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      if (bChroma)
        bool isFirst = partitioner.currArea().Cb().valid() && partitioner.currArea().chromaPos() == cs.area.chromaPos();
        PredictionUnit &pu = *cs.getPU( partitioner.currArea().chromaPos(), CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA );
        if( cu.partSize == SIZE_2Nx2N )
          if( isFirst )
            m_CABACEstimator->intra_chroma_pred_mode( pu );
    void IntraSearch::xEncSubdivCbfQT(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const bool &bLuma, const bool &bChroma)
      const UnitArea &currArea = partitioner.currArea();
      TransformUnit &currTU    = *cs.getTU( currArea.blocks[partitioner.chType], partitioner.chType );
      CodingUnit &currCU       = *;
    #if ENABLE_BMS
      uint32_t currDepth           = partitioner.currTrDepth;
      const bool subdiv        = currTU.depth > currDepth;
      if( cs.pcv->noRQT )
    #if ENABLE_BMS
        if( partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs ) )
          CHECK( !subdiv, "TU split implied" );
          CHECK( subdiv, "No TU subdivision is allowed with QTBT" );
      if (bChroma)
        const uint32_t numberValidComponents = getNumberValidComponents(currArea.chromaFormat);
        for (uint32_t ch = COMPONENT_Cb; ch < numberValidComponents; ch++)
          const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(ch);
    #if ENABLE_BMS
          if( currDepth == 0 || TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, compID, currDepth - 1 ) )
            const bool prevCbf = ( compID == COMPONENT_Cr ? TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, COMPONENT_Cb, currDepth ) : false );
            m_CABACEstimator->cbf_comp( cs, TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, compID, currDepth ), currArea.blocks[compID], currDepth, prevCbf );
          const bool prevCbf = ( compID == COMPONENT_Cr ? TU::getCbf( currTU, COMPONENT_Cb ) : false );
          m_CABACEstimator->cbf_comp( cs, TU::getCbf( currTU, compID ), currArea.blocks[compID], prevCbf );
    #if ENABLE_BMS
      if (subdiv)
        if( currDepth == 0 && bLuma ) m_CABACEstimator->emt_cu_flag( currCU );
    #if ENABLE_BMS
        if( partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs ) )
          partitioner.splitCurrArea( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs );
        THROW( "Cannot perform an implicit split!" );
          xEncSubdivCbfQT( cs, partitioner, bLuma, bChroma );
        } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) );
    #if ENABLE_BMS
        if( currDepth == 0 && bLuma && TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, COMPONENT_Y, 0 ) ) m_CABACEstimator->emt_cu_flag( currCU );
        if( bLuma && TU::getCbf( currTU, COMPONENT_Y ) ) m_CABACEstimator->emt_cu_flag( * );
        //===== Cbfs =====
        if (bLuma)
    #if ENABLE_BMS
          m_CABACEstimator->cbf_comp( cs, TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, COMPONENT_Y, currDepth ), currTU.Y(), currTU.depth );
          m_CABACEstimator->cbf_comp( cs, TU::getCbf( currTU, COMPONENT_Y), currTU.Y() );
    void IntraSearch::xEncCoeffQT(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const ComponentID &compID)
      const UnitArea &currArea  = partitioner.currArea();
      TransformUnit &currTU     = *cs.getTU( currArea.blocks[partitioner.chType], partitioner.chType );
    #if ENABLE_BMS
      uint32_t      currDepth       = partitioner.currTrDepth;
      const bool subdiv         = currTU.depth > currDepth;
      if (subdiv)
    #if ENABLE_BMS
        if (partitioner.canSplit(TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs))
