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EncModeCtrl.cpp 63.6 KiB
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      CHECKD( !( encInfo.numTus > 0 ), "Empty tus array" );
      for( int i = 0; i < encInfo.numTus; i++ )
        TransformUnit  &tu = cs.addTU( encInfo.tus[i], partitioner.chType );
        for( auto &blk : tu.blocks )
          if( blk.valid() ) tu.copyComponentFrom( encInfo.tus[i], blk.compID );
      for( auto &blk : tu.blocks )
        if( blk.valid() ) tu.copyComponentFrom( encInfo.tu, blk.compID );
      testMode    = encInfo.testMode;
      return true;
    static bool interHadActive( const ComprCUCtx& ctx )
      return ctx.interHad != 0;
    // EncModeCtrlQTBT
    void EncModeCtrlMTnoRQT::create( const EncCfg& cfg )
      BestEncInfoCache::create( cfg.getChromaFormatIdc() );
    #if JVET_M0140_SBT
    void EncModeCtrlMTnoRQT::destroy()
    #if JVET_M0140_SBT
    void EncModeCtrlMTnoRQT::initCTUEncoding( const Slice &slice )
      CacheBlkInfoCtrl::init( slice );
      BestEncInfoCache::init( slice );
    #if JVET_M0140_SBT
      SaveLoadEncInfoSbt::init( slice );
      CHECK( !m_ComprCUCtxList.empty(), "Mode list is not empty at the beginning of a CTU" );
      m_slice             = &slice;
      m_runNextInParallel      = false;
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseE0023FastEnc() )
        if (m_pcEncCfg->getUseCompositeRef())
          m_skipThreshold = ( ( slice.getMinPictureDistance() <= PICTURE_DISTANCE_TH * 2 ) ? FAST_SKIP_DEPTH : SKIP_DEPTH );
          m_skipThreshold = ((slice.getMinPictureDistance() <= PICTURE_DISTANCE_TH) ? FAST_SKIP_DEPTH : SKIP_DEPTH);
        m_skipThreshold = SKIP_DEPTH;
    void EncModeCtrlMTnoRQT::initCULevel( Partitioner &partitioner, const CodingStructure& cs )
      // Min/max depth
      unsigned minDepth = 0;
      unsigned maxDepth = g_aucLog2[cs.sps->getCTUSize()] - g_aucLog2[cs.sps->getMinQTSize( m_slice->getSliceType(), partitioner.chType )];
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastLCTU() )
        if( auto adPartitioner = dynamic_cast<AdaptiveDepthPartitioner*>( &partitioner ) )
          // LARGE CTU
          adPartitioner->setMaxMinDepth( minDepth, maxDepth, cs );
      m_ComprCUCtxList.push_back( ComprCUCtx( cs, minDepth, maxDepth, NUM_EXTRA_FEATURES ) );
      if( m_runNextInParallel )
        for( auto &level : m_ComprCUCtxList )
          CHECK( level.isLevelSplitParallel, "Tring to parallelize a level within parallel execution!" );
        CHECK( cs.picture->scheduler.getSplitJobId() == 0, "Trying to run a parallel level although jobId is 0!" );
        m_runNextInParallel                          = false;
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().isLevelSplitParallel = true;
      const CodingUnit* cuLeft  = cs.getCU( cs.area.blocks[partitioner.chType].pos().offset( -1, 0 ), partitioner.chType );
      const CodingUnit* cuAbove = cs.getCU( cs.area.blocks[partitioner.chType].pos().offset( 0, -1 ), partitioner.chType );
      const bool qtBeforeBt = ( (  cuLeft  &&  cuAbove  && cuLeft ->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth && cuAbove->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth )
                             || (  cuLeft  && !cuAbove  && cuLeft ->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth )
                             || ( !cuLeft  &&  cuAbove  && cuAbove->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth )
                             || ( !cuAbove && !cuLeft   && cs.area.lwidth() >= ( 32 << cs.slice->getDepth() ) ) )
                             && ( cs.area.lwidth() > ( cs.pcv->getMinQtSize( *cs.slice, partitioner.chType ) << 1 ) );
      // set features
      ComprCUCtx &cuECtx  = m_ComprCUCtxList.back();
      cuECtx.set( DO_TRIH_SPLIT,        cs.sps->getSpsNext().getMTTMode() & 1 );
      cuECtx.set( DO_TRIV_SPLIT,        cs.sps->getSpsNext().getMTTMode() & 1 );
      cuECtx.set( BEST_IMV_COST,        MAX_DOUBLE * .5 );
      cuECtx.set( BEST_NO_IMV_COST,     MAX_DOUBLE * .5 );
      cuECtx.set( QT_BEFORE_BT,         qtBeforeBt );
      cuECtx.set( DID_QUAD_SPLIT,       false );
      cuECtx.set( IS_BEST_NOSPLIT_SKIP, false );
      cuECtx.set( MAX_QT_SUB_DEPTH,     0 );
      // QP
      int baseQP = cs.baseQP;
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseAdaptiveQP() )
        if (!CS::isDualITree(cs) || isLuma(partitioner.chType))
