diff --git a/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/app/cmk.py b/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/app/cmk.py
index eb351881c9571586e19549ccacfbbf37fb571abc..f231c70c4f0eb392f86cc0daab632ea994a3dc5a 100755
--- a/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/app/cmk.py
+++ b/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/app/cmk.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import sys
 import pyhhi.build.common.system as system
 import pyhhi.build.common.util as util
 import pyhhi.build.common.ver as ver
+import pyhhi.build.common.bldtools as bldtools
 import pyhhi.build.cmksupp as cmksupp
 from pyhhi.build.common.bldtools import BuildScriptInstaller
 from pyhhi.build.common.error import InvalidCommandLineArgumentError
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ class CMakeLauncherApp(object):
         self._cmake_launcher = None
         self._dict_generator_choice = {'linux': ['umake', 'ninja'],
                                        'macosx': ['xcode', 'umake', 'ninja'],
-                                       'windows': ['vs15', 'vs14', 'vs12', 'vs11', 'vs10', 'umake', 'mgwmake', 'ninja']}
+                                       'windows': ['vs16', 'vs15', 'vs14', 'vs12', 'vs11', 'vs10', 'umake', 'mgwmake', 'ninja']}
         self._top_dir = None
         self._cmake_mod_list = ['pyhhi.build.app.cmk',
@@ -93,14 +94,14 @@ class CMakeLauncherApp(object):
 %(prog)s [options] [variant=debug,release,relwithdebinfo,minsizerel] [link=static,shared] [toolset=<toolset_spec>] [address-model=32]
 %(prog)s is a script front end to cmake to simplify its usage on Linux,
-Windows, MacOSX using cmake's generators "Unix Makefiles", "Xcode" and
-"Visual Studio 15 - Visual Studio 10" and its compilers.
+Windows, MacOSX using cmake's generators "Unix Makefiles", "Ninja", "Xcode" and
+"Visual Studio 16 - Visual Studio 10" and its compilers.
   variant:          debug if not specified
   link:             static if not specified
   toolset:          default c++ compiler if not specified
-                    examples/windows: msvc-19.13, msvc-19.0, msvc-18.0, msvc-17.0, msvc-16.0, intel, gcc
+                    examples/windows: msvc-19.1x, msvc-19.0, msvc-18.0, msvc-17.0, msvc-16.0, intel, gcc
                     examples/linux:   gcc-4.9, gcc-5, gcc-6, clang, intel
   address-model=32: windows: builds 32 bit binaries instead of 64 bit binaries
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ usage examples:
         parser.add_argument("-g", "-G", action="store", dest="generator", choices=self._dict_generator_choice[self._sys_info.get_platform()],
                             help="""specify a cmake generator the script has special support for.
-                                    Supported generators: ninja, umake, mgwmake, vs15, vs14, vs12, vs11, vs10, xcode.
+                                    Supported generators: ninja, umake, mgwmake, vs16, vs15, vs14, vs12, vs11, vs10, xcode.
                                     The choices accepted are platform and installation dependent. The environment variable
                                     DEFAULT_CMAKE_GENERATOR may be used to override the default value.""")
@@ -155,13 +156,14 @@ usage examples:
         parser.add_argument("--clean-first", action="store_true", dest="clean_first", default=False,
                             help="build target clean first, then build the active target.")
-        parser.add_argument("--verbosity", action="store", dest="build_verbosity", choices=['quiet', 'minimal', 'normal', 'detailed', 'diagnostic'], default='minimal',
-                            help="specify msbuild verbosity level [default: %(default)s].")
+        parser.add_argument("--verbosity", action="store", dest="build_verbosity", choices=['cmake', 'quiet', 'minimal', 'normal', 'detailed', 'diagnostic'], default='minimal',
+                            help="""specify (ms)build verbosity level [default: %(default)s]. 
+                                 The choice 'cmake' requires cmake 3.14.x or higher to increase build verbosity for Visual Studio and other generators.""")
         g = parser.add_argument_group("advanced options")
-        g.add_argument("-i", action="store", dest="install_dir", nargs='?', const=os.path.join(self._sys_info.get_home_dir(), 'bin'),
+        g.add_argument("-i", action="store", dest="install_dir", nargs='?', const=os.path.join(self._sys_info.get_home_dir(native=True), 'bin'),
                        help="install this script and exit. The default destination directory is %(const)s.")
         g.add_argument("--py-cache-clean", action="store", dest="py_cache_dirs", nargs='+',
@@ -282,11 +284,26 @@ usage examples:
                 # looks like a cross compiler specification which requires a toolchain file matching the toolset spec and the linux system.
                 toolset_spec_norm = self._find_toolchain_file(toolset_spec_norm)
         elif self._sys_info.is_windows():
-            # msvc-19.00 -> normalized to 19.0
-            re_match = re.match(r'msvc-(\d+)\.(\d+)', toolset_spec)
-            if re_match:
-                minor_version = int(re_match.group(2))
-                toolset_spec_norm = "msvc-{0}.{1:d}".format(re_match.group(1), minor_version)
+            if toolset_spec.startswith('msvc-'):
+                msvc_registry = bldtools.MsvcRegistry()
+                if toolset_spec == 'msvc-19.2x':
+                    if msvc_registry.is_version_installed((14, 2)):
+                        cl_version = msvc_registry.get_compiler_version((14, 2))
+                        toolset_spec_norm = "msvc-{0:d}.{1:d}".format(cl_version[0], cl_version[1])
+                    else:
+                        raise InvalidCommandLineArgumentError("toolset={} not available.".format(toolset_spec))
+                elif toolset_spec == 'msvc-19.1x':
+                    if msvc_registry.is_version_installed((14, 1)):
+                        cl_version = msvc_registry.get_compiler_version((14, 1))
+                        toolset_spec_norm = "msvc-{0:d}.{1:d}".format(cl_version[0], cl_version[1])
+                    else:
+                        raise InvalidCommandLineArgumentError("toolset={} not available.".format(toolset_spec))
+                else:
+                    # msvc-19.00 -> normalized to 19.0
+                    re_match = re.match(r'msvc-(\d+)\.(\d+)', toolset_spec)
+                    if re_match:
+                        minor_version = int(re_match.group(2))
+                        toolset_spec_norm = "msvc-{0}.{1:d}".format(re_match.group(1), minor_version)
         elif self._sys_info.is_macosx():
diff --git a/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/cmksupp.py b/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/cmksupp.py
index 078586a78187fdc7b183989ee300e7ba80b86c3b..07754e6e03143caab41b35e0fe4987dce3b5a1c2 100755
--- a/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/cmksupp.py
+++ b/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/cmksupp.py
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ class CMakeLauncher(object):
                                          'mgwmake': 'MinGW Makefiles',
                                          'ninja': 'Ninja',
                                          'xcode': 'Xcode',
+                                         'vs16': 'Visual Studio 16 2019',
                                          'vs15': 'Visual Studio 15 2017',
                                          'vs14': 'Visual Studio 14 2015',
                                          'vs12': 'Visual Studio 12 2013',
@@ -178,13 +179,30 @@ class CMakeLauncher(object):