          partitioner.splitCurrArea(TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs);
          THROW("Implicit TU split not available!");
          xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, compID );
        } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) );
      if( currArea.blocks[compID].valid() )
        if( TU::hasCrossCompPredInfo( currTU, compID ) )
          m_CABACEstimator->cross_comp_pred( currTU, compID );
        if( TU::getCbf( currTU, compID ) )
          m_CABACEstimator->residual_coding( currTU, compID );
    uint64_t IntraSearch::xGetIntraFracBitsQT( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const bool &bLuma, const bool &bChroma )
      xEncIntraHeader( cs, partitioner, bLuma, bChroma );
      xEncSubdivCbfQT( cs, partitioner, bLuma, bChroma );
      if( bLuma )
        xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, COMPONENT_Y );
      if( bChroma )
        xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, COMPONENT_Cb );
        xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, COMPONENT_Cr );
      uint64_t fracBits = m_CABACEstimator->getEstFracBits();
      return fracBits;
    uint64_t IntraSearch::xGetIntraFracBitsQTChroma(TransformUnit& currTU, const ComponentID &compID)
      if( TU::hasCrossCompPredInfo( currTU, compID ) )
        m_CABACEstimator->cross_comp_pred( currTU, compID );
      if( TU::getCbf( currTU, compID ) )
        m_CABACEstimator->residual_coding( currTU, compID );
      uint64_t fracBits = m_CABACEstimator->getEstFracBits();
      return fracBits;
    void IntraSearch::xIntraCodingTUBlock(TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const bool &checkCrossCPrediction, Distortion& ruiDist, const int &default0Save1Load2, uint32_t* numSig )
      if (!tu.blocks[compID].valid())
      CodingStructure &cs                       = *tu.cs;
      const CompArea      &area                 = tu.blocks[compID];
      const SPS           &sps                  = *cs.sps;
      const PPS           &pps                  = *cs.pps;
      const ChannelType    chType               = toChannelType(compID);
      const int            bitDepth             = sps.getBitDepth(chType);
      PelBuf         piOrg                      = cs.getOrgBuf    (area);
      PelBuf         piPred                     = cs.getPredBuf   (area);
      PelBuf         piResi                     = cs.getResiBuf   (area);
      PelBuf         piOrgResi                  = cs.getOrgResiBuf(area);
      PelBuf         piReco                     = cs.getRecoBuf   (area);
      const PredictionUnit &pu                  = *cs.getPU(area.pos(), chType);
      const uint32_t           uiChFinalMode        = PU::getFinalIntraMode(pu, chType);
      const bool           bUseCrossCPrediction = pps.getPpsRangeExtension().getCrossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag() && isChroma( compID ) && PU::isChromaIntraModeCrossCheckMode( pu ) && checkCrossCPrediction;
      const bool           ccUseRecoResi        = m_pcEncCfg->getUseReconBasedCrossCPredictionEstimate();
    #if !JVET_L0059_MTS_SIMP
      const uint8_t          transformIndex       =>emtFlag && compID == COMPONENT_Y ? tu.emtIdx : DCT2_EMT ;
      //===== init availability pattern =====
      PelBuf sharedPredTS( m_pSharedPredTransformSkip[compID], area );
      if( default0Save1Load2 != 2 )
        const bool bUseFilteredPredictions = IntraPrediction::useFilteredIntraRefSamples( compID, pu, true, tu );
        initIntraPatternChType( *, area, bUseFilteredPredictions );
        //===== get prediction signal =====
        if( compID != COMPONENT_Y && PU::isLMCMode( uiChFinalMode ) )
    #if !ENABLE_BMS
