diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/CommonDef.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/CommonDef.h
index b3894ed01e7ced2bcda3a0fef84685463d411724..8f51932abdbdfea8cff0f99b3f536819369c4b57 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/CommonDef.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/CommonDef.h
@@ -259,7 +259,11 @@ static const uint32_t  MTS_INTER_MAX_CU_SIZE =                         32; ///<
 static const int NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES = 6;
 static const int LM_SYMBOL_NUM = (1 + NUM_LMC_MODE);
+static const int MAX_NUM_MIP_MODE =                                32; ///< maximum number of MIP pred. modes
 static const int MAX_NUM_MIP_MODE =                                35; ///< maximum number of MIP modes
 static const int FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM = (NUM_LUMA_MODE + MAX_NUM_MIP_MODE); ///< maximum number of RD comparison in fast-UDI estimation loop
 static const int MAX_LFNST_COEF_NUM =                              16;
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/IntraPrediction.cpp b/source/Lib/CommonLib/IntraPrediction.cpp
index 263b138ca48d1ef1b2ba5f6d42baac4caa95bb93..130b6f4429f7f0d42ed2f8ca2fc52af2778a86f4 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/IntraPrediction.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/IntraPrediction.cpp
@@ -1886,6 +1886,20 @@ void IntraPrediction::xGetLMParameters(const PredictionUnit &pu, const Component
+void IntraPrediction::initIntraMip( const PredictionUnit &pu, const CompArea &area )
+  CHECK( area.width > MIP_MAX_WIDTH || area.height > MIP_MAX_HEIGHT, "Error: block size not supported for MIP" );
+  // prepare input (boundary) data for prediction
+  CHECK( m_ipaParam.refFilterFlag, "ERROR: unfiltered refs expected for MIP" );
+  Pel *ptrSrc = getPredictorPtr( COMPONENT_Y );
+  const int srcStride  = m_refBufferStride[COMPONENT_Y];
+  const int srcHStride = 2;
+  m_matrixIntraPred.prepareInputForPred( CPelBuf( ptrSrc, srcStride, srcHStride ), area, pu.cu->slice->getSPS()->getBitDepth( CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ) );
 void IntraPrediction::initIntraMip( const PredictionUnit &pu )
   CHECK( pu.lwidth() > pu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize() || pu.lheight() > pu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize(), "Error: block size not supported for MIP" );
@@ -1898,10 +1912,29 @@ void IntraPrediction::initIntraMip( const PredictionUnit &pu )
   m_matrixIntraPred.prepareInputForPred(CPelBuf(ptrSrc, srcStride, srcHStride), pu.Y(), pu.cu->slice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA));
 void IntraPrediction::predIntraMip( const ComponentID compId, PelBuf &piPred, const PredictionUnit &pu )
   CHECK( compId != COMPONENT_Y, "Error: chroma not supported" );
+  CHECK( piPred.width > MIP_MAX_WIDTH || piPred.height > MIP_MAX_HEIGHT, "Error: block size not supported for MIP" );
+  CHECK( piPred.width != (1 << floorLog2(piPred.width)) || piPred.height != (1 << floorLog2(piPred.height)), "Error: expecting blocks of size 2^M x 2^N" );
+  // generate mode-specific prediction
+  const int bitDepth = pu.cu->slice->getSPS()->getBitDepth( CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA );
+  static_vector<int, MIP_MAX_WIDTH* MIP_MAX_HEIGHT> predMip( piPred.width * piPred.height );
+  m_matrixIntraPred.predBlock( predMip.data(), pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA], pu.mipTransposedFlag, bitDepth );
+  for( int y = 0; y < piPred.height; y++ )
+  {
+    for( int x = 0; x < piPred.width; x++ )
+    {
+      piPred.at( x, y ) = Pel(predMip[y * piPred.width + x]);
+    }
+  }
   CHECK( pu.lwidth() > pu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize() || pu.lheight() > pu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize(), "Error: block size not supported for MIP" );
   CHECK( pu.lwidth() != (1 << floorLog2(pu.lwidth())) || pu.lheight() != (1 << floorLog2(pu.lheight())), "Error: expecting blocks of size 2^M x 2^N" );
@@ -1917,6 +1950,7 @@ void IntraPrediction::predIntraMip( const ComponentID compId, PelBuf &piPred, co
       piPred.at(x, y) = Pel(predMip[y * pu.lwidth() + x]);
 bool IntraPrediction::calCopyRun(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner& partitioner, uint32_t startPos, uint32_t total, uint32_t &run, ComponentID compBegin)
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/IntraPrediction.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/IntraPrediction.h
index d3c9449ff5304dc1bad10770d999d1123bfbb3be..c4b7d4aed9d6d9eaf6d26306fcfb6e279b8926e9 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/IntraPrediction.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/IntraPrediction.h
@@ -167,7 +167,11 @@ public:
   void initIntraPatternChTypeISP  (const CodingUnit& cu, const CompArea& area, PelBuf& piReco, const bool forceRefFilterFlag = false); // use forceRefFilterFlag to get both filtered and unfiltered buffers
   // Matrix-based intra prediction
+  void initIntraMip               (const PredictionUnit &pu, const CompArea &area);
   void initIntraMip               (const PredictionUnit &pu);
   void predIntraMip               (const ComponentID compId, PelBuf &piPred, const PredictionUnit &pu);
   static bool useDPCMForFirstPassIntraEstimation(const PredictionUnit &pu, const uint32_t &uiDirMode);
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/MatrixIntraPrediction.cpp b/source/Lib/CommonLib/MatrixIntraPrediction.cpp
index 42c2202affafdae51957e0c48d47d3a91d78b64f..3e33b4caf8d5090d8f15907997d72783b74feb77 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/MatrixIntraPrediction.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/MatrixIntraPrediction.cpp
@@ -50,8 +50,13 @@ MatrixIntraPrediction::MatrixIntraPrediction():
   m_refSamplesTop (MIP_MAX_WIDTH),
   m_blockSize( 0, 0 ),
+  m_sizeId( 0 ),
+  m_reducedBdrySize( 0 ),
   m_numModes( 0 ),
   m_reducedBoundarySize( 0, 0 ),
   m_reducedPredictionSize( 0, 0 ),
   m_upsmpFactorHor( 0 ),
   m_upsmpFactorVer( 0 )
@@ -78,6 +83,30 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::prepareInputForPred(const CPelBuf &pSrc, const Area&
   // Step 3: Compute the reduced boundary via Haar-downsampling (input for the prediction)
+  const int inputSize = 2 * m_reducedBdrySize;
+  m_reducedBoundary          .resize( inputSize );
+  m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.resize( inputSize );
+  int* const topReduced = m_reducedBoundary.data();
+  boundaryDownsampling1D( topReduced, m_refSamplesTop.data(), block.width, m_reducedBdrySize );
+  int* const leftReduced = m_reducedBoundary.data() + m_reducedBdrySize;
+  boundaryDownsampling1D( leftReduced, m_refSamplesLeft.data(), block.height, m_reducedBdrySize );
+  int* const leftReducedTransposed = m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.data();
+  int* const topReducedTransposed  = m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.data() + m_reducedBdrySize;
+  for( int x = 0; x < m_reducedBdrySize; x++ )
+  {
+    topReducedTransposed[x] = topReduced[x];
+  }
+  for( int y = 0; y < m_reducedBdrySize; y++ )
+  {
+    leftReducedTransposed[y] = leftReduced[y];
+  }
+  // Step 4: Rebase the reduced boundary
   m_reducedBoundary          .resize( m_reducedBoundarySize.width + m_reducedBoundarySize.height );
   m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.resize( m_reducedBoundarySize.width + m_reducedBoundarySize.height );
@@ -100,11 +129,16 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::prepareInputForPred(const CPelBuf &pSrc, const Area&
   // Step 4: Rebase the reduced boundary
   const int inputSize = m_reducedBoundarySize.width + m_reducedBoundarySize.height;
   m_inputOffset       = m_reducedBoundary[0];
   m_inputOffsetTransp = m_reducedBoundaryTransposed[0];
+  const bool hasFirstCol = (m_sizeId < 2);
   const bool hasFirstCol = (m_blockSize.width <= 8 && m_blockSize.height <= 8);
   m_reducedBoundary          [0] = hasFirstCol ? (m_inputOffset       - (1 << (bitDepth - 1))) : 0; // first column of matrix not needed for large blocks
   m_reducedBoundaryTransposed[0] = hasFirstCol ? (m_inputOffsetTransp - (1 << (bitDepth - 1))) : 0;
   for (int i = 1; i < inputSize; i++)
@@ -114,9 +148,14 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::prepareInputForPred(const CPelBuf &pSrc, const Area&
+void MatrixIntraPrediction::predBlock(int* const result, const int modeIdx, const bool transpose, const int bitDepth)
 void MatrixIntraPrediction::predBlock(int* const result, const int modeIdx, const int bitDepth)
   const bool transpose = isTransposed( modeIdx );
   const bool needUpsampling = ( m_upsmpFactorHor > 1 ) || ( m_upsmpFactorVer > 1 );
   const uint8_t* matrix;
@@ -133,15 +172,27 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::predBlock(int* const result, const int modeIdx, cons
   int* const       reducedPred     = needUpsampling ? bufReducedPred.data() : result;
   const int* const reducedBoundary = transpose ? m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.data() : m_reducedBoundary.data();
   computeReducedPred( reducedPred, reducedBoundary, matrix, leaveHorOut, leaveVerOut, shiftMatrix, offsetMatrix,
+                      transpose, bitDepth );
                       transpose, needUpsampling, bitDepth );
+  if( needUpsampling )
+  {
+    predictionUpsampling( result, reducedPred, false );
+  }
   // Reduced prediction is transposed if ( transpose && needUpsampling ).
