/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2019, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file DecLib.cpp \brief decoder class */ #include "NALread.h" #include "DecLib.h" #include "CommonLib/dtrace_next.h" #include "CommonLib/dtrace_buffer.h" #include "CommonLib/Buffer.h" #include "CommonLib/UnitTools.h" #include <fstream> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "AnnexBread.h" #include "NALread.h" #if K0149_BLOCK_STATISTICS #include "CommonLib/dtrace_blockstatistics.h" #endif #if RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_TOOL_STATISTICS #include "CommonLib/CodingStatistics.h" #endif bool tryDecodePicture( Picture* pcEncPic, const int expectedPoc, const std::string& bitstreamFileName, bool bDecodeUntilPocFound /* = false */, int debugCTU /* = -1*/, int debugPOC /* = -1*/ ) { int poc; PicList* pcListPic = NULL; static bool bFirstCall = true; /* TODO: MT */ static bool loopFiltered = false; /* TODO: MT */ static int iPOCLastDisplay = -MAX_INT; /* TODO: MT */ static std::ifstream* bitstreamFile = nullptr; /* TODO: MT */ static InputByteStream* bytestream = nullptr; /* TODO: MT */ bool bRet = false; // create & initialize internal classes static DecLib *pcDecLib = nullptr; /* TODO: MT */ if( pcEncPic ) { if( bFirstCall ) { bitstreamFile = new std::ifstream( bitstreamFileName.c_str(), std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary ); bytestream = new InputByteStream( *bitstreamFile ); CHECK( !*bitstreamFile, "failed to open bitstream file " << bitstreamFileName.c_str() << " for reading" ) ; // create decoder class pcDecLib = new DecLib; pcDecLib->create(); // initialize decoder class pcDecLib->init( #if JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE "" #endif ); pcDecLib->setDebugCTU( debugCTU ); pcDecLib->setDebugPOC( debugPOC ); pcDecLib->setDecodedPictureHashSEIEnabled( true ); bFirstCall = false; msg( INFO, "start to decode %s \n", bitstreamFileName.c_str() ); } bool goOn = true; // main decoder loop while( !!*bitstreamFile && goOn ) { /* location serves to work around a design fault in the decoder, whereby * the process of reading a new slice that is the first slice of a new frame * requires the DecApp::decode() method to be called again with the same * nal unit. */ std::streampos location = bitstreamFile->tellg(); AnnexBStats stats = AnnexBStats(); InputNALUnit nalu; byteStreamNALUnit( *bytestream, nalu.getBitstream().getFifo(), stats ); // call actual decoding function bool bNewPicture = false; if( nalu.getBitstream().getFifo().empty() ) { /* this can happen if the following occur: * - empty input file * - two back-to-back start_code_prefixes * - start_code_prefix immediately followed by EOF */ msg( ERROR, "Warning: Attempt to decode an empty NAL unit\n"); } else { read( nalu ); int iSkipFrame = 0; bNewPicture = pcDecLib->decode( nalu, iSkipFrame, iPOCLastDisplay ); if( bNewPicture ) { bitstreamFile->clear(); /* location points to the current nalunit payload[1] due to the * need for the annexB parser to read three extra bytes. * [1] except for the first NAL unit in the file * (but bNewPicture doesn't happen then) */ bitstreamFile->seekg( location - std::streamoff( 3 ) ); bytestream->reset(); } } if( ( bNewPicture || !*bitstreamFile || nalu.m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_EOS ) && !pcDecLib->getFirstSliceInSequence() ) { if( !loopFiltered || *bitstreamFile ) { pcDecLib->finishPictureLight( poc, pcListPic ); if( pcListPic ) { for( auto & pic : *pcListPic ) { if( pic->poc == poc && (!bDecodeUntilPocFound || expectedPoc == poc ) ) { CHECK( pcEncPic->slices.size() == 0, "at least one slice should be available" ); CHECK( expectedPoc != poc, "mismatch in POC - check encoder configuration" ); if( debugCTU < 0 || poc != debugPOC ) { for( int i = 0; i < pic->slices.size(); i++ ) { if( pcEncPic->slices.size() <= i ) { pcEncPic->slices.push_back( new Slice ); pcEncPic->slices.back()->initSlice(); pcEncPic->slices.back()->setPPS( pcEncPic->slices[0]->getPPS() ); pcEncPic->slices.back()->setSPS( pcEncPic->slices[0]->getSPS() ); pcEncPic->slices.back()->setPic( pcEncPic->slices[0]->getPic() ); } pcEncPic->slices[i]->copySliceInfo( pic->slices[i], false ); } } pcEncPic->cs->slice = pcEncPic->slices.back(); if( debugCTU >= 0 && poc == debugPOC ) { pcEncPic->cs->initStructData(); pcEncPic->cs->copyStructure( *pic->cs, CH_L, true, true ); if( CS::isDualITree( *pcEncPic->cs ) ) { pcEncPic->cs->copyStructure( *pic->cs, CH_C, true, true ); } for( auto &cu : pcEncPic->cs->cus ) { cu->slice = pcEncPic->cs->slice; } } else { if ( pic->cs->sps->getSAOEnabledFlag() ) { pcEncPic->copySAO( *pic, 0 ); } if( pic->cs->sps->getALFEnabledFlag() ) { std::copy(pic->getAlfCtbFilterIndexVec().begin(), pic->getAlfCtbFilterIndexVec().end(), pcEncPic->getAlfCtbFilterIndexVec().begin()); for( int compIdx = 0; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++ ) { std::copy( pic->getAlfCtuEnableFlag()[compIdx].begin(), pic->getAlfCtuEnableFlag()[compIdx].end(), pcEncPic->getAlfCtuEnableFlag()[compIdx].begin() ); } pcEncPic->resizeAlfCtbFilterIndex(pic->cs->pcv->sizeInCtus); memcpy( pcEncPic->getAlfCtbFilterIndex(), pic->getAlfCtbFilterIndex(), sizeof(short)*pic->cs->pcv->sizeInCtus ); #if JVET_O0090_ALF_CHROMA_FILTER_ALTERNATIVES_CTB std::copy( pic->getAlfCtuAlternative(COMPONENT_Cb).begin(), pic->getAlfCtuAlternative(COMPONENT_Cb).end(), pcEncPic->getAlfCtuAlternative(COMPONENT_Cb).begin() ); std::copy( pic->getAlfCtuAlternative(COMPONENT_Cr).begin(), pic->getAlfCtuAlternative(COMPONENT_Cr).end(), pcEncPic->getAlfCtuAlternative(COMPONENT_Cr).begin() ); #endif for( int i = 0; i < pic->slices.size(); i++ ) { pcEncPic->slices[i]->setTileGroupNumAps(pic->slices[i]->getTileGroupNumAps()); pcEncPic->slices[i]->setAlfAPSs(pic->slices[i]->getTileGroupApsIdLuma()); pcEncPic->slices[i]->setAlfAPSs(pic->slices[i]->getAlfAPSs()); pcEncPic->slices[i]->setTileGroupApsIdChroma(pic->slices[i]->getTileGroupApsIdChroma()); pcEncPic->slices[i]->setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y, pic->slices[i]->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y)); pcEncPic->slices[i]->setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cb, pic->slices[i]->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cb)); pcEncPic->slices[i]->setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cr, pic->slices[i]->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Cr)); } } pcDecLib->executeLoopFilters(); if ( pic->cs->sps->getSAOEnabledFlag() ) { pcEncPic->copySAO( *pic, 1 ); } pcEncPic->cs->copyStructure( *pic->cs, CH_L, true, true ); if( CS::isDualITree( *pcEncPic->cs ) ) { pcEncPic->cs->copyStructure( *pic->cs, CH_C, true, true ); } } goOn = false; // exit the loop return bRet = true; break; } } } // postpone loop filters if (!bRet) { pcDecLib->executeLoopFilters(); } pcDecLib->finishPicture( poc, pcListPic, DETAILS ); // write output if( ! pcListPic->empty()) { PicList::iterator