/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD
 * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party
 * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are
 * granted under this license.
 * Copyright (c) 2010-2019, ITU/ISO/IEC
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 *  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 *    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 *  * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may
 *    be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
 *    specific prior written permission.

/** \file     Slice.h
    \brief    slice header and SPS class (header)

#ifndef __SLICE__
#define __SLICE__

#include <cstring>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "CommonDef.h"
#include "Rom.h"
#include "ChromaFormat.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "HRD.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include "AlfParameters.h"

//! \ingroup CommonLib
//! \{
#include "CommonLib/MotionInfo.h"
struct MotionInfo;

struct Picture;
class Pic;
class TrQuant;
// ====================================================================================================================
// Constants
// ====================================================================================================================
class PreCalcValues;
static const uint32_t REF_PIC_LIST_NUM_IDX=32;

typedef std::list<Picture*> PicList;

// ====================================================================================================================
// Class definition
// ====================================================================================================================

class ReferencePictureList
  int   m_numberOfShorttermPictures;
  int   m_numberOfLongtermPictures;
  int   m_isLongtermRefPic[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS];
  int   m_refPicIdentifier[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS];  //This can be delta POC for STRP or POC LSB for LTRP
  int   m_POC[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS];
  int   m_numberOfActivePictures;
  bool  m_deltaPocMSBPresentFlag[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS];
  int   m_deltaPOCMSBCycleLT[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS];
  bool  m_ltrp_in_slice_header_flag;

  virtual ~ReferencePictureList();

  void    setRefPicIdentifier(int idx, int identifier, bool isLongterm);
  int     getRefPicIdentifier(int idx) const;
  bool    isRefPicLongterm(int idx) const;

  void    setNumberOfShorttermPictures(int numberOfStrp);
  int     getNumberOfShorttermPictures() const;

  void    setNumberOfLongtermPictures(int numberOfLtrp);
  int     getNumberOfLongtermPictures() const;

  void    setLtrpInSliceHeaderFlag(bool flag) { m_ltrp_in_slice_header_flag = flag; }
  bool    getLtrpInSliceHeaderFlag() const { return m_ltrp_in_slice_header_flag; }

  int     getNumRefEntries() const { return m_numberOfShorttermPictures + m_numberOfLongtermPictures; }

  void    setPOC(int idx, int POC);
  int     getPOC(int idx) const;

  void    setNumberOfActivePictures(int numberOfLtrp);
  int     getNumberOfActivePictures() const;

  int     getDeltaPocMSBCycleLT(int i) const { return m_deltaPOCMSBCycleLT[i]; }
  void    setDeltaPocMSBCycleLT(int i, int x) { m_deltaPOCMSBCycleLT[i] = x; }
  bool    getDeltaPocMSBPresentFlag(int i) const { return m_deltaPocMSBPresentFlag[i]; }
  void    setDeltaPocMSBPresentFlag(int i, bool x) { m_deltaPocMSBPresentFlag[i] = x; }

  void    printRefPicInfo() const;

/// Reference Picture List set class
class RPLList
  std::vector<ReferencePictureList> m_referencePictureLists;

  RPLList() { }
  virtual                        ~RPLList() { }

  void                           create(int numberOfEntries) { m_referencePictureLists.resize(numberOfEntries); }
  void                           destroy() { }

  ReferencePictureList*          getReferencePictureList(int referencePictureListIdx) { return &m_referencePictureLists[referencePictureListIdx]; }
  const ReferencePictureList*    getReferencePictureList(int referencePictureListIdx) const { return &m_referencePictureLists[referencePictureListIdx]; }

  int                            getNumberOfReferencePictureLists() const { return int(m_referencePictureLists.size()); }

/// SCALING_LIST class
class ScalingList
  virtual    ~ScalingList()                                                 { }
  int*       getScalingListAddress(uint32_t scalingListId)                    { return &(m_scalingListCoef[scalingListId][0]);            } //!< get matrix coefficient
  const int* getScalingListAddress(uint32_t scalingListId) const              { return &(m_scalingListCoef[scalingListId][0]);            } //!< get matrix coefficient
  void       checkPredMode(uint32_t scalingListId);

  void       setRefMatrixId(uint32_t scalingListId, uint32_t u)               { m_refMatrixId[scalingListId] = u;                         } //!< set reference matrix ID
  uint32_t       getRefMatrixId(uint32_t scalingListId) const                 { return m_refMatrixId[scalingListId];                      } //!< get reference matrix ID
  static const int* getScalingListDefaultAddress(uint32_t scalinListId);                                                                           //!< get default matrix coefficient
  void       processDefaultMatrix(uint32_t scalinListId);

  void       setScalingListDC(uint32_t scalinListId, uint32_t u)              { m_scalingListDC[scalinListId] = u;                        } //!< set DC value
  int        getScalingListDC(uint32_t scalinListId) const                    { return m_scalingListDC[scalinListId];                     } //!< get DC value

  void       setScalingListCopyModeFlag(uint32_t scalinListId, bool bIsCopy)  { m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsCopy[scalinListId] = bIsCopy;  }
  bool       getScalingListCopyModeFlag(uint32_t scalinListId) const          { return m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsCopy[scalinListId];     } //getScalingListPredModeFlag
  void       processRefMatrix(uint32_t scalingListId, uint32_t refListId);

  int        lengthUvlc(int uiCode);
  int        lengthSvlc(int uiCode);
  void       CheckBestPredScalingList(int scalingListId, int predListIdx, int& BitsCount);
  void       codePredScalingList(int* scalingList, const int* scalingListPred, int scalingListDC, int scalingListPredDC, int scalinListId, int& bitsCost);
  void       codeScalingList(int* scalingList, int scalingListDC, int scalinListId, int& bitsCost);
  void       setScalingListPreditorModeFlag(uint32_t scalingListId, bool bIsPred) { m_scalingListPreditorModeFlag[scalingListId] = bIsPred; }
  bool       getScalingListPreditorModeFlag(uint32_t scalingListId) const { return m_scalingListPreditorModeFlag[scalingListId]; }
  int*       getScalingListAddress(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId)          { return &(m_scalingListCoef[sizeId][listId][0]);           } //!< get matrix coefficient
  const int* getScalingListAddress(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId) const    { return &(m_scalingListCoef[sizeId][listId][0]);           } //!< get matrix coefficient
  void       checkPredMode(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId);

  void       setRefMatrixId(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId, uint32_t u)                   { m_refMatrixId[sizeId][listId] = u;                         } //!< set reference matrix ID
  uint32_t       getRefMatrixId(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId) const                     { return m_refMatrixId[sizeId][listId];                      } //!< get reference matrix ID

  const int* getScalingListDefaultAddress(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId);                                                                           //!< get default matrix coefficient
  void       processDefaultMatrix(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId);

  void       setScalingListDC(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId, uint32_t u)                 { m_scalingListDC[sizeId][listId] = u;                       } //!< set DC value
  int        getScalingListDC(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId) const                   { return m_scalingListDC[sizeId][listId];                    } //!< get DC value

  void       setScalingListPredModeFlag(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId, bool bIsDPCM) { m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsDPCM[sizeId][listId] = bIsDPCM; }
  bool       getScalingListPredModeFlag(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId) const         { return m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsDPCM[sizeId][listId];    }
  void       processRefMatrix(uint32_t sizeId, uint32_t listId , uint32_t refListId );

  void       checkDcOfMatrix();
  bool       xParseScalingList(const std::string &fileName);
  void       setDefaultScalingList();
  bool       isNotDefaultScalingList();

  bool operator==( const ScalingList& other )
    if (memcmp(m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsCopy, other.m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsCopy, sizeof(m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsCopy)))
    if( memcmp( m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsDPCM, other.m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsDPCM, sizeof( m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsDPCM ) ) )
      return false;
    if( memcmp( m_scalingListDC, other.m_scalingListDC, sizeof( m_scalingListDC ) ) )
      return false;
    if( memcmp( m_refMatrixId, other.m_refMatrixId, sizeof( m_refMatrixId ) ) )
      return false;
    if( memcmp( m_scalingListCoef, other.m_scalingListCoef, sizeof( m_scalingListCoef ) ) )
      return false;

    return true;

  bool operator!=( const ScalingList& other )
    return !( *this == other );

  void             outputScalingLists(std::ostream &os) const;
  bool             m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsCopy [30]; //!< reference list index
  int              m_scalingListDC                 [30]; //!< the DC value of the matrix coefficient for 16x16
  uint32_t         m_refMatrixId                   [30]; //!< RefMatrixID
  bool             m_scalingListPreditorModeFlag   [30]; //!< reference list index
  std::vector<int> m_scalingListCoef               [30]; //!< quantization matrix
  bool             m_scalingListPredModeFlagIsDPCM [SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM][SCALING_LIST_NUM]; //!< reference list index
  int              m_scalingListDC                 [SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM][SCALING_LIST_NUM]; //!< the DC value of the matrix coefficient for 16x16
  uint32_t         m_refMatrixId                   [SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM][SCALING_LIST_NUM]; //!< RefMatrixID
  std::vector<int> m_scalingListCoef               [SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM][SCALING_LIST_NUM]; //!< quantization matrix

class ConstraintInfo
  bool              m_progressiveSourceFlag;
  bool              m_interlacedSourceFlag;
  bool              m_nonPackedConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_frameOnlyConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_intraOnlyConstraintFlag;
  uint32_t          m_maxBitDepthConstraintIdc;
  ChromaFormat      m_maxChromaFormatConstraintIdc;
  bool              m_onePictureOnlyConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_lowerBitRateConstraintFlag;

  bool              m_noQtbttDualTreeIntraConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noPartitionConstraintsOverrideConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noSaoConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noAlfConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noRefWraparoundConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noTemporalMvpConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noSbtmvpConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noAmvrConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noBdofConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noDmvrConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noCclmConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noMtsConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noSbtConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noAffineMotionConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noGbiConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noIbcConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noMhIntraConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noFPelMmvdConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noTriangleConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noLadfConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noTransformSkipConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noBDPCMConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noJointCbCrConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noQpDeltaConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noDepQuantConstraintFlag;
  bool              m_noSignDataHidingConstraintFlag;

    : m_progressiveSourceFlag (false)
    , m_interlacedSourceFlag (false)
    , m_nonPackedConstraintFlag (false)
    , m_frameOnlyConstraintFlag  (false)
    , m_intraOnlyConstraintFlag  (false)
    , m_maxBitDepthConstraintIdc  (  0)
    , m_maxChromaFormatConstraintIdc(CHROMA_420)
    , m_noQtbttDualTreeIntraConstraintFlag(false)
    , m_noPartitionConstraintsOverrideConstraintFlag(false)
    , m_noSaoConstraintFlag      (false)
    , m_noAlfConstraintFlag      (false)
    , m_noRefWraparoundConstraintFlag(false)
    , m_noTemporalMvpConstraintFlag(false)
    , m_noSbtmvpConstraintFlag   (false)
    , m_noAmvrConstraintFlag     (false)
    , m_noBdofConstraintFlag     (false)
    , m_noDmvrConstraintFlag     (false)
    , m_noCclmConstraintFlag     (false)
    , m_noMtsConstraintFlag      (false)
    , m_noSbtConstraintFlag      (false)
    , m_noAffineMotionConstraintFlag(false)
    , m_noGbiConstraintFlag      (false)
    , m_noIbcConstraintFlag      (false)
    , m_noMhIntraConstraintFlag  (false)
    , m_noFPelMmvdConstraintFlag (false)
    , m_noTriangleConstraintFlag (false)
    , m_noLadfConstraintFlag     (false)
    , m_noTransformSkipConstraintFlag(false)
    , m_noBDPCMConstraintFlag    (false)
    , m_noJointCbCrConstraintFlag (false)
    , m_noQpDeltaConstraintFlag  (false)
    , m_noDepQuantConstraintFlag (false)
    , m_noSignDataHidingConstraintFlag(false)

  bool          getProgressiveSourceFlag() const { return m_progressiveSourceFlag; }
  void          setProgressiveSourceFlag(bool b) { m_progressiveSourceFlag = b; }

  bool          getInterlacedSourceFlag() const { return m_interlacedSourceFlag; }
  void          setInterlacedSourceFlag(bool b) { m_interlacedSourceFlag = b; }

  bool          getNonPackedConstraintFlag() const { return m_nonPackedConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNonPackedConstraintFlag(bool b) { m_nonPackedConstraintFlag = b; }

  bool          getFrameOnlyConstraintFlag() const { return m_frameOnlyConstraintFlag; }
  void          setFrameOnlyConstraintFlag(bool b) { m_frameOnlyConstraintFlag = b; }

  uint32_t      getMaxBitDepthConstraintIdc() const { return m_maxBitDepthConstraintIdc; }
  void          setMaxBitDepthConstraintIdc(uint32_t bitDepth) { m_maxBitDepthConstraintIdc = bitDepth; }

  ChromaFormat  getMaxChromaFormatConstraintIdc() const { return m_maxChromaFormatConstraintIdc; }
  void          setMaxChromaFormatConstraintIdc(ChromaFormat fmt) { m_maxChromaFormatConstraintIdc = fmt; }

  bool          getIntraOnlyConstraintFlag() const { return m_intraOnlyConstraintFlag; }
  void          setIntraOnlyConstraintFlag(bool b) { m_intraOnlyConstraintFlag = b; }

  bool          getOnePictureOnlyConstraintFlag() const { return m_onePictureOnlyConstraintFlag; }
  void          setOnePictureOnlyConstraintFlag(bool b) { m_onePictureOnlyConstraintFlag = b; }

  bool          getLowerBitRateConstraintFlag() const { return m_lowerBitRateConstraintFlag; }
  void          setLowerBitRateConstraintFlag(bool b) { m_lowerBitRateConstraintFlag = b; }

  bool          getNoQtbttDualTreeIntraConstraintFlag() const { return m_noQtbttDualTreeIntraConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoQtbttDualTreeIntraConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noQtbttDualTreeIntraConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoPartitionConstraintsOverrideConstraintFlag() const { return m_noPartitionConstraintsOverrideConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoPartitionConstraintsOverrideConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noPartitionConstraintsOverrideConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoSaoConstraintFlag() const { return m_noSaoConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoSaoConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noSaoConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoAlfConstraintFlag() const { return m_noAlfConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoAlfConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noAlfConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoJointCbCrConstraintFlag() const { return m_noJointCbCrConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoJointCbCrConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noJointCbCrConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoRefWraparoundConstraintFlag() const { return m_noRefWraparoundConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoRefWraparoundConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noRefWraparoundConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoTemporalMvpConstraintFlag() const { return m_noTemporalMvpConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoTemporalMvpConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noTemporalMvpConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoSbtmvpConstraintFlag() const { return m_noSbtmvpConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoSbtmvpConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noSbtmvpConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoAmvrConstraintFlag() const { return m_noAmvrConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoAmvrConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noAmvrConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoBdofConstraintFlag() const { return m_noBdofConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoBdofConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noBdofConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoDmvrConstraintFlag() const { return m_noDmvrConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoDmvrConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noDmvrConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoCclmConstraintFlag() const { return m_noCclmConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoCclmConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noCclmConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoMtsConstraintFlag() const { return m_noMtsConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoMtsConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noMtsConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoSbtConstraintFlag() const { return m_noSbtConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoSbtConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noSbtConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoAffineMotionConstraintFlag() const { return m_noAffineMotionConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoAffineMotionConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noAffineMotionConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoGbiConstraintFlag() const { return m_noGbiConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoGbiConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noGbiConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoIbcConstraintFlag() const { return m_noIbcConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoIbcConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noIbcConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoMhIntraConstraintFlag() const { return m_noMhIntraConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoMhIntraConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noMhIntraConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoFPelMmvdConstraintFlag() const { return m_noFPelMmvdConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoFPelMmvdConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noFPelMmvdConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoTriangleConstraintFlag() const { return m_noTriangleConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoTriangleConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noTriangleConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoLadfConstraintFlag() const { return m_noLadfConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoLadfConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noLadfConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoTransformSkipConstraintFlag() const { return m_noTransformSkipConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoTransformSkipConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noTransformSkipConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoBDPCMConstraintFlag() const { return m_noBDPCMConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoBDPCMConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noBDPCMConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoQpDeltaConstraintFlag() const { return m_noQpDeltaConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoQpDeltaConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noQpDeltaConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoDepQuantConstraintFlag() const { return m_noDepQuantConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoDepQuantConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noDepQuantConstraintFlag = bVal; }
  bool          getNoSignDataHidingConstraintFlag() const { return m_noSignDataHidingConstraintFlag; }
  void          setNoSignDataHidingConstraintFlag(bool bVal) { m_noSignDataHidingConstraintFlag = bVal; }

class ProfileTierLevel
  Level::Tier       m_tierFlag;
  Profile::Name     m_profileIdc;
  uint8_t           m_numSubProfile;
  std::vector<uint32_t>          m_subProfileIdc;
  Level::Name       m_levelIdc;

  ConstraintInfo    m_constraintInfo;
  bool              m_subLayerLevelPresentFlag[MAX_TLAYER - 1];
  Level::Name       m_subLayerLevelIdc[MAX_TLAYER - 1];


