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JVET-S0160 aspect 1 and aspect 9: Inference of...

Zhipin Deng requested to merge ZhipinDeng/VVCSoftware_VTM:S0160 into master

Aspect 1: Infer the value of pps_loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled_flag to be equal to 0 (instead of 1) when not present

Aspect 9: The value of ph_poc_msb_cycle_present_flag is required to be equal to 0 when vps_independent_layer_flag[GeneralLayerIdx[nuh_layer_id]] is equal to 0 and there is an ILRP entry in RefPicList[0] or RefPicList[1] of a slice of the current picture

Edited by Zhipin Deng

Merge request reports