iterPic = pcListPic->begin(); int numPicsNotYetDisplayed = 0; int dpbFullness = 0; const SPS* activeSPS = (pcListPic->front()->cs->sps); uint32_t maxNrSublayers = activeSPS->getMaxTLayers(); uint32_t numReorderPicsHighestTid = activeSPS->getNumReorderPics(maxNrSublayers-1); uint32_t maxDecPicBufferingHighestTid = activeSPS->getMaxDecPicBuffering(maxNrSublayers-1); while (iterPic != pcListPic->end()) { Picture* pcCurPic = *(iterPic); if(pcCurPic->neededForOutput && pcCurPic->getPOC() > iPOCLastDisplay) { numPicsNotYetDisplayed++; dpbFullness++; } else if(pcCurPic->referenced) { dpbFullness++; } iterPic++; } iterPic = pcListPic->begin(); if (numPicsNotYetDisplayed>2) { iterPic++; } Picture* pcCurPic = *(iterPic); if( numPicsNotYetDisplayed>2 && pcCurPic->fieldPic ) //Field Decoding { THROW( "no field coding support "); } else if( !pcCurPic->fieldPic ) //Frame Decoding { iterPic = pcListPic->begin(); while (iterPic != pcListPic->end()) { pcCurPic = *(iterPic); if(pcCurPic->neededForOutput && pcCurPic->getPOC() > iPOCLastDisplay && (numPicsNotYetDisplayed > numReorderPicsHighestTid || dpbFullness > maxDecPicBufferingHighestTid)) { numPicsNotYetDisplayed--; if( ! pcCurPic->referenced ) { dpbFullness--; } // update POC of display order iPOCLastDisplay = pcCurPic->getPOC(); // erase non-referenced picture in the reference picture list after display if( ! pcCurPic->referenced && pcCurPic->reconstructed ) { pcCurPic->reconstructed = false; } pcCurPic->neededForOutput = false; } iterPic++; } } } } loopFiltered = ( nalu.m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_EOS ); if( nalu.m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_EOS ) { pcDecLib->setFirstSliceInSequence( true ); } } else if( ( bNewPicture || !*bitstreamFile || nalu.m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_EOS ) && pcDecLib->getFirstSliceInSequence() ) { pcDecLib->setFirstSliceInPicture( true ); } } } if( !bRet ) { CHECK( bDecodeUntilPocFound, " decoding failed - check decodeBitstream2 parameter File: " << bitstreamFileName.c_str() ); if( pcDecLib ) { pcDecLib->destroy(); pcDecLib->deletePicBuffer(); delete pcDecLib; pcDecLib = nullptr; } bFirstCall = true; loopFiltered = false; iPOCLastDisplay = -MAX_INT; if( bytestream ) { delete bytestream; bytestream = nullptr; } if( bitstreamFile ) { delete bitstreamFile; bitstreamFile = nullptr; } } return bRet; } //! \ingroup DecoderLib //! \{ DecLib::DecLib() : m_iMaxRefPicNum(0) , m_associatedIRAPType(NAL_UNIT_INVALID) , m_pocCRA(0) , m_pocRandomAccess(MAX_INT) , m_lastRasPoc(MAX_INT) , m_cListPic() , m_parameterSetManager() , m_apcSlicePilot(NULL) , m_SEIs() , m_cIntraPred() , m_cInterPred() , m_cTrQuant() , m_cSliceDecoder() , m_cCuDecoder() , m_HLSReader() , m_seiReader() , m_cLoopFilter() , m_cSAO() , m_cReshaper() #if JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE , m_cacheModel() #endif , m_pcPic(NULL) , m_prevPOC(MAX_INT) , m_prevTid0POC(0) , m_bFirstSliceInPicture(true) , m_bFirstSliceInSequence(true) , m_prevSliceSkipped(false) , m_skippedPOC(0) , m_bFirstSliceInBitstream(true) , m_lastPOCNoOutputPriorPics(-1) , m_isNoOutputPriorPics(false) #if JVET_N0865_NONSYNTAX , m_lastNoIncorrectPicOutputFlag(false) #else , m_craNoRaslOutputFlag(false) #endif , m_pDecodedSEIOutputStream(NULL) , m_decodedPictureHashSEIEnabled(false) , m_numberOfChecksumErrorsDetected(0) , m_warningMessageSkipPicture(false) , m_prefixSEINALUs() , m_debugPOC( -1 ) , m_debugCTU( -1 ) { #if ENABLE_SIMD_OPT_BUFFER g_pelBufOP.initPelBufOpsX86(); #endif } DecLib::~DecLib() { while (!m_prefixSEINALUs.empty()) { delete m_prefixSEINALUs.front(); m_prefixSEINALUs.pop_front(); } } void DecLib::create() { m_apcSlicePilot = new Slice; m_uiSliceSegmentIdx = 0; } void DecLib::destroy() { delete m_apcSlicePilot; m_apcSlicePilot = NULL; m_cSliceDecoder.destroy(); } void DecLib::init( #if JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE const std::string& cacheCfgFileName #endif ) { m_cSliceDecoder.init( &m_CABACDecoder, &m_cCuDecoder ); #if JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE m_cacheModel.create( cacheCfgFileName ); m_cacheModel.clear( ); m_cInterPred.cacheAssign( &m_cacheModel ); #endif DTRACE_UPDATE( g_trace_ctx, std::make_pair( "final", 1 ) ); } void DecLib::deletePicBuffer ( ) { PicList::iterator iterPic = m_cListPic.begin(); int iSize = int( m_cListPic.size() ); for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++ ) { Picture* pcPic = *(iterPic++); pcPic->destroy(); delete pcPic; pcPic = NULL; } m_cALF.destroy(); m_cSAO.destroy(); m_cLoopFilter.destroy(); #if JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE m_cacheModel.reportSequence( ); m_cacheModel.destroy( ); #endif m_cCuDecoder.destoryDecCuReshaprBuf(); m_cReshaper.destroy(); } Picture* DecLib::xGetNewPicBuffer ( const SPS &sps, const PPS &pps, const uint32_t temporalLayer ) { Picture * pcPic = nullptr; m_iMaxRefPicNum = sps.getMaxDecPicBuffering(temporalLayer); // m_uiMaxDecPicBuffering has the space for the picture currently being decoded if (m_cListPic.size() < (uint32_t)m_iMaxRefPicNum) { pcPic = new Picture(); #if JVET_O1164_PS pcPic->create( sps.getChromaFormatIdc(), Size( pps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), pps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ), sps.getMaxCUWidth(), sps.getMaxCUWidth() + 16, true ); #else pcPic->create( sps.getChromaFormatIdc(), Size( sps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), sps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ), sps.getMaxCUWidth(), sps.getMaxCUWidth() + 16, true ); #endif m_cListPic.push_back( pcPic ); return pcPic; } bool bBufferIsAvailable = false; for(auto * p: m_cListPic) { pcPic = p; // workaround because range-based for-loops don't work with existing variables if ( pcPic->reconstructed == false && ! pcPic->neededForOutput ) { pcPic->neededForOutput = false; bBufferIsAvailable = true; break; } if( ! pcPic->referenced && ! pcPic->neededForOutput ) { pcPic->neededForOutput = false; pcPic->reconstructed = false; bBufferIsAvailable = true; break; } } if( ! bBufferIsAvailable ) { //There is no room for this picture, either because of faulty encoder or dropped NAL. Extend the buffer. m_iMaxRefPicNum++; pcPic = new Picture(); m_cListPic.push_back( pcPic ); #if JVET_O1164_PS pcPic->create( sps.getChromaFormatIdc(), Size( pps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), pps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ), sps.getMaxCUWidth(), sps.getMaxCUWidth() + 16, true ); #else pcPic->create( sps.getChromaFormatIdc(), Size( sps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), sps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ), sps.getMaxCUWidth(), sps.getMaxCUWidth() + 16, true ); #endif } else { #if JVET_O1164_PS if( !pcPic->Y().Size::operator==( Size( pps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), pps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ) ) || pcPic->cs->pcv->maxCUWidth != sps.getMaxCUWidth() || pcPic->cs->pcv->maxCUHeight != sps.getMaxCUHeight() ) { pcPic->destroy(); pcPic->create( sps.getChromaFormatIdc(), Size( pps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), pps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ), sps.getMaxCUWidth(), sps.getMaxCUWidth() + 16, true ); } #else if( !pcPic->Y().Size::operator==( Size( sps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), sps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ) ) || pcPic->cs->pcv->maxCUWidth != sps.getMaxCUWidth() || pcPic->cs->pcv->maxCUHeight != sps.getMaxCUHeight() ) { pcPic->destroy(); pcPic->create( sps.getChromaFormatIdc(), Size( sps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), sps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ), sps.getMaxCUWidth(), sps.getMaxCUWidth() + 16, true ); } #endif } pcPic->setBorderExtension( false ); pcPic->neededForOutput = false; pcPic->reconstructed = false; return pcPic; } void DecLib::executeLoopFilters() { if( !m_pcPic ) { return; // nothing to deblock } m_pcPic->cs->slice->startProcessingTimer(); CodingStructure& cs = *m_pcPic->cs; if (cs.sps->getUseReshaper() && m_cReshaper.getSliceReshaperInfo().getUseSliceReshaper()) { CHECK((m_cReshaper.getRecReshaped() == false), "Rec picture is not reshaped!"); m_pcPic->getRecoBuf(COMPONENT_Y).rspSignal(m_cReshaper.getInvLUT()); m_cReshaper.setRecReshaped(false); m_cSAO.setReshaper(&m_cReshaper); } // deblocking filter m_cLoopFilter.loopFilterPic( cs ); CS::setRefinedMotionField(cs); if( cs.sps->getSAOEnabledFlag() ) { m_cSAO.SAOProcess( cs, cs.picture->getSAO() ); } if( cs.sps->getALFEnabledFlag() ) { if (cs.slice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y)) { // ALF decodes the differentially coded coefficients and stores them in the parameters structure. // Code could be restructured to do directly after parsing. So far we just pass a fresh non-const // copy in case the APS gets used more than once. m_cALF.ALFProcess(cs); } } m_pcPic->cs->slice->stopProcessingTimer(); } void DecLib::finishPictureLight(int& poc, PicList*& rpcListPic ) { Slice* pcSlice = m_pcPic->cs->slice; m_pcPic->neededForOutput = (pcSlice->getPicOutputFlag() ? true : false); m_pcPic->reconstructed = true; Slice::sortPicList( m_cListPic ); // sorting for application output poc = pcSlice->getPOC(); rpcListPic = &m_cListPic; } void DecLib::finishPicture(int& poc, PicList*& rpcListPic, MsgLevel msgl ) { #if RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_TOOL_STATISTICS CodingStatistics::StatTool& s = CodingStatistics::GetStatisticTool( STATS__TOOL_TOTAL_FRAME ); s.count++; s.pixels = s.count * m_pcPic->Y().width * m_pcPic->Y().height; #endif Slice* pcSlice = m_pcPic->cs->slice; char c = (pcSlice->isIntra() ? 'I' : pcSlice->isInterP() ? 'P' : 'B'); if (!m_pcPic->referenced) { c += 32; // tolower } //-- For time output for each slice msg( msgl, "POC %4d TId: %1d ( %c-SLICE, QP%3d ) ", pcSlice->getPOC(), pcSlice->getTLayer(), c, pcSlice->getSliceQp() ); msg( msgl, "[DT %6.3f] ", pcSlice->getProcessingTime() ); for (int iRefList = 0; iRefList < 2; iRefList++) { msg( msgl, "[L%d ", iRefList); for (int iRefIndex = 0; iRefIndex < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList(iRefList)); iRefIndex++) { #if RPR_CTC_PRINT const std::pair<int, int>& scaleRatio = pcSlice->getScalingRatio( RefPicList( iRefList ), iRefIndex ); if( pcSlice->getEnableTMVPFlag() && pcSlice->getColFromL0Flag() == bool(1 - iRefList) && pcSlice->getColRefIdx() == iRefIndex ) { msg( msgl, "%dc(%1.2lfx, %1.2lfx) ", pcSlice->getRefPOC( RefPicList( iRefList ), iRefIndex ), double( scaleRatio.first ) / ( 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS ), double( scaleRatio.second ) / ( 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS ) ); } else { msg( msgl, "%d(%1.2lfx, %1.2lfx) ", pcSlice->getRefPOC( RefPicList( iRefList ), iRefIndex ), double( scaleRatio.first ) / ( 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS ), double( scaleRatio.second ) / ( 1 << SCALE_RATIO_BITS ) ); } #else msg( msgl, "%d ", pcSlice->getRefPOC(RefPicList(iRefList), iRefIndex)); #endif } msg( msgl, "] "); } if (m_decodedPictureHashSEIEnabled) { SEIMessages pictureHashes = getSeisByType(m_pcPic->SEIs, SEI::DECODED_PICTURE_HASH ); const SEIDecodedPictureHash *hash = ( pictureHashes.size() > 0 ) ? (SEIDecodedPictureHash*) *(pictureHashes.begin()) : NULL; if (pictureHashes.size() > 1) { msg( WARNING, "Warning: Got multiple decoded picture hash SEI messages. Using first."); } m_numberOfChecksumErrorsDetected += calcAndPrintHashStatus(((const Picture*) m_pcPic)->getRecoBuf(), hash, pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepths(), msgl); } msg( msgl, "\n"); m_pcPic->neededForOutput = (pcSlice->getPicOutputFlag() ? true : false); m_pcPic->reconstructed = true; Slice::sortPicList( m_cListPic ); // sorting for application output poc = pcSlice->getPOC(); rpcListPic = &m_cListPic; m_bFirstSliceInPicture = true; // TODO: immer true? hier ist irgendwas faul m_pcPic->destroyTempBuffers(); m_pcPic->cs->destroyCoeffs(); m_pcPic->cs->releaseIntermediateData(); } void DecLib::checkNoOutputPriorPics (PicList* pcListPic) { if (!pcListPic || !m_isNoOutputPriorPics) { return; } PicList::iterator iterPic = pcListPic->begin(); while (iterPic != pcListPic->end()) { Picture* pcPicTmp = *(iterPic++); if (m_lastPOCNoOutputPriorPics != pcPicTmp->getPOC()) { pcPicTmp->neededForOutput = false; } } } void DecLib::xUpdateRasInit(Slice* slice) { slice->setPendingRasInit( false ); if ( slice->getPOC() > m_lastRasPoc ) { m_lastRasPoc = MAX_INT; slice->setPendingRasInit( true ); } if ( slice->isIRAP() ) { m_lastRasPoc = slice->getPOC(); } } void DecLib::xCreateLostPicture(int iLostPoc) { msg( INFO, "\ninserting lost poc : %d\n",iLostPoc); Picture *cFillPic = xGetNewPicBuffer(*(m_parameterSetManager.getFirstSPS()), *(m_parameterSetManager.getFirstPPS()), 0); CHECK( !cFillPic->slices.size(), "No slices in picture" ); cFillPic->slices[0]->initSlice(); PicList::iterator iterPic = m_cListPic.begin(); int closestPoc = 1000000; while ( iterPic != m_cListPic.end()) { Picture * rpcPic = *(iterPic++); if(abs(rpcPic->getPOC() -iLostPoc)<closestPoc&&abs(rpcPic->getPOC() -iLostPoc)!=0&&rpcPic->getPOC()!=m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC()) { closestPoc=abs(rpcPic->getPOC() -iLostPoc); } } iterPic = m_cListPic.begin(); while ( iterPic != m_cListPic.end()) { Picture *rpcPic = *(iterPic++); if(abs(rpcPic->getPOC() -iLostPoc)==closestPoc&&rpcPic->getPOC()!