  Level::Tier   getTierFlag() const                         { return m_tierFlag;                    }
  void          setTierFlag(Level::Tier x)                  { m_tierFlag = x;                       }

  Profile::Name getProfileIdc() const                       { return m_profileIdc;                  }
  void          setProfileIdc(Profile::Name x)              { m_profileIdc = x;                     }

  uint32_t      getSubProfileIdc(int i) const               { return m_subProfileIdc[i]; }
  void          setSubProfileIdc(int i, uint32_t x)         { m_subProfileIdc[i] = x; }

  uint8_t       getNumSubProfile() const                    { return m_numSubProfile; }
  void          setNumSubProfile(uint8_t x)                 { m_numSubProfile = x; m_subProfileIdc.resize(m_numSubProfile); }

  Level::Name   getLevelIdc() const                         { return m_levelIdc;                    }
  void          setLevelIdc(Level::Name x)                  { m_levelIdc = x;                       }

  ConstraintInfo*         getConstraintInfo()              { return &m_constraintInfo; }
  const ConstraintInfo*   getConstraintInfo() const        { return &m_constraintInfo; }

  bool                    getSubLayerLevelPresentFlag(int i) const     { return m_subLayerLevelPresentFlag[i];   }
  void                    setSubLayerLevelPresentFlag(int i, bool x)   { m_subLayerLevelPresentFlag[i] = x;      }

  Level::Name             getSubLayerLevelIdc(int i) const             { return m_subLayerLevelIdc[i];   }
  void                    setSubLayerLevelIdc(int i, Level::Name x)    { m_subLayerLevelIdc[i] = x;      }


class SliceReshapeInfo
  bool      sliceReshaperEnableFlag;
  bool      sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag;
  unsigned  enableChromaAdj;
  uint32_t  reshaperModelMinBinIdx;
  uint32_t  reshaperModelMaxBinIdx;
  int       reshaperModelBinCWDelta[PIC_CODE_CW_BINS];
  int       maxNbitsNeededDeltaCW;
  int       chrResScalingOffset;
  void      setUseSliceReshaper(bool b)                                { sliceReshaperEnableFlag = b;            }
  bool      getUseSliceReshaper() const                                { return sliceReshaperEnableFlag;         }
  void      setSliceReshapeModelPresentFlag(bool b)                    { sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag = b;      }
  bool      getSliceReshapeModelPresentFlag() const                    { return   sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag; }
  void      setSliceReshapeChromaAdj(unsigned adj)                     { enableChromaAdj = adj;                  }
  unsigned  getSliceReshapeChromaAdj() const                           { return enableChromaAdj;                 }

  bool operator==( const SliceReshapeInfo& other )
    if( sliceReshaperEnableFlag != other.sliceReshaperEnableFlag )
      return false;
    if( sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag != other.sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag )
      return false;
    if( enableChromaAdj != other.enableChromaAdj )
      return false;
    if( reshaperModelMinBinIdx != other.reshaperModelMinBinIdx )
      return false;
    if( reshaperModelMaxBinIdx != other.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx )
      return false;
    if( maxNbitsNeededDeltaCW != other.maxNbitsNeededDeltaCW )
      return false;
    if (chrResScalingOffset != other.chrResScalingOffset)
      return false;
    if( memcmp( reshaperModelBinCWDelta, other.reshaperModelBinCWDelta, sizeof( reshaperModelBinCWDelta ) ) )
      return false;

    return true;

  bool operator!=( const SliceReshapeInfo& other )
    return !( *this == other );

struct ReshapeCW
  std::vector<uint32_t> binCW;
  int       updateCtrl;
  int       adpOption;
  uint32_t  initialCW;
  int rspPicSize;
  int rspFps;
  int rspBaseQP;
  int rspTid;
  int rspSliceQP;
  int rspFpsToIp;

struct ChromaQpAdj
    struct {
      int CbOffset;
      int CrOffset;
      int JointCbCrOffset;
    } comp;
    int offset[3];
  } u;
struct ChromaQpMappingTableParams {
  int               m_qpBdOffset;
  bool              m_sameCQPTableForAllChromaFlag;
  int               m_numQpTables;
  int               m_numPtsInCQPTableMinus1[MAX_NUM_CQP_MAPPING_TABLES];
  std::vector<int>  m_deltaQpInValMinus1[MAX_NUM_CQP_MAPPING_TABLES];
  std::vector<int>  m_deltaQpOutVal[MAX_NUM_CQP_MAPPING_TABLES];

    m_qpBdOffset = 12;
    m_sameCQPTableForAllChromaFlag = true;
    m_numQpTables = 1;
    m_numPtsInCQPTableMinus1[0] = 0;
    m_deltaQpInValMinus1[0] = { 0 };
    m_deltaQpOutVal[0] = { 0 };

  void      setSameCQPTableForAllChromaFlag(bool b)                             { m_sameCQPTableForAllChromaFlag = b; }
  bool      getSameCQPTableForAllChromaFlag()                             const { return m_sameCQPTableForAllChromaFlag; }
  void      setNumQpTables(int n)                                     { m_numQpTables = n; }
  int       getNumQpTables()                                     const { return m_numQpTables; }
  void      setNumPtsInCQPTableMinus1(int tableIdx, int n)                      { m_numPtsInCQPTableMinus1[tableIdx] = n; }
  int       getNumPtsInCQPTableMinus1(int tableIdx)                       const { return m_numPtsInCQPTableMinus1[tableIdx]; }
  void      setDeltaQpInValMinus1(int tableIdx, std::vector<int> &inVals)       { m_deltaQpInValMinus1[tableIdx] = inVals; }
  void      setDeltaQpInValMinus1(int tableIdx, int idx, int n)                 { m_deltaQpInValMinus1[tableIdx][idx] = n; }
  int       getDeltaQpInValMinus1(int tableIdx, int idx)                  const { return m_deltaQpInValMinus1[tableIdx][idx]; }
  void      setDeltaQpOutVal(int tableIdx, std::vector<int> &outVals)           { m_deltaQpOutVal[tableIdx] = outVals; }
  void      setDeltaQpOutVal(int tableIdx, int idx, int n)                      { m_deltaQpOutVal[tableIdx][idx] = n; }
  int       getDeltaQpOutVal(int tableIdx, int idx)                       const { return m_deltaQpOutVal[tableIdx][idx]; }
struct ChromaQpMappingTable : ChromaQpMappingTableParams
  std::map<int, int> m_chromaQpMappingTables[MAX_NUM_CQP_MAPPING_TABLES];

  int       getMappedChromaQpValue(ComponentID compID, const int qpVal)  const { return m_chromaQpMappingTables[m_sameCQPTableForAllChromaFlag ? 0 : (int)compID - 1].at(qpVal); }
  void      derivedChromaQPMappingTables();
  void      setParams(const ChromaQpMappingTableParams &params, const int qpBdOffset);
class DPS
  int m_decodingParameterSetId;
  int m_maxSubLayersMinus1;
  ProfileTierLevel m_profileTierLevel;

    : m_decodingParameterSetId(-1)
    , m_maxSubLayersMinus1 (0)

  virtual ~DPS() {};

  int  getDecodingParameterSetId() const { return m_decodingParameterSetId; }
  void setDecodingParameterSetId(int val) { m_decodingParameterSetId = val; }
  int  getMaxSubLayersMinus1() const { return m_maxSubLayersMinus1; }
  void setMaxSubLayersMinus1(int val) { m_maxSubLayersMinus1 = val; }

  void setProfileTierLevel(const ProfileTierLevel &val)          { m_profileTierLevel = val; }
  const ProfileTierLevel& getProfileTierLevel() const            { return m_profileTierLevel; }

class VPS
  int                   m_VPSId;
  uint32_t              m_uiMaxLayers;

  uint32_t              m_vpsIncludedLayerId[MAX_VPS_LAYERS];
  bool                  m_vpsExtensionFlag;


  virtual           ~VPS();

  int               getVPSId() const                                     { return m_VPSId;                                                  }
  void              setVPSId(int i)                                      { m_VPSId = i;                                                     }

  uint32_t          getMaxLayers() const                                 { return m_uiMaxLayers;                                            }
  void              setMaxLayers(uint32_t l)                             { m_uiMaxLayers = l;                                               }

  bool              getVPSExtensionFlag() const                          { return m_vpsExtensionFlag;                                 }
  void              setVPSExtensionFlag(bool t)                          { m_vpsExtensionFlag = t;                                    }

  void              setVPSIncludedLayerId(uint32_t v, uint32_t Layer)        { m_vpsIncludedLayerId[Layer] = v;                                    }
  uint32_t          getVPSIncludedLayerId(uint32_t Layer) const              { return m_vpsIncludedLayerId[Layer];                                 }

class Window
  bool m_enabledFlag;
  int  m_winLeftOffset;
  int  m_winRightOffset;
  int  m_winTopOffset;
  int  m_winBottomOffset;
  : m_enabledFlag    (false)
  , m_winLeftOffset  (0)
  , m_winRightOffset (0)
  , m_winTopOffset   (0)
  , m_winBottomOffset(0)
  { }

  bool getWindowEnabledFlag() const   { return m_enabledFlag;                          }
  int  getWindowLeftOffset() const    { return m_enabledFlag ? m_winLeftOffset : 0;    }
  void setWindowLeftOffset(int val)   { m_winLeftOffset = val; m_enabledFlag = true;   }
  int  getWindowRightOffset() const   { return m_enabledFlag ? m_winRightOffset : 0;   }
  void setWindowRightOffset(int val)  { m_winRightOffset = val; m_enabledFlag = true;  }
  int  getWindowTopOffset() const     { return m_enabledFlag ? m_winTopOffset : 0;     }
  void setWindowTopOffset(int val)    { m_winTopOffset = val; m_enabledFlag = true;    }
  int  getWindowBottomOffset() const  { return m_enabledFlag ? m_winBottomOffset: 0;   }
  void setWindowBottomOffset(int val) { m_winBottomOffset = val; m_enabledFlag = true; }

  void setWindow(int offsetLeft, int offsetLRight, int offsetLTop, int offsetLBottom)
    m_enabledFlag     = true;
    m_winLeftOffset   = offsetLeft;
    m_winRightOffset  = offsetLRight;
    m_winTopOffset    = offsetLTop;
    m_winBottomOffset = offsetLBottom;

class VUI
  bool       m_aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag;
  int        m_aspectRatioIdc;
  int        m_sarWidth;
  int        m_sarHeight;
  bool       m_colourDescriptionPresentFlag;
  int        m_colourPrimaries;
  int        m_transferCharacteristics;
  int        m_matrixCoefficients;
  bool       m_fieldSeqFlag;
  bool       m_chromaLocInfoPresentFlag;
  int        m_chromaSampleLocTypeTopField;
  int        m_chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField;
  int        m_chromaSampleLocType;
  bool       m_overscanInfoPresentFlag;
  bool       m_overscanAppropriateFlag;
  bool       m_videoSignalTypePresentFlag;
  bool       m_videoFullRangeFlag;

    : m_aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag        (false) //TODO: This initialiser list contains magic numbers
    , m_aspectRatioIdc                    (0)
    , m_sarWidth                          (0)
    , m_sarHeight                         (0)
    , m_colourDescriptionPresentFlag      (false)
    , m_colourPrimaries                   (2)
    , m_transferCharacteristics           (2)
    , m_matrixCoefficients                (2)
    , m_fieldSeqFlag                      (false)
    , m_chromaLocInfoPresentFlag          (false)
    , m_chromaSampleLocTypeTopField       (0)
    , m_chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField    (0)
    , m_chromaSampleLocType               (0)
    , m_overscanInfoPresentFlag           (false)
    , m_overscanAppropriateFlag           (false)
    , m_videoSignalTypePresentFlag        (false)
    , m_videoFullRangeFlag                (false)

  virtual           ~VUI() {}

  bool              getAspectRatioInfoPresentFlag() const                  { return m_aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag;           }
  void              setAspectRatioInfoPresentFlag(bool i)                  { m_aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag = i;              }

  int               getAspectRatioIdc() const                              { return m_aspectRatioIdc;                       }
  void              setAspectRatioIdc(int i)                               { m_aspectRatioIdc = i;                          }

  int               getSarWidth() const                                    { return m_sarWidth;                             }
  void              setSarWidth(int i)                                     { m_sarWidth = i;                                }

  int               getSarHeight() const                                   { return m_sarHeight;                            }
  void              setSarHeight(int i)                                    { m_sarHeight = i;                               }

  bool              getColourDescriptionPresentFlag() const                { return m_colourDescriptionPresentFlag;         }
  void              setColourDescriptionPresentFlag(bool i)                { m_colourDescriptionPresentFlag = i;            }

  int               getColourPrimaries() const                             { return m_colourPrimaries;                      }
  void              setColourPrimaries(int i)                              { m_colourPrimaries = i;                         }

  int               getTransferCharacteristics() const                     { return m_transferCharacteristics;              }
  void              setTransferCharacteristics(int i)                      { m_transferCharacteristics = i;                 }

  int               getMatrixCoefficients() const                          { return m_matrixCoefficients;                   }
  void              setMatrixCoefficients(int i)                           { m_matrixCoefficients = i;                      }

  bool              getFieldSeqFlag() const                                { return m_fieldSeqFlag;                         }
  void              setFieldSeqFlag(bool i)                                { m_fieldSeqFlag = i;                            }

  bool              getChromaLocInfoPresentFlag() const                    { return m_chromaLocInfoPresentFlag;             }
  void              setChromaLocInfoPresentFlag(bool i)                    { m_chromaLocInfoPresentFlag = i;                }

  int               getChromaSampleLocTypeTopField() const                 { return m_chromaSampleLocTypeTopField;          }
  void              setChromaSampleLocTypeTopField(int i)                  { m_chromaSampleLocTypeTopField = i;             }

  int               getChromaSampleLocTypeBottomField() const              { return m_chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField;       }
  void              setChromaSampleLocTypeBottomField(int i)               { m_chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField = i;          }

  int               getChromaSampleLocType() const                         { return m_chromaSampleLocType;          }
  void              setChromaSampleLocType(int i)                          { m_chromaSampleLocType = i;             }

  bool              getOverscanInfoPresentFlag() const                     { return m_overscanInfoPresentFlag;              }
  void              setOverscanInfoPresentFlag(bool i)                     { m_overscanInfoPresentFlag = i;                 }

  bool              getOverscanAppropriateFlag() const                     { return m_overscanAppropriateFlag;              }
  void              setOverscanAppropriateFlag(bool i)                     { m_overscanAppropriateFlag = i;                 }

  bool              getVideoSignalTypePresentFlag() const                  { return m_videoSignalTypePresentFlag;           }
  void              setVideoSignalTypePresentFlag(bool i)                  { m_videoSignalTypePresentFlag = i;              }

  bool              getVideoFullRangeFlag() const                          { return m_videoFullRangeFlag;                   }
  void              setVideoFullRangeFlag(bool i)                          { m_videoFullRangeFlag = i;                      }


/// SPS RExt class
class SPSRExt // Names aligned to text specification
  bool             m_transformSkipRotationEnabledFlag;
  bool             m_transformSkipContextEnabledFlag;
  bool             m_rdpcmEnabledFlag[NUMBER_OF_RDPCM_SIGNALLING_MODES];
  bool             m_extendedPrecisionProcessingFlag;
  bool             m_intraSmoothingDisabledFlag;
  bool             m_highPrecisionOffsetsEnabledFlag;
  bool             m_persistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag;
  bool             m_cabacBypassAlignmentEnabledFlag;


  bool settingsDifferFromDefaults() const
    return getTransformSkipRotationEnabledFlag()
        || getTransformSkipContextEnabledFlag()
        || getRdpcmEnabledFlag(RDPCM_SIGNAL_IMPLICIT)
        || getRdpcmEnabledFlag(RDPCM_SIGNAL_EXPLICIT)
        || getExtendedPrecisionProcessingFlag()
        || getIntraSmoothingDisabledFlag()
        || getHighPrecisionOffsetsEnabledFlag()
        || getPersistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag()
        || getCabacBypassAlignmentEnabledFlag();

  bool getTransformSkipRotationEnabledFlag() const                                     { return m_transformSkipRotationEnabledFlag;     }
  void setTransformSkipRotationEnabledFlag(const bool value)                           { m_transformSkipRotationEnabledFlag = value;    }

  bool getTransformSkipContextEnabledFlag() const                                      { return m_transformSkipContextEnabledFlag;      }
  void setTransformSkipContextEnabledFlag(const bool value)                            { m_transformSkipContextEnabledFlag = value;     }

  bool getRdpcmEnabledFlag(const RDPCMSignallingMode signallingMode) const             { return m_rdpcmEnabledFlag[signallingMode];     }
  void setRdpcmEnabledFlag(const RDPCMSignallingMode signallingMode, const bool value) { m_rdpcmEnabledFlag[signallingMode] = value;    }

  bool getExtendedPrecisionProcessingFlag() const                                      { return m_extendedPrecisionProcessingFlag;      }
  void setExtendedPrecisionProcessingFlag(bool value)                                  { m_extendedPrecisionProcessingFlag = value;     }

  bool getIntraSmoothingDisabledFlag() const                                           { return m_intraSmoothingDisabledFlag;           }
  void setIntraSmoothingDisabledFlag(bool bValue)                                      { m_intraSmoothingDisabledFlag=bValue;           }

  bool getHighPrecisionOffsetsEnabledFlag() const                                      { return m_highPrecisionOffsetsEnabledFlag;      }
  void setHighPrecisionOffsetsEnabledFlag(bool value)                                  { m_highPrecisionOffsetsEnabledFlag = value;     }

  bool getPersistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag() const                                  { return m_persistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag;  }
  void setPersistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag(const bool value)                        { m_persistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag = value; }

  bool getCabacBypassAlignmentEnabledFlag() const                                      { return m_cabacBypassAlignmentEnabledFlag;      }
  void setCabacBypassAlignmentEnabledFlag(const bool value)                            { m_cabacBypassAlignmentEnabledFlag = value;     }

/// SPS class
class SPS
  int               m_SPSId;
  int               m_decodingParameterSetId;

  bool              m_affineAmvrEnabledFlag;
  bool              m_DMVR;
  bool              m_MMVD;
  bool              m_SBT;
  uint8_t           m_MaxSbtSize;
  bool              m_ISP;
  ChromaFormat      m_chromaFormatIdc;

  uint32_t              m_uiMaxTLayers;           // maximum number of temporal layers

  // Structure
  uint32_t              m_maxWidthInLumaSamples;
  uint32_t              m_maxHeightInLumaSamples;

  int               m_log2MinCodingBlockSize;
  int               m_log2DiffMaxMinCodingBlockSize;
  unsigned    m_CTUSize;
  unsigned    m_partitionOverrideEnalbed;       // enable partition constraints override function
  unsigned    m_minQT[3];   // 0: I slice luma; 1: P/B slice; 2: I slice chroma
  unsigned    m_maxMTTHierarchyDepth[3];
  unsigned    m_maxBTSize[3];
  unsigned    m_maxTTSize[3];
  bool        m_idrRefParamList;
  unsigned    m_dualITree;
  uint32_t              m_uiMaxCUWidth;
  uint32_t              m_uiMaxCUHeight;
  uint32_t              m_uiMaxCodingDepth; ///< Total CU depth, relative to the smallest possible transform block size.

