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EncLib.cpp 120 KiB
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          isRpl1CopiedFromRpl0 = false;
      //Check if all delta POC of STRP in each RPL has the same sign
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      //Check RPLL0 first
      const RPLList* rplList0 = sps.getRPLList0();
      const RPLList* rplList1 = sps.getRPLList1();
      uint32_t numberOfRPL = sps.getNumRPL0();
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      bool isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag = true;
      bool isFirstEntry = true;
      bool lastSign = true;        //true = positive ; false = negative
      for (uint32_t ii = 0; isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag && ii < numberOfRPL; ii++)
        const ReferencePictureList* rpl = rplList0->getReferencePictureList(ii);
        for (uint32_t jj = 0; isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag && jj < rpl->getNumberOfActivePictures(); jj++)
          if (!rpl->isRefPicLongterm(jj) && isFirstEntry)
            lastSign = (rpl->getRefPicIdentifier(jj) >= 0) ? true : false;
            isFirstEntry = false;
          else if (!rpl->isRefPicLongterm(jj) && (((rpl->getRefPicIdentifier(jj) - rpl->getRefPicIdentifier(jj - 1)) >= 0 && lastSign == false) || ((rpl->getRefPicIdentifier(jj) - rpl->getRefPicIdentifier(jj - 1)) < 0 && lastSign == true)))
            isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag = false;
      //Check RPLL1. Skip it if it is already found out that this flag is not true for RPL0 or if RPL1 is the same as RPL0
      numberOfRPL = sps.getNumRPL1();
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      isFirstEntry = true;
      lastSign = true;
      for (uint32_t ii = 0; isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag && !sps.getRPL1CopyFromRPL0Flag() && ii < numberOfRPL; ii++)
        isFirstEntry = true;
        const ReferencePictureList* rpl = rplList1->getReferencePictureList(ii);
        for (uint32_t jj = 0; isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag && jj < rpl->getNumberOfActivePictures(); jj++)
          if (!rpl->isRefPicLongterm(jj) && isFirstEntry)
            lastSign = (rpl->getRefPicIdentifier(jj) >= 0) ? true : false;
            isFirstEntry = false;
          else if (!rpl->isRefPicLongterm(jj) && (((rpl->getRefPicIdentifier(jj) - rpl->getRefPicIdentifier(jj - 1)) >= 0 && lastSign == false) || ((rpl->getRefPicIdentifier(jj) - rpl->getRefPicIdentifier(jj - 1)) < 0 && lastSign == true)))
            isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag = false;
    void EncLib::getActiveRefPicListNumForPOC(const SPS *sps, int POCCurr, int GOPid, uint32_t *activeL0, uint32_t *activeL1)
      if (m_intraPeriod < 0)  //Only for RA
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        *activeL0 = *activeL1 = 0;
      uint32_t rpl0Idx = GOPid;
      uint32_t rpl1Idx = GOPid;
      int fullListNum = m_iGOPSize;
      int partialListNum = getRPLCandidateSize(0) - m_iGOPSize;
      int extraNum = fullListNum;
      if (m_intraPeriod < 0)
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        if (POCCurr < (2 * m_iGOPSize + 2))
          int candidateIdx = (POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 1 >= fullListNum + partialListNum) ? GOPid : POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 1;
          rpl0Idx = candidateIdx;
          rpl1Idx = candidateIdx;
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          rpl0Idx = (POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 0) ? m_iGOPSize - 1 : POCCurr%m_iGOPSize - 1;
          rpl1Idx = (POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 0) ? m_iGOPSize - 1 : POCCurr%m_iGOPSize - 1;
        extraNum = fullListNum + partialListNum;
      for (; extraNum<fullListNum + partialListNum; extraNum++)
        if (m_intraPeriod > 0 && getDecodingRefreshType() > 0)
          int POCIndex = POCCurr % m_intraPeriod;
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          if (POCIndex == 0)
            POCIndex = m_intraPeriod;
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          if (POCIndex == m_RPLList0[extraNum].m_POC)
            rpl0Idx = extraNum;
            rpl1Idx = extraNum;
      const ReferencePictureList *rpl0 = sps->getRPLList0()->getReferencePictureList(rpl0Idx);
      *activeL0 = rpl0->getNumberOfActivePictures();
      const ReferencePictureList *rpl1 = sps->getRPLList1()->getReferencePictureList(rpl1Idx);
      *activeL1 = rpl1->getNumberOfActivePictures();
    void EncLib::selectReferencePictureList(Slice* slice, int POCCurr, int GOPid, int ltPoc)
      bool isEncodeLtRef = (POCCurr == ltPoc);
      if (m_compositeRefEnabled && isEncodeLtRef)
      int fullListNum = m_iGOPSize;
      int partialListNum = getRPLCandidateSize(0) - m_iGOPSize;
      int extraNum = fullListNum;
      int rplPeriod = m_intraPeriod;
      if( rplPeriod < 0 )  //Need to check if it is low delay or RA but with no RAP
        if( slice->getSPS()->getRPLList0()->getReferencePictureList(1)->getRefPicIdentifier(0) * slice->getSPS()->getRPLList1()->getReferencePictureList(1)->getRefPicIdentifier(0) < 0)
          rplPeriod = m_iGOPSize * 2;
      if (rplPeriod < 0)
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        if (POCCurr < (2 * m_iGOPSize + 2))
