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JVET-X0048-X0103: implementation of film grain analysis and synthesis

FANGJUN PU requested to merge Fangjun.Pu/VVCSoftware_VTM:X0048_FILM_GRAIN into master

JVET-X0048-X0103: implementation of film grain analysis and synthesis for film grain characterstics (FGC) SEI

The software is merged from film grain CE software tested in JVET-X0048 and JVET-X0103.
The default setting is CE.2.2: enable VVC DCT-II transform and adaptive block size.

SIMD optimization is by default disabled. If enable SIMD (ENABLE_SIMD_OPT_FGS=1), configure as follows:

  • Windows Visual Studio 2015/17/19 64 Bit:
    cd build
    cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DENABLE_SIMD_OPT_FGS=1

  • Linux:
    cd build

Below are command lines to use FG software (JVET_X0048_X0103_FILM_GRAIN==1):

  • to encode bitstreams with FGC SEI:
    If use pre-defined FG parameters, add: -c cfg/sei_vui/film_grain_characterstics.cfg
    If use FG analysis module, add: -c cfg/sei_vui/film_grain_characteristics_analysis.cfg

  • to decode bitstreams with FGC SEI:
    Add: --SEIFGSFilename=XXXX_dec_fgs.yuv

  • to use FGC SEI rewriter tool (described in JVET-X0022 section 1.1.1):
    ./SEIFilmGrainAppStatic -c FGC_SEI_new.cfg -b XXXX.bit -o XXXX_new.bit --SEIFilmGraimOption=3
    (SEIFilmGraimOption: 0-no change; 1-FGC SEI removal; 2-FGC SEI insertion; 3-FGC SEI rewriter)

Edited by FANGJUN PU

Merge request reports