                                                            'vs12': ['msvc-18.0', 'msvc-17.0', 'msvc-16.0'],
                                                            'vs11': ['msvc-17.0', 'msvc-16.0'],
                                                            'vs10': ['msvc-16.0']}
             # vs15 has not a fixed compiler version and therefore the mapping is generated dynamically.
             if self._msvc_registry.is_version_installed((14, 1)):
                 cl_version = self._msvc_registry.get_compiler_version((14, 1))
                 msvc_str = 'msvc-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(cl_version[:2])
                 if cl_version[1] < 20:
                     self._dict_to_vs_platform_toolset[msvc_str] = 'v141'
-                    self._dict_generator_alias_to_msvc_toolsets['vs15'] = [msvc_str, 'msvc-19.0', 'msvc-18.0', 'msvc-17.0', 'msvc-16.0']
+                    if not self._msvc_registry.is_vs2019_toolset((14, 1)):
+                        self._dict_generator_alias_to_msvc_toolsets['vs15'] = [msvc_str, 'msvc-19.0', 'msvc-18.0', 'msvc-17.0', 'msvc-16.0']
+                else:
+                    assert False
+            # vs16 has not a fixed compiler version and therefore the mapping is generated dynamically.
+            if self._msvc_registry.is_version_installed((14, 2)):
+                cl_version = self._msvc_registry.get_compiler_version((14, 2))
+                msvc_str = 'msvc-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(cl_version[:2])
+                if cl_version[1] < 30:
+                    self._dict_to_vs_platform_toolset[msvc_str] = 'v142'
+                    msvc_version_list = [msvc_str]
+                    if self._msvc_registry.is_version_installed((14, 1)):
+                        cl_version = self._msvc_registry.get_compiler_version((14, 1))
+                        msvc_version_list.append("msvc-{0:d}.{1:d}".format(cl_version[0], cl_version[1]))
+                    msvc_version_list.extend(['msvc-19.0', 'msvc-18.0', 'msvc-17.0', 'msvc-16.0'])
+                    self._dict_generator_alias_to_msvc_toolsets['vs16'] = msvc_version_list
                     assert False
@@ -259,38 +277,43 @@ class CMakeLauncher(object):
                     vs_toolset = "Intel C++ Compiler %d.%d" % (compiler_info.version_major_minor[0], compiler_info.version_major_minor[1])
                     assert False
-                cmake_argv = ['-G', self._dict_to_cmake_generator[generator_alias],
-                              '-T', vs_toolset,
-                              '-A', self._dict_to_vs_platform_name[compiler_info.target_arch]]
+                cmake_argv = ['-G', self._dict_to_cmake_generator[generator_alias]]
+                if generator_alias == 'vs16':
+                    if ver.version_compare(compiler_info.version_major_minor, (19, 20)) < 0:
+                        cmake_argv.extend(['-T', self._dict_to_vs_platform_toolset['msvc-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(compiler_info.version_major_minor)]])
+                    if compiler_info.target_arch != 'x86_64':
+                        cmake_argv.extend(['-A', self._dict_to_vs_platform_name[compiler_info.target_arch]])
+                else:
+                    cmake_argv.extend(['-T', vs_toolset, '-A', self._dict_to_vs_platform_name[compiler_info.target_arch]])
             elif generator_alias == 'xcode':
                 cmake_argv = ['-G', self._dict_to_cmake_generator[generator_alias]]
             elif generator_alias in ['umake', 'mgwmake', 'ninja']:
                 cmake_argv = ['-G', self._dict_to_cmake_generator[generator_alias],
-                              '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=' + self._dict_to_cmake_config[cfg]]
+                              '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=' + self._dict_to_cmake_config[cfg]]
                 if compiler_info.is_cross_compiler():
-                    cmake_argv.append('-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=' + compiler_info.cmake_toolchain_file)
+                    cmake_argv.append('-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=' + compiler_info.cmake_toolchain_file)
                     if compiler_info.cmake_cxx_compiler:
-                        cmake_argv.append('-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=' + compiler_info.cmake_cxx_compiler)
+                        cmake_argv.append('-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=' + compiler_info.cmake_cxx_compiler)
                     if compiler_info.cmake_c_compiler:
-                        cmake_argv.append('-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=' + compiler_info.cmake_c_compiler)
+                        cmake_argv.append('-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH=' + compiler_info.cmake_c_compiler)
             if cmake_argv_optional:
                 # Add any additional arguments to the cmake command line.
             if lnk_variant == 'shared':
-                cmake_argv.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1')
+                cmake_argv.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON')
             if self._is_multi_configuration_generator():
                 cmake_config_types = [self._dict_to_cmake_config[x] for x in self._default_config_types]
                 for b_cfg in build_configs:
                     if b_cfg not in self._default_config_types:
-                cmake_argv.append('-DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=' + ';'.join(cmake_config_types))
+                cmake_argv.append('-DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES:STRING=' + ';'.join(cmake_config_types))
             # cmake_argv.append(self._top_dir)
             # print("launch_config(): cmake_args", cmake_argv)
             # print("build dir:", b_dir)
             # print("top dir:", self._top_dir)
-            if (not self._sys_info.is_windows()) and (ver.version_compare(self._cmake_finder.get_cmake_version(), (3, 13, 0)) >= 0):
-                # Not done for windows yet avoiding potential issues with command line length limits.
+            if ver.version_compare(self._cmake_finder.get_cmake_version(), (3, 13, 0)) >= 0:
                 cmake_argv.extend(['-S', self._top_dir, '-B', b_dir])
                 retv = self.launch_cmake(cmake_argv)
@@ -410,9 +433,11 @@ class CMakeLauncher(object):
         elif self._sys_info.get_platform() == 'macosx':
             generator_alias = 'xcode'
         elif self._sys_info.get_platform() == 'windows':
-            # e.g. 14.1, 14.0, 12.0 etc.
