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EncCu.cpp 136 KiB
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            else if ( m_pcEncCfg->getMotionEstimationSearchMethod() != MESEARCH_SELECTIVE )
              int absolute_MV = 0;
              for ( uint32_t uiRefListIdx = 0; uiRefListIdx < 2; uiRefListIdx++ )
                if ( slice.getNumRefIdx( RefPicList( uiRefListIdx ) ) > 0 )
                  absolute_MV += bestPU.mvd[uiRefListIdx].getAbsHor() + bestPU.mvd[uiRefListIdx].getAbsVer();
              if ( absolute_MV == 0 )
      MvField       affineMvField[2][3];
      unsigned char interDirNeighbours;
      int           numValidMergeCand;
      bool          hasNoResidual = false;
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      uint8_t       gbiIdx = GBI_DEFAULT;
      tempCS->initStructData( encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless );
      CodingUnit &cu      = tempCS->addCU( tempCS->area, partitioner.chType );
      partitioner.setCUData( cu );
      cu.slice            = tempCS->slice;
      cu.tileIdx          = tempCS->picture->tileMap->getTileIdxMap( tempCS->area.lumaPos() );
      cu.skip             = false;
    #if JVET_L0054_MMVD
      cu.mmvdSkip = false;
      cu.partSize         = encTestMode.partSize;
      cu.affine           = true;
      cu.predMode         = MODE_INTER;
      cu.transQuantBypass = encTestMode.lossless;
      cu.chromaQpAdj      = cu.transQuantBypass ? 0 : m_cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1;
      cu.qp               = encTestMode.qp;
      CU::addPUs( cu );
      cu.firstPU->mergeFlag = true;
      cu.firstPU->mergeIdx  = 0;
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      PU::getAffineMergeCand( *cu.firstPU, affineMvField, interDirNeighbours, gbiIdx, numValidMergeCand );
      PU::getAffineMergeCand( *cu.firstPU, affineMvField, interDirNeighbours, numValidMergeCand );
      if( numValidMergeCand == -1 )
      cu.firstPU->interDir = interDirNeighbours;
      PU::setAllAffineMvField( *cu.firstPU, affineMvField[REF_PIC_LIST_0], REF_PIC_LIST_0 );
      PU::setAllAffineMvField( *cu.firstPU, affineMvField[REF_PIC_LIST_1], REF_PIC_LIST_1 );
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      cu.GBiIdx = gbiIdx;
      PU::spanMotionInfo( *cu.firstPU );
      m_pcInterSearch->motionCompensation( cu );
      xEncodeInterResidual(tempCS, bestCS, partitioner, encTestMode, 0
        , NULL
        , 1
        , &hasNoResidual);
      if( ! (encTestMode.lossless || hasNoResidual) )
        tempCS->initStructData( encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless );
        tempCS->copyStructure( *bestCS, partitioner.chType );
        tempCS->getPredBuf().copyFrom( bestCS->getPredBuf() );
        xEncodeInterResidual(tempCS, bestCS, partitioner, encTestMode, 1
          , NULL
          , 1
          , &hasNoResidual);
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    #if JVET_L0293_CPR
    // cpr merge/skip mode check
    void EncCu::xCheckRDCostCPRModeMerge2Nx2N(CodingStructure *&tempCS, CodingStructure *&bestCS, Partitioner &partitioner, const EncTestMode& encTestMode)
      assert(tempCS->chType != CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA); // chroma CPR is derived
      if (tempCS->area.lwidth() > CPR_MAX_CAND_SIZE || tempCS->area.lheight() > CPR_MAX_CAND_SIZE) // currently only check 32x32 and below block for cpr merge/skip
      const SPS &sps = *tempCS->sps;
      tempCS->initStructData(encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless);
      MergeCtx mergeCtx;
      if (sps.getSpsNext().getUseSubPuMvp())
        Size bufSize = g_miScaling.scale(tempCS->area.lumaSize());
        mergeCtx.subPuMvpMiBuf = MotionBuf(m_SubPuMiBuf, bufSize);
        // first get merge candidates
        CodingUnit cu(tempCS->area);
        cu.cs = tempCS;
        cu.predMode = MODE_INTER;
        cu.cpr = true;
        cu.slice = tempCS->slice;
        cu.tileIdx = tempCS->picture->tileMap->getTileIdxMap(tempCS->area.lumaPos());
        PredictionUnit pu(tempCS->area); = &cu;
