Karsten Suehring authoredKarsten Suehring authored
SEIFilmGrainAnalyzer.cpp 61.58 KiB
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/** \file SEIFilmGrainAnalyzer.cpp
\brief SMPTE RDD5 based film grain analysis functionality from SEI messages
#include "SEIFilmGrainAnalyzer.h"
constexpr double FGAnalyser::m_tapFilter[3];
// ====================================================================================================================
// Edge detection - Canny
// ====================================================================================================================
const int Canny::m_gx[3][3]{ { -1, 0, 1 }, { -2, 0, 2 }, { -1, 0, 1 } };
const int Canny::m_gy[3][3]{ { -1, -2, -1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 2, 1 } };
const int Canny::m_gauss5x5[5][5]{ { 2, 4, 5, 4, 2 },
{ 4, 9, 12, 9, 4 },
{ 5, 12, 15, 12, 5 },
{ 4, 9, 12, 9, 4 },
{ 2, 4, 5, 4, 2 } };
// init();
// uninit();
void Canny::gradient(PelStorage *buff1, PelStorage *buff2, unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
unsigned int convWidthS, unsigned int convHeightS, unsigned int bitDepth, ComponentID compID)
buff1 - magnitude; buff2 - orientation (Only luma in buff2)
// 360 degrees are split into the 8 equal parts; edge direction is quantized
const double edge_threshold_22_5 = 22.5;
const double edge_threshold_67_5 = 67.5;
const double edge_threshold_112_5 = 112.5;
const double edge_threshold_157_5 = 157.5;
const int maxClpRange = (1 << bitDepth) - 1;
const int padding = convWidthS / 2;
// tmp buffs
PelStorage tmpBuf1, tmpBuf2;
tmpBuf1.create(ChromaFormat::_400, Area(0, 0, width, height));
tmpBuf2.create(ChromaFormat::_400, Area(0, 0, width, height));
buff1->get(compID).extendBorderPel(padding, padding);
// Gx
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
int acc = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < convWidthS; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < convHeightS; y++)
acc += (buff1->get(compID).at(x - convWidthS / 2 + i, y - convHeightS / 2 + j) * m_gx[x][y]);
tmpBuf1.Y().at(i, j) = acc;
// Gy
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
int acc = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < convWidthS; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < convHeightS; y++)
acc += (buff1->get(compID).at(x - convWidthS / 2 + i, y - convHeightS / 2 + j) * m_gy[x][y]);
tmpBuf2.Y().at(i, j) = acc;
// magnitude
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
Pel tmp = (Pel)((abs(tmpBuf1.Y().at(i, j)) + abs(tmpBuf2.Y().at(i, j))) / 2);
buff1->get(compID).at(i, j) = (Pel) Clip3((Pel) 0, (Pel) maxClpRange, tmp);
// edge direction - quantized edge directions
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
double theta = (atan2(tmpBuf1.Y().at(i, j), tmpBuf2.Y().at(i, j)) * 180) / PI;
/* Convert actual edge direction to approximate value - quantize directions */
if (((-edge_threshold_22_5 < theta) && (theta <= edge_threshold_22_5)) || ((edge_threshold_157_5 < theta) || (theta <= -edge_threshold_157_5)))
buff2->get(ComponentID(0)).at(i, j) = 0;
if (((-edge_threshold_157_5 < theta) && (theta <= -edge_threshold_112_5)) || ((edge_threshold_22_5 < theta) && (theta <= edge_threshold_67_5)))
buff2->get(ComponentID(0)).at(i, j) = 45;
if (((-edge_threshold_112_5 < theta) && (theta <= -edge_threshold_67_5)) || ((edge_threshold_67_5 < theta) && (theta <= edge_threshold_112_5)))
buff2->get(ComponentID(0)).at(i, j) = 90;
if (((-edge_threshold_67_5 < theta) && (theta <= -edge_threshold_22_5)) || ((edge_threshold_112_5 < theta) && (theta <= edge_threshold_157_5)))
buff2->get(ComponentID(0)).at(i, j) = 135;
buff1->get(compID).extendBorderPel(padding, padding); // extend border for the next steps
void Canny::suppressNonMax(PelStorage *buff1, PelStorage *buff2, unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
ComponentID compID)
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
int rowShift = 0, colShift = 0;
switch (buff2->get(ComponentID(0)).at(i, j))
case 0:
rowShift = 1;
colShift = 0;
case 45:
rowShift = 1;
colShift = 1;
case 90:
rowShift = 0;
colShift = 1;
case 135:
rowShift = -1;
colShift = 1;
default: THROW("Unsupported gradient direction."); break;
Pel pelCurrent = buff1->get(compID).at(i, j);
Pel pelEdgeDirectionTop = buff1->get(compID).at(i + rowShift, j + colShift);
Pel pelEdgeDirectionBottom = buff1->get(compID).at(i - rowShift, j - colShift);
if ((pelCurrent < pelEdgeDirectionTop) || (pelCurrent < pelEdgeDirectionBottom))
buff2->get(ComponentID(0)).at(i, j) = 0; // supress
buff2->get(ComponentID(0)).at(i, j) = buff1->get(compID).at(i, j); // keep
void Canny::doubleThreshold(PelStorage *buff, unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
/*unsigned int windowSizeRatio,*/ unsigned int bitDepth, ComponentID compID)
Pel strongPel = ((Pel) 1 << bitDepth) - 1;
Pel weekPel = ((Pel) 1 << (bitDepth - 1)) - 1;
Pel highThreshold = 0;
Pel lowThreshold = strongPel;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
highThreshold = std::max<Pel>(highThreshold, buff->get(compID).at(i, j));
// global low and high threshold
lowThreshold = (Pel)(m_lowThresholdRatio * highThreshold);
highThreshold =
Clip3(0, (1 << bitDepth) - 1,
m_highThresholdRatio * lowThreshold); // Canny recommended a upper:lower ratio between 2:1 and 3:1.
