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CABACWriter.cpp 99.9 KiB
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      bool     codeLast = ( maxSymbol > symbol );
      unsigned bins     = 0;
      unsigned numBins  = 0;
      while( symbol-- )
        bins   <<= 1;
        bins   ++;
      if( codeLast )
        bins  <<= 1;
      CHECK(!( numBins <= 32 ), "Unspecified error");
      m_BinEncoder.encodeBinsEP( bins, numBins );
    void CABACWriter::exp_golomb_eqprob( unsigned symbol, unsigned count )
      unsigned bins    = 0;
      unsigned numBins = 0;
      while( symbol >= (unsigned)(1<<count) )
        bins <<= 1;
        symbol -= 1 << count;
      bins <<= 1;
      bins = (bins << count) | symbol;
      numBins += count;
      CHECK(!( numBins <= 32 ), "Unspecified error");
      m_BinEncoder.encodeBinsEP( bins, numBins );
    void CABACWriter::codeAlfCtuEnableFlags( CodingStructure& cs, ChannelType channel, AlfSliceParam* alfParam)
      if( isLuma( channel ) )
        if (alfParam->enabledFlag[COMPONENT_Y])
          codeAlfCtuEnableFlags( cs, COMPONENT_Y, alfParam );
        if (alfParam->enabledFlag[COMPONENT_Cb])
          codeAlfCtuEnableFlags( cs, COMPONENT_Cb, alfParam );
        if (alfParam->enabledFlag[COMPONENT_Cr])
          codeAlfCtuEnableFlags( cs, COMPONENT_Cr, alfParam );
    void CABACWriter::codeAlfCtuEnableFlags( CodingStructure& cs, ComponentID compID, AlfSliceParam* alfParam)
      uint32_t numCTUs = cs.pcv->sizeInCtus;
      for( int ctuIdx = 0; ctuIdx < numCTUs; ctuIdx++ )
        codeAlfCtuEnableFlag( cs, ctuIdx, compID, alfParam );
    void CABACWriter::codeAlfCtuEnableFlag( CodingStructure& cs, uint32_t ctuRsAddr, const int compIdx, AlfSliceParam* alfParam)
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      const bool alfComponentEnabled = (alfParam != NULL) ? alfParam->enabledFlag[compIdx] : cs.slice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag((ComponentID)compIdx);
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      if( cs.sps->getALFEnabledFlag() && alfComponentEnabled )
        const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv;
        int                 frame_width_in_ctus = pcv.widthInCtus;
        int                 ry = ctuRsAddr / frame_width_in_ctus;
        int                 rx = ctuRsAddr - ry * frame_width_in_ctus;
        const Position      pos( rx * cs.pcv->maxCUWidth, ry * cs.pcv->maxCUHeight );
        const uint32_t          curSliceIdx = cs.slice->getIndependentSliceIdx();
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        const uint32_t      curTileIdx = cs.picture->brickMap->getBrickIdxRsMap( pos );
        bool                leftAvail = cs.getCURestricted( pos.offset( -(int)pcv.maxCUWidth, 0 ), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, CH_L ) ? true : false;
        bool                aboveAvail = cs.getCURestricted( pos.offset( 0, -(int)pcv.maxCUHeight ), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, CH_L ) ? true : false;
        int leftCTUAddr = leftAvail ? ctuRsAddr - 1 : -1;
        int aboveCTUAddr = aboveAvail ? ctuRsAddr - frame_width_in_ctus : -1;
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        uint8_t* ctbAlfFlag = cs.slice->getPic()->getAlfCtuEnableFlag( compIdx );
        int ctx = 0;
        ctx += leftCTUAddr > -1 ? ( ctbAlfFlag[leftCTUAddr] ? 1 : 0 ) : 0;
        ctx += aboveCTUAddr > -1 ? ( ctbAlfFlag[aboveCTUAddr] ? 1 : 0 ) : 0;
        m_BinEncoder.encodeBin( ctbAlfFlag[ctuRsAddr], Ctx::ctbAlfFlag( compIdx * 3 + ctx ) );
    void CABACWriter::code_unary_fixed( unsigned symbol, unsigned ctxId, unsigned unary_max, unsigned fixed )
      bool unary = (symbol <= unary_max);
      m_BinEncoder.encodeBin( unary, ctxId );
      if( unary )
        unary_max_eqprob( symbol, unary_max );
        m_BinEncoder.encodeBinsEP( symbol - unary_max - 1, fixed );
    void CABACWriter::mip_flag( const CodingUnit& cu )
      if( !cu.Y().valid() )
      if( !cu.cs->sps->getUseMIP() )
      if( cu.lwidth() > MIP_MAX_WIDTH || cu.lheight() > MIP_MAX_HEIGHT )
      if( !mipModesAvailable( cu.Y() ) )
      unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxMipFlag( cu );
      m_BinEncoder.encodeBin( cu.mipFlag, Ctx::MipFlag( ctxId ) );
      DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mip_flag() pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.mipFlag ? 1 : 0 );
    void CABACWriter::mip_pred_modes( const CodingUnit& cu )
      if( !cu.Y().valid() )
      for( const auto &pu : CU::traversePUs( cu ) )
        mip_pred_mode( pu );
    void CABACWriter::mip_pred_mode( const PredictionUnit& pu )
      const int numModes = getNumModesMip( pu.Y() ); CHECKD( numModes > MAX_NUM_MIP_MODE, "Error: too many MIP modes" );
      // derive modeIdx from true MIP mode
      unsigned mpm[NUM_MPM_MIP];
      PU::getMipMPMs(pu, mpm);
      unsigned mipMode = pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA];
      unsigned mpmIdx   = NUM_MPM_MIP;
      for( auto k = 0; k < NUM_MPM_MIP; k++ )
        if( mipMode == mpm[k] )
          mpmIdx = k;
      unsigned modeIdx;
      if (mpmIdx < NUM_MPM_MIP)
        modeIdx = mpmIdx;
        std::sort( mpm, mpm + NUM_MPM_MIP);
        modeIdx = mipMode;
        for( auto k = (NUM_MPM_MIP - 1); k >= 0; k-- )
          if( modeIdx > mpm[k] )
        CHECK( modeIdx >= (1<<getNumEpBinsMip( pu.Y() )), "Incorrect mode" );
        modeIdx += NUM_MPM_MIP;
      CHECK( modeIdx >= numModes, "modeIdx out of range" );
      int unaryMax = NUM_MPM_MIP - 1;
      int fixedLength = getNumEpBinsMip( pu.Y() );
      code_unary_fixed( modeIdx, Ctx::MipMode( 0 ), unaryMax, fixedLength );
      DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mip_pred_mode() pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y, pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] );
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    void CABACWriter::codeAlfCtuFilterIndex(CodingStructure& cs, uint32_t ctuRsAddr, bool alfEnableLuma)
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    Karsten Suehring committed
      if ( (!cs.sps->getALFEnabledFlag()) || (!alfEnableLuma))
      uint8_t* ctbAlfFlag = cs.slice->getPic()->getAlfCtuEnableFlag(COMPONENT_Y);
      if (!ctbAlfFlag[ctuRsAddr])
      short* alfCtbFilterIndex = cs.slice->getPic()->getAlfCtbFilterIndex();
      const unsigned filterSetIdx = alfCtbFilterIndex[ctuRsAddr];
      unsigned numAps = cs.slice->getTileGroupNumAps();
      unsigned numAvailableFiltSets = numAps + NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS;
      if (numAvailableFiltSets > NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS)
        int useLatestFilt = (filterSetIdx == NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS) ? 1 : 0;
        m_BinEncoder.encodeBin(useLatestFilt, Ctx::AlfUseLatestFilt());
        if (!useLatestFilt)
          if (numAps == 1)
            CHECK(filterSetIdx >= NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS, "fixed set numavail < num_fixed");
            xWriteTruncBinCode(filterSetIdx, NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS);
            int useTemporalFilt = (filterSetIdx > NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS) ? 1 : 0;
            m_BinEncoder.encodeBin(useTemporalFilt, Ctx::AlfUseTemporalFilt());
            if (useTemporalFilt)
              CHECK((filterSetIdx - (NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS + 1)) >= (numAvailableFiltSets - (NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS + 1)), "temporal non-latest set");
              if (numAps > 2)
                xWriteTruncBinCode(filterSetIdx - (NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS + 1), numAvailableFiltSets - (NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS + 1));
              CHECK(filterSetIdx >= NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS, "fixed set larger than temporal");
              xWriteTruncBinCode(filterSetIdx, NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS);
        CHECK(filterSetIdx >= NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS, "fixed set numavail < num_fixed");
        xWriteTruncBinCode(filterSetIdx, NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS);