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IntraPrediction.cpp 72.6 KiB
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      Pel *refBufUnfiltered   = m_piYuvExt[area.compID][PRED_BUF_UNFILTERED];
      Pel *refBufFiltered     = m_piYuvExt[area.compID][PRED_BUF_FILTERED];
      // ----- Step 1: unfiltered reference samples -----
      xFillReferenceSamples( cs.picture->getRecoBuf( area ), refBufUnfiltered, area, cu );
      // ----- Step 2: filtered reference samples -----
      if( bFilterRefSamples )
        xFilterReferenceSamples( refBufUnfiltered, refBufFiltered, area, *cs.sps );
    void IntraPrediction::xFillReferenceSamples( const CPelBuf &recoBuf, Pel* refBufUnfiltered, const CompArea &area, const CodingUnit &cu )
      const ChannelType      chType = toChannelType( area.compID );
      const CodingStructure &cs     = *cu.cs;
      const SPS             &sps    = *cs.sps;
      const PreCalcValues   &pcv    = *cs.pcv;
      const int  tuWidth            = area.width;
      const int  tuHeight           = area.height;
      const int  predSize           = m_topRefLength;
      const int  predHSize          = m_leftRefLength;
      const int  predStride         = predSize + 1;
      const bool noShift            = pcv.noChroma2x2 && area.width == 4; // don't shift on the lowest level (chroma not-split)
      const int  unitWidth          = pcv.minCUWidth  >> (noShift ? 0 : getComponentScaleX( area.compID, sps.getChromaFormatIdc() ));
      const int  unitHeight         = pcv.minCUHeight >> (noShift ? 0 : getComponentScaleY( area.compID, sps.getChromaFormatIdc() ));
      const int  totalAboveUnits    = (predSize + (unitWidth - 1)) / unitWidth;
      const int  totalLeftUnits     = (predHSize + (unitHeight - 1)) / unitHeight;
      const int  totalUnits         = totalAboveUnits + totalLeftUnits + 1; //+1 for top-left
      const int  numAboveUnits      = std::max<int>( tuWidth / unitWidth, 1 );
      const int  numLeftUnits       = std::max<int>( tuHeight / unitHeight, 1 );
      const int  numAboveRightUnits = totalAboveUnits - numAboveUnits;
      const int  numLeftBelowUnits  = totalLeftUnits - numLeftUnits;
      CHECK( numAboveUnits <= 0 || numLeftUnits <= 0 || numAboveRightUnits <= 0 || numLeftBelowUnits <= 0, "Size not supported" );
      // ----- Step 1: analyze neighborhood -----
      const Position posLT          = area;
      const Position posRT          = area.topRight();
      const Position posLB          = area.bottomLeft();
      bool  neighborFlags[4 * MAX_NUM_PART_IDXS_IN_CTU_WIDTH + 1];
      int   numIntraNeighbor = 0;
      memset( neighborFlags, 0, totalUnits );
      neighborFlags[totalLeftUnits] = isAboveLeftAvailable( cu, chType, posLT );
      numIntraNeighbor += neighborFlags[totalLeftUnits] ? 1 : 0;
      numIntraNeighbor += isAboveAvailable     ( cu, chType, posLT, numAboveUnits,      unitWidth,  (neighborFlags + totalLeftUnits + 1) );
      numIntraNeighbor += isAboveRightAvailable( cu, chType, posRT, numAboveRightUnits, unitWidth,  (neighborFlags + totalLeftUnits + 1 + numAboveUnits) );
      numIntraNeighbor += isLeftAvailable      ( cu, chType, posLT, numLeftUnits,       unitHeight, (neighborFlags + totalLeftUnits - 1) );
      numIntraNeighbor += isBelowLeftAvailable ( cu, chType, posLB, numLeftBelowUnits,  unitHeight, (neighborFlags + totalLeftUnits - 1 - numLeftUnits) );
      // ----- Step 2: fill reference samples (depending on neighborhood) -----
      CHECK((predHSize + 1) * predStride > m_iYuvExtSize, "Reference sample area not supported");
      const Pel*  srcBuf    = recoBuf.buf;
      const int   srcStride = recoBuf.stride;
            Pel*  ptrDst    = refBufUnfiltered;
      const Pel*  ptrSrc;
      const Pel   valueDC   = 1 << (sps.getBitDepth( chType ) - 1);
      if( numIntraNeighbor == 0 )
        // Fill border with DC value
        for( int j = 0; j <= predSize; j++ ) { ptrDst[j]            = valueDC; }
        for( int i = 1; i <= predHSize; i++ ) { ptrDst[i*predStride] = valueDC; }
      else if( numIntraNeighbor == totalUnits )
        // Fill top-left border and top and top right with rec. samples
        ptrSrc = srcBuf - srcStride - 1;
        for( int j = 0; j <= predSize; j++ ) { ptrDst[j] = ptrSrc[j]; }
        // Fill left and below left border with rec. samples
        ptrSrc = srcBuf - 1;
        for( int i = 1; i <= predHSize; i++ ) { ptrDst[i*predStride] = *(ptrSrc); ptrSrc += srcStride; }
      else // reference samples are partially available
        // BB: old implementation using tmpLineBuf
        // ---------------------------------------
        Pel  tmpLineBuf[5 * MAX_CU_SIZE];
        Pel* ptrTmp;
        int  unitIdx;
        // Initialize
        const int totalSamples = (totalLeftUnits * unitHeight) + ((totalAboveUnits + 1) * unitWidth); // all above units have "unitWidth" samples each, all left/below-left units have "unitHeight" samples each
        for( int k = 0; k < totalSamples; k++ ) { tmpLineBuf[k] = valueDC; }
        // Fill top-left sample
        ptrSrc = srcBuf - srcStride - 1;
        ptrTmp = tmpLineBuf + (totalLeftUnits * unitHeight);
        unitIdx = totalLeftUnits;
        if( neighborFlags[unitIdx] )
          Pel topLeftVal = ptrSrc[0];
          for( int j = 0; j < unitWidth; j++ ) { ptrTmp[j] = topLeftVal; }
        // Fill left & below-left samples (downwards)
        ptrSrc += srcStride;
        for( int k = 0; k < totalLeftUnits; k++ )
          if( neighborFlags[unitIdx] )
            for( int i = 0; i < unitHeight; i++ ) { ptrTmp[-i] = ptrSrc[i*srcStride]; }
          ptrSrc += unitHeight*srcStride;
          ptrTmp -= unitHeight;
        // Fill above & above-right samples (left-to-right) (each unit has "unitWidth" samples)
        ptrSrc = srcBuf - srcStride;
        ptrTmp = tmpLineBuf + (totalLeftUnits * unitHeight) + unitWidth; // offset line buffer by totalLeftUnits*unitHeight (for left/below-left) + unitWidth (for above-left)
        unitIdx = totalLeftUnits + 1;
        for( int k = 0; k < totalAboveUnits; k++ )
          if( neighborFlags[unitIdx] )
            for( int j = 0; j < unitWidth; j++ ) { ptrTmp[j] = ptrSrc[j]; }
          ptrSrc += unitWidth;
          ptrTmp += unitWidth;
        // Pad reference samples when necessary
        int  currUnit       = 0;
        Pel* ptrTmpCurrUnit = tmpLineBuf;
        if( !neighborFlags[0] )
          int nextUnit = 1;
          while( nextUnit < totalUnits && !neighborFlags[nextUnit] )
          Pel* ptrTmpRef = tmpLineBuf + ((nextUnit < totalLeftUnits) ? (nextUnit * unitHeight) : ((totalLeftUnits * (unitHeight - unitWidth)) + (nextUnit * unitWidth)));
          const Pel refSample = *ptrTmpRef;
          // Pad unavailable samples with new value
          // fill left column
          while( currUnit < std::min<int>( nextUnit, totalLeftUnits ) )
            for( int i = 0; i < unitHeight; i++ ) { ptrTmpCurrUnit[i] = refSample; }
            ptrTmpCurrUnit += unitHeight;
          // fill top row
          while( currUnit < nextUnit )
            for( int j = 0; j < unitWidth; j++ ) { ptrTmpCurrUnit[j] = refSample; }
            ptrTmpCurrUnit += unitWidth;
        // pad all other reference samples.
        while( currUnit < totalUnits )
          const int numSamplesInCurrUnit = (currUnit >= totalLeftUnits) ? unitWidth : unitHeight;
          if( !neighborFlags[currUnit] ) // samples not available
            const Pel refSample = *(ptrTmpCurrUnit - 1);
            for( int k = 0; k < numSamplesInCurrUnit; k++ ) { ptrTmpCurrUnit[k] = refSample; }
          ptrTmpCurrUnit += numSamplesInCurrUnit;
        // Copy processed samples
        ptrTmp = tmpLineBuf + (totalLeftUnits * unitHeight) + (unitWidth - 1);
        for( int j = 0; j <= predSize; j++ ) { ptrDst[j] = ptrTmp[j]; } // top left, top and top right samples
        ptrTmp = tmpLineBuf + (totalLeftUnits * unitHeight);
        for( int i = 1; i <= predHSize; i++ ) { ptrDst[i*predStride] = ptrTmp[-i]; }
    void IntraPrediction::xFilterReferenceSamples( const Pel* refBufUnfiltered, Pel* refBufFiltered, const CompArea &area, const SPS &sps )
      const int  predSize   = m_topRefLength;
      const int  predHSize  = m_leftRefLength;
      const int  predStride = predSize + 1;
      // Strong intra smoothing
      ChannelType chType = toChannelType( area.compID );
      if( sps.getUseStrongIntraSmoothing() && isLuma( chType ) )
        const Pel bottomLeft = refBufUnfiltered[predStride * predHSize];
        const Pel topLeft    = refBufUnfiltered[0];
        const Pel topRight   = refBufUnfiltered[predSize];
        const int  threshold     = 1 << (sps.getBitDepth( chType ) - 5);
        const bool bilinearLeft  = abs( (bottomLeft + topLeft)  - (2 * refBufUnfiltered[predStride * tuHeight]) ) < threshold; //difference between the
        const bool bilinearAbove = abs( (topLeft    + topRight) - (2 * refBufUnfiltered[             tuWidth ]) ) < threshold; //ends and the middle
        if( tuWidth >= 32 && tuHeight >= 32 && bilinearLeft && bilinearAbove )
        if( tuWidth > 32 && tuHeight > 32 )
        if( tuWidth < 64 && tuHeight < 64 )
          Pel *piDestPtr = refBufFiltered + (predStride * predHSize); // bottom left
          // apply strong intra smoothing
          for (int i = 0; i < predHSize; i++, piDestPtr -= predStride) //left column (bottom to top)
            *piDestPtr = (((predHSize - i) * bottomLeft) + (i * topLeft) + predHSize / 2) / predHSize;