        pu.cs = tempCS;
    #if JVET_L0054_MMVD
        cu.mmvdSkip = false;
        pu.mmvdMergeFlag = false;
    #if JVET_L0124_L0208_TRIANGLE
        cu.triangle = false;
        PU::getInterMergeCandidates(pu, mergeCtx
    #if JVET_L0054_MMVD
          , 0
      int candHasNoResidual[MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS];
      for (unsigned int ui = 0; ui < mergeCtx.numValidMergeCand; ui++)
        candHasNoResidual[ui] = 0;
      bool                                        bestIsSkip = false;
      unsigned                                    numMrgSATDCand = mergeCtx.numValidMergeCand;
      static_vector<unsigned, MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS>  RdModeList(MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS);
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS; i++)
        RdModeList[i] = i;
        static_vector<double, MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS>  candCostList(MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS, MAX_DOUBLE);
        // 1. Pass: get SATD-cost for selected candidates and reduce their count
          const double sqrtLambdaForFirstPass = m_pcRdCost->getMotionLambda(encTestMode.lossless);
          CodingUnit &cu = tempCS->addCU(CS::getArea(*tempCS, tempCS->area, (const ChannelType)partitioner.chType), (const ChannelType)partitioner.chType);
          cu.slice = tempCS->slice;
          cu.tileIdx = tempCS->picture->tileMap->getTileIdxMap(tempCS->area.lumaPos());
          cu.skip = false;
          cu.predMode = MODE_INTER;
          cu.cpr = true;
          cu.transQuantBypass = encTestMode.lossless;
          cu.chromaQpAdj = cu.transQuantBypass ? 0 : m_cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1;
          cu.qp = encTestMode.qp;
    #if JVET_L0054_MMVD
          cu.mmvdSkip = false;
    #if JVET_L0124_L0208_TRIANGLE
          cu.triangle = false;
          DistParam distParam;
          const bool bUseHadamard = !encTestMode.lossless;
          PredictionUnit &pu = tempCS->addPU(cu, partitioner.chType); //tempCS->addPU(cu);
    #if JVET_L0054_MMVD
          pu.mmvdMergeFlag = false;
          Picture* refPic =>slice->getPic();
          const CPelBuf refBuf = refPic->getRecoBuf(pu.blocks[COMPONENT_Y]);
          const Pel*        piRefSrch = refBuf.buf;
          m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParam, tempCS->getOrgBuf().Y(), refBuf, sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), COMPONENT_Y, bUseHadamard);
          int refStride = refBuf.stride;
          const UnitArea localUnitArea(tempCS->area.chromaFormat, Area(0, 0, tempCS->area.Y().width, tempCS->area.Y().height));
          int numValidBv = mergeCtx.numValidMergeCand;
          for (unsigned int mergeCand = 0; mergeCand < mergeCtx.numValidMergeCand; mergeCand++)
            if (mergeCtx.interDirNeighbours[mergeCand] != 1)
            if (tempCS->slice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, mergeCtx.mvFieldNeighbours[mergeCand << 1].refIdx)->getPOC() != tempCS->slice->getPOC())
            mergeCtx.setMergeInfo(pu, mergeCand); // set bv info in merge mode
            const int cuPelX = pu.Y().x;
            const int cuPelY = pu.Y().y;
            int roiWidth = pu.lwidth();
            int roiHeight = pu.lheight();
            const int picWidth = pu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples();
            const int picHeight = pu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples();
            const unsigned int  lcuWidth = pu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getMaxCUWidth();
            int xPred =;
            int yPred =;
            if (!PU::isBlockVectorValid(pu, cuPelX, cuPelY, roiWidth, roiHeight, picWidth, picHeight, 0, 0, xPred, yPred, lcuWidth)) // not valid bv derived
            PU::spanMotionInfo(pu, mergeCtx);
            distParam.cur.buf = piRefSrch + refStride * yPred + xPred;
            Distortion sad = distParam.distFunc(distParam);
            unsigned int bitsCand = mergeCand + 1;
