/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2019, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file Reshape.cpp \brief common reshaper class */ #include "Reshape.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #if JVET_M0427_INLOOP_RESHAPER //! \ingroup CommonLib //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Constructor / destructor / create / destroy // ==================================================================================================================== Reshape::Reshape() { m_CTUFlag = false; m_recReshaped = false; m_reshape = true; } Reshape::~Reshape() { } void Reshape::createDec(int bitDepth) { m_lumaBD = bitDepth; m_reshapeLUTSize = 1 << m_lumaBD; m_initCW = m_reshapeLUTSize / PIC_CODE_CW_BINS; if (m_fwdLUT.empty()) m_fwdLUT.resize(m_reshapeLUTSize, 0); if (m_invLUT.empty()) m_invLUT.resize(m_reshapeLUTSize, 0); if (m_binCW.empty()) m_binCW.resize(PIC_CODE_CW_BINS, 0); if (m_reshapePivot.empty()) m_reshapePivot.resize(PIC_CODE_CW_BINS + 1, 0); if (m_chromaAdjHelpLUT.empty()) m_chromaAdjHelpLUT.resize(PIC_CODE_CW_BINS, 1<<CSCALE_FP_PREC); } void Reshape::destroy() { } /** -Perform inverse of a one dimension LUT \param InputLUT describing the input LUT \retval OutputLUT describing the inversed LUT of InputLUT \param lut_size size of LUT in number of samples */ void Reshape::reverseLUT(std::vector<Pel>& inputLUT, std::vector<Pel>& outputLUT, uint16_t lutSize) { int i, j; outputLUT[m_reshapePivot[m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx]] = m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx*m_initCW; for (i = m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx; i <= m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx; i++) { int16_t X1 = m_reshapePivot[i]; int16_t X2 = m_reshapePivot[i + 1]; outputLUT[X2] = (i + 1)*m_initCW; int16_t Y1 = outputLUT[X1]; int16_t Y2 = outputLUT[X2]; if (X2 !=X1) { int32_t scale = (int32_t)(Y2 - Y1) * (1 << FP_PREC) / (int32_t)(X2 - X1); for (j = X1 + 1; j < X2; j++) { outputLUT[j] = (Pel)((scale*(int32_t)(j - X1) + (1 << (FP_PREC - 1))) >> FP_PREC) + Y1; } } } for (i = 0; i < m_reshapePivot[m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx]; i++) outputLUT[i] = outputLUT[m_reshapePivot[m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx]]; for (i = m_reshapePivot[m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx + 1]; i < m_reshapeLUTSize; i++) outputLUT[i] = outputLUT[m_reshapePivot[m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx + 1]]; bool clipRange = ((m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx > 0) && (m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx < (PIC_CODE_CW_BINS - 1))); for (i = 0; i < lutSize; i++) { if (clipRange) outputLUT[i] = Clip3((Pel)(16<<(m_lumaBD-8)), (Pel)(235<<(m_lumaBD-8)), outputLUT[i]); else outputLUT[i] = Clip3((Pel)0, (Pel)((1<<m_lumaBD)-1), outputLUT[i]); } } /** compute chroma residuce scale for TU * \param average luma pred of TU * \return chroma residue scale */ int Reshape::calculateChromaAdj(Pel avgLuma) { int lumaIdx = Clip3<int>(0, (1<<m_lumaBD) - 1, avgLuma); int iAdj = m_chromaAdjHelpLUT[getPWLIdxInv(lumaIdx)]; return(iAdj); } /** find inx of PWL for inverse mapping * \param average luma pred of TU * \return idx of PWL for inverse mapping */ int Reshape::getPWLIdxInv(int lumaVal) { int idxS = 0; if (lumaVal < m_reshapePivot[m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx + 1]) return m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx; else if (lumaVal >= m_reshapePivot[m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx]) return m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx; else { for (idxS = m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx; (idxS < m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx); idxS++) { if (lumaVal < m_reshapePivot[idxS + 1]) break; } return idxS; } } /** -copy Slice reshaper info structure \param tInfo describing the target Slice reshaper info structure \param sInfo describing the source Slice reshaper info structure */ void Reshape::copySliceReshaperInfo(SliceReshapeInfo& tInfo, SliceReshapeInfo& sInfo) { tInfo.sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag = sInfo.sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag; if (sInfo.sliceReshaperModelPresentFlag) { tInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx = sInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx; tInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx = sInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx; memcpy(tInfo.reshaperModelBinCWDelta, sInfo.reshaperModelBinCWDelta, sizeof(int)*(PIC_CODE_CW_BINS)); tInfo.maxNbitsNeededDeltaCW = sInfo.maxNbitsNeededDeltaCW; } tInfo.sliceReshaperEnableFlag = sInfo.sliceReshaperEnableFlag; if (sInfo.sliceReshaperEnableFlag) tInfo.enableChromaAdj = sInfo.enableChromaAdj; else tInfo.enableChromaAdj = 0; } /** Construct reshaper from syntax * \param void * \return void */ void Reshape::constructReshaper() { int pwlFwdLUTsize = PIC_CODE_CW_BINS; int pwlFwdBinLen = m_reshapeLUTSize / PIC_CODE_CW_BINS; for (int i = 0; i < m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx; i++) m_binCW[i] = 0; for (int i = m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx + 1; i < PIC_CODE_CW_BINS; i++) m_binCW[i] = 0; for (int i = m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx; i <= m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx; i++) m_binCW[i] = (uint16_t)(m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelBinCWDelta[i] + (int)m_initCW); for (int i = 0; i < pwlFwdLUTsize; i++) { m_reshapePivot[i + 1] = m_reshapePivot[i] + m_binCW[i]; int16_t Y1 = m_reshapePivot[i]; int16_t Y2 = m_reshapePivot[i + 1]; m_fwdLUT[i*pwlFwdBinLen] = Clip3((Pel)0, (Pel)((1 << m_lumaBD) - 1), (Pel)Y1); int log2PwlFwdBinLen = g_aucLog2[pwlFwdBinLen]; int32_t scale = ((int32_t)(Y2 - Y1) * (1 << FP_PREC) + (1 << (log2PwlFwdBinLen - 1))) >> (log2PwlFwdBinLen); for (int j = 1; j < pwlFwdBinLen; j++) { int tempVal = Y1 + (((int32_t)scale * (int32_t)j + (1 << (FP_PREC - 1))) >> FP_PREC); m_fwdLUT[i*pwlFwdBinLen + j] = Clip3((Pel)0, (Pel)((1 << m_lumaBD) - 1), (Pel)tempVal); } } reverseLUT(m_fwdLUT, m_invLUT, m_reshapeLUTSize); updateChromaScaleLUT(); } /** generate chroma residue scaling LUT * \param void * \return void */ void Reshape::updateChromaScaleLUT() { const int16_t CW_bin_SC_LUT[2 * PIC_ANALYZE_CW_BINS] = { 16384, 16384, 16384, 16384, 16384, 16384, 16384, 8192, 8192, 8192, 8192, 5461, 5461, 5461, 5461, 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 3277, 3277, 3277, 3277, 2731, 2731, 2731, 2731, 2341, 2341, 2341, 2048, 2048, 2048, 1820, 1820, 1820, 1638, 1638, 1638, 1638, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1260, 1260, 1260, 1260, 1170, 1170, 1170, 1170, 1092, 1092, 1092, 1092, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024 }; //p=11 for (int i = 0; i < PIC_CODE_CW_BINS; i++) { uint16_t binCW = m_lumaBD > 10 ? (m_binCW[i] >> (m_lumaBD - 10)) : m_lumaBD < 10 ? (m_binCW[i] << (10 -m_lumaBD)): m_binCW[i]; if ((i < m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMinBinIdx) || (i > m_sliceReshapeInfo.reshaperModelMaxBinIdx)) m_chromaAdjHelpLUT[i] = 1 << CSCALE_FP_PREC; else m_chromaAdjHelpLUT[i] = CW_bin_SC_LUT[Clip3((uint16_t)1, (uint16_t)64, (uint16_t)(binCW >> 1)) - 1]; } } #endif // //! \}