+            # e.g. 14.2, 14.1, 14.0, 12.0 etc.
             bb_vs_latest_version = self._msvc_registry.get_latest_version()
-            if ver.version_compare(bb_vs_latest_version, (14,1)) == 0:
+            if ver.version_compare(bb_vs_latest_version, (14, 2)) == 0:
+                generator_alias = 'vs16'
+            elif ver.version_compare(bb_vs_latest_version, (14, 1)) == 0:
                 generator_alias = 'vs15'
                 generator_alias = 'vs' + str(bb_vs_latest_version[0])
@@ -565,8 +590,20 @@ class CMakeLauncher(object):
                 self._add_cmake_build_tool_options(cmake_argv, ['-parallelizeTargets', '-jobs', str(build_jobs)])
     def _add_cmake_build_verbosity_option(self, cmake_argv, generator_alias, verbosity_level):
-        if generator_alias.startswith('vs'):
-            self._add_cmake_build_tool_options(cmake_argv, ['/verbosity:' + verbosity_level])
+        if verbosity_level == 'cmake':
+            cmake_version = self._cmake_finder.get_cmake_version()
+            if ver.version_compare(cmake_version, (3, 14)) >= 0:
+                # self._add_cmake_build_tool_options(cmake_argv, ['-v'])
+                # -v is a cmake option and not a build tool option and therefore
+                # it has to be inserted left of '--'
+                if '--' in cmake_argv:
+                    index = cmake_argv.index('--')
+                    cmake_argv.insert(index, '-v')
+                else:
+                    cmake_argv.append('-v')
+        else:
+            if generator_alias.startswith('vs'):
+                self._add_cmake_build_tool_options(cmake_argv, ['/verbosity:' + verbosity_level])
     def _add_cmake_build_tool_options(self, cmake_argv, build_tool_options):
         if not build_tool_options:
diff --git a/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/bldtools.py b/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/bldtools.py
index 7db8ae7f1e1f4497ae2203e7114d1ca0578d5c02..bbb6f70b925c50470b04c637fae4faa5f16371b0 100755
--- a/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/bldtools.py
+++ b/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/bldtools.py
@@ -23,33 +23,51 @@ class MsvcRegistry(object):
         def __init__(self):
             self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
             self._sys_info = system.SystemInfo()
-            self._supported_msvc_versions = ['14.1', '14.0', '12.0', '11.0', '10.0']
+            self._supported_msvc_versions = ['14.2', '14.1', '14.0', '12.0', '11.0', '10.0']
             program_dir = self._sys_info.get_program_dir('x86')
-            self._msvc_install_dir_dict = {'14.1': [os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio", '2017', 'Enterprise', 'VC'),
-                                                    os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio", '2017', 'Professional', 'VC'),
-                                                    os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio", '2017', 'Community', 'VC')],
-                                           '14.0': [os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0", 'VC')],
+            # VS2019, VS2017 come with a locator tool vswhere to search for the installation directory.
+            # The dictionary _msvc_install_dir_dict will be augmented with keys 14.2 and 14.1 by method _do_inventory_vc14x().
+            self._msvc_install_dir_dict = {'14.0': [os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0", 'VC')],
                                            '12.0': [os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0", 'VC')],
                                            '11.0': [os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0", 'VC')],
                                            '10.0': [os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0", 'VC')]}
             # a list of sorted version tuples identifying the installed MSVC products
             self._installed_msvc_versions = []
             # key = msvc_version, value = full path of vcvarsall.bat
             self._compiler_command_dict = {}
-            # key = msvc_version, value = options to be passed to the setup command; e.g. -vcvars_ver=14.0
+            # key = msvc_version, value = options to be passed to the setup command; e.g. -vcvars_ver=14.0, -vcvars_ver=14.1x
             self._compiler_command_option_dict = {}
             # key = msvc_version, value = vc version
             self._compiler_version_dict = {}
             # key = msvc_version, value = True/False
             self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict = {}
+            # key = msvc_version, value = True/False; e.g. '14.1' -> True indicates 14.1 is an alternative toolset installed with vs2019.
+            self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict = {}
+            # clear information on alternative toolset upfront
+            for version in self._supported_msvc_versions:
+                self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict[version] = False
+                self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict[version] = False
             if self._logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                 self._logger.debug("performing in-depth VS inventory for debugging.")
-            # Update VS2017 installation paths via vswhere.exe
-            self._do_inventory_vc141()
+            vswhere = self._find_vswhere()
+            if vswhere:
+                # Update VS2019 installation paths via vswhere.exe
+                self._do_inventory_vc14x('14.2', vswhere)
+                # Update VS2017 installation paths via vswhere.exe
+                self._do_inventory_vc14x('14.1', vswhere)
+            else:
+                pass
+            self._dump_inventory()
+        def _dump_inventory(self):
+            if self._logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
+                for version in self._installed_msvc_versions:
+                    version_str = ver.version_tuple_to_str(version)
+                    cl_version_str = ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._compiler_version_dict[version_str])
+                    self._logger.debug("found MSVC version {}, CL version {}, setup={}".format(version_str, cl_version_str, self._compiler_command_dict[version_str]))
         def get_compiler_command(self, version=None):
             if version is None:
@@ -87,6 +105,14 @@ class MsvcRegistry(object):
                 return self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict[version_str]
             return False
+        def is_vs2019_toolset(self, version):
+            if not self.is_version_installed(version):
+                return False
+            version_str = ver.version_tuple_to_str(version)
+            if version_str in self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict:
+                return self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict[version_str]
+            return False
         def _do_inventory(self):
             for version in self._supported_msvc_versions:
                 if version not in self._msvc_install_dir_dict:
@@ -98,13 +124,18 @@ class MsvcRegistry(object):
                     cl_cmd = self._find_cl_cmd(vc_dir, version)
                     if cl_cmd:
                         self._logger.debug("found VC compiler %s", cl_cmd)
-                        if version in ['14.1']:
+                        if version in ['14.2', '14.1']:
                             setup_cmd = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cl_cmd), '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'Auxiliary', 'Build', 'vcvarsall.bat'))
                         elif version in ['14.0']:
                             if os.path.exists(os.path.join(vc_dir, '..', 'Common7', 'IDE', 'devenv.exe')):
                                 self._logger.debug("found VS 2015 IDE installed.")
                                 setup_cmd = os.path.join(vc_dir, 'vcvarsall.bat')
-                                self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict[version] = False
+                            elif '14.2' in self._compiler_command_dict:
+                                # We've got 14.0 as an alternative VS 2019 toolset.
+                                self._logger.debug("found msvc-14.0 installed as an alternative VS 2019 toolset.")
+                                setup_cmd = self._compiler_command_dict['14.2']
+                                self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict[version] = True
+                                self._compiler_command_option_dict[version] = '-vcvars_ver=14.0'
                             elif '14.1' in self._compiler_command_dict:
                                 # We've got 14.0 as an alternative VS 2017 toolset.
                                 self._logger.debug("found msvc-14.0 installed as an alternative VS 2017 toolset.")