            if (mergeCand == tempCS->slice->getMaxNumMergeCand() - 1)
            double cost = (double)sad + (double)bitsCand * sqrtLambdaForFirstPass;
            static_vector<int, MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS> * nullList = nullptr;
            updateCandList(mergeCand, cost, RdModeList, candCostList
              , *nullList, -1
             , numMrgSATDCand);
          // Try to limit number of candidates using SATD-costs
          if (numValidBv)
            numMrgSATDCand = numValidBv;
            for (unsigned int i = 1; i < numValidBv; i++)
              if (candCostList[i] > MRG_FAST_RATIO*candCostList[0])
                numMrgSATDCand = i;
            tempCS->dist = 0;
            tempCS->fracBits = 0;
            tempCS->cost = MAX_DOUBLE;
            tempCS->initStructData(encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless);
          tempCS->initStructData(encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless);
      const unsigned int iteration = encTestMode.lossless ? 1 : 2;
      // 2. Pass: check candidates using full RD test
      for (unsigned int numResidualPass = 0; numResidualPass < iteration; numResidualPass++)
        for (unsigned int mrgHADIdx = 0; mrgHADIdx < numMrgSATDCand; mrgHADIdx++)
          unsigned int mergeCand = RdModeList[mrgHADIdx];
          if (mergeCtx.interDirNeighbours[mergeCand] != 1)
          if (tempCS->slice->getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, mergeCtx.mvFieldNeighbours[mergeCand << 1].refIdx)->getPOC() != tempCS->slice->getPOC())
          if (!(numResidualPass == 1 && candHasNoResidual[mergeCand] == 1))
            if (!(bestIsSkip && (numResidualPass == 0)))
              unsigned char considerEmtSecondPass = 0;
              bool skipSecondEmtPass = true;
              bool hasResidual[2] = { false, false };
              double emtCost[2] = { MAX_DOUBLE, MAX_DOUBLE };
              // CU-level optimization
              for (unsigned char emtCuFlag = 0; emtCuFlag <= considerEmtSecondPass; emtCuFlag++)
                if (m_pcEncCfg->getFastInterEMT() && emtCuFlag && skipSecondEmtPass)
                // first get merge candidates
                CodingUnit &cu = tempCS->addCU(CS::getArea(*tempCS, tempCS->area, (const ChannelType)partitioner.chType), (const ChannelType)partitioner.chType);
                cu.slice = tempCS->slice;
                cu.tileIdx = tempCS->picture->tileMap->getTileIdxMap(tempCS->area.lumaPos());
                cu.skip = false;
                cu.predMode = MODE_INTER;
                cu.cpr = true;
                cu.transQuantBypass = encTestMode.lossless;
                cu.chromaQpAdj = cu.transQuantBypass ? 0 : m_cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1;
                cu.qp = encTestMode.qp;
                cu.emtFlag = false;
                PredictionUnit &pu = tempCS->addPU(cu, partitioner.chType);// tempCS->addPU(cu);
                pu.intraDir[0] = DC_IDX; // set intra pred for cpr block
                pu.intraDir[1] = PLANAR_IDX; // set intra pred for cpr block
    #if JVET_L0054_MMVD
                cu.mmvdSkip = false;
                pu.mmvdMergeFlag = false;
    #if JVET_L0124_L0208_TRIANGLE
                cu.triangle = false;
                mergeCtx.setMergeInfo(pu, mergeCand);
                PU::spanMotionInfo(pu, mergeCtx);
                assert(mergeCtx.mrgTypeNeighbours[mergeCand] == MRG_TYPE_CPR); //  should be CPR candidate at this round
                const bool chroma = !(CS::isDualITree(*tempCS));
                //  MC
                m_pcInterSearch->motionCompensation(pu,REF_PIC_LIST_0, true, chroma);
                m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = m_CurrCtx->start;
                m_pcInterSearch->encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU(*tempCS, partitioner, (numResidualPass != 0), true, chroma);
                xEncodeDontSplit(*tempCS, partitioner);
                if (tempCS->pps->getUseDQP() && (partitioner.currDepth) <= tempCS->pps->getMaxCuDQPDepth())
                  xCheckDQP(*tempCS, partitioner);
