force all intra picture to use initial QP or not
bool m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled; // enable target bits saturation to avoid CPB overflow and underflow
uint32_t m_rcCpbSize; // CPB size
double m_rcInitialCpbFullness; // initial CPB fullness
ScalingListMode m_useScalingListId; ///< using quantization matrix
std::string m_scalingListFileName; ///< quantization matrix file name
bool m_disableScalingMatrixForLfnstBlks;
......@@ -868,6 +949,7 @@ protected:
bool m_DCIEnabled; ///< enable Decoding Capability Information (DCI)
bool m_hrdParametersPresentFlag; ///< enable generation of HRD parameters
bool m_vuiParametersPresentFlag; ///< enable generation of VUI parameters
bool m_writeVuiHrdFromY4m; ///< allow writing VUI and HRD information from input Y4M file
bool m_samePicTimingInAllOLS; ///< same picture timing SEI message is used in all OLS
bool m_aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag; ///< Signals whether aspect_ratio_idc is present
int m_aspectRatioIdc; ///< aspect_ratio_idc
......@@ -880,9 +962,9 @@ protected:
bool m_progressiveSourceFlag; ///< Indicates if the content is progressive
bool m_interlacedSourceFlag; ///< Indicates if the content is interlaced
bool m_chromaLocInfoPresentFlag; ///< Signals whether chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field and chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field are present
int m_chromaSampleLocTypeTopField; ///< Specifies the location of chroma samples for top field
int m_chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField; ///< Specifies the location of chroma samples for bottom field
int m_chromaSampleLocType; ///< Specifies the location of chroma samples for progressive content
Chroma420LocType m_chromaSampleLocTypeTopField; // Specifies the location of chroma samples for top field
Chroma420LocType m_chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField; // Specifies the location of chroma samples for bottom field
Chroma420LocType m_chromaSampleLocType; // Specifies the location of chroma samples for progressive content
bool m_overscanInfoPresentFlag; ///< Signals whether overscan_appropriate_flag is present
bool m_overscanAppropriateFlag; ///< Indicates whether conformant decoded pictures are suitable for display using overscan
bool m_videoFullRangeFlag; ///< Indicates the black level and range of luma and chroma signals
......@@ -893,11 +975,18 @@ protected:
uint32_t m_siiSEINumUnitsInShutterInterval;
uint32_t m_siiSEITimeScale;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_siiSEISubLayerNumUnitsInSI;
bool m_ShutterFilterEnable; ///< enable Pre-Filtering with Shutter Interval SEI
std::string m_shutterIntervalPreFileName; ///< output Pre-Filtering video
int m_SII_BlendingRatio;
void setBlendingRatioSII(int value) { m_SII_BlendingRatio = value; }
bool m_mpiiSEIEnabled; ///< Enable multiplane image information
uint32_t m_mpiiNumLayers; ///< Number of mpi layers in a single frame
bool m_mpiiLayerDepthEqualDistanceFlag; ///< Indicates if all the mpi layers are at equal distance
std::vector<double> m_mpiiLayerDepthValues; ///< Layer depth values for each layer
bool m_mpiiTextureOpacityInterleaveFlag; ///< Indicates if texture and opacity are interleaved
bool m_mpiiTextureOpacityArrangementFlag; ///< Indicates if texture and opacity are arranged in 0 = TopBottom
uint32_t m_mpiiPictureNumLayersInHeight; ///< Number of layers in height
......@@ -1041,6 +1130,103 @@ protected:
int m_cropOffsetBottom;
bool m_calculateHdrMetrics;
bool m_exifSeiEnabled;
bool m_exifCancelFlag;
bool m_exifPersistenceFlag;
uint32_t m_exifMode;
std::string m_exifUri;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_exifData;
bool m_xmpSeiEnabled;
bool m_xmpCancelFlag;
bool m_xmpPersistenceFlag;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_xmpData;
bool m_jfifSeiEnabled;
bool m_jfifCancelFlag;
bool m_jfifPersistenceFlag;
uint32_t m_jfifType;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_jfifData;
bool m_copyrightSeiEnabled;
bool m_copyrightCancelFlag;
bool m_copyrightPersistenceFlag;
std::string m_copyrightInfoData;
bool m_aiMarkerSeiEnabled;
bool m_aiMarkerCancelFlag;
bool m_aiMarkerPersistenceFlag;
std::string m_aiMarkerInfoData;
bool m_priSEIEnabled;
bool m_priSEICancelFlag;
bool m_priSEIPersistenceFlag;
uint32_t m_priSEINumRegionsMinus1;
bool m_priSEIUseMaxDimensionsFlag;
uint32_t m_priSEILog2UnitSize;
uint32_t m_priSEIRegionSizeLenMinus1;
bool m_priSEIRegionIdPresentFlag;
bool m_priSEITargetPicParamsPresentFlag;
uint32_t m_priSEITargetPicWidthMinus1;
uint32_t m_priSEITargetPicHeightMinus1;
uint32_t m_priSEINumResamplingRatiosMinus1;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEIResamplingWidthNumMinus1;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEIResamplingWidthDenomMinus1;
std::vector<bool> m_priSEIFixedAspectRatioFlag;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEIResamplingHeightNumMinus1;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEIResamplingHeightDenomMinus1;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEIRegionId;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEIRegionTopLeftInUnitsX;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEIRegionTopLeftInUnitsY;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEIRegionWidthInUnitsMinus1;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEIRegionHeightInUnitsMinus1;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEIResamplingRatioIdx;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEITargetRegionTopLeftX;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_priSEITargetRegionTopLeftY;
bool m_qmSEIEnabled;
bool m_qmSEIMetricDefinitionsPresentFlag;
bool m_qmSEIClvsValuesPresentFlag;
bool m_qmSEIPicValuesPresentFlag;
uint32_t m_qmSEINumMetricsMinus1;
bool m_qmSEIGainEnabledFlag;
std::vector<bool> m_qmSEIGainFlag;
std::vector<bool> m_qmSEIGainReferenceFlag;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_qmSEIMetricType;
std::vector<bool> m_qmSEIThreeComponentFlag;
std::vector<bool> m_qmSEIMetricIncreasingFlag;
std::vector<bool> m_qmSEIFullReferenceFlag;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_qmSEIValueLenMinus1InBytes;
std::vector<bool> m_qmSEIMetricDescriptionPresentFlag;
std::string m_qmSEIMetricDescription[MAX_NUM_QUALITY_METRICS];
std::vector<std::array<uint32_t, 3>> m_qmSEIClvsMetricValue;
std::vector<std::array<uint32_t, 3>> m_qmSEIPicMetricValue;
bool m_briSEIEnabled;
uint32_t m_briSEIOrigBitDepthMinus1;
uint32_t m_briSEINumRangesMinus1;
bool m_briSEINuhLayerIdPresentFlag;
bool m_briSEIPicPartitionFlag;
bool m_briSEIPartitionTypeFlag;
uint32_t m_briSEIPartitionIdLenMinus1;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_briSEINuhLayerId;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_briSEIPartitionId;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_briSEINumBitsInRangeMinus1;
std::vector<uint32_t> m_briSEIBitOffset;
// internal member functions
bool xCheckParameter (); ///< check validity of configuration values
......@@ -1057,8 +1243,7 @@ public:
void create (); ///< create option handling class
void destroy (); ///< destroy option handling class
bool parseCfg ( int argc, char* argv[] ); ///< parse configuration file to fill member variables
//! \}
......@@ -76,6 +76,31 @@ static void printMacroSettings()
#ifdef __linux
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
int getProcStatusValue(const char* key)
FILE* file = fopen("/proc/self/status", "r");
int result = -1;
char line[128];
int len = strlen(key);
while (fgets(line, 128, file) != nullptr)
if (strncmp(line, key, len) == 0)
result = atoi(line+len);
return result;
// ====================================================================================================================
// Main function
// ====================================================================================================================
......@@ -90,10 +115,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
fprintf( stdout, NVM_BITS );
std::string SIMD;
df::program_options_lite::Options opts;
opts.addOptions()("SIMD", SIMD, std::string(""), "")("c", df::program_options_lite::parseConfigFile, "");
df::program_options_lite::SilentReporter err;
df::program_options_lite::scanArgv( opts, argc, ( const char** ) argv, err );
ProgramOptionsLite::Options opts;
opts.addOptions()("SIMD", SIMD, std::string(""), "")("c", ProgramOptionsLite::parseConfigFile, "");
ProgramOptionsLite::SilentReporter err;
ProgramOptionsLite::scanArgv(opts, argc, (const char**) argv, err);
fprintf( stdout, "[SIMD=%s] ", read_x86_extension( SIMD ) );
......@@ -167,7 +192,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 1;
catch( df::program_options_lite::ParseFailure &e )
catch (ProgramOptionsLite::ParseFailure& e)
std::cerr << "Error parsing option \"" << e.arg << "\" with argument \"" << e.val << "\"." << std::endl;
return 1;
......@@ -325,6 +350,13 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
#ifdef __linux
int vm = getProcStatusValue("VmPeak:");
int rm = getProcStatusValue("VmHWM:");
printf("\nMemory Usage: VmPeak= %d KB ( %.1f GiB ), VmHWM= %d KB ( %.1f GiB )\n", vm, (double)vm/(1024*1024), rm, (double)rm/(1024*1024));
// ending time
clock_t endClock = clock();
auto endTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#include "CommonLib/dtrace_next.h"
namespace po = df::program_options_lite;
namespace po = ProgramOptionsLite;
//! \ingroup SEIFilmGrainApp
//! \{
......@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
fprintf( stdout, NVM_BITS );
std::string SIMD;
df::program_options_lite::Options optsSimd;
ProgramOptionsLite::Options optsSimd;
optsSimd.addOptions()("SIMD", SIMD, std::string(""), "");
df::program_options_lite::SilentReporter err;
df::program_options_lite::scanArgv( optsSimd, argc, ( const char** ) argv, err );
ProgramOptionsLite::SilentReporter err;
ProgramOptionsLite::scanArgv(optsSimd, argc, (const char**) argv, err);
fprintf( stdout, "[SIMD=%s] ", read_x86_extension( SIMD ) );