  RPLList           m_RPLList0;
  RPLList           m_RPLList1;
  uint32_t          m_numRPL0;
  uint32_t          m_numRPL1;
  bool              m_rpl1CopyFromRpl0Flag;
  bool              m_rpl1IdxPresentFlag;
  bool              m_allRplEntriesHasSameSignFlag;
  bool              m_bLongTermRefsPresent;
  bool              m_SPSTemporalMVPEnabledFlag;
  int               m_numReorderPics[MAX_TLAYER];

  // Tool list

  bool              m_transformSkipEnabledFlag;
  int               m_BDPCMEnabled;
  bool              m_BDPCMEnabledFlag;
  bool              m_JointCbCrEnabledFlag;
  // Parameter
  BitDepths         m_bitDepths;
  int               m_qpBDOffset[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];
  int               m_minQpMinus4[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE]; //  QP_internal - QP_input;

  bool              m_sbtmvpEnabledFlag;
  bool              m_bdofEnabledFlag;
  bool              m_fpelMmvdEnabledFlag;
  bool              m_BdofDmvrSlicePresentFlag;
  uint32_t              m_uiBitsForPOC;
  uint32_t              m_numLongTermRefPicSPS;
  uint32_t              m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps[MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS];
  bool              m_usedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag[MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS];
  uint32_t          m_log2MaxTbSize;
  bool             m_useWeightPred;                     //!< Use of Weighting Prediction (P_SLICE)
  bool             m_useWeightedBiPred;                 //!< Use of Weighting Bi-Prediction (B_SLICE)

  bool              m_saoEnabledFlag;

  bool              m_bTemporalIdNestingFlag; // temporal_id_nesting_flag

  bool              m_scalingListEnabledFlag;
  uint32_t              m_uiMaxDecPicBuffering[MAX_TLAYER];
  uint32_t              m_uiMaxLatencyIncreasePlus1[MAX_TLAYER];

  TimingInfo        m_timingInfo;
  bool              m_hrdParametersPresentFlag;
  HRDParameters     m_hrdParameters;

  bool              m_vuiParametersPresentFlag;
  VUI               m_vuiParameters;

  SPSRExt           m_spsRangeExtension;

  static const int  m_winUnitX[NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT];
  static const int  m_winUnitY[NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT];
  ProfileTierLevel  m_profileTierLevel;

  bool              m_alfEnabledFlag;

  bool              m_wrapAroundEnabledFlag;
  unsigned          m_wrapAroundOffset;
  unsigned          m_IBCFlag;
  unsigned          m_PLTMode;

  bool              m_lumaReshapeEnable;
  bool              m_AMVREnabledFlag;
  bool              m_LMChroma;
  bool              m_cclmCollocatedChromaFlag;
  bool              m_MTS;
  bool              m_IntraMTS;                   // 18
  bool              m_InterMTS;                   // 19
  bool              m_LFNST;
  bool              m_SMVD;
  bool              m_Affine;
  bool              m_AffineType;
  bool              m_PROF;
  bool              m_GBi;                        //
  bool              m_MHIntra;
  bool              m_Triangle;
  bool              m_LadfEnabled;
  int               m_LadfNumIntervals;
  int               m_LadfQpOffset[MAX_LADF_INTERVALS];
  int               m_LadfIntervalLowerBound[MAX_LADF_INTERVALS];
  bool              m_MIP;
  ChromaQpMappingTable m_chromaQpMappingTable;
  bool m_GDREnabledFlag;
  bool              m_SubLayerCbpParametersPresentFlag;


  virtual                 ~SPS();

  int                     getSPSId() const                                                                { return m_SPSId;                                                      }
  void                    setSPSId(int i)                                                                 { m_SPSId = i;                                                         }
  void                    setDecodingParameterSetId(int val)                                              { m_decodingParameterSetId = val; }
  int                     getDecodingParameterSetId() const                                               { return m_decodingParameterSetId; }
  ChromaFormat            getChromaFormatIdc () const                                                     { return m_chromaFormatIdc;                                            }
  void                    setChromaFormatIdc (ChromaFormat i)                                             { m_chromaFormatIdc = i;                                               }

  static int              getWinUnitX (int chromaFormatIdc)                                               { CHECK(chromaFormatIdc < 0 || chromaFormatIdc >= NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, "Invalid chroma format parameter"); return m_winUnitX[chromaFormatIdc]; }
  static int              getWinUnitY (int chromaFormatIdc)                                               { CHECK(chromaFormatIdc < 0 || chromaFormatIdc >= NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, "Invalid chroma format parameter"); return m_winUnitY[chromaFormatIdc]; }

  // structure
  void                    setMaxPicWidthInLumaSamples( uint32_t u )                                       { m_maxWidthInLumaSamples = u; }
  uint32_t                getMaxPicWidthInLumaSamples() const                                             { return  m_maxWidthInLumaSamples; }
  void                    setMaxPicHeightInLumaSamples( uint32_t u )                                      { m_maxHeightInLumaSamples = u; }
  uint32_t                getMaxPicHeightInLumaSamples() const                                            { return  m_maxHeightInLumaSamples; }

  uint32_t                    getNumLongTermRefPicSPS() const                                                 { return m_numLongTermRefPicSPS;                                       }
  void                    setNumLongTermRefPicSPS(uint32_t val)                                               { m_numLongTermRefPicSPS = val;                                        }

  uint32_t                    getLtRefPicPocLsbSps(uint32_t index) const                                          { CHECK( index >= MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS, "Index exceeds boundary" ); return m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps[index]; }
  void                    setLtRefPicPocLsbSps(uint32_t index, uint32_t val)                                      { CHECK( index >= MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS, "Index exceeds boundary" ); m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps[index] = val;  }

  bool                    getUsedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag(int i) const                                          { CHECK( i >= MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS, "Index exceeds boundary" ); return m_usedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag[i];    }
  void                    setUsedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag(int i, bool x)                                        { CHECK( i >= MAX_NUM_LONG_TERM_REF_PICS, "Index exceeds boundary" ); m_usedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag[i] = x;       }

  int                     getLog2MinCodingBlockSize() const                                               { return m_log2MinCodingBlockSize;                                     }
  void                    setLog2MinCodingBlockSize(int val)                                              { m_log2MinCodingBlockSize = val;                                      }
  int                     getLog2DiffMaxMinCodingBlockSize() const                                        { return m_log2DiffMaxMinCodingBlockSize;                              }
  void                    setLog2DiffMaxMinCodingBlockSize(int val)                                       { m_log2DiffMaxMinCodingBlockSize = val;                               }
  void                    setCTUSize(unsigned    ctuSize)                                                 { m_CTUSize = ctuSize; }
  unsigned                getCTUSize()                                                              const { return  m_CTUSize; }
  void                    setSplitConsOverrideEnabledFlag(bool b)                                         { m_partitionOverrideEnalbed = b; }
  bool                    getSplitConsOverrideEnabledFlag()                                         const { return m_partitionOverrideEnalbed; }
  void                    setMinQTSizes(unsigned*   minQT)                                                { m_minQT[0] = minQT[0]; m_minQT[1] = minQT[1]; m_minQT[2] = minQT[2]; }
  unsigned                getMinQTSize(SliceType   slicetype,
                                       ChannelType chType = CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)
                                                                                                    const { return slicetype == I_SLICE ? (chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ? m_minQT[0] : m_minQT[2]) : m_minQT[1]; }
  void                    setMaxMTTHierarchyDepth(unsigned    maxMTTHierarchyDepth,
                                        unsigned    maxMTTHierarchyDepthI,
                                        unsigned    maxMTTHierarchyDepthIChroma)
                                                                                                          { m_maxMTTHierarchyDepth[1] = maxMTTHierarchyDepth; m_maxMTTHierarchyDepth[0] = maxMTTHierarchyDepthI; m_maxMTTHierarchyDepth[2] = maxMTTHierarchyDepthIChroma; }
  unsigned                getMaxMTTHierarchyDepth()                                                 const { return m_maxMTTHierarchyDepth[1]; }
  unsigned                getMaxMTTHierarchyDepthI()                                                const { return m_maxMTTHierarchyDepth[0]; }
  unsigned                getMaxMTTHierarchyDepthIChroma()                                          const { return m_maxMTTHierarchyDepth[2]; }
  void                    setMaxBTSize(unsigned    maxBTSize,
                                       unsigned    maxBTSizeI,
                                       unsigned    maxBTSizeC)
                                                                                                          { m_maxBTSize[1] = maxBTSize; m_maxBTSize[0] = maxBTSizeI; m_maxBTSize[2] = maxBTSizeC; }
  unsigned                getMaxBTSize()                                                            const { return m_maxBTSize[1]; }
  unsigned                getMaxBTSizeI()                                                           const { return m_maxBTSize[0]; }
  unsigned                getMaxBTSizeIChroma()                                                     const { return m_maxBTSize[2]; }
  void                    setMaxTTSize(unsigned    maxTTSize,
                                       unsigned    maxTTSizeI,
                                       unsigned    maxTTSizeC)
                                                                                                          { m_maxTTSize[1] = maxTTSize; m_maxTTSize[0] = maxTTSizeI; m_maxTTSize[2] = maxTTSizeC; }
  unsigned                getMaxTTSize()                                                            const { return m_maxTTSize[1]; }
  unsigned                getMaxTTSizeI()                                                           const { return m_maxTTSize[0]; }
  unsigned                getMaxTTSizeIChroma()                                                     const { return m_maxTTSize[2]; }
  void                    setIDRRefParamListPresent(bool b)                             { m_idrRefParamList = b; }
  bool                    getIDRRefParamListPresent()                             const { return m_idrRefParamList; }
  void                    setUseDualITree(bool b) { m_dualITree = b; }
  bool                    getUseDualITree()                                      const { return m_dualITree; }

  void                    setMaxCUWidth( uint32_t u )                                                         { m_uiMaxCUWidth = u;                                                  }
  uint32_t                    getMaxCUWidth() const                                                           { return  m_uiMaxCUWidth;                                              }
  void                    setMaxCUHeight( uint32_t u )                                                        { m_uiMaxCUHeight = u;                                                 }
  uint32_t                    getMaxCUHeight() const                                                          { return  m_uiMaxCUHeight;                                             }
  void                    setMaxCodingDepth( uint32_t u )                                                     { m_uiMaxCodingDepth = u;                                              }
  uint32_t                    getMaxCodingDepth() const                                                       { return  m_uiMaxCodingDepth;                                          }
  bool                    getTransformSkipEnabledFlag() const                                                 { return m_transformSkipEnabledFlag;                                   }
  void                    setTransformSkipEnabledFlag( bool b )                                               { m_transformSkipEnabledFlag = b;                                      }
  int                     getBDPCMEnabled() const                                                             { return m_BDPCMEnabled;                                               }
  void                    setBDPCMEnabled(int val)                                                            { m_BDPCMEnabled = val;                                                }
  bool                    getBDPCMEnabledFlag() const                                                         { return m_BDPCMEnabledFlag;                                           }
  void                    setBDPCMEnabledFlag( bool b )                                                       { m_BDPCMEnabledFlag = b;                                              }
  void                    setBitsForPOC( uint32_t u )                                                         { m_uiBitsForPOC = u;                                                  }
  uint32_t                    getBitsForPOC() const                                                           { return m_uiBitsForPOC;                                               }
  void                    setNumReorderPics(int i, uint32_t tlayer)                                           { m_numReorderPics[tlayer] = i;                                        }
  int                     getNumReorderPics(uint32_t tlayer) const                                            { return m_numReorderPics[tlayer];                                     }
  void                    createRPLList0(int numRPL);
  void                    createRPLList1(int numRPL);
  const RPLList*          getRPLList0() const                                                                 { return &m_RPLList0;                                                  }
  RPLList*                getRPLList0()                                                                       { return &m_RPLList0;                                                  }
  const RPLList*          getRPLList1() const                                                                 { return &m_RPLList1;                                                  }
  RPLList*                getRPLList1()                                                                       { return &m_RPLList1;                                                  }
  uint32_t                getNumRPL0() const                                                                  { return m_numRPL0;                                                    }
  uint32_t                getNumRPL1() const                                                                  { return m_numRPL1;                                                    }
  void                    setRPL1CopyFromRPL0Flag(bool isCopy)                                                { m_rpl1CopyFromRpl0Flag = isCopy;                                     }
  bool                    getRPL1CopyFromRPL0Flag() const                                                     { return m_rpl1CopyFromRpl0Flag;                                       }
  bool                    getRPL1IdxPresentFlag() const                                                       { return m_rpl1IdxPresentFlag;                                         }
  void                    setAllActiveRplEntriesHasSameSignFlag(bool isAllSame)                               { m_allRplEntriesHasSameSignFlag = isAllSame;                          }
  bool                    getAllActiveRplEntriesHasSameSignFlag() const                                       { return m_allRplEntriesHasSameSignFlag;                               }
  bool                    getLongTermRefsPresent() const                                                  { return m_bLongTermRefsPresent;                                       }
  void                    setLongTermRefsPresent(bool b)                                                  { m_bLongTermRefsPresent=b;                                            }
  bool                    getSPSTemporalMVPEnabledFlag() const                                            { return m_SPSTemporalMVPEnabledFlag;                                  }
  void                    setSPSTemporalMVPEnabledFlag(bool b)                                            { m_SPSTemporalMVPEnabledFlag=b;                                       }
  void                    setLog2MaxTbSize( uint32_t u )                                                  { m_log2MaxTbSize = u;                                                 }
  uint32_t                getLog2MaxTbSize() const                                                        { return  m_log2MaxTbSize;                                             }
  uint32_t                getMaxTbSize() const                                                            { return  1 << m_log2MaxTbSize;                                        }
  // Bit-depth
  int                     getBitDepth(ChannelType type) const                                             { return m_bitDepths.recon[type];                                      }
  void                    setBitDepth(ChannelType type, int u )                                           { m_bitDepths.recon[type] = u;                                         }
  const BitDepths&        getBitDepths() const                                                            { return m_bitDepths;                                                  }
  int                     getMaxLog2TrDynamicRange(ChannelType channelType) const                         { return getSpsRangeExtension().getExtendedPrecisionProcessingFlag() ? std::max<int>(15, int(m_bitDepths.recon[channelType] + 6)) : 15; }

  int                     getDifferentialLumaChromaBitDepth() const                                       { return int(m_bitDepths.recon[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA]) - int(m_bitDepths.recon[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA]); }
  int                     getQpBDOffset(ChannelType type) const                                           { return m_qpBDOffset[type];                                           }
  void                    setQpBDOffset(ChannelType type, int i)                                          { m_qpBDOffset[type] = i;                                              }
  int                     getMinQpPrimeTsMinus4(ChannelType type) const                                         { return m_minQpMinus4[type];                                           }
  void                    setMinQpPrimeTsMinus4(ChannelType type, int i)                                        { m_minQpMinus4[type] = i;                                              }

  void                    setSAOEnabledFlag(bool bVal)                                                    { m_saoEnabledFlag = bVal;                                                    }
  bool                    getSAOEnabledFlag() const                                                       { return m_saoEnabledFlag;                                                    }

  bool                    getALFEnabledFlag() const                                                       { return m_alfEnabledFlag; }
  void                    setALFEnabledFlag( bool b )                                                     { m_alfEnabledFlag = b; }
  void                    setJointCbCrEnabledFlag(bool bVal)                                              { m_JointCbCrEnabledFlag = bVal; }
  bool                    getJointCbCrEnabledFlag() const                                                 { return m_JointCbCrEnabledFlag; }