// strong, week, supressed
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
if (buff->get(compID).at(i, j) > highThreshold)
buff->get(compID).at(i, j) = strongPel;
else if (buff->get(compID).at(i, j) <= highThreshold && buff->get(compID).at(i, j) > lowThreshold)
buff->get(compID).at(i, j) = weekPel;
buff->get(compID).at(i, j) = 0;
buff->get(compID).extendBorderPel(1, 1); // extend one pixel on each side for the next step
void Canny::edgeTracking(PelStorage *buff, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int windowWidth,
unsigned int windowHeight, unsigned int bitDepth, ComponentID compID)
Pel strongPel = ((Pel) 1 << bitDepth) - 1;
Pel weekPel = ((Pel) 1 << (bitDepth - 1)) - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
if (buff->get(compID).at(i, j) == weekPel)
bool strong = false;
for (int x = 0; x < windowWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < windowHeight; y++)
if (buff->get(compID).at(x - windowWidth / 2 + i, y - windowHeight / 2 + j) == strongPel)
strong = true;
if (strong)
buff->get(compID).at(i, j) = strongPel;
buff->get(compID).at(i, j) = 0; // supress
void Canny::detect_edges(const PelStorage *orig, PelStorage *dest, unsigned int uiBitDepth, ComponentID compID)
/* No noise reduction - Gaussian blur is skipped;
Gradient calculation;
Non-maximum suppression;
Double threshold;
Edge Tracking by Hysteresis.*/
unsigned int width = orig->get(compID).width,
height = orig->get(compID).height; // Width and Height of current frame
unsigned int convWidthS = m_convWidthS,
convHeightS = m_convHeightS; // Pixel's row and col positions for Sobel filtering
unsigned int bitDepth = uiBitDepth;
// tmp buff
PelStorage orientationBuf;
orientationBuf.create(ChromaFormat::_400, Area(0, 0, width, height));
dest->get(compID).copyFrom(orig->getBuf(compID)); // we skip blur in canny detector to catch as much as possible edges and textures
/* Gradient calculation */
gradient(dest, &orientationBuf, width, height, convWidthS, convHeightS, bitDepth, compID);
/* Non - maximum suppression */
suppressNonMax(dest, &orientationBuf, width, height, compID);
/* Double threshold */
doubleThreshold(dest, width, height, /*4,*/ bitDepth, compID);
/* Edge Tracking by Hysteresis */
edgeTracking(dest, width, height, convWidthS, convHeightS, bitDepth, compID);
// ====================================================================================================================
// Morphologigal operations - Dilation and Erosion
// ====================================================================================================================
// init();
// uninit();
int Morph::dilation(PelStorage *buff, unsigned int bitDepth, ComponentID compID, int numIter, int iter)
if (iter == numIter)
return iter;
unsigned int width = buff->get(compID).width,
height = buff->get(compID).height; // Width and Height of current frame
unsigned int windowSize = m_kernelSize;
unsigned int padding = windowSize / 2;
Pel strongPel = ((Pel) 1 << bitDepth) - 1;
PelStorage tmpBuf;
tmpBuf.create(ChromaFormat::_400, Area(0, 0, width, height));
buff->get(compID).extendBorderPel(padding, padding);
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
bool strong = false;
for (int x = 0; x < windowSize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < windowSize; y++)
if (buff->get(compID).at(x - windowSize / 2 + i, y - windowSize / 2 + j) == strongPel)
strong = true;
if (strong)
tmpBuf.get(ComponentID(0)).at(i, j) = strongPel;
iter = dilation(buff, bitDepth, compID, numIter, iter);
return iter;
int Morph::erosion(PelStorage *buff, unsigned int bitDepth, ComponentID compID, int numIter, int iter)
if (iter == numIter)
return iter;
unsigned int width = buff->get(compID).width,
height = buff->get(compID).height; // Width and Height of current frame
unsigned int windowSize = m_kernelSize;
unsigned int padding = windowSize / 2;
PelStorage tmpBuf;
tmpBuf.create(ChromaFormat::_400, Area(0, 0, width, height));
buff->get(compID).extendBorderPel(padding, padding);
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
bool week = false;
for (int x = 0; x < windowSize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < windowSize; y++)
if (buff->get(compID).at(x - windowSize / 2 + i, y - windowSize / 2 + j) == 0)
week = true;
if (week)
tmpBuf.get(ComponentID(0)).at(i, j) = 0;
iter = erosion(buff, bitDepth, compID, numIter, iter);
return iter;
// ====================================================================================================================
// Film Grain Analysis Functions
// ====================================================================================================================
// init();
// uninit();
// initialize film grain parameters
void FGAnalyser::init(const int width, const int height, const int sourcePaddingWidth, const int sourcePaddingHeight,
const InputColourSpaceConversion ipCSC, bool clipInputVideoToRec709Range,
const ChromaFormat inputChroma, const BitDepths &inputBitDepths, const BitDepths &outputBitDepths,
const int frameSkip, const bool doAnalysis[], std::string filmGrainExternalMask,
std::string filmGrainExternalDenoised)
m_log2ScaleFactor = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++)
m_compModel[i].presentFlag = true;
m_compModel[i].numModelValues = 1;
m_compModel[i].numIntensityIntervals = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES; j++)
m_compModel[i].intensityValues[j].intensityIntervalLowerBound = 10;
m_compModel[i].intensityValues[j].intensityIntervalUpperBound = 250;
for (int k = 0; k < m_compModel[i].numModelValues; k++)
// half intensity for chroma. Provided value is default value, manually tuned.
m_compModel[i].intensityValues[j].compModelValue[k] = i == 0 ? 26 : 13;
m_doAnalysis[i] = doAnalysis[i];
// initialize picture parameters and create buffers
m_chromaFormatIdc = inputChroma;
m_bitDepthsIn = inputBitDepths;
m_bitDepths = outputBitDepths;
m_sourcePadding[0] = sourcePaddingWidth;
m_sourcePadding[1] = sourcePaddingHeight;
m_ipCSC = ipCSC;
m_clipInputVideoToRec709Range = clipInputVideoToRec709Range;
m_frameSkip = frameSkip;
m_filmGrainExternalMask = filmGrainExternalMask;
m_filmGrainExternalDenoised = filmGrainExternalDenoised;
int margin = m_edgeDetector.m_convWidthG / 2; // set margin for padding for filtering
if (!m_originalBuf)
m_originalBuf = new PelStorage;
m_originalBuf->create(inputChroma, Area(0, 0, width, height), 0, margin, 0, false);
if (!m_workingBuf)
m_workingBuf = new PelStorage;
m_workingBuf->create(inputChroma, Area(0, 0, width, height), 0, margin, 0, false);
if (!m_maskBuf)
m_maskBuf = new PelStorage;
m_maskBuf->create(inputChroma, Area(0, 0, width, height), 0, margin, 0, false);
// initialize buffers with real data
void FGAnalyser::initBufs(Picture *pic)
m_originalBuf->copyFrom(pic->getTrueOrigBuf()); // original is here
PelStorage dummyPicBufferTO; // Only used temporary in yuvFrames.read
if (!m_filmGrainExternalDenoised.empty()) // read external denoised frame
VideoIOYuv yuvFrames;
yuvFrames.open(m_filmGrainExternalDenoised, false, m_bitDepthsIn, m_bitDepthsIn, m_bitDepths);
yuvFrames.skipFrames(pic->getPOC() + m_frameSkip, m_workingBuf->Y().width - m_sourcePadding[0],
m_workingBuf->Y().height - m_sourcePadding[1], m_chromaFormatIdc);
if (!yuvFrames.read(*m_workingBuf, dummyPicBufferTO, m_ipCSC, m_sourcePadding, m_chromaFormatIdc,
THROW("ERROR: EOF OR READ FAIL.\n"); // eof or read fail
else // use mctf denoised frame for film grain analysis. note: if mctf is used, it is different from mctf for encoding.
