@@ -5763,6 +5763,11 @@ Specifies sii_num_units_in_shutter_interval for single entry.If multiple entries
Specifies that the maximum number of multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations per sample of the \emph{i}-th neural network post-filter is less than or equal to nnpfc_num_kmac_operations_idc * 1000.
nnpfc_num_kmac_operations_idc = 0 specifies that the maximum number of MAC operations of the network is not specified.
Indicates the total size in kilobytes required to store the uncompressed NN parameters in the \emph{i}-th neural network post-filter when nnpfc_total_kilobyte_size is greater than 0. The total size in bits is a number equal to or greater than the sum of bits used to store each parameter. nnpfc_total_kilobyte_size is the total size in bits divided by 8000, rounded up.
nnpfc_total_kilobyte_size equal to 0 indicates that the total size required to store the parameters for the neural network is unknown.