          for( uint32_t i = 0; i <= predSize; i++, piDestPtr++ )            //full top row (left-to-right)
            *piDestPtr = (((predSize - i) * topLeft) + (i * topRight) + predSize / 2) / predSize;
      // Regular reference sample filter
      const Pel *piSrcPtr  = refBufUnfiltered + (predStride * predHSize); // bottom left
            Pel *piDestPtr = refBufFiltered   + (predStride * predHSize); // bottom left
      // bottom left (not filtered)
      *piDestPtr = *piSrcPtr;
      piDestPtr -= predStride;
      piSrcPtr  -= predStride;
      //left column (bottom to top)
      for( int i = 1; i < predHSize; i++, piDestPtr -= predStride, piSrcPtr -= predStride)
        *piDestPtr = (piSrcPtr[predStride] + 2 * piSrcPtr[0] + piSrcPtr[-predStride] + 2) >> 2;
      *piDestPtr = (piSrcPtr[predStride] + 2 * piSrcPtr[0] + piSrcPtr[1] + 2) >> 2;
      //top row (left-to-right)
      for( uint32_t i=1; i < predSize; i++, piDestPtr++, piSrcPtr++ )
        *piDestPtr = (piSrcPtr[1] + 2 * piSrcPtr[0] + piSrcPtr[-1] + 2) >> 2;
      // top right (not filtered)
    bool IntraPrediction::useFilteredIntraRefSamples( const ComponentID &compID, const PredictionUnit &pu, bool modeSpecific, const UnitArea &tuArea )
      const SPS         &sps    = *pu.cs->sps;
      const ChannelType  chType = toChannelType( compID );
      // high level conditions
      if( sps.getSpsRangeExtension().getIntraSmoothingDisabledFlag() )                                       { return false; }
      if( !isLuma( chType ) && pu.chromaFormat != CHROMA_444 )                                               { return false; }
      if( !modeSpecific )                                                                                    { return true; }
      // pred. mode related conditions
      const int dirMode = PU::getFinalIntraMode( pu, chType );
      int predMode = getWideAngle(tuArea.blocks[compID].width, tuArea.blocks[compID].height, dirMode);
      if (predMode != dirMode && (predMode < 2 || predMode > VDIA_IDX))                                      { return true; }
      if (dirMode == DC_IDX)                                                                                 { return false; }
      if (dirMode == PLANAR_IDX)
        return tuArea.blocks[compID].width * tuArea.blocks[compID].height > 32 ? true : false;
      int diff = std::min<int>( abs( dirMode - HOR_IDX ), abs( dirMode - VER_IDX ) );
      int log2Size = ((g_aucLog2[tuArea.blocks[compID].width] + g_aucLog2[tuArea.blocks[compID].height]) >> 1);
      CHECK( log2Size >= MAX_INTRA_FILTER_DEPTHS, "Size not supported" );
      return (diff > m_aucIntraFilter[chType][log2Size]);
    bool isAboveLeftAvailable(const CodingUnit &cu, const ChannelType &chType, const Position &posLT)
      const CodingStructure& cs = *cu.cs;
      const Position refPos = posLT.offset(-1, -1);
      const CodingUnit* pcCUAboveLeft = cs.isDecomp( refPos, chType ) ? cs.getCURestricted( refPos, cu, chType ) : nullptr;
      const bool isConstrained = cs.pps->getConstrainedIntraPred();
      bool bAboveLeftFlag;
      if (isConstrained)
        bAboveLeftFlag = pcCUAboveLeft && CU::isIntra(*pcCUAboveLeft);
        bAboveLeftFlag = (pcCUAboveLeft ? true : false);
      return bAboveLeftFlag;
    int isAboveAvailable(const CodingUnit &cu, const ChannelType &chType, const Position &posLT, const uint32_t uiNumUnitsInPU, const uint32_t unitWidth, bool *bValidFlags)
      const CodingStructure& cs = *cu.cs;
      const bool isConstrained = cs.pps->getConstrainedIntraPred();
      bool *pbValidFlags = bValidFlags;
      int iNumIntra = 0;
      int maxDx = uiNumUnitsInPU * unitWidth;
      for (uint32_t dx = 0; dx < maxDx; dx += unitWidth)
        const Position refPos = posLT.offset(dx, -1);
        const CodingUnit* pcCUAbove = cs.isDecomp(refPos, chType) ? cs.getCURestricted(refPos, cu, chType) : nullptr;
        if( pcCUAbove && ( ( isConstrained && CU::isIntra( *pcCUAbove ) ) || !isConstrained ) )
          *pbValidFlags = true;
        else if( !pcCUAbove )
          return iNumIntra;
      return iNumIntra;
    int isLeftAvailable(const CodingUnit &cu, const ChannelType &chType, const Position &posLT, const uint32_t uiNumUnitsInPU, const uint32_t unitHeight, bool *bValidFlags)
      const CodingStructure& cs = *cu.cs;
      const bool isConstrained = cs.pps->getConstrainedIntraPred();
      bool *pbValidFlags = bValidFlags;
      int iNumIntra = 0;
      int maxDy = uiNumUnitsInPU * unitHeight;
      for (uint32_t dy = 0; dy < maxDy; dy += unitHeight)
        const Position refPos = posLT.offset(-1, dy);
        const CodingUnit* pcCULeft = cs.isDecomp(refPos, chType) ? cs.getCURestricted(refPos, cu, chType) : nullptr;