                hasResidual[emtCuFlag] = cu.rootCbf;
                emtCost[emtCuFlag] = tempCS->cost;
                DTRACE_MODE_COST(*tempCS, m_pcRdCost->getLambda());
                xCheckBestMode(tempCS, bestCS, partitioner, encTestMode);
                tempCS->initStructData(encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless);
              if (numResidualPass == 0 && (emtCost[0] <= emtCost[1] ? !hasResidual[0] : !hasResidual[1]))
                  // If no residual when allowing for one, then set mark to not try case where residual is forced to 0
                  candHasNoResidual[mergeCand] = 1;
                if (m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastDecisionForMerge() && !bestIsSkip)
                  if (bestCS->getCU(partitioner.chType) == NULL)
                    bestIsSkip = 0;
                  bestIsSkip = bestCS->getCU(partitioner.chType)->rootCbf == 0;
    void EncCu::xCheckRDCostCPRMode(CodingStructure *&tempCS, CodingStructure *&bestCS, Partitioner &partitioner, const EncTestMode& encTestMode)
        tempCS->initStructData(encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless);
        CodingUnit &cu = tempCS->addCU(CS::getArea(*tempCS, tempCS->area, partitioner.chType), partitioner.chType);
        cu.slice = tempCS->slice;
        cu.tileIdx = tempCS->picture->tileMap->getTileIdxMap(tempCS->area.lumaPos());
        cu.skip = false;
        cu.predMode = MODE_INTER;
        cu.transQuantBypass = encTestMode.lossless;
        cu.chromaQpAdj = cu.transQuantBypass ? 0 : m_cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1;
        cu.qp = encTestMode.qp;
        cu.cpr = true;
        cu.imv = 0;
        PredictionUnit& pu = *cu.firstPU;
    #if JVET_L0054_MMVD
        cu.mmvdSkip = false;
        pu.mmvdMergeFlag = false;
        pu.intraDir[0] = DC_IDX; // set intra pred for cpr block
        pu.intraDir[1] = PLANAR_IDX; // set intra pred for cpr block
        pu.interDir = 1; // use list 0 for CPR mode
        pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = pu.cs->slice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0) - 1; // last idx in the list
        if (partitioner.chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)
          bool bValid = m_pcInterSearch->predCPRSearch(cu, partitioner, m_ctuCprSearchRangeX, m_ctuCprSearchRangeY, m_cprHashMap);
          if (bValid)
            const bool chroma = !(CS::isDualITree(*tempCS));
            //  MC
            m_pcInterSearch->motionCompensation(pu, REF_PIC_LIST_0, true, chroma);
            double    bestCost = bestCS->cost;
            unsigned char    considerEmtSecondPass = 0;
            bool      skipSecondEmtPass = true;
            double    emtFirstPassCost = MAX_DOUBLE;
            // CU-level optimization
            for (unsigned char emtCuFlag = 0; emtCuFlag <= considerEmtSecondPass; emtCuFlag++)
              if (m_pcEncCfg->getFastInterEMT() && emtCuFlag && skipSecondEmtPass)
              tempCS->getCU(tempCS->chType)->emtFlag = emtCuFlag;
              m_pcInterSearch->encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU(*tempCS, partitioner, false, true, chroma);
              if (m_pcEncCfg->getFastInterEMT())
                emtFirstPassCost = (!emtCuFlag) ? tempCS->cost : emtFirstPassCost;
              xEncodeDontSplit(*tempCS, partitioner);
              if (tempCS->pps->getUseDQP() && (partitioner.currDepth) <= tempCS->pps->getMaxCuDQPDepth())
                xCheckDQP(*tempCS, partitioner);
              DTRACE_MODE_COST(*tempCS, m_pcRdCost->getLambda());
              xCheckBestMode(tempCS, bestCS, partitioner, encTestMode);
              //now we check whether the second pass should be skipped or not
              if (!emtCuFlag && considerEmtSecondPass)
                static const double thresholdToSkipEmtSecondPass = 1.1; // Skip checking EMT transforms
                if (m_pcEncCfg->getFastInterEMT() && (!cu.firstTU->cbf[COMPONENT_Y] || emtFirstPassCost > bestCost * thresholdToSkipEmtSecondPass))