@@ -119,6 +150,19 @@ class MsvcRegistry(object):
                     cl_version = self._query_msvc_compiler_version(cl_cmd)
                     self._compiler_command_dict[version] = setup_cmd
                     self._compiler_version_dict[version] = cl_version
+                    if (version == '14.2') and ('14.1' not in self._msvc_install_dir_dict):
+                        # Search for alternative toolset vc141 installed with vs2019
+                        self._logger.debug("searching for alternative VS2019 toolset vc141.")
+                        vc_dir in self._msvc_install_dir_dict[version][0]
+                        setup_cmd = self._compiler_command_dict['14.2']
+                        cl_cmd = self._find_cl_cmd(vc_dir, '14.1')
+                        if cl_cmd:
+                            self._logger.debug("found alternative VC compiler {}".format(cl_cmd))
+                            cl_version = self._query_msvc_compiler_version(cl_cmd)
+                            self._compiler_command_dict['14.1'] = setup_cmd
+                            self._compiler_version_dict['14.1'] = cl_version
+                            self._compiler_command_option_dict['14.1'] = '-vcvars_ver=14.1x'
+                            self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict['14.1'] = True
             msvc_version_list = []
             for version in self._compiler_version_dict:
@@ -127,32 +171,36 @@ class MsvcRegistry(object):
                 self._installed_msvc_versions = ver.version_list_sort(msvc_version_list)
                 # print("sorted msvc versions: ", self._installed_msvc_versions)
-                for version in self._installed_msvc_versions:
-                    version_str = ver.version_tuple_to_str(version)
-                    if version_str in ['14.1']:
-                        self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict[version_str] = True
-                    elif version_str not in self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict:
-                        self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict[version_str] = False
         def _find_cl_cmd(self, vc_inst_dir, version_str):
             cl_cmd = None
-            if version_str in ['14.1']:
+            if version_str in ['14.2', '14.1']:
                 msvc_dir = os.path.join(vc_inst_dir, 'Tools', 'MSVC')
                 if os.path.exists(msvc_dir):
                     version_dir_list = [ver.version_tuple_from_str(x) for x in os.listdir(msvc_dir) if re.match(r'[0-9.]+$', x)]
                     if version_dir_list:
                         version_dir_list = ver.version_list_sort(version_dir_list)
+                        # VS2019 installs toolset v141 side-by-side in a folder named '14.16.27023', toolset v142 is
+                        # installed in a folder named '14.20.27508'.
                         for version in version_dir_list:
+                            if (version_str == '14.2') and (version[1] >= 30):
+                                self._logger.debug("ignoring cl installation folder: {}".format(os.path.join(msvc_dir, ver.version_tuple_to_str(version))))
+                                continue
+                            if (version_str == '14.1') and (version[1] >= 20):
+                                self._logger.debug("ignoring cl installation folder: {}".format(os.path.join(msvc_dir, ver.version_tuple_to_str(version))))
+                                continue
                             cl_cmd = os.path.join(msvc_dir, ver.version_tuple_to_str(version), 'bin', 'HostX64', 'x64', 'cl.exe')
                             if os.path.exists(cl_cmd):
-                                return cl_cmd
+                                break
                                 cl_cmd = None
                 cl_cmd = os.path.join(vc_inst_dir, 'bin', 'amd64', 'cl.exe')
                 if not os.path.exists(cl_cmd):
                     cl_cmd = None
+            if cl_cmd:
+                self._logger.debug("found cl: {}".format(cl_cmd))
             return cl_cmd
         def _query_msvc_compiler_version(self, cl_cmd):
@@ -208,39 +256,46 @@ class MsvcRegistry(object):
             return vc_install_dir_dict
-        def _do_inventory_vc141(self):
-            vswhere = self._find_vswhere()
-            vc_dir_fnd = False
-            if vswhere:
-                self._logger.debug("found VS2017 locator: %s", vswhere)
-                try:
-                    vswhere_argv = [vswhere, '-latest']
-                    # vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', 'Enterprise'])
-                    # vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', 'Professional'])
-                    # vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', 'Community'])
-                    vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', '*'])
-                    vswhere_argv.extend(['-requires', 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64'])
-                    vswhere_argv.extend(['-property', 'installationPath'])
-                    vswhere_argv.extend(['-version', '[15.0,16.0)'])
-                    retv = subprocess.check_output(vswhere_argv, universal_newlines=True).rstrip()
-                    if retv != '':
-                        self._logger.debug("VS2017 install path: %s", retv)
-                        vc_dir = os.path.join(retv, 'VC')
-                        if os.path.exists(vc_dir):
-                            self._logger.debug("VS2017 VC install path: %s", vc_dir)
-                            self._msvc_install_dir_dict['14.1'] = [vc_dir]
-                            vc_dir_fnd = True
-                    else:
-                        self._logger.debug("VS2017 install path: <none>")
-                except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-                    self._logger.debug("VS2017 locator call failed for some reason.")
+        def _do_inventory_vc14x(self, msvc_version_str, vswhere=None):
+            if msvc_version_str == '14.2':
+                vswhere_version_expr = '[16.0,17.0)'
+                vs_alias_str = 'VS2019'
+            elif msvc_version_str == '14.1':
+                vswhere_version_expr = '[15.0,16.0)'
+                vs_alias_str = 'VS2017'
+            else:
+                assert False
+            if vswhere is None:
+                vswhere = self._find_vswhere()
+            if vswhere is None:
+                self._logger.debug("{0} locator vswhere.exe not found, {0} detection disabled.".format(vs_alias_str))
+                return
-                self._logger.debug("VS2017 locator vswhere.exe not found, VS2017 detection disabled.")
+                self._logger.debug("found {} locator: {}".format(vs_alias_str, vswhere))
+            vc_dir_fnd = False
+            try:
+                vswhere_argv = [vswhere, '-latest']
+                # vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', 'Enterprise'])
+                # vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', 'Professional'])
+                # vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', 'Community'])
+                vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', '*'])
+                vswhere_argv.extend(['-requires', 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64'])
+                vswhere_argv.extend(['-property', 'installationPath'])
+                vswhere_argv.extend(['-version', vswhere_version_expr])
+                retv = subprocess.check_output(vswhere_argv, universal_newlines=True).rstrip()
+                if retv != '':
+                    self._logger.debug("{} install path: {}".format(vs_alias_str, retv))
+                    vc_dir = os.path.join(retv, 'VC')
+                    if os.path.exists(vc_dir):
+                        self._logger.debug("{} VC install path: {}".format(vs_alias_str, vc_dir))
+                        self._msvc_install_dir_dict[msvc_version_str] = [vc_dir]
+                        vc_dir_fnd = True
+                else:
+                    self._logger.debug("{} install path: <none>".format(vs_alias_str))
+            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+                self._logger.debug("{} vswhere locator call failed for some reason.".format(vs_alias_str))
             if not vc_dir_fnd:
-                self._logger.debug("VS2017 VC not found, VS2017 detection disabled.")