   if( needUpsampling )
     predictionUpsampling( result, reducedPred, transpose );
 bool MatrixIntraPrediction::isTransposed(const int modeIdx) const
   return ( modeIdx > ( m_numModes / 2 ) );
@@ -158,10 +209,22 @@ int MatrixIntraPrediction::getWeightIdx(const int modeIdx) const
     return modeIdx;
 void MatrixIntraPrediction::initPredBlockParams(const Size& block)
   m_blockSize = block;
+  // init size index
+  m_sizeId = getMipSizeId( m_blockSize );
+  // init reduced boundary size
+  m_reducedBdrySize = (m_sizeId == 0) ? 2 : 4;
+  // init reduced prediction size
+  if( m_sizeId < 2 ) { m_reducedPredictionSize = Size(4, 4); }
+  else               { m_reducedPredictionSize = Size(std::min<SizeType>(m_blockSize.width, 8), std::min<SizeType>(m_blockSize.height, 8)); }
   m_numModes  = getNumModesMip(m_blockSize);
   // init reduced boundary size
@@ -183,6 +246,7 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::initPredBlockParams(const Size& block)
     m_reducedPredictionSize = Size(std::min<SizeType>(m_blockSize.width, 8), std::min<SizeType>(m_blockSize.height, 8));
   // init upsampling factors
@@ -195,6 +259,7 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::initPredBlockParams(const Size& block)
   CHECKD((m_upsmpFactorVer < 1) || ((m_upsmpFactorVer & (m_upsmpFactorVer - 1)) != 0), "Need power of two vertical upsampling factor.");
 void MatrixIntraPrediction::doDownsampling(int* dst, const int* src, const SizeType srcLen, const SizeType dstLen)
   const SizeType downsmpFactor = srcLen / dstLen;
@@ -213,6 +278,7 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::doDownsampling(int* dst, const int* src, const SizeT
     dst[ dstIdx ] = ( sum + roundingOffset ) >> log2DownsmpFactor;
 void MatrixIntraPrediction::boundaryDownsampling1D(int* reducedDst, const int* const fullSrc, const SizeType srcLen, const SizeType dstLen)
@@ -220,7 +286,24 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::boundaryDownsampling1D(int* reducedDst, const int* c
   if (dstLen < srcLen)
     // Create reduced boundary by downsampling
+    const SizeType downsmpFactor = srcLen / dstLen;
+    const int log2DownsmpFactor = floorLog2(downsmpFactor);
+    const int roundingOffset = (1 << (log2DownsmpFactor - 1));
+    SizeType srcIdx = 0;
+    for( SizeType dstIdx = 0; dstIdx < dstLen; dstIdx++ )
+    {
+      int sum = 0;
+      for( int k = 0; k < downsmpFactor; k++ )
+      {
+        sum += fullSrc[srcIdx++];
+      }
+      reducedDst[dstIdx] = (sum + roundingOffset) >> log2DownsmpFactor;
+    }
     doDownsampling(reducedDst, fullSrc, srcLen, dstLen);
@@ -284,9 +367,11 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::predictionUpsampling1D(int* const dst, const int* co
 void MatrixIntraPrediction::predictionUpsampling(int* const dst, const int* const src, const bool transpose) const
   // shorter side is upsampled first
   if( m_blockSize.height > m_blockSize.width )
     const int* verSrc       = nullptr;
     SizeType   verSrcStep   = 0;
     SizeType   verSrcStride = 0;
@@ -313,11 +398,16 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::predictionUpsampling(int* const dst, const int* cons
       verSrcStep   = transpose ? 1 : m_blockSize.width;
       verSrcStride = transpose ? m_reducedPredictionSize.height : 1;
+  if( m_upsmpFactorVer > 1 )
+  {
     predictionUpsampling1D( dst, verSrc, m_refSamplesTop.data(),
                             m_reducedPredictionSize.height, m_blockSize.width,
                             verSrcStep, verSrcStride, m_blockSize.width, 1,
                             1, m_upsmpFactorVer );
     const int* horSrc = nullptr;
@@ -352,10 +442,32 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::predictionUpsampling(int* const dst, const int* cons
                             horSrcStep, horSrcStride, 1, m_blockSize.width,
                             1, m_upsmpFactorHor );
 void MatrixIntraPrediction::getMatrixData(const uint8_t*& matrix, int &shiftMatrix, int &offsetMatrix, const int modeIdx) const
+  switch( m_sizeId )
+  {
+  case 0: matrix       = &mipMatrix4x4      [modeIdx][0][0];
+          shiftMatrix  =  mipShiftMatrix4x4 [modeIdx];
+          offsetMatrix =  mipOffsetMatrix4x4[modeIdx];
+          break;
+  case 1: matrix       = &mipMatrix8x8      [modeIdx][0][0];
+          shiftMatrix  =  mipShiftMatrix8x8 [modeIdx];
+          offsetMatrix =  mipOffsetMatrix8x8[modeIdx];
+          break;
+  case 2: matrix       = &mipMatrix16x16      [modeIdx][0][0];
+          shiftMatrix  =  mipShiftMatrix16x16 [modeIdx];
+          offsetMatrix =  mipOffsetMatrix16x16[modeIdx];
+          break;
+  default: THROW( "Invalid mipSizeId" );
+  }
   const int idx = getWeightIdx( modeIdx );
   if( m_blockSize.width == 4 && m_blockSize.height == 4 )
@@ -375,18 +487,30 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::getMatrixData(const uint8_t*& matrix, int &shiftMatr
     shiftMatrix  =  mipShiftMatrix16x16 [idx];
     offsetMatrix =  mipOffsetMatrix16x16[idx];
 void MatrixIntraPrediction::computeReducedPred(int*const result, const int* const input, const uint8_t*matrix,
                                                const bool leaveHorOut, const bool leaveVerOut,
                                                const int shiftMatrix, const int offsetMatrix,
+                                               const bool transpose, const int bitDepth )
                                                const bool transpose, const bool needUpsampling, const int bitDepth )
+  const int inputSize = 2 * m_reducedBdrySize;
+  static_vector<int, MIP_MAX_REDUCED_OUTPUT_SAMPLES> resBufTransposed(m_reducedPredictionSize.area());
+  int* const resPtr = (transpose) ? resBufTransposed.data() : result;
   const int inputSize = m_reducedBoundarySize.width + m_reducedBoundarySize.height;
   // Use local buffer for transposed result if no upsampling will be done.
   static_vector<int, MIP_MAX_REDUCED_OUTPUT_SAMPLES> resBufTransposed( m_reducedPredictionSize.area() );
   int*const resPtr = (transpose && !needUpsampling) ? resBufTransposed.data() : result;
   int sum = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; i++) { sum += input[i]; }
@@ -401,7 +525,11 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::computeReducedPred(int*const result, const int* cons
   const int xStep = leaveHorOut ? 2 : 1;
   const int yStep = leaveVerOut ? intermediateWidth : 0;
+  const int redSize = (m_sizeId == 2) ? 1 : 0;
   const int redSize = (m_blockSize.width <= 8 && m_blockSize.height <= 8) ? 0 : 1;
   if ( redSize ) weight += xStep-1;
   int posRes  = 0;
   for (int y = 0; y < intermediateHeight; y++)
@@ -427,8 +555,12 @@ void MatrixIntraPrediction::computeReducedPred(int*const result, const int* cons
     weight  += yStep * (inputSize - redSize);
+  if( transpose )
   // Re-transpose if no upsampling will be done.
   if( transpose && !needUpsampling )
     for( int y = 0; y < m_reducedPredictionSize.height; y++ )
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/MatrixIntraPrediction.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/MatrixIntraPrediction.h
index fcc1bbd33d9133bc8d5bc71d62ac3a53821fe3a7..e7dd62d6212296f590bad0991b42242d68a2fb55 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/MatrixIntraPrediction.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/MatrixIntraPrediction.h
@@ -51,7 +51,11 @@ public:
   void prepareInputForPred(const CPelBuf &pSrc, const Area& block, const int bitDepth);
+  void predBlock(int* const result, const int modeIdx, const bool transpose, const int bitDepth);
   void predBlock(int* const result, const int modeIdx, const int bitDepth);
     static_vector<int, MIP_MAX_INPUT_SIZE> m_reducedBoundary;           // downsampled             boundary of a block
@@ -62,8 +66,13 @@ public:
     static_vector<int, MIP_MAX_HEIGHT>     m_refSamplesLeft;            // left reference samples for upsampling
     Size m_blockSize;
+    int  m_sizeId;
+    int  m_reducedBdrySize;
     int  m_numModes;
     Size m_reducedBoundarySize;
     Size m_reducedPredictionSize;
     unsigned int m_upsmpFactorHor;
     unsigned int m_upsmpFactorVer;
@@ -71,7 +80,9 @@ public:
     void initPredBlockParams(const Size& block);
     static void boundaryDownsampling1D(int* reducedDst, const int* const fullSrc, const SizeType srcLen, const SizeType dstLen);
     static void doDownsampling( int* dst, const int* src, const SizeType srcLen, const SizeType dstLen );
     void predictionUpsampling( int* const dst, const int* const src, const bool transpose ) const;
     static void predictionUpsampling1D( int* const dst, const int* const src, const int* const bndry,
@@ -83,13 +94,19 @@ public:
     void getMatrixData(const uint8_t*& matrix, int &shiftMatrix, int &offsetMatrix, const int modeIdx) const;
     bool isTransposed( const int modeIdx ) const;
     int  getWeightIdx( const int modeIdx ) const;
     void computeReducedPred( int*const result, const int* const input, const uint8_t*matrix,
                              const bool leaveHorOut, const bool leaveVerOut,
                              const int shiftMatrix, const int offsetMatrix,
+                             const bool transpose, const int bitDepth );
                              const bool transpose, const bool needUpsampling, const int bitDepth );
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/MipData.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/MipData.h
index c179b31a66eb66a0bd0c0ca1875830dc07852648..9bc8e68c7a8baf69898330d0550e87b2e85aac25 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/MipData.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/MipData.h
@@ -35,6 +35,865 @@
 \brief    weight and bias data for matrix-based intra prediction (MIP)
+ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const uint8_t mipMatrix4x4[16][16][4]) =
+  {
+    {    5,   16,   51,    2},
+    {    5,   22,   18,   36},
+    {    5,   15,    5,   55},
+    {    5,   10,    6,   59},
+    {    4,    6,   12,   59},
+    {    5,    3,    4,   66},
+    {    7,    0,    5,   67},
+    {    8,    1,    7,   65},
+    {    6,    2,    3,   67},
+    {    7,    1,    5,   66},
+    {    9,    1,    6,   66},
+    {   10,    2,    6,   66},
+    {    7,    3,    5,   64},
+    {    9,    2,    6,   64},
+    {   10,    2,    6,   65},
+    {   10,    3,    7,   64}
+  },
+  {
+    {   28,   27,   58,   26},
+    {   28,   27,   52,   27},
+    {   29,   39,   43,   28},
+    {   28,   70,   38,   27},
+    {   28,   28,   61,   28},
+    {   28,   27,   62,   26},
