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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file ContextModelling.h * \brief Classes providing probability descriptions and contexts (header) */ #ifndef __CONTEXTMODELLING__ #define __CONTEXTMODELLING__ #include "CommonDef.h" #include "Contexts.h" #include "Slice.h" #include "Unit.h" #include "UnitPartitioner.h" #include <bitset> struct CoeffCodingContext { public: #if HEVC_USE_SIGN_HIDING CoeffCodingContext( const TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID component, bool signHide); #else CoeffCodingContext( const TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID component ); #endif public: void initSubblock ( int SubsetId, bool sigGroupFlag = false ); public: void resetSigGroup () { m_sigCoeffGroupFlag.reset( m_subSetPos ); } void setSigGroup () { m_sigCoeffGroupFlag.set( m_subSetPos ); } void setScanPosLast ( int posLast ) { m_scanPosLast = posLast; } public: ComponentID compID () const { return m_compID; } int subSetId () const { return m_subSetId; } int subSetPos () const { return m_subSetPos; } int cgPosY () const { return m_subSetPosY; } int cgPosX () const { return m_subSetPosX; } unsigned width () const { return m_width; } unsigned height () const { return m_height; } unsigned log2CGSize () const { return m_log2CGSize; } unsigned log2BlockWidth () const { return m_log2BlockWidth; } unsigned log2BlockHeight () const { return m_log2BlockHeight; } unsigned log2BlockSize () const { return m_log2BlockSize; } bool extPrec () const { return m_extendedPrecision; } int maxLog2TrDRange () const { return m_maxLog2TrDynamicRange; } unsigned maxNumCoeff () const { return m_maxNumCoeff; } int scanPosLast () const { return m_scanPosLast; } int minSubPos () const { return m_minSubPos; } int maxSubPos () const { return m_maxSubPos; } bool isLast () const { return ( ( m_scanPosLast >> m_log2CGSize ) == m_subSetId ); } bool isNotFirst () const { return ( m_subSetId != 0 ); } bool isSigGroup ( int scanPosCG ) const { return m_sigCoeffGroupFlag[ m_scanCG[ scanPosCG ] ]; } bool isSigGroup () const { return m_sigCoeffGroupFlag[ m_subSetPos ]; } #if HEVC_USE_SIGN_HIDING bool signHiding () const { return m_signHiding; } bool hideSign ( int posFirst, int posLast ) const { return ( m_signHiding && ( posLast - posFirst >= SBH_THRESHOLD ) ); } #endif CoeffScanType scanType () const { return m_scanType; } unsigned blockPos ( int scanPos ) const { return m_scan[ scanPos ]; } unsigned posX ( int scanPos ) const { return m_scanPosX[ scanPos ]; } unsigned posY ( int scanPos ) const { return m_scanPosY[ scanPos ]; } unsigned maxLastPosX () const { return m_maxLastPosX; } unsigned maxLastPosY () const { return m_maxLastPosY; } unsigned lastXCtxId ( unsigned posLastX ) const { return m_CtxSetLastX( m_lastOffsetX + ( posLastX >> m_lastShiftX ) ); } unsigned lastYCtxId ( unsigned posLastY ) const { return m_CtxSetLastY( m_lastOffsetY + ( posLastY >> m_lastShiftY ) ); } unsigned sigGroupCtxId () const { return m_sigGroupCtxId; } unsigned sigCtxIdAbs( int scanPos, const TCoeff* coeff, const int state ) { const uint32_t posY = m_scanPosY[ scanPos ]; const uint32_t posX = m_scanPosX[ scanPos ]; const TCoeff* pData = coeff + posX + posY * m_width; const int diag = posX + posY; int numPos = 0; int sumAbs = 0; #define UPDATE(x) {int a=abs(x);sumAbs+=std::min(2+(a&1),a);numPos+=!!a;} if( posX < m_width-1 ) { UPDATE( pData[1] ); if( posX < m_width-2 ) { UPDATE( pData[2] ); } if( posY < m_height-1 ) { UPDATE( pData[m_width+1] ); } } if( posY < m_height-1 ) { UPDATE( pData[m_width] ); if( posY < m_height-2 ) { UPDATE( pData[m_width<<1] ); } } #undef UPDATE int ctxOfs = std::min( sumAbs, 5 ) + ( diag < 2 ? 6 : 0 ); if( m_chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ) { ctxOfs += diag < 5 ? 6 : 0; } m_tmplCpDiag = diag; m_tmplCpSum1 = sumAbs - numPos; return m_sigFlagCtxSet[std::max( 0, state-1 )]( ctxOfs ); } uint8_t ctxOffsetAbs() { int offset = 0; if( m_tmplCpDiag != -1 ) { offset = std::min( m_tmplCpSum1, 4 ) + 1; offset += ( !m_tmplCpDiag ? ( m_chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ? 15 : 5 ) : m_chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ? m_tmplCpDiag < 3 ? 10 : ( m_tmplCpDiag < 10 ? 