          baseQP = Clip3(-cs.sps->getQpBDOffset(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), MAX_QP, baseQP + xComputeDQP(cs, partitioner));
      int minQP = baseQP;
      int maxQP = baseQP;
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled() )
        if( partitioner.currDepth <= cs.pps->getMaxCuDQPDepth() )
          CompArea clipedArea = clipArea( cs.area.Y(), cs.picture->Y() );
          // keep using the same m_QP_LUMA_OFFSET in the same CTU
          m_lumaQPOffset = calculateLumaDQP( cs.getOrgBuf( clipedArea ) );
      xGetMinMaxQP( minQP, maxQP, cs, partitioner, baseQP, *cs.sps, *cs.pps, true );
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      bool checkIbc = true;
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      if (cs.chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA)
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        IbcLumaCoverage ibcLumaCoverage = cs.getIbcLumaCoverage(cs.area.Cb());
        switch (ibcLumaCoverage)
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          // check IBC 
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          // do not check IBC
          checkIbc = false;
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          // do not check IBC
          checkIbc = false;
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          THROW("Unknown IBC luma coverage type");
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      // Add coding modes here
      // NOTE: Working back to front, as a stack, which is more efficient with the container
      // NOTE: First added modes will be processed at the end.
      // Add unit split modes
      if( !cuECtx.get<bool>( QT_BEFORE_BT ) )
        for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )
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          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_QT, ETO_STANDARD, qp, false } );
      if( partitioner.canSplit( CU_TRIV_SPLIT, cs ) )
        // add split modes
        for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )
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          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_TT_V, ETO_STANDARD, qp, false } );
      if( partitioner.canSplit( CU_TRIH_SPLIT, cs ) )
        // add split modes
        for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )
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          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_TT_H, ETO_STANDARD, qp, false } );
      if( partitioner.canSplit( CU_VERT_SPLIT, cs ) )
        // add split modes
        for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )
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          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_BT_V, ETO_STANDARD, qp, false } );
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().set( DID_VERT_SPLIT, true );
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().set( DID_VERT_SPLIT, false );
      if( partitioner.canSplit( CU_HORZ_SPLIT, cs ) )
        // add split modes
        for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )
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          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_BT_H, ETO_STANDARD, qp, false } );
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().set( DID_HORZ_SPLIT, true );
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().set( DID_HORZ_SPLIT, false );
      if( cuECtx.get<bool>( QT_BEFORE_BT ) )
        for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )
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          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_QT, ETO_STANDARD, qp, false } );
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_POST_DONT_SPLIT } );
      xGetMinMaxQP( minQP, maxQP, cs, partitioner, baseQP, *cs.sps, *cs.pps, false );
      bool useLossless = false;
      int  lowestQP = minQP;
      if( cs.pps->getTransquantBypassEnabledFlag() )
        useLossless = true; // mark that the first iteration is to cost TQB mode.
        minQP = minQP - 1;  // increase loop variable range by 1, to allow testing of TQB mode along with other QPs
        if( m_pcEncCfg->getCUTransquantBypassFlagForceValue() )
          maxQP = minQP;
      // Add unit coding modes: Intra, InterME, InterMerge ...