+    {   29,   30,   60,   25},
+    {   25,   61,   49,   23},
+    {   29,   28,   35,   54},
+    {   29,   28,   42,   47},
+    {   28,   26,   50,   36},
+    {   16,   42,   46,   19},
+    {   28,   28,   23,   64},
+    {   29,   28,   24,   64},
+    {   25,   24,   23,   58},
+    {    0,   19,   21,   31}
+  },
+  {
+    {   28,   27,   39,   26},
+    {   29,   32,   29,   27},
+    {   29,   60,   31,   27},
+    {   27,   68,   31,   26},
+    {   28,   27,   51,   27},
+    {   28,   39,   39,   26},
+    {   26,   64,   33,   28},
+    {   21,   64,   27,   35},
+    {   27,   28,   38,   50},
+    {   19,   44,   31,   51},
+    {   10,   57,   22,   54},
+    {    7,   53,   16,   58},
+    {   19,   31,   12,   72},
+    {    6,   47,   14,   64},
+    {    0,   50,   15,   60},
+    {    2,   48,   15,   60}
+  },
+  {
+    {   42,   40,   64,   45},
+    {   43,   41,   44,   52},
+    {   43,   67,   34,   49},
+    {   41,   76,   38,   45},
+    {   42,   41,   50,   67},
+    {   41,   39,   42,   71},
+    {   38,   52,   33,   63},
+    {   31,   70,   31,   47},
+    {   40,   41,   39,   76},
+    {   31,   36,   38,   74},
+    {   17,   30,   35,   69},
+    {    9,   47,   30,   50},
+    {   32,   37,   37,   75},
+    {   15,   29,   36,   68},
+    {    3,   22,   37,   62},
+    {    0,   26,   38,   52}
+  },
+  {
+    {   57,   53,   73,   55},
+    {   58,   75,   61,   55},
+    {   55,   91,   53,   63},
+    {   45,   87,   43,   74},
+    {   58,   60,   80,   63},
+    {   51,   71,   62,   73},
+    {   30,   65,   48,   77},
+    {   14,   50,   47,   73},
+    {   50,   56,   53,   89},
+    {   20,   43,   50,   77},
+    {    2,   32,   53,   67},
+    {    2,   30,   54,   65},
+    {   26,   41,   47,   82},
+    {    2,   28,   53,   65},
+    {    0,   27,   55,   63},
+    {    3,   29,   55,   64}
+  },
+  {
+    {   23,   19,   88,    8},
+    {   23,   44,   61,   25},
+    {   22,   64,   24,   52},
+    {   21,   56,    0,   71},
+    {   21,   25,   53,   61},
+    {   20,   26,   31,   80},
+    {   20,   22,   21,   88},
+    {   19,   20,   17,   88},
+    {   20,   22,   19,   89},
+    {   19,   21,   19,   89},
+    {   18,   20,   20,   88},
+    {   17,   19,   20,   86},
+    {   19,   20,   20,   87},
+    {   18,   21,   21,   86},
+    {   16,   21,   21,   85},
+    {   13,   19,   21,   83}
+  },
+  {
+    {    9,    0,   11,    6},
+    {    9,   19,   11,    8},
+    {    9,   70,   11,    8},
+    {    9,   76,   12,    8},
+    {    9,    0,   12,    6},
+    {    9,   19,   11,    7},
+    {    9,   70,   11,    9},
+    {    9,   76,   12,    9},
+    {    9,    0,   12,    6},
+    {    9,   20,   12,    7},
+    {    9,   70,   12,    9},
+    {    9,   75,   12,    9},
+    {    9,    1,   11,    8},
+    {    9,   20,   12,    8},
+    {    9,   70,   12,    8},
+    {    9,   75,   11,    9}
+  },
+  {
+    {    6,    3,   61,    7},
+    {    7,    0,   34,    7},
+    {    7,   13,    5,    6},
+    {    6,   56,    1,    4},
+    {    6,    7,   74,    5},
+    {    6,    4,   70,    6},
+    {    6,    0,   51,    6},
+    {    6,    8,   19,    5},
+    {    7,    7,   55,   23},
+    {    7,    7,   71,    8},
+    {    6,    5,   74,    5},
+    {    6,    3,   59,    7},
+    {    5,    5,    3,   74},
+    {    6,    6,   36,   41},
+    {    7,    7,   62,   15},
+    {    6,    7,   66,   10}
+  },
+  {
+    {   35,   26,   78,   28},
+    {   34,   39,   35,   33},
+    {   34,   96,   32,   35},
+    {   35,  102,   35,   35},
+    {   31,   30,  107,   25},
+    {   29,   34,   66,   24},
+    {   31,   93,   32,   31},
+    {   35,  101,   34,   35},
+    {   31,   31,   64,   72},
+    {   19,   28,   86,   30},
+    {   18,   85,   47,   20},
+    {   31,   99,   34,   33},
+    {   32,   32,   27,  106},
+    {   12,   26,   52,   71},
+    {    0,   72,   60,   19},
+    {   20,   93,   37,   26}
+  },
+  {
+    {   10,    6,   60,    0},
+    {    7,   14,   39,    4},
+    {    4,   65,   21,   11},
+    {    1,   80,   12,   16},
+    {   10,   11,   52,   46},
+    {    6,    9,   36,   57},
+    {    2,   18,   20,   65},
+    {    0,   23,   11,   65},
+    {   13,   13,   13,   80},
+    {   12,   13,   12,   80},
+    {   12,   12,   13,   80},
+    {   11,   12,   14,   79},
+    {   15,   14,   12,   79},
+    {   15,   14,   13,   79},
+    {   16,   16,   15,   78},
+    {   16,   16,   17,   76}
+  },
+  {
+    {   50,   48,   85,   42},
+    {   47,   44,   59,   44},
+    {   43,   52,   51,   43},
+    {   14,  107,   51,   29},
+    {   51,   49,   92,   77},
+    {   47,   44,   70,   81},
+    {   35,   32,   47,   79},
+    {    0,   47,   35,   60},
+    {   50,   49,   49,  116},
+    {   49,   47,   49,  117},
+    {   45,   41,   49,  115},
+    {   30,   32,   47,  106},
+    {   50,   49,   46,  117},
+    {   49,   49,   48,  115},
+    {   50,   48,   49,  115},
+    {   47,   45,   50,  113}
+  },
+  {
+    {   67,   65,   96,   61},
+    {   66,   65,   90,   62},
+    {   68,   83,   79,   64},
+    {   59,  102,   70,   61},
+    {   67,   67,   93,   74},
+    {   68,   67,   93,   74},
+    {   64,   75,   88,   69},
+    {   30,   85,   69,   49},
+    {   67,   67,   68,   97},
+    {   68,   67,   68,   98},
+    {   43,   60,   69,   80},
+    {    4,   68,   65,   40},
+    {   66,   66,   63,  101},
+    {   62,   63,   62,   99},
+    {   22,   49,   60,   76},
+    {    0,   65,   64,   41}
+  },
+  {
+    {   27,   18,   53,   22},
+    {   26,   35,   22,   28},
+    {   27,   90,   27,   27},
+    {   28,   97,   29,   28},
+    {   22,   19,   80,   29},
+    {   15,   24,   42,   22},
+    {   17,   72,   27,   20},
+    {   22,   89,   28,   23},
+    {   19,   22,   40,   82},
+    {    6,   13,   36,   68},
+    {    0,   19,   14,   53},
+    {    8,   33,   10,   38},
+    {   22,   26,   24,   95},
+    {   13,   19,   25,   91},
+    {    6,   14,   22,   87},
+    {    4,   14,   13,   79}
+  },
+  {
+    {   50,   48,   80,   49},
+    {   50,   45,   73,   49},
+    {   50,   48,   62,   49},
+    {   49,   61,   54,   48},
+    {   50,   50,   84,   48},
+    {   50,   49,   84,   48},
+    {   50,   48,   82,   49},
+    {   50,   47,   76,   49},
+    {   50,   50,   69,   64},
+    {   51,   50,   77,   56},
+    {   48,   48,   82,   50},
+    {   37,   43,   81,   45},
+    {   49,   48,   44,   87},
+    {   40,   43,   50,   78},
+    {   17,   32,   58,   58},
+    {    0,   27,   64,   44}
+  },
+  {
+    {   29,   26,   37,   36},
+    {   24,   42,   16,   40},
+    {   25,   62,   35,   28},
+    {   28,   54,   51,   22},
+    {   24,   29,   22,   52},
+    {    9,   44,   21,   31},
+    {   16,   50,   54,   14},
+    {   27,   40,   65,   19},
+    {   17,   36,   21,   49},
+    {    0,   40,   41,   10},
+    {   15,   37,   65,    9},
+    {   28,   34,   66,   21},
+    {   16,   41,   36,   33},
+    {    6,   37,   54,    3},
+    {   19,   32,   64,   12},
+    {   28,   33,   62,   24}
+  },
+  {
+    {   19,   20,   50,   19},
+    {   19,   21,   49,   20},
+    {   19,   27,   47,   19},
+    {   19,   34,   43,   19},
+    {   19,   22,   54,   18},
+    {   19,   22,   55,   18},
+    {   19,   22,   55,   18},
+    {   19,   22,   53,   18},
+    {   21,   22,   45,   27},
+    {   19,   22,   47,   24},
+    {   18,   21,   48,   23},
+    {   18,   21,   47,   24},
+    {    9,   14,    2,   65},
+    {    3,   12,    2,   62},
+    {    0,   11,    4,   59},
+    {    0,   12,    6,   57}
+  }
+ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const uint8_t  mipOffsetMatrix4x4[16]) =
+{    1,   28,   28,   42,   56,   22,    9,    6,   35,   14,   50,   66,   29,   50,   31,   19};
+ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const uint8_t mipShiftMatrix4x4[16]) =
+{    6,    5,    5,    5,    5,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    5,    6,    5,    5,    5};
+ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const uint8_t mipMatrix8x8[8][16][8]) =
+  {
+    {   18,   77,   44,   26,    0,   17,   18,   19},
+    {   19,   70,   83,   26,   16,   13,   16,   17},
+    {   20,   40,   98,   36,   16,   16,   15,   16},
+    {   20,   29,   75,   68,   15,   17,   16,   16},
+    {   19,   82,   61,   29,   14,   10,   12,   22},
+    {   21,   59,   88,   30,   17,   13,   14,   17},
+    {   23,   46,   93,   36,   16,   17,   14,   16},
+    {   23,   33,   96,   43,   16,   18,   15,   17},
+    {   19,   82,   64,   30,   16,   17,    8,   17},
+    {   22,   61,   89,   29,   17,   17,   12,   15},
+    {   24,   44,   94,   38,   17,   17,   15,   16},
+    {   25,   34,   90,   47,   16,   19,   15,   17},
+    {   19,   77,   61,   30,   15,   17,   20,   10},
+    {   22,   63,   83,   30,   17,   16,   18,   10},
+    {   24,   44,   89,   39,   17,   18,   16,   16},
+    {   24,   35,   82,   50,   16,   19,   16,   17}
+  },
+  {
+    {   14,   15,   10,   12,   99,   11,   12,   13},
+    {   12,   61,    6,    9,   32,    8,   14,   13},
+    {   12,  104,   54,    2,    9,   17,   11,   14},
+    {   12,   24,  110,   33,   11,   18,   10,   14},
+    {   14,   14,   15,   11,   69,  102,    6,   12},
+    {   13,   13,   11,   10,  105,   30,    5,   14},
+    {   12,   45,    6,    8,   55,    5,   13,   12},
+    {   12,   72,   38,    6,   18,   14,   12,   13},
+    {   14,   12,   18,   10,    2,   77,  102,    3},
+    {   13,   12,   19,    8,   41,  122,   22,    7},
+    {   13,    4,   18,    8,   97,   60,    0,   13},
+    {   12,   16,   18,    9,   73,   17,   11,   12},
+    {   14,   12,   19,    9,   10,    8,   67,   98},
+    {   13,   12,   20,    8,    4,   57,  104,   20},
+    {   13,   10,   22,    7,   29,  109,   37,   12},
+    {   12,    5,   24,    9,   66,   70,   12,   17}
+  },
+  {
+    {   23,   42,   18,   23,   18,   41,   20,   23},
+    {   23,   86,   33,   20,   20,   33,   21,   23},
+    {   23,   18,   90,   25,   22,   32,   20,   23},
+    {   23,   25,   12,   94,   22,   33,   21,   23},
+    {   23,   36,   21,   23,    0,   79,   31,   21},
+    {   23,   68,   29,   21,    0,   67,   29,   21},
+    {   23,   29,   70,   24,    5,   58,   28,   21},
+    {   23,   22,   21,   78,   11,   50,   29,   22},
+    {   22,   28,   23,   23,   18,    9,   97,   25},
+    {   21,   35,   25,   22,   16,    8,   99,   22},
+    {   19,   30,   36,   22,   15,    6,  100,   21},
+    {   18,   22,   22,   45,   16,    5,   92,   23},