        if( pcCULeft && ( ( isConstrained && CU::isIntra( *pcCULeft ) ) || !isConstrained ) )
          *pbValidFlags = true;
        else if( !pcCULeft )
          return iNumIntra;
        pbValidFlags--; // opposite direction
      return iNumIntra;
    int isAboveRightAvailable(const CodingUnit &cu, const ChannelType &chType, const Position &posRT, const uint32_t uiNumUnitsInPU, const uint32_t unitWidth, bool *bValidFlags )
      const CodingStructure& cs = *cu.cs;
      const bool isConstrained = cs.pps->getConstrainedIntraPred();
      bool *pbValidFlags = bValidFlags;
      int iNumIntra = 0;
      uint32_t maxDx = uiNumUnitsInPU * unitWidth;
      for (uint32_t dx = 0; dx < maxDx; dx += unitWidth)
        const Position refPos = posRT.offset(unitWidth + dx, -1);
        const CodingUnit* pcCUAbove = cs.isDecomp(refPos, chType) ? cs.getCURestricted(refPos, cu, chType) : nullptr;
        if( pcCUAbove && ( ( isConstrained && CU::isIntra( *pcCUAbove ) ) || !isConstrained ) )
          *pbValidFlags = true;
        else if( !pcCUAbove )
          return iNumIntra;
      return iNumIntra;
    int isBelowLeftAvailable(const CodingUnit &cu, const ChannelType &chType, const Position &posLB, const uint32_t uiNumUnitsInPU, const uint32_t unitHeight, bool *bValidFlags )
      const CodingStructure& cs = *cu.cs;
      const bool isConstrained = cs.pps->getConstrainedIntraPred();
      bool *pbValidFlags = bValidFlags;
      int iNumIntra = 0;
      int maxDy = uiNumUnitsInPU * unitHeight;
      for (uint32_t dy = 0; dy < maxDy; dy += unitHeight)
        const Position refPos = posLB.offset(-1, unitHeight + dy);
        const CodingUnit* pcCULeft = cs.isDecomp(refPos, chType) ? cs.getCURestricted(refPos, cu, chType) : nullptr;
        if( pcCULeft && ( ( isConstrained && CU::isIntra( *pcCULeft ) ) || !isConstrained ) )
          *pbValidFlags = true;
        else if ( !pcCULeft )
          return iNumIntra;
        pbValidFlags--; // opposite direction
      return iNumIntra;
    // LumaRecPixels
    void IntraPrediction::xGetLumaRecPixels(const PredictionUnit &pu, CompArea chromaArea)
      int iDstStride = 0;
      Pel* pDst0 = 0;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      int curChromaMode = pu.intraDir[1];
      if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
        iDstStride = 2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
        pDst0 = m_pMdlmTemp + iDstStride + 1;
      iDstStride = MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
      pDst0 = m_piTemp + iDstStride + 1; //MMLM_SAMPLE_NEIGHBOR_LINES;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      //assert 420 chroma subsampling
      CompArea lumaArea = CompArea( COMPONENT_Y, pu.chromaFormat, chromaArea.lumaPos(), recalcSize( pu.chromaFormat, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, chromaArea.size() ) );//needed for correct pos/size (4x4 Tus)
      CHECK( lumaArea.width  == chromaArea.width, "" );
      CHECK( lumaArea.height == chromaArea.height, "" );
      const SizeType uiCWidth = chromaArea.width;
      const SizeType uiCHeight = chromaArea.height;
      const CPelBuf Src = pu.cs->picture->getRecoBuf( lumaArea );
      Pel const* pRecSrc0   = Src.bufAt( 0, 0 );
      int iRecStride        = Src.stride;
      int iRecStride2       = iRecStride << 1;
      CodingStructure&      cs = *pu.cs;
      const CodingUnit& lumaCU = isChroma( pu.chType ) ? *pu.cs->picture->cs->getCU( lumaArea.pos(), CH_L ) : *;
      const CodingUnit&     cu = *;
      const CompArea& area = isChroma( pu.chType ) ? chromaArea : lumaArea;
      const SPS &sps = *cs.sps;
      const uint32_t uiTuWidth  = area.width;
      const uint32_t uiTuHeight = area.height;
      int iBaseUnitSize = ( 1 << MIN_CU_LOG2 );
      if( !cs.pcv->rectCUs )
        iBaseUnitSize = sps.getMaxCUWidth() >> sps.getMaxCodingDepth();
      const int  iUnitWidth       = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX( area.compID, area.chromaFormat );
      const int  iUnitHeight      = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX( area.compID, area.chromaFormat );
      const int  iTUWidthInUnits  = uiTuWidth  / iUnitWidth;
      const int  iTUHeightInUnits = uiTuHeight / iUnitHeight;
      const int  iAboveUnits      = iTUWidthInUnits;
      const int  iLeftUnits       = iTUHeightInUnits;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      const int  chromaUnitWidth = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX(COMPONENT_Cb, area.chromaFormat);
      const int  chromaUnitHeight = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX(COMPONENT_Cb, area.chromaFormat);
      const int  topTemplateSampNum = 2 * uiCWidth; // for MDLM, the number of template samples is 2W or 2H.