          if( !PU::isMFLMEnabled(pu) || !pu.cs->pcv->noRQT)
            xGetLumaRecPixels( pu, area );
          predIntraChromaLM( compID, piPred, pu, area, uiChFinalMode );
          predIntraAng( compID, piPred, pu, bUseFilteredPredictions );
        // save prediction
        if( default0Save1Load2 == 1 )
          sharedPredTS.copyFrom( piPred );
        // load prediction
        piPred.copyFrom( sharedPredTS );
      DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_PRED, "@(%4d,%4d) [%2dx%2d] IMode=%d\n", tu.lx(),, tu.lwidth(), tu.lheight(), uiChFinalMode );
      //DTRACE_PEL_BUF( D_PRED, piPred, tu,>predMode, COMPONENT_Y );
      //===== get residual signal =====
      piResi.copyFrom( piOrg  );
      piResi.subtract( piPred );
      if (pps.getPpsRangeExtension().getCrossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag() && isLuma(compID))
        piOrgResi.copyFrom (piResi);
      if (bUseCrossCPrediction)
        if (xCalcCrossComponentPredictionAlpha(tu, compID, ccUseRecoResi) == 0)
        CrossComponentPrediction::crossComponentPrediction(tu, compID, cs.getResiBuf(tu.Y()), piResi, piResi, false);
      //===== transform and quantization =====
      //--- init rate estimation arrays for RDOQ ---
      //--- transform and quantization           ---
      TCoeff uiAbsSum = 0;
      const QpParam cQP(tu, compID);
      m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN(tu, compID, cQP, uiAbsSum, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx());
    #if !JVET_L0059_MTS_SIMP
      if( transformIndex != DCT2_EMT && ( !tu.transformSkip[COMPONENT_Y] ) ) //this can only be true if compID is luma
        *numSig = 0;
        TCoeff* coeffBuffer = tu.getCoeffs(compID).buf;
        for( uint32_t uiX = 0; uiX < tu.Y().area(); uiX++ )
          if( coeffBuffer[uiX] )
            ( *numSig )++;
            if( *numSig > g_EmtSigNumThr )
        //if the number of significant coeffs is less than the threshold, then only the default transform (which has a 0 index, but it is the DST7) is allowed
        if( transformIndex != 0 && *numSig <= g_EmtSigNumThr && !tu.transformSkip[compID] )
      DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_TU_ABS_SUM, "%d: comp=%d, abssum=%d\n", DTRACE_GET_COUNTER( g_trace_ctx, D_TU_ABS_SUM ), compID, uiAbsSum );
      //--- inverse transform ---
      if (uiAbsSum > 0)
        m_pcTrQuant->invTransformNxN(tu, compID, piResi, cQP);
      //===== reconstruction =====
      if (bUseCrossCPrediction)
        CrossComponentPrediction::crossComponentPrediction(tu, compID, cs.getResiBuf(tu.Y()), piResi, piResi, true);
      piReco.reconstruct(piPred, piResi, cs.slice->clpRng( compID ));
      //===== update distortion =====
    #if WCG_EXT
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled() )
        const CPelBuf orgLuma = cs.getOrgBuf( cs.area.blocks[COMPONENT_Y] );
        ruiDist += m_pcRdCost->getDistPart( piOrg, piReco, bitDepth, compID, DF_SSE_WTD, &orgLuma );
        ruiDist += m_pcRdCost->getDistPart( piOrg, piReco, bitDepth, compID, DF_SSE );
    void IntraSearch::xRecurIntraCodingLumaQT( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner )
      const UnitArea &currArea = partitioner.currArea();
      const CodingUnit &cu     = *cs.getCU(currArea.lumaPos(), partitioner.chType);
    #if ENABLE_BMS
      uint32_t     currDepth       = partitioner.currTrDepth;
      const PPS &pps           = *cs.pps;
      const bool keepResi      = pps.getPpsRangeExtension().getCrossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag() || KEEP_PRED_AND_RESI_SIGNALS;
      bool bCheckFull          = true;
      bool bCheckSplit         = false;
    #if ENABLE_BMS
