diff --git a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp
index 74aad147872caf65e666d98677df6e124bee6ed4..1a6768c438ee5dfc419927a45a6085572851ceaa 100644
--- a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp
+++ b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncApp.cpp
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ void EncApp::xInitLibCfg()
   m_cEncLib.setFrameRate                                         ( m_iFrameRate );
   m_cEncLib.setFrameSkip                                         ( m_FrameSkip );
   m_cEncLib.setTemporalSubsampleRatio                            ( m_temporalSubsampleRatio );
-  m_cEncLib.setSourceWidth                                       ( m_iSourceWidth );
-  m_cEncLib.setSourceHeight                                      ( m_iSourceHeight );
+  m_cEncLib.setSourceWidth                                       ( m_sourceWidth );
+  m_cEncLib.setSourceHeight                                      ( m_sourceHeight );
   m_cEncLib.setConformanceWindow                                 ( m_confWinLeft / SPS::getWinUnitX( m_InputChromaFormatIDC ), m_confWinRight / SPS::getWinUnitX( m_InputChromaFormatIDC ), m_confWinTop / SPS::getWinUnitY( m_InputChromaFormatIDC ), m_confWinBottom / SPS::getWinUnitY( m_InputChromaFormatIDC ) );
   m_cEncLib.setScalingRatio                                      ( m_scalingRatioHor, m_scalingRatioVer );
   m_cEncLib.setRprEnabled                                        (m_rprEnabledFlag);
@@ -553,9 +553,9 @@ void EncApp::xInitLibCfg()
   m_cEncLib.setIntraQPOffset                                     ( m_intraQPOffset );
   m_cEncLib.setLambdaFromQPEnable                                ( m_lambdaFromQPEnable );
-  m_cEncLib.setChromaQpMappingTableParams                         (m_chromaQpMappingTableParams);
+  m_cEncLib.setChromaQpMappingTableParams                        (m_chromaQpMappingTableParams);
-  m_cEncLib.setPad                                               ( m_aiPad );
+  m_cEncLib.setSourcePadding                                     ( m_sourcePadding );
   m_cEncLib.setAccessUnitDelimiter                               ( m_AccessUnitDelimiter );
   m_cEncLib.setEnablePictureHeaderInSliceHeader                  ( m_enablePictureHeaderInSliceHeader );
@@ -1108,18 +1108,18 @@ void EncApp::xCreateLib( std::list<PelUnitBuf*>& recBufList, const int layerId )
   m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile.skipFrames(m_FrameSkip, m_inputFileWidth, m_inputFileHeight, m_InputChromaFormatIDC);
-  const int sourceHeight = m_isField ? m_iSourceHeightOrg : m_iSourceHeight;
-  m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile.skipFrames(m_FrameSkip, m_iSourceWidth - m_aiPad[0], sourceHeight - m_aiPad[1], m_InputChromaFormatIDC);
+  const int sourceHeight = m_isField ? m_iSourceHeightOrg : m_sourceHeight;
+  m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile.skipFrames(m_FrameSkip, m_sourceWidth - m_sourcePadding[0], sourceHeight - m_sourcePadding[1], m_InputChromaFormatIDC);
   if (!m_reconFileName.empty())
     if (m_packedYUVMode && ((m_outputBitDepth[CH_L] != 10 && m_outputBitDepth[CH_L] != 12)
-        || ((m_iSourceWidth & (1 + (m_outputBitDepth[CH_L] & 3))) != 0)))
+        || ((m_sourceWidth & (1 + (m_outputBitDepth[CH_L] & 3))) != 0)))
       EXIT ("Invalid output bit-depth or image width for packed YUV output, aborting\n");
     if (m_packedYUVMode && (m_chromaFormatIDC != CHROMA_400) && ((m_outputBitDepth[CH_C] != 10 && m_outputBitDepth[CH_C] != 12)
-        || (((m_iSourceWidth / SPS::getWinUnitX (m_chromaFormatIDC)) & (1 + (m_outputBitDepth[CH_C] & 3))) != 0)))
+        || (((m_sourceWidth / SPS::getWinUnitX (m_chromaFormatIDC)) & (1 + (m_outputBitDepth[CH_C] & 3))) != 0)))
       EXIT ("Invalid chroma output bit-depth or image width for packed YUV output, aborting\n");
@@ -1171,8 +1171,8 @@ void EncApp::xInitLib()
 void EncApp::createLib( const int layerIdx )
-  const int sourceHeight = m_isField ? m_iSourceHeightOrg : m_iSourceHeight;
-  UnitArea unitArea( m_chromaFormatIDC, Area( 0, 0, m_iSourceWidth, sourceHeight ) );
+  const int sourceHeight = m_isField ? m_iSourceHeightOrg : m_sourceHeight;
+  UnitArea unitArea( m_chromaFormatIDC, Area( 0, 0, m_sourceWidth, sourceHeight ) );
   m_orgPic = new PelStorage;
   m_trueOrgPic = new PelStorage;
@@ -1207,8 +1207,8 @@ void EncApp::createLib( const int layerIdx )
   if( m_gopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled )
-    m_temporalFilter.init( m_FrameSkip, m_inputBitDepth, m_MSBExtendedBitDepth, m_internalBitDepth, m_iSourceWidth, sourceHeight,
-      m_aiPad, m_bClipInputVideoToRec709Range, m_inputFileName, m_chromaFormatIDC,
+    m_temporalFilter.init( m_FrameSkip, m_inputBitDepth, m_MSBExtendedBitDepth, m_internalBitDepth, m_sourceWidth, sourceHeight,
+      m_sourcePadding, m_bClipInputVideoToRec709Range, m_inputFileName, m_chromaFormatIDC,
       m_inputColourSpaceConvert, m_iQP, m_gopBasedTemporalFilterStrengths,
       m_gopBasedTemporalFilterFutureReference );
@@ -1266,10 +1266,10 @@ bool EncApp::encodePrep( bool& eos )
-    m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile.read( *m_orgPic, *m_trueOrgPic, ipCSC, m_aiPad, m_InputChromaFormatIDC, m_bClipInputVideoToRec709Range );
