JVET-P0667: Avoid signalling QP offset table for JCCR when it is disabled
1 unresolved thread
1 unresolved thread
JVETP-0667: Avoiding signaling of QP offset table for JCCR, at SPS and PPS level, when it's disabled. For PPS level, a new flag is introduced to avoid SPS to PPS parameter set dependency.
Edited by Frank Bossen
Merge request reports
- Resolved by Frank Bossen
mentioned in commit a929cf0a
This MR cause a segmentation fault in ChromaQpMappingTable::derivedChromaQPMappingTables() when numQPTables = 2 (ie getSameCQPTableForAllChromaFlag() == 0 and pcSPS->getJointCbCrEnabledFlag() == 0). Indeed, getNumPtsInCQPTableMinus1(i) is called for i = 2, but the value is not set in the sps parsing as only 2 tables are present.
Edited by Remy ForayThanks for reporting this, I have submitted MR !1083 (merged) with the fix. Can you please check whether it works now? thanks.
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