m_workingBuf->copyFrom(pic->m_bufs[PIC_FILTERED_ORIGINAL_FG]); // mctf filtered frame for film grain analysis is in here
if (!m_filmGrainExternalMask.empty()) // read external mask
VideoIOYuv yuvFrames;
yuvFrames.open(m_filmGrainExternalMask, false, m_bitDepthsIn, m_bitDepthsIn, m_bitDepths);
yuvFrames.skipFrames(pic->getPOC() + m_frameSkip, m_maskBuf->Y().width - m_sourcePadding[0],
m_maskBuf->Y().height - m_sourcePadding[1], m_chromaFormatIdc);
if (!yuvFrames.read(*m_maskBuf, dummyPicBufferTO, m_ipCSC, m_sourcePadding, m_chromaFormatIdc,
THROW("ERROR: EOF OR READ FAIL.\n"); // eof or read fail
else // find mask
// delete picture buffers
void FGAnalyser::destroy()
if (m_originalBuf != nullptr)
delete m_originalBuf;
m_originalBuf = nullptr;
if (m_workingBuf != nullptr)
delete m_workingBuf;
m_workingBuf = nullptr;
if (m_maskBuf != nullptr)
delete m_maskBuf;
m_maskBuf = nullptr;
// main functions for film grain analysis
void FGAnalyser::estimate_grain(Picture *pic)
// estimate parameters
// find flat and low complexity regions of the frame
void FGAnalyser::findMask()
const int width = m_workingBuf->Y().width;
const int height = m_workingBuf->Y().height;
const int newWidth2 = m_workingBuf->Y().width / 2;
const int newHeight2 = m_workingBuf->Y().height / 2;
const int newWidth4 = m_workingBuf->Y().width / 4;
const int newHeight4 = m_workingBuf->Y().height / 4;
const unsigned padding = m_edgeDetector.m_convWidthG / 2; // for filtering
// create tmp buffs
PelStorage *workingBufSubsampled2 = new PelStorage;
PelStorage *maskSubsampled2 = new PelStorage;
PelStorage *workingBufSubsampled4 = new PelStorage;
PelStorage *maskSubsampled4 = new PelStorage;
PelStorage *maskUpsampled = new PelStorage;
workingBufSubsampled2->create(m_workingBuf->chromaFormat, Area(0, 0, newWidth2, newHeight2), 0, padding, 0, false);
maskSubsampled2->create(m_maskBuf->chromaFormat, Area(0, 0, newWidth2, newHeight2), 0, padding, 0, false);
workingBufSubsampled4->create(m_workingBuf->chromaFormat, Area(0, 0, newWidth4, newHeight4), 0, padding, 0, false);
maskSubsampled4->create(m_maskBuf->chromaFormat, Area(0, 0, newWidth4, newHeight4), 0, padding, 0, false);
maskUpsampled->create(m_maskBuf->chromaFormat, Area(0, 0, width, height), 0, padding, 0, false);
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < getNumberValidComponents(m_chromaFormatIdc); compIdx++)
ComponentID compID = ComponentID(compIdx);
ChannelType channelId = toChannelType(compID);
int bitDepth = m_bitDepths[channelId];
if (!m_doAnalysis[compID])
// subsample original picture
subsample(*m_workingBuf, *workingBufSubsampled2, compID, 2, padding);
subsample(*m_workingBuf, *workingBufSubsampled4, compID, 4, padding);
// full resolution
m_edgeDetector.detect_edges(m_workingBuf, m_maskBuf, bitDepth, compID);
suppressLowIntensity(*m_workingBuf, *m_maskBuf, bitDepth, compID);
m_morphOperation.dilation(m_maskBuf, bitDepth, compID, 4);
// subsampled 2
m_edgeDetector.detect_edges(workingBufSubsampled2, maskSubsampled2, bitDepth, compID);
suppressLowIntensity(*workingBufSubsampled2, *maskSubsampled2, bitDepth, compID);
m_morphOperation.dilation(maskSubsampled2, bitDepth, compID, 3);
// upsample, combine maskBuf and maskUpsampled
upsample(*maskSubsampled2, *maskUpsampled, compID, 2);
combineMasks(*m_maskBuf, *maskUpsampled, compID);
// subsampled 4
m_edgeDetector.detect_edges(workingBufSubsampled4, maskSubsampled4, bitDepth, compID);
suppressLowIntensity(*workingBufSubsampled4, *maskSubsampled4, bitDepth, compID);
m_morphOperation.dilation(maskSubsampled4, bitDepth, compID, 2);
// upsample, combine maskBuf and maskUpsampled
upsample(*maskSubsampled4, *maskUpsampled, compID, 4);
combineMasks(*m_maskBuf, *maskUpsampled, compID);
// final dilation to fill the holes + erosion
// m_morphOperation.erosion (maskBuf, bitDepth, compID, 1);
m_morphOperation.dilation(m_maskBuf, bitDepth, compID, 2);
m_morphOperation.erosion(m_maskBuf, bitDepth, compID, 1);
delete workingBufSubsampled2;
workingBufSubsampled2 = nullptr;
delete maskSubsampled2;
maskSubsampled2 = nullptr;
delete workingBufSubsampled4;
workingBufSubsampled4 = nullptr;
delete maskSubsampled4;
maskSubsampled4 = nullptr;
delete maskUpsampled;
maskUpsampled = nullptr;
void FGAnalyser::suppressLowIntensity(const PelStorage &buff1, PelStorage &buff2, unsigned int bitDepth,
ComponentID compID)
// buff1 - intensity values ( luma or chroma samples); buff2 - mask
int width = buff2.get(compID).width;
int height = buff2.get(compID).height;
Pel maxIntensity = ((Pel) 1 << bitDepth) - 1;
Pel lowIntensityThreshold = (Pel)(m_lowIntensityRatio * maxIntensity);
// strong, week, supressed
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
if (buff1.get(compID).at(i, j) < lowIntensityThreshold)
buff2.get(compID).at(i, j) = maxIntensity;
void FGAnalyser::subsample(const PelStorage &input, PelStorage &output, ComponentID compID, const int factor, const int padding) const
const int newWidth = input.get(compID).width / factor;
const int newHeight = input.get(compID).height / factor;
const Pel *srcRow = input.get(compID).buf;
const ptrdiff_t srcStride = input.get(compID).stride;
Pel * dstRow = output.get(compID).buf; // output is tmp buffer with only one component for binary mask
const ptrdiff_t dstStride = output.get(compID).stride;
for (int y = 0; y < newHeight; y++, srcRow += factor * srcStride, dstRow += dstStride)
const Pel *inRow = srcRow;