=m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC()) { msg( INFO, "copying picture %d to %d (%d)\n",rpcPic->getPOC() ,iLostPoc,m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC()); cFillPic->getRecoBuf().copyFrom( rpcPic->getRecoBuf() ); break; } } // for(int ctuRsAddr=0; ctuRsAddr<cFillPic->getNumberOfCtusInFrame(); ctuRsAddr++) { cFillPic->getCtu(ctuRsAddr)->initCtu(cFillPic, ctuRsAddr); } cFillPic->referenced = true; cFillPic->slices[0]->setPOC(iLostPoc); xUpdatePreviousTid0POC(cFillPic->slices[0]); cFillPic->reconstructed = true; cFillPic->neededForOutput = true; if(m_pocRandomAccess == MAX_INT) { m_pocRandomAccess = iLostPoc; } } void DecLib::xActivateParameterSets() { if (m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { APS** apss = m_parameterSetManager.getAPSs(); #if JVET_O_MAX_NUM_ALF_APS_8 memset(apss, 0, sizeof(*apss) * ALF_CTB_MAX_NUM_APS); #else memset(apss, 0, sizeof(*apss) * MAX_NUM_APS); #endif const PPS *pps = m_parameterSetManager.getPPS(m_apcSlicePilot->getPPSId()); // this is a temporary PPS object. Do not store this value CHECK(pps == 0, "No PPS present"); const SPS *sps = m_parameterSetManager.getSPS(pps->getSPSId()); // this is a temporary SPS object. Do not store this value CHECK(sps == 0, "No SPS present"); if (NULL == pps->pcv) { m_parameterSetManager.getPPS( m_apcSlicePilot->getPPSId() )->pcv = new PreCalcValues( *sps, *pps, false ); } m_parameterSetManager.clearSPSChangedFlag(sps->getSPSId()); m_parameterSetManager.clearPPSChangedFlag(pps->getPPSId()); if (false == m_parameterSetManager.activatePPS(m_apcSlicePilot->getPPSId(),m_apcSlicePilot->isIRAP())) { THROW("Parameter set activation failed!"); } m_parameterSetManager.getApsMap()->clear(); //luma APSs for (int i = 0; i < m_apcSlicePilot->getTileGroupApsIdLuma().size(); i++) { int apsId = m_apcSlicePilot->getTileGroupApsIdLuma()[i]; APS* aps = m_parameterSetManager.getAPS(apsId, ALF_APS); if (aps) { m_parameterSetManager.clearAPSChangedFlag(apsId, ALF_APS); apss[apsId] = aps; if (false == m_parameterSetManager.activateAPS(apsId, ALF_APS)) { THROW("APS activation failed!"); } } } //chroma APS int apsId = m_apcSlicePilot->getTileGroupApsIdChroma(); APS* aps = m_parameterSetManager.getAPS(apsId, ALF_APS); if (aps) { m_parameterSetManager.clearAPSChangedFlag(apsId, ALF_APS); apss[apsId] = aps; if (false == m_parameterSetManager.activateAPS(apsId, ALF_APS)) { THROW("APS activation failed!"); } } APS* lmcsAPS = NULL; if (m_apcSlicePilot->getLmcsAPSId() != -1) { lmcsAPS = m_parameterSetManager.getAPS(m_apcSlicePilot->getLmcsAPSId(), LMCS_APS); CHECK(lmcsAPS == 0, "No LMCS APS present"); } if (lmcsAPS) { m_parameterSetManager.clearAPSChangedFlag(m_apcSlicePilot->getLmcsAPSId(), LMCS_APS); if (false == m_parameterSetManager.activateAPS(m_apcSlicePilot->getLmcsAPSId(), LMCS_APS)) { THROW("LMCS APS activation failed!"); } } #if JVET_O0299_APS_SCALINGLIST APS* scalinglistAPS = NULL; if( m_apcSlicePilot->getscalingListAPSId() != -1 ) { scalinglistAPS = m_parameterSetManager.getAPS( m_apcSlicePilot->getscalingListAPSId(), SCALING_LIST_APS ); CHECK( scalinglistAPS == 0, "No SCALING LIST APS present" ); } if( scalinglistAPS ) { m_parameterSetManager.clearAPSChangedFlag( m_apcSlicePilot->getscalingListAPSId(), SCALING_LIST_APS ); if( false == m_parameterSetManager.activateAPS( m_apcSlicePilot->getscalingListAPSId(), SCALING_LIST_APS ) ) { THROW( "SCALING LIST APS activation failed!" ); } } #endif xParsePrefixSEImessages(); #if RExt__HIGH_BIT_DEPTH_SUPPORT==0 if (sps->getSpsRangeExtension().getExtendedPrecisionProcessingFlag() || sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)>12 || sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA)>12 ) { THROW("High bit depth support must be enabled at compile-time in order to decode this bitstream\n"); } #endif // Get a new picture buffer. This will also set up m_pcPic, and therefore give us a SPS and PPS pointer that we can use. m_pcPic = xGetNewPicBuffer (*sps, *pps, m_apcSlicePilot->getTLayer()); m_apcSlicePilot->applyReferencePictureListBasedMarking(m_cListPic, m_apcSlicePilot->getRPL0(), m_apcSlicePilot->getRPL1()); #if JVET_O0299_APS_SCALINGLIST m_pcPic->finalInit( *sps, *pps, apss, *lmcsAPS, *scalinglistAPS ); #else m_pcPic->finalInit(*sps, *pps, apss, *lmcsAPS); #endif m_parameterSetManager.getPPS(m_apcSlicePilot->getPPSId())->setNumBricksInPic((int)m_pcPic->brickMap->bricks.size()); m_pcPic->createTempBuffers( m_pcPic->cs->pps->pcv->maxCUWidth ); m_pcPic->cs->createCoeffs(); m_pcPic->allocateNewSlice(); // make the slice-pilot a real slice, and set up the slice-pilot for the next slice CHECK(m_pcPic->slices.size() != (m_uiSliceSegmentIdx + 1), "Invalid number of slices"); m_apcSlicePilot = m_pcPic->swapSliceObject(m_apcSlicePilot, m_uiSliceSegmentIdx); // we now have a real slice: Slice *pSlice = m_pcPic->slices[m_uiSliceSegmentIdx]; // Update the PPS and SPS pointers with the ones of the picture. pps=pSlice->getPPS(); sps=pSlice->getSPS(); // fix Parameter Sets, now that we have the real slice m_pcPic->cs->slice = pSlice; m_pcPic->cs->sps = sps; m_pcPic->cs->pps = pps; memcpy(m_pcPic->cs->alfApss, apss, sizeof(m_pcPic->cs->alfApss)); m_pcPic->cs->lmcsAps = lmcsAPS; #if JVET_O0299_APS_SCALINGLIST m_pcPic->cs->scalinglistAps = scalinglistAPS; #endif m_pcPic->cs->pcv = pps->pcv; // Initialise the various objects for the new set of settings #if JVET_O1164_PS m_cSAO.create( pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(), sps->getChromaFormatIdc(), sps->getMaxCUWidth(), sps->getMaxCUHeight(), sps->getMaxCodingDepth(), pps->getPpsRangeExtension().getLog2SaoOffsetScale( CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ), pps->getPpsRangeExtension().getLog2SaoOffsetScale( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ) ); #else m_cSAO.create( sps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), sps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(), sps->getChromaFormatIdc(), sps->getMaxCUWidth(), sps->getMaxCUHeight(), sps->getMaxCodingDepth(), pps->getPpsRangeExtension().getLog2SaoOffsetScale(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), pps->getPpsRangeExtension().getLog2SaoOffsetScale(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) ); #endif m_cLoopFilter.create( sps->getMaxCodingDepth() ); m_cIntraPred.init( sps->getChromaFormatIdc(), sps->getBitDepth( CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ) ); #if JVET_O1170_IBC_VIRTUAL_BUFFER m_cInterPred.init( &m_cRdCost, sps->getChromaFormatIdc(), sps->getMaxCUHeight() ); #else m_cInterPred.init( &m_cRdCost, sps->getChromaFormatIdc() ); #endif if (sps->getUseReshaper()) { m_cReshaper.createDec(sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)); } bool isField = false; bool isTopField = false; if(!m_SEIs.empty()) { #if !JVET_O0041_FRAME_FIELD_SEI // Check if any new Picture Timing SEI has arrived SEIMessages pictureTimingSEIs = getSeisByType(m_SEIs, SEI::PICTURE_TIMING); if (pictureTimingSEIs.size()>0) { SEIPictureTiming* pictureTiming = (SEIPictureTiming*) *(pictureTimingSEIs.begin()); isField = (pictureTiming->m_picStruct == 1) || (pictureTiming->m_picStruct == 2) || (pictureTiming->m_picStruct == 9) || (pictureTiming->m_picStruct == 10) || (pictureTiming->m_picStruct == 11) || (pictureTiming->m_picStruct == 12); isTopField = (pictureTiming->m_picStruct == 