diff --git a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp
index ee45301ed6a3a08c824e3d7b6e335e7a27d3546c..930308b27ef367a1c98f906f16a14a10ba171d9b 100644
--- a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp
+++ b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp
@@ -312,6 +312,20 @@ void EncApp::xInitLibCfg()
   // ADD_NEW_TOOL : (encoder app) add setting of tool enabling flags and associated parameters here
+  m_cEncLib.setLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag     ( m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag );
+  m_cEncLib.setNumVerVirtualBoundaries                           ( m_numVerVirtualBoundaries );
+  m_cEncLib.setNumHorVirtualBoundaries                           ( m_numHorVirtualBoundaries );
+  for( unsigned i = 0; i < m_numVerVirtualBoundaries; i++ )
+  {
+    m_cEncLib.setVirtualBoundariesPosX                           ( m_virtualBoundariesPosX[ i ], i );
+  }
+  for( unsigned i = 0; i < m_numHorVirtualBoundaries; i++ )
+  {
+    m_cEncLib.setVirtualBoundariesPosY                           ( m_virtualBoundariesPosY[ i ], i );
+  }
   m_cEncLib.setMaxCUWidth                                        ( m_uiCTUSize );
   m_cEncLib.setMaxCUHeight                                       ( m_uiCTUSize );
   m_cEncLib.setMaxCodingDepth                                    ( m_uiMaxCodingDepth );
diff --git a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp
index 54c18bc7736e265e6cd01d94ce43e8e7512b3fc0..8c2fa2deab6f1d89cd76300957801cefc8a280c7 100644
--- a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp
+++ b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp
@@ -728,6 +728,10 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
   const int defaultLadfIntervalLowerBound[2] = { 350, 833 };
   SMultiValueInput<int>  cfg_LadfQpOffset                    ( -MAX_QP, MAX_QP, 2, MAX_LADF_INTERVALS, defaultLadfQpOffset, 3 );
   SMultiValueInput<int>  cfg_LadfIntervalLowerBound          ( 0, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), 1, MAX_LADF_INTERVALS - 1, defaultLadfIntervalLowerBound, 2 );
+  SMultiValueInput<unsigned> cfg_virtualBoundariesPosX       (0, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(), 0, 3);
+  SMultiValueInput<unsigned> cfg_virtualBoundariesPosY       (0, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(), 0, 3);
   int warnUnknowParameter = 0;
@@ -905,6 +909,13 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
   ("WrapAroundOffset",                                m_wrapAroundOffset,                                  0u, "Offset in luma samples used for computing the horizontal wrap-around position")
   // ADD_NEW_TOOL : (encoder app) add parsing parameters here
+  ("LoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag",   m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag,  false, "Disable in-loop filtering operations across the virtual boundaries (0:off, 1:on)  [default: off]")
+  ("NumVerVirtualBoundaries",                         m_numVerVirtualBoundaries,                           0u, "Number of vertical virtual boundaries (0-3, inclusive)")
+  ("NumHorVirtualBoundaries",                         m_numHorVirtualBoundaries,                           0u, "Number of horizontal virtual boundaries (0-3, inclusive)")
+  ("VirtualBoundariesPosX",                           cfg_virtualBoundariesPosX,    cfg_virtualBoundariesPosX, "Locations of the vertical virtual boundaries in units of luma samples")
+  ("VirtualBoundariesPosY",                           cfg_virtualBoundariesPosY,    cfg_virtualBoundariesPosY, "Locations of the horizontal virtual boundaries in units of luma samples")
   ("EncDbOpt",                                        m_encDbOpt,                                       false, "Encoder optimization with deblocking filter")
   ("LumaReshapeEnable",                               m_lumaReshapeEnable,                              false, "Enable Reshaping for Luma Channel")
   ("ReshapeSignalType",                               m_reshapeSignalType,                                 0u, "Input signal type: 0: SDR, 1:PQ, 2:HLG")
@@ -1759,6 +1770,44 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
+  if ( m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag )
+  {
+    CHECK( m_numVerVirtualBoundaries > 3, "Number of vertical virtual boundaries must be comprised between 0 and 3 included" );
+    CHECK( m_numHorVirtualBoundaries > 3, "Number of horizontal virtual boundaries must be comprised between 0 and 3 included" );
+    CHECK( m_numVerVirtualBoundaries != cfg_virtualBoundariesPosX.values.size(), "Size of VirtualBoundariesPosX must be equal to NumVerVirtualBoundaries");
+    CHECK( m_numHorVirtualBoundaries != cfg_virtualBoundariesPosY.values.size(), "Size of VirtualBoundariesPosY must be equal to NumHorVirtualBoundaries");
+    m_virtualBoundariesPosX = cfg_virtualBoundariesPosX.values;
+    if (m_numVerVirtualBoundaries > 1)
+    {
+      sort(m_virtualBoundariesPosX.begin(), m_virtualBoundariesPosX.end());
+    }
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numVerVirtualBoundaries; i++)
+    {
+      CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i] == 0 || m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i] >= m_iSourceWidth, "The vertical virtual boundary must be within the picture" );
+      CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i] % 8, "The vertical virtual boundary must be a multiple of 8 luma samples" );
+      if (i > 0)
+      {
+        CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i] - m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i-1] < m_uiCTUSize, "The distance between any two vertical virtual boundaries shall be greater than or equal to the CTU size" );
+      }
+    }
+    m_virtualBoundariesPosY = cfg_virtualBoundariesPosY.values;
+    if (m_numHorVirtualBoundaries > 1)
+    {
+      sort(m_virtualBoundariesPosY.begin(), m_virtualBoundariesPosY.end());
+    }
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numHorVirtualBoundaries; i++)
+    {
+      CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i] == 0 || m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i] >= m_iSourceHeight, "The horizontal virtual boundary must be within the picture" );
+      CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i] % 8, "The horizontal virtual boundary must be a multiple of 8 luma samples" );
+      if (i > 0)
+      {
+        CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i] - m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i-1] < m_uiCTUSize, "The distance between any two horizontal virtual boundaries shall be greater than or equal to the CTU size" );
+      }
+    }
+  }
   // reading external dQP description from file
   if ( !m_dQPFileName.empty() )
@@ -3225,6 +3274,23 @@ void EncAppCfg::xPrintParameter()
     msg( VERBOSE, "WrapAroundOffset:%d ", m_wrapAroundOffset );
   // ADD_NEW_TOOL (add some output indicating the usage of tools)
+  msg(VERBOSE, "LoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundaries:%d ", m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag);
+  if ( m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag )
+  {
+    msg(VERBOSE, "vertical virtual boundaries:[");
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numVerVirtualBoundaries; i++)
+    {
+      msg(VERBOSE, " %d", m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i]);
+    }
+    msg(VERBOSE, " ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[");
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numHorVirtualBoundaries; i++)
+    {
+      msg(VERBOSE, " %d", m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i]);
+    }
+    msg(VERBOSE, " ] ");
+  }
     msg(VERBOSE, "Reshape:%d ", m_lumaReshapeEnable);
     if (m_lumaReshapeEnable)
diff --git a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h
index 69a21da6153ce4e009939b3dc7735e544f60177f..b79d0a14c4198c398450a5f0bb1270a1359a1704 100644
--- a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h
+++ b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h
@@ -295,6 +295,13 @@ protected:
   unsigned  m_wrapAroundOffset;
   // ADD_NEW_TOOL : (encoder app) add tool enabling flags and associated parameters here
+  bool      m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag;
+  unsigned  m_numVerVirtualBoundaries;
+  unsigned  m_numHorVirtualBoundaries;
+  std::vector<unsigned> m_virtualBoundariesPosX;
+  std::vector<unsigned> m_virtualBoundariesPosY;
   bool      m_lumaReshapeEnable;
   uint32_t  m_reshapeSignalType;
   uint32_t  m_intraCMD;
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/AdaptiveLoopFilter.cpp b/source/Lib/CommonLib/AdaptiveLoopFilter.cpp
index 6a91be0868f59dc12918188a9c27b538b0690a89..d553b9ce879412ba8af7e7230b11ecc4074b35f0 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/AdaptiveLoopFilter.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/AdaptiveLoopFilter.cpp
@@ -72,6 +72,48 @@ AdaptiveLoopFilter::AdaptiveLoopFilter()
+bool AdaptiveLoopFilter::isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries( const int xPos, const int yPos, const int width, const int height, bool& clipTop, bool& clipBottom, bool& clipLeft, bool& clipRight, int& numHorSplit, int& numVerSplit, int horSplit[], int verSplit[], const PPS* pps)
+  clipTop = false; clipBottom = false; clipLeft = false; clipRight = false;
+  numHorSplit = 0; numVerSplit = 0;
+  if( pps->getLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag() )
+  {
+    for( int i = 0; i < pps->getNumHorVirtualBoundaries(); i++ )
+    {
+      if( pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i) == yPos )
+      {
+        clipTop = true;
+      }
+      else if( pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i) == yPos + height )
+      {
+        clipBottom = true;
+      }
+      else if( yPos < pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i) && pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i) < yPos + height )
+      {
+        horSplit[numHorSplit++] = pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i);
+      }
+    }
+    for( int i = 0; i < pps->getNumVerVirtualBoundaries(); i++ )
+    {
+      if( pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i) == xPos )
+      {
+        clipLeft = true;
+      }
+      else if( pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i) == xPos + width )
+      {
+        clipRight = true;
+      }
+      else if( xPos < pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i) && pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i) < xPos + width )
+      {
+        verSplit[numVerSplit++] = pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return numHorSplit > 0 || numVerSplit > 0 || clipTop || clipBottom || clipLeft || clipRight;
 #if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
 const int AdaptiveLoopFilter::m_fixedFilterSetCoeff[ALF_FIXED_FILTER_NUM][MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF] =
@@ -278,17 +320,190 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::ALFProcess( CodingStructure& cs, AlfSliceParam& alfSlic
   const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv;
   int ctuIdx = 0;
+  bool clipTop = false, clipBottom = false, clipLeft = false, clipRight = false;
+  int numHorSplit = 0, numVerSplit = 0;
+  int horSplit[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+  int verSplit[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
   for( int yPos = 0; yPos < pcv.lumaHeight; yPos += pcv.maxCUHeight )
     for( int xPos = 0; xPos < pcv.lumaWidth; xPos += pcv.maxCUWidth )
       const int width = ( xPos + pcv.maxCUWidth > pcv.lumaWidth ) ? ( pcv.lumaWidth - xPos ) : pcv.maxCUWidth;
       const int height = ( yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight > pcv.lumaHeight ) ? ( pcv.lumaHeight - yPos ) : pcv.maxCUHeight;
+      bool ctuEnableFlag = m_ctuEnableFlag[COMPONENT_Y][ctuIdx];
+      for( int compIdx = 1; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++ )
+      {
+        ctuEnableFlag |= m_ctuEnableFlag[compIdx][ctuIdx] > 0;
+      }
+      if( ctuEnableFlag && isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries( xPos, yPos, width, height, clipTop, clipBottom, clipLeft, clipRight, numHorSplit, numVerSplit, horSplit, verSplit, cs.slice->getPPS() ) )
+      {
+        int yStart = yPos;
+        for( int i = 0; i <= numHorSplit; i++ )
+        {
+          const int yEnd = i == numHorSplit ? yPos + height : horSplit[i];
+          const int h = yEnd - yStart;
+          const bool clipT = ( i == 0 && clipTop ) || ( i > 0 ) || ( yStart == 0 );
+          const bool clipB = ( i == numHorSplit && clipBottom ) || ( i < numHorSplit ) || ( yEnd == pcv.lumaHeight );
+          int xStart = xPos;
+          for( int j = 0; j <= numVerSplit; j++ )
+          {
+            const int xEnd = j == numVerSplit ? xPos + width : verSplit[j];
+            const int w = xEnd - xStart;
+            const bool clipL = ( j == 0 && clipLeft ) || ( j > 0 ) || ( xStart == 0 );
+            const bool clipR = ( j == numVerSplit && clipRight ) || ( j < numVerSplit ) || ( xEnd == pcv.lumaWidth );
+            const int wBuf = w + (clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE) + (clipR ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+            const int hBuf = h + (clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE) + (clipB ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+            PelUnitBuf buf = m_tempBuf2.subBuf( UnitArea( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( 0, 0, wBuf, hBuf ) ) );
+            buf.copyFrom( tmpYuv.subBuf( UnitArea( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( xStart - (clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE), yStart - (clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE), wBuf, hBuf ) ) ) );
+            buf.extendBorderPel( MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE );
+            buf = buf.subBuf( UnitArea ( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, w, h ) ) );
+            if( m_ctuEnableFlag[COMPONENT_Y][ctuIdx] )
+            {
+              const Area blkSrc( 0, 0, w, h );
+              const Area blkDst( xStart, yStart, w, h );
+              deriveClassification( m_classifier, buf.get(COMPONENT_Y), blkDst, blkSrc );
+              const Area blkPCM( xStart, yStart, w, h );
+              resetPCMBlkClassInfo( cs, m_classifier, buf.get(COMPONENT_Y), blkPCM );
+#if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
+              short filterSetIndex = alfCtuFilterIndex[ctuIdx];
+              short *coeff;
+              short *clip;
+              if (filterSetIndex >= NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS)
+              {
+                coeff = m_coeffApsLuma[filterSetIndex - NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS];
+                clip = m_clippApsLuma[filterSetIndex - NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS];
+              }
+              else
+              {
+                coeff = m_fixedFilterSetCoeffDec[filterSetIndex];
+                clip = m_clipDefault;
+              }
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+                , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+                , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+              );
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+                , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+                , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+              );
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+                , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+                , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+              );
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+                , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+                , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+              );
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
+            }
+            for( int compIdx = 1; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++ )
+            {
+              ComponentID compID = ComponentID( compIdx );
+              const int chromaScaleX = getComponentScaleX( compID, tmpYuv.chromaFormat );
+              const int chromaScaleY = getComponentScaleY( compID, tmpYuv.chromaFormat );
+              if( m_ctuEnableFlag[compIdx][ctuIdx] )
+              {
+                const Area blkSrc( 0, 0, w >> chromaScaleX, h >> chromaScaleY );
+                const Area blkDst( xStart >> chromaScaleX, yStart >> chromaScaleY, w >> chromaScaleX, h >> chromaScaleY );
+#if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                  , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+                  , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos));