  bool                    getSBTMVPEnabledFlag() const                                                    { return m_sbtmvpEnabledFlag; }
  void                    setSBTMVPEnabledFlag(bool b)                                                    { m_sbtmvpEnabledFlag = b; }

  void                    setBDOFEnabledFlag(bool b)                                                      { m_bdofEnabledFlag = b; }
  bool                    getBDOFEnabledFlag() const                                                      { return m_bdofEnabledFlag; }

  bool                    getFpelMmvdEnabledFlag() const                                                  { return m_fpelMmvdEnabledFlag; }
  void                    setFpelMmvdEnabledFlag( bool b )                                                { m_fpelMmvdEnabledFlag = b;    }
  bool                    getUseDMVR()const                                                               { return m_DMVR; }
  void                    setUseDMVR(bool b)                                                              { m_DMVR = b;    }
  bool                    getUseMMVD()const                                                               { return m_MMVD; }
  void                    setUseMMVD(bool b)                                                              { m_MMVD = b;    }
  bool                    getBdofDmvrSlicePresentFlag()const                                              { return m_BdofDmvrSlicePresentFlag; }
  void                    setBdofDmvrSlicePresentFlag(bool b)                                             { m_BdofDmvrSlicePresentFlag = b; }
  uint32_t                getMaxTLayers() const                                                           { return m_uiMaxTLayers; }
  void                    setMaxTLayers( uint32_t uiMaxTLayers )                                          { CHECK( uiMaxTLayers > MAX_TLAYER, "Invalid number T-layers" ); m_uiMaxTLayers = uiMaxTLayers; }

  bool                    getTemporalIdNestingFlag() const                                                { return m_bTemporalIdNestingFlag;                                     }
  void                    setTemporalIdNestingFlag( bool bValue )                                         { m_bTemporalIdNestingFlag = bValue;                                   }

  bool                    getScalingListFlag() const                                                      { return m_scalingListEnabledFlag;                                     }
  void                    setScalingListFlag( bool b )                                                    { m_scalingListEnabledFlag  = b;                                       }
  uint32_t                    getMaxDecPicBuffering(uint32_t tlayer) const                                        { return m_uiMaxDecPicBuffering[tlayer];                               }
  void                    setMaxDecPicBuffering( uint32_t ui, uint32_t tlayer )                                   { CHECK(tlayer >= MAX_TLAYER, "Invalid T-layer"); m_uiMaxDecPicBuffering[tlayer] = ui;    }
  uint32_t                    getMaxLatencyIncreasePlus1(uint32_t tlayer) const                                   { return m_uiMaxLatencyIncreasePlus1[tlayer];                          }
  void                    setMaxLatencyIncreasePlus1( uint32_t ui , uint32_t tlayer)                              { m_uiMaxLatencyIncreasePlus1[tlayer] = ui;                            }

  void                    setAffineAmvrEnabledFlag( bool val )                                            { m_affineAmvrEnabledFlag = val;                                       }
  bool                    getAffineAmvrEnabledFlag() const                                                { return m_affineAmvrEnabledFlag;                                      }
  TimingInfo*             getTimingInfo()                                                                 { return &m_timingInfo; }
  const TimingInfo*       getTimingInfo() const                                                           { return &m_timingInfo; }
  bool                    getHrdParametersPresentFlag() const                                             { return m_hrdParametersPresentFlag; }
  void                    setHrdParametersPresentFlag(bool b)                                             { m_hrdParametersPresentFlag = b; }
  HRDParameters*          getHrdParameters()                                                              { return &m_hrdParameters; }
  const HRDParameters*    getHrdParameters() const                                                        { return &m_hrdParameters; }
  bool                    getVuiParametersPresentFlag() const                                             { return m_vuiParametersPresentFlag;                                   }
  void                    setVuiParametersPresentFlag(bool b)                                             { m_vuiParametersPresentFlag = b;                                      }
  VUI*                    getVuiParameters()                                                              { return &m_vuiParameters;                                             }
  const VUI*              getVuiParameters() const                                                        { return &m_vuiParameters;                                             }
  const ProfileTierLevel* getProfileTierLevel() const                                                     { return &m_profileTierLevel; }
  ProfileTierLevel*       getProfileTierLevel()                                                           { return &m_profileTierLevel; }

  const SPSRExt&          getSpsRangeExtension() const                                                    { return m_spsRangeExtension;                                          }
  SPSRExt&                getSpsRangeExtension()                                                          { return m_spsRangeExtension;                                          }

  void                    setWrapAroundEnabledFlag(bool b)                                                { m_wrapAroundEnabledFlag = b;                                         }
  bool                    getWrapAroundEnabledFlag() const                                                { return m_wrapAroundEnabledFlag;                                      }
  void                    setWrapAroundOffset(unsigned offset)                                            { m_wrapAroundOffset = offset;                                         }
  unsigned                getWrapAroundOffset() const                                                     { return m_wrapAroundOffset;                                           }
  void                    setUseReshaper(bool b)                                                          { m_lumaReshapeEnable = b;                                                   }
  bool                    getUseReshaper() const                                                          { return m_lumaReshapeEnable;                                                }
  void                    setIBCFlag(unsigned IBCFlag)                                                    { m_IBCFlag = IBCFlag; }
  unsigned                getIBCFlag() const                                                              { return m_IBCFlag; }
  void                    setPLTMode(unsigned PLTMode)                                                    { m_PLTMode = PLTMode; }
  unsigned                getPLTMode() const                                                              { return m_PLTMode; }
  void                    setUseSBT( bool b )                                                             { m_SBT = b; }
  bool                    getUseSBT() const                                                               { return m_SBT; }
  void                    setUseISP( bool b )                                                             { m_ISP = b; }
  bool                    getUseISP() const                                                               { return m_ISP; }
  void                    setMaxSbtSize( uint8_t val )                                                    { m_MaxSbtSize = val; }
  uint8_t                 getMaxSbtSize() const                                                           { return m_MaxSbtSize; }

  void      setAMVREnabledFlag    ( bool b )                                        { m_AMVREnabledFlag = b; }
  bool      getAMVREnabledFlag    ()                                      const     { return m_AMVREnabledFlag; }
  void      setUseAffine          ( bool b )                                        { m_Affine = b; }
  bool      getUseAffine          ()                                      const     { return m_Affine; }
  void      setUseAffineType      ( bool b )                                        { m_AffineType = b; }
  bool      getUseAffineType      ()                                      const     { return m_AffineType; }
  void      setUsePROF            ( bool b )                                        { m_PROF = b; }
  bool      getUsePROF            ()                                      const     { return m_PROF; }
  void      setUseLMChroma        ( bool b )                                        { m_LMChroma = b; }
  bool      getUseLMChroma        ()                                      const     { return m_LMChroma; }
  void      setCclmCollocatedChromaFlag( bool b )                                   { m_cclmCollocatedChromaFlag = b; }
  bool      getCclmCollocatedChromaFlag()                                 const     { return m_cclmCollocatedChromaFlag; }
  void      setUseMTS             ( bool b )                                        { m_MTS = b; }
  bool      getUseMTS             ()                                      const     { return m_MTS; }
  bool      getUseImplicitMTS     ()                                      const     { return m_MTS && !m_IntraMTS; }
  void      setUseIntraMTS        ( bool b )                                        { m_IntraMTS = b; }
  bool      getUseIntraMTS        ()                                      const     { return m_IntraMTS; }
  void      setUseInterMTS        ( bool b )                                        { m_InterMTS = b; }
  bool      getUseInterMTS        ()                                      const     { return m_InterMTS; }
  void      setUseLFNST           ( bool b )                                        { m_LFNST = b; }
  bool      getUseLFNST           ()                                      const     { return m_LFNST; }
  void      setUseSMVD(bool b)                                                      { m_SMVD = b; }
  bool      getUseSMVD()                                                  const     { return m_SMVD; }
  void      setUseGBi             ( bool b )                                        { m_GBi = b; }
  bool      getUseGBi             ()                                      const     { return m_GBi; }
  void      setLadfEnabled        ( bool b )                                        { m_LadfEnabled = b; }
  bool      getLadfEnabled        ()                                      const     { return m_LadfEnabled; }
  void      setLadfNumIntervals   ( int i )                                         { m_LadfNumIntervals = i; }
  int       getLadfNumIntervals   ()                                      const     { return m_LadfNumIntervals; }
  void      setLadfQpOffset       ( int value, int idx )                            { m_LadfQpOffset[ idx ] = value; }
  int       getLadfQpOffset       ( int idx )                             const     { return m_LadfQpOffset[ idx ]; }
  void      setLadfIntervalLowerBound( int value, int idx )                         { m_LadfIntervalLowerBound[ idx ] = value; }
  int       getLadfIntervalLowerBound( int idx )                          const     { return m_LadfIntervalLowerBound[ idx ]; }

  void      setUseMHIntra         ( bool b )                                        { m_MHIntra = b; }
  bool      getUseMHIntra         ()                                      const     { return m_MHIntra; }
  void      setUseTriangle        ( bool b )                                        { m_Triangle = b; }
  bool      getUseTriangle        ()                                      const     { return m_Triangle; }
  void      setUseMIP             ( bool b )                                        { m_MIP = b; }
  bool      getUseMIP             ()                                      const     { return m_MIP; }

  bool      getUseWP              ()                                      const     { return m_useWeightPred; }
  bool      getUseWPBiPred        ()                                      const     { return m_useWeightedBiPred; }
  void      setUseWP              ( bool b )                                        { m_useWeightPred = b; }
  void      setUseWPBiPred        ( bool b )                                        { m_useWeightedBiPred = b; }
  void      setChromaQpMappingTableFromParams(const ChromaQpMappingTableParams &params, const int qpBdOffset)   { m_chromaQpMappingTable.setParams(params, qpBdOffset); }
  void      derivedChromaQPMappingTables()                                          { m_chromaQpMappingTable.derivedChromaQPMappingTables(); }
  const ChromaQpMappingTable& getChromaQpMappingTable()                   const     { return m_chromaQpMappingTable;}
  int       getMappedChromaQpValue(ComponentID compID, int qpVal)         const     { return m_chromaQpMappingTable.getMappedChromaQpValue(compID, qpVal); }
  void setGDREnabledFlag(bool flag) { m_GDREnabledFlag = flag; }
  bool getGDREnabledFlag() const { return m_GDREnabledFlag; }
  void      setSubLayerParametersPresentFlag(bool flag)                             { m_SubLayerCbpParametersPresentFlag = flag; }
  bool      getSubLayerParametersPresentFlag()                            const     { return m_SubLayerCbpParametersPresentFlag;  }

/// Reference Picture Lists class

/// PPS RExt class
class PPSRExt // Names aligned to text specification
  bool             m_crossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag;

  uint32_t             m_log2SaoOffsetScale[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];


  bool settingsDifferFromDefaults(const bool bTransformSkipEnabledFlag) const
    return (getCrossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag() )
        || (getLog2SaoOffsetScale(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA) !=0 )
        || (getLog2SaoOffsetScale(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) !=0 );

  bool                   getCrossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag() const                   { return m_crossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag;   }
  void                   setCrossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag(bool value)               { m_crossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag = value;  }

  // Now: getPpsRangeExtension().getLog2SaoOffsetScale and getPpsRangeExtension().setLog2SaoOffsetScale
  uint32_t                   getLog2SaoOffsetScale(ChannelType type) const                    { return m_log2SaoOffsetScale[type];             }
  void                   setLog2SaoOffsetScale(ChannelType type, uint32_t uiBitShift)         { m_log2SaoOffsetScale[type] = uiBitShift;       }


/// PPS class
class PPS
  int              m_PPSId;                    // pic_parameter_set_id
  int              m_SPSId;                    // seq_parameter_set_id
  int              m_picInitQPMinus26;
  bool             m_useDQP;
  bool             m_bConstrainedIntraPred;    // constrained_intra_pred_flag
  bool             m_bSliceChromaQpFlag;       // slicelevel_chroma_qp_flag

  int              m_layerId;
  int              m_temporalId;

  // access channel
  uint32_t         m_cuQpDeltaSubdiv;           // cu_qp_delta_subdiv

  int              m_chromaCbQpOffset;
  int              m_chromaCrQpOffset;
  bool             m_chromaJointCbCrQpOffsetPresentFlag;
  int              m_chromaCbCrQpOffset;

  // Chroma QP Adjustments
  int              m_cuChromaQpOffsetSubdiv;
  int              m_chromaQpOffsetListLen; // size (excludes the null entry used in the following array).
  ChromaQpAdj      m_ChromaQpAdjTableIncludingNullEntry[1+MAX_QP_OFFSET_LIST_SIZE]; //!< Array includes entry [0] for the null offset used when cu_chroma_qp_offset_flag=0, and entries [cu_chroma_qp_offset_idx+1...] otherwise

  uint32_t             m_numRefIdxL0DefaultActive;
  uint32_t             m_numRefIdxL1DefaultActive;

  bool             m_rpl1IdxPresentFlag;

  bool             m_bUseWeightPred;                    //!< Use of Weighting Prediction (P_SLICE)
  bool             m_useWeightedBiPred;                 //!< Use of Weighting Bi-Prediction (B_SLICE)
  bool             m_OutputFlagPresentFlag;             //!< Indicates the presence of output_flag in slice header
  bool             m_TransquantBypassEnabledFlag;       //!< Indicates presence of cu_transquant_bypass_flag in CUs.
  int              m_log2MaxTransformSkipBlockSize;
  bool             m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag;      //!< Indicates the presence of wavefronts

  bool             m_loopFilterAcrossBricksEnabledFlag;
  bool             m_uniformTileSpacingFlag;
  int              m_numTileColumnsMinus1;
  int              m_numTileRowsMinus1;
  std::vector<int> m_tileColumnWidth;
  std::vector<int> m_tileRowHeight;
  std::vector<int> m_tileHeight;

  bool             m_singleTileInPicFlag;
  int              m_tileColsWidthMinus1;
  int              m_tileRowsHeightMinus1;
  bool             m_brickSplittingPresentFlag;
  std::vector<bool> m_brickSplitFlag;
  std::vector<bool> m_uniformBrickSpacingFlag;
  std::vector<int> m_brickHeightMinus1;
  std::vector<int> m_numBrickRowsMinus2;
  std::vector<std::vector<int>> m_brickRowHeightMinus1;
  bool             m_singleBrickPerSliceFlag;
  bool             m_rectSliceFlag;
  int              m_numSlicesInPicMinus1;
  std::vector<int> m_topLeftBrickIdx;
  std::vector<int> m_bottomRightBrickIdx;
  std::vector<int> m_bottomRightBrickIdxDelta;
  int              m_numTilesInPic;
  int              m_numBricksInPic;
  bool             m_signalledSliceIdFlag;
  int              m_signalledSliceIdLengthMinus1;
  std::vector<int> m_sliceId;

  bool              m_constantSliceHeaderParamsEnabledFlag;
  int               m_PPSDepQuantEnabledIdc;
  int               m_PPSRefPicListSPSIdc0;
  int               m_PPSRefPicListSPSIdc1;
#if !JVET_P0206_TMVP_flags
  int               m_PPSTemporalMVPEnabledIdc;
  int               m_PPSMvdL1ZeroIdc;
  int               m_PPSCollocatedFromL0Idc;
  uint32_t          m_PPSSixMinusMaxNumMergeCandPlus1;
  uint32_t          m_PPSFiveMinusMaxNumSubblockMergeCandPlus1;
  uint32_t          m_PPSMaxNumMergeCandMinusMaxNumTriangleCandPlus1;

  bool             m_cabacInitPresentFlag;

  bool             m_sliceHeaderExtensionPresentFlag;
  bool             m_loopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag;
  bool             m_deblockingFilterControlPresentFlag;
  bool             m_deblockingFilterOverrideEnabledFlag;
  bool             m_ppsDeblockingFilterDisabledFlag;
  int              m_deblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2;    //< beta offset for deblocking filter
  int              m_deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2;      //< tc offset for deblocking filter
  bool             m_listsModificationPresentFlag;
  uint32_t             m_log2ParallelMergeLevelMinus2;
  int              m_numExtraSliceHeaderBits;

  bool             m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag;
  unsigned         m_numVerVirtualBoundaries;
  unsigned         m_numHorVirtualBoundaries;
  unsigned         m_virtualBoundariesPosX[3];
  unsigned         m_virtualBoundariesPosY[3];

  uint32_t         m_picWidthInLumaSamples;
  uint32_t         m_picHeightInLumaSamples;
  Window           m_conformanceWindow;

  PPSRExt          m_ppsRangeExtension;