+    m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile.read( *m_orgPic, *m_trueOrgPic, ipCSC, m_sourcePadding, m_InputChromaFormatIDC, m_bClipInputVideoToRec709Range );
-  m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile.read( *m_orgPic, *m_trueOrgPic, ipCSC, m_aiPad, m_InputChromaFormatIDC, m_bClipInputVideoToRec709Range );
+  m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile.read( *m_orgPic, *m_trueOrgPic, ipCSC, m_sourcePadding, m_InputChromaFormatIDC, m_bClipInputVideoToRec709Range );
   if( m_gopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled )
@@ -1340,8 +1340,8 @@ bool EncApp::encode()
       m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile.skipFrames( m_temporalSubsampleRatio - 1, m_inputFileWidth, m_inputFileHeight, m_InputChromaFormatIDC );
-    const int sourceHeight = m_isField ? m_iSourceHeightOrg : m_iSourceHeight;
-    m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile.skipFrames( m_temporalSubsampleRatio - 1, m_iSourceWidth - m_aiPad[0], sourceHeight - m_aiPad[1], m_InputChromaFormatIDC );
+    const int sourceHeight = m_isField ? m_iSourceHeightOrg : m_sourceHeight;
+    m_cVideoIOYuvInputFile.skipFrames( m_temporalSubsampleRatio - 1, m_sourceWidth - m_sourcePadding[0], sourceHeight - m_sourcePadding[1], m_InputChromaFormatIDC );
diff --git a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp
index 1fc3b526fee3a1f793afa6c1eca7ad11b3b15233..411793a7f6c80a7860baee57b8d960efc719ce73 100644
--- a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp
+++ b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.cpp
@@ -716,8 +716,8 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
   ("InputPathPrefix,-ipp",                            inputPathPrefix,                             string(""), "pathname to prepend to input filename")
   ("BitstreamFile,b",                                 m_bitstreamFileName,                         string(""), "Bitstream output file name")
   ("ReconFile,o",                                     m_reconFileName,                             string(""), "Reconstructed YUV output file name")
-  ("SourceWidth,-wdt",                                m_iSourceWidth,                                       0, "Source picture width")
-  ("SourceHeight,-hgt",                               m_iSourceHeight,                                      0, "Source picture height")
+  ("SourceWidth,-wdt",                                m_sourceWidth,                                       0, "Source picture width")
+  ("SourceHeight,-hgt",                               m_sourceHeight,                                      0, "Source picture height")
   ("InputBitDepth",                                   m_inputBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA],                   8, "Bit-depth of input file")
   ("OutputBitDepth",                                  m_outputBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA],                  0, "Bit-depth of output file (default:InternalBitDepth)")
   ("MSBExtendedBitDepth",                             m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA],             0, "bit depth of luma component after addition of MSBs of value 0 (used for synthesising High Dynamic Range source material). (default:InputBitDepth)")
@@ -739,14 +739,9 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
   ("PrintWPSNR",                                      m_printWPSNR,                                     false, "0 (default) do not print HDR-PQ based wPSNR, 1 = print HDR-PQ based wPSNR")
   ("CabacZeroWordPaddingEnabled",                     m_cabacZeroWordPaddingEnabled,                     true, "0 do not add conforming cabac-zero-words to bit streams, 1 (default) = add cabac-zero-words as required")
   ("ChromaFormatIDC,-cf",                             tmpChromaFormat,                                      0, "ChromaFormatIDC (400|420|422|444 or set 0 (default) for same as InputChromaFormat)")
-  ("ConformanceMode",                                 m_conformanceWindowMode,                              0, "Deprecated alias of ConformanceWindowMode")
-  ("ConformanceWindowMode",                           m_conformanceWindowMode,                              0, "Window conformance mode (0: no window, 1:automatic padding, 2:padding, 3:conformance")
-  ("HorizontalPadding,-pdx",                          m_aiPad[0],                                           0, "Horizontal source padding for conformance window mode 2")
-  ("VerticalPadding,-pdy",                            m_aiPad[1],                                           0, "Vertical source padding for conformance window mode 2")
-  ("ConfLeft",                                        m_confWinLeft,                                        0, "Deprecated alias of ConfWinLeft")
-  ("ConfRight",                                       m_confWinRight,                                       0, "Deprecated alias of ConfWinRight")
-  ("ConfTop",                                         m_confWinTop,                                         0, "Deprecated alias of ConfWinTop")