-                # Disable VS2017 detection by path?
-                if '14.1' in self._msvc_install_dir_dict:
-                    self._msvc_install_dir_dict.pop('14.1')
+                self._logger.debug("{0} VC not found, {0} detection disabled.".format(vs_alias_str))
         def _find_vswhere(self):
             vswhere_prog = None
@@ -264,68 +319,6 @@ class MsvcRegistry(object):
         return getattr(MsvcRegistry.instance, item)
-class BjamToolset(object):
-    def __init__(self, sys_info, bb_version=None):
-        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-        self._bjam_toolset_build_script = None
-        if sys_info.is_linux():
-            self._bjam_toolset = 'gcc'
-        elif sys_info.is_macosx():
-            self._bjam_toolset = 'darwin'
-        elif sys_info.is_windows():
-            # On windows the Boost.Build version is required as vsXXXX is only supported by Boost.Build x.y.z or higher.
-            assert bb_version is not None
-            self._msvc_registry = MsvcRegistry()
-            # We have to constrain the search for the latest msvc because the bjam build scripts must have support for it.
-            # e.g. vc14 works only for 1.59.0 or higher.
-            if ver.version_compare(bb_version, (1, 50, 0)) < 0:
-                max_msvc_version = (10, 0)
-            elif ver.version_compare(bb_version, (1, 55, 0)) < 0:
-                max_msvc_version = (11, 0)
-            elif ver.version_compare(bb_version, (1, 59, 0)) < 0:
-                max_msvc_version = (12, 0)
-            elif ver.version_compare(bb_version, (1, 64, 0)) < 0:
-                max_msvc_version = (14, 0)
-            elif ver.version_compare(bb_version, (1, 64, 0)) == 0:
-                # This is Boost.Build 1.64.0 or higher.
-                # Since msvc-14.1 is supported by 1.64.0 but building bjam requires a suitable VC command prompt or patched
-                # bjam build scripts, a previous msvc-x.y is preferred.
-                max_msvc_version = None
-                for v in ['14.0', '12.0', '11.0', '10.0']:
-                    if self._msvc_registry.is_version_installed(ver.version_tuple_from_str(v)):
-                        max_msvc_version = ver.version_tuple_from_str(v)
-                        break
-            else:
-                # Allow vc141 for 1.65.0 and higher by default, the toolset detection vswhere is now available.
-                max_msvc_version = None
-            # mingw does not work the same way as msvc when launching helper scripts or programs and
-            # is not used to build bjam/b2.
-            msvc_version = self._msvc_registry.get_latest_version(max_msvc_version)
-            msvc_version_str = ver.version_tuple_to_str(msvc_version)
-            self._bjam_toolset = 'msvc-' + msvc_version_str
-            # map the msvc toolset spec into a string supported by the bjam build script build.bat
-            if msvc_version[1] > 0:
-                # vc141
-                self._bjam_toolset_build_script = 'vc' + str(msvc_version[0])+ str(msvc_version[1])
-            else:
-                # vc14, vc12, vc11, vc10
-                self._bjam_toolset_build_script = 'vc' + str(msvc_version[0])
-        else:
-            raise Exception('Unknown platform detected, please contact technical support.')
-        if self._bjam_toolset_build_script is None:
-            self._bjam_toolset_build_script = self._bjam_toolset
-    def get_bjam_toolset(self, build_script_format=False):
-        if build_script_format:
-            return self._bjam_toolset_build_script
-        else:
-            return self._bjam_toolset
 class Toolset(object):
     class PlatformInfo(object):
@@ -463,6 +456,8 @@ class Toolset(object):
         if self._toolset.startswith('msvc'):
             if self._msvc_registry.is_vs2017_toolset(self._version):
                 s += "VS 2017 toolset!\n"
+            if self._msvc_registry.is_vs2019_toolset(self._version):
+                s += "VS 2019 toolset!\n"
         s += "platform(s):\n"
         for platform_info in self._platform_info:
diff --git a/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/cmbldver.py b/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/cmbldver.py
index d065c13a0878ef863fceb52428fd41791ee74447..ea821ef1046d573193c3c6ef4e0843924c998651 100755
--- a/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/cmbldver.py
+++ b/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/cmbldver.py
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
 # Any manual changes here will be overridden by the next build.
diff --git a/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/system.py b/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/system.py
index 69b02ea583eccf03b5874e87fad9041468c27a9e..b51f0fc6c2d2826e1f2d988592c130d36013d6db 100755
--- a/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/system.py
+++ b/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/pyhhi/build/common/system.py
@@ -98,18 +98,18 @@ class SystemInfo(object):
                 if self._os_arch == 'x86_64':
                     if self._python_arch == 'x86':
-                        self._program_dir = os.getenv('PROGRAMW6432')
-                        self._programx86_dir = os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES')
+                        self._program_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMW6432'))
+                        self._programx86_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES'))
-                        self._program_dir = os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES')
-                        self._programx86_dir = os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES(X86)')
+                        self._program_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES'))
+                        self._programx86_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES(X86)'))
                     assert self._programx86_dir is not None
                 elif self._os_arch == 'x86':
-                    self._program_dir = os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES')
+                    self._program_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES'))
                     assert False
                 assert self._program_dir is not None
-                self._program_data_dir = os.getenv('PROGRAMDATA')
+                self._program_data_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMDATA'))
                 if self._windows_msys:
@@ -315,8 +315,12 @@ class SystemInfo(object):
         def get_path(self):
             return self._search_path
-        def get_home_dir(self):
-            return self._home_dir
+        def get_home_dir(self, native=False):
+            if self.is_windows_msys() and native:
+                home_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars('$USERPROFILE'))
+            else:
+                home_dir = self._home_dir
+            return home_dir
         def get_default_proj_home_dir(self):
             return self._default_proj_home_dir
@@ -339,7 +343,7 @@ class SystemInfo(object):
         def get_short_path(self, fpath):
             if self.is_windows():
-                fpath = self.get_short_path_win(fpath)
+                fpath = os.path.normpath(self.get_short_path_win(fpath))
             return fpath
         def get_short_path_win(self, fpath):
@@ -440,13 +444,13 @@ class SystemInfo(object):
             # make sure the user's home directory exists
             if not os.path.exists(home_dir):
                 raise Exception('home directory "' + home_dir + '" does not exist.')
