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InterPrediction.cpp 121 KiB
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  •   const ComponentID compID = blk.compID;
      const bool          rndRes = !bi;
      int shiftHor = MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL + ::getComponentScaleX( compID, chFmt );
      int shiftVer = MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL + ::getComponentScaleY( compID, chFmt );
      int width = blk.width;
      int height = blk.height;
      const bool scaled = scalingRatio != SCALE_1X;
      if( scaled )
        int row, col;
        const Window& inputConfWindow = refPic->cs->pps->getConformanceWindow();
        int refPicWidth = refPic->cs->pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() - ( inputConfWindow.getWindowLeftOffset() + inputConfWindow.getWindowRightOffset() ) * SPS::getWinUnitX( refPic->cs->sps->getChromaFormatIdc() );
        int refPicHeight = refPic->cs->pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() - ( inputConfWindow.getWindowTopOffset() + inputConfWindow.getWindowBottomOffset() ) * SPS::getWinUnitY( refPic->cs->sps->getChromaFormatIdc() );
        int refPicWidth = refPic->cs->pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples();
        int refPicHeight = refPic->cs->pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples();
    #if RPR_BUFFER
        const Window& curConfWindow = pps.getConformanceWindow();
        int curPicHeight = pps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples() - ( curConfWindow.getWindowTopOffset() + curConfWindow.getWindowBottomOffset() ) * SPS::getWinUnitY( refPic->cs->sps->getChromaFormatIdc() );
        int curPicHeight = pps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples();
        const int posShift = SCALE_RATIO_BITS - 4;
        int stepX = ( scalingRatio.first + 8 ) >> 4;
        int stepY = ( scalingRatio.second + 8 ) >> 4;
        int offX = 1 << ( posShift - shiftHor - 1 );
        int offY = 1 << ( posShift - shiftVer - 1 );
        x0Int = ( ( blk.pos().x << ( 4 + ::getComponentScaleX( compID, chFmt ) ) ) + mv.getHor() )* scalingRatio.first;
        x0Int = SIGN( x0Int ) * ( ( llabs( x0Int ) + ( (long long)1 << ( 7 + ::getComponentScaleX( compID, chFmt ) ) ) ) >> ( 8 + ::getComponentScaleX( compID, chFmt ) ) );
        y0Int = ( ( blk.pos().y << ( 4 + ::getComponentScaleY( compID, chFmt ) ) ) + mv.getVer() )* scalingRatio.second;
        y0Int = SIGN( y0Int ) * ( ( llabs( y0Int ) + ( (long long)1 << ( 7 + ::getComponentScaleY( compID, chFmt ) ) ) ) >> ( 8 + ::getComponentScaleY( compID, chFmt ) ) );
    #if RPR_BUFFER
        const int extSize = isLuma( compID ) ? 1 : 2;
        int vFilterSize = isLuma( compID ) ? NTAPS_LUMA : NTAPS_CHROMA;
        int refHeight = ( height * refPicHeight ) / curPicHeight;
        refHeight = std::max<int>( 1, refHeight );
        CHECK( MAX_CU_SIZE * MAX_SCALING_RATIO < refHeight + vFilterSize - 1 + extSize, "Buffer size is not enough, increase MAX_SCALING_RATIO" );
        Pel buffer[( MAX_CU_SIZE + 16 ) * ( MAX_CU_SIZE * MAX_SCALING_RATIO + 16 )];
        int yInt0 = ( (int32_t)y0Int + offY ) >> posShift;
        yInt0 = std::min( std::max( 0, yInt0 ), ( refPicHeight >> ::getComponentScaleY( compID, chFmt ) ) );
        int xInt0 = ( (int32_t)x0Int + offX ) >> posShift;
        xInt0 = std::min( std::max( 0, xInt0 ), ( refPicWidth >> ::getComponentScaleX( compID, chFmt ) ) );
        int xInt = 0, yInt = 0;
        for( col = 0; col < width; col++ )
          int posX = (int32_t)x0Int + col * stepX;
          xInt = ( posX + offX ) >> posShift;
          xInt = std::min( std::max( 0, xInt ), ( refPicWidth >> ::getComponentScaleX( compID, chFmt ) ) );
          int xFrac = ( ( posX + offX ) >> ( posShift - shiftHor ) ) & ( ( 1 << shiftHor ) - 1 );
          CHECK( xInt0 > xInt, "Wrong horizontal starting point" );
          Position offset = Position( xInt, yInt0 );