-  ("ConfBottom",                                      m_confWinBottom,                                      0, "Deprecated alias of ConfWinBottom")
+  ("ConformanceWindowMode",                           m_conformanceWindowMode,                              0, "Window conformance mode (0: no window, 1:automatic padding, 2:padding parameters specified, 3:conformance window parameters specified")
+  ("HorizontalPadding,-pdx",                          m_sourcePadding[0],                                   0, "Horizontal source padding for conformance window mode 2")
+  ("VerticalPadding,-pdy",                            m_sourcePadding[1],                                   0, "Vertical source padding for conformance window mode 2")
   ("ConfWinLeft",                                     m_confWinLeft,                                        0, "Left offset for window conformance mode 3")
   ("ConfWinRight",                                    m_confWinRight,                                       0, "Right offset for window conformance mode 3")
   ("ConfWinTop",                                      m_confWinTop,                                         0, "Top offset for window conformance mode 3")
@@ -1691,9 +1686,9 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
     //Frame height
-    m_iSourceHeightOrg = m_iSourceHeight;
+    m_iSourceHeightOrg = m_sourceHeight;
     //Field height
-    m_iSourceHeight = m_iSourceHeight >> 1;
+    m_sourceHeight = m_sourceHeight >> 1;
     //number of fields to encode
     m_framesToBeEncoded *= 2;
@@ -1733,8 +1728,8 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
         m_subPicId[i]                   = cfg_subPicId.values[i];
-    uint32_t tmpWidthVal = (m_iSourceWidth + m_uiCTUSize - 1) / m_uiCTUSize;
-    uint32_t tmpHeightVal = (m_iSourceHeight + m_uiCTUSize - 1) / m_uiCTUSize;
+    uint32_t tmpWidthVal = (m_sourceWidth + m_uiCTUSize - 1) / m_uiCTUSize;
+    uint32_t tmpHeightVal = (m_sourceHeight + m_uiCTUSize - 1) / m_uiCTUSize;
     if (!m_subPicSameSizeFlag)
       for (int i = 0; i < m_numSubPics; i++)
@@ -1772,10 +1767,10 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
   if (m_virtualBoundariesPresentFlag)
-    if (m_iSourceWidth <= 8)
+    if (m_sourceWidth <= 8)
       CHECK(m_numVerVirtualBoundaries != 0, "The number of vertical virtual boundaries shall be 0 when the picture width is less than or equal to 8");
-    if (m_iSourceHeight <= 8)
+    if (m_sourceHeight <= 8)
       CHECK(m_numHorVirtualBoundaries != 0, "The number of horizontal virtual boundaries shall be 0 when the picture height is less than or equal to 8");
@@ -1990,51 +1985,59 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
   // Picture width and height must be multiples of 8 and minCuSize
   const int minResolutionMultiple = std::max(8, 1 << m_log2MinCuSize);
-  CHECK(((m_iSourceWidth% minResolutionMultiple) || (m_iSourceHeight % minResolutionMultiple)) && m_conformanceWindowMode != 1, "Picture width or height is not a multiple of 8 or minCuSize, please use ConformanceMode 1!");
+  CHECK(((m_sourceWidth% minResolutionMultiple) || (m_sourceHeight % minResolutionMultiple)) && m_conformanceWindowMode != 1, "Picture width or height is not a multiple of 8 or minCuSize, please use ConformanceWindowMode=1!");
   switch (m_conformanceWindowMode)
   case 0:
       // no conformance or padding
       m_confWinLeft = m_confWinRight = m_confWinTop = m_confWinBottom = 0;
-      m_aiPad[1] = m_aiPad[0] = 0;
+      m_sourcePadding[1] = m_sourcePadding[0] = 0;
   case 1:
       // automatic padding to minimum CU size
-      if (m_iSourceWidth % minResolutionMultiple)
+      if (m_sourceWidth % minResolutionMultiple)
-        m_aiPad[0] = m_confWinRight  = ((m_iSourceWidth / minResolutionMultiple) + 1) * minResolutionMultiple - m_iSourceWidth;
-        m_iSourceWidth  += m_confWinRight;
+        m_sourcePadding[0] = m_confWinRight  = ((m_sourceWidth / minResolutionMultiple) + 1) * minResolutionMultiple - m_sourceWidth;
+        m_sourceWidth  += m_confWinRight;
-      if (m_iSourceHeight % minResolutionMultiple)
+      if (m_sourceHeight % minResolutionMultiple)
-        m_aiPad[1] = m_confWinBottom = ((m_iSourceHeight / minResolutionMultiple) + 1) * minResolutionMultiple - m_iSourceHeight;
-        m_iSourceHeight += m_confWinBottom;
+        m_sourcePadding[1] = m_confWinBottom = ((m_sourceHeight / minResolutionMultiple) + 1) * minResolutionMultiple - m_sourceHeight;
+        m_sourceHeight += m_confWinBottom;
         if ( m_isField )
           m_iSourceHeightOrg += m_confWinBottom << 1;
-          m_aiPad[1] = m_confWinBottom << 1;
+          m_sourcePadding[1] = m_confWinBottom << 1;
-      if (m_aiPad[0] % SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0)
+      if (m_sourcePadding[0] % SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0)
         EXIT( "Error: picture width is not an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
-      if (m_aiPad[1] % SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0)
+      if (m_sourcePadding[1] % SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0)
         EXIT( "Error: picture height is not an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
+      if (m_sourcePadding[0])
+      {
