diff --git a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp
index aae808bb01d3aa5513d8a4484eadb7130771cabb..b978e839bffe863008234f5fb7edaf131fd1d0b3 100644
--- a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp
+++ b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp
@@ -1308,18 +1308,18 @@ void EncApp::xInitLibCfg( int layerIdx )
   m_cEncLib.setRprRASLtoolSwitch                                 ( m_rprRASLtoolSwitch );
   m_cEncLib.setDepQuantEnabledFlag                               ( m_depQuantEnabledFlag);
   m_cEncLib.setSignDataHidingEnabledFlag                         ( m_signDataHidingEnabledFlag);
-  m_cEncLib.setUseRateCtrl                                       ( m_RCEnableRateControl );
-  if (m_RCEnableRateControl)
-  {
-    m_cEncLib.setTargetBitrate(m_RCTargetBitrate);
-    m_cEncLib.setKeepHierBit(m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit);
-    m_cEncLib.setLCULevelRC(m_RCLCULevelRC);
-    m_cEncLib.setUseLCUSeparateModel(m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel);
-    m_cEncLib.setInitialQP(m_RCInitialQP);
-    m_cEncLib.setForceIntraQP(m_RCForceIntraQP);
+  m_cEncLib.setUseRateCtrl(m_rcEnableRateControl);
+  if (m_rcEnableRateControl)
+  {
+    m_cEncLib.setTargetBitrate(m_rcTargetBitrate);
+    m_cEncLib.setKeepHierBit(m_rcKeepHierarchicalBit);
+    m_cEncLib.setLCULevelRC(m_rcCtuLevelRateControl);
+    m_cEncLib.setUseLCUSeparateModel(m_rcUseCtuSeparateModel);
+    m_cEncLib.setInitialQP(m_rcInitialQp);
+    m_cEncLib.setForceIntraQP(m_rcForceIntraQp);
-    m_cEncLib.setCpbSize(m_RCCpbSize);
-    m_cEncLib.setInitialCpbFullness(m_RCInitialCpbFullness);
+    m_cEncLib.setCpbSize(m_rcCpbSize);
+    m_cEncLib.setInitialCpbFullness(m_rcInitialCpbFullness);
   m_cEncLib.setCostMode                                          ( m_costMode );
   m_cEncLib.setTSRCdisableLL                                     ( m_TSRCdisableLL );
diff --git a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp
index e60d2f7ccea37ef397f665c2719e99df787c13ed..7f376450f21897a9a5ec2a3fd7324dfc73c57cd2 100644
--- a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp
+++ b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp
@@ -1304,16 +1304,16 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
   ("ECU",                                             m_bUseEarlyCU,                                    false, "Early CU setting")
   ("FDM",                                             m_useFastDecisionForMerge,                         true, "Fast decision for Merge RD Cost")
   ("ESD",                                             m_useEarlySkipDetection,                          false, "Early SKIP detection setting")
-  ( "RateControl",                                    m_RCEnableRateControl,                            false, "Rate control: enable rate control" )
-  ( "TargetBitrate",                                  m_RCTargetBitrate,                                    0, "Rate control: target bit-rate" )
-  ( "KeepHierarchicalBit",                            m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit,                              0, "Rate control: 0: equal bit allocation; 1: fixed ratio bit allocation; 2: adaptive ratio bit allocation" )
-  ( "LCULevelRateControl",                            m_RCLCULevelRC,                                    true, "Rate control: true: CTU level RC; false: picture level RC" )
-  ( "RCLCUSeparateModel",                             m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel,                           true, "Rate control: use CTU level separate R-lambda model" )
-  ( "InitialQP",                                      m_RCInitialQP,                                        0, "Rate control: initial QP" )
-  ( "RCForceIntraQP",                                 m_RCForceIntraQP,                                 false, "Rate control: force intra QP to be equal to initial QP" )
+  ( "RateControl",                                    m_rcEnableRateControl,                            false, "Rate control: enable rate control" )
+  ( "TargetBitrate",                                  m_rcTargetBitrate,                                    0, "Rate control: target bit-rate" )
+  ( "KeepHierarchicalBit",                            m_rcKeepHierarchicalBit,                              0, "Rate control: 0: equal bit allocation; 1: fixed ratio bit allocation; 2: adaptive ratio bit allocation" )
+  ( "LCULevelRateControl",                            m_rcCtuLevelRateControl,                                    true, "Rate control: true: CTU level RC; false: picture level RC" )