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                  , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+                  , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+                );
+#if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                  , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+                  , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+                );
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                  , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+                  , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+                );
+#if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+#if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+              }
+            }
+            xStart = xEnd;
+          }
+          yStart = yEnd;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
       const UnitArea area( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( xPos, yPos, width, height ) );
       if( m_ctuEnableFlag[COMPONENT_Y][ctuIdx] )
         Area blk( xPos, yPos, width, height );
+        deriveClassification( m_classifier, tmpYuv.get( COMPONENT_Y ), blk, blk );
         deriveClassification( m_classifier, tmpYuv.get( COMPONENT_Y ), blk );
         Area blkPCM(xPos, yPos, width, height);
         resetPCMBlkClassInfo(cs, m_classifier, tmpYuv.get(COMPONENT_Y), blkPCM);
 #if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
@@ -313,43 +528,87 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::ALFProcess( CodingStructure& cs, AlfSliceParam& alfSlic
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+          , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+          , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+        );
         m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
           , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
           , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+          , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+          , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+        );
         m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
           , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
           , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
         m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
         m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+          , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+          , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+        );
         m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
           , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
           , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+          , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+          , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+        );
         m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
           , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
           , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
         m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
         m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
@@ -362,6 +621,48 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::ALFProcess( CodingStructure& cs, AlfSliceParam& alfSlic
         if( m_ctuEnableFlag[compIdx][ctuIdx] )
           Area blk( xPos >> chromaScaleX, yPos >> chromaScaleY, width >> chromaScaleX, height >> chromaScaleY );
+#if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
+          m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+            , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+            , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos));
+          m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, compID, alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+            , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+            , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+          );
+#if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
+          m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+            , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+            , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+          );
+          m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, compID, alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+            , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+            , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+          );
+#if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
+          m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+          m_filter5x5Blk( m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, compID, alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+#if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
+          m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+          m_filter5x5Blk( m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, blk, compID, alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
 #if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
@@ -401,9 +702,13 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::ALFProcess( CodingStructure& cs, AlfSliceParam& alfSlic
           m_filter5x5Blk( m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, compID, alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs );
+      }
@@ -641,6 +946,10 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::create( const int picWidth, const int picHeight, const
   m_tempBuf.create( format, Area( 0, 0, picWidth, picHeight ), maxCUWidth, MAX_ALF_FILTER_LENGTH >> 1, 0, false );
+  m_tempBuf2.destroy();
+  m_tempBuf2.create( format, Area( 0, 0, maxCUWidth + (MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE << 1), maxCUHeight + (MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE << 1) ), maxCUWidth, MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, 0, false );
   // Laplacian based activity
   for( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++ )
@@ -735,13 +1044,20 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::destroy()
+  m_tempBuf2.destroy();
 #if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
   m_created = false;
+void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassification( AlfClassifier** classifier, const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk )
 void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassification( AlfClassifier** classifier, const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk )
   int height = blk.pos().y + blk.height;
   int width = blk.pos().x + blk.width;
@@ -753,15 +1069,25 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassification( AlfClassifier** classifier, const
     for( int j = blk.pos().x; j < width; j += m_CLASSIFICATION_BLK_SIZE )
       int nWidth = std::min( j + m_CLASSIFICATION_BLK_SIZE, width ) - j;
+      m_deriveClassificationBlk(classifier, m_laplacian, srcLuma, Area( j - blk.pos().x + blkDst.pos().x, i - blk.pos().y + blkDst.pos().y, nWidth, nHeight ), Area(j, i, nWidth, nHeight), m_inputBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] + 4
+        , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+        , ((i - blk.pos().y + blkDst.pos().y + nHeight >= m_picHeight) ? m_picHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+      );
       m_deriveClassificationBlk(classifier, m_laplacian, srcLuma, Area(j, i, nWidth, nHeight), m_inputBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] + 4
         , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
         , ((i + nHeight >= m_picHeight) ? m_picHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+      m_deriveClassificationBlk(classifier, m_laplacian, srcLuma, Area(j - blk.pos().x + blkDst.pos().x, i - blk.pos().y + blkDst.pos().y, nWidth, nHeight), Area(j, i, nWidth, nHeight), m_inputBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] + 4);
       m_deriveClassificationBlk(classifier, m_laplacian, srcLuma, Area(j, i, nWidth, nHeight), m_inputBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] + 4);
@@ -815,11 +1141,19 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::resetPCMBlkClassInfo(CodingStructure & cs,  AlfClassifi
+void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const int shift,  int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
 void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk, const int shift,  int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
+void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const int shift)
 void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk, const int shift)
   static const int th[16] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 };
   const int stride = srcLuma.stride;
@@ -846,12 +1180,20 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int
     const Pel *src1 = &src[yoffset];
     const Pel *src2 = &src[yoffset + stride];
     const Pel *src3 = &src[yoffset + stride * 2];
+    if (((blkDst.pos().y - 2 + i) > 0) && ((blkDst.pos().y - 2 + i) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 2))
     if (((posY - 2 + i) > 0) && ((posY - 2 + i) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 2))
       src3 = &src[yoffset + stride];
+    else if (((blkDst.pos().y - 2 + i) > 0) && ((blkDst.pos().y - 2 + i) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos)
     else if (((posY - 2 + i) > 0) && ((posY - 2 + i) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos)
       src0 = &src[yoffset];
@@ -921,14 +1263,22 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int
       int sumV = 0; int sumH = 0; int sumD0 = 0; int sumD1 = 0;
+      if (((i + blkDst.pos().y) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 4))
       if (((i + posY) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 4))
         sumV = pYver[j] + pYver2[j] + pYver4[j];
         sumH = pYhor[j] + pYhor2[j] + pYhor4[j];
         sumD0 = pYdig0[j] + pYdig02[j] + pYdig04[j];
         sumD1 = pYdig1[j] + pYdig12[j] + pYdig14[j];
+      else if (((i + blkDst.pos().y) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos)
       else if (((i + posY) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos)
         sumV = pYver2[j] + pYver4[j] + pYver6[j];
         sumH = pYhor2[j] + pYhor4[j] + pYhor6[j];
@@ -952,7 +1302,11 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int
       int tempAct = sumV + sumH;
       int activity = 0;
+      if ((((i + blkDst.pos().y) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 4)) || (((i + blkDst.pos().y) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos))
       if ((((i + posY) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 4)) || (((i + posY) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos))
         activity = (Pel)Clip3<int>(0, maxActivity, (tempAct * 96) >> shift);
@@ -1024,8 +1378,13 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int
       static const int transposeTable[8] = { 0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3 };
       int transposeIdx = transposeTable[mainDirection * 2 + ( secondaryDirection >> 1 )];
+      int yOffset = i + blkDst.pos().y;
+      int xOffset = j + blkDst.pos().x;
       int yOffset = i + posY;
       int xOffset = j + posX;
       AlfClassifier *cl0 = classifier[yOffset] + xOffset;
       AlfClassifier *cl1 = classifier[yOffset + 1] + xOffset;
@@ -1039,18 +1398,33 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int
 template<AlfFilterType filtType>
+void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
 void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
+void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
 void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
+void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs)
 void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs)
+void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs)
 void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs)
   const bool bChroma = isChroma( compId );
   if( bChroma )
@@ -1074,7 +1448,11 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf
   const int endWidth = blk.x + blk.width;
   const Pel* src = srcLuma.buf;
+  Pel* dst = dstLuma.buf + blkDst.y * dstStride;
   Pel* dst = dstLuma.buf + startHeight * dstStride;
   const Pel *pImgYPad0, *pImgYPad1, *pImgYPad2, *pImgYPad3, *pImgYPad4, *pImgYPad5, *pImgYPad6;
   const Pel *pImg0, *pImg1, *pImg2, *pImg3, *pImg4, *pImg5, *pImg6;
@@ -1119,14 +1497,22 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf
   pImgYPad5 = pImgYPad3 + srcStride;
   pImgYPad6 = pImgYPad4 - srcStride;
+  Pel* pRec0 = dst + blkDst.x;
   Pel* pRec0 = dst + startWidth;
   Pel* pRec1 = pRec0 + dstStride;
   for( int i = 0; i < endHeight - startHeight; i += clsSizeY )
     if( !bChroma )
+      pClass = classifier[blkDst.y + i] + blkDst.x;
       pClass = classifier[startHeight + i] + startWidth;
     for( int j = 0; j < endWidth - startWidth; j += clsSizeX )
@@ -1155,7 +1541,11 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf
           for( blkX=0; blkX<4; blkX+=2 )
+            Position pos(j + blkDst.x + blkX, i + blkDst.y + blkY);
             Position pos(j+startWidth+blkX, i+startHeight+blkY);
             CodingUnit* cu = isDualTree ? cs.getCU(pos, CH_C) : cs.getCU(recalcPosition(nChromaFormat, CH_C, CH_L, pos), CH_L);
             *flags++ = cu->ipcm ? 1 : 0;
@@ -1245,6 +1635,28 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf
         pRec1 = pRec0 + j + ii * dstStride;
+        if ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight < vbPos && ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - (bChroma ? 2 : 4))) //above
+        {
+          pImg1 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
+          pImg3 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 2) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
+          pImg5 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 3) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
+          pImg2 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg2;
+          pImg4 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 2) ? pImg2 : pImg4;
+          pImg6 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 3) ? pImg4 : pImg6;
+        }
+        else if ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos && ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + (bChroma ? 1 : 3))) //bottom
+        {
+          pImg2 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg2;
+          pImg4 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg2 : pImg4;
+          pImg6 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg4 : pImg6;
+          pImg1 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
+          pImg3 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
+          pImg5 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
+        }
         if ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight < vbPos && ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - (bChroma ? 2 : 4))) //above
           pImg1 = ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
@@ -1265,6 +1677,7 @@ void AdaptiveLoopFilter::filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf
           pImg3 = ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
           pImg5 = ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
         for( int jj = 0; jj < clsSizeX; jj++ )
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/AdaptiveLoopFilter.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/AdaptiveLoopFilter.h
index b41fd6ff907271bd4b7a539a937de7fa4168d253..92df73d438e4773599de45f9135599b7f8e4c4c8 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/AdaptiveLoopFilter.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/AdaptiveLoopFilter.h
@@ -94,26 +94,51 @@ public:
   void create( const int picWidth, const int picHeight, const ChromaFormat format, const int maxCUWidth, const int maxCUHeight, const int maxCUDepth, const int inputBitDepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE] );
   void destroy();
+  static void deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const int shift, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
+  static void deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const int shift);
+  void deriveClassification( AlfClassifier** classifier, const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk );
   static void deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk, const int shift, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   static void deriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk, const int shift);
   void deriveClassification( AlfClassifier** classifier, const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk );
   void resetPCMBlkClassInfo(CodingStructure & cs, AlfClassifier** classifier, const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk);
   template<AlfFilterType filtType>
+  static void filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   static void filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
+  static void filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   static void filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
+  static void filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
   static void filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
+  static void filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
   static void filterBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
   inline static int getMaxGolombIdx( AlfFilterType filterType )
@@ -121,28 +146,56 @@ public:
+  void(*m_deriveClassificationBlk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const int shift, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   void(*m_deriveClassificationBlk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk, const int shift, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
+  void(*m_deriveClassificationBlk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const int shift);
   void(*m_deriveClassificationBlk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk, const int shift);
+  void(*m_filter5x5Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
+  void(*m_filter7x7Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   void(*m_filter5x5Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   void(*m_filter7x7Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
+  void(*m_filter5x5Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
+  void(*m_filter7x7Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   void(*m_filter5x5Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   void(*m_filter7x7Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
+  void(*m_filter5x5Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
+  void(*m_filter7x7Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
   void(*m_filter5x5Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
   void(*m_filter7x7Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
+  void(*m_filter5x5Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
+  void(*m_filter7x7Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
   void(*m_filter5x5Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
   void(*m_filter7x7Blk)(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs);
 #ifdef TARGET_SIMD_X86
   void initAdaptiveLoopFilterX86();
@@ -151,6 +204,9 @@ public:
+  bool isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries( const int xPos, const int yPos, const int width, const int height, bool& clipTop, bool& clipBottom, bool& clipLeft, bool& clipRight, int& numHorSplit, int& numVerSplit, int horSplit[], int verSplit[], const PPS* pps );
 #if JVET_N0415_CTB_ALF
   static const int             m_classToFilterMapping[NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS][MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES];
   static const int             m_fixedFilterSetCoeff[ALF_FIXED_FILTER_NUM][MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF];
@@ -176,6 +232,9 @@ protected:
   int**                        m_laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS];
   uint8_t*                     m_ctuEnableFlag[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
   PelStorage                   m_tempBuf;
+  PelStorage                   m_tempBuf2;
   int                          m_inputBitDepth[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];
   int                          m_picWidth;
   int                          m_picHeight;
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/LoopFilter.cpp b/source/Lib/CommonLib/LoopFilter.cpp
index 60517cdc558cc2b1561e6bf466306b8a0cdeb44d..5cc285f94e425b9a77635cf92afe95079cac7320 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/LoopFilter.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/LoopFilter.cpp
@@ -271,6 +271,15 @@ void LoopFilter::xDeblockCU( CodingUnit& cu, const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir )
   const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cu.cs->pcv;
   const Area area          = cu.Y().valid() ? cu.Y() : Area( recalcPosition( cu.chromaFormat, cu.chType, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, cu.blocks[cu.chType].pos() ), recalcSize( cu.chromaFormat, cu.chType, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, cu.blocks[cu.chType].size() ) );
+  bool horEdgeFilter = false, verEdgeFilter = false;
+  int  numHorVirBndry = 0, numVerVirBndry = 0;
+  int  horVirBndryPos[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+  int  verVirBndryPos[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+  bool cuCrossedByVirtualBoundaries = isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries( area.x, area.y, area.width, area.height, numHorVirBndry, numVerVirBndry, horVirBndryPos, verVirBndryPos, cu.cs->slice->getPPS() );
   xSetLoopfilterParam( cu );
   static_vector<int, 2*MAX_CU_SIZE> edgeIdx;
@@ -293,8 +302,19 @@ void LoopFilter::xDeblockCU( CodingUnit& cu, const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir )
       implicitTU = true;
+    verEdgeFilter = m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge;
+    horEdgeFilter = m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge;
+    if( cuCrossedByVirtualBoundaries )
+    {
+      xDeriveEdgefilterParam( areaTu.x, areaTu.y, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos, verEdgeFilter, horEdgeFilter );
+    }
+    xSetEdgefilterMultiple( cu, EDGE_VER, areaTu, verEdgeFilter );
+    xSetEdgefilterMultiple( cu, EDGE_HOR, areaTu, horEdgeFilter );
     xSetEdgefilterMultiple( cu, EDGE_VER, areaTu, m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge );
     xSetEdgefilterMultiple( cu, EDGE_HOR, areaTu, m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge );
     xSetMaxFilterLengthPQFromTransformSizes( edgeDir, cu, currTU );
     edgeIdx.push_back( ( edgeDir == EDGE_HOR ) ? ( currTU.blocks[cu.chType].y - cu.blocks[cu.chType].y ) / 4 : ( currTU.blocks[cu.chType].x - cu.blocks[cu.chType].x ) / 4 );
@@ -309,8 +329,20 @@ void LoopFilter::xDeblockCU( CodingUnit& cu, const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir )
     const bool xOff    = currPU.blocks[cu.chType].x != cu.blocks[cu.chType].x;
     const bool yOff    = currPU.blocks[cu.chType].y != cu.blocks[cu.chType].y;
+    verEdgeFilter = (xOff ? m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge : m_stLFCUParam.leftEdge);
+    horEdgeFilter = (yOff ? m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge : m_stLFCUParam.topEdge);
+    if( cuCrossedByVirtualBoundaries )
+    {
+      xDeriveEdgefilterParam( areaPu.x, areaPu.y, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos, verEdgeFilter, horEdgeFilter );
+    }
+    xSetEdgefilterMultiple( cu, EDGE_VER, areaPu, verEdgeFilter, xOff );
+    xSetEdgefilterMultiple( cu, EDGE_HOR, areaPu, horEdgeFilter, yOff );
     xSetEdgefilterMultiple( cu, EDGE_VER, areaPu, (xOff ? m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge : m_stLFCUParam.leftEdge), xOff );
     xSetEdgefilterMultiple( cu, EDGE_HOR, areaPu, (yOff ? m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge : m_stLFCUParam.topEdge),  yOff );
     edgeIdx.push_back( ( edgeDir == EDGE_HOR ) ? ( currPU.blocks[cu.chType].y - cu.blocks[cu.chType].y ) / 4 : ( currPU.blocks[cu.chType].x - cu.blocks[cu.chType].x ) / 4 );
@@ -323,7 +355,17 @@ void LoopFilter::xDeblockCU( CodingUnit& cu, const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir )
         for (uint32_t off = subBlockSize; off < areaPu.height; off += subBlockSize)
           const Area mvBlockH(cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y + off, cu.Y().width, pcv.minCUHeight);
+          horEdgeFilter = m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge;
+          if( cuCrossedByVirtualBoundaries )
+          {
+            xDeriveEdgefilterParam( mvBlockH.x, mvBlockH.y, 0, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos, verEdgeFilter, horEdgeFilter );
+          }
+          xSetEdgefilterMultiple(cu, EDGE_HOR, mvBlockH, horEdgeFilter, 1);
           xSetEdgefilterMultiple(cu, EDGE_HOR, mvBlockH, m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge, 1);
           edgeIdx.push_back( ( currPU.blocks[cu.chType].y + off - cu.blocks[cu.chType].y ) / 4 );
@@ -334,7 +376,17 @@ void LoopFilter::xDeblockCU( CodingUnit& cu, const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir )
         for (uint32_t off = subBlockSize; off < areaPu.width; off += subBlockSize)
           const Area mvBlockV(cu.Y().x + off, cu.Y().y, pcv.minCUWidth, cu.Y().height);
+          verEdgeFilter = m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge;
+          if( cuCrossedByVirtualBoundaries )
+          {
+            xDeriveEdgefilterParam( mvBlockV.x, mvBlockV.y, numVerVirBndry, 0, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos, verEdgeFilter, horEdgeFilter );
+          }
+          xSetEdgefilterMultiple(cu, EDGE_VER, mvBlockV, verEdgeFilter, 1);
           xSetEdgefilterMultiple(cu, EDGE_VER, mvBlockV, m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge, 1);
           edgeIdx.push_back( ( currPU.blocks[cu.chType].x + off - cu.blocks[cu.chType].x ) / 4 );
@@ -360,7 +412,17 @@ void LoopFilter::xDeblockCU( CodingUnit& cu, const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir )
       for (uint32_t off = subBlockSize; off < area.width; off += subBlockSize)
         const Area mvBlockV(cu.Y().x + off, cu.Y().y, pcv.minCUWidth, cu.Y().height);
+        verEdgeFilter = m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge;
+        if( cuCrossedByVirtualBoundaries )
+        {
+          xDeriveEdgefilterParam( mvBlockV.x, mvBlockV.y, numVerVirBndry, 0, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos, verEdgeFilter, horEdgeFilter );
+        }
+        xSetEdgefilterMultiple(cu, EDGE_VER, mvBlockV, verEdgeFilter, 1);
         xSetEdgefilterMultiple(cu, EDGE_VER, mvBlockV, m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge, 1);
         edgeIdx.push_back( off / 4 );
@@ -373,7 +435,17 @@ void LoopFilter::xDeblockCU( CodingUnit& cu, const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir )
       for (uint32_t off = subBlockSize; off < area.height; off += subBlockSize)
         const Area mvBlockH(cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y + off, cu.Y().width, pcv.minCUHeight);
+        horEdgeFilter = m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge;
+        if( cuCrossedByVirtualBoundaries )
+        {
+          xDeriveEdgefilterParam( mvBlockH.x, mvBlockH.y, 0, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos, verEdgeFilter, horEdgeFilter );
+        }
+        xSetEdgefilterMultiple(cu, EDGE_HOR, mvBlockH, horEdgeFilter, 1);
         xSetEdgefilterMultiple(cu, EDGE_HOR, mvBlockH, m_stLFCUParam.internalEdge, 1);
         edgeIdx.push_back( off / 4 );
@@ -547,6 +619,52 @@ void LoopFilter::xDeblockCU( CodingUnit& cu, const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir )
+inline bool LoopFilter::isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries(const int xPos, const int yPos, const int width, const int height, int& numHorVirBndry, int& numVerVirBndry, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], const PPS* pps)
+  numHorVirBndry = 0; numVerVirBndry = 0;
+  if (pps->getLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag())
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < pps->getNumHorVirtualBoundaries(); i++)
+    {
+      if (yPos <= pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i) && pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i) < yPos + height)
+      {
+        horVirBndryPos[numHorVirBndry++] = pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i);
+      }
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < pps->getNumVerVirtualBoundaries(); i++)
+    {
+      if (xPos <= pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i) && pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i) < xPos + width)
+      {
+        verVirBndryPos[numVerVirBndry++] = pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return numHorVirBndry > 0 || numVerVirBndry > 0;
+inline void LoopFilter::xDeriveEdgefilterParam( const int xPos, const int yPos, const int numVerVirBndry, const int numHorVirBndry, const int verVirBndryPos[], const int horVirBndryPos[], bool &verEdgeFilter, bool &horEdgeFilter )
+  for (int i = 0; i < numVerVirBndry; i++)
+  {
+    if (verVirBndryPos[i] == xPos)
+    {
+      verEdgeFilter = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < numHorVirBndry; i++)
+  {
+    if (horVirBndryPos[i] == yPos)
+    {
+      horEdgeFilter = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
 void LoopFilter::xSetMaxFilterLengthPQFromTransformSizes( const DeblockEdgeDir edgeDir, const CodingUnit& cu, const TransformUnit& currTU )
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/LoopFilter.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/LoopFilter.h
index a85f7b87ec05351b1f3feaad80b117e1ded87f02..b7e16d9ca5b371f36c2d4bea3c139572acc7bb55 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/LoopFilter.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/LoopFilter.h
@@ -104,6 +104,11 @@ private:
   inline unsigned BsSet(unsigned val, const ComponentID compIdx) const;
   inline unsigned BsGet(unsigned val, const ComponentID compIdx) const;
+  inline bool isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries ( const int xPos, const int yPos, const int width, const int height, int& numHorVirBndry, int& numVerVirBndry, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], const PPS* pps );
+  inline void xDeriveEdgefilterParam       ( const int xPos, const int yPos, const int numVerVirBndry, const int numHorVirBndry, const int verVirBndryPos[], const int horVirBndryPos[], bool &verEdgeFilter, bool &horEdgeFilter );
   inline int xCalcDP              ( Pel* piSrc, const int iOffset ) const;
   inline int xCalcDQ              ( Pel* piSrc, const int iOffset ) const;
   static const uint8_t sm_tcTable[MAX_QP + 3];
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.cpp b/source/Lib/CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.cpp
index 5339eb06fa854ac7b9ff0b96a77f1c43c2b1dffc..efcf45d71718a5f80494f82904cf42cf9aa10183 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.cpp
@@ -291,7 +291,11 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::xReconstructBlkSAOParams(CodingStructure& cs, SAOBlkP
 void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng& clpRng, int typeIdx, int* offset
                                           , const Pel* srcBlk, Pel* resBlk, int srcStride, int resStride,  int width, int height
-                                          , bool isLeftAvail,  bool isRightAvail, bool isAboveAvail, bool isBelowAvail, bool isAboveLeftAvail, bool isAboveRightAvail, bool isBelowLeftAvail, bool isBelowRightAvail)
+                                          , bool isLeftAvail,  bool isRightAvail, bool isAboveAvail, bool isBelowAvail, bool isAboveLeftAvail, bool isAboveRightAvail, bool isBelowLeftAvail, bool isBelowRightAvail
+                                          , bool isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], int numHorVirBndry, int numVerVirBndry
+  )
   int x,y, startX, startY, endX, endY, edgeType;
   int firstLineStartX, firstLineEndX, lastLineStartX, lastLineEndX;
@@ -313,6 +317,13 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng&
         for (x=startX; x< endX; x++)
           signRight = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLine[x+1]);
+          if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y, numVerVirBndry, 0, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+          {
+            signLeft = -signRight;
+            continue;
+          }
           edgeType =  signRight + signLeft;
           signLeft  = -signRight;
@@ -351,6 +362,13 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng&
         for (x=0; x< width; x++)
           signDown  = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x]);
+          if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y, 0, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+          {
+            signUpLine[x] = -signDown;
+            continue;
+          }
           edgeType = signDown + signUpLine[x];
           signUpLine[x]= -signDown;
@@ -386,6 +404,12 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng&
       firstLineEndX   = isAboveAvail? endX: 1;
       for(x= firstLineStartX; x< firstLineEndX; x++)
+        if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, 0, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+        {
+          continue;
+        }