          refBuf = refPic->getRecoBuf( CompArea( compID, chFmt, offset, Size( 1, refHeight ) ), wrapRef );
          Pel* tempBuf = buffer + col;
          m_if.filterHor( compID, (Pel*)refBuf.buf - ( ( vFilterSize >> 1 ) - 1 ) * refBuf.stride, refBuf.stride, tempBuf, tmpStride, 1, refHeight + vFilterSize - 1 + extSize, xFrac, false, chFmt, clpRng, filterIndex, false, useAltHpelIf );
        for( row = 0; row < height; row++ )
          int posY = (int32_t)y0Int + row * stepY;
          yInt = ( posY + offY ) >> posShift;
          yInt = std::min( std::max( 0, yInt ), ( refPicHeight >> ::getComponentScaleY( compID, chFmt ) ) );
          int yFrac = ( ( posY + offY ) >> ( posShift - shiftVer ) ) & ( ( 1 << shiftVer ) - 1 );
          CHECK( yInt0 > yInt, "Wrong vertical starting point" );
          Pel* tempBuf = buffer + ( yInt - yInt0 ) * tmpStride;
          JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE( false );
          m_if.filterVer( compID, tempBuf + ( ( vFilterSize >> 1 ) - 1 ) * tmpStride, tmpStride, dst + row * dstStride, dstStride, width, 1, yFrac, false, rndRes, chFmt, clpRng, filterIndex, false, useAltHpelIf );
          JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE( true );
        Position offset = Position( xInt, yInt );
        refBuf = refPic->getRecoBuf( CompArea( compID, chFmt, offset, Size( 1, 1 ) ), wrapRef );
        for( row = 0; row < height; row++ )
          for( col = 0; col < width; col++ )
            // pixel position in the current picture
            int posX = (int32_t)x0Int + col * stepX;
            int posY = (int32_t)y0Int + row * stepY;
            // integer reference position in the reference frame
            int xInt = ( posX + offX ) >> posShift;
            int yInt = ( posY + offY ) >> posShift;
            xInt = std::min( std::max( 0, xInt ), ( refPicWidth >> ::getComponentScaleX( compID, chFmt ) ) );
            yInt = std::min( std::max( 0, yInt ), ( refPicHeight >> ::getComponentScaleY( compID, chFmt ) ) );
            // fractional position in the reference frame
            int xFrac = ( ( posX + offX ) >> ( posShift - shiftHor ) ) & ( ( 1 << shiftHor ) - 1 );
            int yFrac = ( ( posY + offY ) >> ( posShift - shiftVer ) ) & ( ( 1 << shiftVer ) - 1 );
            Position offset = Position( xInt, yInt );
            refBuf = refPic->getRecoBuf( CompArea( compID, chFmt, offset, Size( 1, 1 ) ), wrapRef );
            Pel* tempDstBuf = dst + col + row * dstStride;
            //--------------------------------copied from the "refPicWidth == curPicWidth" branch--------------------------------------------
            if( yFrac == 0 )
              m_if.filterHor( compID, (Pel*)refBuf.buf, refBuf.stride, /*dstBuf.buf*/tempDstBuf, dstStride, /*backupWidth*/1, /*backupHeight*/1, xFrac, rndRes, chFmt, clpRng, filterIndex, false, useAltHpelIf );
              m_if.filterVer( compID, (Pel*)refBuf.buf, refBuf.stride, /*dstBuf.buf*/tempDstBuf, dstStride, /*backupWidth*/1, /*backupHeight*/1, yFrac, true, rndRes, chFmt, clpRng, filterIndex, false, useAltHpelIf );
              PelBuf tmpBuf = PelBuf( m_filteredBlockTmp[0][compID], blk );
              tmpBuf.stride = dstStride;
              int vFilterSize = isLuma( compID ) ? NTAPS_LUMA : NTAPS_CHROMA;
              //for(int y = 0; y < vFilterSize; y++) 
                m_if.filterHor( compID, (Pel*)refBuf.buf - ( ( vFilterSize >> 1 ) - 1 ) * refBuf.stride, refBuf.stride, tmpBuf.buf, tmpBuf.stride, /*backupWidth*/1, /*backupHeight*/1 + vFilterSize - 1, xFrac, false, chFmt, clpRng, filterIndex, false, useAltHpelIf );
              m_if.filterVer( compID, (Pel*)tmpBuf.buf + ( ( vFilterSize >> 1 ) - 1 ) * tmpBuf.stride, tmpBuf.stride, /*dstBuf.buf*/tempDstBuf, dstStride, /*backupWidth*/1, /*backupHeight*/1, yFrac, false, rndRes, chFmt, clpRng, filterIndex, false, useAltHpelIf );
              JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE( true );
      return scaled;