1) || (pictureTiming->m_picStruct == 9) || (pictureTiming->m_picStruct == 11); } #else // Check if any new Frame Field Info SEI has arrived SEIMessages frameFieldSEIs = getSeisByType(m_SEIs, SEI::FRAME_FIELD_INFO); if (frameFieldSEIs.size()>0) { SEIFrameFieldInfo* ff = (SEIFrameFieldInfo*) *(frameFieldSEIs.begin()); isField = ff->m_fieldPicFlag; isTopField = isField && (!ff->m_bottomFieldFlag); } #endif } //Set Field/Frame coding mode m_pcPic->fieldPic = isField; m_pcPic->topField = isTopField; // transfer any SEI messages that have been received to the picture m_pcPic->SEIs = m_SEIs; m_SEIs.clear(); // Recursive structure m_cCuDecoder.init( &m_cTrQuant, &m_cIntraPred, &m_cInterPred ); if (sps->getUseReshaper()) { m_cCuDecoder.initDecCuReshaper(&m_cReshaper, sps->getChromaFormatIdc()); } #if MAX_TB_SIZE_SIGNALLING m_cTrQuant.init( nullptr, sps->getMaxTbSize(), false, false, false, false ); #else m_cTrQuant.init( nullptr, MAX_TB_SIZEY, false, false, false, false ); #endif // RdCost m_cRdCost.setCostMode ( COST_STANDARD_LOSSY ); // not used in decoder side RdCost stuff -> set to default m_cSliceDecoder.create(); if( sps->getALFEnabledFlag() ) { #if JVET_O1164_PS m_cALF.create( pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(), sps->getChromaFormatIdc(), sps->getMaxCUWidth(), sps->getMaxCUHeight(), sps->getMaxCodingDepth(), sps->getBitDepths().recon ); #else m_cALF.create( sps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), sps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(), sps->getChromaFormatIdc(), sps->getMaxCUWidth(), sps->getMaxCUHeight(), sps->getMaxCodingDepth(), sps->getBitDepths().recon ); #endif } } else { // make the slice-pilot a real slice, and set up the slice-pilot for the next slice m_pcPic->allocateNewSlice(); CHECK(m_pcPic->slices.size() != (size_t)(m_uiSliceSegmentIdx + 1), "Invalid number of slices"); m_apcSlicePilot = m_pcPic->swapSliceObject(m_apcSlicePilot, m_uiSliceSegmentIdx); Slice *pSlice = m_pcPic->slices[m_uiSliceSegmentIdx]; // we now have a real slice. const SPS *sps = pSlice->getSPS(); const PPS *pps = pSlice->getPPS(); APS** apss = pSlice->getAlfAPSs(); APS *lmcsAPS = pSlice->getLmcsAPS(); #if JVET_O0299_APS_SCALINGLIST APS *scalinglistAPS = pSlice->getscalingListAPS(); #endif // fix Parameter Sets, now that we have the real slice m_pcPic->cs->slice = pSlice; m_pcPic->cs->sps = sps; m_pcPic->cs->pps = pps; memcpy(m_pcPic->cs->alfApss, apss, sizeof(m_pcPic->cs->alfApss)); m_pcPic->cs->lmcsAps = lmcsAPS; #if JVET_O0299_APS_SCALINGLIST m_pcPic->cs->scalinglistAps = scalinglistAPS; #endif m_pcPic->cs->pcv = pps->pcv; // check that the current active PPS has not changed... if (m_parameterSetManager.getSPSChangedFlag(sps->getSPSId()) ) { EXIT("Error - a new SPS has been decoded while processing a picture"); } if (m_parameterSetManager.getPPSChangedFlag(pps->getPPSId()) ) { EXIT("Error - a new PPS has been decoded while processing a picture"); } #if JVET_O_MAX_NUM_ALF_APS_8 for (int i = 0; i < ALF_CTB_MAX_NUM_APS; i++) #else for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_APS; i++) #endif { APS* aps = m_parameterSetManager.getAPS(i, ALF_APS); if (aps && m_parameterSetManager.getAPSChangedFlag(i, ALF_APS)) { EXIT("Error - a new APS has been decoded while processing a picture"); } } if (lmcsAPS && m_parameterSetManager.getAPSChangedFlag(lmcsAPS->getAPSId(), LMCS_APS) ) { EXIT("Error - a new LMCS APS has been decoded while processing a picture"); } #if JVET_O0299_APS_SCALINGLIST if( scalinglistAPS && m_parameterSetManager.getAPSChangedFlag( scalinglistAPS->getAPSId(), SCALING_LIST_APS ) ) { EXIT( "Error - a new SCALING LIST APS has been decoded while processing a picture" ); } #endif xParsePrefixSEImessages(); // Check if any new SEI has arrived if(!m_SEIs.empty()) { // Currently only decoding Unit SEI message occurring between VCL NALUs copied SEIMessages& picSEI = m_pcPic->SEIs; SEIMessages decodingUnitInfos = extractSeisByType( picSEI, SEI::DECODING_UNIT_INFO); picSEI.insert(picSEI.end(), decodingUnitInfos.begin(), decodingUnitInfos.end()); deleteSEIs(m_SEIs); } } // Conformance checks #if JVET_O0244_DELTA_POC Slice *pSlice = m_pcPic->slices[m_uiSliceSegmentIdx]; const SPS *sps = pSlice->getSPS(); const PPS *pps = pSlice->getPPS(); if( !sps->getUseWP() ) { CHECK( pps->getUseWP(), "When sps_weighted_pred_flag is equal to 0, the value of pps_weighted_pred_flag shall be equal to 0." ); } if( !sps->getUseWPBiPred() ) { CHECK( pps->getWPBiPred(), "When sps_weighted_bipred_flag is equal to 0, the value of pps_weighted_bipred_flag shall be equal to 0." ); } #endif #if JVET_O1164_PS #if JVET_O0640_PICTURE_SIZE_CONSTRAINT CHECK( ( pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() % ( std::max( 8, int( sps->getMaxCUWidth() >> ( sps->getMaxCodingDepth() - 1 ) ) ) ) ) != 0, "Coded frame width must be a multiple of Max(8, the minimum unit size)" ); CHECK( ( pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() % ( std::max( 8, int( sps->getMaxCUHeight() >> ( sps->getMaxCodingDepth() - 1 ) ) ) ) ) != 0, "Coded frame height must be a multiple of Max(8, the minimum unit size)" ); #endif if( sps->getCTUSize() + 2 * ( 1 << sps->getLog2MinCodingBlockSize() ) > pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() ) { CHECK( sps->getWrapAroundEnabledFlag(), "Wraparound shall be disabled when the value of ( CtbSizeY / MinCbSizeY + 1) is less than or equal to ( pic_width_in_luma_samples / MinCbSizeY - 1 )" ); } #endif } void DecLib::xParsePrefixSEIsForUnknownVCLNal() { while (!m_prefixSEINALUs.empty()) { // do nothing? msg( NOTICE, "Discarding Prefix SEI associated with unknown VCL NAL unit.\n"); delete m_prefixSEINALUs.front(); } // TODO: discard following suffix SEIs as well? } void DecLib::xParsePrefixSEImessages() { while (!m_prefixSEINALUs.empty()) { InputNALUnit &nalu=*m_prefixSEINALUs.front(); m_seiReader.parseSEImessage( &(nalu.getBitstream()), m_SEIs, nalu.m_nalUnitType, m_parameterSetManager.getActiveSPS(), m_HRD, m_pDecodedSEIOutputStream ); delete m_prefixSEINALUs.front(); m_prefixSEINALUs.pop_front(); } } bool DecLib::xDecodeSlice(InputNALUnit &nalu, int &iSkipFrame, int iPOCLastDisplay ) { m_apcSlicePilot->initSlice(); // the slice pilot is an object to prepare for a new slice // it is not associated with picture, sps or pps structures. #if JVET_O1164_RPR Picture* scaledRefPic[MAX_NUM_REF] = {}; #endif if (m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { m_uiSliceSegmentIdx = 0; } else { m_apcSlicePilot->copySliceInfo( m_pcPic->slices[m_uiSliceSegmentIdx-1] ); } m_apcSlicePilot->setSliceCurStartCtuTsAddr(0); m_apcSlicePilot->setSliceCurEndCtuTsAddr(0); m_apcSlicePilot->setSliceCurStartBrickIdx(0); m_apcSlicePilot->setSliceCurEndBrickIdx(0); m_apcSlicePilot->setNalUnitType(nalu.m_nalUnitType); m_apcSlicePilot->setTLayer(nalu.m_temporalId); #if JVET_N0865_NONSYNTAX if (nalu.m_nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR) CHECK(nalu.m_temporalId != 