      for( int qpLoop = maxQP; qpLoop >= minQP; qpLoop-- )
        const int  qp       = std::max( qpLoop, lowestQP );
        const bool lossless = useLossless && qpLoop == minQP;
        const bool isReusingCu = isValid( cs, partitioner, qp );
        cuECtx.set( IS_REUSING_CU, isReusingCu );
        if( isReusingCu )
          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( {ETM_RECO_CACHED, ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless} );
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        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_IPCM,  ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless } );
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_INTRA, ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless } );
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        // add ibc mode to intra path
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    #if JVET_M0483_IBC
        if (cs.sps->getIBCFlag() && checkIbc)
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        if (cs.sps->getSpsNext().getIBCMode() && checkIbc )
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          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back({ ETM_IBC,         ETO_STANDARD,  qp, lossless });
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          if (cs.chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)
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            m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back({ ETM_IBC_MERGE,   ETO_STANDARD,  qp, lossless });
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      if( !m_slice->isIRAP() )
        for( int qpLoop = maxQP; qpLoop >= minQP; qpLoop-- )
          const int  qp       = std::max( qpLoop, lowestQP );
          const bool lossless = useLossless && qpLoop == minQP;
    #if JVET_M0246_AFFINE_AMVR
          if( m_pcEncCfg->getIMV() || m_pcEncCfg->getUseAffineAmvr() )
    #if JVET_M0246_AFFINE_AMVR
            if( m_pcEncCfg->getIMV() == IMV_4PEL || m_pcEncCfg->getUseAffineAmvr() )
              int imv = m_pcEncCfg->getIMV4PelFast() ? 3 : 2;
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              m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_INTER_ME, EncTestModeOpts( imv << ETO_IMV_SHIFT ), qp, lossless } );
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            m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_INTER_ME, EncTestModeOpts( 1 << ETO_IMV_SHIFT ), qp, lossless } );
          // add inter modes
          if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseEarlySkipDetection() )
            if( cs.sps->getSpsNext().getUseTriangle() && cs.slice->isInterB() )
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
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              m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_MERGE_TRIANGLE, ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless } );
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            m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_MERGE_SKIP,  ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless } );
            if ( cs.sps->getSpsNext().getUseAffine() || cs.sps->getSBTMVPEnabledFlag() )
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
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              m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_AFFINE,    ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless } );
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
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            m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_INTER_ME,    ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless } );
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
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            m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_INTER_ME,    ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless } );
            if( cs.sps->getSpsNext().getUseTriangle() && cs.slice->isInterB() )
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
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              m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_MERGE_TRIANGLE, ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless } );
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            m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_MERGE_SKIP,  ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless } );
            if ( cs.sps->getSpsNext().getUseAffine() || cs.sps->getSBTMVPEnabledFlag() )
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
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              m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_AFFINE,    ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless } );
    #if JVET_M0253_HASH_ME
          if (m_pcEncCfg->getUseHashME())
            if ((cs.area.lwidth() == cs.area.lheight() && cs.area.lwidth() <= 64 && cs.area.lwidth() >= 4) || (cs.area.lwidth() == 4 && cs.area.lheight() == 8) || (cs.area.lwidth() == 8 && cs.area.lheight() == 4))
              m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back({ ETM_HASH_INTER, ETO_STANDARD, qp, lossless });
      // ensure to skip unprobable modes
      if( !tryModeMaster( m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.back(), cs, partitioner ) )
        nextMode( cs, partitioner );
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().lastTestMode = EncTestMode();
    void EncModeCtrlMTnoRQT::finishCULevel( Partitioner &partitioner )
    bool EncModeCtrlMTnoRQT::tryMode( const EncTestMode& encTestmode, const CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner& partitioner )
      ComprCUCtx& cuECtx = m_ComprCUCtxList.back();
      // Fast checks, partitioning depended
    #if JVET_M0253_HASH_ME
      if (cuECtx.isHashPerfectMatch && encTestmode.type != ETM_MERGE_SKIP && encTestmode.type != ETM_AFFINE && encTestmode.type != ETM_MERGE_TRIANGLE)
        return false;
      // if early skip detected, skip all modes checking but the splits
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      if( cuECtx.earlySkip && m_pcEncCfg->getUseEarlySkipDetection() && !isModeSplit( encTestmode ) && !( isModeInter( encTestmode ) ) )
        return false;
      const PartSplit implicitSplit = partitioner.getImplicitSplit( cs );
      const bool isBoundary         = implicitSplit != CU_DONT_SPLIT;
      if( isBoundary && encTestmode.type != ETM_SPLIT_QT )
        return getPartSplit( encTestmode ) == implicitSplit;
      else if( isBoundary && encTestmode.type == ETM_SPLIT_QT )
        return partitioner.canSplit( CU_QUAD_SPLIT, cs );
      if( cuECtx.get<bool>( IS_REUSING_CU ) )
        if( encTestmode.type == ETM_RECO_CACHED )
          return true;
        if( isModeNoSplit( encTestmode ) )
          return false;
      const Slice&           slice       = *m_slice;
      const SPS&             sps         = *slice.getSPS();
      const uint32_t             numComp     = getNumberValidComponents( slice.getSPS()->getChromaFormatIdc() );
      const uint32_t             width       = partitioner.currArea().lumaSize().width;
      const CodingStructure *bestCS      = cuECtx.bestCS;
      const CodingUnit      *bestCU      = cuECtx.bestCU;
      const EncTestMode      bestMode    = bestCS ? getCSEncMode( *bestCS ) : EncTestMode();
      CodedCUInfo    &relatedCU          = getBlkInfo( partitioner.currArea() );
      if( cuECtx.minDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth && partitioner.canSplit( CU_QUAD_SPLIT, cs ) )
        // enforce QT
        return encTestmode.type == ETM_SPLIT_QT;
      else if( encTestmode.type == ETM_SPLIT_QT && cuECtx.maxDepth <= partitioner.currQtDepth )
        // don't check this QT depth
        return false;
      if( bestCS && bestCS->cus.size() == 1 )
        // update the best non-split cost
        cuECtx.set( BEST_NON_SPLIT_COST, bestCS->cost );
      if( encTestmode.type == ETM_INTRA )
        if( getFastDeltaQp() )
          if( cs.area.lumaSize().width > cs.pcv->fastDeltaQPCuMaxSize )
            return false; // only check necessary 2Nx2N Intra in fast delta-QP mode
        if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastLCTU() && partitioner.currArea().lumaSize().area() > 4096 )
          return false;
        if (CS::isDualITree(cs) && (partitioner.currArea().lumaSize().width > 64 || partitioner.currArea().lumaSize().height > 64))
          return false;
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    #if JVET_M0483_IBC