                  skipSecondEmtPass = true;
                else //EMT will be checked
                  if (bestCost == bestCS->cost) //The first EMT pass didn't become the bestCS, so we clear the TUs generated
                    tempCS->initStructData(bestCS->currQP[bestCS->chType], bestCS->isLossless);
                    tempCS->copyStructure(*bestCS, partitioner.chType);
                  //we need to restart the distortion for the new tempCS, the bit count and the cost
                  tempCS->dist = 0;
                  tempCS->fracBits = 0;
                  tempCS->cost = MAX_DOUBLE;
          } // bValid
            tempCS->dist = 0;
            tempCS->fracBits = 0;
            tempCS->cost = MAX_DOUBLE;
     // chroma CU cpr comp
          bool success = true;
          // chroma tree, reuse luma bv at minimal block level
          // enabled search only when each chroma sub-block has a BV from its luma sub-block
          assert(tempCS->getCprLumaCoverage(pu.Cb()) == CPR_LUMA_COVERAGE_FULL);
          // check if each BV for the chroma sub-block is valid
          //static const UInt unitArea = MIN_PU_SIZE * MIN_PU_SIZE;
          const CompArea lumaArea = CompArea(COMPONENT_Y, pu.chromaFormat, pu.Cb().lumaPos(), recalcSize(pu.chromaFormat, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, pu.Cb().size()));
          PredictionUnit subPu;
          subPu.cs = pu.cs;
          const ComponentID compID = COMPONENT_Cb; // use Cb to represent both Cb and CR, as their structures are the same
          int shiftHor = ::getComponentScaleX(compID, pu.chromaFormat);
          int shiftVer = ::getComponentScaleY(compID, pu.chromaFormat);
          //const ChromaFormat  chFmt = pu.chromaFormat;
          for (int y = lumaArea.y; y < lumaArea.y + lumaArea.height; y += MIN_PU_SIZE)
            for (int x = lumaArea.x; x < lumaArea.x + lumaArea.width; x += MIN_PU_SIZE)
              const MotionInfo &curMi = pu.cs->picture->cs->getMotionInfo(Position{ x, y });
              subPu.UnitArea::operator=(UnitArea(pu.chromaFormat, Area(x, y, MIN_PU_SIZE, MIN_PU_SIZE)));
              Position offsetRef = subPu.blocks[compID].pos().offset(( >> shiftHor), ( >> shiftVer));
              Position refEndPos(offsetRef.x + subPu.blocks[compID].size().width - 1, offsetRef.y + subPu.blocks[compID].size().height - 1 );
              if (!subPu.cs->isDecomp(refEndPos, toChannelType(compID)) || !subPu.cs->isDecomp(offsetRef, toChannelType(compID))) // ref block is not yet available for this chroma sub-block
                success = false;
            if (!success)
          if (success)
            //pu.mergeType = MRG_TYPE_CPR;
            m_pcInterSearch->motionCompensation(pu, REF_PIC_LIST_0, false, true); // luma=0, chroma=1
            m_pcInterSearch->encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU(*tempCS, partitioner, false, false, true);
            xEncodeDontSplit(*tempCS, partitioner);
            xCheckDQP(*tempCS, partitioner);
            DTRACE_MODE_COST(*tempCS, m_pcRdCost->getLambda());
            xCheckBestMode(tempCS, bestCS, partitioner, encTestMode);
            tempCS->dist = 0;
            tempCS->fracBits = 0;
            tempCS->cost = MAX_DOUBLE;
      // check cpr mode in encoder RD
    #endif // CPR
    void EncCu::xCheckRDCostInter( CodingStructure *&tempCS, CodingStructure *&bestCS, Partitioner &partitioner, const EncTestMode& encTestMode )
      tempCS->initStructData( encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless );
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      if( tempCS->slice->getCheckLDC() )
        m_bestGbiCost[0] = m_bestGbiCost[1] = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
        m_bestGbiIdx[0] = m_bestGbiIdx[1] = -1;
      int gbiLoopNum = (tempCS->slice->isInterB() ? GBI_NUM : 1);
      gbiLoopNum = (tempCS->sps->getSpsNext().getUseGBi() ? gbiLoopNum : 1);
      if( tempCS->area.lwidth() * tempCS->area.lheight() < GBI_SIZE_CONSTRAINT )
        gbiLoopNum = 1;
      double curBestCost = bestCS->cost;
      double equGBiCost = MAX_DOUBLE;