         edgeType  =  sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineAbove[x- 1]) - signUpLine[x+1];
         resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>( srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng);
@@ -402,6 +426,13 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng&
         for (x=startX; x<endX; x++)
           signDown =  (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x+ 1]);
+          if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+          {
+            signDownLine[x + 1] = -signDown;
+            continue;
+          }
           edgeType =  signDown + signUpLine[x];
           resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>( srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng);
@@ -423,6 +454,12 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng&
       lastLineEndX   = isBelowRightAvail ? width : (width -1);
       for(x= lastLineStartX; x< lastLineEndX; x++)
+        if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, height - 1, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+        {
+          continue;
+        }
         edgeType =  sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x+ 1]) + signUpLine[x];
         resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>( srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng);
@@ -451,6 +488,12 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng&
       firstLineEndX   = isAboveRightAvail ? width : (width-1);
       for(x= firstLineStartX; x< firstLineEndX; x++)
+        if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, 0, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+        {
+          continue;
+        }
         edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineAbove[x+1]) -signUpLine[x-1];
         resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>(srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng);
@@ -465,6 +508,13 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng&
         for(x= startX; x< endX; x++)
           signDown =  (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x-1]);
+          if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+          {
+            signUpLine[x - 1] = -signDown;
+            continue;
+          }
           edgeType =  signDown + signUpLine[x];
           resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>(srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng);
           signUpLine[x-1] = -signDown;
@@ -480,6 +530,12 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng&
       lastLineEndX   = isBelowAvail ? endX : 1;
       for(x= lastLineStartX; x< lastLineEndX; x++)
+        if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, height - 1, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+        {
+          continue;
+        }
         edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x-1]) + signUpLine[x];
         resLine[x] = ClipPel<int>(srcLine[x] + offset[edgeType], clpRng);
@@ -535,6 +591,12 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetCTU( const UnitArea& area, const CPelUnitBuf& s
+  int numHorVirBndry = 0, numVerVirBndry = 0;
+  int horVirBndryPos[] = { -1,-1,-1 };
+  int verVirBndryPos[] = { -1,-1,-1 };
+  bool isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries = isCrossedVirtualBoundaries(area.Y().x, area.Y().y, area.Y().width, area.Y().height, numHorVirBndry, numVerVirBndry, horVirBndryPos, verVirBndryPos, cs.slice->getPPS());
   for(int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numberOfComponents; compIdx++)
     const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(compIdx);
@@ -547,6 +609,16 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetCTU( const UnitArea& area, const CPelUnitBuf& s
       const Pel* srcBlk = src.get(compID).bufAt(compArea);
       int  resStride    = res.get(compID).stride;
       Pel* resBlk       = res.get(compID).bufAt(compArea);
+      for (int i = 0; i < numHorVirBndry; i++)
+      {
+        horVirBndryPos[i] = (horVirBndryPos[i] >> ::getComponentScaleY(compID, area.chromaFormat)) - compArea.y;
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < numVerVirBndry; i++)
+      {
+        verVirBndryPos[i] = (verVirBndryPos[i] >> ::getComponentScaleX(compID, area.chromaFormat)) - compArea.x;
+      }
       offsetBlock( cs.sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)),
@@ -556,6 +628,9 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::offsetCTU( const UnitArea& area, const CPelUnitBuf& s
                   , isAboveAvail, isBelowAvail
                   , isAboveLeftAvail, isAboveRightAvail
                   , isBelowLeftAvail, isBelowRightAvail
+                  , isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries, horVirBndryPos, verVirBndryPos, numHorVirBndry, numVerVirBndry
   } //compIdx
@@ -779,4 +854,28 @@ void SampleAdaptiveOffset::deriveLoopFilterBoundaryAvailibility(CodingStructure&
+bool SampleAdaptiveOffset::isCrossedVirtualBoundaries(const int xPos, const int yPos, const int width, const int height, int& numHorVirBndry, int& numVerVirBndry, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], const PPS* pps)
+  numHorVirBndry = 0; numVerVirBndry = 0;
+  if (pps->getLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag())
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < pps->getNumHorVirtualBoundaries(); i++)
+    {
+     if (yPos <= pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i) && pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i) <= yPos + height)
+      {
+        horVirBndryPos[numHorVirBndry++] = pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosY(i);
+      }
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < pps->getNumVerVirtualBoundaries(); i++)
+    {
+      if (xPos <= pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i) && pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i) <= xPos + width)
+      {
+        verVirBndryPos[numVerVirBndry++] = pps->getVirtualBoundariesPosX(i);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return numHorVirBndry > 0 || numVerVirBndry > 0 ;
 //! \}
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.h
index d3141d56ed63f1141f1eb9d08b7883691ef2364e..ff50a001a7ed5a76b1e5a93fb5bbed1200c7ac00 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.h
@@ -84,7 +84,11 @@ protected:
     ) const;
   void offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng& clpRng, int typeIdx, int* offset, const Pel* srcBlk, Pel* resBlk, int srcStride, int resStride,  int width, int height
-                  , bool isLeftAvail, bool isRightAvail, bool isAboveAvail, bool isBelowAvail, bool isAboveLeftAvail, bool isAboveRightAvail, bool isBelowLeftAvail, bool isBelowRightAvail);
+                  , bool isLeftAvail, bool isRightAvail, bool isAboveAvail, bool isBelowAvail, bool isAboveLeftAvail, bool isAboveRightAvail, bool isBelowLeftAvail, bool isBelowRightAvail
+                  , bool isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], int numHorVirBndry, int numVerVirBndry
+    );
   void invertQuantOffsets(ComponentID compIdx, int typeIdc, int typeAuxInfo, int* dstOffsets, int* srcOffsets);
   void reconstructBlkSAOParam(SAOBlkParam& recParam, SAOBlkParam* mergeList[NUM_SAO_MERGE_TYPES]);
   int  getMergeList(CodingStructure& cs, int ctuRsAddr, SAOBlkParam* blkParams, SAOBlkParam* mergeList[NUM_SAO_MERGE_TYPES]);
@@ -93,6 +97,30 @@ protected:
   void xPCMCURestoration(CodingStructure& cs, const UnitArea &ctuArea);
   void xPCMSampleRestoration(CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID);
   void xReconstructBlkSAOParams(CodingStructure& cs, SAOBlkParam* saoBlkParams);
+  bool isCrossedVirtualBoundaries(const int xPos, const int yPos, const int width, const int height, int& numHorVirBndry, int& numVerVirBndry, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], const PPS* pps);
+  inline bool isProcessDisabled(int xPos, int yPos, int numVerVirBndry, int numHorVirBndry, int verVirBndryPos[], int horVirBndryPos[])
+  {
+    bool bDisabledFlag = false;
+    for (int i = 0; i < numVerVirBndry; i++)
+    {
+      if ((xPos == verVirBndryPos[i]) || (xPos == verVirBndryPos[i] - 1))
+      {
+        bDisabledFlag = true;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < numHorVirBndry; i++)
+    {
+      if ((yPos == horVirBndryPos[i]) || (yPos == horVirBndryPos[i] - 1))
+      {
+        bDisabledFlag = true;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    return bDisabledFlag;
+  }
   Reshape* m_pcReshape;
   uint32_t m_offsetStepLog2[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; //offset step
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.cpp b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.cpp
index a2915b64b65a8e46347840ec8582e99f6ae72b38..d4557c496bfe6469550374f74d52864026564581 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.cpp
@@ -1957,9 +1957,18 @@ PPS::PPS()
 , m_loopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag(false)
 , m_listsModificationPresentFlag     (0)
 , m_numExtraSliceHeaderBits          (0)
+, m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag(false)
+, m_numVerVirtualBoundaries          (0)
+, m_numHorVirtualBoundaries          (0)
 , m_ppsRangeExtension                ()
 , pcv                                (NULL)
+  ::memset(m_virtualBoundariesPosX, 0, sizeof(m_virtualBoundariesPosX));
+  ::memset(m_virtualBoundariesPosY, 0, sizeof(m_virtualBoundariesPosY));
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h
index d014bb8ac2951ab442034177d467322e18ad77e2..248630679480233401d05d81cf6d45bfb0715bc2 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/Slice.h
@@ -1573,6 +1573,14 @@ private:
   uint32_t             m_log2ParallelMergeLevelMinus2;
   int              m_numExtraSliceHeaderBits;
+  bool             m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag;
+  unsigned         m_numVerVirtualBoundaries;
+  unsigned         m_numHorVirtualBoundaries;
+  unsigned         m_virtualBoundariesPosX[3];
+  unsigned         m_virtualBoundariesPosY[3];
   PPSRExt          m_ppsRangeExtension;
@@ -1698,6 +1706,19 @@ public:
   bool                   getSliceHeaderExtensionPresentFlag() const                       { return m_sliceHeaderExtensionPresentFlag;     }
   void                   setSliceHeaderExtensionPresentFlag(bool val)                     { m_sliceHeaderExtensionPresentFlag = val;      }
+  void                   setLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag(bool b)         { m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag = b; }
+  bool                   getLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag() const         { return m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag; }
+  void                   setNumVerVirtualBoundaries(unsigned u)                           { m_numVerVirtualBoundaries = u;                }
+  unsigned               getNumVerVirtualBoundaries() const                               { return m_numVerVirtualBoundaries;             }
+  void                   setNumHorVirtualBoundaries(unsigned u)                           { m_numHorVirtualBoundaries = u;                }
+  unsigned               getNumHorVirtualBoundaries() const                               { return m_numHorVirtualBoundaries;             }
+  void                   setVirtualBoundariesPosX(unsigned u, unsigned idx)               { m_virtualBoundariesPosX[idx] = u;             }
+  unsigned               getVirtualBoundariesPosX(unsigned idx) const                     { return m_virtualBoundariesPosX[idx];          }
+  void                   setVirtualBoundariesPosY(unsigned u, unsigned idx)               { m_virtualBoundariesPosY[idx] = u;             }
+  unsigned               getVirtualBoundariesPosY(unsigned idx) const                     { return m_virtualBoundariesPosY[idx];          }
   const PPSRExt&         getPpsRangeExtension() const                                     { return m_ppsRangeExtension;                   }
   PPSRExt&               getPpsRangeExtension()                                           { return m_ppsRangeExtension;                   }
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
index e3f52d7ab02c97a85bf4270b464ba032c71b8d6c..a394dabbaeb9bbd9d684ab67430289ea941afaa6 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/TypeDef.h
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@
 #define JVET_N0168_AMVR_ME_MODIFICATION                   1 // Correct the cost and bits calculation in encoder side
+#define JVET_N0438_LOOP_FILTER_DISABLED_ACROSS_VIR_BOUND  1 // loop filter disabled across virtual boundaries
 #define JVET_N0068_AFFINE_MEM_BW                          1 // memory bandwidth reduction for affine mode
 #define JVET_N0308_MAX_CU_SIZE_FOR_ISP                    1
@@ -1584,6 +1586,9 @@ struct XUCache
 #define MAX_NUM_ALF_CHROMA_COEFF        7
 #define MAX_ALF_FILTER_LENGTH           7
+#define MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE            4
 enum AlfFilterType
diff --git a/source/Lib/CommonLib/x86/AdaptiveLoopFilterX86.h b/source/Lib/CommonLib/x86/AdaptiveLoopFilterX86.h
index d37946079a49a1a25fff14fad9d6964e4a586281..2105389a649feea265e9aa2182b9b61f8df6f2ef 100644
--- a/source/Lib/CommonLib/x86/AdaptiveLoopFilterX86.h
+++ b/source/Lib/CommonLib/x86/AdaptiveLoopFilterX86.h
@@ -48,11 +48,19 @@
 template<X86_VEXT vext>
+static void simdDeriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const int shift, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
 static void simdDeriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk, const int shift, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
+static void simdDeriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const int shift)
 static void simdDeriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplacian[NUM_DIRECTIONS], const CPelBuf& srcLuma, const Area& blk, const int shift)
   const int img_stride = srcLuma.stride;
   const Pel* srcExt = srcLuma.buf;
@@ -82,11 +90,19 @@ static void simdDeriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplac
     // pixel padding for gradient calculation
+    if (((blkDst.pos().y - 2 + i) > 0) && ((blkDst.pos().y - 2 + i) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 2))
     if (((posY - 2 + i) > 0) && ((posY - 2 + i) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 2))
       p_imgY_pad_up2 = &srcExt[yoffset + img_stride];
+    else if (((blkDst.pos().y - 2 + i) > 0) && ((blkDst.pos().y - 2 + i) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos)
     else if (((posY - 2 + i) > 0) && ((posY - 2 + i) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos)
       p_imgY_pad_down = &srcExt[yoffset];
@@ -203,14 +219,22 @@ static void simdDeriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplac
       __m128i  xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3;
+      if ((((i << 1) + blkDst.pos().y) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 4))
       if ((((i << 1) + posY) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 4))
         xmm0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(&(_temp[i + 0][j])));
         xmm1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(&(_temp[i + 1][j])));
         xmm2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(&(_temp[i + 2][j])));
         xmm3 = mm_0;
+      else if ((((i << 1) + blkDst.pos().y) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos)
       else if ((((i << 1) + posY) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos)
         xmm0 = mm_0;
         xmm1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(&(_temp[i + 1][j])));
@@ -247,7 +271,11 @@ static void simdDeriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplac
       __m128i xmm10 = _mm_shuffle_epi32( xmm12, 0xB1 );
       xmm12 = _mm_add_epi32( xmm10, xmm12 );
+      if (((((i << 1) + blkDst.pos().y) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 4)) || ((((i << 1) + blkDst.pos().y) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos))
       if (((((i << 1) + posY) % vbCTUHeight) == (vbPos - 4)) || ((((i << 1) + posY) % vbCTUHeight) == vbPos))
         xmm12 = _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(_mm_slli_epi32(xmm12, 5), _mm_slli_epi32(xmm12, 6)), shift);
@@ -350,8 +378,13 @@ static void simdDeriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplac
       int classIdx0 = c0;
       int classIdx1 = c1;
+      const int yOffset = (i << 1) + blkDst.pos().y;
+      const int xOffset = j + blkDst.pos().x;
       const int yOffset = ( i << 1 ) + posY;
       const int xOffset = j + posX;
       AlfClassifier *cl0 = classifier[yOffset] + xOffset;
       AlfClassifier *cl1 = classifier[yOffset + 1] + xOffset;
@@ -372,17 +405,33 @@ static void simdDeriveClassificationBlk(AlfClassifier** classifier, int** laplac
 template<X86_VEXT vext>
+static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