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        if (m_pcEncCfg->getUsePbIntraFast() && (!cs.slice->isIntra() || cs.slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag()) && !interHadActive(cuECtx) && cuECtx.bestCU && !CU::isIntra(*cuECtx.bestCU))
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        if( m_pcEncCfg->getUsePbIntraFast() && !cs.slice->isIntra() && !interHadActive( cuECtx ) && cuECtx.bestCU && CU::isInter( *cuECtx.bestCU ) )
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    #if JVET_M0483_IBC
        if (cs.sps->getIBCFlag() && !cuECtx.bestTU)
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        if (cs.sps->getSpsNext().getIBCMode() && !cuECtx.bestTU)
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          return true;
        CHECK( !slice.isIntra() && !cuECtx.bestTU, "No possible non-intra encoding for a P- or B-slice found" );
        if( !( slice.isIRAP() || bestMode.type == ETM_INTRA || 
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    #if JVET_M0483_IBC
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          ((!m_pcEncCfg->getDisableIntraPUsInInterSlices()) && (!relatedCU.isInter || !relatedCU.isIBC) && (
          ( ( !m_pcEncCfg->getDisableIntraPUsInInterSlices() ) && !relatedCU.isInter && (
                                             ( cuECtx.bestTU->cbf[0] != 0 ) ||
               ( ( numComp > COMPONENT_Cb ) && cuECtx.bestTU->cbf[1] != 0 ) ||
               ( ( numComp > COMPONENT_Cr ) && cuECtx.bestTU->cbf[2] != 0 )  // avoid very complex intra if it is unlikely
             ) ) ) )
          return false;
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        if ((m_pcEncCfg->getIBCFastMethod() & IBC_FAST_METHOD_NOINTRA_IBCCBF0)
          && (bestMode.type == ETM_IBC || bestMode.type == ETM_IBC_MERGE)
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          && (!cuECtx.bestCU->Y().valid() || cuECtx.bestTU->cbf[0] == 0)
          && (!cuECtx.bestCU->Cb().valid() || cuECtx.bestTU->cbf[1] == 0)
          && (!cuECtx.bestCU->Cr().valid() || cuECtx.bestTU->cbf[2] == 0))
          return false;
        if( lastTestMode().type != ETM_INTRA && cuECtx.bestCS && cuECtx.bestCU && interHadActive( cuECtx ) )
          // Get SATD threshold from best Inter-CU
          if( !cs.slice->isIRAP() && m_pcEncCfg->getUsePbIntraFast() )
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    #if JVET_M0483_IBC
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            if (bestCU && !CU::isIntra(*bestCU))
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              DistParam distParam;
              const bool useHad = !bestCU->transQuantBypass;
              m_pcRdCost->setDistParam( distParam, cs.getOrgBuf( COMPONENT_Y ), cuECtx.bestCS->getPredBuf( COMPONENT_Y ), cs.sps->getBitDepth( CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ), COMPONENT_Y, useHad );
              cuECtx.interHad = distParam.distFunc( distParam );
        return true;
      else if( encTestmode.type == ETM_IPCM )
        if( getFastDeltaQp() )
          const SPS &sps = *cs.sps;
          const uint32_t fastDeltaQPCuMaxPCMSize = Clip3( ( uint32_t ) 1 << sps.getPCMLog2MinSize(), ( uint32_t ) 1 << sps.getPCMLog2MaxSize(), 32u );
          if( cs.area.lumaSize().width > fastDeltaQPCuMaxPCMSize )
            return false;   // only check necessary PCM in fast deltaqp mode
        // PCM MODES
        return sps.getPCMEnabledFlag() && width <= ( 1 << sps.getPCMLog2MaxSize() ) && width >= ( 1 << sps.getPCMLog2MinSize() );
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      else if (encTestmode.type == ETM_IBC || encTestmode.type == ETM_IBC_MERGE)
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        // IBC MODES
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    #if JVET_M0483_IBC
        return sps.getIBCFlag() && width <= IBC_MAX_CAND_SIZE && partitioner.currArea().lumaSize().height <= IBC_MAX_CAND_SIZE;
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        return sps.getSpsNext().getIBCMode() && width <= IBC_MAX_CAND_SIZE && partitioner.currArea().lumaSize().height <= IBC_MAX_CAND_SIZE;
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      else if( isModeInter( encTestmode ) )