const Pel *inRowBelow = srcRow + srcStride;
Pel * target = dstRow;
for (int x = 0; x < newWidth; x++)
target[x] = (inRow[0] + inRowBelow[0] + inRow[1] + inRowBelow[1] + 2) >> 2;
inRow += factor;
inRowBelow += factor;
if (padding)
output.get(compID).extendBorderPel(padding, padding);
void FGAnalyser::upsample(const PelStorage &input, PelStorage &output, ComponentID compID, const int factor,
const int padding) const
// binary mask upsampling
// use simple replication of pixels
const int width = input.get(compID).width;
const int height = input.get(compID).height;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
Pel currentPel = input.get(compID).at(i, j);
for (int x = 0; x < factor; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < factor; y++)
output.get(compID).at(i * factor + x, j * factor + y) = currentPel;
if (padding)
output.get(compID).extendBorderPel(padding, padding);
void FGAnalyser::combineMasks(PelStorage &buff1, PelStorage &buff2, ComponentID compID)
const int width = buff1.get(compID).width;
const int height = buff1.get(compID).height;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
buff1.get(compID).at(i, j) = (buff1.get(compID).at(i, j) | buff2.get(compID).at(i, j));
// estimate cut-off frequencies and scaling factors for different intensity intervals
void FGAnalyser::estimate_grain_parameters()
PelStorage *tmpBuff = new PelStorage; // tmpBuff is diference between original and filtered => film grain estimate
tmpBuff->create(m_workingBuf->chromaFormat, Area(0, 0, m_workingBuf->Y().width, m_workingBuf->Y().height), 0, 0, 0, false);
tmpBuff->copyFrom(*m_workingBuf); // workingBuf is filtered image
tmpBuff->subtract(*m_originalBuf); // find difference between original and filtered/reconstructed frame => film grain estimate
int blockSize = BLK_8;
uint32_t picSizeInLumaSamples = m_workingBuf->Y().height * m_workingBuf->Y().width;
if (picSizeInLumaSamples <= (1920 * 1080))
blockSize = BLK_8;
else if (picSizeInLumaSamples <= (3840 * 2160))
blockSize = BLK_16;
blockSize = BLK_32;
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < getNumberValidComponents(m_chromaFormatIdc); compIdx++)
{ // loop over components
ComponentID compID = ComponentID(compIdx);
ChannelType channelId = toChannelType(compID);
if (!m_doAnalysis[compID])
unsigned int width = m_workingBuf->getBuf(compID).width; // Width of current frame
unsigned int height = m_workingBuf->getBuf(compID).height; // Height of current frame
unsigned int windowSize = DATA_BASE_SIZE; // Size for Film Grain block
int bitDepth = m_bitDepths[channelId];
int detect_edges = 0;
int mean = 0;
int var = 0;
std::vector<int> vec_mean;
std::vector<int> vec_var;
std::vector<PelMatrix> squared_dct_grain_block_list;
for (int i = 0; i <= width - windowSize; i += windowSize)
{ // loop over windowSize x windowSize blocks
for (int j = 0; j <= height - windowSize; j += windowSize)
detect_edges = count_edges(*m_maskBuf, windowSize, compID, i, j); // for flat region without edges
if (detect_edges) // selection of uniform, flat and low-complexity area; extend to other features, e.g., variance.
// find transformed blocks; cut-off frequency estimation is done on 64 x 64 blocks as low-pass filtering on synthesis side is done on 64 x 64 blocks.
block_transform(*tmpBuff, squared_dct_grain_block_list, i, j, bitDepth, compID);
int step = windowSize / blockSize;
for (int k = 0; k < step; k++)
for (int m = 0; m < step; m++)
detect_edges = count_edges(*m_maskBuf, blockSize, compID, i + k * blockSize, j + m * blockSize); // for flat region without edges
if (detect_edges) // selection of uniform, flat and low-complexity area; extend to other features, e.g., variance.
// collect all data for parameter estimation; mean and variance are caluclated on blockSize x blockSize blocks
mean = meanVar(*m_workingBuf, blockSize, compID, i + k * blockSize, j + m * blockSize, false);
var = meanVar(*tmpBuff, blockSize, compID, i + k * blockSize, j + m * blockSize, true);
// regularize high variations; controls excessively fluctuating points
double tmp = 3.0 * pow((double)(var), .5) + .5;
var = (int)tmp;
if (var < (MAX_REAL_SCALE << (bitDepth - BIT_DEPTH_8))) // limit data points to meaningful values. higher variance can be result of not perfect mask estimation (non-flat regions fall in estimation process)
vec_mean.push_back(mean); // mean of the filtered frame
vec_var.push_back(var); // variance of the film grain estimate
// calculate film grain parameters
estimate_cutoff_freq(squared_dct_grain_block_list, compID);
estimate_scaling_factors(vec_mean, vec_var, bitDepth, compID);
delete tmpBuff;
tmpBuff = nullptr;
// find compModelValue[0] - different scaling based on the pixel intensity
void FGAnalyser::estimate_scaling_factors(std::vector<int> &data_x, std::vector<int> &data_y, unsigned int bitDepth, ComponentID compID)
if (!m_compModel[compID].presentFlag || data_x.size() < MIN_POINTS_FOR_INTENSITY_ESTIMATION) // if cutoff frequencies are not estimated previously, do not proceed since presentFlag is set to false in a previous step
return; // also if there is no enough points to estimate film grain intensities, default or previously estimated
// parameters are used
// estimate intensity regions
std::vector<double> coeffs;
std::vector<double> scalingVec;
std::vector<int> quantVec;
double distortion = 0.0;
// Fit the points with the curve. Quantization of the curve using Lloyd Max quantization.