5 : 0 ) : 0 ); } return uint8_t(offset); } unsigned parityCtxIdAbs ( uint8_t offset ) const { return m_parFlagCtxSet ( offset ); } unsigned greater1CtxIdAbs ( uint8_t offset ) const { return m_gtxFlagCtxSet[1]( offset ); } unsigned greater2CtxIdAbs ( uint8_t offset ) const { return m_gtxFlagCtxSet[0]( offset ); } unsigned templateAbsSum( int scanPos, const TCoeff* coeff ) { const uint32_t posY = m_scanPosY[scanPos]; const uint32_t posX = m_scanPosX[scanPos]; const TCoeff* pData = coeff + posX + posY * m_width; int sum = 0; if (posX < m_width - 1) { sum += abs(pData[1]); if (posX < m_width - 2) { sum += abs(pData[2]); } if (posY < m_height - 1) { sum += abs(pData[m_width + 1]); } } if (posY < m_height - 1) { sum += abs(pData[m_width]); if (posY < m_height - 2) { sum += abs(pData[m_width << 1]); } } return std::min(sum, 31); } unsigned emtNumSigCoeff() const { return m_emtNumSigCoeff; } void setEmtNumSigCoeff( unsigned val ) { m_emtNumSigCoeff = val; } private: // constant const ComponentID m_compID; const ChannelType m_chType; const unsigned m_width; const unsigned m_height; const unsigned m_log2CGWidth; const unsigned m_log2CGHeight; const unsigned m_log2CGSize; const unsigned m_widthInGroups; const unsigned m_heightInGroups; const unsigned m_log2BlockWidth; const unsigned m_log2BlockHeight; const unsigned m_log2BlockSize; const unsigned m_maxNumCoeff; #if HEVC_USE_SIGN_HIDING const bool m_signHiding; #endif const bool m_extendedPrecision; const int m_maxLog2TrDynamicRange; CoeffScanType m_scanType; const unsigned* m_scan; const unsigned* m_scanPosX; const unsigned* m_scanPosY; const unsigned* m_scanCG; const CtxSet m_CtxSetLastX; const CtxSet m_CtxSetLastY; const unsigned m_maxLastPosX; const unsigned m_maxLastPosY; const int m_lastOffsetX; const int m_lastOffsetY; const int m_lastShiftX; const int m_lastShiftY; const bool m_TrafoBypass; // modified int m_scanPosLast; int m_subSetId; int m_subSetPos; int m_subSetPosX; int m_subSetPosY; int m_minSubPos; int m_maxSubPos; unsigned m_sigGroupCtxId; int m_tmplCpSum1; int m_tmplCpDiag; CtxSet m_sigFlagCtxSet[3]; CtxSet m_parFlagCtxSet; CtxSet m_gtxFlagCtxSet[2]; std::bitset<MLS_GRP_NUM> m_sigCoeffGroupFlag; unsigned m_emtNumSigCoeff; }; class CUCtx { public: CUCtx() : isDQPCoded(false), isChromaQpAdjCoded(false), numNonZeroCoeffNonTs(0) {} CUCtx(int _qp) : isDQPCoded(false), isChromaQpAdjCoded(false), numNonZeroCoeffNonTs(0), qp(_qp) {} ~CUCtx() {} public: bool isDQPCoded; bool isChromaQpAdjCoded; uint32_t numNonZeroCoeffNonTs; int8_t qp; // used as a previous(last) QP and for QP prediction }; class MergeCtx { public: MergeCtx() : numValidMergeCand( 0 ), hasMergedCandList( false ) { for( unsigned i = 0; i < MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS; i++ ) mrgTypeNeighbours[i] = MRG_TYPE_DEFAULT_N; } ~MergeCtx() {} public: MvField mvFieldNeighbours [ MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS << 1 ]; // double length for mv of both lists uint8_t GBiIdx [ MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; unsigned char interDirNeighbours[ MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; MergeType mrgTypeNeighbours [ MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; int numValidMergeCand; bool hasMergedCandList; MotionBuf subPuMvpMiBuf; MotionBuf subPuMvpExtMiBuf; MvField mmvdBaseMv[MMVD_BASE_MV_NUM][2]; void setMmvdMergeCandiInfo(PredictionUnit& pu, int candIdx); void setMergeInfo( PredictionUnit& pu, int candIdx ); }; class AffineMergeCtx { public: AffineMergeCtx() : numValidMergeCand( 0 ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS; i++ ) affineType[i] = AFFINEMODEL_4PARAM; } ~AffineMergeCtx() {} public: MvField mvFieldNeighbours[AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS << 1][3]; // double length for mv of both lists unsigned char interDirNeighbours[AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS]; EAffineModel affineType[AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS]; uint8_t GBiIdx[AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS]; int numValidMergeCand; int maxNumMergeCand; MergeCtx *mrgCtx; MergeType mergeType[AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS]; }; namespace DeriveCtx { unsigned CtxCUsplit ( const CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& partitioner ); unsigned CtxBTsplit ( const CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& partitioner ); unsigned CtxQtCbf ( const ComponentID compID, const unsigned trDepth, const bool prevCbCbf ); unsigned CtxInterDir ( const PredictionUnit& pu ); unsigned CtxSkipFlag ( const CodingUnit& cu ); unsigned CtxIMVFlag ( const CodingUnit& cu ); unsigned CtxAffineFlag( const CodingUnit& cu ); unsigned CtxTriangleFlag( const CodingUnit& cu ); } #endif // __CONTEXTMODELLING__