+        msg( INFO, "Info: Conformance window automatically enabled. Adding %i lumal pel horizontally\n", m_sourcePadding[0]);
+      }
+      if (m_sourcePadding[1])
+      {
+        msg( INFO, "Info: Conformance window automatically enabled. Adding %i lumal pel vertically\n", m_sourcePadding[1]);
+      }
   case 2:
-      m_iSourceWidth  += m_aiPad[0];
-      m_iSourceHeight += m_aiPad[1];
-      m_confWinRight  = m_aiPad[0];
-      m_confWinBottom = m_aiPad[1];
+      m_sourceWidth  += m_sourcePadding[0];
+      m_sourceHeight += m_sourcePadding[1];
+      m_confWinRight  = m_sourcePadding[0];
+      m_confWinBottom = m_sourcePadding[1];
   case 3:
@@ -2044,11 +2047,11 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
         msg( ERROR, "Warning: Conformance window enabled, but all conformance window parameters set to zero\n");
-      if ((m_aiPad[1] != 0) || (m_aiPad[0]!=0))
+      if ((m_sourcePadding[1] != 0) || (m_sourcePadding[0]!=0))
         msg( ERROR, "Warning: Conformance window enabled, padding parameters will be ignored\n");
-      m_aiPad[1] = m_aiPad[0] = 0;
+      m_sourcePadding[1] = m_sourcePadding[0] = 0;
@@ -2057,11 +2060,11 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
     for(int i = 0; i < m_numSubPics; i++)
-      CHECK( (m_subPicCtuTopLeftX[i] * m_uiCTUSize) >= (m_iSourceWidth - m_confWinRight * SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC)),
+      CHECK( (m_subPicCtuTopLeftX[i] * m_uiCTUSize) >= (m_sourceWidth - m_confWinRight * SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC)),
           "No subpicture can be located completely outside of the conformance cropping window");
       CHECK( ((m_subPicCtuTopLeftX[i] + m_subPicWidth[i]) * m_uiCTUSize) <= (m_confWinLeft * SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC)),
 	  "No subpicture can be located completely outside of the conformance cropping window" );
-      CHECK( (m_subPicCtuTopLeftY[i] * m_uiCTUSize) >= (m_iSourceHeight  - m_confWinBottom * SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC)),
+      CHECK( (m_subPicCtuTopLeftY[i] * m_uiCTUSize) >= (m_sourceHeight  - m_confWinBottom * SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC)),
           "No subpicture can be located completely outside of the conformance cropping window");
       CHECK( ((m_subPicCtuTopLeftY[i] + m_subPicHeight[i]) * m_uiCTUSize) <= (m_confWinTop * SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC)),
           "No subpicture can be located completely outside of the conformance cropping window");
@@ -2304,7 +2307,7 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
       for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numVerVirtualBoundaries; i++)
-        CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i] == 0 || m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i] >= m_iSourceWidth, "The vertical virtual boundary must be within the picture" );
+        CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i] == 0 || m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i] >= m_sourceWidth, "The vertical virtual boundary must be within the picture" );
         CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosX[i] % 8, "The vertical virtual boundary must be a multiple of 8 luma samples" );
         if (i > 0)
@@ -2318,7 +2321,7 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
       for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numHorVirtualBoundaries; i++)
-        CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i] == 0 || m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i] >= m_iSourceHeight, "The horizontal virtual boundary must be within the picture" );
+        CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i] == 0 || m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i] >= m_sourceHeight, "The horizontal virtual boundary must be within the picture" );
         CHECK( m_virtualBoundariesPosY[i] % 8, "The horizontal virtual boundary must be a multiple of 8 luma samples" );
         if (i > 0)
@@ -2475,7 +2478,7 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
   m_reshapeCW.rspFps = m_iFrameRate;
-  m_reshapeCW.rspPicSize = m_iSourceWidth*m_iSourceHeight;
+  m_reshapeCW.rspPicSize = m_sourceWidth*m_sourceHeight;
   m_reshapeCW.rspFpsToIp = std::max(16, 16 * (int)(round((double)m_iFrameRate /16.0)));
   m_reshapeCW.rspBaseQP = m_iQP;
   m_reshapeCW.updateCtrl = m_updateCtrl;
@@ -2501,14 +2504,14 @@ bool EncAppCfg::parseCfg( int argc, char* argv[] )
-  if ((m_iQP < 38) && m_bUsePerceptQPA && !m_bUseAdaptiveQP && (m_iSourceWidth <= 2048) && (m_iSourceHeight <= 1280)
+  if ((m_iQP < 38) && m_bUsePerceptQPA && !m_bUseAdaptiveQP && (m_sourceWidth <= 2048) && (m_sourceHeight <= 1280)
   if (((int)m_fQP < 38) && m_bUsePerceptQPA && !m_bUseAdaptiveQP && (m_iSourceWidth <= 2048) && (m_iSourceHeight <= 1280)
       && (!m_wcgChromaQpControl.enabled)
-      && ((1 << (m_log2MaxTbSize + 1)) == m_uiCTUSize) && (m_iSourceWidth > 512 || m_iSourceHeight > 320))
+      && ((1 << (m_log2MaxTbSize + 1)) == m_uiCTUSize) && (m_sourceWidth > 512 || m_sourceHeight > 320))
     m_cuQpDeltaSubdiv = 2;
@@ -2662,7 +2665,7 @@ bool EncAppCfg::xCheckParameter()