bool valid;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PASSES; i++) // if num_passes = 2, filtering of the dataset points is performed
valid = fit_function(data_x, data_y, coeffs, scalingVec, ORDER, bitDepth, i); // n-th order polynomial regression for scaling function estimation
if (!valid)
if (valid)
avg_scaling_vec(scalingVec, compID, bitDepth); // scale with previously fitted function to smooth the intensity
valid = lloyd_max(scalingVec, quantVec, distortion, QUANT_LEVELS, bitDepth); // train quantizer and quantize curve using Lloyd Max
// Based on quantized intervals, set intensity region and scaling parameter
if (valid) // if not valid, reuse previous parameters (for example, if var is all zero)
setEstimatedParameters(quantVec, bitDepth, compID);
// Horizontal and Vertical cutoff frequencies estimation. Assumption is that for complete sequence there is only one set of the cut-off frequencies (implementation decision)
void FGAnalyser::estimate_cutoff_freq(const std::vector<PelMatrix> &blocks, ComponentID compID)
PelMatrixDouble mean_squared_dct_grain(DATA_BASE_SIZE, std::vector<double>(DATA_BASE_SIZE));
std::vector<double> vec_mean_dct_grain_row(DATA_BASE_SIZE, 0.0);
std::vector<double> vec_mean_dct_grain_col(DATA_BASE_SIZE, 0.0);
static bool isFirstCutoffEst[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] = {true, true, true };
int num_blocks = (int) blocks.size();
if (num_blocks < MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_CUTOFF_ESTIMATION) // if there is no enough 64 x 64 blocks to estimate cut-off freq, skip cut-off freq estimation and use previous parameters
// iterate over the block and find avarage block
for (int x = 0; x < DATA_BASE_SIZE; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < DATA_BASE_SIZE; y++)
for (const auto &dct_grain_block: blocks)
mean_squared_dct_grain[x][y] += dct_grain_block[x][y];
mean_squared_dct_grain[x][y] /= num_blocks;
// Computation of horizontal and vertical mean vector (DC component is skipped)
vec_mean_dct_grain_row[x] += ((x != 0) && (y != 0)) ? mean_squared_dct_grain[x][y] : 0.0;
vec_mean_dct_grain_col[y] += ((x != 0) && (y != 0)) ? mean_squared_dct_grain[x][y] : 0.0;
for (int x = 0; x < DATA_BASE_SIZE; x++)
vec_mean_dct_grain_row[x] /= (x == 0) ? DATA_BASE_SIZE - 1 : DATA_BASE_SIZE;
vec_mean_dct_grain_col[x] /= (x == 0) ? DATA_BASE_SIZE - 1 : DATA_BASE_SIZE;
int cutoff_vertical = cutoff_frequency(vec_mean_dct_grain_row);
int cutoff_horizontal = cutoff_frequency(vec_mean_dct_grain_col);
if (cutoff_vertical && cutoff_horizontal)
m_compModel[compID].presentFlag = true;
m_compModel[compID].numModelValues = 1;
m_compModel[compID].presentFlag = false;
if (m_compModel[compID].presentFlag)
if (isFirstCutoffEst[compID]) // to avoid averaging with default
m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[1] = cutoff_horizontal;
m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[2] = cutoff_vertical;
isFirstCutoffEst[compID] = false;
m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[1] = (m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[1] + cutoff_horizontal + 1) / 2;
m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[2] = (m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[2] + cutoff_vertical + 1) / 2;
if (m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[1] != 8 || m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[2] != 8) // default is 8
if (m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[1] != m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[2])
int FGAnalyser::cutoff_frequency(std::vector<double> &mean)
std::vector<double> sum(DATA_BASE_SIZE, 0.0);
// Regularize the curve to suppress peaks
mean.insert(mean.begin(), mean.front());
for (int j = 1; j < DATA_BASE_SIZE + 1; j++)
sum[j - 1] = (m_tapFilter[0] * mean[j - 1] + m_tapFilter[1] * mean[j] + m_tapFilter[2] * mean[j + 1]) / m_normTap;
double target = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < DATA_BASE_SIZE; j++)
target += sum[j];
target /= DATA_BASE_SIZE;
// find final cut-off frequency
std::vector<int> intersectionPointList;
for (int x = 0; x < DATA_BASE_SIZE - 1; x++)
if ((target < sum[x] && target >= sum[x + 1]) || (target > sum[x] && target <= sum[x + 1]))
{ // there is intersection
double first_point = fabs(target - sum[x]);
double second_point = fabs(target - sum[x + 1]);
if (first_point < second_point)
intersectionPointList.push_back(x + 1);
int size = (int) intersectionPointList.size();
if (size > 0)
return Clip3<int>(2, 14, (intersectionPointList[size - 1] - 1) >> 2); // clip to RDD5 range, (h-3)/4 + 0.5
return 0;
// DCT-2 64x64 as defined in VVC
void FGAnalyser::block_transform(const PelStorage &buff, std::vector<PelMatrix> &squared_dct_grain_block_list,
int offsetX, int offsetY, unsigned int bitDepth, ComponentID compID)
unsigned int windowSize = DATA_BASE_SIZE; // Size for Film Grain block
Intermediate_Int max_dynamic_range = (1 << (bitDepth + 6)) - 1; // Dynamic range after DCT transform for 64x64 block
Intermediate_Int min_dynamic_range = -((1 << (bitDepth + 6)) - 1);
Intermediate_Int sum;
const TMatrixCoeff *tmp = g_trCoreDCT2P64[TRANSFORM_FORWARD][0];
const int transform_scale = 9; // upscaling of original transform as specified in VVC (for 64x64 block)
const int add_1st = 1 << (transform_scale - 1);
TMatrixCoeff tr[DATA_BASE_SIZE][DATA_BASE_SIZE]; // Original
TMatrixCoeff trt[DATA_BASE_SIZE][DATA_BASE_SIZE]; // Transpose
for (int x = 0; x < DATA_BASE_SIZE; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < DATA_BASE_SIZE; y++)
tr[x][y] = tmp[x * 64 + y]; /* Matrix Original */
trt[y][x] = tmp[x * 64 + y]; /* Matrix Transpose */
// DCT transform
PelMatrix blockDCT(windowSize, std::vector<Intermediate_Int>(windowSize));
PelMatrix blockTmp(windowSize, std::vector<Intermediate_Int>(windowSize));
for (int x = 0; x < windowSize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < windowSize; y++)
sum = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < windowSize; k++)
sum += tr[x][k] * buff.get(compID).at(offsetX + k, offsetY + y);
blockTmp[x][y] = (sum + add_1st) >> transform_scale;
for (int x = 0; x < windowSize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < windowSize; y++)
sum = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < windowSize; k++)
sum += blockTmp[x][k] * trt[k][y];
blockDCT[x][y] = Clip3(min_dynamic_range, max_dynamic_range, (sum + add_1st) >> transform_scale);
for (int x = 0; x < windowSize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < windowSize; y++)
blockDCT[x][y] = blockDCT[x][y] * blockDCT[x][y];
// store squared transformed block for further analysis
// check edges
int FGAnalyser::count_edges(PelStorage &buffer, int windowSize, ComponentID compID, int offsetX, int offsetY)
for (int x = 0; x < windowSize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < windowSize; y++)
