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Fix: avoid redundant coding of RPL in both SPS and SH in multilayer

Merged Fabrice URBAN requested to merge (removed):multilayer_RPL into master
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@@ -1953,22 +1953,56 @@ void EncLib::xInitAPS(APS &aps)
void EncLib::xInitRPL(SPS &sps)
ReferencePictureList* rpl;
const bool isFieldCoding = sps.getFieldSeqFlag();
int numRPLCandidates = getRPLCandidateSize(0);
// To allocate one additional memory for RPL of POC1 (first bottom field) which is not specified in cfg file
sps.createRPLList0(numRPLCandidates + (isFieldCoding ? 1 : 0));
sps.createRPLList1(numRPLCandidates + (isFieldCoding ? 1 : 0));
RPLList* rplList = 0;
int layerIdx = getVPS() == nullptr ? 0 : getVPS()->getGeneralLayerIdx(m_layerId);
RPLList* rplLists[2];
bool codeRplInSH = layerIdx > 0 && getRplOfDepLayerInSh() && getNumRefLayers(layerIdx) > 0 && (getAvoidIntraInDepLayer() || getIntraPeriod() > 1) ;
if (codeRplInSH)
getRPLList(0)->create(numRPLCandidates + (isFieldCoding ? 1 : 0));
getRPLList(1)->create(numRPLCandidates + (isFieldCoding ? 1 : 0));
rplLists[0] = getRPLList(0);
rplLists[1] = getRPLList(1);
sps.createRPLList0(numRPLCandidates + (isFieldCoding ? 1 : 0));
sps.createRPLList1(numRPLCandidates + (isFieldCoding ? 1 : 0));
rplLists[0] = sps.getRPLList(0);
rplLists[1] = sps.getRPLList(1);
static_vector<int, MAX_VPS_LAYERS> refLayersIdx;
if (layerIdx > 0 && !getRplOfDepLayerInSh())
if (getNumRefLayers(layerIdx) > 0)
for (int refLayerIdx = 0; refLayerIdx < getNumRefLayers(layerIdx); refLayerIdx++)
if (getVPS()->getDirectRefLayerFlag(layerIdx, refLayerIdx))
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
rplList = (i == 0) ? sps.getRPLList0() : sps.getRPLList1();
RPLList* rplList = rplLists[i];
for (int j = 0; j < numRPLCandidates; j++)
const RPLEntry &ge = getRPLEntry(i, j);
rpl = rplList->getReferencePictureList(j);
ReferencePictureList* rpl = rplList->getReferencePictureList(j);
rpl->setNumberOfLongtermPictures(0); //Hardcoded as 0 for now. need to update this when implementing LTRP
@@ -1977,9 +2011,42 @@ void EncLib::xInitRPL(SPS &sps)
// inter-layer reference picture is not signaled in SPS RPL, SPS is shared currently
rpl->setNumberOfInterLayerPictures( 0 );
for (int k = 0; k < ge.m_numRefPics; k++)
if (!getRplOfDepLayerInSh())
rpl->setRefPicIdentifier(k, -ge.m_deltaRefPics[k], 0, false, 0);
bool isIntraLayerPredAllowed = getVPS() ? ((getVPS()->getIndependentLayerFlag(layerIdx) || (getVPS()->getPredDirection(ge.m_temporalId) != 1)) && (ge.m_POC % m_intraPeriod) != 0) : true;
bool isInterLayerPredAllowed = getVPS() ? (!getVPS()->getIndependentLayerFlag(layerIdx) && (getVPS()->getPredDirection(ge.m_temporalId) != 2) && ((ge.m_POC % m_intraPeriod) != 0 || (getAvoidIntraInDepLayer() && layerIdx))) : false;
int numRefActive = 0;
if (isIntraLayerPredAllowed)
for (int k = 0; k < ge.m_numRefPicsActive; k++)
rpl->setRefPicIdentifier(k, -ge.m_deltaRefPics[k], 0, false, 0);
numRefActive = ge.m_numRefPicsActive;
int validNumILRef = 0;
if (isInterLayerPredAllowed)
for (int refLayerIdx : refLayersIdx)
rpl->setRefPicIdentifier(numRefActive + validNumILRef, 0, true, true, m_vps->getInterLayerRefIdc(m_layerId, refLayerIdx));
    • m_layerId can't be used as an argument here, the function declaration is getInterLayerRefIdc( uint32_t layerIdx, uint32_t refLayerIdx ) and m_layerId is not necessarily equal to layerIdx. This code crashes VTM encoder when m_layerId is not equal to layerIdx.