+    {   19,   24,   23,   21,   20,   28,    4,  101},
+    {   16,   23,   23,   20,   18,   28,    6,   99},
+    {   11,   24,   22,   18,   16,   28,    8,   97},
+    {    8,   21,   21,   23,   16,   25,   11,   93}
+  },
+  {
+    {   45,   61,   48,   48,   60,   81,   44,   44},
+    {   45,   46,   72,   53,   41,   84,   46,   43},
+    {   45,   42,   60,   78,   38,   76,   50,   43},
+    {   44,   46,   43,   94,   39,   63,   55,   45},
+    {   44,   44,   53,   51,   43,   83,   68,   44},
+    {   45,   33,   59,   63,   39,   68,   77,   44},
+    {   44,   43,   42,   79,   38,   54,   85,   46},
+    {   41,   46,   40,   82,   39,   44,   80,   52},
+    {   44,   41,   49,   52,   43,   39,   98,   60},
+    {   41,   40,   46,   63,   43,   33,   92,   66},
+    {   34,   43,   39,   70,   41,   30,   80,   75},
+    {   26,   40,   41,   68,   35,   36,   62,   83},
+    {   39,   42,   45,   52,   41,   43,   35,  117},
+    {   26,   44,   41,   56,   38,   44,   30,  115},
+    {    8,   36,   44,   53,   28,   51,   23,  108},
+    {    0,   26,   48,   51,   22,   56,   21,  103}
+  },
+  {
+    {   10,   15,   10,   11,   79,   18,    7,   10},
+    {   10,   18,   15,   10,   79,   14,    8,   10},
+    {   10,   15,   24,   13,   72,   12,    8,    9},
+    {   10,   12,    8,   40,   59,   13,    8,    9},
+    {   10,   10,   11,   10,    0,   80,   17,    7},
+    {   10,    9,   11,   11,    4,   82,   12,    6},
+    {    9,   11,   11,   11,    9,   81,   10,    6},
+    {    9,   10,   12,   15,   15,   72,   12,    6},
+    {   10,   11,   10,   10,   12,    2,   77,   14},
+    {   10,   12,   11,   11,   11,    8,   76,   10},
+    {    9,   11,   12,   11,    9,   15,   73,    7},
+    {    9,   11,   11,   14,    9,   24,   63,    8},
+    {   10,   11,   10,   11,    8,   12,    1,   82},
+    {   10,   12,   11,   11,    9,   10,    8,   76},
+    {   10,   11,   12,   12,   10,    7,   17,   69},
+    {    9,   11,   10,   15,   10,    8,   25,   60}
+  },
+  {
+    {   14,   34,   30,   13,   20,   58,    8,   14},
+    {   13,    1,   44,   32,    7,   32,   33,   13},
+    {   13,   12,    2,   56,   11,   11,   36,   33},
+    {   12,   17,    5,   38,   13,    7,   23,   58},
+    {   13,    7,   20,   22,   10,   21,   65,   18},
+    {   11,   10,    6,   29,   13,    5,   39,   56},
+    {    9,   17,    4,   20,   13,    9,   12,   83},
+    {    8,   14,   15,   11,   12,   13,    9,   85},
+    {   12,   14,    9,   19,   15,    7,   23,   74},
+    {    8,   15,   10,   14,   13,   13,    0,   93},
+    {    6,   14,   15,    9,   11,   15,    0,   93},
+    {    6,   14,   16,    9,   10,   15,    5,   87},
+    {   11,   14,   12,   15,   13,   15,    2,   89},
+    {    8,   13,   15,   12,   11,   15,    3,   88},
+    {    6,   14,   15,   11,   11,   16,    4,   87},
+    {    6,   14,   15,   12,   11,   16,    6,   83}
+  },
+  {
+    {   10,    6,    9,   11,   70,   11,    8,    9},
+    {    9,    8,    6,   11,   49,    4,   10,    8},
+    {    9,   38,    4,   11,   25,    6,   11,    8},
+    {    9,   41,   22,   14,   15,    9,   11,    8},
+    {    9,    8,    9,   11,   21,   68,   11,    7},
+    {    9,    6,    7,   11,   49,   49,    4,    8},
+    {    8,    9,    4,   11,   64,   23,    6,    8},
+    {    9,   16,    7,    9,   52,   11,   11,    7},
+    {    9,   10,    8,   10,    7,   19,   73,    5},
+    {    8,    9,    7,   11,    4,   50,   51,    0},
+    {    8,    9,    7,   11,   15,   66,   24,    3},
+    {    9,   10,    6,   12,   33,   53,   14,    6},
+    {    8,    9,    8,   10,   11,    5,   21,   67},
+    {    7,   10,    6,   11,   11,    1,   55,   37},
+    {    7,   11,    6,   11,    8,   13,   69,   15},
+    {    8,   12,    6,   12,   11,   31,   52,    9}
+  },
+  {
+    {   26,   43,   21,   27,   21,   46,   23,   26},
+    {   26,   66,   67,   19,   25,   27,   28,   26},
+    {   27,   18,   64,   63,   27,   27,   27,   27},
+    {   28,   28,   16,  101,   28,   27,   27,   28},
+    {   25,   42,   27,   24,    0,   81,   39,   21},
+    {   25,   39,   84,   23,   23,   32,   28,   25},
+    {   27,   22,   40,   84,   28,   25,   27,   27},
+    {   29,   28,   15,  102,   28,   28,   27,   28},
+    {   24,   34,   37,   22,   21,   19,   87,   30},
+    {   25,   22,   82,   38,   25,   29,   33,   25},
+    {   28,   26,   27,   95,   27,   28,   25,   27},
+    {   30,   27,   17,  101,   28,   28,   27,   28},
+    {   24,   24,   42,   27,   27,   27,   12,   95},
+    {   26,   19,   64,   55,   29,   28,   23,   39},
+    {   29,   28,   26,   94,   27,   28,   27,   26},
+    {   30,   28,   20,   98,   28,   28,   27,   30}
+  }
+ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const short mipOffsetMatrix8x8[8]) =
+{   15,   14,   23,   45,   10,   14,   10,   27};
+ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const short mipShiftMatrix8x8[8]) =
+{    7,    7,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6};
+ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const uint8_t mipMatrix16x16[6][64][7]) =
+  {
+    {   22,   13,   15,   50,   16,   17,   14},
+    {   55,    5,   15,   25,   22,   16,   14},
+    {   83,    7,   14,   18,   22,   17,   14},
+    {   58,   47,    7,   15,   21,   17,   15},
+    {   15,   81,    9,   12,   20,   18,   14},
+    {    5,   61,   38,   12,   19,   18,   14},
+    {   14,   20,   73,   13,   17,   18,   15},
+    {   18,    4,   84,   16,   16,   19,   16},
+    {   30,   12,   15,   57,   36,   15,   14},
+    {   54,    8,   14,   44,   33,   18,   13},
+    {   69,   14,   12,   29,   32,   20,   12},
+    {   48,   46,    8,   18,   30,   22,   13},
+    {   17,   68,   14,   11,   26,   24,   13},
+    {   10,   47,   43,   10,   22,   24,   13},
+    {   16,   16,   70,   12,   18,   24,   14},
+    {   20,    6,   77,   15,   16,   24,   16},
+    {   24,   15,   15,   28,   67,   15,   15},
+    {   38,   14,   14,   34,   52,   23,   13},
+    {   46,   21,   13,   29,   45,   27,   11},
+    {   36,   38,   13,   19,   38,   31,   11},
+    {   21,   46,   22,   13,   31,   34,   11},
+    {   18,   32,   43,   10,   26,   34,   12},
+    {   21,   13,   62,   11,   21,   33,   14},
+    {   22,    7,   66,   13,   18,   31,   17},
+    {   18,   17,   15,   12,   58,   40,   12},
+    {   22,   19,   15,   18,   50,   42,   12},
+    {   24,   23,   15,   19,   44,   45,   11},
+    {   25,   27,   19,   16,   37,   47,   11},
+    {   24,   26,   27,   13,   31,   48,   12},
+    {   25,   18,   39,   11,   27,   46,   13},
+    {   25,   12,   48,   10,   23,   43,   16},
+    {   25,   11,   51,   11,   20,   40,   19},
+    {   16,   17,   16,   14,   24,   71,   13},
+    {   14,   19,   16,   15,   27,   67,   14},
+    {   14,   20,   17,   15,   26,   66,   13},
+    {   18,   18,   21,   15,   24,   65,   13},
+    {   24,   14,   27,   15,   22,   64,   14},
+    {   27,   12,   31,   13,   20,   61,   16},
+    {   27,   13,   35,   12,   19,   56,   19},
+    {   26,   14,   37,   12,   18,   50,   23},
+    {   15,   16,   16,   17,    8,   68,   31},
+    {   13,   17,   17,   16,    8,   72,   26},
+    {   13,   17,   18,   17,    8,   74,   23},
+    {   16,   14,   21,   17,    8,   73,   22},
+    {   21,   11,   24,   17,    9,   72,   22},
+    {   25,   11,   24,   16,    9,   69,   24},
+    {   26,   14,   25,   15,   10,   64,   26},
+    {   25,   15,   28,   14,   12,   56,   30},
+    {   14,   15,   16,   16,    9,   37,   62},
+    {   14,   15,   17,   18,    4,   52,   51},
+    {   15,   14,   18,   19,    1,   60,   44},
+    {   17,   13,   19,   20,    0,   64,   41},
+    {   20,   11,   20,   19,    1,   63,   40},
+    {   22,   12,   20,   18,    3,   61,   40},
+    {   23,   14,   20,   17,    5,   58,   40},
+    {   23,   15,   22,   16,    8,   52,   42},
+    {   16,   14,   17,   16,   12,   15,   81},
+    {   17,   13,   17,   17,    6,   29,   71},
+    {   18,   13,   18,   19,    3,   38,   64},
+    {   18,   13,   18,   19,    1,   44,   60},
+    {   19,   13,   17,   20,    2,   45,   58},
+    {   20,   14,   17,   19,    3,   45,   56},
+    {   21,   14,   18,   18,    5,   45,   55},
+    {   22,   15,   19,   18,    7,   43,   53}
+  },
+  {
+    {   42,   21,   26,   96,   39,   29,   20},
+    {   42,   32,   28,   49,   66,   35,   21},
+    {   30,   41,   30,   29,   73,   40,   23},
+    {   23,   42,   35,   23,   72,   42,   26},
+    {   25,   34,   44,   22,   68,   46,   26},
+    {   26,   32,   49,   22,   65,   47,   25},
+    {   24,   33,   53,   21,   62,   47,   25},
+    {   22,   30,   62,   21,   57,   47,   25},
+    {   27,   25,   27,   46,   97,   33,   22},
+    {   11,   31,   31,   22,   94,   53,   22},
+    {    0,   29,   35,   16,   89,   60,   26},
+    {    6,   17,   41,   15,   86,   62,   28},
+    {   20,    4,   42,   16,   84,   63,   28},
+    {   26,    8,   35,   17,   84,   61,   28},
+    {   23,   24,   25,   18,   83,   60,   27},
+    {   21,   31,   27,   19,   77,   58,   28},
+    {   16,   22,   27,   14,  107,   48,   24},
+    {   11,   21,   32,   13,   84,   70,   26},
+    {   11,   17,   36,   14,   77,   73,   29},
+    {   13,   15,   35,   15,   77,   71,   31},
+    {   16,   14,   34,   15,   80,   68,   30},
+    {   17,   16,   31,   15,   84,   64,   30},
+    {   19,   19,   29,   16,   85,   61,   29},
+    {   19,   23,   30,   18,   81,   60,   29},
+    {   17,   18,   28,   14,   81,   76,   24},
+    {   15,   17,   31,   15,   71,   77,   33},
+    {   15,   16,   33,   14,   70,   74,   36},
+    {   15,   17,   32,   14,   73,   71,   36},
+    {   15,   18,   32,   13,   77,   67,   36},
+    {   15,   18,   32,   13,   81,   65,   34},
+    {   16,   17,   32,   13,   82,   64,   32},
+    {   18,   19,   32,   15,   78,   63,   32},
+    {   18,   17,   28,   18,   52,   97,   31},
+    {   16,   16,   31,   15,   64,   76,   41},
+    {   14,   17,   31,   14,   66,   72,   43},
+    {   15,   17,   32,   13,   70,   70,   42},
+    {   16,   18,   33,   11,   72,   70,   38},
+    {   16,   18,   33,   11,   74,   71,   35},
+    {   17,   17,   34,   13,   73,   72,   32},
+    {   18,   19,   33,   14,   70,   72,   32},
+    {   17,   19,   26,   16,   39,   87,   55},
+    {   14,   19,   29,   13,   57,   78,   49},
+    {   15,   18,   31,   12,   61,   76,   45},
+    {   15,   18,   32,   13,   63,   76,   42},
+    {   16,   17,   33,   13,   63,   79,   38},
+    {   17,   15,   35,   13,   62,   82,   34},
+    {   18,   15,   36,   13,   62,   82,   33},
+    {   19,   18,   34,   15,   59,   81,   33},
+    {   17,   19,   25,   15,   34,   59,   89},
+    {   14,   19,   29,   13,   47,   80,   56},
+    {   14,   19,   31,   12,   54,   84,   44},
+    {   16,   18,   32,   13,   57,   83,   41},
+    {   17,   17,   33,   14,   55,   85,   38},
+    {   18,   15,   35,   14,   53,   87,   36},
+    {   19,   14,   36,   15,   53,   86,   35},
+    {   20,   17,   36,   17,   52,   81,   37},
+    {   19,   19,   26,   17,   32,   42,  105},
+    {   17,   19,   28,   15,   40,   75,   65},
+    {   16,   19,   30,   14,   45,   84,   49},
+    {   17,   18,   32,   14,   50,   83,   45},
+    {   18,   17,   33,   16,   50,   82,   43},
+    {   19,   16,   35,   16,   49,   84,   40},
+    {   20,   15,   38,   17,   48,   83,   40},
+    {   21,   17,   38,   18,   48,   78,   41}
+  },
+  {
+    {   52,   46,   46,   55,   50,   46,   47},
+    {   65,   45,   45,   42,   52,   47,   47},
+    {   74,   48,   45,   40,   51,   48,   47},
+    {   67,   61,   44,   39,   50,   48,   48},
+    {   52,   74,   45,   39,   48,   48,   49},
+    {   44,   75,   53,   39,   47,   48,   50},
+    {   44,   57,   71,   40,   46,   46,   51},
+    {   50,   31,   92,   42,   45,   41,   55},
+    {   55,   45,   45,   48,   61,   48,   46},
+    {   65,   46,   45,   36,   57,   53,   46},
+    {   72,   50,   44,   31,   54,   54,   48},
+    {   66,   61,   44,   31,   51,   54,   49},
+    {   54,   73,   45,   32,   48,   52,   52},
+    {   45,   76,   52,   33,   46,   49,   55},
+    {   45,   59,   70,   36,   44,   44,   59},
+    {   50,   30,   93,   40,   43,   37,   64},
+    {   54,   46,   45,   39,   66,   53,   46},
+    {   65,   46,   45,   31,   57,   60,   47},
+    {   71,   50,   44,   26,   52,   61,   50},
+    {   67,   60,   44,   26,   48,   58,   53},
+    {   56,   72,   45,   27,   45,   53,   58},
+    {   47,   76,   51,   29,   43,   47,   63},
+    {   46,   59,   69,   33,   41,   39,   69},
+    {   51,   29,   93,   37,   40,   30,   76},
+    {   53,   46,   46,   35,   60,   64,   47},
+    {   64,   47,   45,   27,   53,   65,   50},
+    {   71,   50,   45,   22,   49,   62,   55},
+    {   68,   59,   44,   22,   46,   57,   61},
+    {   58,   71,   45,   24,   43,   50,   67},
+    {   48,   76,   51,   27,   41,   41,   74},
+    {   46,   59,   69,   32,   39,   31,   82},
+    {   51,   30,   93,   36,   38,   21,   88},
+    {   52,   46,   46,   35,   51,   71,   50},
+    {   63,   47,   45,   24,   51,   63,   58},
+    {   70,   51,   45,   19,   49,   56,   65},
+    {   68,   59,   44,   19,   45,   50,   72},
+    {   58,   71,   45,   22,   42,   41,   80},
+    {   48,   76,   51,   26,   39,   31,   88},
+    {   46,   59,   69,   30,   37,   21,   95},
+    {   51,   30,   93,   34,   36,   13,  100},
+    {   52,   46,   46,   35,   47,   65,   61},
+    {   62,   47,   45,   24,   49,   56,   69},
+    {   69,   51,   45,   19,   47,   47,   77},
+    {   68,   60,   44,   19,   44,   38,   85},
+    {   59,   71,   45,   22,   40,   29,   94},
+    {   49,   75,   51,   25,   37,   19,  102},
+    {   47,   59,   69,   28,   35,   11,  108},
+    {   52,   31,   93,   33,   34,    6,  110},
+    {   52,   47,   46,   36,   46,   50,   77},
+    {   61,   48,   45,   26,   46,   42,   84},
+    {   67,   52,   45,   21,   44,   34,   92},
+    {   66,   60,   44,   21,   41,   26,  100},
+    {   59,   70,   46,   22,   38,   17,  108},
+    {   50,   73,   53,   25,   35,   10,  114},
+    {   48,   57,   70,   28,   33,    3,  118},
+    {   52,   31,   92,   32,   32,    1,  118},
+    {   52,   47,   46,   38,   45,   32,   93},
+    {   59,   49,   46,   30,   43,   27,   99},
+    {   65,   53,   46,   25,   41,   21,  106},
+    {   64,   60,   46,   23,   38,   15,  111},
+    {   58,   67,   48,   24,   36,    9,  117},
+    {   51,   68,   56,   25,   34,    4,  121},
+    {   49,   55,   72,   27,   32,    0,  123},
+    {   52,   32,   92,   31,   30,    0,  123}
+  },
+  {
+    {   18,   16,   16,   71,   13,   16,   16},
+    {   36,   14,   16,   63,   18,   15,   17},
+    {   64,   11,   16,   60,   20,   13,   17},
+    {   64,   30,   13,   55,   22,   13,   17},
+    {   33,   63,    9,   50,   25,   12,   18},
+    {   15,   64,   24,   44,   27,   11,   18},
+    {   19,   27,   59,   38,   30,   10,   18},
+    {   24,    0,   81,   32,   31,   12,   18},
+    {   22,   16,   16,   65,   46,   10,   17},
+    {   25,   17,   16,   63,   50,    8,   18},
+    {   35,   16,   16,   58,   54,    6,   19},
+    {   41,   19,   16,   53,   58,    6,   19},
+    {   36,   30,   15,   48,   62,    5,   19},
+    {   28,   35,   20,   43,   63,    6,   19},
+    {   26,   24,   35,   37,   62,    8,   18},
+    {   26,   10,   50,   31,   59,   11,   19},
+    {   18,   17,   16,   22,   81,   10,   18},
+    {   18,   18,   16,   22,   81,   12,   19},
+    {   19,   18,   16,   21,   81,   13,   19},
+    {   22,   16,   17,   20,   80,   15,   18},
+    {   25,   16,   17,   20,   77,   20,   17},
+    {   26,   19,   17,   20,   73,   25,   16},
+    {   25,   19,   20,   20,   68,   29,   16},
+    {   24,   16,   27,   21,   60,   31,   17},
+    {   16,   17,   16,    9,   59,   45,   14},
+    {   16,   17,   16,   10,   55,   49,   14},
+    {   16,   17,   16,   12,   50,   54,   14},
+    {   17,   16,   16,   13,   45,   59,   13},
+    {   19,   15,   16,   15,   39,   63,   13},
+    {   21,   16,   16,   17,   35,   66,   14},
+    {   22,   17,   16,   18,   33,   65,   16},
+    {   22,   17,   19,   18,   33,   59,   21},
+    {   17,   16,   16,   15,   20,   78,   16},
+    {   17,   16,   16,   16,   18,   77,   19},
+    {   17,   16,   15,   17,   15,   77,   22},
+    {   17,   16,   15,   17,   13,   76,   24},
+    {   18,   16,   15,   18,   11,   75,   27},
+    {   18,   16,   15,   19,   11,   71,   31},
+    {   19,   17,   15,   19,   13,   65,   35},
+    {   19,   17,   16,   18,   16,   57,   39},
+    {   17,   16,   16,   18,    9,   61,   42},
+    {   17,   16,   15,   18,   10,   55,   47},
+    {   18,   16,   15,   18,    9,   51,   52},
+    {   18,   17,   15,   18,    9,   47,   56},
+    {   18,   17,   15,   18,   10,   43,   60},
+    {   18,   17,   14,   18,   11,   39,   63},
+    {   18,   18,   14,   17,   12,   36,   65},
+    {   19,   17,   15,   18,   13,   35,   65},
+    {   16,   16,   15,   16,   14,   24,   75},
+    {   17,   17,   15,   17,   14,   21,   78},
+    {   17,   17,   15,   17,   14,   19,   80},
+    {   18,   17,   15,   17,   13,   17,   82},
+    {   18,   18,   14,   17,   13,   16,   84},
+    {   18,   18,   15,   17,   13,   15,   84},
+    {   19,   17,   15,   17,   13,   16,   84},
+    {   19,   17,   16,   17,   14,   18,   81},
+    {   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,    8,   89},
+    {   17,   16,   16,   16,   16,    8,   89},
+    {   18,   17,   15,   16,   15,    8,   90},
+    {   18,   18,   15,   16,   15,    8,   90},
+    {   19,   18,   15,   17,   15,    8,   90},
+    {   19,   18,   15,   17,   15,    7,   90},
+    {   19,   17,   16,   17,   14,    8,   90},
+    {   19,   17,   17,   17,   15,   10,   87}
+  },
+  {
+    {   29,   12,   13,   53,   18,   11,   15},
+    {   56,   12,   13,   24,   32,    7,   16},
+    {   54,   32,   12,   12,   33,   11,   15},
+    {   21,   61,   15,    8,   27,   18,   13},
+    {    5,   54,   36,    8,   20,   22,   13},
+    {   10,   21,   64,    9,   15,   24,   16},
+    {   16,    2,   75,   11,   11,   23,   23},
+    {   16,    2,   68,   12,    9,   19,   33},
+    {   29,   16,   14,   41,   56,    2,   17},
+    {   28,   29,   15,   18,   56,   10,   15},
+    {   14,   42,   21,    7,   42,   24,   13},
+    {    6,   36,   37,    7,   25,   35,   14},
+    {   11,   14,   55,   10,   13,   37,   21},
+    {   16,    0,   61,   11,    8,   33,   31},
+    {   16,    0,   56,   11,    6,   26,   43},
+    {   15,    6,   46,   12,    7,   20,   53},
+    {   13,   22,   16,    9,   73,   17,   14},
+    {    8,   28,   22,    9,   46,   40,   11},
+    {    6,   23,   32,   11,   21,   53,   15},
+    {   11,    9,   43,   13,    9,   50,   27},
+    {   16,    0,   46,   14,    4,   40,   42},
+    {   17,    2,   41,   14,    5,   28,   55},
+    {   15,    7,   34,   13,    6,   20,   65},
+    {   14,   11,   29,   12,    9,   15,   69},
+    {   10,   18,   19,    8,   35,   62,    9},
+    {    9,   16,   25,   15,   13,   67,   18},
+    {   12,    9,   32,   17,    4,   54,   36},
+    {   15,    5,   34,   17,    4,   36,   53},
+    {   16,    4,   31,   15,    7,   22,   67},
+    {   16,    8,   27,   15,    9,   14,   75},
+    {   14,   12,   22,   13,   10,   11,   79},
+    {   12,   14,   21,   12,   12,   10,   78},
+    {   12,   13,   19,   16,    6,   73,   23},
+    {   13,   10,   24,   17,    4,   49,   46},
+    {   14,    7,   26,   17,    7,   27,   65},
+    {   15,    7,   25,   16,   10,   13,   77},
+    {   15,    9,   22,   15,   12,    7,   83},
+    {   14,   12,   19,   14,   13,    5,   85},
+    {   13,   14,   18,   13,   13,    5,   85},
+    {   12,   14,   18,   12,   14,    7,   82},
+    {   14,   12,   19,   16,    7,   40,   56},
+    {   14,    9,   22,   15,   11,   17,   74},
+    {   14,    8,   22,   15,   13,    6,   84},
+    {   14,    9,   21,   15,   14,    2,   87},
+    {   13,   11,   18,   14,   14,    2,   88},
+    {   13,   13,   17,   14,   15,    2,   88},
+    {   12,   14,   16,   13,   16,    3,   87},
+    {   12,   15,   16,   12,   15,    6,   83},
+    {   14,   11,   18,   14,   14,   10,   81},
+    {   14,    9,   19,   14,   15,    3,   87},
+    {   14,   10,   19,   14,   15,    0,   90},
+    {   13,   11,   17,   14,   15,    0,   90},
+    {   13,   12,   17,   14,   15,    1,   89},
+    {   13,   14,   16,   13,   16,    2,   88},
+    {   12,   15,   15,   12,   16,    3,   86},
+    {   12,   14,   16,   13,   16,    6,   83},
+    {   13,   11,   17,   14,   16,    2,   87},
+    {   14,   11,   18,   14,   16,    1,   88},
+    {   14,   11,   17,   14,   15,    2,   88},
+    {   13,   13,   17,   14,   15,    3,   87},
+    {   13,   13,   17,   14,   15,    3,   86},
+    {   13,   14,   16,   13,   16,    4,   85},
