/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file CABACWriter.h * \brief Writer for low level syntax */ #ifndef __CABACWRITER__ #define __CABACWRITER__ #include "CommonLib/BitStream.h" #include "CommonLib/ContextModelling.h" #include "BinEncoder.h" //! \ingroup EncoderLib //! \{ class EncCu; class CABACWriter { public: CABACWriter(BinEncIf& binEncoder) : m_BinEncoder(binEncoder), m_Bitstream(0) { m_TestCtx = m_BinEncoder.getCtx(); m_EncCu = NULL; } virtual ~CABACWriter() {} public: void initCtxModels ( const Slice& slice ); void setEncCu(EncCu* pcEncCu) { m_EncCu = pcEncCu; } SliceType getCtxInitId ( const Slice& slice ); void initBitstream ( OutputBitstream* bitstream ) { m_Bitstream = bitstream; m_BinEncoder.init( m_Bitstream ); } const Ctx& getCtx () const { return m_BinEncoder.getCtx(); } Ctx& getCtx () { return m_BinEncoder.getCtx(); } void start () { m_BinEncoder.start(); } void resetBits () { m_BinEncoder.resetBits(); } uint64_t getEstFracBits () const { return m_BinEncoder.getEstFracBits(); } uint32_t getNumBins () { return m_BinEncoder.getNumBins(); } bool isEncoding () { return m_BinEncoder.isEncoding(); } public: // slice segment data (clause void end_of_slice (); // coding tree unit (clause void coding_tree_unit ( CodingStructure& cs, const UnitArea& area, int (&qps)[2], unsigned ctuRsAddr, bool skipSao = false, bool skipAlf = false ); // sao (clause void sao ( const Slice& slice, unsigned ctuRsAddr ); void sao_block_pars ( const SAOBlkParam& saoPars, const BitDepths& bitDepths, bool* sliceEnabled, bool leftMergeAvail, bool aboveMergeAvail, bool onlyEstMergeInfo ); void sao_offset_pars ( const SAOOffset& ctbPars, ComponentID compID, bool sliceEnabled, int bitDepth ); // coding (quad)tree (clause void coding_tree ( const CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& pm, CUCtx& cuCtx, Partitioner* pPartitionerChroma = nullptr, CUCtx* pCuCtxChroma = nullptr); void split_cu_mode ( const PartSplit split, const CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& pm ); void mode_constraint ( const PartSplit split, const CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& pm, const ModeType modeType ); // coding unit (clause void coding_unit ( const CodingUnit& cu, Partitioner& pm, CUCtx& cuCtx ); void cu_transquant_bypass_flag ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void cu_skip_flag ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void pred_mode ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void bdpcm_mode ( const CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID ); void cu_pred_data ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void cu_gbi_flag ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void extend_ref_line (const PredictionUnit& pu ); void extend_ref_line (const CodingUnit& cu ); void intra_luma_pred_modes ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void intra_luma_pred_mode ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); void intra_chroma_pred_modes ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void intra_chroma_lmc_mode ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); void intra_chroma_pred_mode ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); void cu_residual ( const CodingUnit& cu, Partitioner& pm, CUCtx& cuCtx ); void rqt_root_cbf ( const CodingUnit& cu ); #if JVET_P0517_ADAPTIVE_COLOR_TRANSFORM void adaptive_color_transform(const CodingUnit& cu); #endif void sbt_mode ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void end_of_ctu ( const CodingUnit& cu, CUCtx& cuCtx ); void mip_flag ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void mip_pred_modes ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void mip_pred_mode ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); void cu_palette_info ( const CodingUnit& cu, ComponentID compBegin, uint32_t numComp, CUCtx& cuCtx); #if JVET_P0077_LINE_CG_PALETTE void cuPaletteSubblockInfo ( const CodingUnit& cu, ComponentID compBegin, uint32_t numComp, int subSetId, uint32_t& prevRunPos, unsigned& prevRunType ); #else void cu_run_val ( uint32_t run, PLTRunMode runtype, const uint32_t paletteIdx, const uint32_t maxRun); void encodeRunType ( const CodingUnit& cu, PLTtypeBuf& runType, uint32_t idx, ScanElement *refScanOrder, ComponentID compBegin); #endif Pel writePLTIndex ( const CodingUnit& cu, uint32_t idx, PelBuf& paletteIdx, PLTtypeBuf& paletteRunType, int maxSymbol, ComponentID compBegin ); // prediction unit (clause void prediction_unit ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); void merge_flag ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); void merge_data ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); void affine_flag ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void subblock_merge_flag ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void merge_idx ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); void mmvd_merge_idx(const PredictionUnit& pu); void imv_mode ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void affine_amvr_mode ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void inter_pred_idc ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); void ref_idx ( const PredictionUnit& pu, RefPicList eRefList ); void mvp_flag ( const PredictionUnit& pu, RefPicList eRefList ); void MHIntra_flag ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); void smvd_mode ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); // transform tree (clause void transform_tree ( const CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& pm, CUCtx& cuCtx, const PartSplit ispType = TU_NO_ISP, const int subTuIdx = -1 ); void cbf_comp ( const CodingStructure& cs, bool cbf, const CompArea& area, unsigned depth, const bool prevCbf = false, const bool useISP = false ); // mvd coding (clause void mvd_coding ( const Mv &rMvd, int8_t imv ); // transform unit (clause void transform_unit ( const TransformUnit& tu, CUCtx& cuCtx, Partitioner& pm, const int subTuCounter = -1 ); void cu_qp_delta ( const CodingUnit& cu, int predQP, const int8_t qp ); void cu_chroma_qp_offset ( const CodingUnit& cu ); // residual coding (clause void residual_coding ( const TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID, CUCtx* cuCtx = nullptr ); #if JVET_P1026_MTS_SIGNALLING void ts_flag ( const TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ); void mts_idx ( const CodingUnit& cu, CUCtx& cuCtx ); #else void mts_coding ( const TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ); #endif void residual_lfnst_mode ( const CodingUnit& cu, CUCtx& cuCtx ); void isp_mode ( const CodingUnit& cu ); void explicit_rdpcm_mode ( const TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ); void last_sig_coeff ( CoeffCodingContext& cctx, const TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ); void residual_coding_subblock ( CoeffCodingContext& cctx, const TCoeff* coeff, const int stateTransTable, int& state ); void residual_codingTS ( const TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ); void residual_coding_subblockTS( CoeffCodingContext& cctx, const TCoeff* coeff ); void joint_cb_cr ( const TransformUnit& tu, const int cbfMask ); // cross component prediction (clause void cross_comp_pred ( const TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ); void codeAlfCtuEnableFlags ( CodingStructure& cs, ChannelType channel, AlfParam* alfParam); void codeAlfCtuEnableFlags ( CodingStructure& cs, ComponentID compID, AlfParam* alfParam); void codeAlfCtuEnableFlag ( CodingStructure& cs, uint32_t ctuRsAddr, const int compIdx, AlfParam* alfParam ); void codeAlfCtuFilterIndex(CodingStructure& cs, uint32_t ctuRsAddr, bool alfEnableLuma); void codeAlfCtuAlternatives ( CodingStructure& cs, ChannelType channel, AlfParam* alfParam); void codeAlfCtuAlternatives ( CodingStructure& cs, ComponentID compID, AlfParam* alfParam); void codeAlfCtuAlternative ( CodingStructure& cs, uint32_t ctuRsAddr, const int compIdx, const AlfParam* alfParam = NULL ); private: void unary_max_symbol ( unsigned symbol, unsigned ctxId0, unsigned ctxIdN, unsigned maxSymbol ); void unary_max_eqprob ( unsigned symbol, unsigned maxSymbol ); void exp_golomb_eqprob ( unsigned symbol, unsigned count ); void code_unary_fixed ( unsigned symbol, unsigned ctxId, unsigned unary_max, unsigned fixed ); // statistic unsigned get_num_written_bits() { return m_BinEncoder.getNumWrittenBits(); } void xWriteTruncBinCode(uint32_t uiSymbol, uint32_t uiMaxSymbol); void codeScanRotationModeFlag ( const CodingUnit& cu, ComponentID compBegin); void xEncodePLTPredIndicator ( const CodingUnit& cu, uint32_t maxPltSize, ComponentID compBegin); #if !JVET_P0077_LINE_CG_PALETTE uint32_t xWriteTruncMsbP1 ( uint32_t symbol, PLTRunMode runtype, uint32_t maxVal, uint32_t ctxT); void xWriteTruncMsbP1RefinementBits( uint32_t symbol, PLTRunMode runtype, uint32_t maxVal, uint32_t ctxT); #endif private: BinEncIf& m_BinEncoder; OutputBitstream* m_Bitstream; Ctx m_TestCtx; EncCu* m_EncCu; ScanElement* m_scanOrder; }; class CABACEncoder { public: CABACEncoder() : m_CABACWriterStd ( m_BinEncoderStd ) , m_CABACEstimatorStd ( m_BitEstimatorStd ) , m_CABACWriter { &m_CABACWriterStd, } , m_CABACEstimator { &m_CABACEstimatorStd } {} CABACWriter* getCABACWriter ( const SPS* sps ) { return m_CABACWriter [0]; } CABACWriter* getCABACEstimator ( const SPS* sps ) { return m_CABACEstimator[0]; } private: BinEncoder_Std m_BinEncoderStd; BitEstimator_Std m_BitEstimatorStd; CABACWriter m_CABACWriterStd; CABACWriter m_CABACEstimatorStd; CABACWriter* m_CABACWriter [BPM_NUM-1]; CABACWriter* m_CABACEstimator[BPM_NUM-1]; }; //! \} #endif //__CABACWRITER__