  PreCalcValues   *pcv;

  virtual                ~PPS();

  int                    getPPSId() const                                                 { return m_PPSId;                               }
  void                   setPPSId(int i)                                                  { m_PPSId = i;                                  }
  int                    getSPSId() const                                                 { return m_SPSId;                               }
  void                   setSPSId(int i)                                                  { m_SPSId = i;                                  }

  void                   setTemporalId( int i )                                           { m_temporalId = i;                             }
  int                    getTemporalId()                                            const { return m_temporalId;                          }
  void                   setLayerId( int i )                                              { m_layerId = i;                                }
  int                    getLayerId()                                               const { return m_layerId;                             }

  int                    getPicInitQPMinus26() const                                      { return  m_picInitQPMinus26;                   }
  void                   setPicInitQPMinus26( int i )                                     { m_picInitQPMinus26 = i;                       }
  bool                   getUseDQP() const                                                { return m_useDQP;                              }
  void                   setUseDQP( bool b )                                              { m_useDQP   = b;                               }
  bool                   getConstrainedIntraPred() const                                  { return  m_bConstrainedIntraPred;              }
  void                   setConstrainedIntraPred( bool b )                                { m_bConstrainedIntraPred = b;                  }
  bool                   getSliceChromaQpFlag() const                                     { return  m_bSliceChromaQpFlag;                 }
  void                   setSliceChromaQpFlag( bool b )                                   { m_bSliceChromaQpFlag = b;                     }

  void                   setCuQpDeltaSubdiv( uint32_t u )                                 { m_cuQpDeltaSubdiv = u;                         }
  uint32_t               getCuQpDeltaSubdiv() const                                       { return m_cuQpDeltaSubdiv;                      }

  bool                   getJointCbCrQpOffsetPresentFlag() const                          { return m_chromaJointCbCrQpOffsetPresentFlag;   }
  void                   setJointCbCrQpOffsetPresentFlag(bool b)                          { m_chromaJointCbCrQpOffsetPresentFlag = b;      } 

  void                   setQpOffset(ComponentID compID, int i )
    if      (compID==COMPONENT_Cb)
      m_chromaCbQpOffset = i;
    else if (compID==COMPONENT_Cr)
      m_chromaCrQpOffset = i;
    else if (compID==JOINT_CbCr)
      m_chromaCbCrQpOffset = i;
      THROW( "Invalid chroma QP offset" );
  int                    getQpOffset(ComponentID compID) const
    return (compID==COMPONENT_Y) ? 0 : (compID==COMPONENT_Cb ? m_chromaCbQpOffset : compID==COMPONENT_Cr ? m_chromaCrQpOffset : m_chromaCbCrQpOffset );

  uint32_t               getCuChromaQpOffsetSubdiv () const                               { return m_cuChromaQpOffsetSubdiv;                }
  void                   setCuChromaQpOffsetSubdiv ( uint32_t u )                         { m_cuChromaQpOffsetSubdiv = u;                   }

  bool                   getCuChromaQpOffsetEnabledFlag() const                           { return getChromaQpOffsetListLen()>0;            }
  int                    getChromaQpOffsetListLen() const                                 { return m_chromaQpOffsetListLen;                 }
  void                   clearChromaQpOffsetList()                                        { m_chromaQpOffsetListLen = 0;                    }

  const ChromaQpAdj&     getChromaQpOffsetListEntry( int cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1 ) const
    CHECK(cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1 >= m_chromaQpOffsetListLen+1, "Invalid chroma QP offset");
    return m_ChromaQpAdjTableIncludingNullEntry[cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1]; // Array includes entry [0] for the null offset used when cu_chroma_qp_offset_flag=0, and entries [cu_chroma_qp_offset_idx+1...] otherwise

  void                   setChromaQpOffsetListEntry( int cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1, int cbOffset, int crOffset, int jointCbCrOffset )
    CHECK(cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1 == 0 || cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1 > MAX_QP_OFFSET_LIST_SIZE, "Invalid chroma QP offset");
    m_ChromaQpAdjTableIncludingNullEntry[cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1].u.comp.CbOffset = cbOffset; // Array includes entry [0] for the null offset used when cu_chroma_qp_offset_flag=0, and entries [cu_chroma_qp_offset_idx+1...] otherwise
    m_ChromaQpAdjTableIncludingNullEntry[cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1].u.comp.CrOffset = crOffset;
    m_ChromaQpAdjTableIncludingNullEntry[cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1].u.comp.JointCbCrOffset = jointCbCrOffset;
    m_chromaQpOffsetListLen = std::max(m_chromaQpOffsetListLen, cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1);

  void                   setNumRefIdxL0DefaultActive(uint32_t ui)                             { m_numRefIdxL0DefaultActive=ui;                }
  uint32_t                   getNumRefIdxL0DefaultActive() const                              { return m_numRefIdxL0DefaultActive;            }
  void                   setNumRefIdxL1DefaultActive(uint32_t ui)                             { m_numRefIdxL1DefaultActive=ui;                }
  uint32_t                   getNumRefIdxL1DefaultActive() const                              { return m_numRefIdxL1DefaultActive;            }

  void                   setRpl1IdxPresentFlag(bool isPresent)                            { m_rpl1IdxPresentFlag = isPresent;             }
  uint32_t               getRpl1IdxPresentFlag() const                                    { return m_rpl1IdxPresentFlag;                  }

  bool                   getUseWP() const                                                 { return m_bUseWeightPred;                      }
  bool                   getWPBiPred() const                                              { return m_useWeightedBiPred;                   }
  void                   setUseWP( bool b )                                               { m_bUseWeightPred = b;                         }
  void                   setWPBiPred( bool b )                                            { m_useWeightedBiPred = b;                      }

  void                   setOutputFlagPresentFlag( bool b )                               { m_OutputFlagPresentFlag = b;                  }
  bool                   getOutputFlagPresentFlag() const                                 { return m_OutputFlagPresentFlag;               }
  void                   setTransquantBypassEnabledFlag( bool b )                         { m_TransquantBypassEnabledFlag = b;            }
  bool                   getTransquantBypassEnabledFlag() const                           { return m_TransquantBypassEnabledFlag;         }

  uint32_t               getLog2MaxTransformSkipBlockSize() const                         { return m_log2MaxTransformSkipBlockSize; }
  void                   setLog2MaxTransformSkipBlockSize(uint32_t u)                     { m_log2MaxTransformSkipBlockSize = u; }

  void                   setLoopFilterAcrossBricksEnabledFlag(bool b)                     { m_loopFilterAcrossBricksEnabledFlag = b;      }
  bool                   getLoopFilterAcrossBricksEnabledFlag() const                     { return m_loopFilterAcrossBricksEnabledFlag;   }
  bool                   getEntropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag() const                          { return m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag;        }
  void                   setEntropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag(bool val)                        { m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag = val;         }

  void                   setUniformTileSpacingFlag(bool b)                                { m_uniformTileSpacingFlag = b;                 }
  bool                   getUniformTileSpacingFlag() const                                { return m_uniformTileSpacingFlag;              }
  void                   setNumTileColumnsMinus1(int i)                                   { m_numTileColumnsMinus1 = i;                   }
  int                    getNumTileColumnsMinus1() const                                  { return m_numTileColumnsMinus1;                }
  void                   setTileColumnWidth(const std::vector<int>& columnWidth )         { m_tileColumnWidth = columnWidth;              }
  uint32_t               getTileColumnWidth(uint32_t columnIdx) const                     { return  m_tileColumnWidth[columnIdx];         }
  void                   setNumTileRowsMinus1(int i)                                      { m_numTileRowsMinus1 = i;                      }
  int                    getNumTileRowsMinus1() const                                     { return m_numTileRowsMinus1;                   }
  void                   setTileRowHeight(const std::vector<int>& rowHeight)              { m_tileRowHeight = rowHeight;                  }
  uint32_t               getTileRowHeight(uint32_t rowIdx) const                          { return m_tileRowHeight[rowIdx];               }
  void                   setTileHeight(const std::vector<int>& tileHeight)                { m_tileHeight = tileHeight;                    }
  uint32_t               getTileHeight(uint32_t tileIdx) const                            { return m_tileHeight[tileIdx];                 }

  bool                   getSingleTileInPicFlag() const                                   { return m_singleTileInPicFlag;                 }
  void                   setSingleTileInPicFlag(bool val)                                 { m_singleTileInPicFlag = val;                  }
  int                    getTileColsWidthMinus1() const                                   { return m_tileColsWidthMinus1;                 }
  void                   setTileColsWidthMinus1(int w)                                    { m_tileColsWidthMinus1 = w;                    }
  int                    getTileRowsHeightMinus1() const                                  { return m_tileRowsHeightMinus1;                }
  void                   setTileRowsHeightMinus1(int h)                                   { m_tileRowsHeightMinus1 = h;                   }
  bool                   getBrickSplittingPresentFlag() const                             { return m_brickSplittingPresentFlag;           }
  void                   setBrickSplittingPresentFlag(bool b)                             { m_brickSplittingPresentFlag = b;              }
  bool                   getBrickSplitFlag(int i) const                                   { return m_brickSplitFlag[i];                   }
  void                   setBrickSplitFlag(std::vector<bool>& val)                        { m_brickSplitFlag = val;                       }
  bool                   getUniformBrickSpacingFlag(int i) const                          { return m_uniformBrickSpacingFlag[i];          }
  void                   setUniformBrickSpacingFlag(std::vector<bool>& val)               { m_uniformBrickSpacingFlag = val;              }
  int                    getBrickHeightMinus1(int i) const                                { return m_brickHeightMinus1[i];                }
  void                   setBrickHeightMinus1(std::vector<int>& val)                      { m_brickHeightMinus1 = val;                    }
  int                    getNumBrickRowsMinus2(int i) const { return m_numBrickRowsMinus2[i]; }
  void                   setNumBrickRowsMinus2(std::vector<int> &val) { m_numBrickRowsMinus2 = val; }
  int                    getBrickRowHeightMinus1(int i, int j) const                      { return m_brickRowHeightMinus1[i][j];          }
  void                   setBrickRowHeightMinus1(std::vector<std::vector<int>>& val)      { m_brickRowHeightMinus1 = val;                 }
  bool                   getSingleBrickPerSliceFlag() const                               { return m_singleBrickPerSliceFlag;             }
  void                   setSingleBrickPerSliceFlag(bool val)                             { m_singleBrickPerSliceFlag = val;              }
  bool                   getRectSliceFlag() const                                         { return m_rectSliceFlag;                       }
  void                   setRectSliceFlag(bool val)                                       { m_rectSliceFlag = val;                        }
  int                    getNumSlicesInPicMinus1() const                                  { return m_numSlicesInPicMinus1;                }
  void                   setNumSlicesInPicMinus1(int val)                                 { m_numSlicesInPicMinus1 = val;                 }
  int                    getTopLeftBrickIdx(uint32_t columnIdx) const                     { return  m_topLeftBrickIdx[columnIdx];         }
  void                   setTopLeftBrickIdx(const std::vector<int>& val)                  { m_topLeftBrickIdx = val;                      }
  int                    getBottomRightBrickIdx(uint32_t columnIdx) const                 { return  m_bottomRightBrickIdx[columnIdx];     }
  void                   setBottomRightBrickIdx(const std::vector<int>& val)              { m_bottomRightBrickIdx = val;                  }
  int                    getBottomRightBrickIdxDelta(uint32_t delta) const                { return  m_bottomRightBrickIdxDelta[delta];    }
  void                   setBottomRightBrickIdxDelta(const std::vector<int>& val)         { m_bottomRightBrickIdxDelta = val;             }
  int                    getNumTilesInPic() const                                         { return m_numTilesInPic;                       }
  void                   setNumTilesInPic(int val)                                        { m_numTilesInPic = val;                        }
  int                    getNumBricksInPic() const                                        { return m_numBricksInPic;                      }
  void                   setNumBricksInPic(int val)                                       { m_numBricksInPic = val;                       }
  bool                   getSignalledSliceIdFlag() const                                  { return m_signalledSliceIdFlag;                }
  void                   setSignalledSliceIdFlag(bool val)                                { m_signalledSliceIdFlag = val;                 }
  int                    getSignalledSliceIdLengthMinus1() const                          { return m_signalledSliceIdLengthMinus1;        }
  void                   setSignalledSliceIdLengthMinus1(int val)                         { m_signalledSliceIdLengthMinus1 = val;         }
  int                    getSliceId(uint32_t columnIdx) const                             { return  m_sliceId[columnIdx];                 }
  void                   setSliceId(const std::vector<int>& val)                          { m_sliceId = val;                              }

  bool                    getConstantSliceHeaderParamsEnabledFlag() const                 { return m_constantSliceHeaderParamsEnabledFlag; }
  void                    setConstantSliceHeaderParamsEnabledFlag(bool b)                 { m_constantSliceHeaderParamsEnabledFlag = b;   }
  int                     getPPSDepQuantEnabledIdc() const                                { return m_PPSDepQuantEnabledIdc;               }
  void                    setPPSDepQuantEnabledIdc(int u)                                 { m_PPSDepQuantEnabledIdc = u;                  }
  int                     getPPSRefPicListSPSIdc0() const                                 { return m_PPSRefPicListSPSIdc0;                }
  void                    setPPSRefPicListSPSIdc0(int u)                                  { m_PPSRefPicListSPSIdc0 = u;                   }
  int                     getPPSRefPicListSPSIdc1() const                                 { return m_PPSRefPicListSPSIdc1;                }
  void                    setPPSRefPicListSPSIdc1(int u)                                  { m_PPSRefPicListSPSIdc1 = u;                   }
#if !JVET_P0206_TMVP_flags
  int                     getPPSTemporalMVPEnabledIdc() const                             { return m_PPSTemporalMVPEnabledIdc;            }
  void                    setPPSTemporalMVPEnabledIdc(int u)                              { m_PPSTemporalMVPEnabledIdc = u;               }
  int                     getPPSMvdL1ZeroIdc() const                                      { return m_PPSMvdL1ZeroIdc;                     }
  void                    setPPSMvdL1ZeroIdc(int u)                                       { m_PPSMvdL1ZeroIdc = u;                        }
  int                     getPPSCollocatedFromL0Idc() const                               { return m_PPSCollocatedFromL0Idc;              }
  void                    setPPSCollocatedFromL0Idc(int u)                                { m_PPSCollocatedFromL0Idc = u;                 }
  uint32_t                getPPSSixMinusMaxNumMergeCandPlus1() const                      { return m_PPSSixMinusMaxNumMergeCandPlus1;     }
  void                    setPPSSixMinusMaxNumMergeCandPlus1(uint32_t u)                  { m_PPSSixMinusMaxNumMergeCandPlus1 = u;        }
  uint32_t                getPPSFiveMinusMaxNumSubblockMergeCandPlus1() const             { return m_PPSFiveMinusMaxNumSubblockMergeCandPlus1; }
  void                    setPPSFiveMinusMaxNumSubblockMergeCandPlus1(uint32_t u)         { m_PPSFiveMinusMaxNumSubblockMergeCandPlus1 = u; }
  uint32_t                getPPSMaxNumMergeCandMinusMaxNumTriangleCandPlus1() const       { return m_PPSMaxNumMergeCandMinusMaxNumTriangleCandPlus1; }
  void                    setPPSMaxNumMergeCandMinusMaxNumTriangleCandPlus1(uint32_t u)   { m_PPSMaxNumMergeCandMinusMaxNumTriangleCandPlus1 = u; }

  void                   setCabacInitPresentFlag( bool flag )                             { m_cabacInitPresentFlag = flag;                }
  bool                   getCabacInitPresentFlag() const                                  { return m_cabacInitPresentFlag;                }
  void                   setDeblockingFilterControlPresentFlag( bool val )                { m_deblockingFilterControlPresentFlag = val;   }
  bool                   getDeblockingFilterControlPresentFlag() const                    { return m_deblockingFilterControlPresentFlag;  }
  void                   setDeblockingFilterOverrideEnabledFlag( bool val )               { m_deblockingFilterOverrideEnabledFlag = val;  }
  bool                   getDeblockingFilterOverrideEnabledFlag() const                   { return m_deblockingFilterOverrideEnabledFlag; }
  void                   setPPSDeblockingFilterDisabledFlag(bool val)                     { m_ppsDeblockingFilterDisabledFlag = val;      } //!< set offset for deblocking filter disabled
  bool                   getPPSDeblockingFilterDisabledFlag() const                       { return m_ppsDeblockingFilterDisabledFlag;     } //!< get offset for deblocking filter disabled
  void                   setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2(int val)                       { m_deblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 = val;       } //!< set beta offset for deblocking filter
  int                    getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2() const                        { return m_deblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2;      } //!< get beta offset for deblocking filter
  void                   setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2(int val)                         { m_deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 = val;         } //!< set tc offset for deblocking filter
  int                    getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2() const                          { return m_deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2;        } //!< get tc offset for deblocking filter
  bool                   getListsModificationPresentFlag() const                          { return m_listsModificationPresentFlag;        }
  void                   setListsModificationPresentFlag( bool b )                        { m_listsModificationPresentFlag = b;           }
  uint32_t                   getLog2ParallelMergeLevelMinus2() const                          { return m_log2ParallelMergeLevelMinus2;        }
  void                   setLog2ParallelMergeLevelMinus2(uint32_t mrgLevel)                   { m_log2ParallelMergeLevelMinus2 = mrgLevel;    }
  int                    getNumExtraSliceHeaderBits() const                               { return m_numExtraSliceHeaderBits;             }
  void                   setNumExtraSliceHeaderBits(int i)                                { m_numExtraSliceHeaderBits = i;                }
  void                   setLoopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag( bool bValue )              { m_loopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag = bValue; }
  bool                   getLoopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag() const                     { return m_loopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag;   }
  bool                   getSliceHeaderExtensionPresentFlag() const                       { return m_sliceHeaderExtensionPresentFlag;     }
  void                   setSliceHeaderExtensionPresentFlag(bool val)                     { m_sliceHeaderExtensionPresentFlag = val;      }

  void                   setLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag(bool b)         { m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag = b; }
  bool                   getLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag() const         { return m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag; }
  void                   setNumVerVirtualBoundaries(unsigned u)                           { m_numVerVirtualBoundaries = u;                }
  unsigned               getNumVerVirtualBoundaries() const                               { return m_numVerVirtualBoundaries;             }
  void                   setNumHorVirtualBoundaries(unsigned u)                           { m_numHorVirtualBoundaries = u;                }
  unsigned               getNumHorVirtualBoundaries() const                               { return m_numHorVirtualBoundaries;             }
  void                   setVirtualBoundariesPosX(unsigned u, unsigned idx)               { m_virtualBoundariesPosX[idx] = u;             }
  unsigned               getVirtualBoundariesPosX(unsigned idx) const                     { return m_virtualBoundariesPosX[idx];          }
  void                   setVirtualBoundariesPosY(unsigned u, unsigned idx)               { m_virtualBoundariesPosY[idx] = u;             }
  unsigned               getVirtualBoundariesPosY(unsigned idx) const                     { return m_virtualBoundariesPosY[idx];          }

  const PPSRExt&         getPpsRangeExtension() const                                     { return m_ppsRangeExtension;                   }
  PPSRExt&               getPpsRangeExtension()                                           { return m_ppsRangeExtension;                   }

  void                    setPicWidthInLumaSamples( uint32_t u )                          { m_picWidthInLumaSamples = u; }
  uint32_t                getPicWidthInLumaSamples() const                                { return  m_picWidthInLumaSamples; }
  void                    setPicHeightInLumaSamples( uint32_t u )                         { m_picHeightInLumaSamples = u; }
  uint32_t                getPicHeightInLumaSamples() const                               { return  m_picHeightInLumaSamples; }