if (buffer.get(compID).at(offsetX + x, offsetY + y))
return 0;
return 1;
// calulate mean and variance for windowSize x windowSize block
int FGAnalyser::meanVar(PelStorage &buffer, int windowSize, ComponentID compID, int offsetX, int offsetY, bool getVar)
double m = 0, v = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < windowSize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < windowSize; y++)
m += buffer.get(compID).at(offsetX + x, offsetY + y);
v += (buffer.get(compID).at(offsetX + x, offsetY + y) * buffer.get(compID).at(offsetX + x, offsetY + y));
m = m / (windowSize * windowSize);
if (getVar)
return (int)(v / (windowSize * windowSize) - m * m + .5);
return (int)(m + .5);
// Fit data to a function using n-th order polynomial interpolation
bool FGAnalyser::fit_function(std::vector<int> &data_x, std::vector<int> &data_y, std::vector<double> &coeffs,
std::vector<double> &scalingVec, int order, int bitDepth, bool second_pass)
PelMatrixLongDouble a(MAXPAIRS + 1, std::vector<long double>(MAXPAIRS + 1));
PelVectorLongDouble B(MAXPAIRS + 1), C(MAXPAIRS + 1), S(MAXPAIRS + 1);
long double A1, A2, Y1, m, S1, x1;
long double xscale, yscale;
long double xmin = 0.0, xmax = 0.0, ymin = 0.0, ymax = 0.0;
long double polycoefs[MAXORDER + 1];
int i, j, k, L, R;
// several data filtering and data manipulations before fitting the function
// create interval points for function fitting
std::vector<int> vec_mean_intensity(INTENSITY_INTERVAL_NUMBER, 0);
std::vector<int> vec_variance_intensity(INTENSITY_INTERVAL_NUMBER, 0);
std::vector<int> element_number_per_interval(INTENSITY_INTERVAL_NUMBER, 0);
std::vector<int> tmp_data_x;
std::vector<int> tmp_data_y;
double mn = 0.0, sd = 0.0;
if (second_pass) // in second pass, filter based on the variance of the data_y. remove all high and low points
xmin = scalingVec.back();
xmax = scalingVec.back();
int n = (int) data_y.size();
if (n != 0)
mn = accumulate(data_y.begin(), data_y.end(), 0.0) / n;
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < n; cnt++)
sd += (data_y[cnt] - mn) * (data_y[cnt] - mn);
sd /= n;
sd = sqrt(sd);
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < data_x.size(); cnt++)
if (second_pass)
if (data_x[cnt] >= xmin && data_x[cnt] <= xmax)
if ((data_y[cnt] < scalingVec[data_x[cnt] - (int) xmin] + sd * VAR_SCALE_UP) && (data_y[cnt] > scalingVec[data_x[cnt] - (int) xmin] - sd * VAR_SCALE_DOWN))
int block_index = data_x[cnt] / INTERVAL_SIZE;
vec_mean_intensity[block_index] += data_x[cnt];
vec_variance_intensity[block_index] += data_y[cnt];
int block_index = data_x[cnt] / INTERVAL_SIZE;
vec_mean_intensity[block_index] += data_x[cnt];
vec_variance_intensity[block_index] += data_y[cnt];
// create a points per intensity interval
for (int block_idx = 0; block_idx < INTENSITY_INTERVAL_NUMBER; block_idx++)
if (element_number_per_interval[block_idx] >= MIN_ELEMENT_NUMBER_PER_INTENSITY_INTERVAL)
tmp_data_x.push_back(vec_mean_intensity[block_idx] / element_number_per_interval[block_idx]);
tmp_data_y.push_back(vec_variance_intensity[block_idx] / element_number_per_interval[block_idx]);
// There needs to be at least ORDER+1 points to fit the function
if (tmp_data_x.size() < (order + 1))
return false; // if there is no enough blocks to estimate film grain parameters, default or previously estimated
// parameters are used
for (i = 0; i < tmp_data_x.size(); i++) // remove single points before extending and fitting
int check = 0;
for (j = -WINDOW; j <= WINDOW; j++)
int idx = i + j;
if (idx >= 0 && idx < tmp_data_x.size() && j != 0)
check += abs(tmp_data_x[i] / INTERVAL_SIZE - tmp_data_x[idx] / INTERVAL_SIZE) <= WINDOW ? 1 : 0;
if (check < NBRS)
tmp_data_x.erase(tmp_data_x.begin() + i);
tmp_data_y.erase(tmp_data_y.begin() + i);
extend_points(tmp_data_x, tmp_data_y, bitDepth); // find the most left and the most right point, and extend edges
CHECK(tmp_data_x.size() > MAXPAIRS, "Maximum dataset size exceeded.");
// fitting the function starts here
xmin = tmp_data_x[0];
xmax = tmp_data_x[0];
ymin = tmp_data_y[0];
ymax = tmp_data_y[0];
for (i = 0; i < tmp_data_x.size(); i++)
if (tmp_data_x[i] < xmin)
xmin = tmp_data_x[i];
if (tmp_data_x[i] > xmax)
xmax = tmp_data_x[i];
if (tmp_data_y[i] < ymin)
ymin = tmp_data_y[i];
if (tmp_data_y[i] > ymax)
ymax = tmp_data_y[i];
long double xlow = xmax;
long double ylow = ymax;
int data_pairs = (int) tmp_data_x.size();
PelMatrixDouble data_array(2, std::vector<double>(MAXPAIRS + 1));
for (i = 0; i < data_pairs; i++)
data_array[0][i + 1] = (double) tmp_data_x[i];
data_array[1][i + 1] = (double) tmp_data_y[i];
// release memory for data_x and data_y, and clear previous vectors
if (second_pass)
for (i = 1; i <= data_pairs; i++)
if (data_array[0][i] < xlow && data_array[0][i] != 0)
xlow = data_array[0][i];
if (data_array[1][i] < ylow && data_array[1][i] != 0)
ylow = data_array[1][i];
if (xlow < .001 && xmax < 1000)
xscale = 1 / xlow;
else if (xmax > 1000 && xlow > .001)
xscale = 1 / xmax;
xscale = 1;
if (ylow < .001 && ymax < 1000)
yscale = 1 / ylow;
else if (ymax > 1000 && ylow > .001)
yscale = 1 / ymax;
yscale = 1;
// initialise array variables
for (i = 0; i <= MAXPAIRS; i++)
B[i] = 0;
C[i] = 0;
S[i] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MAXPAIRS; j++)
a[i][j] = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= MAXORDER; i++)
polycoefs[i] = 0;
Y1 = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= data_pairs; j++)
for (i = 1; i <= order; i++)
B[i] = B[i] + data_array[1][j] * yscale * ldpow(data_array[0][j] * xscale, i);
if (B[i] == std::numeric_limits<long double>::max())
return false;
for (k = 1; k <= order; k++)
a[i][k] = a[i][k] + ldpow(data_array[0][j] * xscale, (i + k));
if (a[i][k] == std::numeric_limits<long double>::max())
return false;
S[i] = S[i] + ldpow(data_array[0][j] * xscale, i);
if (S[i] == std::numeric_limits<long double>::max())
return false;
Y1 = Y1 + data_array[1][j] * yscale;
if (Y1 == std::numeric_limits<long double>::max())
return false;
for (i = 1; i <= order; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= order; j++)
a[i][j] = a[i][j] - S[i] * S[j] / (long double) data_pairs;
if (a[i][j] == std::numeric_limits<long double>::max())
return false;
B[i] = B[i] - Y1 * S[i] / (long double) data_pairs;
if (B[i] == std::numeric_limits<long double>::max())
return false;
for (k = 1; k <= order; k++)
R = k;
A1 = 0;
for (L = k; L <= order; L++)
A2 = fabsl(a[L][k]);
if (A2 > A1)
A1 = A2;
R = L;
if (A1 == 0)
return false;
if (R != k)
for (j = k; j <= order; j++)
x1 = a[R][j];
a[R][j] = a[k][j];
a[k][j] = x1;
x1 = B[R];
B[R] = B[k];
B[k] = x1;
for (i = k; i <= order; i++)
m = a[i][k];
for (j = k; j <= order; j++)
if (i == k)
a[i][j] = a[i][j] / m;
a[i][j] = a[i][j] - m * a[k][j];
if (i == k)
B[i] = B[i] / m;
B[i] = B[i] - m * B[k];
polycoefs[order] = B[order];
for (k = 1; k <= order - 1; k++)
i = order - k;
S1 = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= order; j++)