0, "Current GDR picture has TemporalId not equal to 0"); #endif m_HLSReader.setBitstream( &nalu.getBitstream() ); m_HLSReader.parseSliceHeader( m_apcSlicePilot, &m_parameterSetManager, m_prevTid0POC ); // update independent slice index uint32_t uiIndependentSliceIdx = 0; if (!m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { uiIndependentSliceIdx = m_pcPic->slices[m_uiSliceSegmentIdx-1]->getIndependentSliceIdx(); uiIndependentSliceIdx++; } m_apcSlicePilot->setIndependentSliceIdx(uiIndependentSliceIdx); #if K0149_BLOCK_STATISTICS PPS *pps = m_parameterSetManager.getPPS(m_apcSlicePilot->getPPSId()); CHECK(pps == 0, "No PPS present"); SPS *sps = m_parameterSetManager.getSPS(pps->getSPSId()); CHECK(sps == 0, "No SPS present"); writeBlockStatisticsHeader(sps); #endif DTRACE_UPDATE( g_trace_ctx, std::make_pair( "poc", m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC() ) ); xUpdatePreviousTid0POC(m_apcSlicePilot); m_apcSlicePilot->setAssociatedIRAPPOC(m_pocCRA); m_apcSlicePilot->setAssociatedIRAPType(m_associatedIRAPType); //For inference of NoOutputOfPriorPicsFlag #if JVET_N0865_NONSYNTAX if (m_apcSlicePilot->getRapPicFlag() || m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR) #else if (m_apcSlicePilot->getRapPicFlag()) #endif { #if JVET_N0865_NONSYNTAX if ((m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA && m_bFirstSliceInSequence) || (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA && m_apcSlicePilot->getHandleCraAsCvsStartFlag()) || (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR && m_bFirstSliceInSequence)) { m_apcSlicePilot->setNoIncorrectPicOutputFlag(true); } #else if ((m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA && m_bFirstSliceInSequence) || (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA && m_apcSlicePilot->getHandleCraAsCvsStartFlag())) { m_apcSlicePilot->setNoRaslOutputFlag(true); } #endif //the inference for NoOutputPriorPicsFlag #if JVET_N0865_NONSYNTAX if (!m_bFirstSliceInBitstream && (m_apcSlicePilot->getRapPicFlag() || m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR) && m_apcSlicePilot->getNoIncorrectPicOutputFlag()) { if (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA || m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR) { m_apcSlicePilot->setNoOutputPriorPicsFlag(true); } } #else if (!m_bFirstSliceInBitstream && m_apcSlicePilot->getRapPicFlag() && m_apcSlicePilot->getNoRaslOutputFlag()) { if (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) { m_apcSlicePilot->setNoOutputPriorPicsFlag(true); } } #endif else { m_apcSlicePilot->setNoOutputPriorPicsFlag(false); } #if JVET_N0865_NONSYNTAX if (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA || m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR) { m_lastNoIncorrectPicOutputFlag = m_apcSlicePilot->getNoIncorrectPicOutputFlag(); } #else if(m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) { m_craNoRaslOutputFlag = m_apcSlicePilot->getNoRaslOutputFlag(); } #endif } #if JVET_N0865_NONSYNTAX if ((m_apcSlicePilot->getRapPicFlag() || m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR) && m_apcSlicePilot->getNoOutputPriorPicsFlag()) #else if (m_apcSlicePilot->getRapPicFlag() && m_apcSlicePilot->getNoOutputPriorPicsFlag()) #endif { m_lastPOCNoOutputPriorPics = m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC(); m_isNoOutputPriorPics = true; } else { m_isNoOutputPriorPics = false; } //For inference of PicOutputFlag if (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL) { #if JVET_N0865_NONSYNTAX if (m_lastNoIncorrectPicOutputFlag) #else if ( m_craNoRaslOutputFlag ) #endif { m_apcSlicePilot->setPicOutputFlag(false); } } #if JVET_N0865_NONSYNTAX if ((m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA || m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_GDR) && m_lastNoIncorrectPicOutputFlag) //Reset POC MSB when CRA or GDR has NoIncorrectPicOutputFlag equal to 1 #else if (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA && m_craNoRaslOutputFlag) //Reset POC MSB when CRA has NoRaslOutputFlag equal to 1 #endif { PPS *pps = m_parameterSetManager.getPPS(m_apcSlicePilot->getPPSId()); CHECK(pps == 0, "No PPS present"); SPS *sps = m_parameterSetManager.getSPS(pps->getSPSId()); CHECK(sps == 0, "No SPS present"); int iMaxPOClsb = 1 << sps->getBitsForPOC(); m_apcSlicePilot->setPOC( m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC() & (iMaxPOClsb - 1) ); xUpdatePreviousTid0POC(m_apcSlicePilot); } // Skip pictures due to random access if (isRandomAccessSkipPicture(iSkipFrame, iPOCLastDisplay)) { m_prevSliceSkipped = true; m_skippedPOC = m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC(); return false; } // Skip TFD pictures associated with BLA/BLANT pictures // clear previous slice skipped flag m_prevSliceSkipped = false; //we should only get a different poc for a new picture (with CTU address==0) if(m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC() != m_prevPOC && !m_bFirstSliceInSequence && (m_apcSlicePilot->getSliceCurStartCtuTsAddr() != 0)) { msg( WARNING, "Warning, the first slice of a picture might have been lost!\n"); } // leave when a new picture is found if(m_apcSlicePilot->getSliceCurStartCtuTsAddr() == 0 && !m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { if (m_prevPOC >= m_pocRandomAccess) { DTRACE_UPDATE( g_trace_ctx, std::make_pair( "final", 0 ) ); m_prevPOC = m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC(); return true; } m_prevPOC = m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC(); } else { DTRACE_UPDATE( g_trace_ctx, std::make_pair( "final", 1 ) ); } //detect lost reference picture and insert copy of earlier frame. { int lostPoc; while ((lostPoc = m_apcSlicePilot->checkThatAllRefPicsAreAvailable(m_cListPic, m_apcSlicePilot->getRPL0(), 0, true)) > 0) xCreateLostPicture(lostPoc - 1); while ((lostPoc = m_apcSlicePilot->checkThatAllRefPicsAreAvailable(m_cListPic, m_apcSlicePilot->getRPL1(), 1, true)) > 0) xCreateLostPicture(lostPoc - 1); } m_prevPOC = m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC(); if (m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { xUpdateRasInit(m_apcSlicePilot); } // actual decoding starts here xActivateParameterSets(); m_bFirstSliceInSequence = false; m_bFirstSliceInBitstream = false; Slice* pcSlice = m_pcPic->slices[m_uiSliceSegmentIdx]; pcSlice->setPic( m_pcPic ); m_pcPic->poc = pcSlice->getPOC(); m_pcPic->layer = pcSlice->getTLayer(); m_pcPic->referenced = true; m_pcPic->layer = nalu.m_temporalId; // When decoding the slice header, the stored start and end addresses were actually RS addresses, not TS addresses. // Now, having set up the maps, convert them to the correct form. const BrickMap& tileMap = *(m_pcPic->brickMap); const uint32_t numberOfCtusInFrame = m_pcPic->cs->pcv->sizeInCtus; uint32_t startCtuIdx = 0; while (pcSlice->getSliceCurStartBrickIdx() != tileMap.getBrickIdxBsMap(startCtuIdx) && startCtuIdx < numberOfCtusInFrame) { startCtuIdx++; } uint32_t