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JVET-R0264: IRAP constraint

eeehey requested to merge (removed):R0264-IRAP-CONSTRAINT into master

JVET-R0342 item 15 (JVET-R0264): Add a constraint that when vps_max_tid_il_ref_pics_plus1[ ][ ] is equal to 0 it would be prohibited to have mixtures of IRAP and non-IRAP NAL units in the picture.

"When sps_video_parameter_set_id is greater than 0, vps_max_tid_il_ref_pics_plus1[ i ][ j ] is equal to 0 for j equal to GeneralLayerIdx[ nuh_layer_id ] and any value of i in the range of j + 1 to vps_max_layers_minus1, inclusive, and pps_mixed_nalu_types_in_pic_flag is equal to 1, the value of nal_unit_type shall not be equal to IDR_W_RADL, IDR_N_LP, or CRA_NUT."

Edited by Karsten Suehring

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