      const int  leftTemplateSampNum = 2 * uiCHeight;
      assert(m_topRefLength >= topTemplateSampNum);
      assert(m_leftRefLength >= leftTemplateSampNum);
      const int  totalAboveUnits = (topTemplateSampNum + (chromaUnitWidth - 1)) / chromaUnitWidth;
      const int  totalLeftUnits = (leftTemplateSampNum + (chromaUnitHeight - 1)) / chromaUnitHeight;
      const int  totalUnits = totalLeftUnits + totalAboveUnits + 1;
      const int  aboveRightUnits = totalAboveUnits - iAboveUnits;
      const int  leftBelowUnits = totalLeftUnits - iLeftUnits;
      int avaiAboveRightUnits = 0;
      int avaiLeftBelowUnits = 0;
      bool  bNeighborFlags[4 * MAX_NUM_PART_IDXS_IN_CTU_WIDTH + 1];
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      memset(bNeighborFlags, 0, totalUnits);
      memset( bNeighborFlags, 0, 1 + iLeftUnits + iAboveUnits );
      int availlableUnit = isLeftAvailable( isChroma( pu.chType ) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType( area.compID ), area.pos(), iLeftUnits, iUnitHeight,
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      ( bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits - 1 ) );
      ( bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits - 1 ) );
      if( lumaCU.cs->pcv->rectCUs )
        bLeftAvaillable = availlableUnit == iTUHeightInUnits;
        bLeftAvaillable = availlableUnit == iTUWidthInUnits;
      availlableUnit = isAboveAvailable( isChroma( pu.chType ) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType( area.compID ), area.pos(), iAboveUnits, iUnitWidth,
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      ( bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits + 1 ) );
      ( bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + 1 ) );
      if( lumaCU.cs->pcv->rectCUs )
        bAboveAvaillable = availlableUnit == iTUWidthInUnits;
        bAboveAvaillable = availlableUnit == iTUHeightInUnits;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      if (bLeftAvaillable) // if left is not available, then the below left is not available
        avaiLeftBelowUnits = isBelowLeftAvailable(isChroma(pu.chType) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType(area.compID), area.bottomLeftComp(area.compID), leftBelowUnits, iUnitHeight, (bNeighborFlags + leftBelowUnits - 1));
      if (bAboveAvaillable) // if above is not available, then  the above right is not available.