        CHECK( slice.isIntra(), "Inter-mode should not be in the I-Slice mode list!" );
        if( getFastDeltaQp() )
          if( encTestmode.type == ETM_MERGE_SKIP )
            return false;
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          if( cs.area.lumaSize().width > cs.pcv->fastDeltaQPCuMaxSize )
            return false; // only check necessary 2Nx2N Inter in fast deltaqp mode
        // --- Check if we can quit current mode using SAVE/LOAD coding history
        if( encTestmode.type == ETM_INTER_ME )
          if( encTestmode.opts == ETO_STANDARD )
            // NOTE: ETO_STANDARD is always done when early SKIP mode detection is enabled
            if( !m_pcEncCfg->getUseEarlySkipDetection() )
              if( relatedCU.isSkip || relatedCU.isIntra )
                return false;
          else if ((encTestmode.opts & ETO_IMV) != 0)
            int imvOpt = (encTestmode.opts & ETO_IMV) >> ETO_IMV_SHIFT;
            if (imvOpt == 3 && cuECtx.get<double>(BEST_NO_IMV_COST) * 1.06 < cuECtx.get<double>(BEST_IMV_COST))
    #if JVET_M0246_AFFINE_AMVR
              if ( !m_pcEncCfg->getUseAffineAmvr() )
              return false;
        if ( encTestmode.type == ETM_AFFINE && relatedCU.isIntra )
          return false;
        if( encTestmode.type == ETM_MERGE_TRIANGLE && ( partitioner.currArea().lumaSize().area() < TRIANGLE_MIN_SIZE || relatedCU.isIntra ) )
          return false;
        return true;
      else if( isModeSplit( encTestmode ) )
        // skip-history rule - don't split further if at least for three past levels
        //                     in the split tree it was found that skip is the best mode
        int skipScore = 0;
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    #if JVET_M0483_IBC 
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        if ((!slice.isIntra() || slice.getSPS()->getIBCFlag()) && cuECtx.get<bool>(IS_BEST_NOSPLIT_SKIP))
    Yu Han's avatar
    Yu Han committed
        if( !slice.isIntra() && cuECtx.get<bool>( IS_BEST_NOSPLIT_SKIP ) )
    Yu Han's avatar
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          for( int i = 2; i < m_ComprCUCtxList.size(); i++ )
            if( ( m_ComprCUCtxList.end() - i )->get<bool>( IS_BEST_NOSPLIT_SKIP ) )
              skipScore += 1;
        const PartSplit split = getPartSplit( encTestmode );
        if( !partitioner.canSplit( split, cs ) || skipScore >= 2 )
          if( split == CU_HORZ_SPLIT ) cuECtx.set( DID_HORZ_SPLIT, false );
          if( split == CU_VERT_SPLIT ) cuECtx.set( DID_VERT_SPLIT, false );
          if( split == CU_QUAD_SPLIT ) cuECtx.set( DID_QUAD_SPLIT, false );
          return false;
        if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseContentBasedFastQtbt() )
          const CompArea& currArea = partitioner.currArea().Y();
          int cuHeight  = currArea.height;
          int cuWidth   = currArea.width;
          const bool condIntraInter = m_pcEncCfg->getIntraPeriod() == 1 ? ( partitioner.currBtDepth == 0 ) : ( cuHeight > 32 && cuWidth > 32 );
          if( cuWidth == cuHeight && condIntraInter && getPartSplit( encTestmode ) != CU_QUAD_SPLIT )
            const CPelBuf bufCurrArea = cs.getOrgBuf( partitioner.currArea().block( COMPONENT_Y ) );
            double horVal = 0;
            double verVal = 0;
            double dupVal = 0;
            double dowVal = 0;
            const double th = m_pcEncCfg->getIntraPeriod() == 1 ? 1.2 : 1.0;
            unsigned j, k;
            for( j = 0; j < cuWidth - 1; j++ )
              for( k = 0; k < cuHeight - 1; k++ )
                horVal += abs( j + 1, k     ) - j, k ) );
                verVal += abs( j    , k + 1 ) - j, k ) );
                dowVal += abs( j + 1, k )     - j, k + 1 ) );
                dupVal += abs( j + 1, k + 1 ) - j, k ) );
            if( horVal > th * verVal && sqrt( 2 ) * horVal > th * dowVal && sqrt( 2 ) * horVal > th * dupVal && ( getPartSplit( encTestmode ) == CU_HORZ_SPLIT || getPartSplit( encTestmode ) == CU_TRIH_SPLIT ) )
              return false;
            if( th * dupVal < sqrt( 2 ) * verVal && th * dowVal < sqrt( 2 ) * verVal && th * horVal < verVal && ( getPartSplit( encTestmode ) == CU_VERT_SPLIT || getPartSplit( encTestmode ) == CU_TRIV_SPLIT ) )
              return false;