     const int minCUSize = 1 << m_log2MinCuSize;
     xConfirmPara(m_wrapAroundOffset <= m_uiCTUSize + minCUSize, "Wrap-around offset must be greater than CtbSizeY + MinCbSize");
-    xConfirmPara(m_wrapAroundOffset > m_iSourceWidth, "Wrap-around offset must not be greater than the source picture width");
+    xConfirmPara(m_wrapAroundOffset > m_sourceWidth, "Wrap-around offset must not be greater than the source picture width");
     xConfirmPara( m_wrapAroundOffset % minCUSize != 0, "Wrap-around offset must be an integer multiple of the specified minimum CU size" );
@@ -2908,7 +2911,7 @@ bool EncAppCfg::xCheckParameter()
   xConfirmPara( m_uiMaxTT[2] > 64,                                                          "Maximum TT size for chroma block in I slice should be smaller than or equal to 64");
   xConfirmPara( m_uiMinQT[0] < minCuSize,                                                   "Min Luma QT size in I slices should be larger than or equal to minCuSize");
   xConfirmPara( m_uiMinQT[1] < minCuSize,                                                   "Min Luma QT size in non-I slices should be larger than or equal to minCuSize");
-  xConfirmPara((m_iSourceWidth % minCuSize ) || (m_iSourceHeight % minCuSize),              "Picture width or height is not a multiple of minCuSize");
+  xConfirmPara((m_sourceWidth % minCuSize ) || (m_sourceHeight % minCuSize),              "Picture width or height is not a multiple of minCuSize");
   const int minDiff = (int)floorLog2(m_uiMinQT[2]) - std::max(MIN_CU_LOG2, (int)m_log2MinCuSize - (int)getChannelTypeScaleX(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, m_chromaFormatIDC));
   xConfirmPara( minDiff < 0 ,                                                               "Min Chroma QT size in I slices is smaller than Min Luma CU size even considering color format");
   xConfirmPara( (m_uiMinQT[2] << (int)getChannelTypeScaleX(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, m_chromaFormatIDC)) > std::min(64, (int)m_uiCTUSize),
@@ -2932,8 +2935,8 @@ bool EncAppCfg::xCheckParameter()
   xConfirmPara( m_uiMaxTT[2] < (m_uiMinQT[2] << (int)getChannelTypeScaleX(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, m_chromaFormatIDC)),
                                                                                             "Maximum TT size for chroma block in I slice should be larger than minimum QT size");
   xConfirmPara( m_uiMaxTT[2] > m_uiCTUSize,                                                 "Maximum TT size for chroma block in I slice should be smaller than or equal to CTUSize");
-  xConfirmPara( (m_iSourceWidth  % (std::max(8u, m_log2MinCuSize))) != 0,                   "Resulting coded frame width must be a multiple of Max(8, the minimum CU size)");
-  xConfirmPara( (m_iSourceHeight % (std::max(8u, m_log2MinCuSize))) != 0,                   "Resulting coded frame height must be a multiple of Max(8, the minimum CU size)");
+  xConfirmPara( (m_sourceWidth  % (std::max(8u, m_log2MinCuSize))) != 0,                   "Resulting coded frame width must be a multiple of Max(8, the minimum CU size)");
+  xConfirmPara( (m_sourceHeight % (std::max(8u, m_log2MinCuSize))) != 0,                   "Resulting coded frame height must be a multiple of Max(8, the minimum CU size)");
   if (m_uiMaxMTTHierarchyDepthI == 0)
     xConfirmPara(m_uiMaxBT[0] != m_uiMinQT[0], "MaxBTLumaISlice shall be equal to MinQTLumaISlice when MaxMTTHierarchyDepthISliceL is 0.");
@@ -2985,11 +2988,11 @@ bool EncAppCfg::xCheckParameter()
-  xConfirmPara( m_iSourceWidth  % SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0, "Picture width must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
-  xConfirmPara( m_iSourceHeight % SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0, "Picture height must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
+  xConfirmPara( m_sourceWidth  % SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0, "Picture width must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
+  xConfirmPara( m_sourceHeight % SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0, "Picture height must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
-  xConfirmPara( m_aiPad[0] % SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0, "Horizontal padding must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
-  xConfirmPara( m_aiPad[1] % SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0, "Vertical padding must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
+  xConfirmPara( m_sourcePadding[0] % SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0, "Horizontal padding must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
+  xConfirmPara( m_sourcePadding[1] % SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0, "Vertical padding must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
   xConfirmPara( m_confWinLeft   % SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0, "Left conformance window offset must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
   xConfirmPara( m_confWinRight  % SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0, "Right conformance window offset must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