+  ( "RCLCUSeparateModel",                             m_rcUseCtuSeparateModel,                           true, "Rate control: use CTU level separate R-lambda model" )
+  ( "InitialQP",                                      m_rcInitialQp,                                        0, "Rate control: initial QP" )
+  ( "RCForceIntraQP",                                 m_rcForceIntraQp,                                 false, "Rate control: force intra QP to be equal to initial QP" )
   ( "RCCpbSaturation",                                m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled,                         false, "Rate control: enable target bits saturation to avoid CPB overflow and underflow" )
-  ( "RCCpbSize",                                      m_RCCpbSize,                                         0u, "Rate control: CPB size" )
-  ( "RCInitialCpbFullness",                           m_RCInitialCpbFullness,                             0.9, "Rate control: initial CPB fullness" )
+  ( "RCCpbSize",                                      m_rcCpbSize,                                         0u, "Rate control: CPB size" )
+  ( "RCInitialCpbFullness",                           m_rcInitialCpbFullness,                             0.9, "Rate control: initial CPB fullness" )
   ("CostMode",                                        m_costMode,                         COST_STANDARD_LOSSY, "Use alternative cost functions: choose between 'lossy', 'sequence_level_lossless', 'lossless' (which forces QP to " MACRO_TO_STRING(LOSSLESS_AND_MIXED_LOSSLESS_RD_COST_TEST_QP) ") and 'mixed_lossless_lossy' (which used QP'=" MACRO_TO_STRING(LOSSLESS_AND_MIXED_LOSSLESS_RD_COST_TEST_QP_PRIME) " for pre-estimates of transquant-bypass blocks).")
   ("TSRCdisableLL",                                   m_TSRCdisableLL,                                   true, "Disable TSRC for lossless coding" )
   ("RecalculateQPAccordingToLambda",                  m_recalculateQPAccordingToLambda,                 false, "Recalculate QP values according to lambda values. Do not suggest to be enabled in all intra case")
@@ -3931,7 +3931,8 @@ bool EncAppCfg::xCheckParameter()
     m_pictureTimingSEIEnabled = false;
-  xConfirmPara( m_bufferingPeriodSEIEnabled == true && m_RCCpbSize == 0,  "RCCpbSize must be greater than zero, when buffering period SEI is enabled" );
+  xConfirmPara(m_bufferingPeriodSEIEnabled && m_rcCpbSize == 0,
+               "RCCpbSize must be greater than zero, when buffering period SEI is enabled");
   xConfirmPara (m_log2MaxTransformSkipBlockSize < 2, "Transform Skip Log2 Max Size must be at least 2 (4x4)");
@@ -3962,7 +3963,8 @@ bool EncAppCfg::xCheckParameter()
   xConfirmPara( m_lumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping.mode && m_uiDeltaQpRD > 0,                      "Luma-level-based Delta QP cannot be used together with slice level multiple-QP optimization\n" );
-  xConfirmPara( m_lumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping.mode && m_RCEnableRateControl,                  "Luma-level-based Delta QP cannot be used together with rate control\n" );
+  xConfirmPara(m_lumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping.mode && m_rcEnableRateControl,
+               "Luma-level-based Delta QP cannot be used together with rate control\n");
   if (m_lumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping.mode && m_lmcsEnabled)
@@ -4932,22 +4934,23 @@ bool EncAppCfg::xCheckParameter()
   xConfirmPara( m_sariAspectRatioIdc < 0 || m_sariAspectRatioIdc > 255, "SEISARISampleAspectRatioIdc must be in the range of 0 to 255");
-  if ( m_RCEnableRateControl )
+  if (m_rcEnableRateControl)
-    if ( m_RCForceIntraQP )
+    if (m_rcForceIntraQp)
-      if ( m_RCInitialQP == 0 )
+      if (m_rcInitialQp == 0)
         msg( WARNING, "\nInitial QP for rate control is not specified. Reset not to use force intra QP!" );
-        m_RCForceIntraQP = false;
+        m_rcForceIntraQp = false;
     xConfirmPara( m_uiDeltaQpRD > 0, "Rate control cannot be used together with slice level multiple-QP optimization!\n" );
     if (m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled && m_level != Level::NONE && m_profile != Profile::NONE)
       uint32_t uiLevelIdx = (m_level / 16) * 4 + (uint32_t)((m_level % 16) / 3);
-      xConfirmPara(m_RCCpbSize > g_uiMaxCpbSize[m_levelTier][uiLevelIdx], "RCCpbSize should be smaller than or equal to Max CPB size according to tier and level");