      bCheckFull               = cs.pcv->noRQT && !partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs );
      bCheckSplit              = cs.pcv->noRQT &&  partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs );
      uint32_t    numSig           = 0;
      if( !cs.pcv->noRQT )
      bool    checkInitTrDepth = false, checkInitTrDepthTransformSkipWinner = false;
      double     dSingleCost                        = MAX_DOUBLE;
      Distortion uiSingleDistLuma                   = 0;
      uint64_t     singleFracBits                     = 0;
      bool       checkTransformSkip                 = pps.getUseTransformSkip();
      int        bestModeId[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]      = {0, 0, 0};
      uint8_t      nNumTransformCands                 = cu.emtFlag ? 4 : 1; //4 is the number of transforms of emt
      bool       isAllIntra                         = m_pcEncCfg->getIntraPeriod() == 1;
      uint8_t numTransformIndexCands                  = nNumTransformCands;
      const TempCtx ctxStart  ( m_CtxCache, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() );
      TempCtx       ctxBest   ( m_CtxCache );
    #if ENABLE_BMS
      CodingStructure *csSplit = nullptr;
      CodingStructure *csFull  = nullptr;
    #if ENABLE_BMS
      if( bCheckSplit )
        csSplit = &cs;
      else if( bCheckFull )
        csFull = &cs;
      if( bCheckFull )
        csFull->cost = 0.0;
        TransformUnit &tu = csFull->addTU( CS::getArea( *csFull, currArea, partitioner.chType ), partitioner.chType );
    #if ENABLE_BMS
        tu.depth = currDepth;
        checkTransformSkip &= TU::hasTransformSkipFlag( *tu.cs, tu.Y() );
        checkTransformSkip &= !cu.transQuantBypass;
        checkTransformSkip &= !cu.emtFlag;
        CHECK( !tu.Y().valid(), "Invalid TU" );
        //this prevents transformSkip from being checked because we already know it's not the best mode
        checkTransformSkip = ( checkInitTrDepth && !checkInitTrDepthTransformSkipWinner ) ? false : checkTransformSkip;
        CHECK( checkInitTrDepthTransformSkipWinner && !checkTransformSkip, "Transform Skip must be enabled if it was the winner in the previous call of xRecurIntraCodingLumaQT!" );
        CodingStructure &saveCS = *m_pSaveCS[0];
        TransformUnit *tmpTU = nullptr;
        Distortion singleDistTmpLuma = 0;
        uint64_t     singleTmpFracBits = 0;
        double     singleCostTmp     = 0;
        int        firstCheckId      = 0;
        //we add the EMT candidates to the loop. TransformSkip will still be the last one to be checked (when modeId == lastCheckId) as long as checkTransformSkip is true
        int        lastCheckId       = numTransformIndexCands - ( firstCheckId + 1 ) + ( int ) checkTransformSkip;
        bool isNotOnlyOneMode        = lastCheckId != firstCheckId && !checkInitTrDepthTransformSkipWinner;
        if( isNotOnlyOneMode )
          saveCS.pcv     = cs.pcv;
          saveCS.picture = cs.picture;
          tmpTU = &saveCS.addTU(currArea, partitioner.chType);
        bool cbfBestMode = false;
        for( int modeId = firstCheckId; modeId <= lastCheckId; modeId++ )
          if( checkInitTrDepthTransformSkipWinner )
            //If this is a full RQT call and the winner of the first call (checkFirst=true) was transformSkip, then we skip the first iteration of the loop, since transform skip always comes at the end
            if( modeId == firstCheckId )
          uint8_t transformIndex = modeId;
          if( ( transformIndex < lastCheckId ) || ( ( transformIndex == lastCheckId ) && !checkTransformSkip ) ) //we avoid this if the mode is transformSkip
            // Skip checking other transform candidates if zero CBF is encountered and it is the best transform so far