 static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
+static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
 static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
+static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs)
 static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs)
+static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs)
 static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs)
   static const unsigned char mask05[16] = { 8, 9, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
@@ -423,7 +472,11 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
   const Pel* src = srcLuma.buf;
+  Pel* dst = dstLuma.buf + blkDst.y * dstStride;
   Pel* dst = dstLuma.buf + startHeight * dstStride;
   const Pel *pImgYPad0, *pImgYPad1, *pImgYPad2, *pImgYPad3, *pImgYPad4;
   const Pel *pImg0, *pImg1, *pImg2, *pImg3, *pImg4;
@@ -434,7 +487,11 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
   int transposeIdx[2] = {0, 0};
   Pel* imgYRecPost = dst;
+  imgYRecPost += blkDst.y * dstStride;
   imgYRecPost += startHeight * dstStride;
   int transposeIdx = 0;
@@ -497,11 +554,19 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
+  Pel* pRec0 = dst + blkDst.x;
   Pel* pRec0 = dst + startWidth;
   Pel* pRec1;
+  pRec = imgYRecPost + blkDst.x;
   pRec = imgYRecPost + startWidth;
   for( int i = 0; i < endHeight - startHeight; i += clsSizeY )
@@ -510,12 +575,20 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
+    pRec = imgYRecPost + blkDst.x + i * dstStride;
     pRec = imgYRecPost + startWidth + i * dstStride;
     if( !bChroma )
+      pClass = classifier[blkDst.y + i] + blkDst.x;
       pClass = classifier[startHeight + i] + startWidth;
@@ -600,7 +673,11 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
           for( blkX=0; blkX<4; blkX+=2 )
+            Position pos(j + blkDst.x + blkX, i + blkDst.y + blkY);
             Position pos(j+startWidth+blkX, i+startHeight+blkY);
             CodingUnit* cu = isDualTree ? cs.getCU(pos, CH_C) : cs.getCU(recalcPosition(nChromaFormat, CH_C, CH_L, pos), CH_L);
             *flags++ = cu->ipcm ? 1 : 0;
@@ -667,7 +744,11 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
           for( blkX=0; blkX<8; blkX+=2 )
+            Position pos(j + blkDst.x + blkX, i + blkDst.y + blkY);
             Position pos(j+startWidth+blkX, i+startHeight+blkY);
             CodingUnit* cu = isDualTree ? cs.getCU(pos, CH_C) : cs.getCU(recalcPosition(nChromaFormat, CH_C, CH_L, pos), CH_L);
             *flags++ = cu->ipcm ? 1 : 0;
@@ -695,6 +776,24 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
         pImg4 = pImgYPad4 + j + ii * srcStride;
+        if ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight < vbPos && ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - (bChroma ? 2 : 4))) //above
+        {
+          pImg1 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
+          pImg3 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 2) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
+          pImg2 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg2;
+          pImg4 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 2) ? pImg2 : pImg4;
+        }
+        else if ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos && ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + (bChroma ? 1 : 3))) //bottom
+        {
+          pImg2 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg2;
+          pImg4 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg2 : pImg4;
+          pImg1 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
+          pImg3 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
+        }
         if ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight < vbPos && ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - (bChroma ? 2 : 4))) //above
           pImg1 = ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
@@ -711,6 +810,7 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
           pImg1 = ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
           pImg3 = ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
         __m128i clipp, clipm;
         __m128i coeffa, coeffb;
@@ -894,6 +994,26 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
         pImg4 = pImgYPad4 + j + k * srcStride;
+        if ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight < vbPos && ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - (bChroma ? 2 : 4))) //above
+        {
+          pImg1 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
+          pImg3 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 2) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
+          pImg5 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 3) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
+          pImg2 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg2;
+          pImg4 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 2) ? pImg2 : pImg4;
+        }
+        else if ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos && ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + (bChroma ? 1 : 3))) //bottom
+        {
+          pImg2 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg2;
+          pImg4 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg2 : pImg4;
+          pImg1 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
+          pImg3 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
+          pImg5 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
+        }
         if ((startHeight + i + k) % vbCTUHeight < vbPos && ((startHeight + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - (bChroma ? 2 : 4))) //above
           pImg1 = ((startHeight + i + k) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
@@ -912,6 +1032,7 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
           pImg3 = ((startHeight + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
           pImg5 = ((startHeight + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
         __m128i xmm4 = _mm_lddqu_si128( ( __m128i* ) ( pImg4 ) );
         __m128i xmm2 = _mm_lddqu_si128( ( __m128i* ) ( pImg2 - 1 ) );
@@ -1079,17 +1200,33 @@ static void simdFilter5x5Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDs
 template<X86_VEXT vext>
+static void simdFilter7x7Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs,  int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
 static void simdFilter7x7Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs,  int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
+static void simdFilter7x7Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs,  int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
 static void simdFilter7x7Blk(AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs,  int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
+static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs )
 static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, short* fClipSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs )
+static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blkDst, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs )
 static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recDst, const CPelUnitBuf& recSrc, const Area& blk, const ComponentID compId, short* filterSet, const ClpRng& clpRng, CodingStructure& cs )
   static const unsigned char mask0[16] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3 };
@@ -1139,7 +1276,11 @@ static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recD
   const Pel* src = srcLuma.buf;
+  Pel* dst = dstLuma.buf + blkDst.y * dstStride;
   Pel* dst = dstLuma.buf + startHeight * dstStride;
   const Pel *pImgYPad0, *pImgYPad1, *pImgYPad2, *pImgYPad3, *pImgYPad4, *pImgYPad5, *pImgYPad6;
   const Pel *pImg0, *pImg1, *pImg2, *pImg3, *pImg4, *pImg5, *pImg6;
@@ -1150,7 +1291,11 @@ static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recD
   int transposeIdx[2] = {0, 0};
   Pel* imgYRecPost = dst;
+  imgYRecPost += blkDst.y * dstStride;
   imgYRecPost += startHeight * dstStride;
   int transposeIdx = 0;
@@ -1209,11 +1354,19 @@ static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recD
   pImgYPad6 = pImgYPad4 - srcStride;
+  Pel* pRec0 = dst + blkDst.x;
   Pel* pRec0 = dst + startWidth;
   Pel* pRec1;
+  pRec = imgYRecPost + blkDst.x;
   pRec = imgYRecPost + startWidth;
   for( int i = 0; i < endHeight - startHeight; i += clsSizeY )
@@ -1222,12 +1375,20 @@ static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recD
+    pRec = imgYRecPost + blkDst.x + i * dstStride;
     pRec = imgYRecPost + startWidth + i * dstStride;
     if( !bChroma )
+      pClass = classifier[blkDst.y + i] + blkDst.x;
       pClass = classifier[startHeight + i] + startWidth;
@@ -1312,7 +1473,11 @@ static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recD
           for( blkX=0; blkX<4; blkX+=2 )
+            Position pos(j + blkDst.x + blkX, i + blkDst.y + blkY);
             Position pos(j+startWidth+blkX, i+startHeight+blkY);
             CodingUnit* cu = isDualTree ? cs.getCU(pos, CH_C) : cs.getCU(recalcPosition(nChromaFormat, CH_C, CH_L, pos), CH_L);
             *flags++ = cu->ipcm ? 1 : 0;
@@ -1395,7 +1560,11 @@ static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recD
           for( blkX=0; blkX<8; blkX+=2 )
+            Position pos(j + blkDst.x + blkX, i + blkDst.y + blkY);
             Position pos(j+startWidth+blkX, i+startHeight+blkY);
             CodingUnit* cu = isDualTree ? cs.getCU(pos, CH_C) : cs.getCU(recalcPosition(nChromaFormat, CH_C, CH_L, pos), CH_L);
             *flags++ = cu->ipcm ? 1 : 0;
@@ -1423,6 +1592,28 @@ static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recD
         pImg4 = pImgYPad4 + j + ii * srcStride;
         pImg5 = pImgYPad5 + j + ii * srcStride;
         pImg6 = pImgYPad6 + j + ii * srcStride;
+        if ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight < vbPos && ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - (bChroma ? 2 : 4))) //above
+        {
+          pImg1 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
+          pImg3 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 2) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
+          pImg5 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 3) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
+          pImg2 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg2;
+          pImg4 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 2) ? pImg2 : pImg4;
+          pImg6 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 3) ? pImg4 : pImg6;
+        }
+        else if ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos && ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + (bChroma ? 1 : 3))) //bottom
+        {
+          pImg2 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg2;
+          pImg4 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg2 : pImg4;
+          pImg6 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg4 : pImg6;
+          pImg1 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
+          pImg3 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
+          pImg5 = ((blkDst.y + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
+        }
         if ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight < vbPos && ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - (bChroma ? 2 : 4))) //above
           pImg1 = ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
@@ -1443,6 +1634,7 @@ static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recD
           pImg3 = ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
           pImg5 = ((startHeight + i + ii) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
         __m128i clipp, clipm;
         __m128i coeffa, coeffb;
@@ -1770,6 +1962,28 @@ static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recD
         pImg4 = pImgYPad4 + j + k * srcStride;
         pImg5 = pImgYPad5 + j + k * srcStride;
         pImg6 = pImgYPad6 + j + k * srcStride;
+        if ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight < vbPos && ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - (bChroma ? 2 : 4))) //above
+        {
+          pImg1 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
+          pImg3 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 2) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
+          pImg5 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 3) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
+          pImg2 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg2;
+          pImg4 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 2) ? pImg2 : pImg4;
+          pImg6 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - 3) ? pImg4 : pImg6;
+        }
+        else if ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos && ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + (bChroma ? 1 : 3))) //bottom
+        {
+          pImg2 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg2;
+          pImg4 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg2 : pImg4;
+          pImg6 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg4 : pImg6;
+          pImg1 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
+          pImg3 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
+          pImg5 = ((blkDst.y + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
+        }
         if ((startHeight + i + k) % vbCTUHeight < vbPos && ((startHeight + i + k) % vbCTUHeight >= vbPos - (bChroma ? 2 : 4))) //above
           pImg1 = ((startHeight + i + k) % vbCTUHeight == vbPos - 1) ? pImg0 : pImg1;
@@ -1790,6 +2004,7 @@ static void simdFilter7x7Blk( AlfClassifier** classifier, const PelUnitBuf &recD
           pImg3 = ((startHeight + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 1) ? pImg1 : pImg3;
           pImg5 = ((startHeight + i + k) % vbCTUHeight <= vbPos + 2) ? pImg3 : pImg5;
         __m128i xmm6 = _mm_lddqu_si128( ( __m128i* ) pImg6 );
         __m128i xmm4 = _mm_lddqu_si128( ( __m128i* ) ( pImg4 - 1 ) );
diff --git a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp
index 69c14d4c0565ee94d275a13237655c6d2fd05068..035fb36f57eec4ad223c49be1008b76ceabf022a 100644
--- a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/DecLib.cpp
@@ -1481,7 +1481,11 @@ void DecLib::xDecodePPS( InputNALUnit& nalu )
   PPS* pps = new PPS();
   m_HLSReader.setBitstream( &nalu.getBitstream() );
+  m_HLSReader.parsePPS( pps, &m_parameterSetManager );
   m_HLSReader.parsePPS( pps );
   m_parameterSetManager.storePPS( pps, nalu.getBitstream().getFifo() );
diff --git a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.cpp b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.cpp
index 195f1eb904a9d6a60d3558f97692aea0153e1409..104ea4fcc54e72ee1ba2e9489185fa8bb7f5687b 100644
--- a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.cpp
@@ -369,7 +369,11 @@ void HLSyntaxReader::parseShortTermRefPicSet( SPS* sps, ReferencePictureSet* rps
+void HLSyntaxReader::parsePPS( PPS* pcPPS, ParameterSetManager *parameterSetManager )
 void HLSyntaxReader::parsePPS( PPS* pcPPS )
   xTracePPSHeader ();
@@ -500,6 +504,36 @@ void HLSyntaxReader::parsePPS( PPS* pcPPS )
       READ_SVLC ( iCode, "pps_tc_offset_div2" );                       pcPPS->setDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2( iCode );
+  READ_FLAG( uiCode, "pps_loop_filter_across_virtual_boundaries_disabled_flag" ); pcPPS->setLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag( uiCode != 0 );
+  if( pcPPS->getLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag() )
+  {
+    READ_CODE( 2, uiCode, "pps_num_ver_virtual_boundaries");        pcPPS->setNumVerVirtualBoundaries( uiCode );
+    int numBits = 1;
+    uint32_t picWidthDivBy8 = parameterSetManager->getSPS( pcPPS->getSPSId() )->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() >> 3; // pcPPS->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() >> 3;
+    while( picWidthDivBy8 >>= 1 )
+    {
+      numBits++;
+    }
+    for( unsigned i = 0; i < pcPPS->getNumVerVirtualBoundaries(); i++ )
+    {
+      READ_CODE( numBits, uiCode, "pps_virtual_boundaries_pos_x" ); pcPPS->setVirtualBoundariesPosX( uiCode << 3, i );
+    }
+    READ_CODE( 2, uiCode, "pps_num_hor_virtual_boundaries");        pcPPS->setNumHorVirtualBoundaries( uiCode );
+    numBits = 1;
+    uint32_t picHeightDivBy8 = parameterSetManager->getSPS( pcPPS->getSPSId() )->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() >> 3; // pcPPS->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() >> 3;
+    while( picHeightDivBy8 >>= 1 )
+    {
+      numBits++;
+    }
+    for( unsigned i = 0; i < pcPPS->getNumHorVirtualBoundaries(); i++ )
+    {
+      READ_CODE( numBits, uiCode, "pps_virtual_boundaries_pos_y" ); pcPPS->setVirtualBoundariesPosY( uiCode << 3, i );
+    }
+  }