endCtuIdx = startCtuIdx; while (pcSlice->getSliceCurEndBrickIdx() != tileMap.getBrickIdxBsMap(endCtuIdx) && endCtuIdx < numberOfCtusInFrame) { endCtuIdx++; } if (endCtuIdx == numberOfCtusInFrame) EXIT("Cannot find the last CTU index of the current slice"); while ( (endCtuIdx < numberOfCtusInFrame) && (pcSlice->getSliceCurEndBrickIdx() == tileMap.getBrickIdxBsMap(endCtuIdx)) ) { endCtuIdx++; } if (pcSlice->getSliceCurEndBrickIdx() != tileMap.getBrickIdxBsMap(endCtuIdx - 1)) EXIT("Cannot find the last CTU index of the current slice"); pcSlice->setSliceCurStartCtuTsAddr(startCtuIdx); pcSlice->setSliceCurEndCtuTsAddr(endCtuIdx); pcSlice->checkCRA(pcSlice->getRPL0(), pcSlice->getRPL1(), m_pocCRA, m_associatedIRAPType, m_cListPic); pcSlice->constructRefPicList(m_cListPic); #if JVET_O1164_RPR #if JVET_O0299_APS_SCALINGLIST pcSlice->scaleRefPicList( scaledRefPic, m_parameterSetManager.getAPSs(), *pcSlice->getLmcsAPS(), *pcSlice->getscalingListAPS(), true ); #else pcSlice->scaleRefPicList( scaledRefPic, m_parameterSetManager.getAPSs(), *pcSlice->getLmcsAPS(), true ); #endif #endif if (!pcSlice->isIntra()) { bool bLowDelay = true; int iCurrPOC = pcSlice->getPOC(); int iRefIdx = 0; for (iRefIdx = 0; iRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0) && bLowDelay; iRefIdx++) { if ( pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, iRefIdx)->getPOC() > iCurrPOC ) { bLowDelay = false; } } if (pcSlice->isInterB()) { for (iRefIdx = 0; iRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1) && bLowDelay; iRefIdx++) { if ( pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, iRefIdx)->getPOC() > iCurrPOC ) { bLowDelay = false; } } } pcSlice->setCheckLDC(bLowDelay); } if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getUseSMVD() && pcSlice->getCheckLDC() == false #if JVET_O0284_CONDITION_SMVD_MVDL1ZEROFLAG && pcSlice->getMvdL1ZeroFlag() == false #endif ) { int currPOC = pcSlice->getPOC(); int forwardPOC = currPOC; int backwardPOC = currPOC; int ref = 0; int refIdx0 = -1; int refIdx1 = -1; // search nearest forward POC in List 0 for ( ref = 0; ref < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); ref++ ) { int poc = pcSlice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, ref )->getPOC(); #if JVET_O0414_SMVD_LTRP const bool isRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, ref)->longTerm; if ( poc < currPOC && (poc > forwardPOC || refIdx0 == -1) && !isRefLongTerm ) #else if ( poc < currPOC && (poc > forwardPOC || refIdx0 == -1) ) #endif { forwardPOC = poc; refIdx0 = ref; } } // search nearest backward POC in List 1 for ( ref = 0; ref < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ); ref++ ) { int poc = pcSlice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, ref )->getPOC(); #if JVET_O0414_SMVD_LTRP const bool isRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, ref)->longTerm; if ( poc > currPOC && (poc < backwardPOC || refIdx1 == -1) && !isRefLongTerm ) #else if ( poc > currPOC && (poc < backwardPOC || refIdx1 == -1) ) #endif { backwardPOC = poc; refIdx1 = ref; } } if ( !(forwardPOC < currPOC && backwardPOC > currPOC) ) { forwardPOC = currPOC; backwardPOC = currPOC; refIdx0 = -1; refIdx1 = -1; // search nearest backward POC in List 0 for ( ref = 0; ref < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); ref++ ) { int poc = pcSlice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, ref )->getPOC(); #if JVET_O0414_SMVD_LTRP const bool isRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, ref)->longTerm; if ( poc > currPOC && (poc < backwardPOC || refIdx0 == -1) && !isRefLongTerm ) #else if ( poc > currPOC && (poc < backwardPOC || refIdx0 == -1) ) #endif { backwardPOC = poc; refIdx0 = ref; } } // search nearest forward POC in List 1 for ( ref = 0; ref < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ); ref++ ) { int poc = pcSlice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, ref )->getPOC(); #if JVET_O0414_SMVD_LTRP const bool isRefLongTerm = pcSlice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, ref)->longTerm; if ( poc < currPOC && (poc > forwardPOC || refIdx1 == -1) && !isRefLongTerm ) #else if ( poc < currPOC && (poc > forwardPOC || refIdx1 == -1) ) #endif { forwardPOC = poc; refIdx1 = ref; } } } if ( forwardPOC < currPOC && backwardPOC > currPOC ) { pcSlice->setBiDirPred( true, refIdx0, refIdx1 ); } else { pcSlice->setBiDirPred( false, -1, -1 ); } } else { pcSlice->setBiDirPred( false, -1, -1 ); } //--------------- pcSlice->setRefPOCList(); Quant *quant = m_cTrQuant.getQuant(); #if JVET_O0299_APS_SCALINGLIST if( pcSlice->getSPS()->getScalingListFlag() ) { ScalingList scalingList; if( pcSlice->getscalingListPresentFlag() ) { APS* scalingListAPS = pcSlice->getscalingListAPS(); scalingList = scalingListAPS->getScalingList(); } else { scalingList.setDefaultScalingList(); } quant->setScalingListDec( scalingList ); quant->setUseScalingList( true ); } else { quant->setUseScalingList( false ); } #else if(pcSlice->getSPS()->getScalingListFlag()) { ScalingList scalingList; if(pcSlice->getPPS()->getScalingListPresentFlag()) { scalingList = pcSlice->getPPS()->getScalingList(); } else if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getScalingListPresentFlag()) { scalingList = pcSlice->getSPS()->getScalingList(); } else { scalingList.setDefaultScalingList(); } quant->setScalingListDec(scalingList); quant->setUseScalingList(true); } else { quant->setUseScalingList(false); } #endif if (pcSlice->getSPS()->getUseReshaper()) { if (pcSlice->getLmcsEnabledFlag()) { APS* lmcsAPS = pcSlice->getLmcsAPS(); SliceReshapeInfo& sInfo = lmcsAPS->getReshaperAPSInfo(); SliceReshapeInfo& tInfo = m_cReshaper.getSliceReshaperInfo(); tInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx = sInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx; tInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx = sInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx; memcpy(tInfo.reshaperModelBinCWDelta, sInfo.reshaperModelBinCWDelta, sizeof(int)*(PIC_CODE_CW_BINS)); tInfo.maxNbitsNeededDeltaCW = sInfo.maxNbitsNeededDeltaCW; tInfo.setUseSliceReshaper(pcSlice->getLmcsEnabledFlag()); tInfo.setSliceReshapeChromaAdj(pcSlice->getLmcsChromaResidualScaleFlag()); tInfo.setSliceReshapeModelPresentFlag(true); } else { SliceReshapeInfo& tInfo = m_cReshaper.getSliceReshaperInfo(); tInfo.setUseSliceReshaper(false); tInfo.setSliceReshapeChromaAdj(false); tInfo.setSliceReshapeModelPresentFlag(false); } if (pcSlice->getLmcsEnabledFlag()) { m_cReshaper.constructReshaper(); } else { m_cReshaper.setReshapeFlag(false); } if ((pcSlice->getSliceType() == I_SLICE) && m_cReshaper.getSliceReshaperInfo().getUseSliceReshaper()) { m_cReshaper.setCTUFlag(false); m_cReshaper.setRecReshaped(true); } else { if (m_cReshaper.getSliceReshaperInfo().getUseSliceReshaper()) { m_cReshaper.setCTUFlag(true); m_cReshaper.setRecReshaped(true); } else { m_cReshaper.setCTUFlag(false); m_cReshaper.setRecReshaped(false); } } #if