            if( m_pcEncCfg->getFastIntraEMT() && isAllIntra && transformIndex && !cbfBestMode )
          if ((modeId != firstCheckId) && isNotOnlyOneMode)
            m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
          int default0Save1Load2 = 0;
          singleDistTmpLuma = 0;
          if (modeId == firstCheckId && modeId != lastCheckId && !checkInitTrDepthTransformSkipWinner )
            default0Save1Load2 = 1;
          else if (modeId != firstCheckId)
            default0Save1Load2 = 2;
          if (cu.emtFlag)
            tu.emtIdx = transformIndex;
          if( !checkTransformSkip )
            tu.transformSkip[COMPONENT_Y] = false;
            tu.transformSkip[COMPONENT_Y] = modeId == lastCheckId;
          xIntraCodingTUBlock( tu, COMPONENT_Y, false, singleDistTmpLuma, default0Save1Load2, &numSig );
          //----- determine rate and r-d cost -----
          //the condition (transformIndex != DCT2_EMT) seems to be irrelevant, since DCT2_EMT=7 and the highest value of transformIndex is 4
    #if JVET_L0059_MTS_SIMP
    #if ENABLE_BMS
          if( ( modeId == lastCheckId && checkTransformSkip && !TU::getCbfAtDepth( tu, COMPONENT_Y, currDepth ) ) )
          if( ( modeId == lastCheckId && checkTransformSkip && !TU::getCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Y ) ) )
    #if ENABLE_BMS
          if( ( modeId == lastCheckId && checkTransformSkip && !TU::getCbfAtDepth( tu, COMPONENT_Y, currDepth ) )
            || ( tu.emtIdx > 0 && ( checkTransformSkip ? transformIndex != lastCheckId : true ) && tu.emtIdx != DCT2_EMT && numSig <= g_EmtSigNumThr ) )
          if( ( modeId == lastCheckId && checkTransformSkip && !TU::getCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Y ) )
            || ( tu.emtIdx > 0 && ( checkTransformSkip ? transformIndex != lastCheckId : true ) && tu.emtIdx != DCT2_EMT && numSig <= g_EmtSigNumThr ) )
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            //In order not to code TS flag when cbf is zero, the case for TS with cbf being zero is forbidden.
            singleCostTmp = MAX_DOUBLE;
            singleTmpFracBits = xGetIntraFracBitsQT( *csFull, partitioner, true, false );
            singleCostTmp     = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( singleTmpFracBits, singleDistTmpLuma );
          if (singleCostTmp < dSingleCost)
            dSingleCost       = singleCostTmp;
            uiSingleDistLuma  = singleDistTmpLuma;
            singleFracBits    = singleTmpFracBits;
            bestModeId[COMPONENT_Y] = modeId;
    #if ENABLE_BMS
            cbfBestMode       = TU::getCbfAtDepth( tu, COMPONENT_Y, currDepth );
            cbfBestMode       = TU::getCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Y );
            if( bestModeId[COMPONENT_Y] != lastCheckId )
              saveCS.getPredBuf( tu.Y() ).copyFrom( csFull->getPredBuf( tu.Y() ) );
              saveCS.getRecoBuf( tu.Y() ).copyFrom( csFull->getRecoBuf( tu.Y() ) );
              if( keepResi )
                saveCS.getResiBuf   ( tu.Y() ).copyFrom( csFull->getResiBuf   ( tu.Y() ) );
                saveCS.getOrgResiBuf( tu.Y() ).copyFrom( csFull->getOrgResiBuf( tu.Y() ) );
              tmpTU->copyComponentFrom( tu, COMPONENT_Y );
              ctxBest = m_CABACEstimator->getCtx();
        if( bestModeId[COMPONENT_Y] != lastCheckId )
          csFull->getPredBuf( tu.Y() ).copyFrom( saveCS.getPredBuf( tu.Y() ) );
          csFull->getRecoBuf( tu.Y() ).copyFrom( saveCS.getRecoBuf( tu.Y() ) );
          if( keepResi )
            csFull->getResiBuf   ( tu.Y() ).copyFrom( saveCS.getResiBuf   ( tu.Y() ) );
            csFull->getOrgResiBuf( tu.Y() ).copyFrom( saveCS.getOrgResiBuf( tu.Y() ) );