   READ_FLAG( uiCode, "pps_scaling_list_data_present_flag" );           pcPPS->setScalingListPresentFlag( uiCode ? true : false );
   if(pcPPS->getScalingListPresentFlag ())
diff --git a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.h b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.h
index cb4908840ad8e649136ca57c1af4a7f91cb97c39..35c774cc9675f9ed9b90b8b5a18f396350f01c0b 100644
--- a/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.h
+++ b/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.h
@@ -151,7 +151,11 @@ public:
   void  parseVPS            ( VPS* pcVPS );
   void  parseSPS            ( SPS* pcSPS );
+  void  parsePPS            ( PPS* pcPPS, ParameterSetManager *parameterSetManager );
   void  parsePPS            ( PPS* pcPPS );
   void  parseAPS            ( APS* pcAPS);
   void  parseVUI            ( VUI* pcVUI, SPS* pcSPS );
 #if !JVET_M0101_HLS
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncAdaptiveLoopFilter.cpp b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncAdaptiveLoopFilter.cpp
index 9e9acbb5766fd98b748f2195cea5b89bd276904f..211689dafe2e3dad0521af8df908f7337b0dc670 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncAdaptiveLoopFilter.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncAdaptiveLoopFilter.cpp
@@ -717,13 +717,78 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::ALFProcess( CodingStructure& cs, const double *lambd
   // derive classification
   const CPelBuf& recLuma = recYuv.get( COMPONENT_Y );
+  const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv;
+  bool clipTop = false, clipBottom = false, clipLeft = false, clipRight = false;
+  int numHorSplit = 0, numVerSplit = 0;
+  int horSplit[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+  int verSplit[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+  for( int yPos = 0; yPos < pcv.lumaHeight; yPos += pcv.maxCUHeight )
+  {
+    for( int xPos = 0; xPos < pcv.lumaWidth; xPos += pcv.maxCUWidth )
+    {
+      const int width = ( xPos + pcv.maxCUWidth > pcv.lumaWidth ) ? ( pcv.lumaWidth - xPos ) : pcv.maxCUWidth;
+      const int height = ( yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight > pcv.lumaHeight ) ? ( pcv.lumaHeight - yPos ) : pcv.maxCUHeight;
+      if( isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries( xPos, yPos, width, height, clipTop, clipBottom, clipLeft, clipRight, numHorSplit, numVerSplit, horSplit, verSplit, cs.slice->getPPS() ) )
+      {
+        int yStart = yPos;
+        for( int i = 0; i <= numHorSplit; i++ )
+        {
+          const int yEnd = i == numHorSplit ? yPos + height : horSplit[i];
+          const int h = yEnd - yStart;
+          const bool clipT = ( i == 0 && clipTop ) || ( i > 0 ) || ( yStart == 0 );
+          const bool clipB = ( i == numHorSplit && clipBottom ) || ( i < numHorSplit ) || ( yEnd == pcv.lumaHeight );
+          int xStart = xPos;
+          for( int j = 0; j <= numVerSplit; j++ )
+          {
+            const int xEnd = j == numVerSplit ? xPos + width : verSplit[j];
+            const int w = xEnd - xStart;
+            const bool clipL = ( j == 0 && clipLeft ) || ( j > 0 ) || ( xStart == 0 );
+            const bool clipR = ( j == numVerSplit && clipRight ) || ( j < numVerSplit ) || ( xEnd == pcv.lumaWidth );
+            const int wBuf = w + (clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE) + (clipR ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+            const int hBuf = h + (clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE) + (clipB ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+            PelUnitBuf buf = m_tempBuf2.subBuf( UnitArea( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( 0, 0, wBuf, hBuf ) ) );
+            buf.copyFrom( recYuv.subBuf( UnitArea( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( xStart - (clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE), yStart - (clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE), wBuf, hBuf ) ) ) );
+            buf.extendBorderPel( MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE );
+            buf = buf.subBuf( UnitArea ( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, w, h ) ) );
+            const Area blkSrc( 0, 0, w, h );
+            const Area blkDst( xStart, yStart, w, h );
+            deriveClassification( m_classifier, buf.get(COMPONENT_Y), blkDst, blkSrc );
+            Area blkPCM( xStart, yStart, w, h );
+            resetPCMBlkClassInfo( cs, m_classifier, buf.get(COMPONENT_Y), blkPCM );
+            xStart = xEnd;
+          }
+          yStart = yEnd;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        Area blk( xPos, yPos, width, height );
+        deriveClassification( m_classifier, recLuma, blk, blk );
+        Area blkPCM( xPos, yPos, width, height );
+        resetPCMBlkClassInfo( cs, m_classifier, recLuma, blkPCM );
+      }
+    }
+  }
   Area blk( 0, 0, recLuma.width, recLuma.height );
   deriveClassification( m_classifier, recLuma, blk );
   Area blkPCM(0, 0, recLuma.width, recLuma.height);
   resetPCMBlkClassInfo(cs, m_classifier, recLuma, blkPCM);
   // get CTB stats for filtering
+  deriveStatsForFiltering( orgYuv, recYuv, cs );
   deriveStatsForFiltering( orgYuv, recYuv );
   // derive filter (luma)
   alfEncoder( cs, alfSliceParam, orgYuv, recYuv, cs.getRecoBuf(), CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA
@@ -966,6 +1031,12 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::alfEncoder( CodingStructure& cs, AlfSliceParam& alfS
       short* clipp = isLuma( compID ) ? m_clippFinal : m_chromaClippFinal; //alfSliceParam.chromaClipp;
+      bool clipTop = false, clipBottom = false, clipLeft = false, clipRight = false;
+      int numHorSplit = 0, numVerSplit = 0;
+      int horSplit[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+      int verSplit[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
       for( int yPos = 0; yPos < pcv.lumaHeight; yPos += pcv.maxCUHeight )
         for( int xPos = 0; xPos < pcv.lumaWidth; xPos += pcv.maxCUWidth )
@@ -976,27 +1047,134 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::alfEncoder( CodingStructure& cs, AlfSliceParam& alfS
           if( m_ctuEnableFlag[compID][ctuIdx] )
+            if( isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries( xPos, yPos, width, height, clipTop, clipBottom, clipLeft, clipRight, numHorSplit, numVerSplit, horSplit, verSplit, cs.slice->getPPS() ) )
+            {
+              int yStart = yPos;
+              for( int i = 0; i <= numHorSplit; i++ )
+              {
+                const int yEnd = i == numHorSplit ? yPos + height : horSplit[i];
+                const int h = yEnd - yStart;
+                const bool clipT = ( i == 0 && clipTop ) || ( i > 0 ) || ( yStart == 0 );
+                const bool clipB = ( i == numHorSplit && clipBottom ) || ( i < numHorSplit ) || ( yEnd == pcv.lumaHeight );
+                int xStart = xPos;
+                for( int j = 0; j <= numVerSplit; j++ )
+                {
+                  const int xEnd = j == numVerSplit ? xPos + width : verSplit[j];
+                  const int w = xEnd - xStart;
+                  const bool clipL = ( j == 0 && clipLeft ) || ( j > 0 ) || ( xStart == 0 );
+                  const bool clipR = ( j == numVerSplit && clipRight ) || ( j < numVerSplit ) || ( xEnd == pcv.lumaWidth );
+                  const int wBuf = w + (clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE) + (clipR ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+                  const int hBuf = h + (clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE) + (clipB ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+                  PelUnitBuf buf = m_tempBuf2.subBuf( UnitArea( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( 0, 0, wBuf, hBuf ) ) );
+                  buf.copyFrom( recExtBuf.subBuf( UnitArea( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( xStart - (clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE), yStart - (clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE), wBuf, hBuf ) ) ) );
+                  buf.extendBorderPel( MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE );
+                  buf = buf.subBuf( UnitArea ( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, w, h ) ) );
+                  const Area blkSrc( 0, 0, w >> chromaScaleX, h >> chromaScaleY );
+                  const Area blkDst( xStart >> chromaScaleX, yStart >> chromaScaleY, w >> chromaScaleX, h >> chromaScaleY );
+                  if( filterType == ALF_FILTER_5 )
+                  {
+                    m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                      , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+                      , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+                    );
+                    m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                      , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+                      , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+                    );
+                    m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+                    m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+                  }
+                  else if( filterType == ALF_FILTER_7 )
+                  {
+                    m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                      , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+                      , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+                    );
+                    m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                      , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+                      , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+                    );
+                    m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+                    m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+                  }
+                  else
+                  {
+                    CHECK( 0, "Wrong ALF filter type" );
+                  }
+                  xStart = xEnd;
+                }
+                yStart = yEnd;
+              }
+            }
+            else
+            {
             if( filterType == ALF_FILTER_5 )
+              m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+                , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+              );
               m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
                 , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
                 , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+              m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+                , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+              );
               m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
                 , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
                 , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+              m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
               m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+              m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
               m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
@@ -1004,31 +1182,54 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::alfEncoder( CodingStructure& cs, AlfSliceParam& alfS
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+                , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+              );
               m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
                 , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
                 , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+                , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+              );
               m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
                 , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
                 , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
               m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, compID, coeff, clipp, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
               m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, compID, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
               CHECK( 0, "Wrong ALF filter type" );
+            }
@@ -2515,7 +2716,11 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getFrameStat( AlfCovariance* frameCov, AlfCovariance
+void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveStatsForFiltering( PelUnitBuf& orgYuv, PelUnitBuf& recYuv, CodingStructure& cs )
 void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveStatsForFiltering( PelUnitBuf& orgYuv, PelUnitBuf& recYuv )
   int ctuRsAddr = 0;
   const int numberOfComponents = getNumberValidComponents( m_chromaFormat );
@@ -2562,12 +2767,111 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveStatsForFiltering( PelUnitBuf& orgYuv, PelUnit
+  const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv;
+  bool clipTop = false, clipBottom = false, clipLeft = false, clipRight = false;
+  int numHorSplit = 0, numVerSplit = 0;
+  int horSplit[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+  int verSplit[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
   for( int yPos = 0; yPos < m_picHeight; yPos += m_maxCUHeight )
     for( int xPos = 0; xPos < m_picWidth; xPos += m_maxCUWidth )
       const int width = ( xPos + m_maxCUWidth > m_picWidth ) ? ( m_picWidth - xPos ) : m_maxCUWidth;
       const int height = ( yPos + m_maxCUHeight > m_picHeight ) ? ( m_picHeight - yPos ) : m_maxCUHeight;
+      if( isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries( xPos, yPos, width, height, clipTop, clipBottom, clipLeft, clipRight, numHorSplit, numVerSplit, horSplit, verSplit, cs.slice->getPPS() ) )
+      {
+        int yStart = yPos;
+        for( int i = 0; i <= numHorSplit; i++ )
+        {
+          const int yEnd = i == numHorSplit ? yPos + height : horSplit[i];
+          const int h = yEnd - yStart;
+          const bool clipT = ( i == 0 && clipTop ) || ( i > 0 ) || ( yStart == 0 );
+          const bool clipB = ( i == numHorSplit && clipBottom ) || ( i < numHorSplit ) || ( yEnd == pcv.lumaHeight );
+          int xStart = xPos;
+          for( int j = 0; j <= numVerSplit; j++ )
+          {
+            const int xEnd = j == numVerSplit ? xPos + width : verSplit[j];
+            const int w = xEnd - xStart;
+            const bool clipL = ( j == 0 && clipLeft ) || ( j > 0 ) || ( xStart == 0 );
+            const bool clipR = ( j == numVerSplit && clipRight ) || ( j < numVerSplit ) || ( xEnd == pcv.lumaWidth );
+            const int wBuf = w + (clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE) + (clipR ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+            const int hBuf = h + (clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE) + (clipB ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+            PelUnitBuf recBuf = m_tempBuf2.subBuf( UnitArea( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( 0, 0, wBuf, hBuf ) ) );
+            recBuf.copyFrom( recYuv.subBuf( UnitArea( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( xStart - (clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE), yStart - (clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE), wBuf, hBuf ) ) ) );
+            recBuf.extendBorderPel( MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE );
+            recBuf = recBuf.subBuf( UnitArea ( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, w, h ) ) );
+            const UnitArea area( m_chromaFormat, Area( 0, 0, w, h ) );
+            const UnitArea areaDst( m_chromaFormat, Area( xStart, yStart, w, h ) );
+            for( int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numberOfComponents; compIdx++ )
+            {
+              const ComponentID compID = ComponentID( compIdx );
+              const CompArea& compArea = area.block( compID );
+              const CompArea& compAreaDst = areaDst.block( compID );
+              int  recStride = recBuf.get( compID ).stride;
+              Pel* rec = recBuf.get( compID ).bufAt( compArea );
+              int  orgStride = orgYuv.get(compID).stride;
+              Pel* org = orgYuv.get(compID).bufAt(xStart >> ::getComponentScaleX(compID, m_chromaFormat), yStart >> ::getComponentScaleY(compID, m_chromaFormat));
+              ChannelType chType = toChannelType( compID );
+              for( int shape = 0; shape != m_filterShapes[chType].size(); shape++ )
+              {
+                getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compAreaDst, compArea, chType
+                  , ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight : m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight)