+    {   12,   15,   16,   12,   16,    5,   83},
+    {   12,   15,   16,   13,   15,    7,   81}
+  },
+  {
+    {   11,   11,   11,   53,    9,   12,   11},
+    {   18,   10,   10,   32,   13,   10,   11},
+    {   40,    8,   11,   20,   13,   11,   11},
+    {   56,   14,    9,   16,   13,   12,   10},
+    {   47,   37,    6,   13,   12,   12,   10},
+    {   23,   60,   10,   12,   13,   11,   11},
+    {   10,   50,   33,   11,   12,   11,   11},
+    {   13,   15,   66,   12,   12,   11,   11},
+    {   15,   11,   11,   62,   26,    9,   10},
+    {   13,   12,   10,   57,   17,   11,   10},
+    {   17,   12,   10,   43,   15,   11,   10},
+    {   34,    8,   11,   30,   14,   12,   10},
+    {   49,   12,   10,   22,   13,   12,   10},
+    {   45,   31,    7,   17,   13,   12,   10},
+    {   28,   49,   11,   14,   13,   12,   10},
+    {   17,   41,   31,   13,   13,   11,   10},
+    {   14,   11,   11,   33,   59,    6,   11},
+    {   13,   11,   11,   48,   42,    8,   10},
+    {   12,   12,   11,   51,   30,    9,   10},
+    {   18,   10,   11,   45,   22,   11,   10},
+    {   31,    8,   11,   37,   17,   12,   10},
+    {   41,   13,   10,   28,   15,   12,    9},
+    {   39,   27,    8,   21,   15,   12,   10},
+    {   29,   36,   15,   17,   15,   12,   10},
+    {   11,   12,   11,   11,   63,   26,    8},
+    {   12,   11,   11,   23,   61,   16,   10},
+    {   12,   12,   11,   34,   53,   10,   10},
+    {   13,   12,   11,   41,   43,    9,   10},
+    {   18,   10,   11,   42,   33,    9,   10},
+    {   27,    9,   11,   37,   26,   10,   10},
+    {   33,   14,   10,   31,   22,   11,   10},
+    {   32,   23,   12,   24,   20,   11,   10},
+    {   11,   12,   11,   10,   32,   61,    5},
+    {   11,   12,   11,   11,   49,   42,    6},
+    {   11,   12,   11,   17,   58,   26,    8},
+    {   11,   12,   11,   25,   58,   16,    9},
+    {   13,   11,   11,   32,   52,   11,    9},
+    {   17,   10,   11,   35,   43,   10,   10},
+    {   23,   11,   10,   34,   35,   10,   10},
+    {   27,   15,   11,   29,   29,   12,    9},
+    {   11,   12,   11,   13,    9,   70,   17},
+    {   11,   11,   11,   12,   23,   65,   10},
+    {   11,   12,   10,   12,   38,   53,    6},
+    {   11,   12,   10,   14,   51,   37,    7},
+    {   11,   11,   11,   20,   56,   24,    8},
+    {   12,   11,   11,   26,   53,   17,    9},
+    {   16,   11,   11,   30,   47,   14,    9},
+    {   20,   13,   11,   30,   38,   14,   10},
+    {   11,   11,   10,   13,    9,   35,   52},
+    {   11,   11,   10,   13,   11,   51,   34},
+    {   11,   11,   10,   13,   20,   57,   20},
+    {   11,   12,   10,   13,   33,   52,   12},
+    {   10,   12,   10,   14,   44,   42,   10},
+    {   11,   12,   10,   18,   49,   32,    9},
+    {   12,   12,   11,   23,   49,   24,   10},
+    {   15,   13,   11,   25,   43,   21,   10},
+    {   11,   11,   11,   11,   16,    0,   81},
+    {   10,   12,   10,   12,   16,   16,   65},
+    {   11,   11,   10,   13,   17,   33,   47},
+    {   11,   12,   10,   13,   22,   43,   31},
+    {   11,   12,   10,   13,   29,   45,   21},
+    {   11,   12,   11,   15,   37,   40,   16},
+    {   11,   12,   11,   18,   41,   34,   14},
+    {   12,   13,   12,   20,   40,   28,   14}
+  }
+ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const uint8_t mipOffsetMatrix16x16[6]) =
+{   15,   19,   46,   16,   14,   11};
+ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const uint8_t mipShiftMatrix16x16[6]) =
+{    6,    7,    5,    6,    6,    6};
 ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const uint8_t mipMatrix4x4[18][16][4]) =
@@ -964,3 +1823,4 @@ ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const uint8_t mipOffsetMatrix16x16[6]) =
 ALIGN_DATA(MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, const uint8_t mipShiftMatrix16x16[6]) =
 {  7,    5,    6,    6,    6,    6 };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
index 28207f27b0a3b7282aba2a1cb17f49a87ae2d7e2..f47bc9d5ac1ed81b56f4ab2635b8522e40ef6056 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <cassert>
+#define JVET_P0803_COMBINED_MIP_CLEANUP                   1 // JVET-P0803: Several MIP cleanups
 #define JVET_P0641_REMOVE_2xN_CHROMA_INTRA                1 // JVET-P0641: removing 2xN chroma intra blocks
 #define JVET_P0206_TMVP_flags                             1 // JVET-P0206: Signalling TMVP usage (remove pps TMVP idc and constraint when RPR is used)
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Unit.cpp b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Unit.cpp
index af23619b5ea15f8fa304513b9faf7fca99d29e05..12a75b1a4467a5bb7304f131c2ab48c281fbeffb 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Unit.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Unit.cpp
@@ -514,6 +514,9 @@ void PredictionUnit::initData()
   // intra data - need this default initialization for PCM
   intraDir[0] = DC_IDX;
   intraDir[1] = PLANAR_IDX;
+  mipTransposedFlag = false;
   multiRefIdx = 0;
   // inter data
@@ -565,6 +568,9 @@ PredictionUnit& PredictionUnit::operator=(const IntraPredictionData& predData)
     intraDir[i] = predData.intraDir[i];
+  mipTransposedFlag = predData.mipTransposedFlag;
   multiRefIdx = predData.multiRefIdx;
   return *this;
@@ -619,6 +625,9 @@ PredictionUnit& PredictionUnit::operator=( const PredictionUnit& other )
     intraDir[ i ] = other.intraDir[ i ];
+  mipTransposedFlag = other.mipTransposedFlag;
   multiRefIdx = other.multiRefIdx;
   mergeFlag   = other.mergeFlag;
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Unit.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Unit.h
index 1cfc5a798da2558b05a0e82cebc72ba4eff53507..c81df32a28253440eed4441153dbc7ebe219e16b 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Unit.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Unit.h
@@ -377,6 +377,9 @@ struct CodingUnit : public UnitArea
 struct IntraPredictionData
   uint32_t  intraDir[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];
+  bool      mipTransposedFlag;
   int       multiRefIdx;
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/UnitTools.cpp b/source/Lib/CommonLib/UnitTools.cpp
index 95141fe5bfba2f4255b414d800c0391218af6fe4..e5b1bcd3e835a445372ecf7a1f5b2eeac173944e 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/UnitTools.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/UnitTools.cpp
@@ -3917,6 +3917,15 @@ uint32_t getCtuAddr( const Position& pos, const PreCalcValues& pcv )
 int getNumModesMip(const Size& block)
+  switch( getMipSizeId(block) )
+  {
+  case 0: return 16;
+  case 1: return  8;
+  case 2: return  6;
+  default: THROW( "Invalid mipSizeId" );
+  }
   if (block.width > (4 * block.height) || block.height > (4 * block.width))
     return 0;
@@ -3934,13 +3943,34 @@ int getNumModesMip(const Size& block)
     return 11;
+int getMipSizeId(const Size& block)
+  if( block.width == 4 && block.height == 4 )
+  {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  else if( block.width <= 8 && block.height <= 8 )
+  {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return 2;
+  }
 bool mipModesAvailable(const Size& block)
   return (getNumModesMip(block));
 bool allowLfnstWithMip(const Size& block)
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/UnitTools.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/UnitTools.h
index 497679860c42c1483a8f7307c98f2ac1d29d9d3c..820c3f5356ece172684489d75fd7b63c86c19e14 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/UnitTools.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/UnitTools.h
@@ -217,7 +217,12 @@ namespace TU
 uint32_t getCtuAddr        (const Position& pos, const PreCalcValues &pcv);
 int  getNumModesMip   (const Size& block);
+int getMipSizeId      (const Size& block);
 bool mipModesAvailable(const Size& block);
 bool allowLfnstWithMip(const Size& block);
 template<typename T, size_t N>
diff --git a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/CABACReader.cpp b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/CABACReader.cpp
index 8b3a7fad91cfaf0c404db8d3b385947c1912aea9..7fc535971f61de81ed390caca58d4f4937eb8b0a 100644
--- a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/CABACReader.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/CABACReader.cpp
@@ -3918,6 +3918,9 @@ void CABACReader::mip_flag( CodingUnit& cu )
     cu.mipFlag = false;
+  CHECK( cu.lwidth() > MIP_MAX_WIDTH || cu.lheight() > MIP_MAX_HEIGHT, "Error: block size not supported for MIP" );
   if( cu.lwidth() > cu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize() || cu.lheight() > cu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize())
     cu.mipFlag = false;
@@ -3928,6 +3931,7 @@ void CABACReader::mip_flag( CodingUnit& cu )
     cu.mipFlag = false;
   unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxMipFlag( cu );
   cu.mipFlag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MipFlag( ctxId ) );
@@ -3950,6 +3954,19 @@ void CABACReader::mip_pred_modes( CodingUnit &cu )
 void CABACReader::mip_pred_mode( PredictionUnit &pu )
+  CHECK( pu.lwidth() > MIP_MAX_WIDTH || pu.lheight() > MIP_MAX_HEIGHT, "Error: block size not supported" );
+  pu.mipTransposedFlag = bool(m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP());
+  uint32_t mipMode;
+  const int numModes = getNumModesMip( pu.Y() );
+  xReadTruncBinCode( mipMode, numModes );
+  pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] = mipMode;
+  CHECKD( pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] < 0 || pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] >= numModes, "Invalid MIP mode" );
+  DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mip_pred_mode() pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d transposed=%d\n", pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y, pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA], pu.mipTransposedFlag ? 1 : 0 );
   CHECK( pu.lwidth() > pu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize() || pu.lheight() > pu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize(), "Error: block size not supported" );
   const int numModes   = getNumModesMip( pu.Y() ); CHECKD( numModes > MAX_NUM_MIP_MODE, "Error: too many MIP modes" );
@@ -3960,4 +3977,5 @@ void CABACReader::mip_pred_mode( PredictionUnit &pu )
   CHECKD(pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] < 0 || pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] >= numModes, "Invalid MIP mode");
   DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mip_pred_mode() pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y, pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] );
diff --git a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecCu.cpp b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecCu.cpp
index 13ae6e5be9330fef0fdde60bd9f7236bfc2337d1..66c22c9f70b57b90913e33794c27216ef83972b9 100644
--- a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecCu.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecCu.cpp
@@ -237,7 +237,11 @@ void DecCu::xIntraRecBlk( TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID )
     if( PU::isMIP( pu, chType ) )
+      m_pcIntraPred->initIntraMip( pu, area );
       m_pcIntraPred->initIntraMip( pu );
       m_pcIntraPred->predIntraMip( compID, piPred, pu );
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/CABACWriter.cpp b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/CABACWriter.cpp
index e2508b372d47dcba440c65cb9b447e157f202cc2..e96a72b0e7378ed0dc7e81d2f9f6f0ebfa31eb55 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/CABACWriter.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/CABACWriter.cpp
@@ -3681,6 +3681,9 @@ void CABACWriter::mip_flag( const CodingUnit& cu )
+  CHECK( cu.lwidth() > MIP_MAX_WIDTH || cu.lheight() > MIP_MAX_HEIGHT, "Error: block size not supported for MIP" );
   if( cu.lwidth() > cu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize() || cu.lheight() > cu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize())
@@ -3689,6 +3692,7 @@ void CABACWriter::mip_flag( const CodingUnit& cu )
   unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxMipFlag( cu );
   m_BinEncoder.encodeBin( cu.mipFlag, Ctx::MipFlag( ctxId ) );
@@ -3709,11 +3713,21 @@ void CABACWriter::mip_pred_modes( const CodingUnit& cu )
 void CABACWriter::mip_pred_mode( const PredictionUnit& pu )
+  m_BinEncoder.encodeBinEP( (pu.mipTransposedFlag ? 1 : 0) );
+  const int numModes = getNumModesMip( pu.Y() );
+  CHECKD( pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] < 0 || pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] >= numModes, "Invalid MIP mode" );
+  xWriteTruncBinCode( pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA], numModes );
+  DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mip_pred_mode() pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d transposed=%d\n", pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y, pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA], pu.mipTransposedFlag ? 1 : 0 );
   const int numModes = getNumModesMip( pu.Y() ); CHECKD( numModes > MAX_NUM_MIP_MODE, "Error: too many MIP modes" );
   xWriteTruncBinCode( pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA], numModes );
   DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mip_pred_mode() pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y, pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] );
 void CABACWriter::codeAlfCtuFilterIndex(CodingStructure& cs, uint32_t ctuRsAddr, bool alfEnableLuma)
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/IntraSearch.cpp b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/IntraSearch.cpp
index 71202a6f7f3f80acbabc53b91ad023bacb7debbf..33612acb0cc233fbc7777a2bf7814e1d55e7e236 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/IntraSearch.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/IntraSearch.cpp
@@ -364,8 +364,14 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
     //===== determine set of modes to be tested (using prediction signal only) =====
     int numModesAvailable = NUM_LUMA_MODE; // total number of Intra modes
     const bool fastMip    = sps.getUseMIP() && m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastMIP();
+    CHECK( pu.lwidth() > MIP_MAX_WIDTH || pu.lheight() > MIP_MAX_HEIGHT, "Error: block size not supported for MIP" );
+    const bool mipAllowed = sps.getUseMIP() && isLuma(partitioner.chType) && ((cu.lfnstIdx == 0) || allowLfnstWithMip(cu.firstPU->lumaSize()));
+    const bool testMip = mipAllowed && !(cu.lwidth() > (8 * cu.lheight()) || cu.lheight() > (8 * cu.lwidth()));
     const bool mipAllowed = sps.getUseMIP() && isLuma(partitioner.chType) && pu.lwidth() <= cu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize() && pu.lheight() <= cu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize() && ((cu.lfnstIdx == 0) || allowLfnstWithMip(cu.firstPU->lumaSize()));
     const bool testMip    = mipAllowed && mipModesAvailable(pu.Y());
     static_vector<ModeInfo, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM> uiRdModeList;
@@ -470,8 +476,13 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
             DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_INTRA_COST, "IntraHAD: %u, %llu, %f (%d)\n", minSadHad, fracModeBits, cost, uiMode);
+            updateCandList( ModeInfo( false, false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiMode ), cost,              uiRdModeList,  CandCostList, numModesForFullRD );
+            updateCandList( ModeInfo( false, false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiMode ), double(minSadHad), uiHadModeList, CandHadList,  numHadCand );
             updateCandList( ModeInfo(false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiMode), cost,          uiRdModeList,  CandCostList, numModesForFullRD );
             updateCandList( ModeInfo(false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiMode), (double)minSadHad, uiHadModeList, CandHadList,  numHadCand );
           if( !sps.getUseMIP() && LFNSTSaveFlag )
@@ -540,8 +551,13 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
                 double cost = (double) minSadHad + (double) fracModeBits * sqrtLambdaForFirstPass;
+                updateCandList( ModeInfo( false, false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, mode ), cost,              uiRdModeList,  CandCostList, numModesForFullRD );
+                updateCandList( ModeInfo( false, false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, mode ), double(minSadHad), uiHadModeList, CandHadList,  numHadCand );
                 updateCandList( ModeInfo( false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, mode ), cost,        uiRdModeList,  CandCostList, numModesForFullRD );
                 updateCandList( ModeInfo( false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, mode ), (double)minSadHad, uiHadModeList, CandHadList,  numHadCand );
                 bSatdChecked[mode] = true;
@@ -595,8 +611,13 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
               uint64_t fracModeBits = xFracModeBitsIntra(pu, mode, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);
               double cost = (double)minSadHad + (double)fracModeBits * sqrtLambdaForFirstPass;
+              updateCandList( ModeInfo( false, false, multiRefIdx, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, mode ), cost,              uiRdModeList,  CandCostList, numModesForFullRD );
+              updateCandList( ModeInfo( false, false, multiRefIdx, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, mode ), double(minSadHad), uiHadModeList, CandHadList,  numHadCand );
               updateCandList( ModeInfo( false, multiRefIdx, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, mode ), cost,        uiRdModeList,  CandCostList, numModesForFullRD );
               updateCandList( ModeInfo( false, multiRefIdx, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, mode ), (double)minSadHad, uiHadModeList, CandHadList,  numHadCand );
@@ -627,10 +648,23 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
             double mipHadCost[MAX_NUM_MIP_MODE] = { MAX_DOUBLE };
             initIntraPatternChType(cu, pu.Y());
+            initIntraMip( pu, pu.Y() );
+            const int transpOff    = getNumModesMip( pu.Y() );
+            const int numModesFull = (transpOff << 1);
+            for( uint32_t uiModeFull = 0; uiModeFull < numModesFull; uiModeFull++ )
+            {
+              const bool     isTransposed = (uiModeFull >= transpOff ? true : false);
+              const uint32_t uiMode       = (isTransposed ? uiModeFull - transpOff : uiModeFull);
+              pu.mipTransposedFlag = isTransposed;
             initIntraMip( pu );
             for (uint32_t uiMode = 0; uiMode < getNumModesMip(pu.Y()); uiMode++)
               pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] = uiMode;
               predIntraMip(COMPONENT_Y, piPred, pu);
@@ -643,11 +677,19 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
               uint64_t fracModeBits = xFracModeBitsIntra(pu, uiMode, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);
               double cost = double(minSadHad) + double(fracModeBits) * sqrtLambdaForFirstPass;
+              mipHadCost[uiModeFull] = cost;
+              DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_INTRA_COST, "IntraMIP: %u, %llu, %f (%d)\n", minSadHad, fracModeBits, cost, uiModeFull);
+              updateCandList( ModeInfo( true, isTransposed, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiMode ), cost,                  uiRdModeList,  CandCostList, numModesForFullRD + 1 );
+              updateCandList( ModeInfo( true, isTransposed, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiMode ), 0.8*double(minSadHad), uiHadModeList, CandHadList,  numHadCand );
               mipHadCost[uiMode] = cost;
               DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_INTRA_COST, "IntraMIP: %u, %llu, %f (%d)\n", minSadHad, fracModeBits, cost, uiMode);
               updateCandList(ModeInfo(true, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiMode), cost, uiRdModeList, CandCostList, numModesForFullRD + 1);
               updateCandList(ModeInfo(true, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiMode), 0.8*double(minSadHad), uiHadModeList, CandHadList, numHadCand);
             const double thresholdHadCost = 1.0 + 1.4 / sqrt((double)(pu.lwidth()*pu.lheight()));
@@ -688,7 +730,11 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
           for( int j = 0; j < numCand; j++ )
             bool mostProbableModeIncluded = false;
+            ModeInfo mostProbableMode( false, false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiPreds[j] );
             ModeInfo mostProbableMode( false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiPreds[j] );
             for( int i = 0; i < numModesForFullRD; i++ )
@@ -708,7 +754,11 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
             for (int j = 0; j < numCand; j++)
               bool     mostProbableModeIncluded = false;