      m_layerId argument should be replaced with m_vps->getGeneralLayerIdx( m_layerId ), which produces the correct layerIdx for a given m_layerId

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rpl->setNumberOfActivePictures(numRefActive + validNumILRef);
for (int k = numRefActive; k < ge.m_numRefPics; k++)
rpl->setRefPicIdentifier(k + validNumILRef, -ge.m_deltaRefPics[k], 0, false, 0);
for (int k = 0; k < ge.m_numRefPics; k++)
rpl->setRefPicIdentifier(k, -ge.m_deltaRefPics[k], 0, false, 0);
@@ -1989,8 +2056,8 @@ void EncLib::xInitRPL(SPS &sps)
// To set RPL of POC1 (first bottom field) which is not specified in cfg file
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
rplList = (i == 0) ? sps.getRPLList0() : sps.getRPLList1();
rpl = rplList->getReferencePictureList(numRPLCandidates);
RPLList* rplList = rplLists[i];
ReferencePictureList* rpl = rplList->getReferencePictureList(numRPLCandidates);
@@ -2001,7 +2068,7 @@ void EncLib::xInitRPL(SPS &sps)
bool isRpl1CopiedFromRpl0 = true;
for( int i = 0; isRpl1CopiedFromRpl0 && i < numRPLCandidates; i++)
for(int i = 0; isRpl1CopiedFromRpl0 && i < sps.getNumRPL0(); i++)
if( sps.getRPLList0()->getReferencePictureList(i)->getNumRefEntries() == sps.getRPLList1()->getReferencePictureList(i)->getNumRefEntries() )
@@ -2022,15 +2089,14 @@ void EncLib::xInitRPL(SPS &sps)
//Check if all delta POC of STRP in each RPL has the same sign
//Check RPLL0 first
const RPLList* rplList0 = sps.getRPLList0();
const RPLList* rplList1 = sps.getRPLList1();
uint32_t numberOfRPL = sps.getNumRPL0();
const RPLList* rplList0 = rplLists[0];
const RPLList* rplList1 = rplLists[1];
bool isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag = true;
for (uint32_t ii = 0; isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag && ii < numberOfRPL; ii++)
for (uint32_t ii = 0; isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag && ii < rplList0->getNumberOfReferencePictureLists(); ii++)
bool isFirstEntry = true;
bool lastSign;
bool lastSign = true;
const ReferencePictureList* rpl = rplList0->getReferencePictureList(ii);
for (uint32_t jj = 0; isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag && jj < rpl->getNumberOfActivePictures(); jj++)
@@ -2054,11 +2120,10 @@ void EncLib::xInitRPL(SPS &sps)
//Check RPLL1. Skip it if it is already found out that this flag is not true for RPL0 or if RPL1 is the same as RPL0
numberOfRPL = sps.getNumRPL1();
for (uint32_t ii = 0; isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag && !sps.getRPL1CopyFromRPL0Flag() && ii < numberOfRPL; ii++)
for (uint32_t ii = 0; isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag && !sps.getRPL1CopyFromRPL0Flag() && ii < rplList1->getNumberOfReferencePictureLists(); ii++)
bool isFirstEntry = true;
bool lastSign;
bool lastSign = true;
const ReferencePictureList* rpl = rplList1->getReferencePictureList(ii);
for (uint32_t jj = 0; isAllEntriesinRPLHasSameSignFlag && jj < rpl->getNumberOfActivePictures(); jj++)
@@ -2084,57 +2149,6 @@ void EncLib::xInitRPL(SPS &sps)
void EncLib::getActiveRefPicListNumForPOC(const SPS *sps, int POCCurr, int GOPid, uint32_t *activeL0, uint32_t *activeL1)
if (m_isLowDelay) //Only for RA
*activeL0 = *activeL1 = 0;
uint32_t rpl0Idx = GOPid;
uint32_t rpl1Idx = GOPid;