+                  , ((yPos + m_maxCUHeight >= m_picHeight) ? m_picHeight : ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaPos : m_alfVBChmaPos))
+                );
+                getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compArea, compArea
+                  , ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight : m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight)
+                  , ((yPos + m_maxCUHeight >= m_picHeight) ? m_picHeight : ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaPos : m_alfVBChmaPos))
+                );
+                getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compAreaDst, compArea, chType);
+                getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compAreaDst, compArea);
+              }
+            }
+            xStart = xEnd;
+          }
+          yStart = yEnd;
+        }
+        for( int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numberOfComponents; compIdx++ )
+        {
+          const ComponentID compID = ComponentID( compIdx );
+          ChannelType chType = toChannelType( compID );
+          for( int shape = 0; shape != m_filterShapes[chType].size(); shape++ )
+          {
+            const int numClasses = isLuma( compID ) ? MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES : 1;
+            for( int classIdx = 0; classIdx < numClasses; classIdx++ )
+            {
+              m_alfCovarianceFrame[chType][shape][classIdx] += m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr][classIdx];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
       const UnitArea area( m_chromaFormat, Area( xPos, yPos, width, height ) );
       for( int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numberOfComponents; compIdx++ )
@@ -2587,22 +2891,44 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveStatsForFiltering( PelUnitBuf& orgYuv, PelUnit
+          getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compArea, compArea, chType
+            , ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight : m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight)
+            , ((yPos + m_maxCUHeight >= m_picHeight) ? m_picHeight : ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaPos : m_alfVBChmaPos))        
+          );
           getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compArea, chType
             , ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight : m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight)
             , ((yPos + m_maxCUHeight >= m_picHeight) ? m_picHeight : ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaPos : m_alfVBChmaPos))
+          getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compArea, compArea
+            , ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight : m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight)
+            , ((yPos + m_maxCUHeight >= m_picHeight) ? m_picHeight : ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaPos : m_alfVBChmaPos))
+          );
           getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compArea
             , ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight : m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight)
             , ((yPos + m_maxCUHeight >= m_picHeight) ? m_picHeight : ((compIdx == 0) ? m_alfVBLumaPos : m_alfVBChmaPos))
+          getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compArea, compArea, chType);
           getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compArea, chType);
+          getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compArea, compArea);
           getBlkStats(m_alfCovariance[compIdx][shape][ctuRsAddr], m_filterShapes[chType][shape], compIdx ? nullptr : m_classifier, org, orgStride, rec, recStride, compArea);
@@ -2614,6 +2940,9 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveStatsForFiltering( PelUnitBuf& orgYuv, PelUnit
+      }
@@ -2621,18 +2950,33 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::deriveStatsForFiltering( PelUnitBuf& orgYuv, PelUnit
+void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariance, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& areaDst, const CompArea& area, const ChannelType channel, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
 void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariance, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& area, const ChannelType channel, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
+void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& areaDst, const CompArea& area, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
 void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& area, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos)
+void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariance, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& areaDst, const CompArea& area, const ChannelType channel)
 void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariance, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& area, const ChannelType channel)
+void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& areaDst, const CompArea& area)
 void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& area)
@@ -2651,11 +2995,19 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFi
   for( int i = 0; i < area.height; i++ )
+    int vbDistance = ((areaDst.y + i) % vbCTUHeight) - vbPos;
     int vbDistance = (i % vbCTUHeight) - vbPos;
     for( int j = 0; j < area.width; j++ )
+      if( classifier && classifier[areaDst.y + i][areaDst.x + j].classIdx == m_ALF_UNUSED_CLASSIDX && classifier[areaDst.y + i][areaDst.x + j].transposeIdx == m_ALF_UNUSED_TRANSPOSIDX )
       if( classifier && classifier[area.y + i][area.x + j].classIdx == m_ALF_UNUSED_CLASSIDX && classifier[area.y + i][area.x + j].transposeIdx == m_ALF_UNUSED_TRANSPOSIDX )
@@ -2666,7 +3018,11 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFi
       if( classifier )
+        AlfClassifier& cl = classifier[areaDst.y + i][areaDst.x + j];
         AlfClassifier& cl = classifier[area.y + i][area.x + j];
         transposeIdx = cl.transposeIdx;
         classIdx = cl.classIdx;
@@ -3781,12 +4137,135 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::alfReconstructor(CodingStructure& cs, const PelUnitB
   const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv;
   int ctuIdx = 0;
+  bool clipTop = false, clipBottom = false, clipLeft = false, clipRight = false;
+  int numHorSplit = 0, numVerSplit = 0;
+  int horSplit[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+  int verSplit[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
   for (int yPos = 0; yPos < pcv.lumaHeight; yPos += pcv.maxCUHeight)
     for (int xPos = 0; xPos < pcv.lumaWidth; xPos += pcv.maxCUWidth)
       const int width = (xPos + pcv.maxCUWidth > pcv.lumaWidth) ? (pcv.lumaWidth - xPos) : pcv.maxCUWidth;
       const int height = (yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight > pcv.lumaHeight) ? (pcv.lumaHeight - yPos) : pcv.maxCUHeight;
+      bool ctuEnableFlag = m_ctuEnableFlag[COMPONENT_Y][ctuIdx];
+      for (int compIdx = 1; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++)
+      {
+        ctuEnableFlag |= m_ctuEnableFlag[compIdx][ctuIdx] > 0;
+      }
+      if (ctuEnableFlag && isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries(xPos, yPos, width, height, clipTop, clipBottom, clipLeft, clipRight, numHorSplit, numVerSplit, horSplit, verSplit, cs.slice->getPPS()))
+      {
+        int yStart = yPos;
+        for (int i = 0; i <= numHorSplit; i++)
+        {
+          const int yEnd = i == numHorSplit ? yPos + height : horSplit[i];
+          const int h = yEnd - yStart;
+          const bool clipT = (i == 0 && clipTop) || (i > 0) || (yStart == 0);
+          const bool clipB = (i == numHorSplit && clipBottom) || (i < numHorSplit) || (yEnd == pcv.lumaHeight);
+          int xStart = xPos;
+          for (int j = 0; j <= numVerSplit; j++)
+          {
+            const int xEnd = j == numVerSplit ? xPos + width : verSplit[j];
+            const int w = xEnd - xStart;
+            const bool clipL = (j == 0 && clipLeft) || (j > 0) || (xStart == 0);
+            const bool clipR = (j == numVerSplit && clipRight) || (j < numVerSplit) || (xEnd == pcv.lumaWidth);
+            const int wBuf = w + (clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE) + (clipR ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+            const int hBuf = h + (clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE) + (clipB ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+            PelUnitBuf buf = m_tempBuf2.subBuf(UnitArea(cs.area.chromaFormat, Area(0, 0, wBuf, hBuf)));
+            buf.copyFrom(recExtBuf.subBuf(UnitArea(cs.area.chromaFormat, Area(xStart - (clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE), yStart - (clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE), wBuf, hBuf))));
+            buf.extendBorderPel(MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE);
+            buf = buf.subBuf(UnitArea(cs.area.chromaFormat, Area(clipL ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, clipT ? 0 : MAX_ALF_PADDING_SIZE, w, h)));
+            if (m_ctuEnableFlag[COMPONENT_Y][ctuIdx])
+            {
+              const Area blkSrc(0, 0, w, h);
+              const Area blkDst(xStart, yStart, w, h);
+              short filterSetIndex = alfCtuFilterIndex[ctuIdx];
+              short *coeff;
+              short *clip;
+              if (filterSetIndex >= NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS)
+              {
+                coeff = m_coeffApsLuma[filterSetIndex - NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS];
+                clip = m_clippApsLuma[filterSetIndex - NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS];
+              }
+              else
+              {
+                coeff = m_fixedFilterSetCoeffDec[filterSetIndex];
+                clip = m_clipDefault;
+              }
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+                , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+                , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+              );
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+                , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+                , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+              );
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
+              m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
+            }
+            for (int compIdx = 1; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++)
+            {
+              ComponentID compID = ComponentID(compIdx);
+              const int chromaScaleX = getComponentScaleX(compID, recBuf.chromaFormat);
+              const int chromaScaleY = getComponentScaleY(compID, recBuf.chromaFormat);
+              if (m_ctuEnableFlag[compIdx][ctuIdx])
+              {
+                const Area blkSrc(0, 0, w >> chromaScaleX, h >> chromaScaleY);
+                const Area blkDst(xStart >> chromaScaleX, yStart >> chromaScaleY, w >> chromaScaleX, h >> chromaScaleY);
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                  , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+                  , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+                );
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+                  , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+                  , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+                );
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+                m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, buf, blkDst, blkSrc, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+              }
+            }
+            xStart = xEnd;
+          }
+          yStart = yEnd;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
       const UnitArea area(cs.area.chromaFormat, Area(xPos, yPos, width, height));
       if (m_ctuEnableFlag[COMPONENT_Y][ctuIdx])
@@ -3810,6 +4289,27 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::alfReconstructor(CodingStructure& cs, const PelUnitB
           clip = m_clipDefault;
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+          , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+          , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+        );
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
+          , m_alfVBLumaCTUHeight
+          , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBLumaPos)
+        );
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
+        m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
         m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, clip, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs
@@ -3828,6 +4328,7 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::alfReconstructor(CodingStructure& cs, const PelUnitB
         m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, COMPONENT_Y, coeff, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs);
@@ -3839,6 +4340,27 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::alfReconstructor(CodingStructure& cs, const PelUnitB
         if (m_ctuEnableFlag[compIdx][ctuIdx])
           Area blk(xPos >> chromaScaleX, yPos >> chromaScaleY, width >> chromaScaleX, height >> chromaScaleY);
+          m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+            , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+            , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+          );
+          m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
+            , m_alfVBChmaCTUHeight
+            , ((yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight >= pcv.lumaHeight) ? pcv.lumaHeight : m_alfVBChmaPos)
+          );
+          m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+          m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, blk, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
           m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_chromaClippFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs
@@ -3857,9 +4379,13 @@ void EncAdaptiveLoopFilter::alfReconstructor(CodingStructure& cs, const PelUnitB
           m_filter5x5Blk(m_classifier, recBuf, recExtBuf, blk, compID, m_chromaCoeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs);
+      }
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncAdaptiveLoopFilter.h b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncAdaptiveLoopFilter.h
index c2bdee5e445216af425dcd81cf25e0de7d1af5b3..7639d828186a4c2ae9545d593ea8b14f18f0ce7a 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncAdaptiveLoopFilter.h
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncAdaptiveLoopFilter.h
@@ -429,24 +429,44 @@ private:
   void   getFrameStats( ChannelType channel, int iShapeIdx );
   void   getFrameStat( AlfCovariance* frameCov, AlfCovariance** ctbCov, uint8_t* ctbEnableFlags, const int numClasses );
+  void   deriveStatsForFiltering( PelUnitBuf& orgYuv, PelUnitBuf& recYuv, CodingStructure& cs );
   void   deriveStatsForFiltering( PelUnitBuf& orgYuv, PelUnitBuf& recYuv );
+  void   getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& areaDst, const CompArea& area, const ChannelType channel, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   void   getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& area, const ChannelType channel, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   void   calcCovariance(int ELocal[MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF][MaxAlfNumClippingValues], const Pel *rec, const int stride, const AlfFilterShape& shape, const int transposeIdx, const ChannelType channel, int vbDistance);
   void   mergeClasses(const AlfFilterShape& alfShape, AlfCovariance* cov, AlfCovariance* covMerged, int clipMerged[MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES][MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES][MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF], const int numClasses, short filterIndices[MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES][MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES]);
+  void   getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& areaDst, const CompArea& area, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   void   getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& area, int vbCTUHeight, int vbPos);
   void   calcCovariance(int *ELocal, const Pel *rec, const int stride, const int *filterPattern, const int halfFilterLength, const int transposeIdx, int vbDistance);
   void   mergeClasses(AlfCovariance* cov, AlfCovariance* covMerged, const int numClasses, short filterIndices[MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES][MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES]);