          int candidateIdx = (POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 1 >= fullListNum + partialListNum) ? GOPid : POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 1;
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          slice->setRPL0idx((POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 0) ? m_iGOPSize - 1 : POCCurr%m_iGOPSize - 1);
          slice->setRPL1idx((POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 0) ? m_iGOPSize - 1 : POCCurr%m_iGOPSize - 1);
        extraNum = fullListNum + partialListNum;
      for (; extraNum < fullListNum + partialListNum; extraNum++)
        if( rplPeriod > 0 )
          int POCIndex = POCCurr % rplPeriod;
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          if (POCIndex == 0)
            POCIndex = rplPeriod;
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          if (POCIndex == m_RPLList0[extraNum].m_POC)
      if (slice->getPic()->fieldPic)
        // To set RPL index of POC1 (first bottom field)
        if (POCCurr == 1)
        else if( rplPeriod < 0 )
          // To set RPL indexes for LD
          int numRPLCandidates = getRPLCandidateSize(0);
          if (POCCurr < numRPLCandidates - m_iGOPSize + 2)
            slice->setRPL0idx(POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 2);
            slice->setRPL1idx(POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 2);
            if (POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 0)
              slice->setRPL0idx(m_iGOPSize - 2);
              slice->setRPL1idx(m_iGOPSize - 2);
            else if (POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 1)
              slice->setRPL0idx(m_iGOPSize - 1);
              slice->setRPL1idx(m_iGOPSize - 1);
              slice->setRPL0idx(POCCurr % m_iGOPSize - 2);
              slice->setRPL1idx(POCCurr % m_iGOPSize - 2);
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      const ReferencePictureList *rpl0 = (slice->getSPS()->getRPLList0()->getReferencePictureList(slice->getRPL0idx()));
      const ReferencePictureList *rpl1 = (slice->getSPS()->getRPLList1()->getReferencePictureList(slice->getRPL1idx()));
    void EncLib::setParamSetChanged(int spsId, int ppsId)
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    bool EncLib::APSNeedsWriting(int apsId)
      bool isChanged = m_apsMap.getChangedFlag(apsId);
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    bool EncLib::PPSNeedsWriting(int ppsId)
      bool bChanged=m_ppsMap.getChangedFlag(ppsId);
      return bChanged;
    bool EncLib::SPSNeedsWriting(int spsId)
      bool bChanged=m_spsMap.getChangedFlag(spsId);
      return bChanged;
    void EncLib::checkPltStats( Picture* pic )
      int totalArea = 0;
      int pltArea = 0;
      for (auto apu : pic->cs->pus)
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_TBLOCKS; ++i)
          int puArea = apu->blocks[i].width * apu->blocks[i].height;
          if (apu->blocks[i].width > 0 && apu->blocks[i].height > 0)
            totalArea += puArea;
            if (CU::isPLT(*apu->cu) || CU::isIBC(*apu->cu))
              pltArea += puArea;
      if (pltArea * PLT_FAST_RATIO < totalArea)
        m_doPlt = false;
        m_doPlt = true;
    int EncCfg::getQPForPicture(const uint32_t gopIndex, const Slice *pSlice) const
      const int lumaQpBDOffset = pSlice->getSPS()->getQpBDOffset(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);
      int qp;
      if (getCostMode()==COST_LOSSLESS_CODING)
        const SliceType sliceType=pSlice->getSliceType();
        qp = getBaseQP();
        // switch at specific qp and keep this qp offset
        static int appliedSwitchDQQ = 0; /* TODO: MT */
        if( pSlice->getPOC() == getSwitchPOC() )
          appliedSwitchDQQ = getSwitchDQP();
        qp += appliedSwitchDQQ;
        const int* pdQPs = getdQPs();
        if ( pdQPs )
          qp += pdQPs[pSlice->getPOC() / (m_compositeRefEnabled ? 2 : 1)];
          qp += getIntraQPOffset();
            const GOPEntry &gopEntry=getGOPEntry(gopIndex);
            // adjust QP according to the QP offset for the GOP entry.
            qp +=gopEntry.m_QPOffset;
            // adjust QP according to QPOffsetModel for the GOP entry.
            double dqpOffset=qp*gopEntry.m_QPOffsetModelScale+gopEntry.m_QPOffsetModelOffset+0.5;
            int qpOffset = (int)floor(Clip3<double>(0.0, 3.0, dqpOffset));
            qp += qpOffset ;
    #if JVET_AC0096
        if (m_rprFunctionalityTestingEnabledFlag)
          int currPoc = pSlice->getPOC() + EncCfg::m_FrameSkip;
          int rprSegment = EncCfg::getRprSwitchingSegment(currPoc);
          qp += EncCfg::m_rprSwitchingQPOffsetOrderList[rprSegment];
    #if JVET_AG0116
        if (m_gopBasedRPREnabledFlag)
          if (pSlice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR)
            qp += EncCfg::m_qpOffsetRPR;
          if (pSlice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR2)
            qp += EncCfg::m_qpOffsetRPR2;
          if (pSlice->getPPS()->getPPSId() == ENC_PPS_ID_RPR3)
            qp += EncCfg::m_qpOffsetRPR3;
        // modify QP if a fractional QP was originally specified, cause dQPs to be 0 or 1.
        const int* pdQPs = getdQPs();
        if ( pdQPs )
          qp += pdQPs[ pSlice->getPOC() ];
      qp = Clip3( -lumaQpBDOffset, MAX_QP, qp );
      return qp;