/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2021, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file Analyze.h \brief encoder analyzer class (header) */ #ifndef __ANALYZE__ #define __ANALYZE__ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include <stdio.h> #include <memory.h> #include <assert.h> #include <cinttypes> #include "CommonLib/CommonDef.h" #include "CommonLib/ChromaFormat.h" #include "math.h" #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO #include "AppEncHelper360/TExt360EncAnalyze.h" #endif //! \ingroup EncoderLib //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Class definition // ==================================================================================================================== /// encoder analyzer class class Analyze { private: double m_dPSNRSum[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; double m_dAddBits; uint32_t m_uiNumPic; double m_dFrmRate; //--CFG_KDY double m_MSEyuvframe[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; // sum of MSEs double m_upscaledPSNR[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; double m_msssim[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO TExt360EncAnalyze m_ext360; #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS double m_logDeltaESum[hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE]; double m_psnrLSum[hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE]; #endif public: virtual ~Analyze() {} Analyze() { clear(); } void addResult( double psnr[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT], double bits, const double MSEyuvframe[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT], const double upscaledPSNR[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT], const double msssim[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT], bool isEncodeLtRef ) { m_dAddBits += bits; if (isEncodeLtRef) return; for(uint32_t i=0; i<MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++) { m_dPSNRSum[i] += psnr[i]; m_MSEyuvframe[i] += MSEyuvframe[i]; m_upscaledPSNR[i] += upscaledPSNR[i]; m_msssim[i] += msssim[i]; } m_uiNumPic++; } double getWPSNR(const ComponentID compID) const { return m_dPSNRSum[compID] / (double)m_uiNumPic; } double getPsnr(ComponentID compID) const { return m_dPSNRSum[compID]; } double getMsssim(ComponentID compID) const { return m_msssim[compID]; } #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS double getDeltaE() const { return m_logDeltaESum[0]; } double getPsnrL() const { return m_psnrLSum[0]; } #endif double getBits() const { return m_dAddBits; } void setBits(double numBits) { m_dAddBits = numBits; } uint32_t getNumPic() const { return m_uiNumPic; } #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO TExt360EncAnalyze& getExt360Info() { return m_ext360; } #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS void addHDRMetricsResult(double deltaE[hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE], double psnrL[hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE]) { for (int i=0; i<hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE; i++) { m_logDeltaESum[i] += deltaE[i]; m_psnrLSum[i] += psnrL[i]; } } #endif void setFrmRate (double dFrameRate) { m_dFrmRate = dFrameRate; } //--CFG_KDY void clear() { m_dAddBits = 0; for(uint32_t i=0; i<MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++) { m_dPSNRSum[i] = 0; m_MSEyuvframe[i] = 0; m_upscaledPSNR[i] = 0; m_msssim[i] = 0; } m_uiNumPic = 0; #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO m_ext360.clear(); #endif #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS for (int i=0; i<hdrtoolslib::NB_REF_WHITE; i++) { m_logDeltaESum[i] = 0.0; m_psnrLSum[i] = 0.0; } #endif } void calculateCombinedValues(const ChromaFormat chFmt, double &PSNRyuv, double &MSEyuv, const BitDepths &bitDepths) { MSEyuv = 0; int scale = 0; int maximumBitDepth = bitDepths.recon[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA]; for (uint32_t channelTypeIndex = 1; channelTypeIndex < MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; channelTypeIndex++) { if (bitDepths.recon[channelTypeIndex] > maximumBitDepth) { maximumBitDepth = bitDepths.recon[channelTypeIndex]; } } #if ENABLE_QPA const uint32_t maxval = /*useWPSNR ? (1 << maximumBitDepth) - 1 :*/ 255 << (maximumBitDepth - 8); // fix with WPSNR: 1023 (4095) instead of 1020 (4080) for bit depth 10 (12) #else