JVET_O1109_UNFIY_CRS m_cReshaper.setVPDULoc(-1, -1); #endif } else { m_cReshaper.setCTUFlag(false); m_cReshaper.setRecReshaped(false); } // Decode a picture m_cSliceDecoder.decompressSlice( pcSlice, &( nalu.getBitstream() ), ( m_pcPic->poc == getDebugPOC() ? getDebugCTU() : -1 ) ); m_bFirstSliceInPicture = false; m_uiSliceSegmentIdx++; #if JVET_O1164_RPR pcSlice->freeScaledRefPicList( scaledRefPic ); #endif return false; } void DecLib::xDecodeVPS( InputNALUnit& nalu ) { VPS* vps = new VPS(); m_HLSReader.setBitstream( &nalu.getBitstream() ); m_HLSReader.parseVPS( vps ); delete vps; } void DecLib::xDecodeDPS( InputNALUnit& nalu ) { DPS* dps = new DPS(); m_HLSReader.setBitstream( &nalu.getBitstream() ); m_HLSReader.parseDPS( dps ); m_parameterSetManager.storeDPS( dps, nalu.getBitstream().getFifo() ); } void DecLib::xDecodeSPS( InputNALUnit& nalu ) { SPS* sps = new SPS(); m_HLSReader.setBitstream( &nalu.getBitstream() ); m_HLSReader.parseSPS( sps ); m_parameterSetManager.storeSPS( sps, nalu.getBitstream().getFifo() ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_QP_PER_CTU, "CTU Size: %dx%d", sps->getMaxCUWidth(), sps->getMaxCUHeight() ); } void DecLib::xDecodePPS( InputNALUnit& nalu ) { PPS* pps = new PPS(); m_HLSReader.setBitstream( &nalu.getBitstream() ); m_HLSReader.parsePPS( pps, &m_parameterSetManager ); m_parameterSetManager.storePPS( pps, nalu.getBitstream().getFifo() ); } void DecLib::xDecodeAPS(InputNALUnit& nalu) { APS* aps = new APS(); m_HLSReader.setBitstream(&nalu.getBitstream()); m_HLSReader.parseAPS(aps); aps->setTemporalId(nalu.m_temporalId); m_parameterSetManager.storeAPS(aps, nalu.getBitstream().getFifo()); } bool DecLib::decode(InputNALUnit& nalu, int& iSkipFrame, int& iPOCLastDisplay) { bool ret; // ignore all NAL units of layers > 0 if (getTargetDecLayer() >= 0 && nalu.m_nuhLayerId != getTargetDecLayer()) //TBC: ignore bitstreams whose nuh_layer_id is not the target layer id { msg( WARNING, "Warning: found NAL unit with nuh_layer_id equal to %d. Ignoring.\n", nalu.m_nuhLayerId); return false; } switch (nalu.m_nalUnitType) { case NAL_UNIT_VPS: xDecodeVPS( nalu ); return false; case NAL_UNIT_DPS: xDecodeDPS( nalu ); return false; case NAL_UNIT_SPS: xDecodeSPS( nalu ); return false; case NAL_UNIT_PPS: xDecodePPS( nalu ); return false; case NAL_UNIT_APS: xDecodeAPS(nalu); return false; case NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI: // Buffer up prefix SEI messages until SPS of associated VCL is known. m_prefixSEINALUs.push_back(new InputNALUnit(nalu)); return false; case NAL_UNIT_SUFFIX_SEI: if (m_pcPic) { m_seiReader.parseSEImessage( &(nalu.getBitstream()), m_pcPic->SEIs, nalu.m_nalUnitType, m_parameterSetManager.getActiveSPS(), m_HRD, m_pDecodedSEIOutputStream ); } else { msg( NOTICE, "Note: received suffix SEI but no picture currently active.\n"); } return false; case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TRAIL: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_STSA: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL: ret = xDecodeSlice(nalu, iSkipFrame, iPOCLastDisplay); #if JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE if ( ret ) { m_cacheModel.reportFrame( ); m_cacheModel.accumulateFrame( ); m_cacheModel.clear( ); } #endif return ret; case NAL_UNIT_EOS: m_associatedIRAPType = NAL_UNIT_INVALID; m_pocCRA = 0; m_pocRandomAccess = MAX_INT; m_prevPOC = MAX_INT; m_prevSliceSkipped = false; m_skippedPOC = 0; return false; case NAL_UNIT_ACCESS_UNIT_DELIMITER: { AUDReader audReader; uint32_t picType; audReader.parseAccessUnitDelimiter(&(nalu.getBitstream()),picType); msg( NOTICE, "Note: found NAL_UNIT_ACCESS_UNIT_DELIMITER\n"); return false; } case NAL_UNIT_EOB: return false; case NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_VCL_12: case NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_VCL_13: case NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_VCL_14: case NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_VCL_15: msg( NOTICE, "Note: found reserved VCL NAL unit.\n"); xParsePrefixSEIsForUnknownVCLNal(); return false; case NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_NVCL_5: case NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_NVCL_6: case NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_NVCL_7: case NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_NVCL_21: case NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_NVCL_22: case NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_NVCL_23: msg( NOTICE, "Note: found reserved NAL unit.\n"); return false; case NAL_UNIT_UNSPECIFIED_28: case NAL_UNIT_UNSPECIFIED_29: case NAL_UNIT_UNSPECIFIED_30: case NAL_UNIT_UNSPECIFIED_31: msg( NOTICE, "Note: found unspecified NAL unit.\n"); return false; default: THROW( "Invalid NAL unit type" ); break; } return false; } /** Function for checking if picture should be skipped because of random access. This function checks the skipping of pictures in the case of -s option random access. * All pictures prior to the random access point indicated by the counter iSkipFrame are skipped. * It also checks the type of Nal unit type at the random access point. * If the random access point is CRA/CRANT/BLA/BLANT, TFD pictures with POC less than the POC of the random access point are skipped. * If the random access point is IDR all pictures after the random access point are decoded. * If the random access point is none of the above, a warning is issues, and decoding of pictures with POC * equal to or greater than the random access point POC is attempted. For non IDR/CRA/BLA random * access point there is no guarantee that the decoder will not crash. */ bool DecLib::isRandomAccessSkipPicture( int& iSkipFrame, int& iPOCLastDisplay ) { if (iSkipFrame) { iSkipFrame--; // decrement the counter return true; } else if (m_pocRandomAccess == MAX_INT) // start of random access point, m_pocRandomAccess has not been set yet. { if (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA ) { // set the POC random access since we need to skip the reordered pictures in the case of CRA/CRANT/BLA/BLANT. m_pocRandomAccess = m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC(); } else if ( m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL || m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP ) { m_pocRandomAccess = -MAX_INT; // no need to skip the reordered pictures in IDR, they are decodable. } else { if(!m_warningMessageSkipPicture) { msg( WARNING, "\nWarning: this is not a valid random access point and the data is discarded until the first CRA picture"); m_warningMessageSkipPicture = true; } return true; } } // skip the reordered pictures, if necessary else if (m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC() < m_pocRandomAccess && (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL)) { iPOCLastDisplay++; return true; } // if we reach here, then the picture is not skipped. return false; } //! \}