          tu.copyComponentFrom( *tmpTU, COMPONENT_Y );
          if( !bCheckSplit )
            m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxBest;
        else if( bCheckSplit )
          ctxBest = m_CABACEstimator->getCtx();
        csFull->cost     += dSingleCost;
        csFull->dist     += uiSingleDistLuma;
        csFull->fracBits += singleFracBits;
    #if ENABLE_BMS
      if( bCheckSplit )
        //----- store full entropy coding status, load original entropy coding status -----
        if( bCheckFull )
          m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
        //----- code splitted block -----
        csSplit->cost = 0;
        bool uiSplitCbfLuma  = false;
        bool splitIsSelected = true;
    #if ENABLE_BMS
        if( cs.pcv->noRQT && partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs ) )
          partitioner.splitCurrArea( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs );
          xRecurIntraCodingLumaQT( *csSplit, partitioner );
          csSplit->setDecomp( partitioner.currArea().Y() );
          uiSplitCbfLuma |= TU::getCbfAtDepth( *csSplit->getTU( partitioner.currArea().lumaPos(), partitioner.chType ), COMPONENT_Y, partitioner.currTrDepth );
        } while( partitioner.nextPart( *csSplit ) );
        if( splitIsSelected )
          for( auto &ptu : csSplit->tus )
            if( currArea.Y().contains( ptu->Y() ) )
              TU::setCbfAtDepth( *ptu, COMPONENT_Y, currDepth, uiSplitCbfLuma ? 1 : 0 );
          //----- restore context states -----
          m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
          //----- determine rate and r-d cost -----
          csSplit->fracBits = xGetIntraFracBitsQT(*csSplit, partitioner, true, false);
          //--- update cost ---
          csSplit->cost     = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost(csSplit->fracBits, csSplit->dist);
      if( csFull || csSplit )
          // otherwise this would've happened in useSubStructure
          cs.picture->getRecoBuf( currArea.Y() ).copyFrom( cs.getRecoBuf( currArea.Y() ) );
        cs.cost = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( cs.fracBits, cs.dist );
    ChromaCbfs IntraSearch::xRecurIntraChromaCodingQT(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner& partitioner)
      UnitArea currArea                   = partitioner.currArea();
      const bool keepResi                 = cs.sps->getSpsNext().getUseLMChroma() || KEEP_PRED_AND_RESI_SIGNALS;
      if( !currArea.Cb().valid() ) return ChromaCbfs( false );
      TransformUnit &currTU               = *cs.getTU( currArea.chromaPos(), CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA );
      const PredictionUnit &pu            = *cs.getPU( currArea.chromaPos(), CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA );
      const TransformUnit &currTULuma     = CS::isDualITree( cs ) ? *cs.picture->cs->getTU( currArea.lumaPos(), CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ) : currTU;
    #if ENABLE_BMS
      uint32_t     currDepth                  = partitioner.currTrDepth;
      const PPS &pps                      = *cs.pps;
      ChromaCbfs cbfs                     ( false );
    #if ENABLE_BMS
      if (currDepth == currTU.depth)
        if (!currArea.Cb().valid() || !currArea.Cr().valid())
          return cbfs;
        bool checkTransformSkip = pps.getUseTransformSkip();
        checkTransformSkip &= TU::hasTransformSkipFlag( *currTU.cs, partitioner.currArea().Cb() );
        if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseTransformSkipFast() )
          checkTransformSkip &= TU::hasTransformSkipFlag( *currTU.cs, partitioner.currArea().Y() );