          if( m_pcEncCfg->getIntraPeriod() == 1 && cuWidth <= 32 && cuHeight <= 32 && bestCS && bestCS->tus.size() == 1 && bestCU && bestCU->depth == partitioner.currDepth && partitioner.currBtDepth > 1 && isLuma( partitioner.chType ) )
            if( !bestCU->rootCbf )
              return false;
        if( bestCU && bestCU->skip && bestCU->mtDepth >= m_skipThreshold && !isModeSplit( cuECtx.lastTestMode ) )
          return false;
        int featureToSet = -1;
        switch( getPartSplit( encTestmode ) )
          case CU_QUAD_SPLIT:
              if( !cuECtx.isLevelSplitParallel )
              if( !cuECtx.get<bool>( QT_BEFORE_BT ) && bestCU )
                unsigned maxBTD        = cs.pcv->getMaxBtDepth( slice, partitioner.chType );
                const CodingUnit *cuBR = bestCS->cus.back();
                unsigned height        = partitioner.currArea().lumaSize().height;
    Yu Han's avatar
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    #if JVET_M0483_IBC
    Yu Han's avatar
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                if (bestCU && ((bestCU->btDepth == 0 && maxBTD >= ((slice.isIntra() && !slice.getSPS()->getIBCFlag()) ? 3 : 2))
                  || (bestCU->btDepth == 1 && cuBR && cuBR->btDepth == 1 && maxBTD >= ((slice.isIntra() && !slice.getSPS()->getIBCFlag()) ? 4 : 3)))
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                  && (width <= MAX_TU_SIZE_FOR_PROFILE && height <= MAX_TU_SIZE_FOR_PROFILE)
                  && cuECtx.get<bool>(DID_HORZ_SPLIT) && cuECtx.get<bool>(DID_VERT_SPLIT))
                  return false;
                if( bestCU && ( ( bestCU->btDepth == 0 &&                               maxBTD >= ( slice.isIntra() ? 3 : 2 ) )
                             || ( bestCU->btDepth == 1 && cuBR && cuBR->btDepth == 1 && maxBTD >= ( slice.isIntra() ? 4 : 3 ) ) )
                           && ( width <= MAX_TU_SIZE_FOR_PROFILE && height <= MAX_TU_SIZE_FOR_PROFILE )
                           && cuECtx.get<bool>( DID_HORZ_SPLIT ) && cuECtx.get<bool>( DID_VERT_SPLIT ) )
                  return false;
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              if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseEarlyCU() && bestCS->cost != MAX_DOUBLE && bestCU && bestCU->skip )
                return false;
              if( getFastDeltaQp() && width <= slice.getPPS()->pcv->fastDeltaQPCuMaxSize )
                return false;
          case CU_HORZ_SPLIT:
            featureToSet = DID_HORZ_SPLIT;
          case CU_VERT_SPLIT:
            featureToSet = DID_VERT_SPLIT;
          case CU_TRIH_SPLIT:
            if( cuECtx.get<bool>( DID_HORZ_SPLIT ) && bestCU && bestCU->btDepth == partitioner.currBtDepth && !bestCU->rootCbf )
              return false;
            if( !cuECtx.get<bool>( DO_TRIH_SPLIT ) )
              return false;
          case CU_TRIV_SPLIT:
            if( cuECtx.get<bool>( DID_VERT_SPLIT ) && bestCU && bestCU->btDepth == partitioner.currBtDepth && !bestCU->rootCbf )
              return false;
            if( !cuECtx.get<bool>( DO_TRIV_SPLIT ) )
              return false;
            THROW( "Only CU split modes are governed by the EncModeCtrl" );
            return false;
        switch( split )
          case CU_HORZ_SPLIT:
          case CU_TRIH_SPLIT:
            if( cuECtx.get<bool>( QT_BEFORE_BT ) && cuECtx.get<bool>( DID_QUAD_SPLIT ) )
              if( cuECtx.get<int>( MAX_QT_SUB_DEPTH ) > partitioner.currQtDepth + 1 )
                if( featureToSet >= 0 ) cuECtx.set( featureToSet, false );
                return false;
          case CU_VERT_SPLIT:
          case CU_TRIV_SPLIT:
            if( cuECtx.get<bool>( QT_BEFORE_BT ) && cuECtx.get<bool>( DID_QUAD_SPLIT ) )
              if( cuECtx.get<int>( MAX_QT_SUB_DEPTH ) > partitioner.currQtDepth + 1 )
                if( featureToSet >= 0 ) cuECtx.set( featureToSet, false );
                return false;
        if( split == CU_QUAD_SPLIT ) cuECtx.set( DID_QUAD_SPLIT, true );
        return true;
        CHECK( encTestmode.type != ETM_POST_DONT_SPLIT, "Unknown mode" );
        if( !bestCS || ( bestCS && isModeSplit( bestMode ) ) )
          return false;
          setFromCs( *bestCS, partitioner );
          // assume the non-split modes are done and set the marks for the best found mode