-      xConfirmPara(m_RCInitialCpbFullness > 1, "RCInitialCpbFullness should be smaller than or equal to 1");
+      xConfirmPara(m_rcCpbSize > g_uiMaxCpbSize[m_levelTier][uiLevelIdx],
+                   "RCCpbSize should be smaller than or equal to Max CPB size according to tier and level");
+      xConfirmPara(m_rcInitialCpbFullness > 1, "RCInitialCpbFullness should be smaller than or equal to 1");
@@ -5349,22 +5352,22 @@ void EncAppCfg::xPrintParameter()
     default:                                msg( DETAILS, "Cost function:                         : Unknown\n"); break;
-  msg( DETAILS, "RateControl                            : %d\n", m_RCEnableRateControl );
+  msg(DETAILS, "RateControl                            : %d\n", m_rcEnableRateControl);
   msg( DETAILS, "WeightedPredMethod                     : %d\n", int(m_weightedPredictionMethod));
-  if(m_RCEnableRateControl)
+  if (m_rcEnableRateControl)
-    msg( DETAILS, "TargetBitrate                          : %d\n", m_RCTargetBitrate );
-    msg( DETAILS, "KeepHierarchicalBit                    : %d\n", m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit );
-    msg( DETAILS, "LCULevelRC                             : %d\n", m_RCLCULevelRC );
-    msg( DETAILS, "UseLCUSeparateModel                    : %d\n", m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel );
-    msg( DETAILS, "InitialQP                              : %d\n", m_RCInitialQP );
-    msg( DETAILS, "ForceIntraQP                           : %d\n", m_RCForceIntraQP );
+    msg(DETAILS, "TargetBitrate                          : %d\n", m_rcTargetBitrate);
+    msg(DETAILS, "KeepHierarchicalBit                    : %d\n", m_rcKeepHierarchicalBit);
+    msg(DETAILS, "LCULevelRC                             : %d\n", m_rcCtuLevelRateControl);
+    msg(DETAILS, "UseLCUSeparateModel                    : %d\n", m_rcUseCtuSeparateModel);
+    msg(DETAILS, "InitialQP                              : %d\n", m_rcInitialQp);
+    msg(DETAILS, "ForceIntraQP                           : %d\n", m_rcForceIntraQp);
     msg(DETAILS, "CpbSaturation                          : %d\n", m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled);
     if (m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled)
-      msg( DETAILS, "CpbSize                                : %d\n", m_RCCpbSize);
-      msg( DETAILS, "InitalCpbFullness                      : %.2f\n", m_RCInitialCpbFullness);
+      msg(DETAILS, "CpbSize                                : %d\n", m_rcCpbSize);
+      msg(DETAILS, "InitalCpbFullness                      : %.2f\n", m_rcInitialCpbFullness);
diff --git a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h
index 884645f42d3ff94b4bad2c52bc6fe92bdbe055f0..4b22b29485e7a0108f8e5bcaa0156e0e9ae22736 100644
--- a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h
+++ b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h
@@ -844,16 +844,19 @@ protected:
   int       m_TMVPModeId;
   bool      m_depQuantEnabledFlag;
   bool      m_signDataHidingEnabledFlag;
-  bool      m_RCEnableRateControl;                ///< enable rate control or not
-  int       m_RCTargetBitrate;                    ///< target bitrate when rate control is enabled
-  int       m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit;              ///< 0: equal bit allocation; 1: fixed ratio bit allocation; 2: adaptive ratio bit allocation
-  bool      m_RCLCULevelRC;                       ///< true: LCU level rate control; false: picture level rate control NOTE: code-tidy - rename to m_RCCtuLevelRC
-  bool      m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel;              ///< use separate R-lambda model at LCU level                        NOTE: code-tidy - rename to m_RCUseCtuSeparateModel
-  int       m_RCInitialQP;                        ///< inital QP for rate control
-  bool      m_RCForceIntraQP;                     ///< force all intra picture to use initial QP or not
-  bool      m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled;             // enable target bits saturation to avoid CPB overflow and underflow
-  uint32_t  m_RCCpbSize;                          ///< CPB size
-  double    m_RCInitialCpbFullness;               ///< initial CPB fullness
+  // Rate control
+  bool     m_rcEnableRateControl;      // enable rate control or not
+  int      m_rcTargetBitrate;          // target bitrate when rate control is enabled
+  int      m_rcKeepHierarchicalBit;    // 0: equal bit allocation; 1: fixed ratio bit allocation; 2: adaptive ratio bit
+                                       // allocation