          if( checkTransformSkip && cs.pcv->noChroma2x2 )
            int nbLumaSkip = currTULuma.transformSkip[0] ? 1 : 0;
              // the chroma blocks are co-located with the last luma block, so backwards references are needed
              nbLumaSkip += cs.getTU( currTULuma.Y().topLeft().offset( -1,  0 ), partitioner.chType )->transformSkip[0] ? 1 : 0;
              nbLumaSkip += cs.getTU( currTULuma.Y().topLeft().offset( -1, -1 ), partitioner.chType )->transformSkip[0] ? 1 : 0;
              nbLumaSkip += cs.getTU( currTULuma.Y().topLeft().offset(  0, -1 ), partitioner.chType )->transformSkip[0] ? 1 : 0;
            checkTransformSkip &= ( nbLumaSkip > 0 );
        CodingStructure &saveCS = *m_pSaveCS[1];
        saveCS.pcv      = cs.pcv;
        saveCS.picture  = cs.picture;
        saveCS.area.repositionTo( cs.area );
        saveCS.initStructData( -1, false, true );
        TransformUnit &tmpTU = saveCS.addTU(currArea, partitioner.chType);
        cs.setDecomp(currArea.Cb(), true); // set in advance (required for Cb2/Cr2 in 4:2:2 video)
        const unsigned      numTBlocks  = ::getNumberValidTBlocks( *cs.pcv );
        for( uint32_t c = COMPONENT_Cb; c < numTBlocks; c++)
          const ComponentID compID  = ComponentID(c);
          const CompArea&   area    = currTU.blocks[compID];
          double     dSingleCost    = MAX_DOUBLE;
          int        bestModeId     = 0;
          Distortion singleDistC    = 0;
          Distortion singleDistCTmp = 0;
          double     singleCostTmp  = 0;
          const bool checkCrossComponentPrediction = PU::isChromaIntraModeCrossCheckMode( pu ) && pps.getPpsRangeExtension().getCrossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag() && TU::getCbf( currTU, COMPONENT_Y );
          const int  crossCPredictionModesToTest = checkCrossComponentPrediction ? 2 : 1;
          const int  transformSkipModesToTest    = checkTransformSkip ? 2 : 1;
          const int  totalModesToTest            = crossCPredictionModesToTest * transformSkipModesToTest;
          const bool isOneMode                   = (totalModesToTest == 1);
          int currModeId = 0;
          int default0Save1Load2 = 0;
          TempCtx ctxStart  ( m_CtxCache );
          TempCtx ctxBest   ( m_CtxCache );
          if (!isOneMode)
            ctxStart = m_CABACEstimator->getCtx();
          for (int transformSkipModeId = 0; transformSkipModeId < transformSkipModesToTest; transformSkipModeId++)
            for (int crossCPredictionModeId = 0; crossCPredictionModeId < crossCPredictionModesToTest; crossCPredictionModeId++)
              currTU.compAlpha    [compID] = 0;
              currTU.transformSkip[compID] = transformSkipModeId;
              const bool isFirstMode = (currModeId == 1);
              const bool isLastMode  = (currModeId == totalModesToTest); // currModeId is indexed from 1
              if (isOneMode)
                default0Save1Load2 = 0;
              else if (!isOneMode && (transformSkipModeId == 0) && (crossCPredictionModeId == 0))
                default0Save1Load2 = 1; //save prediction on first mode
                default0Save1Load2 = 2; //load it on subsequent modes
              if (!isFirstMode) // if not first mode to be tested
                m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
              singleDistCTmp = 0;
              xIntraCodingTUBlock( currTU, compID, crossCPredictionModeId != 0, singleDistCTmp, default0Save1Load2 );
              if( ( ( crossCPredictionModeId == 1 ) && ( currTU.compAlpha[compID] == 0 ) ) || ( ( transformSkipModeId == 1 ) && !TU::getCbf( currTU, compID ) ) ) //In order not to code TS flag when cbf is zero, the case for TS with cbf being zero is forbidden.