      for( int gbiLoopIdx = 0; gbiLoopIdx < gbiLoopNum; gbiLoopIdx++ )
        if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() )
          auto blkCache = dynamic_cast< CacheBlkInfoCtrl* >(m_modeCtrl);
          if( blkCache )
            bool isBestInter = blkCache->getInter(bestCS->area);
            uint8_t bestGBiIdx = blkCache->getGbiIdx(bestCS->area);
            if( isBestInter && g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx] != GBI_DEFAULT && g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx] != bestGBiIdx )
        if( !tempCS->slice->getCheckLDC() )
          if( gbiLoopIdx != 0 && gbiLoopIdx != 3 && gbiLoopIdx != 4 )
      CodingUnit &cu      = tempCS->addCU( tempCS->area, partitioner.chType );
      partitioner.setCUData( cu );
      cu.slice            = tempCS->slice;
      cu.tileIdx          = tempCS->picture->tileMap->getTileIdxMap( tempCS->area.lumaPos() );
      cu.skip             = false;
    #if JVET_L0054_MMVD
      cu.mmvdSkip = false;
      cu.predMode         = MODE_INTER;
      cu.transQuantBypass = encTestMode.lossless;
      cu.chromaQpAdj      = cu.transQuantBypass ? 0 : m_cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1;
      cu.qp               = encTestMode.qp;
      CU::addPUs( cu );
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      cu.GBiIdx = g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx];
      uint8_t gbiIdx = cu.GBiIdx;
      bool  testGbi = (gbiIdx != GBI_DEFAULT);
      m_pcInterSearch->predInterSearch( cu, partitioner );
      const unsigned wIdx = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( tempCS->area.lwidth () );
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      gbiIdx = CU::getValidGbiIdx(cu);
      if( testGbi && gbiIdx == GBI_DEFAULT ) // Enabled GBi but the search results is uni.
        tempCS->initStructData(encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless);
      CHECK(!(testGbi || (!testGbi && gbiIdx == GBI_DEFAULT)), " !( bTestGbi || (!bTestGbi && gbiIdx == GBI_DEFAULT ) )");
      bool isEqualUni = false;
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() )
        if( cu.firstPU->interDir != 3 && testGbi == 0 )
          isEqualUni = true;
      xEncodeInterResidual( tempCS, bestCS, partitioner, encTestMode, 0
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
    Karsten Suehring committed
        , m_pImvTempCS ? m_pImvTempCS[wIdx] : NULL
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
        , &equGBiCost
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      if( g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx] == GBI_DEFAULT )
        m_pcInterSearch->setAffineModeSelected((bestCS->cus.front()->affine && !(bestCS->cus.front()->firstPU->mergeFlag)));
      tempCS->initStructData(encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless);
      double skipTH = MAX_DOUBLE;
      skipTH = (m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() ? 1.05 : MAX_DOUBLE);
      if( equGBiCost > curBestCost * skipTH )
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() )
        if( isEqualUni == true && m_pcEncCfg->getIntraPeriod() == -1 )
      if( g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx] == GBI_DEFAULT && xIsGBiSkip(cu) && m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() )
     }  // for( UChar gbiLoopIdx = 0; gbiLoopIdx < gbiLoopNum; gbiLoopIdx++ )
    bool EncCu::xCheckRDCostInterIMV( CodingStructure *&tempCS, CodingStructure *&bestCS, Partitioner &partitioner, const EncTestMode& encTestMode )
      int iIMV = int( ( encTestMode.opts & ETO_IMV ) >> ETO_IMV_SHIFT );
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      // Only int-Pel, 4-Pel and fast 4-Pel allowed
      CHECK( iIMV != 1 && iIMV != 2 && iIMV != 3, "Unsupported IMV Mode" );
      // Fast 4-Pel Mode
      EncTestMode encTestModeBase = encTestMode;                                        // copy for clearing non-IMV options
      encTestModeBase.opts        = EncTestModeOpts( encTestModeBase.opts & ETO_IMV );  // clear non-IMV options (is that intended?)