S1 = S1 + a[i][j] * polycoefs[j];
if (S1 == std::numeric_limits<long double>::max())
return false;
polycoefs[i] = B[i] - S1;
S1 = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= order; i++)
S1 = S1 + polycoefs[i] * S[i] / (long double) data_pairs;
if (S1 == std::numeric_limits<long double>::max())
return false;
polycoefs[0] = (Y1 / (long double) data_pairs - S1);
// zero all coeficient values smaller than +/- .00000000001 (avoids -0)
for (i = 0; i <= order; i++)
if (fabsl(polycoefs[i] * 100000000000) < 1)
polycoefs[i] = 0;
// rescale parameters
for (i = 0; i <= order; i++)
polycoefs[i] = (1 / yscale) * polycoefs[i] * ldpow(xscale, i);
// create fg scaling function. interpolation based on coeffs which returns lookup table from 0 - 2^B-1. n-th order polinomial regression
for (i = (int) xmin; i <= (int) xmax; i++)
double val = coeffs[0];
for (j = 1; j < coeffs.size(); j++)
val += (coeffs[j] * ldpow(i, j));
val = Clip3(0.0, (double) (1 << bitDepth) - 1, val);
// save in scalingVec min and max value for further use
return true;
// avg scaling vector with previous result to smooth transition betweeen frames
void FGAnalyser::avg_scaling_vec(std::vector<double> &scalingVec, ComponentID compID, int bitDepth)
int xmin = (int) scalingVec.back();
int xmax = (int) scalingVec.back();
static std::vector<std::vector<double>> scalingVecAvg(MAX_NUM_COMPONENT, std::vector<double>((int)(1<<bitDepth)));
static bool isFirstScalingEst[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] = { true, true, true };
if (isFirstScalingEst[compID])
for (int i = xmin; i <= xmax; i++)
scalingVecAvg[compID][i] = scalingVec[i - xmin];
isFirstScalingEst[compID] = false;
for (int i = 0; i < scalingVec.size(); i++)
scalingVecAvg[compID][i + xmin] += scalingVec[i];
for (int i = 0; i < scalingVecAvg[compID].size(); i++)
scalingVecAvg[compID][i] /= 2;
// re-init scaling vec and add new min and max to be used in other functions
int index = 0;
for (; index < scalingVecAvg[compID].size(); index++)
if (scalingVecAvg[compID][index])
xmin = index;
index = (int) scalingVecAvg[compID].size() - 1;
for (; index >=0 ; index--)
if (scalingVecAvg[compID][index])
xmax = index;
scalingVec.resize(xmax - xmin + 1);
for (int i = xmin; i <= xmax; i++)
scalingVec[i - xmin] = scalingVecAvg[compID][i];
// Lloyd Max quantizer
bool FGAnalyser::lloyd_max(std::vector<double> &scalingVec, std::vector<int> &quantizedVec, double &distortion, int numQuantizedLevels, int bitDepth)
CHECK(scalingVec.size() <= 0, "Empty training dataset.");
int xmin = (int) scalingVec.back();
scalingVec.pop_back(); // dummy pop_pack ==> int xmax = (int)scalingVec.back();
double ymin = 0.0;
double ymax = 0.0;
double init_training = 0.0;
double tolerance = 0.0000001;
double last_distor = 0.0;
double rel_distor = 0.0;
std::vector<double> codebook(numQuantizedLevels);
std::vector<double> partition(numQuantizedLevels - 1);
std::vector<double> tmpVec(scalingVec.size(), 0.0);
distortion = 0.0;
ymin = scalingVec[0];
ymax = scalingVec[0];
for (int i = 0; i < scalingVec.size(); i++)
if (scalingVec[i] < ymin)
ymin = scalingVec[i];
if (scalingVec[i] > ymax)
ymax = scalingVec[i];
init_training = (ymax - ymin) / numQuantizedLevels;
if (init_training <= 0)
// msg(WARNING, "Invalid training dataset. Film grain parameter estimation is not performed. Default or previously estimated parameters are reused.\n");
return false;
// initial codebook
double step = init_training / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < numQuantizedLevels; i++)
codebook[i] = ymin + i * init_training + step;
// initial partition
for (int i = 0; i < numQuantizedLevels - 1; i++)
partition[i] = (codebook[i] + codebook[i + 1]) / 2;
// quantizer initialization
quantize(scalingVec, tmpVec, distortion, partition, codebook);
double tolerance2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() * ymax;
if (distortion > tolerance2)
rel_distor = abs(distortion - last_distor) / distortion;
rel_distor = distortion;
// optimization: find optimal codebook and partition
while ((rel_distor > tolerance) && (rel_distor > tolerance2))
for (int i = 0; i < numQuantizedLevels; i++)
int count = 0;
double sum = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < tmpVec.size(); j++)
if (codebook[i] == tmpVec[j])
sum += scalingVec[j];
if (count)
codebook[i] = sum / (double) count;
sum = 0.0;
count = 0;
if (i == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < tmpVec.size(); j++)
if (scalingVec[j] <= partition[i])
sum += scalingVec[j];
if (count)
codebook[i] = sum / (double) count;
codebook[i] = (partition[i] + ymin) / 2;
else if (i == numQuantizedLevels - 1)
for (int j = 0; j < tmpVec.size(); j++)
if (scalingVec[j] >= partition[i - 1])
sum += scalingVec[j];
if (count)
codebook[i] = sum / (double) count;
codebook[i] = (partition[i - 1] + ymax) / 2;
for (int j = 0; j < tmpVec.size(); j++)
if (scalingVec[j] >= partition[i - 1] && scalingVec[j] <= partition[i])
sum += scalingVec[j];
if (count)
codebook[i] = sum / (double) count;
codebook[i] = (partition[i - 1] + partition[i]) / 2;
// compute and sort partition
for (int i = 0; i < numQuantizedLevels - 1; i++)
partition[i] = (codebook[i] + codebook[i + 1]) / 2;
std::sort(partition.begin(), partition.end());
// final quantization - testing condition
last_distor = distortion;
quantize(scalingVec, tmpVec, distortion, partition, codebook);
if (distortion > tolerance2)
rel_distor = abs(distortion - last_distor) / distortion;
rel_distor = distortion;
// fill the final quantized vector
quantizedVec.resize((int) (1 << bitDepth), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < tmpVec.size(); i++)
quantizedVec[i + xmin] = Clip3(0, MAX_STANDARD_DEVIATION << (bitDepth - BIT_DEPTH_8), (int) (tmpVec[i] + .5));
return true;
void FGAnalyser::quantize(std::vector<double> &scalingVec, std::vector<double> &quantizedVec, double &distortion,
std::vector<double> partition, std::vector<double> codebook)
CHECK(partition.size() <= 0 || codebook.size() <= 0, "Check partitions and codebook.");
// reset previous quantizedVec to 0 and distortion to 0
std::fill(quantizedVec.begin(), quantizedVec.end(), 0.0);
distortion = 0.0;
// quantize input vector
for (int i = 0; i < scalingVec.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < partition.size(); j++)
quantizedVec[i] =
quantizedVec[i] + (scalingVec[i] > partition[j]); // partition need to be sorted in acceding order
quantizedVec[i] = codebook[(int) quantizedVec[i]];
// compute distortion - mse
for (int i = 0; i < scalingVec.size(); i++)
distortion += ((scalingVec[i] - quantizedVec[i]) * (scalingVec[i] - quantizedVec[i]));
distortion /= scalingVec.size();
// Set correctlly SEI parameters based on the quantized curve
void FGAnalyser::setEstimatedParameters(std::vector<int> &quantizedVec, unsigned int bitDepth, ComponentID compID)