+  bool     m_rcCtuLevelRateControl;    // true: CTU level rate control; false: picture level rate control
+  bool     m_rcUseCtuSeparateModel;    // use separate R-lambda model at CTU level
+  int      m_rcInitialQp;              // inital QP for rate control
+  bool     m_rcForceIntraQp;           // force all intra picture to use initial QP or not
+  bool     m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled;   // enable target bits saturation to avoid CPB overflow and underflow
+  uint32_t m_rcCpbSize;                // CPB size
+  double   m_rcInitialCpbFullness;     // initial CPB fullness
   ScalingListMode m_useScalingListId;                         ///< using quantization matrix
   std::string m_scalingListFileName;                          ///< quantization matrix file name
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h
index e338ac5ff3da842f259f37dd3b13a5c184082c66..0ae4e290d7c5c224a004917067315178cfd84c27 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h
@@ -922,16 +922,16 @@ protected:
   uint32_t  m_PPSMaxNumMergeCandMinusMaxNumGeoCandPlus1;
   bool      m_DepQuantEnabledFlag;
   bool      m_SignDataHidingEnabledFlag;
-  bool      m_RCEnableRateControl;
-  int       m_RCTargetBitrate;
-  int       m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit;
-  bool      m_RCLCULevelRC;
-  bool      m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel;
-  int       m_RCInitialQP;
-  bool      m_RCForceIntraQP;
+  bool      m_rcEnableRateControl = false;
+  int       m_rcTargetBitrate;
+  int       m_rcKeepHierarchicalBit;
+  bool      m_rcCtuLevelRateControl;
+  bool      m_rcUseCtuSeparateModel;
+  int       m_rcInitialQp;
+  bool      m_rcForceIntraQp;
   bool      m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled = false;
-  uint32_t  m_RCCpbSize;
-  double    m_RCInitialCpbFullness;
+  uint32_t  m_rcCpbSize;
+  double    m_rcInitialCpbFullness;
   CostMode  m_costMode;                                       ///< The cost function to use, primarily when considering lossless coding.
   bool      m_TSRCdisableLL;                                  ///< Disable TSRC for lossless
@@ -2580,27 +2580,28 @@ public:
   bool         getDepQuantEnabledFlag()                              { return m_DepQuantEnabledFlag; }
   void         setSignDataHidingEnabledFlag( bool b )                { m_SignDataHidingEnabledFlag = b;    }
   bool         getSignDataHidingEnabledFlag()                        { return m_SignDataHidingEnabledFlag; }
-  bool         getUseRateCtrl         () const                       { return m_RCEnableRateControl;   }
-  void         setUseRateCtrl         ( bool b )                     { m_RCEnableRateControl = b;      }
-  int          getTargetBitrate       ()                             { return m_RCTargetBitrate;       }
-  void         setTargetBitrate       ( int bitrate )                { m_RCTargetBitrate  = bitrate;   }
-  int          getKeepHierBit         ()                             { return m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit; }
-  void         setKeepHierBit         ( int i )                      { m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit = i;    }
-  bool         getLCULevelRC          ()                             { return m_RCLCULevelRC; }
-  void         setLCULevelRC          ( bool b )                     { m_RCLCULevelRC = b; }
-  bool         getUseLCUSeparateModel ()                             { return m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel; }
-  void         setUseLCUSeparateModel ( bool b )                     { m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel = b;    }
-  int          getInitialQP           ()                             { return m_RCInitialQP;           }
-  void         setInitialQP           ( int QP )                     { m_RCInitialQP = QP;             }
-  bool         getForceIntraQP        ()                             { return m_RCForceIntraQP;        }
-  void         setForceIntraQP        ( bool b )                     { m_RCForceIntraQP = b;           }
+  bool getUseRateCtrl() const { return m_rcEnableRateControl; }
+  void setUseRateCtrl(bool b) { m_rcEnableRateControl = b; }
+  int  getTargetBitrate() const { return m_rcTargetBitrate; }
+  void setTargetBitrate(int bitrate) { m_rcTargetBitrate = bitrate; }
+  int  getKeepHierBit() const { return m_rcKeepHierarchicalBit; }
+  void setKeepHierBit(int i) { m_rcKeepHierarchicalBit = i; }