const uint32_t maxval = 255 << (maximumBitDepth - 8); #endif const uint32_t numberValidComponents = getNumberValidComponents(chFmt); for (uint32_t comp=0; comp<numberValidComponents; comp++) { const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(comp); const uint32_t csx = getComponentScaleX(compID, chFmt); const uint32_t csy = getComponentScaleY(compID, chFmt); const int scaleChan = (4>>(csx+csy)); const uint32_t bitDepthShift = 2 * (maximumBitDepth - bitDepths.recon[toChannelType(compID)]); //*2 because this is a squared number const double channelMSE = (m_MSEyuvframe[compID] * double(1 << bitDepthShift)) / double(getNumPic()); scale += scaleChan; MSEyuv += scaleChan * channelMSE; } MSEyuv /= double(scale); // i.e. divide by 6 for 4:2:0, 8 for 4:2:2 etc. PSNRyuv = (MSEyuv == 0) ? 999.99 : 10.0 * log10((maxval * maxval) / MSEyuv); } void printOut(std::string &header, std::string &metrics, const std::string &delim, ChromaFormat chFmt, bool printMSEBasedSNR, bool printSequenceMSE, bool printMSSSIM, bool printHexPsnr, bool printRprPSNR, const BitDepths &bitDepths, bool useWPSNR = false, bool printHdrMetrics = false) { std::ostringstream headeross,metricoss; // no generic lambda in C++11... auto addFieldD=[&](const std::string &header,const char *fmt,double x, bool withchroma=true) { if (!withchroma) return; char buffer[512]; headeross<<header; snprintf(buffer,512,fmt,x); metricoss<<buffer; }; auto addFieldL=[&](const std::string &header,const char *fmt,uint64_t x, bool withchroma=true) { if (!withchroma) return; char buffer[512]; headeross<<header; snprintf(buffer,512,fmt,x); metricoss<<buffer; }; auto addFieldS=[&](const std::string &header,const char *fmt,const char *s) { char buffer[512]; headeross<<header; snprintf(buffer,512,fmt,s); metricoss<<buffer; }; auto hexValue=[](double x) { uint64_t ui; copy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&x), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&x) + sizeof(x), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&ui)); return ui; }; // double fps = m_dFrmRate; //--CFG_KDY double scale = fps / 1000 / (double)m_uiNumPic; double mseBasedSNR[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; if (printMSEBasedSNR||printRprPSNR) { for (uint32_t componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; componentIndex++) { const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(componentIndex); if (getNumPic() == 0) mseBasedSNR[compID] = 0 * scale; // this is the same calculation that will be evaluated for any other statistic when there are no frames (it should result in NaN). We use it here so all the output is consistent. else { const uint32_t maxval = /*useWPSNR ? (1 << bitDepths.recon[toChannelType(compID)]) - 1 :*/ 255 << (bitDepths.recon[toChannelType(compID)] - 8); const double MSE = m_MSEyuvframe[compID]; mseBasedSNR[compID] = (MSE == 0) ? 999.99 : 10.0 * log10((maxval * maxval) / (MSE / (double)getNumPic())); } } } addFieldL("\tTotal Frames","\t%-8d ",getNumPic()); addFieldS(" | ", " %s ",delim.c_str()); addFieldD("Bitrate ", "%-12.4lf ",getBits() * scale); const bool withchroma=(chFmt != CHROMA_400); double psnrYUV = MAX_DOUBLE; double mseYUV = MAX_DOUBLE; if (withchroma) calculateCombinedValues(chFmt, psnrYUV, mseYUV, bitDepths); if (useWPSNR) { addFieldD("Y-WPSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", getWPSNR(COMPONENT_Y)); addFieldD("U-WPSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", getWPSNR(COMPONENT_Cb), withchroma); addFieldD("V-WPSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", getWPSNR(COMPONENT_Cr), withchroma); addFieldD("YUV-WPSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", psnrYUV, withchroma); } else { addFieldD("Y-PSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", getPsnr(COMPONENT_Y) / (double) getNumPic()); addFieldD("U-PSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", getPsnr(COMPONENT_Cb) / (double) getNumPic(), withchroma); addFieldD("V-PSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", getPsnr(COMPONENT_Cr) / (double) getNumPic(), withchroma); addFieldD("YUV-PSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", psnrYUV, withchroma); } #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS if (printHdrMetrics && withchroma) { addFieldD("DeltaE ", "%-8.4lf ", getDeltaE() / (double) getNumPic()); addFieldD("PSNRL ", "%-8.4lf ", getPsnrL() / (double) getNumPic()); } #endif #if EXTENSION_360_VIDEO m_ext360.printInfos(headeross,metricoss,getNumPic()); #endif if (printHexPsnr) { if (useWPSNR) { addFieldL("xY-WPSNR ", "%-16" PRIx64 " ", hexValue(getWPSNR(COMPONENT_Y) )); addFieldL("xU-WPSNR ", "%-16" PRIx64 " ", hexValue(getWPSNR(COMPONENT_Cb)), withchroma); addFieldL("xV-WPSNR ", "%-16" PRIx64 " ", hexValue(getWPSNR(COMPONENT_Cr)), withchroma); } else { addFieldL("xY-PSNR ", "%-16" PRIx64 " ", hexValue(getPsnr(COMPONENT_Y) / (double) getNumPic())); addFieldL("xU-PSNR ", "%-16" PRIx64 " ", hexValue(getPsnr(COMPONENT_Cb) / (double) getNumPic()), withchroma); addFieldL("xV-PSNR ", "%-16" PRIx64 " ", hexValue(getPsnr(COMPONENT_Cr) / (double) getNumPic()), withchroma); } } #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS if (printHdrMetrics && printHexPsnr && withchroma) { addFieldL("xDeltaE ", "%-16" PRIx64 " ", hexValue(getDeltaE() / (double) getNumPic())); addFieldL("xPSNRL ", "%-16" PRIx64 " " , hexValue(getPsnrL() / (double) getNumPic())); } #endif if (printMSSSIM) { addFieldD("Y-MS-SSIM ", "%-9.7lf ", getMsssim(COMPONENT_Y) / (double) getNumPic()); addFieldD("U-MS-SSIM ", "%-9.7lf ", getMsssim(COMPONENT_Cb) / (double) getNumPic(), withchroma); addFieldD("V-MS-SSIM ", "%-9.7lf ", getMsssim(COMPONENT_Cr) / (double) getNumPic(), withchroma); } if (printSequenceMSE) { addFieldD("Y-MSE ", "%-10.4lf ", m_MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Y] / (double) getNumPic()); addFieldD("U-MSE ", "%-10.4lf ", m_MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Cb] / (double) getNumPic(), withchroma); addFieldD("V-MSE ", "%-10.4lf ", m_MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Cr] / (double) getNumPic(), withchroma); addFieldD("YUV-MSE ", "%-10.4lf ",mseYUV, withchroma); } if (printMSEBasedSNR&&!printRprPSNR) { addFieldD("MSE-Y-PSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", mseBasedSNR[COMPONENT_Y]); addFieldD("MSE-U-PSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", mseBasedSNR[COMPONENT_Cb], withchroma); addFieldD("MSE-V-PSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", mseBasedSNR[COMPONENT_Cr], withchroma); addFieldD("MSE-YUV-PSNR ", "%-8.4lf ", psnrYUV, withchroma); } if (printRprPSNR) { addFieldD("Y-PSNR1 ", "%-8.4lf ", mseBasedSNR[COMPONENT_Y]); addFieldD("U-PSNR1 ", "%-8.4lf ", mseBasedSNR[COMPONENT_Cb], withchroma); addFieldD("V-PSNR1 ", "%-8.4lf ", mseBasedSNR[COMPONENT_Cr], withchroma); addFieldD("Y-PSNR2 ", "%-8.4lf ", m_upscaledPSNR[COMPONENT_Y]/ (double)getNumPic()); addFieldD("U-PSNR2 ", "%-8.4lf ", m_upscaledPSNR[COMPONENT_Cb]/ (double)getNumPic(), withchroma); addFieldD("V-PSNR2 ", "%-8.4lf ", m_upscaledPSNR[COMPONENT_Cr]/ (double)getNumPic(), withchroma); } header=headeross.str(); metrics=metricoss.str(); } void printSummary(const ChromaFormat chFmt, const bool printSequenceMSE, const bool printHexPsnr, const BitDepths &bitDepths, const std::string &sFilename) { FILE* pFile = fopen (sFilename.c_str(), "at"); double dFps = m_dFrmRate; //--CFG_KDY double dScale = dFps / 1000 / (double)m_uiNumPic; switch (chFmt) { case CHROMA_400: fprintf(pFile, "%f\t %f\n", getBits() * dScale, getPsnr(COMPONENT_Y) / (double)getNumPic() ); break; case CHROMA_420: case CHROMA_422: case CHROMA_444: { double PSNRyuv = MAX_DOUBLE; double MSEyuv = MAX_DOUBLE; calculateCombinedValues(chFmt, PSNRyuv, MSEyuv, bitDepths); fprintf(pFile, "%f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f", getBits() * dScale, getPsnr(COMPONENT_Y ) / (double)getNumPic(), getPsnr(COMPONENT_Cb) / (double)getNumPic(), getPsnr(COMPONENT_Cr) / (double)getNumPic(), PSNRyuv ); if (printSequenceMSE) { fprintf(pFile, "\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\n", m_MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Y ] / (double)getNumPic(), m_MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Cb] / (double)getNumPic(), m_MSEyuvframe[COMPONENT_Cr] / (double)getNumPic(), MSEyuv ); } else { fprintf(pFile, "\n"); } break; } default: msg( ERROR, "Unknown format during print out\n"); exit(1); break; } fclose(pFile); } }; extern Analyze m_gcAnalyzeAll; extern Analyze m_gcAnalyzeI; extern Analyze m_gcAnalyzeP; extern Analyze m_gcAnalyzeB; #if WCG_WPSNR extern Analyze m_gcAnalyzeWPSNR; #endif extern Analyze m_gcAnalyzeAll_in; //! \} #endif // !defined(AFX_TENCANALYZE_H__C79BCAA2_6AC8_4175_A0FE_CF02F5829233__INCLUDED_)