        avaiAboveRightUnits = isAboveRightAvailable(isChroma(pu.chType) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType(area.compID), area.topRightComp(area.compID), aboveRightUnits, iUnitWidth, (bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits + iAboveUnits + 1));
      Pel*       pDst  = nullptr;
      Pel const* piSrc = nullptr;
      if( bAboveAvaillable )
        pDst  = pDst0    - iDstStride;
        piSrc = pRecSrc0 - iRecStride2;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
        int addedAboveRight = 0;
        if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
          addedAboveRight = avaiAboveRightUnits*chromaUnitWidth;
        for (int i = 0; i < uiCWidth + addedAboveRight; i++)
          if( i == 0 && !bLeftAvaillable )
            pDst[i] = ( piSrc[2 * i] + piSrc[2 * i + iRecStride] + 1 ) >> 1;
            pDst[i] = ( ( ( piSrc[2 * i             ] * 2 ) + piSrc[2 * i - 1             ] + piSrc[2 * i + 1             ] )
                      + ( ( piSrc[2 * i + iRecStride] * 2 ) + piSrc[2 * i - 1 + iRecStride] + piSrc[2 * i + 1 + iRecStride] )
                      + 4 ) >> 3;
      if( bLeftAvaillable )
        pDst  = pDst0    - 1;
        piSrc = pRecSrc0 - 3;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
        int addedLeftBelow = 0;
        if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
          addedLeftBelow = avaiLeftBelowUnits*chromaUnitHeight;
        for (int j = 0; j < uiCHeight + addedLeftBelow; j++)
          pDst[0] = ( ( piSrc[1             ] * 2 + piSrc[0         ] + piSrc[2             ] )
                    + ( piSrc[1 + iRecStride] * 2 + piSrc[iRecStride] + piSrc[2 + iRecStride] )
                    + 4 ) >> 3;
          piSrc += iRecStride2;
          pDst  += iDstStride;
      // inner part from reconstructed picture buffer
      for( int j = 0; j < uiCHeight; j++ )
        for( int i = 0; i < uiCWidth; i++ )
          if( i == 0 && !bLeftAvaillable )
            pDst0[i] = ( pRecSrc0[2 * i] + pRecSrc0[2 * i + iRecStride] + 1 ) >> 1;
            pDst0[i] = ( pRecSrc0[2 * i             ] * 2 + pRecSrc0[2 * i + 1             ] + pRecSrc0[2 * i - 1             ]
                       + pRecSrc0[2 * i + iRecStride] * 2 + pRecSrc0[2 * i + 1 + iRecStride] + pRecSrc0[2 * i - 1 + iRecStride]
                       + 4 ) >> 3;
        pDst0    += iDstStride;
        pRecSrc0 += iRecStride2;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM && !JVET_L0191_LM_WO_LMS
    void IntraPrediction::xPadMdlmTemplateSample(Pel*pSrc, Pel*pCur, int cWidth, int cHeight, int existSampNum, int targetSampNum)
      int sampNumToBeAdd = targetSampNum - existSampNum;
      Pel*pTempSrc = pSrc + existSampNum;
      Pel*pTempCur = pCur + existSampNum;
      for (int i = 0; i < sampNumToBeAdd; i++)
        pTempSrc[i] = pSrc[existSampNum - 1];
        pTempCur[i] = pCur[existSampNum - 1];
    #if JVET_L0191_LM_WO_LMS
    void IntraPrediction::xGetLMParameters(const PredictionUnit &pu, const ComponentID compID,
                                                  const CompArea &chromaArea,
                                                  int &a, int &b, int &iShift)
      CHECK(compID == COMPONENT_Y, "");
      const SizeType cWidth  = chromaArea.width;
      const SizeType cHeight = chromaArea.height;
      const Position posLT = chromaArea;
      CodingStructure & cs = *(pu.cs);
      const CodingUnit &cu = *(;
      const SPS &        sps           = *cs.sps;
      const uint32_t     tuWidth     = chromaArea.width;
      const uint32_t     tuHeight    = chromaArea.height;
      const ChromaFormat nChromaFormat = sps.getChromaFormatIdc();
      const int baseUnitSize = 1 << MIN_CU_LOG2;
      const int unitWidth    = baseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX(chromaArea.compID, nChromaFormat);
      const int unitHeight   = baseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX(chromaArea.compID, nChromaFormat);
      const int tuWidthInUnits  = tuWidth / unitWidth;
      const int tuHeightInUnits = tuHeight / unitHeight;
      const int aboveUnits      = tuWidthInUnits;
      const int leftUnits       = tuHeightInUnits;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      int topTemplateSampNum = 2 * cWidth; // for MDLM, the template sample number is 2W or 2H;
      int leftTemplateSampNum = 2 * cHeight;
      assert(m_topRefLength >= topTemplateSampNum);
      assert(m_leftRefLength >= leftTemplateSampNum);
      int totalAboveUnits = (topTemplateSampNum + (unitWidth - 1)) / unitWidth;
      int totalLeftUnits = (leftTemplateSampNum + (unitHeight - 1)) / unitHeight;
      int totalUnits = totalLeftUnits + totalAboveUnits + 1;
      int aboveRightUnits = totalAboveUnits - aboveUnits;
      int leftBelowUnits = totalLeftUnits - leftUnits;
      int avaiAboveRightUnits = 0;
      int avaiLeftBelowUnits = 0;
      int avaiAboveUnits = 0;
      int avaiLeftUnits = 0;
      int curChromaMode = pu.intraDir[1];
      bool neighborFlags[4 * MAX_NUM_PART_IDXS_IN_CTU_WIDTH + 1];
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      memset(neighborFlags, 0, totalUnits);
      memset(neighborFlags, 0, 1 + leftUnits + aboveUnits);
      bool aboveAvailable, leftAvailable;
      int availableUnit =
        isAboveAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, posLT, aboveUnits, unitWidth, 
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
        (neighborFlags + leftUnits + leftBelowUnits + 1));
        (neighborFlags + leftUnits + 1));
      aboveAvailable = availableUnit == tuWidthInUnits;
      availableUnit =
        isLeftAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, posLT, leftUnits, unitHeight, 
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
        (neighborFlags + leftUnits + leftBelowUnits - 1));
        (neighborFlags + leftUnits - 1));
      leftAvailable = availableUnit == tuHeightInUnits;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      if (leftAvailable) // if left is not available, then the below left is not available
        avaiLeftUnits = tuHeightInUnits;
        avaiLeftBelowUnits = isBelowLeftAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, chromaArea.bottomLeftComp(chromaArea.compID), leftBelowUnits, unitHeight, (neighborFlags + leftBelowUnits - 1));
      if (aboveAvailable) // if above is not available, then  the above right is not available.