-            self._home_dir = home_dir
+            self._home_dir = os.path.normpath(home_dir)
         def _query_default_proj_home_dir(self):
             if 'PROJ_HOME' in os.environ:
-                proj_home_dir = os.path.expandvars('$PROJ_HOME')
+                proj_home_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars('$PROJ_HOME'))
-                proj_home_dir = os.path.join(self.get_home_dir(), 'projects')
+                proj_home_dir = os.path.join(self.get_home_dir(native=True), 'projects')
             if os.path.exists(proj_home_dir):
                 self._default_proj_home_dir = proj_home_dir
@@ -459,7 +463,8 @@ class SystemInfo(object):
         def _query_desktop_dir(self):
-            home_dir = self.get_home_dir()
+            # MSYS has its own environment but Desktop comes from the native windows home.
+            home_dir = self.get_home_dir(native=True)
             desktop_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, 'Desktop')
             if os.path.exists(desktop_dir):
                 self._desktop_dir = desktop_dir
diff --git a/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnv.cmake b/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnv.cmake
index 202c7e309cea573fcd40af14889ffbbff742eff5..07532ba3ef188edb7a1f52d08434ff82341b0eab 100644
--- a/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnv.cmake
+++ b/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnv.cmake
@@ -16,34 +16,30 @@ Unless explicitly disabled by configuration option ``BBuildEnv_EXCLUDE_MODULES``
 module ``BBuildEnv`` loads the following submodules to provide additional support 
 for Boost, Qt5, OpenCV, file downloads, MinGW and CPack:
-- :module:`BBuildEnvAddProject` provides macros and functions to add standard
-  subproject like console applications, libraries, samples, UTF tests and Qt
-  applications to a standard workspace. 
-- :module:`BBuildEnvBoost` adds a few utility functions and macros helping to 
-  use locally built Boost libraries. 
-- :module:`BBuildEnvOpenCV`
-- :module:`BBuildEnvQt5`
-- :module:`BBuildEnvDownload`
-- :module:`BBuildEnvVersionUtil`
-- :module:`BBuildEnvCPack` adds a few utility functions helping to create binary
-  distribution packages.   
-- :module:`BBuildEnvMingw` adds helper functions to copy MinGW runtime DLLs.
-Reserved Identifiers
-Avoiding name clashes in CMakeLists.txt or project specific CMake files all 
-projects including module ``BBuildEnv``, or any of its submodules, are advised 
-not to use CMake variables, functions or macros starting with::
-  BBuildEnv, _BBuildEnv, _bb_, bb_, BB_, _BB_
-Users may use variables starting with ``BBuildEnv_<var>`` only to configure the 
-behavior of ``BuildEnv`` modules or submodules or evaluate properties of loaded 
-``BuildEnv`` modules or submodules exposed through documented variables 
+==============================   ===========================================================
+Module                           Description
+==============================   ===========================================================
+:module:`BBuildEnvAddProject`    Macros and functions to add standard
+                                 subproject like console applications, libraries, samples, 
+                                 UTF tests and Qt applications to a standard workspace
+:module:`BBuildEnvGitSvn`        Utility functions to support Git to SVN interoperability.                                   
+:module:`BBuildEnvDownload`      Supports HTTPS downloads of single files at build time
+:module:`BBuildEnvVersionUtil`   Functions to parse version header files
+:module:`BBuildEnvCPack`         Functions helping to create binary distribution packages
+:module:`BBuildEnvBoost`         Macros and functions helping to use locally built Boost 
+                                 libraries. 
+:module:`BBuildEnvOpenCV`        Helper functions to copy OpenCV runtime DLLs
+:module:`BBuildEnvQt5`           Helper functions to copy Qt5 runtime DLLs
+:module:`BBuildEnvMingw`         Helper functions to copy MinGW runtime DLLs on Ubuntu
+==============================   ===========================================================
+The following modules are not loaded by default as they provide functionality not needed
+by all main projects.
+- :module:`BBuildEnvGit` provides macros and functions to checkout Git repositories at 
+  configuration time to aggregate them into a single build tree.  Similar functionality 
+  is provided by module :module:`FetchContent` with slightly different Git clone and
+  update behavior.
 Configuration Options
@@ -51,12 +47,19 @@ Configuration Options
 This module evaluates the following variables at load time allowing users to 
 customize its behavior:
-  Enable debugging messages.
   List of submodules to be excluded from loading.  Use ``ALL`` to disable
   loading any submodule.
+  Enable debugging messages.
+  A boolean variable to enable a configuration specific library name postfix which
+  allows to install all library or executable variants in the same directory. It's unset/off by
+  default to provide backward compatibility with earlier releases. If enabled executable 
+  targets will need a configuration postfix as well. 
 How to Use
@@ -99,12 +102,48 @@ as an svn:external or as a versioned Git subtree:
 Provided Variables
+Module ``BBuildEnv`` provides the following output variables 
+which are supposed to be treated readonly:
   Module's version in decimal dotted format with a maximum of four components.
   Set to true when using MSYS.
+  CMake generator specific build directory. It's a plain name without any path separators.
+  ``umake`` 
+    Unix Makefiles
+  ``vs16``
+    Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
+  ``vs15``
+    Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
+  ``vs14``
+    Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
+  ``xcode``
+    Xcode generator, switching between different Xcode versions is currently not supported within a single build tree.
+  ``ninja``
+    Ninja generator
+  Configuration specific postfix strings to support side-by-side installation in the same 
+  directory. 
+  A string specific to the shared library configuration to allow for single 
+  output directories or installation directories.  
+  A generator specific relative path to be used in installation rules to support multiple 
+  generators or compiler versions in combination with the same installation prefix. 
   Optional root directory of CMakeBuild customization files. 
@@ -151,6 +190,40 @@ Provided Functions and Macros
       Compiler specific flag to enable or disable a warning.
+.. command:: bb_add_subdirectory
+  The ``bb_add_subdirectory()`` macro adds an external in-tree Git subproject 
+  provided variable ``USE_GIT_SUBPROJECTS`` is ON. 
+  The macro silently assumes the subproject is checked out to
+  ``${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ext/<subproject>``.  If variable ``USE_GIT_SUBPROJECTS`` 
+  is OFF, the macro will invoke :command:`add_subdirectory` for backward compatibility 
+  with SVN repositories and subproject aggregation via SVN externals::
+    bb_add_subdirectory(<subproject>)
+  **Parameters:**
+    ``subproject``
+      A relative path to an in-tree subproject; e.g. ``BoostAddon/src/lib/LoggerLib``
+.. command:: bb_set_target_output_name
+  The ``bb_set_target_output_name`` macro appends a configuration specific postfix to 
+  the output name of executable targets if variable ``BBuildEnv_USE_LIBRARY_NAME_POSTFIX`` 
+  is ON. If applied to library targets, it will change :prop_tgt:`COMPILE_PDB_NAME_<CONFIG>` 
+  for static libraries to align the PDB filename with the library filename. 