  Window&                 getConformanceWindow()                                          { return  m_conformanceWindow; }
  const Window&           getConformanceWindow() const                                    { return  m_conformanceWindow; }
  void                    setConformanceWindow( Window& conformanceWindow )               { m_conformanceWindow = conformanceWindow; }

class APS
  int                    m_APSId;                    // adaptation_parameter_set_id
  int                    m_temporalId;
  int                    m_layerId;
  ApsType                m_APSType;                  // aps_params_type
  AlfParam               m_alfAPSParam;
  SliceReshapeInfo       m_reshapeAPSInfo;
  ScalingList            m_scalingListApsInfo;

  virtual                ~APS();

  int                    getAPSId() const                                                 { return m_APSId;                               }
  void                   setAPSId(int i)                                                  { m_APSId = i;                                  }

  ApsType                getAPSType() const                                               { return m_APSType;                             }
  void                   setAPSType( ApsType type )                                       { m_APSType = type;                             }

  void                   setAlfAPSParam(AlfParam& alfAPSParam)                            { m_alfAPSParam = alfAPSParam;                  }
  void                   setTemporalId( int i )                                           { m_temporalId = i;                             }
  int                    getTemporalId()                                            const { return m_temporalId;                          }
  void                   setLayerId( int i )                                              { m_layerId = i;                                }
  int                    getLayerId()                                               const { return m_layerId;                             }
  AlfParam&              getAlfAPSParam()  { return m_alfAPSParam; }

  void                   setReshaperAPSInfo(SliceReshapeInfo& reshapeAPSInfo)             { m_reshapeAPSInfo = reshapeAPSInfo;            }
  SliceReshapeInfo&      getReshaperAPSInfo()                                             { return m_reshapeAPSInfo;                      }
  void                   setScalingList( ScalingList& scalingListAPSInfo )                { m_scalingListApsInfo = scalingListAPSInfo;    }
  ScalingList&           getScalingList()                                                 { return m_scalingListApsInfo;                  }
struct WPScalingParam
  // Explicit weighted prediction parameters parsed in slice header,
  // or Implicit weighted prediction parameters (8 bits depth values).
  bool bPresentFlag;
  uint32_t uiLog2WeightDenom;
  int  iWeight;
  int  iOffset;

  // Weighted prediction scaling values built from above parameters (bitdepth scaled):
  int  w;
  int  o;
  int  offset;
  int  shift;
  int  round;

struct WPACDCParam
  int64_t iAC;
  int64_t iDC;

/// slice header class
class Slice

  //  Bitstream writing
  bool                       m_saoEnabledFlag[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];
  int                        m_iPPSId;               ///< picture parameter set ID
  bool                       m_PicOutputFlag;        ///< pic_output_flag
  int                        m_iPOC;
  int                        m_iLastIDR;
  int                        m_iAssociatedIRAP;
  NalUnitType                m_iAssociatedIRAPType;
  bool                       m_enableDRAPSEI;
  bool                       m_useLTforDRAP;
  bool                       m_isDRAP;
  int                        m_latestDRAPPOC;
  const ReferencePictureList* m_pRPL0;                //< pointer to RPL for L0, either in the SPS or the local RPS in the same slice header
  const ReferencePictureList* m_pRPL1;                //< pointer to RPL for L1, either in the SPS or the local RPS in the same slice header
  ReferencePictureList        m_localRPL0;            //< RPL for L0 when present in slice header
  ReferencePictureList        m_localRPL1;            //< RPL for L1 when present in slice header
  int                         m_rpl0Idx;              //< index of used RPL in the SPS or -1 for local RPL in the slice header
  int                         m_rpl1Idx;              //< index of used RPL in the SPS or -1 for local RPL in the slice header
  NalUnitType                m_eNalUnitType;         ///< Nal unit type for the slice
  SliceType                  m_eSliceType;
  int                        m_iSliceQp;
  int                        m_iSliceQpBase;
  bool                       m_ChromaQpAdjEnabled;
  bool                       m_deblockingFilterDisable;
  bool                       m_deblockingFilterOverrideFlag;      //< offsets for deblocking filter inherit from PPS
  int                        m_deblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2;    //< beta offset for deblocking filter
  int                        m_deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2;      //< tc offset for deblocking filter
  int                        m_list1IdxToList0Idx[MAX_NUM_REF];
  int                        m_aiNumRefIdx   [NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01];    //  for multiple reference of current slice
  bool                       m_pendingRasInit;

  bool                       m_depQuantEnabledFlag;
  bool                       m_signDataHidingEnabledFlag;
  bool                       m_bCheckLDC;

  bool                       m_biDirPred;
  int                        m_symRefIdx[2];

  //  Data
  int                        m_iSliceQpDelta;
  int                        m_iSliceChromaQpDelta[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT+1];
  Picture*                   m_apcRefPicList [NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01][MAX_NUM_REF+1];
  int                        m_aiRefPOCList  [NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01][MAX_NUM_REF+1];
  bool                       m_bIsUsedAsLongTerm[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01][MAX_NUM_REF+1];
  int                        m_iDepth;
  Picture*                   m_scaledRefPicList[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01][MAX_NUM_REF + 1];
  Picture*                   m_savedRefPicList[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01][MAX_NUM_REF + 1];
  std::pair<int, int>        m_scalingRatio[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01][MAX_NUM_REF_PICS];

  // access channel
  const DPS*                 m_dps;
  const SPS*                 m_pcSPS;
  const PPS*                 m_pcPPS;
  Picture*                   m_pcPic;
  bool                       m_colFromL0Flag;  // collocated picture from List0 flag

  bool                       m_noOutputPriorPicsFlag;
  bool                       m_noIncorrectPicOutputFlag;
  bool                       m_handleCraAsCvsStartFlag;

  uint32_t                       m_colRefIdx;
  uint32_t                       m_maxNumMergeCand;
  uint32_t                   m_maxNumAffineMergeCand;
  uint32_t                   m_maxNumTriangleCand;
  uint32_t                   m_maxNumIBCMergeCand;
  bool                       m_disFracMMVD;
  bool                       m_disBdofDmvrFlag;
  double                     m_lambdas[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];

  bool                       m_abEqualRef  [NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01][MAX_NUM_REF][MAX_NUM_REF];
  uint32_t                       m_uiTLayer;
  bool                       m_bTLayerSwitchingFlag;

  SliceConstraint            m_sliceMode;
  uint32_t                       m_sliceArgument;
  uint32_t                       m_sliceCurStartCtuTsAddr;
  uint32_t                       m_sliceCurEndCtuTsAddr;
  uint32_t                       m_independentSliceIdx;
  bool                       m_nextSlice;
  uint32_t                       m_sliceBits;
  bool                       m_bFinalized;

  uint32_t                   m_sliceCurStartBrickIdx;
  uint32_t                   m_sliceCurEndBrickIdx;
  uint32_t                   m_sliceNumBricks;
  uint32_t                   m_sliceIdx;

  bool                       m_bTestWeightPred;
  bool                       m_bTestWeightBiPred;
  WPScalingParam             m_weightPredTable[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01][MAX_NUM_REF][MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; // [REF_PIC_LIST_0 or REF_PIC_LIST_1][refIdx][0:Y, 1:U, 2:V]
  WPACDCParam                m_weightACDCParam[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
  ClpRngs                    m_clpRngs;
  std::vector<uint32_t>          m_substreamSizes;

  bool                       m_cabacInitFlag;

  bool                       m_jointCbCrSignFlag;

  bool                       m_bLMvdL1Zero;
  bool                       m_LFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag;

  bool                       m_enableTMVPFlag;

  SliceType                  m_encCABACTableIdx;           // Used to transmit table selection across slices.

  clock_t                    m_iProcessingStartTime;
  double                     m_dProcessingTime;
  bool                       m_splitConsOverrideFlag;
  uint32_t                   m_uiMinQTSize;
  uint32_t                   m_uiMaxMTTHierarchyDepth;
  uint32_t                   m_uiMaxTTSize;

  uint32_t                   m_uiMinQTSizeIChroma;
  uint32_t                   m_uiMaxMTTHierarchyDepthIChroma;
  uint32_t                   m_uiMaxBTSizeIChroma;
  uint32_t                   m_uiMaxTTSizeIChroma;
  uint32_t                   m_uiMaxBTSize;

  int                        m_recoveryPocCnt;
  int                        m_rpPicOrderCntVal;
  APS*                       m_alfApss[ALF_CTB_MAX_NUM_APS];
  bool                       m_tileGroupAlfEnabledFlag[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
  int                        m_tileGroupNumAps;
  std::vector<int>           m_tileGroupLumaApsId;
  int                        m_tileGroupChromaApsId;
  bool                       m_disableSATDForRd;
  int                        m_lmcsApsId;
  APS*                       m_lmcsAps;
  bool                       m_tileGroupLmcsEnabledFlag;
  bool                       m_tileGroupLmcsChromaResidualScaleFlag;
  int                        m_scalingListApsId;
  APS*                       m_scalingListAps;
  bool                       m_tileGroupscalingListPresentFlag;
  bool                       m_nonReferencePicFlag;
  virtual                     ~Slice();
  void                        initSlice();
  int                         getRefIdx4MVPair( RefPicList eCurRefPicList, int nCurRefIdx );
  void                        setDPS( DPS* dps )                                     { m_dps = dps;                                              }
  const DPS*                  getDPS() const                                         { return m_dps;                                               }

  void                        setSPS( const SPS* pcSPS )                             { m_pcSPS = pcSPS;                                              }
  const SPS*                  getSPS() const                                         { return m_pcSPS;                                               }

  void                        setPPS( const PPS* pcPPS )                             { m_pcPPS = pcPPS; m_iPPSId = (pcPPS) ? pcPPS->getPPSId() : -1; }
  const PPS*                  getPPS() const                                         { return m_pcPPS;                                               }

  void                        setPPSId( int PPSId )                                  { m_iPPSId = PPSId;                                             }
  int                         getPPSId() const                                       { return m_iPPSId;                                              }
  void                        setAlfAPSs(APS** apss)                                 { memcpy(m_alfApss, apss, sizeof(m_alfApss));                   }
  APS**                       getAlfAPSs()                                           { return m_alfApss;                                             }
  void                        setLmcsAPS(APS* lmcsAps)                               { m_lmcsAps = lmcsAps; m_lmcsApsId = (lmcsAps) ? lmcsAps->getAPSId() : -1; }
  APS*                        getLmcsAPS()                                           { return m_lmcsAps;                                            }
  void                        setLmcsAPSId(int lmcsApsId)                            { m_lmcsApsId = lmcsApsId;                                     }
  int                         getLmcsAPSId() const                                   { return m_lmcsApsId;                                          }
  void                        setLmcsEnabledFlag(bool b)                             { m_tileGroupLmcsEnabledFlag = b;                              }
  bool                        getLmcsEnabledFlag()                                   { return m_tileGroupLmcsEnabledFlag; }
  const bool                  getLmcsEnabledFlag()                             const { return m_tileGroupLmcsEnabledFlag; }
  void                        setLmcsChromaResidualScaleFlag(bool b)                 { m_tileGroupLmcsChromaResidualScaleFlag = b;                  }
  bool                        getLmcsChromaResidualScaleFlag()                       { return m_tileGroupLmcsChromaResidualScaleFlag;               }
  const bool                  getLmcsChromaResidualScaleFlag()                 const { return m_tileGroupLmcsChromaResidualScaleFlag;               }
  void                        setscalingListAPS( APS* scalingListAps )               { m_scalingListAps = scalingListAps; m_scalingListApsId = ( scalingListAps ) ? scalingListAps->getAPSId() : -1; }
  APS*                        getscalingListAPS()                                    { return m_scalingListAps;                                     }
  void                        setscalingListAPSId( int scalingListApsId )            { m_scalingListApsId = scalingListApsId;                       }
  int                         getscalingListAPSId()                            const { return m_scalingListApsId;                                   }
  void                        setscalingListPresentFlag( bool b )                    { m_tileGroupscalingListPresentFlag = b;                       }
  bool                        getscalingListPresentFlag()                            { return m_tileGroupscalingListPresentFlag;                    }
  const bool                  getscalingListPresentFlag()                      const { return m_tileGroupscalingListPresentFlag;                    }
  void                        setPicOutputFlag( bool b   )                           { m_PicOutputFlag = b;                                          }
  bool                        getPicOutputFlag() const                               { return m_PicOutputFlag;                                       }
  void                        setSaoEnabledFlag(ChannelType chType, bool s)          {m_saoEnabledFlag[chType] =s;                                   }
  bool                        getSaoEnabledFlag(ChannelType chType) const            { return m_saoEnabledFlag[chType];                              }
  void                        setRPL0(const ReferencePictureList *pcRPL)             { m_pRPL0 = pcRPL;                                             }
  void                        setRPL1(const ReferencePictureList *pcRPL)             { m_pRPL1 = pcRPL;                                             }
  const ReferencePictureList* getRPL0()                                              { return m_pRPL0;                                              }
  const ReferencePictureList* getRPL1()                                              { return m_pRPL1;                                              }
  ReferencePictureList*       getLocalRPL0()                                         { return &m_localRPL0;                                         }
  ReferencePictureList*       getLocalRPL1()                                         { return &m_localRPL1;                                         }
  void                        setRPL0idx(int rplIdx)                                 { m_rpl0Idx = rplIdx;                                          }
  void                        setRPL1idx(int rplIdx)                                 { m_rpl1Idx = rplIdx;                                          }
  int                         getRPL0idx() const                                     { return m_rpl0Idx;                                            }
  int                         getRPL1idx() const                                     { return m_rpl1Idx;                                            }
  void                        setLastIDR(int iIDRPOC)                                { m_iLastIDR = iIDRPOC;                                         }
  int                         getLastIDR() const                                     { return m_iLastIDR;                                            }
  void                        setAssociatedIRAPPOC(int iAssociatedIRAPPOC)           { m_iAssociatedIRAP = iAssociatedIRAPPOC;                       }
  int                         getAssociatedIRAPPOC() const                           { return m_iAssociatedIRAP;                                     }
  void                        setAssociatedIRAPType(NalUnitType associatedIRAPType)  { m_iAssociatedIRAPType = associatedIRAPType;                   }
  NalUnitType                 getAssociatedIRAPType() const                          { return m_iAssociatedIRAPType;                                 }
  SliceType                   getSliceType() const                                   { return m_eSliceType;                                          }
  int                         getPOC() const                                         { return m_iPOC;                                                }
  int                         getSliceQp() const                                     { return m_iSliceQp;                                            }
  bool                        getUseWeightedPrediction() const                       { return( (m_eSliceType==P_SLICE && testWeightPred()) || (m_eSliceType==B_SLICE && testWeightBiPred()) ); }
  int                         getSliceQpDelta() const                                { return m_iSliceQpDelta;                                       }
  int                         getSliceChromaQpDelta(ComponentID compID) const        { return isLuma(compID) ? 0 : m_iSliceChromaQpDelta[compID];    }
  bool                        getUseChromaQpAdj() const                              { return m_ChromaQpAdjEnabled;                                  }
  bool                        getDeblockingFilterDisable() const                     { return m_deblockingFilterDisable;                             }
  bool                        getDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag() const                { return m_deblockingFilterOverrideFlag;                        }
  int                         getDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2()const               { return m_deblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2;                      }
  int                         getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2() const                { return m_deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2;                        }
  bool                        getPendingRasInit() const                              { return m_pendingRasInit;                                      }
  void                        setPendingRasInit( bool val )                          { m_pendingRasInit = val;                                       }