        avaiAboveUnits = tuWidthInUnits;
        avaiAboveRightUnits = isAboveRightAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, chromaArea.topRightComp(chromaArea.compID), aboveRightUnits, unitWidth, (neighborFlags + leftUnits + leftBelowUnits + aboveUnits + 1));
      Pel *srcColor0, *curChroma0;
      int  srcStride, curStride;
      PelBuf temp;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
        srcStride = 2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
        temp = PelBuf(m_pMdlmTemp + srcStride + 1, srcStride, Size(chromaArea));
      srcStride = MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
      temp        = PelBuf(m_piTemp + srcStride + 1, srcStride, Size(chromaArea));
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      srcColor0 = temp.bufAt(0, 0);
      curChroma0 = getPredictorPtr(compID);
      curStride = m_topRefLength + 1;
      curChroma0 += curStride + 1;
      unsigned internalBitDepth = sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA);
      int minLuma[2] = { MAX_INT, 0 };
      int maxLuma[2] = { -MAX_INT, 0 };
      Pel *src = srcColor0 - srcStride;
      Pel *cur = curChroma0 - curStride;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      int minDim = 1;
      int actualTopTemplateSampNum = 0;
      int actualLeftTemplateSampNum = 0;
      if (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX)
        leftAvailable = 0;
        actualTopTemplateSampNum = unitWidth*(avaiAboveUnits + avaiAboveRightUnits);
        minDim = actualTopTemplateSampNum;
      else if (curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX)
        aboveAvailable = 0;
        actualLeftTemplateSampNum = unitHeight*(avaiLeftUnits + avaiLeftBelowUnits);
        minDim = actualLeftTemplateSampNum;
      else if (curChromaMode == LM_CHROMA_IDX)
        actualTopTemplateSampNum = cWidth;
        actualLeftTemplateSampNum = cHeight;
        minDim = leftAvailable && aboveAvailable ? 1 << g_aucPrevLog2[std::min(actualLeftTemplateSampNum, actualTopTemplateSampNum)]
          : 1 << g_aucPrevLog2[leftAvailable ? actualLeftTemplateSampNum : actualTopTemplateSampNum];
    #if !JVET_L0338_MDLM
      int minDim = leftAvailable && aboveAvailable ? 1 << g_aucPrevLog2[std::min(cHeight, cWidth)]
                                                       : 1 << g_aucPrevLog2[leftAvailable ? cHeight : cWidth];
      int numSteps = minDim;
      if (aboveAvailable)
        for (int j = 0; j < numSteps; j++)
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
          int idx = (j * actualTopTemplateSampNum) / minDim;
          int idx = (j * cWidth) / minDim;
          if (minLuma[0] > src[idx])
            minLuma[0] = src[idx];
            minLuma[1] = cur[idx];
          if (maxLuma[0] < src[idx])
            maxLuma[0] = src[idx];
            maxLuma[1] = cur[idx];
      if (leftAvailable)
        src = srcColor0 - 1;
        cur = curChroma0 - 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++)
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
          int idx = (i * actualLeftTemplateSampNum) / minDim;
          int idx = (i * cHeight) / minDim;
          if (minLuma[0] > src[srcStride * idx])
            minLuma[0] = src[srcStride * idx];
            minLuma[1] = cur[curStride * idx];
          if (maxLuma[0] < src[srcStride * idx])
            maxLuma[0] = src[srcStride * idx];
            maxLuma[1] = cur[curStride * idx];
      if ((leftAvailable || aboveAvailable))
        a         = 0;
        iShift    = 16;
        int shift = (internalBitDepth > 8) ? internalBitDepth - 9 : 0;
        int add   = shift ? 1 << (shift - 1) : 0;
        int diff  = (maxLuma[0] - minLuma[0] + add) >> shift;
        if (diff > 0)
          int div = ((maxLuma[1] - minLuma[1]) * g_aiLMDivTableLow[diff - 1] + 32768) >> 16;
          a       = (((maxLuma[1] - minLuma[1]) * g_aiLMDivTableHigh[diff - 1] + div + add) >> shift);
        b = minLuma[1] - ((a * minLuma[0]) >> iShift);
        a = 0;
        b = 1 << (internalBitDepth - 1);
        iShift = 0;
    static int GetFloorLog2( unsigned x )
      int bits = -1;
      while( x > 0 )
        x >>= 1;
      return bits;
    void IntraPrediction::xGetLMParameters(const PredictionUnit &pu, const ComponentID compID, const CompArea& chromaArea,
      int& a, int&  b, int& iShift)
      CHECK( compID == COMPONENT_Y, "" );
      const SizeType uiCWidth  = chromaArea.width;
      const SizeType uiCHeight = chromaArea.height;
      const Position posLT = chromaArea;
      CodingStructure&  cs = *(pu.cs);
      const CodingUnit& cu = *(;
      const SPS &sps        = *cs.sps;
      const uint32_t uiTuWidth  = chromaArea.width;
      const uint32_t uiTuHeight = chromaArea.height;
      const ChromaFormat nChromaFormat = sps.getChromaFormatIdc();