std::vector<std::vector<int>> finalIntervalsandScalingFactors(3); // lower_bound, upper_bound, scaling_factor
int cutoff_horizontal = m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[1];
int cutoff_vertical = m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[0].compModelValue[2];
// calculate intervals and scaling factors
define_intervals_and_scalings(finalIntervalsandScalingFactors, quantizedVec, bitDepth);
// merge small intervals with left or right interval
for (int i = 0; i < finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2].size(); i++)
int tmp1 = finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[1][i] - finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[0][i];
if (tmp1 < (2 << (bitDepth - BIT_DEPTH_8)))
int diffRight =
(i == (finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2].size() - 1)) || (finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i + 1] == 0)
? std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
: abs(finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i] - finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i + 1]);
int diffLeft = (i == 0) || (finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i - 1] == 0)
? std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
: abs(finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i] - finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i - 1]);
if (diffLeft < diffRight) // merge with left
int tmp2 = finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[1][i - 1] - finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[0][i - 1];
int newScale = (tmp2 * finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i - 1] + tmp1 * finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i]) / (tmp2 + tmp1);
finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[1][i - 1] = finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[1][i];
finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i - 1] = newScale;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[j].erase(finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[j].begin() + i);
else // merge with right
int tmp2 = finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[1][i + 1] - finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[0][i + 1];
int newScale = (tmp2 * finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i + 1] + tmp1 * finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i]) / (tmp2 + tmp1);
finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[1][i] = finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[1][i + 1];
finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i] = newScale;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[j].erase(finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[j].begin() + i + 1);
// scale to 8-bit range as supported by current sei and rdd5
scale_down(finalIntervalsandScalingFactors, bitDepth);
// because of scaling in previous step, some intervals may overlap. Check intervals for errors.
// set number of intervals; exculde intervals with scaling factor 0.
m_compModel[compID].numIntensityIntervals =
(int) finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2].size()
- (int) count(finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2].begin(), finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2].end(), 0);
if (m_compModel[compID].numIntensityIntervals == 0)
{ // check if all intervals are 0, and if yes set presentFlag to false
m_compModel[compID].presentFlag = false;
// set final interval boundaries and scaling factors. check if some interval has scaling factor 0, and do not encode
// them within SEI.
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2].size(); i++)
if (finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i] != 0)
m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[j].intensityIntervalLowerBound = finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[0][i];
m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[j].intensityIntervalUpperBound = finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[1][i];
m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[j].compModelValue[0] = finalIntervalsandScalingFactors[2][i];
m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[j].compModelValue[1] = cutoff_horizontal;
m_compModel[compID].intensityValues[j].compModelValue[2] = cutoff_vertical;
CHECK(j != m_compModel[compID].numIntensityIntervals, "Check film grain intensity levels");
long double FGAnalyser::ldpow(long double n, unsigned p)
long double x = 1;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
x = x * n;
return x;
// find bounds of intensity intervals and scaling factors for each interval
void FGAnalyser::define_intervals_and_scalings(std::vector<std::vector<int>> ¶meters,
std::vector<int> &quantizedVec, int bitDepth)
for (int i = 0; i < quantizedVec.size() - 1; i++)
if (quantizedVec[i] != quantizedVec[i + 1])
parameters[0].push_back(i + 1);
parameters[2].push_back(quantizedVec[i + 1]);
parameters[1].push_back((1 << bitDepth) - 1);
// scale everything to 8-bit ranges as supported by SEI message
void FGAnalyser::scale_down(std::vector<std::vector<int>> ¶meters, int bitDepth)
for (int i = 0; i < parameters[2].size(); i++)
parameters[0][i] >>= (bitDepth - BIT_DEPTH_8);
parameters[1][i] >>= (bitDepth - BIT_DEPTH_8);
parameters[2][i] <<= m_log2ScaleFactor;
parameters[2][i] >>= (bitDepth - BIT_DEPTH_8);
// check if intervals are properly set after scaling to 8-bit representation
void FGAnalyser::confirm_intervals(std::vector<std::vector<int>> ¶meters)
std::vector<int> tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters[2].size(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size() - 1; i++)
if (tmp[i] == tmp[i + 1])
tmp[i + 1]++;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters[2].size(); i++)
parameters[0][i] = tmp[2 * i];
parameters[1][i] = tmp[2 * i + 1];
void FGAnalyser::extend_points(std::vector<int> &data_x, std::vector<int> &data_y, int bitDepth)
int xmin = data_x[0];
int xmax = data_x[0];
int ymin = data_y[0];
int ymax = data_y[0];
for (int i = 0; i < data_x.size(); i++)
if (data_x[i] < xmin)
xmin = data_x[i];
ymin = data_y[i]; // not real ymin
if (data_x[i] > xmax)
xmax = data_x[i];
ymax = data_y[i]; // not real ymax
// extend points to the left
int step = POINT_STEP;
double scale = POINT_SCALE;
int num_extra_point_left = MAX_NUM_POINT_TO_EXTEND;
int num_extra_point_right = MAX_NUM_POINT_TO_EXTEND;
while (xmin >= step && ymin > 1 && num_extra_point_left > 0)
xmin -= step;
ymin = static_cast<int>(ymin / scale);
// extend points to the right
while (xmax + step <= ((1 << bitDepth) - 1) && ymax > 1 && num_extra_point_right > 0)
xmax += step;
ymax = static_cast<int>(ymax / scale);
for (int i = 0; i < data_x.size(); i++)
if (data_x[i] < MIN_INTENSITY || data_x[i] > MAX_INTENSITY)
data_x.erase(data_x.begin() + i);
data_y.erase(data_y.begin() + i);