Fix #1464: Non-conforming values of sn_subpic_id_len_minus1
1 unresolved thread
Fix sn_subpic_id_len_minus1 by calculating it always based on maximum subpic ID of the picture.
Merge request reports
443 443 scalableNestingSEI->m_snSubpicFlag = 1; 444 444 scalableNestingSEI->m_snNumSubpics = (uint32_t) subpictureIDs.size(); 445 445 scalableNestingSEI->m_snSubpicId = subpictureIDs; 446 scalableNestingSEI->m_snSubpicIdLen = max(1, ceilLog2((*std::max_element(subpictureIDs.begin(), subpictureIDs.end())) + 1)); 446 scalableNestingSEI->m_snSubpicIdLen = max(1, ceilLog2(maxSubpicIdInPic + 1)); 447 447 CHECK ( scalableNestingSEI->m_snSubpicIdLen > 15, "Subpicture ID too large. Length must be <= 15 bits"); changed this line in version 2 of the diff
mentioned in commit 7512abae
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