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JVET-S0047 and JVET-S0211: Add "_minus1" to VB pos SEs and signal num VBs with ue(v)

This merge request comprises the adoption of JVET-S0047 and JVET-S0211:

JVET-S0047: Add “_minus1” to each of the four syntax elements sps_virtual_boundary_pos_x, sps_virtual_boundary_pos_y, ph_virtual_boundary_pos_x and ph_virtual_boundary_pos_y, made other changes accordingly.

JVET-S0211: Signal the number of virtual boundaries using ue(v) instead of the current signalling using u(2) for the four syntax elements sps_num_ver_virtual_boundaries, sps_num_hor_virtual_boundaries, ph_num_ver_virtual_boundaries, and ph_num_hor_virtual_boundaries while retaining the current value ranges.

Merge request reports