+  bool getLCULevelRC() const { return m_rcCtuLevelRateControl; }
+  void setLCULevelRC(bool b) { m_rcCtuLevelRateControl = b; }
+  bool getUseLCUSeparateModel() const { return m_rcUseCtuSeparateModel; }
+  void setUseLCUSeparateModel(bool b) { m_rcUseCtuSeparateModel = b; }
+  int  getInitialQP() const { return m_rcInitialQp; }
+  void setInitialQP(int QP) { m_rcInitialQp = QP; }
+  bool getForceIntraQP() const { return m_rcForceIntraQp; }
+  void setForceIntraQP(bool b) { m_rcForceIntraQp = b; }
   bool         getCpbSaturationEnabled() { return m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled; }
   void         setCpbSaturationEnabled(bool b) { m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled = b; }
-  uint32_t     getCpbSize() { return m_RCCpbSize; }
-  void         setCpbSize             ( uint32_t ui )                    { m_RCCpbSize = ui;   }
-  double       getInitialCpbFullness  ()                             { return m_RCInitialCpbFullness;  }
-  void         setInitialCpbFullness  (double f)                     { m_RCInitialCpbFullness = f;     }
+  uint32_t     getCpbSize() { return m_rcCpbSize; }
+  void         setCpbSize(uint32_t ui) { m_rcCpbSize = ui; }
+  double       getInitialCpbFullness() { return m_rcInitialCpbFullness; }
+  void         setInitialCpbFullness(double f) { m_rcInitialCpbFullness = f; }
   CostMode     getCostMode( ) const                                  { return m_costMode; }
   void         setCostMode(CostMode m )                              { m_costMode = m; }
   bool         getTSRCdisableLL       ()                             { return m_TSRCdisableLL;         }
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp
index 1b5d665db0e7d246b0b54f2812051bf78a90a465..332211baaad92b4b46390e5f15fc6c190313b65f 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ void EncLib::create( const int layerId )
     m_cReshaper.createEnc(getSourceWidth(), getSourceHeight(), m_maxCUWidth, m_maxCUHeight,
-  if ( m_RCEnableRateControl )
+  if (m_rcEnableRateControl)
     Fraction frameRate = m_frameRate;
     frameRate.den *= m_temporalSubsampleRatio;
-    m_cRateCtrl.init(m_framesToBeEncoded, m_RCTargetBitrate, frameRate, m_gopSize, m_intraPeriod, m_sourceWidth,
+    m_cRateCtrl.init(m_framesToBeEncoded, m_rcTargetBitrate, frameRate, m_gopSize, m_intraPeriod, m_sourceWidth,
                      m_sourceHeight, m_maxCUWidth, m_maxCUHeight, getBitDepth(ChannelType::LUMA),
-                     m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit, m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel, m_GOPList);
+                     m_rcKeepHierarchicalBit, m_rcUseCtuSeparateModel, m_GOPList);
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ void EncLib::init(AUWriterIf *auWriterIf)
   if (m_rcCpbSaturationEnabled)
     m_cRateCtrl.initHrdParam(sps0.getGeneralHrdParameters(), sps0.getOlsHrdParameters(), m_frameRate,
-                             m_RCInitialCpbFullness);
+                             m_rcInitialCpbFullness);
   m_cRdCost.setCostMode ( m_costMode );
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ bool EncLib::encodePrep(bool flush, PelStorage *pcPicYuvOrg, PelStorage *cPicYuv
       AQpPreanalyzer::preanalyze( picCurr );
-    if( m_RCEnableRateControl )
+    if (m_rcEnableRateControl)
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ bool EncLib::encodePrep(bool flush, PelStorage *pcPicYuvOrg, PelStorage *cPicYuv
     m_cGOPEncoder.setEncodedLTRef( true );
-    if( m_RCEnableRateControl )
+    if (m_rcEnableRateControl)
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ bool EncLib::encodePrep(bool flush, PelStorage *pcPicYuvOrg, PelStorage *cPicYuv
     return true;
-  if( m_RCEnableRateControl )
+  if (m_rcEnableRateControl)
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ bool EncLib::encode(const InputColourSpaceConversion snrCSC, std::list<PelUnitBu
   m_metricTime = m_cGOPEncoder.getMetricTime();
-  if( m_RCEnableRateControl )
+  if (m_rcEnableRateControl)
@@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ void EncLib::xInitPPS(PPS &pps, const SPS &sps)
     useDeltaQp = false;
-  pps.setUseDQP(m_RCEnableRateControl || useDeltaQp);
+  pps.setUseDQP(m_rcEnableRateControl || useDeltaQp);
   if ( m_cuChromaQpOffsetList.size() > 0 )
@@ -2149,7 +2149,7 @@ void EncLib::xInitPicHeader(PicHeader &picHeader, const SPS &sps, const PPS &pps
     useDeltaQp = false;
-  if( m_RCEnableRateControl )
+  if (m_rcEnableRateControl)
     picHeader.setCuQpDeltaSubdivIntra( 0 );
     picHeader.setCuQpDeltaSubdivInter( 0 );