+  void   getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& areaDst, const CompArea& area, const ChannelType channel);
   void   getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& area, const ChannelType channel);
   void   calcCovariance(int ELocal[MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF][MaxAlfNumClippingValues], const Pel *rec, const int stride, const AlfFilterShape& shape, const int transposeIdx, const ChannelType channel);
   void   mergeClasses(const AlfFilterShape& alfShape, AlfCovariance* cov, AlfCovariance* covMerged, int clipMerged[MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES][MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES][MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF], const int numClasses, short filterIndices[MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES][MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES]);
+  void   getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& areaDst, const CompArea& area);
   void   getBlkStats(AlfCovariance* alfCovariace, const AlfFilterShape& shape, AlfClassifier** classifier, Pel* org, const int orgStride, Pel* rec, const int recStride, const CompArea& area);
   void   calcCovariance(int *ELocal, const Pel *rec, const int stride, const int *filterPattern, const int halfFilterLength, const int transposeIdx);
   void   mergeClasses(AlfCovariance* cov, AlfCovariance* covMerged, const int numClasses, short filterIndices[MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES][MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES]);
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h
index 14f87d08aadecbe495245ebf8d4fa3d8a4e09483..e80b104dbf1e75857e9b8344871a37997c707b08 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h
@@ -268,6 +268,13 @@ protected:
   unsigned  m_wrapAroundOffset;
   // ADD_NEW_TOOL : (encoder lib) add tool enabling flags and associated parameters here
+  bool      m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag;
+  unsigned  m_numVerVirtualBoundaries;
+  unsigned  m_numHorVirtualBoundaries;
+  unsigned  m_virtualBoundariesPosX[3];
+  unsigned  m_virtualBoundariesPosY[3];
   bool      m_lumaReshapeEnable;
   unsigned  m_reshapeSignalType;
   unsigned  m_intraCMD;
@@ -834,6 +841,18 @@ public:
   unsigned  getWrapAroundOffset             ()         const { return m_wrapAroundOffset; }
   // ADD_NEW_TOOL : (encoder lib) add access functions here
+  void      setLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag( bool b ) { m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag = b; }
+  bool      getLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag() const { return m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag; }
+  void      setNumVerVirtualBoundaries      ( unsigned u )   { m_numVerVirtualBoundaries = u; }
+  unsigned  getNumVerVirtualBoundaries      ()         const { return m_numVerVirtualBoundaries; }
+  void      setNumHorVirtualBoundaries      ( unsigned u )   { m_numHorVirtualBoundaries = u; }
+  unsigned  getNumHorVirtualBoundaries      ()         const { return m_numHorVirtualBoundaries; }
+  void      setVirtualBoundariesPosX        ( unsigned u, unsigned idx ) { m_virtualBoundariesPosX[idx] = u; }
+  unsigned  getVirtualBoundariesPosX        ( unsigned idx ) const { return m_virtualBoundariesPosX[idx]; }
+  void      setVirtualBoundariesPosY        ( unsigned u, unsigned idx ) { m_virtualBoundariesPosY[idx] = u; }
+  unsigned  getVirtualBoundariesPosY        ( unsigned idx ) const { return m_virtualBoundariesPosY[idx]; }
   void      setUseISP                       ( bool b )       { m_ISP = b; }
   bool      getUseISP                       ()         const { return m_ISP; }
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp
index 4512f3669da90bde8e2696cb483d13ce2873772d..ba165ab8af3ec9c0d9cbd92550a4fcc11883e8be 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp
@@ -1539,6 +1539,20 @@ void EncLib::xInitPPS(PPS &pps, const SPS &sps)
+  pps.setLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag( m_loopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag );
+  pps.setNumVerVirtualBoundaries            ( m_numVerVirtualBoundaries );
+  pps.setNumHorVirtualBoundaries            ( m_numHorVirtualBoundaries );
+  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_numVerVirtualBoundaries; i++ )
+  {
+    pps.setVirtualBoundariesPosX            ( m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i], i );
+  }
+  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_numHorVirtualBoundaries; i++ )
+  {
+    pps.setVirtualBoundariesPosY            ( m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i], i );
+  }
   pps.pcv = new PreCalcValues( sps, pps, true );
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncSampleAdaptiveOffset.cpp b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncSampleAdaptiveOffset.cpp
index c0e732998b842f376f42abf2dd56dc2faab96f2f..e0994413fdc15c9023edbcc8f121fdd26c52cd77 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncSampleAdaptiveOffset.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncSampleAdaptiveOffset.cpp
@@ -311,6 +311,13 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getStatistics(std::vector<SAOStatData**>& blkStats
       isBelowAvail      = (yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight < pcv.lumaHeight);
       isAboveRightAvail = ((yPos > 0) && (isRightAvail));
+      int numHorVirBndry = 0, numVerVirBndry = 0;
+      int horVirBndryPos[] = { -1,-1,-1 };
+      int verVirBndryPos[] = { -1,-1,-1 };
+      bool isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries = isCrossedVirtualBoundaries(xPos, yPos, width, height, numHorVirBndry, numVerVirBndry, horVirBndryPos, verVirBndryPos, cs.slice->getPPS());
       for(int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numberOfComponents; compIdx++)
         const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(compIdx);
@@ -322,10 +329,24 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getStatistics(std::vector<SAOStatData**>& blkStats
         int  orgStride  = orgYuv.get(compID).stride;
         Pel* orgBlk     = orgYuv.get(compID).bufAt( compArea );
+        for (int i = 0; i < numHorVirBndry; i++)
+        {
+          horVirBndryPos[i] = (horVirBndryPos[i] >> ::getComponentScaleY(compID, area.chromaFormat)) - compArea.y;
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < numVerVirBndry; i++)
+        {
+          verVirBndryPos[i] = (verVirBndryPos[i] >> ::getComponentScaleX(compID, area.chromaFormat)) - compArea.x;
+        }
         getBlkStats(compID, cs.sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)), blkStats[ctuRsAddr][compID]
                   , srcBlk, orgBlk, srcStride, orgStride, compArea.width, compArea.height
                   , isLeftAvail,  isRightAvail, isAboveAvail, isBelowAvail, isAboveLeftAvail, isAboveRightAvail
                   , isCalculatePreDeblockSamples
+                  , isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries, horVirBndryPos, verVirBndryPos, numHorVirBndry, numVerVirBndry
@@ -1135,6 +1156,9 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
                         , Pel* srcBlk, Pel* orgBlk, int srcStride, int orgStride, int width, int height
                         , bool isLeftAvail,  bool isRightAvail, bool isAboveAvail, bool isBelowAvail, bool isAboveLeftAvail, bool isAboveRightAvail
                         , bool isCalculatePreDeblockSamples
+                        , bool isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], int numHorVirBndry, int numVerVirBndry
   int x,y, startX, startY, endX, endY, edgeType, firstLineStartX, firstLineEndX;
@@ -1172,6 +1196,13 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
           for (x=startX; x<endX; x++)
             signRight =  (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLine[x+1]);
+            if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y, numVerVirBndry, 0, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+            {
+              signLeft = -signRight;
+              continue;
+            }
             edgeType  =  signRight + signLeft;
             signLeft  = -signRight;
@@ -1194,6 +1225,13 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
               for (x=startX; x<endX; x++)
                 signRight =  (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLine[x+1]);
+                if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, endY + y, numVerVirBndry, 0, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+                {
+                  signLeft = -signRight;
+                  continue;
+                }
                 edgeType  =  signRight + signLeft;
                 signLeft  = -signRight;
@@ -1241,6 +1279,13 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
           for (x=startX; x<endX; x++)
             signDown  = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x]);
+            if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y, 0, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+            {
+              signUpLine[x] = -signDown;
+              continue;
+            }
             edgeType  = signDown + signUpLine[x];
             signUpLine[x]= -signDown;
@@ -1264,6 +1309,12 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
               for (x=startX; x<endX; x++)
+                if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y + endY, 0, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+                {
+                  continue;
+                }
                 edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x]) + sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineAbove[x]);
                 diff [edgeType] += (orgLine[x] - srcLine[x]);
                 count[edgeType] ++;
@@ -1307,6 +1358,12 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
         firstLineEndX   = (!isCalculatePreDeblockSamples) ? (isAboveAvail     ? endX : 1) : endX;
         for(x=firstLineStartX; x<firstLineEndX; x++)
+          if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, 0, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+          {
+            continue;
+          }
           edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineAbove[x-1]) - signUpLine[x+1];
           diff [edgeType] += (orgLine[x] - srcLine[x]);
           count[edgeType] ++;
@@ -1323,6 +1380,13 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
           for (x=startX; x<endX; x++)
             signDown = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x+1]);
+            if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+            {
+              signDownLine[x + 1] = -signDown;
+              continue;
+            }
             edgeType = signDown + signUpLine[x];
             diff [edgeType] += (orgLine[x] - srcLine[x]);
             count[edgeType] ++;
@@ -1352,6 +1416,12 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
               for (x=startX; x< endX; x++)
+                if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y + endY, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+                {
+                  continue;
+                }
                 edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x+1]) + sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineAbove[x-1]);
                 diff [edgeType] += (orgLine[x] - srcLine[x]);
                 count[edgeType] ++;
@@ -1395,6 +1465,12 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
         for(x=firstLineStartX; x<firstLineEndX; x++)
+          if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, 0, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+          {
+            continue;
+          }
           edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineAbove[x+1]) - signUpLine[x-1];
           diff [edgeType] += (orgLine[x] - srcLine[x]);
           count[edgeType] ++;
@@ -1411,6 +1487,13 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
           for(x=startX; x<endX; x++)
             signDown = (int8_t)sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x-1]);
+            if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+            {
+              signUpLine[x - 1] = -signDown;
+              continue;
+            }
             edgeType = signDown + signUpLine[x];
             diff [edgeType] += (orgLine[x] - srcLine[x]);
@@ -1436,6 +1519,12 @@ void EncSampleAdaptiveOffset::getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int c
               for (x=startX; x<endX; x++)
+                if (isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries && isProcessDisabled(x, y + endY, numVerVirBndry, numHorVirBndry, verVirBndryPos, horVirBndryPos))
+                {
+                  continue;
+                }
                 edgeType = sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineBelow[x-1]) + sgn(srcLine[x] - srcLineAbove[x+1]);
                 diff [edgeType] += (orgLine[x] - srcLine[x]);
                 count[edgeType] ++;
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncSampleAdaptiveOffset.h b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncSampleAdaptiveOffset.h
index 048f63db9e304a53d339d06a12201a94b219bd4f..58f1ca036f26e06e46362cd1bc0dbe5b79df252a 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncSampleAdaptiveOffset.h
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncSampleAdaptiveOffset.h
@@ -115,7 +115,11 @@ private: //methods
                         const double saoEncodingRate, const double saoEncodingRateChroma );
-  void getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int channelBitDepth, SAOStatData* statsDataTypes, Pel* srcBlk, Pel* orgBlk, int srcStride, int orgStride, int width, int height, bool isLeftAvail,  bool isRightAvail, bool isAboveAvail, bool isBelowAvail, bool isAboveLeftAvail, bool isAboveRightAvail, bool isCalculatePreDeblockSamples);
+  void getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int channelBitDepth, SAOStatData* statsDataTypes, Pel* srcBlk, Pel* orgBlk, int srcStride, int orgStride, int width, int height, bool isLeftAvail,  bool isRightAvail, bool isAboveAvail, bool isBelowAvail, bool isAboveLeftAvail, bool isAboveRightAvail, bool isCalculatePreDeblockSamples
+                 , bool isCTUCrossVirtualBoundaries, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], int numHorVirBndry, int numVerVirBndry
+    );
   void deriveModeNewRDO(const BitDepths &bitDepths, int ctuRsAddr, SAOBlkParam* mergeList[NUM_SAO_MERGE_TYPES], bool* sliceEnabled, std::vector<SAOStatData**>& blkStats, SAOBlkParam& modeParam, double& modeNormCost );
   void deriveModeMergeRDO(const BitDepths &bitDepths, int ctuRsAddr, SAOBlkParam* mergeList[NUM_SAO_MERGE_TYPES], bool* sliceEnabled, std::vector<SAOStatData**>& blkStats, SAOBlkParam& modeParam, double& modeNormCost );
   int64_t getDistortion(const int channelBitDepth, int typeIdc, int typeAuxInfo, int* offsetVal, SAOStatData& statData);
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/VLCWriter.cpp b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/VLCWriter.cpp
index 82dd1c93f5279894ebbca8832a11acc962bbf79a..d3f2b328b0a862cff0d0fa8f459276b4201010de 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/VLCWriter.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/VLCWriter.cpp
@@ -280,6 +280,36 @@ void HLSWriter::codePPS( const PPS* pcPPS )
       WRITE_SVLC( pcPPS->getDeblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2(),               "pps_tc_offset_div2" );
+  WRITE_FLAG( pcPPS->getLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag() ? 1 : 0,     "pps_loop_filter_across_virtual_boundaries_disabled_flag" );
+  if( pcPPS->getLoopFilterAcrossVirtualBoundariesDisabledFlag() )
+  {
+    WRITE_CODE( pcPPS->getNumVerVirtualBoundaries(), 2,                              "pps_num_ver_virtual_boundaries");
+    int numBits = 1;
+    uint32_t picWidthDivBy8 = pcPPS->pcv->lumaWidth >> 3;
+    while( picWidthDivBy8 >>= 1 )
+    {
+      numBits++;
+    }
+    for( unsigned i = 0; i < pcPPS->getNumVerVirtualBoundaries(); i++ )
+    {
+      WRITE_CODE( pcPPS->getVirtualBoundariesPosX( i ) >> 3, numBits,                "pps_virtual_boundaries_pos_x" );
+    }
+    WRITE_CODE( pcPPS->getNumHorVirtualBoundaries(), 2,                              "pps_num_hor_virtual_boundaries");
+    numBits = 1;
+    uint32_t picHeightDivBy8 = pcPPS->pcv->lumaHeight >> 3;
+    while( picHeightDivBy8 >>= 1 )
+    {
+      numBits++;
+    }
+    for( unsigned i = 0; i < pcPPS->getNumHorVirtualBoundaries(); i++ )
+    {
+      WRITE_CODE( pcPPS->getVirtualBoundariesPosY( i ) >> 3, numBits,                "pps_virtual_boundaries_pos_y" );
+    }
+  }
   WRITE_FLAG( pcPPS->getScalingListPresentFlag() ? 1 : 0,                          "pps_scaling_list_data_present_flag" );
   if( pcPPS->getScalingListPresentFlag() )