+  CMake's postfix machinery does it for linker generated PDB files but not for compiler
+  generated PDB files::
+    bb_set_target_output_name( <target> )
+  **Parameters:**
+    ``target``
+      An existing target to be modified.
 .. command:: bb_set_external_dir
   The ``bb_set_external_dir()`` function searches for a directory given a 
@@ -158,15 +231,15 @@ Provided Functions and Macros
   a shared folder holding an external project
   without searching any system paths or cross compiler specific paths::
-    bb_set_external_dir(<abs_path> <relative_path> [<OPTIONAL>])
+    bb_set_external_dir(<abs_path> <dir> [<OPTIONAL>])
       Absolute path to ``relative_path`` found in one of the default locations.
-    ``relative_path``
-      Path to search for in one of the default locations.  An absolute path 
+    ``dir``
+      Directory to search for in one of the default locations.  An absolute path 
       will be returned as-is.
@@ -184,25 +257,26 @@ Provided Functions and Macros
-      Ignored on windows host systems.
+      Ignored on native windows host systems. It is searched when MSYS has been detected 
+      or any other non-windows platform.
       Ignored on non-windows host systems.
-.. command:: bb_add_subdirectory
+Reserved Identifiers
-  The ``bb_add_subdirectory()`` macro adds an external in-tree Git subproject. 
-  The macro silently assumes the subproject is checked out to
-  ``${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ext/<subproject>``::
-    bb_add_subdirectory(<subproject>)
-  **Parameters:**
-    ``subproject``
-      A relative path to an in-tree subproject; e.g. ``BoostAddon/src/lib/LoggerLib``
+Avoiding name clashes in CMakeLists.txt or project specific CMake files all 
+projects including module ``BBuildEnv``, or any of its submodules, are advised 
+not to use CMake variables, functions or macros starting with::
+  BBuildEnv, _BBuildEnv, _bb_, bb_, BB_, _BB_
+Users may use variables starting with ``BBuildEnv_<var>`` only to configure the 
+behavior of ``BuildEnv`` modules or submodules or evaluate properties of loaded 
+``BuildEnv`` modules or submodules exposed through documented variables 
@@ -224,6 +298,7 @@ set( _BBuildEnvSubmoduleList
+     BBuildEnvGitSvn
 foreach( _cmod IN LISTS _BBuildEnvSubmoduleList )
@@ -251,6 +326,21 @@ macro( bb_add_subdirectory subdirectory_ )
+macro( bb_set_target_output_name target_ )
+    get_target_property( _bb_tmp_target_type ${target_} TYPE )
+    if( _bb_tmp_target_type STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE" )
+      set_target_properties( ${target_} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME_DEBUG ${target_}${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX} 
+                                        OUTPUT_NAME_RELWITHDEBINFO   ${target_}${CMAKE_RELWITHDEBINFO_POSTFIX} 
+                                        OUTPUT_NAME_MINSIZEREL       ${target_}${CMAKE_MINSIZEREL_POSTFIX} )
+    elseif( MSVC AND (_bb_tmp_target_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY" ) )
+      # message( STATUS "${target_} is static, setting COMPILE_PDB_NAME_DEBUG ..." )
+    endif()  
+  endif()
 macro( bb_save_find_context fnd_ctx )
     # find_package must be told not to expect the BOOST libraries inside "CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH".
@@ -291,14 +381,38 @@ macro( _bb_get_cxx_compiler_version_major_minor version_major_minor_ )
   string( REGEX REPLACE "([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)([0-9.]+)?" "\\1.\\2" ${version_major_minor_} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION} )
-macro( bb_get_home_dir home_dir_ )
+function( bb_get_home_dir home_dir_ )
+  set( _native FALSE )
+  if( ARGC EQUAL 2 )
+    if( ${ARGV1} STREQUAL "NATIVE" )
+      set( _native TRUE )
+    else()
+      message( FATAL_ERROR "bb_get_home_dir: argument ${ARGV1} not understood." )
+    endif()
+  elseif( ARGC GREATER 2 )
+    message( FATAL_ERROR "bb_get_home_dir: too many arguments specified, expected <home_dir> [NATIVE]." )
+  endif()
   if( CMAKE_HOST_WIN32 )
     # Force forward slashes on Windows
-    file( TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{USERPROFILE}" ${home_dir_} )
+    if( BBuildEnv_MSYS )
+      if( _native )
+        file( TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{USERPROFILE}" _home_dir )
+      else()
+        file( TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{HOME}" _home_dir )
+      endif()
+    else()
+      file( TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{USERPROFILE}" _home_dir )
+    endif()
-    set( ${home_dir_} "$ENV{HOME}" )
+    set( _home_dir "$ENV{HOME}" )
+  set( ${home_dir_} "${_home_dir}" PARENT_SCOPE )
 macro( bb_set_home_dir home_dir_ )
@@ -601,10 +715,14 @@ function( _bb_find_proj_home proj_home_ home_dir_ )
   points to a non-existing directory.
       " )
-  elseif( IS_DIRECTORY "${home_dir_}/projects" )
+  elseif( EXISTS "${home_dir_}/projects" )
     set( _proj_home "${home_dir_}/projects" )
-  #else()
-  #  get_filename_component( _proj_home ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.. REALPATH )
+  elseif( BBuildEnv_MSYS )
+    # Check for %USERPROFILE%/projects as a fallback when using MSYS.