@@ -3427,8 +3430,8 @@ bool EncAppCfg::xCheckParameter()
     uint32_t colIdx, rowIdx;
     uint32_t remSize;
-    pps.setPicWidthInLumaSamples( m_iSourceWidth );
-    pps.setPicHeightInLumaSamples( m_iSourceHeight );
+    pps.setPicWidthInLumaSamples( m_sourceWidth );
+    pps.setPicHeightInLumaSamples( m_sourceHeight );
     pps.setLog2CtuSize( floorLog2(m_uiCTUSize) );
     // set default tile column if not provided
@@ -3904,8 +3907,8 @@ void EncAppCfg::xPrintParameter()
   msg( DETAILS, "Input          File                    : %s\n", m_inputFileName.c_str() );
   msg( DETAILS, "Bitstream      File                    : %s\n", m_bitstreamFileName.c_str() );
   msg( DETAILS, "Reconstruction File                    : %s\n", m_reconFileName.c_str() );
-  msg( DETAILS, "Real     Format                        : %dx%d %gHz\n", m_iSourceWidth - m_confWinLeft - m_confWinRight, m_iSourceHeight - m_confWinTop - m_confWinBottom, (double)m_iFrameRate / m_temporalSubsampleRatio );
-  msg( DETAILS, "Internal Format                        : %dx%d %gHz\n", m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeight, (double)m_iFrameRate / m_temporalSubsampleRatio );
+  msg( DETAILS, "Real     Format                        : %dx%d %gHz\n", m_sourceWidth - m_confWinLeft - m_confWinRight, m_sourceHeight - m_confWinTop - m_confWinBottom, (double)m_iFrameRate / m_temporalSubsampleRatio );
+  msg( DETAILS, "Internal Format                        : %dx%d %gHz\n", m_sourceWidth, m_sourceHeight, (double)m_iFrameRate / m_temporalSubsampleRatio );
   msg( DETAILS, "Sequence PSNR output                   : %s\n", ( m_printMSEBasedSequencePSNR ? "Linear average, MSE-based" : "Linear average only" ) );
   msg( DETAILS, "Hexadecimal PSNR output                : %s\n", ( m_printHexPsnr ? "Enabled" : "Disabled" ) );
   msg( DETAILS, "Sequence MSE output                    : %s\n", ( m_printSequenceMSE ? "Enabled" : "Disabled" ) );
@@ -4092,7 +4095,7 @@ void EncAppCfg::xPrintParameter()
   msg( VERBOSE, "WPP:%d ", (int)m_useWeightedPred);
   msg( VERBOSE, "WPB:%d ", (int)m_useWeightedBiPred);
   msg( VERBOSE, "PME:%d ", m_log2ParallelMergeLevel);
-  const int iWaveFrontSubstreams = m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag ? (m_iSourceHeight + m_uiMaxCUHeight - 1) / m_uiMaxCUHeight : 1;
+  const int iWaveFrontSubstreams = m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag ? (m_sourceHeight + m_uiMaxCUHeight - 1) / m_uiMaxCUHeight : 1;
   msg( VERBOSE, " WaveFrontSynchro:%d WaveFrontSubstreams:%d", m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag?1:0, iWaveFrontSubstreams);
   msg( VERBOSE, " ScalingList:%d ", m_useScalingListId );
   msg( VERBOSE, "TMVPMode:%d ", m_TMVPModeId );
diff --git a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h
index 0e9af316f2959d6cdf81505016d128422b94e697..2461c99863d45d433180bff3fb00036bd2354c01 100644
--- a/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h
+++ b/source/App/EncoderApp/EncAppCfg.h
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ protected:
   int       m_iFrameRate;                                     ///< source frame-rates (Hz)
   uint32_t      m_FrameSkip;                                      ///< number of skipped frames from the beginning
   uint32_t      m_temporalSubsampleRatio;                         ///< temporal subsample ratio, 2 means code every two frames
-  int       m_iSourceWidth;                                   ///< source width in pixel
-  int       m_iSourceHeight;                                  ///< source height in pixel (when interlaced = field height)
+  int       m_sourceWidth;                                   ///< source width in pixel
+  int       m_sourceHeight;                                  ///< source height in pixel (when interlaced = field height)
   int       m_inputFileWidth;                                 ///< width of image in input file  (this is equivalent to sourceWidth,  if sourceWidth  is not subsequently altered due to padding)
   int       m_inputFileHeight;                                ///< height of image in input file (this is equivalent to sourceHeight, if sourceHeight is not subsequently altered due to padding)
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ protected:
   int       m_confWinRight;
   int       m_confWinTop;
   int       m_confWinBottom;
+  int       m_sourcePadding[2];                                       ///< number of padded pixels for width and height
   int       m_framesToBeEncoded;                              ///< number of encoded frames
-  int       m_aiPad[2];                                       ///< number of padded pixels for width and height
   bool      m_AccessUnitDelimiter;                            ///< add Access Unit Delimiter NAL units
   bool      m_enablePictureHeaderInSliceHeader;               ///< Enable Picture Header in Slice Header
   InputColourSpaceConversion m_inputColourSpaceConvert;       ///< colour space conversion to apply to input video
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h
index d4380404858ceef3f820c5cde1b1ca82cd60984e..118d0a36784d4b88e5252bb93fa4f23911e12915 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncCfg.h