  int                         getNumRefIdx( RefPicList e ) const                     { return m_aiNumRefIdx[e];                                      }
  Picture*                    getPic()                                               { return m_pcPic;                                               }
  const Picture*              getPic() const                                         { return m_pcPic;                                               }
  const Picture*              getRefPic( RefPicList e, int iRefIdx) const            { return m_apcRefPicList[e][iRefIdx];                           }
  int                         getRefPOC( RefPicList e, int iRefIdx) const            { return m_aiRefPOCList[e][iRefIdx];                            }
  int                         getDepth() const                                       { return m_iDepth;                                              }
  bool                        getColFromL0Flag() const                               { return m_colFromL0Flag;                                       }
  uint32_t                        getColRefIdx() const                                   { return m_colRefIdx;                                           }
  void                        checkColRefIdx(uint32_t curSliceSegmentIdx, const Picture* pic);
  bool                        getIsUsedAsLongTerm(int i, int j) const                { return m_bIsUsedAsLongTerm[i][j];                             }
  void                        setIsUsedAsLongTerm(int i, int j, bool value)          { m_bIsUsedAsLongTerm[i][j] = value;                            }
  bool                        getCheckLDC() const                                    { return m_bCheckLDC;                                           }
  bool                        getMvdL1ZeroFlag() const                               { return m_bLMvdL1Zero;                                         }
  int                         getList1IdxToList0Idx( int list1Idx ) const            { return m_list1IdxToList0Idx[list1Idx];                        }
  void                        setPOC( int i )                                        { m_iPOC              = i;                                      }
  void                        setNalUnitType( NalUnitType e )                        { m_eNalUnitType      = e;                                      }
  NalUnitType                 getNalUnitType() const                                 { return m_eNalUnitType;                                        }
  bool                        getRapPicFlag() const;
  bool                        getIdrPicFlag() const                                  { return getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP; }
  bool                        isIRAP() const { return (getNalUnitType() >= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL) && (getNalUnitType() <= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA); }
  bool                        isIDRorBLA() const { return (getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL) || (getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP); }
  void                        checkCRA(const ReferencePictureList *pRPL0, const ReferencePictureList *pRPL1, int& pocCRA, NalUnitType& associatedIRAPType, PicList& rcListPic);
  void                        decodingRefreshMarking(int& pocCRA, bool& bRefreshPending, PicList& rcListPic, const bool bEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled);
  void                        setSliceType( SliceType e )                            { m_eSliceType        = e;                                      }
  void                        setSliceQp( int i )                                    { m_iSliceQp          = i;                                      }
  void                        setSliceQpDelta( int i )                               { m_iSliceQpDelta     = i;                                      }
  void                        setSliceChromaQpDelta( ComponentID compID, int i )     { m_iSliceChromaQpDelta[compID] = isLuma(compID) ? 0 : i;       }
  void                        setUseChromaQpAdj( bool b )                            { m_ChromaQpAdjEnabled = b;                                     }
  void                        setDeblockingFilterDisable( bool b )                   { m_deblockingFilterDisable= b;                                 }
  void                        setDeblockingFilterOverrideFlag( bool b )              { m_deblockingFilterOverrideFlag = b;                           }
  void                        setDeblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2( int i )             { m_deblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 = i;                         }
  void                        setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2( int i )               { m_deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 = i;                           }

  void                        setNumRefIdx( RefPicList e, int i )                    { m_aiNumRefIdx[e]    = i;                                      }
  void                        setPic( Picture* p )                                   { m_pcPic             = p;                                      }
  void                        setDepth( int iDepth )                                 { m_iDepth            = iDepth;                                 }

  void                        constructRefPicList(PicList& rcListPic);
  void                        setRefPOCList();

  void                        setColFromL0Flag( bool colFromL0 )                     { m_colFromL0Flag = colFromL0;                                  }
  void                        setColRefIdx( uint32_t refIdx)                             { m_colRefIdx = refIdx;                                         }
  void                        setCheckLDC( bool b )                                  { m_bCheckLDC = b;                                              }
  void                        setMvdL1ZeroFlag( bool b)                              { m_bLMvdL1Zero = b;                                            }

  void                        setBiDirPred( bool b, int refIdx0, int refIdx1 ) { m_biDirPred = b; m_symRefIdx[0] = refIdx0; m_symRefIdx[1] = refIdx1; }
  bool                        getBiDirPred() const { return m_biDirPred; }
  int                         getSymRefIdx( int refList ) const { return m_symRefIdx[refList]; }

  bool                        isIntra() const                                        { return m_eSliceType == I_SLICE;                               }
  bool                        isInterB() const                                       { return m_eSliceType == B_SLICE;                               }
  bool                        isInterP() const                                       { return m_eSliceType == P_SLICE;                               }

  bool                        getEnableDRAPSEI () const                              { return m_enableDRAPSEI;                                       }
  void                        setEnableDRAPSEI ( bool b )                            { m_enableDRAPSEI = b;                                          }
  bool                        getUseLTforDRAP () const                               { return m_useLTforDRAP;                                        }
  void                        setUseLTforDRAP ( bool b )                             { m_useLTforDRAP = b;                                           }
  bool                        isDRAP () const                                        { return m_isDRAP;                                              }
  void                        setDRAP ( bool b )                                     { m_isDRAP = b;                                                 }
  void                        setLatestDRAPPOC ( int i )                             { m_latestDRAPPOC = i;                                          }
  int                         getLatestDRAPPOC () const                              { return m_latestDRAPPOC;                                       }
  bool                        cvsHasPreviousDRAP() const                             { return m_latestDRAPPOC != MAX_INT;                            }
  bool                        isPocRestrictedByDRAP( int poc, bool precedingDRAPinDecodingOrder );
  bool                        isPOCInRefPicList( const ReferencePictureList *rpl, int poc );
  void                        checkConformanceForDRAP( uint32_t temporalId );

  void                        setLambdas( const double lambdas[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] )  { for (int component = 0; component < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; component++) m_lambdas[component] = lambdas[component]; }
  const double*               getLambdas() const                                     { return m_lambdas;                                             }

  void                        setSplitConsOverrideFlag(bool b)                       { m_splitConsOverrideFlag = b; }
  bool                        getSplitConsOverrideFlag() const                       { return m_splitConsOverrideFlag; }
  void                        setMinQTSize(int i)                                    { m_uiMinQTSize = i; }
  uint32_t                    getMinQTSize() const                                   { return m_uiMinQTSize; }
  void                        setMaxMTTHierarchyDepth(int i)                         { m_uiMaxMTTHierarchyDepth = i; }
  uint32_t                    getMaxMTTHierarchyDepth() const                        { return m_uiMaxMTTHierarchyDepth; }
  void                        setMaxTTSize(int i)                                    { m_uiMaxTTSize = i; }
  uint32_t                    getMaxTTSize() const                                   { return m_uiMaxTTSize; }

  void                        setMinQTSizeIChroma(int i)                             { m_uiMinQTSizeIChroma = i; }
  uint32_t                    getMinQTSizeIChroma() const                            { return m_uiMinQTSizeIChroma; }
  void                        setMaxMTTHierarchyDepthIChroma(int i)                  { m_uiMaxMTTHierarchyDepthIChroma = i; }
  uint32_t                    getMaxMTTHierarchyDepthIChroma() const                 { return m_uiMaxMTTHierarchyDepthIChroma; }
  void                        setMaxBTSizeIChroma(int i)                             { m_uiMaxBTSizeIChroma = i; }
  uint32_t                    getMaxBTSizeIChroma() const                            { return m_uiMaxBTSizeIChroma; }
  void                        setMaxTTSizeIChroma(int i)                             { m_uiMaxTTSizeIChroma = i; }
  uint32_t                    getMaxTTSizeIChroma() const                            { return m_uiMaxTTSizeIChroma; }
  void                        setMaxBTSize(int i)                                    { m_uiMaxBTSize = i; }
  uint32_t                        getMaxBTSize() const                                   { return m_uiMaxBTSize; }

  void                        setDepQuantEnabledFlag( bool b )                       { m_depQuantEnabledFlag = b; }
  bool                        getDepQuantEnabledFlag() const                         { return m_depQuantEnabledFlag; }
  void                        setSignDataHidingEnabledFlag( bool b )                 { m_signDataHidingEnabledFlag = b;              }
  bool                        getSignDataHidingEnabledFlag() const                   { return m_signDataHidingEnabledFlag;           }

  void                        initEqualRef();
  bool                        isEqualRef( RefPicList e, int iRefIdx1, int iRefIdx2 )
    CHECK(e>=NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01, "Invalid reference picture list");
    if (iRefIdx1 < 0 || iRefIdx2 < 0)
      return false;
      return m_abEqualRef[e][iRefIdx1][iRefIdx2];

  void                        setEqualRef( RefPicList e, int iRefIdx1, int iRefIdx2, bool b)
    CHECK( e >= NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01, "Invalid reference picture list" );
    m_abEqualRef[e][iRefIdx1][iRefIdx2] = m_abEqualRef[e][iRefIdx2][iRefIdx1] = b;

  static void                 sortPicList( PicList& rcListPic );
  void                        setList1IdxToList0Idx();

  uint32_t                        getTLayer() const                                      { return m_uiTLayer;                                            }
  void                        setTLayer( uint32_t uiTLayer )                             { m_uiTLayer = uiTLayer;                                        }

  void                        checkLeadingPictureRestrictions( PicList& rcListPic )                                         const;
  int                         checkThatAllRefPicsAreAvailable(PicList& rcListPic, const ReferencePictureList* pRPL, int rplIdx, bool printErrors, int* refPicIndex) const;
  void                        applyReferencePictureListBasedMarking( PicList& rcListPic, const ReferencePictureList *pRPL0, const ReferencePictureList *pRPL1 )  const;
  bool                        isTemporalLayerSwitchingPoint( PicList& rcListPic )                                           const;
  bool                        isStepwiseTemporalLayerSwitchingPointCandidate( PicList& rcListPic )                          const;
  int                         checkThatAllRefPicsAreAvailable(PicList& rcListPic, const ReferencePictureList *pRPL, int rplIdx, bool printErrors)                const;
  void                        createExplicitReferencePictureSetFromReference(PicList& rcListPic, const ReferencePictureList *pRPL0, const ReferencePictureList *pRPL1);
  void                        setMaxNumMergeCand(uint32_t val )                          { m_maxNumMergeCand = val;                                      }
  uint32_t                    getMaxNumMergeCand() const                             { return m_maxNumMergeCand;                                     }
  void                        setMaxNumAffineMergeCand( uint32_t val )               { m_maxNumAffineMergeCand = val;  }
  uint32_t                    getMaxNumAffineMergeCand() const                       { return m_maxNumAffineMergeCand; }
  void                        setMaxNumTriangleCand(uint32_t val)                    { m_maxNumTriangleCand = val;}
  uint32_t                    getMaxNumTriangleCand() const                          { return m_maxNumTriangleCand;}
  void                        setMaxNumIBCMergeCand( uint32_t val )                  { m_maxNumIBCMergeCand = val; }
  uint32_t                    getMaxNumIBCMergeCand() const                          { return m_maxNumIBCMergeCand; }
  void                        setDisFracMMVD( bool val )                             { m_disFracMMVD = val;                                          }
  bool                        getDisFracMMVD() const                                 { return m_disFracMMVD;                                         }
  void                        setDisBdofDmvrFlag(bool val)                           { m_disBdofDmvrFlag = val;                                          }
  bool                        getDisBdofDmvrFlag() const                             { return m_disBdofDmvrFlag;                                         }
  void                        setNoOutputPriorPicsFlag( bool val )                   { m_noOutputPriorPicsFlag = val;                                }
  bool                        getNoOutputPriorPicsFlag() const                       { return m_noOutputPriorPicsFlag;                               }

  void                        setNoIncorrectPicOutputFlag(bool val)                  { m_noIncorrectPicOutputFlag = val;                             }
  bool                        getNoIncorrectPicOutputFlag() const                    { return m_noIncorrectPicOutputFlag;                                    }

  void                        setHandleCraAsCvsStartFlag( bool val )                 { m_handleCraAsCvsStartFlag = val;                                   }
  bool                        getHandleCraAsCvsStartFlag() const                     { return m_handleCraAsCvsStartFlag;                                  }

  void                        setSliceMode( SliceConstraint mode )                   { m_sliceMode = mode;                                           }
  SliceConstraint             getSliceMode() const                                   { return m_sliceMode;                                           }
  void                        setSliceArgument( uint32_t uiArgument )                    { m_sliceArgument = uiArgument;                                 }
  uint32_t                        getSliceArgument() const                               { return m_sliceArgument;                                       }
  void                        setSliceCurStartCtuTsAddr( uint32_t ctuTsAddr )            { m_sliceCurStartCtuTsAddr = ctuTsAddr;                         } // CTU Tile-scan address (as opposed to raster-scan)
  uint32_t                        getSliceCurStartCtuTsAddr() const                      { return m_sliceCurStartCtuTsAddr;                              } // CTU Tile-scan address (as opposed to raster-scan)
  void                        setSliceCurEndCtuTsAddr( uint32_t ctuTsAddr )              { m_sliceCurEndCtuTsAddr = ctuTsAddr;                           } // CTU Tile-scan address (as opposed to raster-scan)
  uint32_t                        getSliceCurEndCtuTsAddr() const                        { return m_sliceCurEndCtuTsAddr;                                } // CTU Tile-scan address (as opposed to raster-scan)
  void                        setIndependentSliceIdx( uint32_t i)                        { m_independentSliceIdx = i;                                    }
  uint32_t                        getIndependentSliceIdx() const                         { return  m_independentSliceIdx;                                }
  void                        copySliceInfo(Slice *pcSliceSrc, bool cpyAlmostAll = true);
  void                        setSliceBits( uint32_t uiVal )                             { m_sliceBits = uiVal;                                          }
  uint32_t                        getSliceBits() const                                   { return m_sliceBits;                                           }
  void                        setFinalized( bool uiVal )                             { m_bFinalized = uiVal;                                         }
  bool                        getFinalized() const                                   { return m_bFinalized;                                          }
  void                        setSliceCurStartBrickIdx(uint32_t brickIdx)            { m_sliceCurStartBrickIdx = brickIdx;                           }
  uint32_t                    getSliceCurStartBrickIdx() const                       { return m_sliceCurStartBrickIdx;                               }
  void                        setSliceCurEndBrickIdx(uint32_t brickIdx)              { m_sliceCurEndBrickIdx = brickIdx;                             }
  uint32_t                    getSliceCurEndBrickIdx() const                         { return m_sliceCurEndBrickIdx;                                 }
  void                        setSliceNumBricks(uint32_t numBricks)                  { m_sliceNumBricks = numBricks;                                 }
  uint32_t                    getSliceNumBricks() const                              { return m_sliceNumBricks;                                      }
  void                        setSliceIndex(uint32_t idx)                            { m_sliceIdx = idx;                                             }
  uint32_t                    getSliceIndex() const                                  { return m_sliceIdx;                                            }
  bool                        testWeightPred( ) const                                { return m_bTestWeightPred;                                     }
  void                        setTestWeightPred( bool bValue )                       { m_bTestWeightPred = bValue;                                   }
  bool                        testWeightBiPred( ) const                              { return m_bTestWeightBiPred;                                   }
  void                        setTestWeightBiPred( bool bValue )                     { m_bTestWeightBiPred = bValue;                                 }
  void                        setWpScaling( WPScalingParam  wp[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01][MAX_NUM_REF][MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] )
    memcpy(m_weightPredTable, wp, sizeof(WPScalingParam)*NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01*MAX_NUM_REF*MAX_NUM_COMPONENT);

  void                        getWpScaling( RefPicList e, int iRefIdx, WPScalingParam *&wp) const;

  void                        resetWpScaling();
  void                        initWpScaling(const SPS *sps);

  void                        setWpAcDcParam( WPACDCParam wp[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] )    { memcpy(m_weightACDCParam, wp, sizeof(WPACDCParam)*MAX_NUM_COMPONENT); }

  void                        getWpAcDcParam( const WPACDCParam *&wp ) const;
  void                        initWpAcDcParam();

  void                        clearSubstreamSizes( )                                 { return m_substreamSizes.clear();                              }
  uint32_t                        getNumberOfSubstreamSizes( )                           { return (uint32_t) m_substreamSizes.size();                        }
  void                        addSubstreamSize( uint32_t size )                          { m_substreamSizes.push_back(size);                             }
  uint32_t                        getSubstreamSize( uint32_t idx )                           { CHECK(idx>=getNumberOfSubstreamSizes(),"Invalid index"); return m_substreamSizes[idx]; }

  void                        setCabacInitFlag( bool val )                           { m_cabacInitFlag = val;                                        } //!< set CABAC initial flag
  bool                        getCabacInitFlag()                               const { return m_cabacInitFlag;                                       } //!< get CABAC initial flag

  void                        setJointCbCrSignFlag( bool b )                         { m_jointCbCrSignFlag = b; }
  bool                        getJointCbCrSignFlag()                           const { return m_jointCbCrSignFlag; }

  void                        setLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag( bool   val )              { m_LFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag = val;                             }
  bool                        getLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag()                    const { return m_LFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag;                            }

  void                        setEnableTMVPFlag( bool   b )                          { m_enableTMVPFlag = b;                                         }
  bool                        getEnableTMVPFlag() const                              { return m_enableTMVPFlag;                                      }

  void                        setEncCABACTableIdx( SliceType idx )                   { m_encCABACTableIdx = idx;                                     }
  SliceType                   getEncCABACTableIdx() const                            { return m_encCABACTableIdx;                                    }

  void                        setSliceQpBase( int i )                                { m_iSliceQpBase = i;                                           }
  int                         getSliceQpBase()                                 const { return m_iSliceQpBase;                                        }