+    bb_get_home_dir( _home_dir NATIVE )
+    if( EXISTS "${_home_dir}/projects" )
+      set( _proj_home "${_home_dir}/projects" )
+    endif()
   if( DEFINED _proj_home )
     set( ${proj_home_} "${_proj_home}" PARENT_SCOPE )
@@ -647,8 +765,15 @@ function( bb_set_external_dir dir_var_ dir_ )
         list( APPEND _search_path "${_dir_norm}" )
-    if( EXISTS "${bb_home_dir}/projects" )
-      list( APPEND _search_path "${bb_home_dir}/projects" )
+    bb_get_home_dir( _home_dir )
+    if( EXISTS "${_home_dir}/projects" )
+      list( APPEND _search_path "${_home_dir}/projects" )
+    endif()
+    if( BBuildEnv_MSYS )
+      bb_get_home_dir( _home_dir NATIVE )
+      if( EXISTS "${_home_dir}/projects" )
+        list( APPEND _search_path "${_home_dir}/projects" )
+      endif()
     list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES _search_path )
     foreach( _path IN LISTS _search_path )
@@ -1132,18 +1257,6 @@ macro( bb_build_env_setup )
   _bb_find_proj_home( bb_proj_home "${bb_home_dir}" )
   # Add a cmake generator alias
-  # --
-  # Visual Studio 15 2017
-  # Visual Studio 14 2015
-  # Visual Studio 12 2013
-  # Visual Studio 11 2012
-  # Visual Studio 10 2010
-  # --
-  # Xcode
-  # Unix Makefiles
-  # Ninja
-  # MinGW Makefiles
-  # --
   unset( bb_generator_alias )
   if( CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Unix Makefiles" )
     set( bb_generator_alias "umake" )
@@ -1169,11 +1282,15 @@ macro( bb_build_env_setup )
   # set standard output directories: gcc-5.4/x86_64
   if( DEFINED bb_generator_alias )
+    set( BBuildEnv_GENERATOR_ALIAS "${bb_generator_alias}" )
     set( bb_default_output_dir "${bb_generator_alias}/${bb_toolset_subdir}/${bb_platform_dir}" )
     set( bb_default_output_dir "${bb_toolset_subdir}/${bb_platform_dir}" )
+  # BBuildEnv_OUTPUT_DIR_SUFFIX could be a cache variable to make it customizable. 
+  set( BBuildEnv_OUTPUT_DIR_SUFFIX           "${bb_default_output_dir}" )
   # the deploy folder may be used to save installer packages.
   set( bb_deploy_dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/deploy" )
@@ -1182,23 +1299,63 @@ macro( bb_build_env_setup )
-    set( _bb_shared_suffix "-shared" )
+    set( BBuildEnv_SHARED_DIR_POSTFIX "-shared" )
+  else()
+    unset( BBuildEnv_SHARED_DIR_POSTFIX )
+  endif()
+    set( BBuildEnv_USE_LIBRARY_NAME_POSTFIX OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable library name postfix" )
+  #set( BBuildEnv_RELEASE_POSTFIX "" )
+  set( BBuildEnv_DEBUG_POSTFIX          "-d" )
+  set( BBuildEnv_RELWITHDEBINFO_POSTFIX "-rd" )
+  set( BBuildEnv_MINSIZEREL_POSTFIX     "-mr" )
-  set( CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG          "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${bb_default_output_dir}/debug${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
-  set( CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELEASE        "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${bb_default_output_dir}/release${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
-  set( CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${bb_default_output_dir}/relwithdebinfo${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
-  set( CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_MINSIZEREL     "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${bb_default_output_dir}/minsizerel${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
-  set( CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG          "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/${bb_default_output_dir}/debug${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
-  set( CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELEASE        "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/${bb_default_output_dir}/release${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
-  set( CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/${bb_default_output_dir}/relwithdebinfo${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
-  set( CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_MINSIZEREL     "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/${bb_default_output_dir}/minsizerel${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
+    set( CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX                           ${BBuildEnv_DEBUG_POSTFIX} )
+    set( CMAKE_MINSIZEREL_POSTFIX                      ${BBuildEnv_MINSIZEREL_POSTFIX} )
+  else()
+    # Using CMake's default library name convention which is the same for all configurations.
+  endif()
-  set( CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG          "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/${bb_default_output_dir}/debug${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
-  set( CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELEASE        "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/${bb_default_output_dir}/release${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
-  set( CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/${bb_default_output_dir}/relwithdebinfo${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
-  set( CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_MINSIZEREL     "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/${bb_default_output_dir}/minsizerel${_bb_shared_suffix}" )
 endmacro( bb_build_env_setup )
 #message( STATUS "BBuildEnv.cmake: starting: ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" )
diff --git a/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnvDebug.cmake b/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnvDebug.cmake
index 40de4dad5071bdb71e889d7408a789e43bd07585..3f195eb40ab0e4899bb1b9dbef49f4d4e5b6eaef 100644
--- a/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnvDebug.cmake
+++ b/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnvDebug.cmake
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ function( bb_dump_cmake_system_info )
   message( STATUS "CMAKE_GENERATOR:             ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" )
     message( STATUS "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LOADED:   on" )
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ function( bb_dump_cmake_system_info )
   if( MSVC )
     message( STATUS "MSVC_VERSION:                ${MSVC_VERSION}" )
@@ -119,6 +122,10 @@ endfunction( bb_dump_cmake_system_info )
 function( bb_dump_target_properties target_ prop1_ )
+  if( NOT TARGET ${target_} )
+    message( WARNING "target ${target_} does not exist." )
+    return()
+  endif()
   set( _prop_list ${prop1_} )
   list( APPEND _prop_list ${ARGN} )
   list( LENGTH _prop_list _prop_list_len )
@@ -126,9 +133,12 @@ function( bb_dump_target_properties target_ prop1_ )
   foreach( _prop ${_prop_list} )
     get_target_property( _prop_value ${target_} ${_prop} )
     if( _prop_value )
-      message( STATUS "bb_dump_target_properties: ${target_}: ${_prop}=${_prop_value}" )
+      message( STATUS "${target_}: ${_prop}=${_prop_value}" )
   message( STATUS "bb_dump_target_properties: leaving" )
+macro( bb_dump_imported_target_properties target_ )
diff --git a/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnvVersion.cmake b/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnvVersion.cmake
index b4543a8d442aaf20971ec34d2c6bac56f587d6ee..2f5b5ea5b5c9240d99b8b3f764375336438a9db3 100644
--- a/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnvVersion.cmake
+++ b/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/modules/BBuildEnvVersion.cmake
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 set( BBuildEnv_VERSION_MAJOR 3 )
-set( BBuildEnv_VERSION_MINOR 13 ) 
-set( BBuildEnv_VERSION_PATCH 0 ) 
-set( BBuildEnv_VERSION_TWEAK 2 )
+set( BBuildEnv_VERSION_MINOR 14 ) 
+set( BBuildEnv_VERSION_PATCH 4 ) 
+set( BBuildEnv_VERSION_TWEAK 4 )
 # BBuildEnv version in decimal dotted format as supported by CMake's version compare operations.
diff --git a/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/toolchains/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-ubuntu1804.cmake b/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/toolchains/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-ubuntu1804.cmake
index 9c0ec5c3f62bc2d64d4a18b4adfc2abe63a818d3..3e78dc0815936ddf8c8ada05564b1f51c7110d37 100644
--- a/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/toolchains/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-ubuntu1804.cmake
+++ b/cmake/CMakeBuild/cmake/toolchains/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-ubuntu1804.cmake
 # search headers and libraries in the target environment, search 
 # programs in the host environment
+# Ubuntu/amd64 + foreign architecture arm64
+set( CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib/${GNU_MACHINE}-linux-gnu )