      tempCS->initStructData( encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless );
      CodingStructure* pcCUInfo2Reuse = nullptr;
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      int gbiLoopNum = (tempCS->slice->isInterB() ? GBI_NUM : 1);
      gbiLoopNum = (pcCUInfo2Reuse != NULL ? 1 : gbiLoopNum);
      gbiLoopNum = (tempCS->slice->getSPS()->getSpsNext().getUseGBi() ? gbiLoopNum : 1);
      if( tempCS->area.lwidth() * tempCS->area.lheight() < GBI_SIZE_CONSTRAINT )
        gbiLoopNum = 1;
      double curBestCost = bestCS->cost;
      double equGBiCost = MAX_DOUBLE;
      for( int gbiLoopIdx = 0; gbiLoopIdx < gbiLoopNum; gbiLoopIdx++ )
        if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() )
          auto blkCache = dynamic_cast< CacheBlkInfoCtrl* >(m_modeCtrl);
          if( blkCache )
            bool isBestInter = blkCache->getInter(bestCS->area);
            uint8_t bestGBiIdx = blkCache->getGbiIdx(bestCS->area);
            if( isBestInter && g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx] != GBI_DEFAULT && g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx] != bestGBiIdx )
        if( !tempCS->slice->getCheckLDC() )
          if( gbiLoopIdx != 0 && gbiLoopIdx != 3 && gbiLoopIdx != 4 )
        if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() && tempCS->slice->getCheckLDC() && g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx] != GBI_DEFAULT
          && (m_bestGbiIdx[0] >= 0 && g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx] != m_bestGbiIdx[0])
          && (m_bestGbiIdx[1] >= 0 && g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx] != m_bestGbiIdx[1]))
      CodingUnit &cu = ( pcCUInfo2Reuse != nullptr ) ? *tempCS->getCU( partitioner.chType ) : tempCS->addCU( tempCS->area, partitioner.chType );
      if( pcCUInfo2Reuse == nullptr )
        partitioner.setCUData( cu );
        cu.slice            = tempCS->slice;
        cu.tileIdx          = tempCS->picture->tileMap->getTileIdxMap( tempCS->area.lumaPos() );
        cu.skip             = false;
    #if JVET_L0054_MMVD
        cu.mmvdSkip = false;
        cu.predMode         = MODE_INTER;
        cu.transQuantBypass = encTestMode.lossless;
        cu.chromaQpAdj      = cu.transQuantBypass ? 0 : m_cuChromaQpOffsetIdxPlus1;
        cu.qp               = encTestMode.qp;
        CU::addPUs( cu );
        CHECK( cu.skip,                                "Mismatch" );
        CHECK( cu.qtDepth  != partitioner.currQtDepth, "Mismatch" );
        CHECK( cu.btDepth  != partitioner.currBtDepth, "Mismatch" );
        CHECK( cu.mtDepth  != partitioner.currMtDepth, "Mismatch" );
        CHECK( cu.depth    != partitioner.currDepth,   "Mismatch" );
      cu.imv      = iIMV > 1 ? 2 : 1;
      cu.emtFlag  = false;
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      bool testGbi;
      uint8_t gbiIdx;
      if( pcCUInfo2Reuse != nullptr )
        // reuse the motion info from pcCUInfo2Reuse
        CU::resetMVDandMV2Int( cu, m_pcInterSearch );
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
        CHECK(cu.GBiIdx < 0 || cu.GBiIdx >= GBI_NUM, "cu.GBiIdx < 0 || cu.GBiIdx >= GBI_NUM");
        gbiIdx = CU::getValidGbiIdx(cu);
        testGbi = (gbiIdx != GBI_DEFAULT);
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR
          if (m_modeCtrl->useModeResult(encTestModeBase, tempCS, partitioner))
            std::swap(tempCS, bestCS);
            // store temp best CI for next CU coding
            m_CurrCtx->best = m_CABACEstimator->getCtx();
          m_modeCtrl->useModeResult( encTestModeBase, tempCS, partitioner );
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI 
        cu.GBiIdx = g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx];
        gbiIdx = cu.GBiIdx;
        testGbi = (gbiIdx != GBI_DEFAULT);
        m_pcInterSearch->predInterSearch( cu, partitioner );
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
        gbiIdx = CU::getValidGbiIdx(cu);
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      if( testGbi && gbiIdx == GBI_DEFAULT ) // Enabled GBi but the search results is uni.