  void                        setDefaultClpRng( const SPS& sps );
  const ClpRngs&              clpRngs()                                         const { return m_clpRngs;}
  const ClpRng&               clpRng( ComponentID id)                           const { return m_clpRngs.comp[id];}
  ClpRngs&                    getClpRngs()                                            { return m_clpRngs;}
  unsigned                    getMinPictureDistance()                           const ;
  void startProcessingTimer();
  void stopProcessingTimer();
  void resetProcessingTime()       { m_dProcessingTime = m_iProcessingStartTime = 0; }
  double getProcessingTime() const { return m_dProcessingTime; }

  void                        resetTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag() { memset(m_tileGroupAlfEnabledFlag, 0, sizeof(m_tileGroupAlfEnabledFlag)); }
  bool                        getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(ComponentID compId) const { return m_tileGroupAlfEnabledFlag[compId]; }
  void                        setTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag(ComponentID compId, bool b) { m_tileGroupAlfEnabledFlag[compId] = b; }
  int                         getTileGroupNumAps() const { return m_tileGroupNumAps; }
  void                        setTileGroupNumAps(int i) { m_tileGroupNumAps = i; }
  int                         getTileGroupApsIdChroma() const { return m_tileGroupChromaApsId; }
  void                        setTileGroupApsIdChroma(int i) { m_tileGroupChromaApsId = i; }
  std::vector<int32_t>        getTileGroupApsIdLuma() const { return m_tileGroupLumaApsId; }
  void                        setAlfAPSs(std::vector<int> ApsIDs)
    for (int i = 0; i < m_tileGroupNumAps; i++)
      m_tileGroupLumaApsId[i] = ApsIDs[i];
  void                        setDisableSATDForRD(bool b) { m_disableSATDForRd = b; }
  bool                        getDisableSATDForRD() { return m_disableSATDForRd; }
  void                        scaleRefPicList( Picture *scaledRefPic[ ], APS** apss, APS* lmcsAps, APS* scalingListAps, const bool isDecoder );
  void                        freeScaledRefPicList( Picture *scaledRefPic[] );
  bool                        checkRPR();
  const std::pair<int, int>&  getScalingRatio( const RefPicList refPicList, const int refIdx )  const { return m_scalingRatio[refPicList][refIdx]; }
  void                        setRecoveryPocCnt(int value) { m_recoveryPocCnt = value; }
  int                         getRecoveryPocCnt() const { return m_recoveryPocCnt; }
  void                        setRpPicOrderCntVal(int value) { m_rpPicOrderCntVal = value; }
  int                         getRpPicOrderCntVal() const { return m_rpPicOrderCntVal; }
  void                        setNonRefPictFlag(bool value) { m_nonReferencePicFlag = value; }
  bool                        getNonRefPictFlag() const { return m_nonReferencePicFlag;  }

  Picture*              xGetRefPic        (PicList& rcListPic, int poc);
  Picture*              xGetLongTermRefPic(PicList& rcListPic, int poc, bool pocHasMsb);
  std::unordered_map< Position, std::unordered_map< Size, double> > m_mapPltCost;

void calculateParameterSetChangedFlag(bool &bChanged, const std::vector<uint8_t> *pOldData, const std::vector<uint8_t> *pNewData);

template <class T> class ParameterSetMap
  template <class Tm>
  struct MapData
    bool                  bChanged;
    std::vector<uint8_t>   *pNaluData; // Can be null
    Tm*                   parameterSet;

  ParameterSetMap(int maxId)
  :m_maxId (maxId)

    for (typename std::map<int,MapData<T> >::iterator i = m_paramsetMap.begin(); i!= m_paramsetMap.end(); i++)
      delete (*i).second.pNaluData;
      delete (*i).second.parameterSet;
    delete m_lastActiveParameterSet; m_lastActiveParameterSet = NULL;

  T *allocatePS(const int psId)
    CHECK( psId >= m_maxId, "Invalid PS id" );
    if ( m_paramsetMap.find(psId) == m_paramsetMap.end() )
      m_paramsetMap[psId].bChanged = true;
      m_paramsetMap[psId].parameterSet = new T;
      setID(m_paramsetMap[psId].parameterSet, psId);
    return m_paramsetMap[psId].parameterSet;

  void clearMap()

  void storePS(int psId, T *ps, const std::vector<uint8_t> *pNaluData)
    CHECK( psId >= m_maxId, "Invalid PS id" );
    if ( m_paramsetMap.find(psId) != m_paramsetMap.end() )
      MapData<T> &mapData=m_paramsetMap[psId];

      // work out changed flag
      calculateParameterSetChangedFlag(mapData.bChanged, mapData.pNaluData, pNaluData);

      if( ! mapData.bChanged )
        // just keep the old one
        delete ps;

      if (find(m_activePsId.begin(), m_activePsId.end(), psId) != m_activePsId.end())
        std::swap( m_paramsetMap[psId].parameterSet, m_lastActiveParameterSet );
      delete m_paramsetMap[psId].pNaluData;
      delete m_paramsetMap[psId].parameterSet;

      m_paramsetMap[psId].parameterSet = ps;
      m_paramsetMap[psId].parameterSet = ps;
      m_paramsetMap[psId].bChanged = false;
    if (pNaluData != 0)
      m_paramsetMap[psId].pNaluData=new std::vector<uint8_t>;
      *(m_paramsetMap[psId].pNaluData) = *pNaluData;

  void checkAuApsContent( APS *aps, std::vector<int>& accessUnitApsNals )
    int apsId = ( aps->getAPSId() << NUM_APS_TYPE_LEN ) + (int)aps->getAPSType();

    if( std::find( accessUnitApsNals.begin(), accessUnitApsNals.end(), apsId ) != accessUnitApsNals.end() )
      CHECK( m_paramsetMap.find( apsId ) == m_paramsetMap.end(), "APS does not exists" );
      APS* existedAPS = m_paramsetMap[apsId].parameterSet;

      if( aps->getAPSType() == LMCS_APS )
        CHECK( aps->getReshaperAPSInfo() != existedAPS->getReshaperAPSInfo(), "All APS NAL units with a particular value of adaptation_parameter_set_id and a particular value of aps_params_type within an access unit shall have the same content" );
      else if( aps->getAPSType() == ALF_APS )
        CHECK( aps->getAlfAPSParam() != existedAPS->getAlfAPSParam(), "All APS NAL units with a particular value of adaptation_parameter_set_id and a particular value of aps_params_type within an access unit shall have the same content" );
      else if( aps->getAPSType() == SCALING_LIST_APS )
        CHECK( aps->getScalingList() != existedAPS->getScalingList(), "All APS NAL units with a particular value of adaptation_parameter_set_id and a particular value of aps_params_type within an access unit shall have the same content" );
        CHECK( true, "Wrong APS type" );
      accessUnitApsNals.push_back( apsId );

  void setChangedFlag(int psId, bool bChanged=true)
    if ( m_paramsetMap.find(psId) != m_paramsetMap.end() )

  void clearChangedFlag(int psId)
    if ( m_paramsetMap.find(psId) != m_paramsetMap.end() )

  bool getChangedFlag(int psId) const
    const typename std::map<int,MapData<T> >::const_iterator constit=m_paramsetMap.find(psId);
    if ( constit != m_paramsetMap.end() )
      return constit->second.bChanged;
    return false;

  T* getPS(int psId)
    typename std::map<int,MapData<T> >::iterator it=m_paramsetMap.find(psId);
    return ( it == m_paramsetMap.end() ) ? NULL : (it)->second.parameterSet;

  const T* getPS(int psId) const
    typename std::map<int,MapData<T> >::const_iterator it=m_paramsetMap.find(psId);
    return ( it == m_paramsetMap.end() ) ? NULL : (it)->second.parameterSet;

  T* getFirstPS()
    return (m_paramsetMap.begin() == m_paramsetMap.end() ) ? NULL : m_paramsetMap.begin()->second.parameterSet;

  void setActive(int psId) { m_activePsId.push_back(psId); }
  void clear() { m_activePsId.clear(); }

  std::map<int,MapData<T> > m_paramsetMap;
  int                       m_maxId;
  std::vector<int>          m_activePsId;
  T*                        m_lastActiveParameterSet;
  static void setID(T* parameterSet, const int psId);

class ParameterSetManager
  virtual        ~ParameterSetManager();

  void           storeDPS(DPS *dps, const std::vector<uint8_t> &naluData)    { m_dpsMap.storePS( dps->getDecodingParameterSetId(), dps, &naluData); };
  //! get pointer to existing video parameter set
  DPS*           getDPS(int dpsId)                                           { return m_dpsMap.getPS(dpsId); };
  bool           getDPSChangedFlag(int dpsId) const                          { return m_dpsMap.getChangedFlag(dpsId); }
  void           clearDPSChangedFlag(int dpsId)                              { m_dpsMap.clearChangedFlag(dpsId); }
  DPS*           getFirstDPS()                                               { return m_dpsMap.getFirstPS(); };
  //! store sequence parameter set and take ownership of it
  void           storeSPS(SPS *sps, const std::vector<uint8_t> &naluData) { m_spsMap.storePS( sps->getSPSId(), sps, &naluData); };
  //! get pointer to existing sequence parameter set
  SPS*           getSPS(int spsId)                                           { return m_spsMap.getPS(spsId); };
  bool           getSPSChangedFlag(int spsId) const                          { return m_spsMap.getChangedFlag(spsId); }
  void           clearSPSChangedFlag(int spsId)                              { m_spsMap.clearChangedFlag(spsId); }
  SPS*           getFirstSPS()                                               { return m_spsMap.getFirstPS(); };

  //! store picture parameter set and take ownership of it
  void           storePPS(PPS *pps, const std::vector<uint8_t> &naluData) { m_ppsMap.storePS( pps->getPPSId(), pps, &naluData); };
  //! get pointer to existing picture parameter set
  PPS*           getPPS(int ppsId)                                           { return m_ppsMap.getPS(ppsId); };
  bool           getPPSChangedFlag(int ppsId) const                          { return m_ppsMap.getChangedFlag(ppsId); }
  void           clearPPSChangedFlag(int ppsId)                              { m_ppsMap.clearChangedFlag(ppsId); }
  PPS*           getFirstPPS()                                               { return m_ppsMap.getFirstPS(); };

  //! activate a SPS from a active parameter sets SEI message
  //! \returns true, if activation is successful
  // bool           activateSPSWithSEI(int SPSId);

  //! activate a PPS and depending on isIDR parameter also SPS
  //! \returns true, if activation is successful
  bool           activatePPS(int ppsId, bool isIRAP);
  APS**          getAPSs() { return &m_apss[0]; }
  ParameterSetMap<APS>* getApsMap() { return &m_apsMap; }
  void           storeAPS(APS *aps, const std::vector<uint8_t> &naluData)    { m_apsMap.storePS(aps->getAPSId() + (MAX_NUM_APS * aps->getAPSType()), aps, &naluData); };
  APS*           getAPS(int apsId, int apsType)                              { return m_apsMap.getPS(apsId + (MAX_NUM_APS * apsType)); };
  bool           getAPSChangedFlag(int apsId, int apsType) const             { return m_apsMap.getChangedFlag(apsId + (MAX_NUM_APS * apsType)); }
  void           clearAPSChangedFlag(int apsId, int apsType)                 { m_apsMap.clearChangedFlag(apsId + ( MAX_NUM_APS * apsType)); }
  APS*           getFirstAPS()                                               { return m_apsMap.getFirstPS(); };
  bool           activateAPS(int apsId, int apsType);
  const SPS*     getActiveSPS()const                                         { return m_spsMap.getPS(m_activeSPSId); };
  const DPS*     getActiveDPS()const                                         { return m_dpsMap.getPS(m_activeDPSId); };

  void           checkAuApsContent( APS *aps, std::vector<int>& accessUnitApsNals ) { m_apsMap.checkAuApsContent( aps, accessUnitApsNals ); }

  ParameterSetMap<SPS> m_spsMap;
  ParameterSetMap<PPS> m_ppsMap;
  ParameterSetMap<APS> m_apsMap;
  ParameterSetMap<DPS> m_dpsMap;


  int m_activeDPSId; // -1 for nothing active
  int m_activeSPSId; // -1 for nothing active

class PreCalcValues
  PreCalcValues( const SPS& sps, const PPS& pps, bool _isEncoder )
    : chrFormat           ( sps.getChromaFormatIdc() )
    , multiBlock422       ( false )
    , maxCUWidth          ( sps.getMaxCUWidth() )
    , maxCUHeight         ( sps.getMaxCUHeight() )
    , maxCUWidthMask      ( maxCUWidth  - 1 )
    , maxCUHeightMask     ( maxCUHeight - 1 )
    , maxCUWidthLog2      ( floorLog2( maxCUWidth  ) )
    , maxCUHeightLog2     ( floorLog2( maxCUHeight ) )
    , minCUWidth          ( sps.getMaxCUWidth()  >> sps.getMaxCodingDepth() )
    , minCUHeight         ( sps.getMaxCUHeight() >> sps.getMaxCodingDepth() )
    , minCUWidthLog2      ( floorLog2( minCUWidth  ) )
    , minCUHeightLog2     ( floorLog2( minCUHeight ) )
    , partsInCtuWidth     ( 1 << sps.getMaxCodingDepth() )
    , partsInCtuHeight    ( 1 << sps.getMaxCodingDepth() )
    , partsInCtu          ( 1 << (sps.getMaxCodingDepth() << 1) )
    , widthInCtus         ( (pps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples () + sps.getMaxCUWidth () - 1) / sps.getMaxCUWidth () )
    , heightInCtus        ( (pps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() + sps.getMaxCUHeight() - 1) / sps.getMaxCUHeight() )
    , sizeInCtus          ( widthInCtus * heightInCtus )
    , lumaWidth           ( pps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples() )
    , lumaHeight          ( pps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() )
    , fastDeltaQPCuMaxSize( Clip3(sps.getMaxCUHeight() >> (sps.getLog2DiffMaxMinCodingBlockSize()), sps.getMaxCUHeight(), 32u) )
    , noChroma2x2         (  false )
    , isEncoder           ( _isEncoder )
    , ISingleTree         ( !sps.getUseDualITree() )
    , maxBtDepth          { sps.getMaxMTTHierarchyDepthI(), sps.getMaxMTTHierarchyDepth(), sps.getMaxMTTHierarchyDepthIChroma() }
    , minBtSize           { 1u << sps.getLog2MinCodingBlockSize(), 1u << sps.getLog2MinCodingBlockSize(), 1u << sps.getLog2MinCodingBlockSize() }
    , maxBtSize           { sps.getMaxBTSizeI(), sps.getMaxBTSize(), sps.getMaxBTSizeIChroma() }
    , minTtSize           { 1u << sps.getLog2MinCodingBlockSize(), 1u << sps.getLog2MinCodingBlockSize(), 1u << sps.getLog2MinCodingBlockSize() }
    , maxTtSize           { sps.getMaxTTSizeI(), sps.getMaxTTSize(), sps.getMaxTTSizeIChroma() }
    , minQtSize           { sps.getMinQTSize(I_SLICE, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), sps.getMinQTSize(B_SLICE, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), sps.getMinQTSize(I_SLICE, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA) }

  const ChromaFormat chrFormat;
  const bool         multiBlock422;
  const unsigned     maxCUWidth;
  const unsigned     maxCUHeight;
  // to get CTU position, use (x & maxCUWidthMask) rather than (x % maxCUWidth)
  const unsigned     maxCUWidthMask;
  const unsigned     maxCUHeightMask;
  const unsigned     maxCUWidthLog2;
  const unsigned     maxCUHeightLog2;
  const unsigned     minCUWidth;
  const unsigned     minCUHeight;
  const unsigned     minCUWidthLog2;
  const unsigned     minCUHeightLog2;
  const unsigned     partsInCtuWidth;
  const unsigned     partsInCtuHeight;
  const unsigned     partsInCtu;
  const unsigned     widthInCtus;
  const unsigned     heightInCtus;
  const unsigned     sizeInCtus;
  const unsigned     lumaWidth;
  const unsigned     lumaHeight;
  const unsigned     fastDeltaQPCuMaxSize;
  const bool         noChroma2x2;
  const bool         isEncoder;
  const bool         ISingleTree;

  const unsigned     maxBtDepth[3];
  const unsigned     minBtSize [3];
  const unsigned     maxBtSize [3];
  const unsigned     minTtSize [3];
  const unsigned     maxTtSize [3];
  const unsigned     minQtSize [3];

  unsigned getValIdx    ( const Slice &slice, const ChannelType chType ) const;

  unsigned getMaxBtDepth( const Slice &slice, const ChannelType chType ) const;
  unsigned getMinBtSize ( const Slice &slice, const ChannelType chType ) const;
  unsigned getMaxBtSize ( const Slice &slice, const ChannelType chType ) const;
  unsigned getMinTtSize ( const Slice &slice, const ChannelType chType ) const;
  unsigned getMaxTtSize ( const Slice &slice, const ChannelType chType ) const;
  unsigned getMinQtSize ( const Slice &slice, const ChannelType chType ) const;

void xTraceVPSHeader();
void xTraceDPSHeader();
void xTraceSPSHeader();
void xTracePPSHeader();
void xTraceAPSHeader();
void xTraceSliceHeader();
void xTraceAccessUnitDelimiter();

#endif // __SLICE__