      const int iBaseUnitSize = 1 << MIN_CU_LOG2;
      const int  iUnitWidth   = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX( chromaArea.compID, nChromaFormat );
      const int  iUnitHeight  = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX( chromaArea.compID, nChromaFormat );
      const int  iTUWidthInUnits  = uiTuWidth / iUnitWidth;
      const int  iTUHeightInUnits = uiTuHeight / iUnitHeight;
      const int  iAboveUnits      = iTUWidthInUnits;
      const int  iLeftUnits       = iTUHeightInUnits;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      int topTemplateSampNum = 2 * uiCWidth; // for MDLM, the template sample number is 2W or 2H;
      int leftTemplateSampNum = 2 * uiCHeight;
      assert(m_topRefLength >= topTemplateSampNum);
      assert(m_leftRefLength >= leftTemplateSampNum);
      int totalAboveUnits = (topTemplateSampNum + (iUnitWidth - 1)) / iUnitWidth;
      int totalLeftUnits = (leftTemplateSampNum + (iUnitHeight - 1)) / iUnitHeight;
      int totalUnits = totalLeftUnits + totalAboveUnits + 1;
      int aboveRightUnits = totalAboveUnits - iAboveUnits;
      int leftBelowUnits = totalLeftUnits - iLeftUnits;
      int avaiAboveRightUnits = 0;
      int avaiLeftBelowUnits = 0;
      int avaiAboveUnits = 0;
      int avaiLeftUnits = 0;
      int curChromaMode = pu.intraDir[1];
      bool  bNeighborFlags[4 * MAX_NUM_PART_IDXS_IN_CTU_WIDTH + 1];
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      memset(bNeighborFlags, 0, totalUnits);
      memset( bNeighborFlags, 0, 1 + iLeftUnits + iAboveUnits );
      int availlableUnit = isAboveAvailable( cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, posLT, iAboveUnits, iUnitWidth, 
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
        (bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits + 1 ) );
        ( bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + 1 ) );
      bAboveAvaillable = availlableUnit == iTUWidthInUnits;
      availlableUnit = isLeftAvailable( cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, posLT, iLeftUnits, iUnitHeight, 
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
        (bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits - 1 ) );
        ( bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits - 1 ) );
      bLeftAvaillable = availlableUnit == iTUHeightInUnits;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      if (bLeftAvaillable) // if left is not available, then the below left is not available
        avaiLeftUnits = iTUHeightInUnits;
        avaiLeftBelowUnits = isBelowLeftAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, chromaArea.bottomLeftComp(chromaArea.compID), leftBelowUnits, iUnitHeight, (bNeighborFlags + leftBelowUnits - 1));
      if (bAboveAvaillable) // if above is not available, then  the above right is not available.
        avaiAboveUnits = iTUWidthInUnits;
        avaiAboveRightUnits = isAboveRightAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, chromaArea.topRightComp(chromaArea.compID), aboveRightUnits, iUnitWidth, (bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits + iAboveUnits + 1));
      Pel *pSrcColor0, *pCurChroma0;
      int  iSrcStride,  iCurStride;
      PelBuf Temp;  
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
        iSrcStride = 2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
        Temp = PelBuf(m_pMdlmTemp + iSrcStride + 1, iSrcStride, Size(chromaArea));
      iSrcStride = MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
      Temp = PelBuf(m_piTemp + iSrcStride + 1, iSrcStride, Size(chromaArea));
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      pSrcColor0 = Temp.bufAt(0, 0);
      pCurChroma0 = getPredictorPtr(compID);
      iCurStride = m_topRefLength + 1;
      pCurChroma0 += iCurStride + 1;
      int x = 0, y = 0, xx = 0, xy = 0;
      int iCountShift = 0;
      unsigned uiInternalBitDepth = sps.getBitDepth( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA );
      Pel *pSrc = pSrcColor0  - iSrcStride;
      Pel *pCur = pCurChroma0 - iCurStride;
    #if JVET_L0338_MDLM
      //get the temp buffer to store the downsampled luma and chroma
      Pel* pTempBufferSrc = new Pel[2 * MAX_CU_SIZE]; // for MDLM, use tempalte size 2W or 2H,
      Pel* pTempBufferCur = new Pel[2 * MAX_CU_SIZE];
      int actualTopTemplateSampNum = iUnitWidth*(avaiAboveUnits + avaiAboveRightUnits);
      int actualLeftTemplateSampNum = iUnitHeight*(avaiLeftUnits + avaiLeftBelowUnits);
      if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
        if (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX)
          if (bAboveAvaillable)
            for (int j = 0; j < actualTopTemplateSampNum; j++)
              pTempBufferSrc[j] = pSrc[j];