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JVET-S0084 and JVET-S0110: Specify RPL constraint on RADL picture

eeehey requested to merge (removed):S0084-S0110-RADL into master

JVET-S0084 (JVET-S0139 item 8): When the current picture is a RADL picture, allow RASL pictures with pps_mixed_nalu_types_in_pic_flag is equal to 1 in active entries in RefPicList[ 0 ] or RefPicList[ 1 ]. (Spec text ticket #1035). The editor may also add a NOTE to explain that such RADL pictures would still be correctly decodable when random accessing from the CRA picture, due to the existence of subpicture-level constraints.

JVET-S0110 aspect 1 (JVET-S0139 item 9): Change the following sentence in the NOTE in the RASL picture definition to consider that RADL pictures can refer to RASL pictures with mixed_nalu_types_in_pic_flag equal to 1: "RASL pictures are not used as reference pictures for the decoding process of non-RASL pictures."

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