                singleCostTmp = MAX_DOUBLE;
              else if( !isOneMode )
                uint64_t fracBitsTmp = xGetIntraFracBitsQTChroma( currTU, compID );
                singleCostTmp = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( fracBitsTmp, singleDistCTmp );
              if( singleCostTmp < dSingleCost )
                dSingleCost = singleCostTmp;
                singleDistC = singleDistCTmp;
                bestModeId  = currModeId;
                if( !isLastMode )
                  saveCS.getPredBuf   (area).copyFrom(cs.getPredBuf   (area));
                  if( keepResi )
                    saveCS.getResiBuf (area).copyFrom(cs.getResiBuf   (area));
                  saveCS.getRecoBuf   (area).copyFrom(cs.getRecoBuf   (area));
                  tmpTU.copyComponentFrom(currTU, compID);
                  ctxBest = m_CABACEstimator->getCtx();
          if (bestModeId < totalModesToTest)
            cs.getPredBuf   (area).copyFrom(saveCS.getPredBuf   (area));
            if( keepResi )
              cs.getResiBuf (area).copyFrom(saveCS.getResiBuf   (area));
            cs.getRecoBuf   (area).copyFrom(saveCS.getRecoBuf   (area));
            currTU.copyComponentFrom(tmpTU, compID);
            m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxBest;
          cbfs.cbf(compID) = TU::getCbf(currTU, compID);
          cs.dist += singleDistC;
    #if ENABLE_BMS
    #if ENABLE_BMS
        unsigned    numValidTBlocks   = ::getNumberValidTBlocks( *cs.pcv );
        ChromaCbfs  SplitCbfs         ( false );
    #if ENABLE_BMS
        if( partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs ) )
          partitioner.splitCurrArea( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs );
          THROW( "Implicit TU split not available" );
          ChromaCbfs subCbfs = xRecurIntraChromaCodingQT( cs, partitioner );
          for( uint32_t ch = COMPONENT_Cb; ch < numValidTBlocks; ch++ )
            const ComponentID compID = ComponentID( ch );
            SplitCbfs.cbf( compID ) |= subCbfs.cbf( compID );
        } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) );
          cbfs.Cb |= SplitCbfs.Cb;
          cbfs.Cr |= SplitCbfs.Cr;
          for( auto &ptu : cs.tus )
            if( currArea.Cb().contains( ptu->Cb() ) || ( !ptu->Cb().valid() && currArea.Y().contains( ptu->Y() ) ) )
              TU::setCbfAtDepth( *ptu, COMPONENT_Cb, currDepth, SplitCbfs.Cb );
              TU::setCbfAtDepth( *ptu, COMPONENT_Cr, currDepth, SplitCbfs.Cr );
        THROW( "TU split is only allowed in HEVC mode or with Mode1D partitions" );
      return cbfs;
    uint64_t IntraSearch::xFracModeBitsIntra(PredictionUnit &pu, const uint32_t &uiMode, const ChannelType &chType)
      uint32_t orgMode = uiMode;
      if (!pu.mhIntraFlag)
      std::swap(orgMode, pu.intraDir[chType]);
      if( isLuma( chType ) )
        if ( pu.mhIntraFlag )
        m_CABACEstimator->intra_luma_pred_mode( pu );
      if ( !pu.mhIntraFlag )
      std::swap(orgMode, pu.intraDir[chType]);
      return m_CABACEstimator->getEstFracBits();
    void IntraSearch::encPredIntraDPCM( const ComponentID &compID, PelBuf &pOrg, PelBuf &pDst, const uint32_t &uiDirMode )
      CHECK( pOrg.buf == 0, "Encoder DPCM called without original buffer" );
      const int srcStride = m_topRefLength + 1;
      CPelBuf   pSrc = CPelBuf(getPredictorPtr(compID), srcStride, m_leftRefLength + 1);
      // Sample Adaptive intra-Prediction (SAP)
      if( uiDirMode == HOR_IDX )
        // left column filled with reference samples, remaining columns filled with pOrg data
        for( int y = 0; y < pDst.height; y++ )
 0, y ) = 0, 1 + y );
        CPelBuf orgRest  = pOrg.subBuf( 0, 0, pOrg.width - 1, pOrg.height );
        PelBuf  predRest = pDst.subBuf( 1, 0, pDst.width - 1, pDst.height );
        predRest.copyFrom( orgRest );
      else // VER_IDX
        // top row filled with reference samples, remaining rows filled with pOrg data
        for( int x = 0; x < pDst.width; x++ )
 x, 0 ) = 1 + x, 0 );
        CPelBuf orgRest  = pOrg.subBuf( 0, 0, pOrg.width, pOrg.height - 1 );
        PelBuf  predRest = pDst.subBuf( 0, 1, pDst.width, pDst.height - 1 );
        predRest.copyFrom( orgRest );
    bool IntraSearch::useDPCMForFirstPassIntraEstimation( const PredictionUnit &pu, const uint32_t &uiDirMode )
      return CU::isRDPCMEnabled( * ) &&>transQuantBypass && (uiDirMode == HOR_IDX || uiDirMode == VER_IDX);