@@ -161,9 +161,10 @@ protected:
   int       m_iFrameRate;
   int       m_FrameSkip;
   uint32_t      m_temporalSubsampleRatio;
-  int       m_iSourceWidth;
-  int       m_iSourceHeight;
+  int       m_sourceWidth;
+  int       m_sourceHeight;
   Window    m_conformanceWindow;
+  int       m_sourcePadding[2];
   int       m_framesToBeEncoded;
   double    m_adLambdaModifier[ MAX_TLAYER ];
   std::vector<double> m_adIntraLambdaModifier;
@@ -277,7 +278,6 @@ protected:
   int       m_intraQPOffset;                    ///< QP offset for intra slice (integer)
   int       m_lambdaFromQPEnable;               ///< enable lambda derivation from QP
-  int       m_aiPad[2];
   bool      m_AccessUnitDelimiter;               ///< add Access Unit Delimiter NAL units
   bool      m_enablePictureHeaderInSliceHeader;  ///< Enable Picture Header in Slice Header
@@ -912,8 +912,8 @@ public:
   void      setFrameRate                    ( int   i )      { m_iFrameRate = i; }
   void      setFrameSkip                    ( uint32_t  i )      { m_FrameSkip = i; }
   void      setTemporalSubsampleRatio       ( uint32_t  i )      { m_temporalSubsampleRatio = i; }
-  void      setSourceWidth                  ( int   i )      { m_iSourceWidth = i; }
-  void      setSourceHeight                 ( int   i )      { m_iSourceHeight = i; }
+  void      setSourceWidth                  ( int   i )      { m_sourceWidth = i; }
+  void      setSourceHeight                 ( int   i )      { m_sourceHeight = i; }
   Window   &getConformanceWindow()                           { return m_conformanceWindow; }
   void      setConformanceWindow (int confLeft, int confRight, int confTop, int confBottom ) { m_conformanceWindow.setWindow (confLeft, confRight, confTop, confBottom); }
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ public:
   void      setChromaQpMappingTableParams   (const ChromaQpMappingTableParams &params) { m_chromaQpMappingTableParams = params; }
-  void      setPad                          ( int*  iPad                   )      { for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) m_aiPad[i] = iPad[i]; }
+  void      setSourcePadding                ( int*  padding)                { for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) m_sourcePadding[i] = padding[i]; }
   int       getMaxRefPicNum                 ()                              { return m_iMaxRefPicNum;           }
   void      setMaxRefPicNum                 ( int iMaxRefPicNum )           { m_iMaxRefPicNum = iMaxRefPicNum;  }
@@ -1312,8 +1312,8 @@ public:
   int       getFrameRate                    () const     { return  m_iFrameRate; }
   uint32_t      getFrameSkip                    () const     { return  m_FrameSkip; }
   uint32_t      getTemporalSubsampleRatio       () const     { return  m_temporalSubsampleRatio; }
-  int       getSourceWidth                  () const     { return  m_iSourceWidth; }
-  int       getSourceHeight                 () const     { return  m_iSourceHeight; }
+  int       getSourceWidth                  () const     { return  m_sourceWidth; }
+  int       getSourceHeight                 () const     { return  m_sourceHeight; }
   int       getFramesToBeEncoded            () const     { return  m_framesToBeEncoded; }
   //====== Lambda Modifiers ========
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ public:
   int       getBaseQP                       ()       { return  m_iQP; }
-  int       getPad                          ( int i )      { CHECK(i >= 2, "Invalid index");                      return  m_aiPad[i]; }
+  int       getSourcePadding                ( int i ) { CHECK(i >= 2, "Invalid index"); return  m_sourcePadding[i]; }
   bool      getAccessUnitDelimiter() const  { return m_AccessUnitDelimiter; }
   void      setAccessUnitDelimiter(bool val){ m_AccessUnitDelimiter = val; }
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncGOP.cpp b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncGOP.cpp
index 210b55010b13193554a0f1b28afbcc2b915b0837..20b9d1084774e5d2e4ab7d97af8e1a930355b841 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncGOP.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncGOP.cpp
@@ -4353,8 +4353,8 @@ void EncGOP::xCalculateAddPSNR(Picture* pcPic, PelUnitBuf cPicD, const AccessUni
     CHECK(!( p.width  == o.width), "Unspecified error");
     CHECK(!( p.height == o.height), "Unspecified error");
-    int padX = m_pcEncLib->getPad( 0 );
-    int padY = m_pcEncLib->getPad( 1 );
+    int padX = m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding( 0 );
+    int padY = m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding( 1 );
     // when RPR is enabled, picture padding is picture specific due to possible different picture resoluitons, however only full resolution padding is stored in EncLib
     // get per picture padding from the conformance window, in this case if conformance window is set not equal to the padding then PSNR results may be inaccurate
@@ -4400,8 +4400,8 @@ void EncGOP::xCalculateAddPSNR(Picture* pcPic, PelUnitBuf cPicD, const AccessUni
       const CPelBuf& upscaledOrg = (sps.getUseLmcs() || m_pcCfg->getGopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled()) ? pcPic->M_BUFS( 0, PIC_TRUE_ORIGINAL_INPUT).get( compID ) : pcPic->M_BUFS( 0, PIC_ORIGINAL_INPUT).get( compID );