+              ModeInfo mostProbableMode( false, false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiPreds[j] );
               ModeInfo mostProbableMode(false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiPreds[j]);
               for (int i = 0; i < m_ispCandListHor.size(); i++)
@@ -826,7 +876,11 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
       // we reserve positions for ISP in the common full RD list
       const int maxNumRDModesISP = 16;
       for (int i = 0; i < maxNumRDModesISP; i++)
+        uiRdModeList.push_back( ModeInfo( false, false, 0, INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS_RESERVED, 0 ) );
         uiRdModeList.push_back(ModeInfo(false, 0, INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS_RESERVED, 0));
     //===== check modes (using r-d costs) =====
@@ -844,6 +898,7 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
     csTemp->picture = cs.picture;
     csBest->picture = cs.picture;
     static_vector<int, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM> rdModeIdxList;
     if (testMip)
@@ -886,6 +941,7 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
         uiRdModeList[i] = rdModeListTemp[i];
     // just to be sure
     numModesForFullRD = ( int ) uiRdModeList.size();
@@ -903,8 +959,15 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
         cu.bdpcmMode = -mode;
+        uiOrgMode = ModeInfo( false, false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, cu.bdpcmMode == 2 ? VER_IDX : HOR_IDX );
         uiOrgMode = ModeInfo(false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, cu.bdpcmMode == 2 ? VER_IDX : HOR_IDX);
         cu.mipFlag                     = uiOrgMode.mipFlg;
+        pu.mipTransposedFlag           = uiOrgMode.mipTrFlg;
         cu.ispMode                     = uiOrgMode.ispMod;
         pu.multiRefIdx                 = uiOrgMode.mRefId;
         pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] = uiOrgMode.modeId;
@@ -924,6 +987,9 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
         uiOrgMode = uiRdModeList[mode];
       cu.mipFlag                     = uiOrgMode.mipFlg;
+      pu.mipTransposedFlag           = uiOrgMode.mipTrFlg;
       cu.ispMode                     = uiOrgMode.ispMod;
       pu.multiRefIdx                 = uiOrgMode.mRefId;
       pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] = uiOrgMode.modeId;
@@ -964,7 +1030,11 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
       if (!cu.ispMode && !cu.mtsFlag && !cu.lfnstIdx && !cu.bdpcmMode && !pu.multiRefIdx && !cu.mipFlag && testISP)
+        m_regIntraRDListWithCosts.push_back( ModeInfoWithCost( cu.mipFlag, pu.mipTransposedFlag, pu.multiRefIdx, cu.ispMode, uiOrgMode.modeId, csTemp->cost ) );
         m_regIntraRDListWithCosts.push_back(ModeInfoWithCost(cu.mipFlag, pu.multiRefIdx, cu.ispMode, uiOrgMode.modeId, csTemp->cost));
       if( cu.ispMode && !csTemp->cus[0]->firstTU->cbf[COMPONENT_Y] )
@@ -977,7 +1047,11 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
       if( sps.getUseLFNST() && mtsUsageFlag == 1 && !cu.ispMode && mode >= 0 )
+        m_modeCostStore[lfnstIdx][mode] = tmpValidReturn ? csTemp->cost : (MAX_DOUBLE / 2.0); //(MAX_DOUBLE / 2.0) ??
         m_modeCostStore[ lfnstIdx ][ testMip ? rdModeIdxList[ mode ] : mode ] = tmpValidReturn ? csTemp->cost : ( MAX_DOUBLE / 2.0 ); //(MAX_DOUBLE / 2.0) ??
       DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_INTRA_COST, "IntraCost T [x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d] %f (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) \n", cu.blocks[0].x,
@@ -1045,6 +1119,9 @@ bool IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner,
       //=== update PU data ====
       cu.mipFlag = uiBestPUMode.mipFlg;
+      pu.mipTransposedFlag             = uiBestPUMode.mipTrFlg;
       pu.multiRefIdx = uiBestPUMode.mRefId;
       pu.intraDir[ CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ] = uiBestPUMode.modeId;
       cu.bdpcmMode = bestBDPCMMode;
@@ -2363,6 +2440,9 @@ void IntraSearch::xIntraCodingTUBlock(TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &comp
       if( PU::isMIP( pu, chType ) )
+        initIntraMip( pu, area );
         predIntraMip( compID, piPred, pu );
@@ -3845,10 +3925,18 @@ void IntraSearch::reduceHadCandList(static_vector<T, N>& candModeList, static_ve
   if ((pu.lwidth() > 8 && pu.lheight() > 8))
     // Sort MIP candidates by Hadamard cost
+    const int transpOff = getNumModesMip( pu.Y() );
     const int transpOff = getNumModesMip(pu.Y()) / 2;
     static_vector<uint8_t, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM> sortedMipModes(0);
     static_vector<double, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM> sortedMipCost(0);
+    for( uint8_t mode : { 0, 1, 2 } )
     for (uint8_t mode : { 3, 4, 5 })
       uint8_t candMode = mode + uint8_t((mipHadCost[mode + transpOff] < mipHadCost[mode]) ? transpOff : 0);
       updateCandList(candMode, mipHadCost[candMode], sortedMipModes, sortedMipCost, 3);
@@ -3858,7 +3946,13 @@ void IntraSearch::reduceHadCandList(static_vector<T, N>& candModeList, static_ve
     const int modeListSize = int(tempRdModeList.size());
     for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)
+      const bool     isTransposed = (sortedMipModes[idx] >= transpOff ? true : false);
+      const uint32_t mipIdx       = (isTransposed ? sortedMipModes[idx] - transpOff : sortedMipModes[idx]);
+      const ModeInfo mipMode( true, isTransposed, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, mipIdx );
       const ModeInfo mipMode(true, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, sortedMipModes[idx]);
       bool alreadyIncluded = false;
       for (int modeListIdx = 0; modeListIdx < modeListSize; modeListIdx++)
@@ -4080,12 +4174,20 @@ void IntraSearch::xSortISPCandList(double bestCostSoFar, double bestNonISPCost)
   ModeInfo refMode = origHadList.at(0);
   auto* destListPtr = &m_ispCandListHor;
   // 1) Planar
+  destListPtr->push_back( ModeInfo( refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, mode1 ) );
   destListPtr->push_back(ModeInfo(refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, mode1));
   modeIsInList[mode1] = true;
   // 2) Best angle in regular intra
   if (mode2 != -1)
+    destListPtr->push_back( ModeInfo( refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, mode2 ) );
     destListPtr->push_back(ModeInfo(refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, mode2));
     modeIsInList[mode2] = true;
   // 3) Remaining regular intra modes that were full RD tested (except DC, which is added after the angles from regular intra)
@@ -4097,7 +4199,11 @@ void IntraSearch::xSortISPCandList(double bestCostSoFar, double bestNonISPCost)
       if (currentMode > DC_IDX)
+        destListPtr->push_back( ModeInfo( refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, currentMode ) );
         destListPtr->push_back(ModeInfo(refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, currentMode));
         modeIsInList[currentMode] = true;
       else if (currentMode == DC_IDX)
@@ -4109,7 +4215,11 @@ void IntraSearch::xSortISPCandList(double bestCostSoFar, double bestNonISPCost)
   // 4) DC is added after the angles from regular intra
   if (dcModeIndex != -1)
+    destListPtr->push_back( ModeInfo( refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, DC_IDX ) );
     destListPtr->push_back(ModeInfo(refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, DC_IDX));
     modeIsInList[DC_IDX] = true;
@@ -4126,7 +4236,11 @@ void IntraSearch::xSortISPCandList(double bestCostSoFar, double bestNonISPCost)
     if (!modeIsInList[origHadList.at(k).modeId])
+      destListPtr->push_back( ModeInfo( refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mipTrFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, origHadList.at(k).modeId ) );
       destListPtr->push_back(ModeInfo(refMode.mipFlg, refMode.mRefId, refMode.ispMod, origHadList.at(k).modeId));
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/IntraSearch.h b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/IntraSearch.h
index ed193dcd6b341b52ad7d8a0cb24baf51139e24f4..778a70e89298bc55e8eaf8955b27cbb57b576e22 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/IntraSearch.h
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/IntraSearch.h
@@ -186,20 +186,34 @@ private:
   struct ModeInfo
     bool     mipFlg; // CU::mipFlag
+    bool     mipTrFlg; // PU::mipTransposedFlag
     int      mRefId; // PU::multiRefIdx
     uint8_t  ispMod; // CU::ispMode
     uint32_t modeId; // PU::intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA]
+    ModeInfo() : mipFlg(false), mipTrFlg(false), mRefId(0), ispMod(NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS), modeId(0) {}
+    ModeInfo(const bool mipf, const bool miptf, const int mrid, const uint8_t ispm, const uint32_t mode) : mipFlg(mipf), mipTrFlg(miptf), mRefId(mrid), ispMod(ispm), modeId(mode) {}
+    bool operator==(const ModeInfo cmp) const { return (mipFlg == cmp.mipFlg && mipTrFlg == cmp.mipTrFlg && mRefId == cmp.mRefId && ispMod == cmp.ispMod && modeId == cmp.modeId); }
     ModeInfo() : mipFlg(false), mRefId(0), ispMod(NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS), modeId(0) {}
     ModeInfo(const bool mipf, const int mrid, const uint8_t ispm, const uint32_t mode) : mipFlg(mipf), mRefId(mrid), ispMod(ispm), modeId(mode) {}
     bool operator==(const ModeInfo cmp) const { return (mipFlg == cmp.mipFlg && mRefId == cmp.mRefId && ispMod == cmp.ispMod && modeId == cmp.modeId); }
   struct ModeInfoWithCost : public ModeInfo
     double rdCost;
     ModeInfoWithCost() : ModeInfo(), rdCost(MAX_DOUBLE) {}
+    ModeInfoWithCost(const bool mipf, const bool miptf, const int mrid, const uint8_t ispm, const uint32_t mode, double cost) : ModeInfo(mipf, miptf, mrid, ispm, mode), rdCost(cost) {}
+    bool operator==(const ModeInfoWithCost cmp) const { return (mipFlg == cmp.mipFlg && mipTrFlg == cmp.mipTrFlg && mRefId == cmp.mRefId && ispMod == cmp.ispMod && modeId == cmp.modeId && rdCost == cmp.rdCost); }
     ModeInfoWithCost(const bool mipf, const int mrid, const uint8_t ispm, const uint32_t mode, double cost) : ModeInfo(mipf, mrid, ispm, mode), rdCost(cost) {}
     bool operator==(const ModeInfoWithCost cmp) const { return (mipFlg == cmp.mipFlg && mRefId == cmp.mRefId && ispMod == cmp.ispMod && modeId == cmp.modeId && rdCost == cmp.rdCost); }
     static bool compareModeInfoWithCost(ModeInfoWithCost a, ModeInfoWithCost b) { return a.rdCost < b.rdCost; }