          if( bestCS && bestCU )
            if( CU::isInter( *bestCU ) )
              relatedCU.isInter   = true;
              relatedCU.isSkip   |= bestCU->skip;
              relatedCU.isMMVDSkip |= bestCU->mmvdSkip;
              relatedCU.GBiIdx    = bestCU->GBiIdx;
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    #if JVET_M0483_IBC
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            else if (CU::isIBC(*bestCU))
              relatedCU.isIBC = true;
              relatedCU.isSkip |= bestCU->skip;
            else if( CU::isIntra( *bestCU ) )
              relatedCU.isIntra   = true;
            touch( partitioner.currArea() );
            cuECtx.set( IS_BEST_NOSPLIT_SKIP, bestCU->skip );
        return false;
    bool EncModeCtrlMTnoRQT::useModeResult( const EncTestMode& encTestmode, CodingStructure*& tempCS, Partitioner& partitioner )
      xExtractFeatures( encTestmode, *tempCS );
      ComprCUCtx& cuECtx = m_ComprCUCtxList.back();
      if(      encTestmode.type == ETM_SPLIT_BT_H )
        cuECtx.set( BEST_HORZ_SPLIT_COST, tempCS->cost );
      else if( encTestmode.type == ETM_SPLIT_BT_V )
        cuECtx.set( BEST_VERT_SPLIT_COST, tempCS->cost );
      else if( encTestmode.type == ETM_SPLIT_TT_H )
        cuECtx.set( BEST_TRIH_SPLIT_COST, tempCS->cost );
      else if( encTestmode.type == ETM_SPLIT_TT_V )
        cuECtx.set( BEST_TRIV_SPLIT_COST, tempCS->cost );
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    #if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
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      else if( encTestmode.type == ETM_INTRA )
        const CodingUnit cu = *tempCS->getCU( partitioner.chType );
        if( !cu.emtFlag )
          cuECtx.bestEmtSize2Nx2N1stPass = tempCS->cost;
        if (!cu.ispMode)
          cuECtx.bestCostEmtFirstPassNoIsp = tempCS->cost;
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      if( m_pcEncCfg->getIMV4PelFast() && m_pcEncCfg->getIMV() && encTestmode.type == ETM_INTER_ME )
        int imvMode = ( encTestmode.opts & ETO_IMV ) >> ETO_IMV_SHIFT;
        if( imvMode == 1 )
          if( tempCS->cost < cuECtx.get<double>( BEST_IMV_COST ) )
            cuECtx.set( BEST_IMV_COST, tempCS->cost );
        else if( imvMode == 0 )
          if( tempCS->cost < cuECtx.get<double>( BEST_NO_IMV_COST ) )
            cuECtx.set( BEST_NO_IMV_COST, tempCS->cost );
      if( encTestmode.type == ETM_SPLIT_QT )
        int maxQtD = 0;
        for( const auto& cu : tempCS->cus )
          maxQtD = std::max<int>( maxQtD, cu->qtDepth );
        cuECtx.set( MAX_QT_SUB_DEPTH, maxQtD );
      if( ( tempCS->sps->getSpsNext().getMTTMode() & 1 ) == 1 )
        int maxMtD = tempCS->pcv->getMaxBtDepth( *tempCS->slice, partitioner.chType ) + partitioner.currImplicitBtDepth;
        if( encTestmode.type == ETM_SPLIT_BT_H )
          if( tempCS->cus.size() > 2 )
            int h_2   = tempCS->area.blocks[partitioner.chType].height / 2;
            int cu1_h = tempCS->cus.front()->blocks[partitioner.chType].height;
            int cu2_h = tempCS->cus.back() ->blocks[partitioner.chType].height;
            cuECtx.set( DO_TRIH_SPLIT, cu1_h < h_2 || cu2_h < h_2 || partitioner.currMtDepth + 1 == maxMtD );
        else if( encTestmode.type == ETM_SPLIT_BT_V )
          if( tempCS->cus.size() > 2 )
            int w_2   = tempCS->area.blocks[partitioner.chType].width / 2;
            int cu1_w = tempCS->cus.front()->blocks[partitioner.chType].width;
            int cu2_w = tempCS->cus.back() ->blocks[partitioner.chType].width;
            cuECtx.set( DO_TRIV_SPLIT, cu1_w < w_2 || cu2_w < w_2 || partitioner.currMtDepth + 1 == maxMtD );
      // for now just a simple decision based on RD-cost or choose tempCS if bestCS is not yet coded
      if( !cuECtx.bestCS || tempCS->features[ENC_FT_RD_COST] < cuECtx.bestCS->features[ENC_FT_RD_COST] )
        cuECtx.bestCS = tempCS;
        cuECtx.bestCU = tempCS->cus[0];
        cuECtx.bestTU = cuECtx.bestCU->firstTU;
        if( isModeInter( encTestmode ) )
          //Here we take the best cost of both inter modes. We are assuming only the inter modes (and all of them) have come before the intra modes!!!
          cuECtx.bestInterCost = cuECtx.bestCS->cost;
        return true;