-      const uint32_t upscaledWidth = upscaledOrg.width - ( m_pcEncLib->getPad( 0 ) >> ::getComponentScaleX( compID, format ) );
-      const uint32_t upscaledHeight = upscaledOrg.height - ( m_pcEncLib->getPad( 1 ) >> ( !!bPicIsField + ::getComponentScaleY( compID, format ) ) );
+      const uint32_t upscaledWidth = upscaledOrg.width - ( m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding( 0 ) >> ::getComponentScaleX( compID, format ) );
+      const uint32_t upscaledHeight = upscaledOrg.height - ( m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding( 1 ) >> ( !!bPicIsField + ::getComponentScaleY( compID, format ) ) );
       // create new buffers with correct dimensions
       const CPelBuf upscaledRecPB( upscaledRec.get( compID ).bufAt( 0, 0 ), upscaledRec.get( compID ).stride, upscaledWidth, upscaledHeight );
@@ -4998,8 +4998,8 @@ void EncGOP::xCalculateInterlacedAddPSNR( Picture* pcPicOrgFirstField, Picture*
     CHECK(!(acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).height==acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).height), "Unspecified error");
     uint64_t uiSSDtemp=0;
-    const uint32_t width    = acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).width - (m_pcEncLib->getPad(0) >> ::getComponentScaleX(ch, format));
-    const uint32_t height   = acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).height - ((m_pcEncLib->getPad(1) >> 1) >> ::getComponentScaleY(ch, format));
+    const uint32_t width    = acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).width - (m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding(0) >> ::getComponentScaleX(ch, format));
+    const uint32_t height   = acPicRecFields[0].get(ch).height - ((m_pcEncLib->getSourcePadding(1) >> 1) >> ::getComponentScaleY(ch, format));
     const uint32_t bitDepth = sps.getBitDepth(toChannelType(ch));
     double sumOverFieldsMSSSIM = 0;
diff --git a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp
index 06607866a729df46835c3d7f048adc1ee38b0124..d13a3ca808890417600e2937b121fd1e374ac15a 100644
--- a/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/EncoderLib/EncLib.cpp
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ void EncLib::create( const int layerId )
   if ( m_RCEnableRateControl )
-    m_cRateCtrl.init(m_framesToBeEncoded, m_RCTargetBitrate, (int)((double)m_iFrameRate / m_temporalSubsampleRatio + 0.5), m_iGOPSize, m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeight,
+    m_cRateCtrl.init(m_framesToBeEncoded, m_RCTargetBitrate, (int)((double)m_iFrameRate / m_temporalSubsampleRatio + 0.5), m_iGOPSize, m_sourceWidth, m_sourceHeight,
       m_maxCUWidth, m_maxCUHeight, getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit, m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel, m_GOPList);
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ void EncLib::init(AUWriterIf *auWriterIf)
   m_cRdCost.setCostMode ( m_costMode );
   // initialize PPS
-  pps0.setPicWidthInLumaSamples( m_iSourceWidth );
-  pps0.setPicHeightInLumaSamples( m_iSourceHeight );
+  pps0.setPicWidthInLumaSamples( m_sourceWidth );
+  pps0.setPicHeightInLumaSamples( m_sourceHeight );
   if (pps0.getPicWidthInLumaSamples() == sps0.getMaxPicWidthInLumaSamples() && pps0.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() == sps0.getMaxPicHeightInLumaSamples())
     pps0.setConformanceWindow( sps0.getConformanceWindow() );
@@ -1142,12 +1142,12 @@ void EncLib::xInitSPS( SPS& sps )
-  sps.setMaxPicWidthInLumaSamples( m_iSourceWidth );
-  sps.setMaxPicHeightInLumaSamples( m_iSourceHeight );
+  sps.setMaxPicWidthInLumaSamples( m_sourceWidth );
+  sps.setMaxPicHeightInLumaSamples( m_sourceHeight );
   if (m_resChangeInClvsEnabled)
-    int maxPicWidth = std::max(m_iSourceWidth, (int)((double)m_iSourceWidth / m_scalingRatioHor + 0.5));
-    int maxPicHeight = std::max(m_iSourceHeight, (int)((double)m_iSourceHeight / m_scalingRatioVer + 0.5));
+    int maxPicWidth = std::max(m_sourceWidth, (int)((double)m_sourceWidth / m_scalingRatioHor + 0.5));
+    int maxPicHeight = std::max(m_sourceHeight, (int)((double)m_sourceHeight / m_scalingRatioVer + 0.5));
     const int minCuSize = std::max(8, 1 << m_log2MinCUSize);
     if (maxPicWidth % minCuSize)
@@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ void EncLib::xInitSPS( SPS& sps )
     if (m_subPicSameSizeFlag)
-      uint32_t numSubpicCols = (m_iSourceWidth + m_CTUSize - 1) / m_CTUSize / m_subPicWidth[0];
+      uint32_t numSubpicCols = (m_sourceWidth + m_CTUSize - 1) / m_CTUSize / m_subPicWidth[0];
       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_numSubPics; i++)
         sps.setSubPicCtuTopLeftX(i, (i % numSubpicCols) * m_subPicWidth[0]);
@@ -1386,8 +1386,8 @@ void EncLib::xInitSPS( SPS& sps )
     sps.setSubPicCtuTopLeftX(0, 0);
     sps.setSubPicCtuTopLeftY(0, 0);
-    sps.setSubPicWidth(0, m_iSourceWidth);
-    sps.setSubPicHeight(0, m_iSourceHeight);
+    sps.setSubPicWidth(0, m_sourceWidth);
+    sps.setSubPicHeight(0, m_sourceHeight);
     sps.setSubPicTreatedAsPicFlag(0, 1);
     sps.setLoopFilterAcrossSubpicEnabledFlag(0, 0);