        tempCS->initStructData(encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless);
      CHECK(!(testGbi || (!testGbi && gbiIdx == GBI_DEFAULT)), " !( bTestGbi || (!bTestGbi && gbiIdx == GBI_DEFAULT ) )");
      bool isEqualUni = false;
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() )
        if( cu.firstPU->interDir != 3 && testGbi == 0 )
          isEqualUni = true;
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR
        if (m_modeCtrl->useModeResult(encTestModeBase, tempCS, partitioner))
          std::swap(tempCS, bestCS);
          // store temp best CI for next CU coding
          m_CurrCtx->best = m_CABACEstimator->getCtx();
        m_modeCtrl->useModeResult( encTestModeBase, tempCS, partitioner );
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
      xEncodeInterResidual( tempCS, bestCS, partitioner, encTestModeBase, 0
        , NULL
        , true
        , 0
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
        , &equGBiCost
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      tempCS->initStructData(encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless);
      double skipTH = MAX_DOUBLE;
      skipTH = (m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() ? 1.05 : MAX_DOUBLE);
      if( equGBiCost > curBestCost * skipTH )
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() )
        if( isEqualUni == true && m_pcEncCfg->getIntraPeriod() == -1 )
      if( g_GbiSearchOrder[gbiLoopIdx] == GBI_DEFAULT && xIsGBiSkip(cu) && m_pcEncCfg->getUseGBiFast() )
     } // for( UChar gbiLoopIdx = 0; gbiLoopIdx < gbiLoopNum; gbiLoopIdx++ )
    void EncCu::xEncodeInterResidual( CodingStructure *&tempCS, CodingStructure *&bestCS, Partitioner &partitioner, const EncTestMode& encTestMode, int residualPass
      , CodingStructure* imvCS
      , int emtMode
      , bool* bestHasNonResi
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
      , double* equGBiCost
      if( residualPass == 1 && encTestMode.lossless )
      CodingUnit*            cu        = tempCS->getCU( partitioner.chType );
      double   bestCostInternal        = MAX_DOUBLE;
      double           bestCost        = bestCS->cost;
      const SPS&            sps        = *tempCS->sps;
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
    Karsten Suehring committed
      const int      maxSizeEMT        = EMT_INTER_MAX_CU_WITH_QTBT;
      bool              swapped        = false; // avoid unwanted data copy
      bool             reloadCU        = false;
      const bool considerEmtSecondPass = emtMode && sps.getSpsNext().getUseInterEMT() && partitioner.currArea().lwidth() <= maxSizeEMT && partitioner.currArea().lheight() <= maxSizeEMT;
      int minEMTMode = 0;
      int maxEMTMode = (considerEmtSecondPass?1:0);
    Xiang Li's avatar
    Xiang Li committed
      // Not allow very big |MVd| to avoid CABAC crash caused by too large MVd. Normally no impact on coding performance.
      const int maxMvd = 1 << 15;
      const PredictionUnit& pu = *cu->firstPU;
      if (!cu->affine)
        if ((pu.refIdx[0] >= 0 && (pu.mvd[0].getAbsHor() >= maxMvd || pu.mvd[0].getAbsVer() >= maxMvd))
          || (pu.refIdx[1] >= 0 && (pu.mvd[1].getAbsHor() >= maxMvd || pu.mvd[1].getAbsVer() >= maxMvd)))
      if( emtMode == 2 )
        minEMTMode = maxEMTMode = (cu->emtFlag?1:0);
      for( int curEmtMode = minEMTMode; curEmtMode <= maxEMTMode; curEmtMode++ )
        if( reloadCU )
          if( bestCost == bestCS->cost ) //The first EMT pass didn't become the bestCS, so we clear the TUs generated
          else if( false == swapped )
            tempCS->initStructData( encTestMode.qp, encTestMode.lossless );
            tempCS->copyStructure( *bestCS, partitioner.chType );
            tempCS->getPredBuf().copyFrom( bestCS->getPredBuf() );
            bestCost = bestCS->cost;
            cu       = tempCS->getCU( partitioner.chType );
            swapped = true;
            bestCost = bestCS->cost;
            cu       = tempCS->getCU( partitioner.chType );
          //we need to restart the distortion for the new tempCS, the bit count and the cost
          tempCS->dist     = 0;
          tempCS->fracBits = 0;
          tempCS->cost     = MAX_DOUBLE;
        reloadCU    = true; // enable cu reloading
        const bool skipResidual = residualPass == 1;
        m_pcInterSearch->encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU( *tempCS, partitioner, skipResidual );
        xEncodeDontSplit( *tempCS, partitioner );
        xCheckDQP( *tempCS, partitioner );