int fullListNum = m_iGOPSize;
int partialListNum = getRPLCandidateSize(0) - m_iGOPSize;
int extraNum = fullListNum;
if (m_isLowDelay)
if (POCCurr < (2 * m_iGOPSize + 2))
int candidateIdx = (POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 1 >= fullListNum + partialListNum) ? GOPid : POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 1;
rpl0Idx = candidateIdx;
rpl1Idx = candidateIdx;
rpl0Idx = (POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 0) ? m_iGOPSize - 1 : POCCurr%m_iGOPSize - 1;
rpl1Idx = (POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 0) ? m_iGOPSize - 1 : POCCurr%m_iGOPSize - 1;
extraNum = fullListNum + partialListNum;
for (; extraNum<fullListNum + partialListNum; extraNum++)
if (m_intraPeriod > 0 && getDecodingRefreshType() > 0)
int POCIndex = POCCurr % m_intraPeriod;
if (POCIndex == 0)
POCIndex = m_intraPeriod;
if (POCIndex == m_RPLList0[extraNum].m_POC)
rpl0Idx = extraNum;
rpl1Idx = extraNum;
const ReferencePictureList *rpl0 = sps->getRPLList0()->getReferencePictureList(rpl0Idx);
*activeL0 = rpl0->getNumberOfActivePictures();
const ReferencePictureList *rpl1 = sps->getRPLList1()->getReferencePictureList(rpl1Idx);
*activeL1 = rpl1->getNumberOfActivePictures();
void EncLib::selectReferencePictureList(Slice* slice, int POCCurr, int GOPid, int ltPoc)
@@ -2144,8 +2158,21 @@ void EncLib::selectReferencePictureList(Slice* slice, int POCCurr, int GOPid, in
const RPLList* rplLists[2];
bool codeRplInSH = getRplOfDepLayerInSh();
int RPLIdx = GOPid;
if (codeRplInSH)
rplLists[0] = getRPLList(0);
rplLists[1] = getRPLList(1);
rplLists[0] = slice->getSPS()->getRPLList(0);
rplLists[1] = slice->getSPS()->getRPLList(1);
int fullListNum = m_iGOPSize;
int partialListNum = getRPLCandidateSize(0) - m_iGOPSize;
@@ -2154,7 +2181,7 @@ void EncLib::selectReferencePictureList(Slice* slice, int POCCurr, int GOPid, in
int rplPeriod = m_intraPeriod;
if( rplPeriod < 0 ) //Need to check if it is low delay or RA but with no RAP
if( slice->getSPS()->getRPLList0()->getReferencePictureList(1)->getRefPicIdentifier(0) * slice->getSPS()->getRPLList1()->getReferencePictureList(1)->getRefPicIdentifier(0) < 0)
if (rplLists[0]->getReferencePictureList(1)->getRefPicIdentifier(0) * rplLists[1]->getReferencePictureList(1)->getRefPicIdentifier(0) < 0)
rplPeriod = m_iGOPSize * 2;
@@ -2166,13 +2193,11 @@ void EncLib::selectReferencePictureList(Slice* slice, int POCCurr, int GOPid, in
if (currPOCsinceLastIDR < (2 * m_iGOPSize + 2))
int candidateIdx = (currPOCsinceLastIDR + m_iGOPSize - 1 >= fullListNum + partialListNum) ? GOPid : currPOCsinceLastIDR + m_iGOPSize - 1;
RPLIdx = candidateIdx;
slice->setRPL0idx((POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 0) ? m_iGOPSize - 1 : POCCurr%m_iGOPSize - 1);
slice->setRPL1idx((POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 0) ? m_iGOPSize - 1 : POCCurr%m_iGOPSize - 1);
RPLIdx = (POCCurr % m_iGOPSize == 0) ? m_iGOPSize - 1 : POCCurr % m_iGOPSize - 1;
extraNum = fullListNum + partialListNum;
@@ -2187,8 +2212,7 @@ void EncLib::selectReferencePictureList(Slice* slice, int POCCurr, int GOPid, in
if (POCIndex == m_RPLList0[extraNum].m_POC)
RPLIdx = extraNum;
@@ -2208,34 +2232,35 @@ void EncLib::selectReferencePictureList(Slice* slice, int POCCurr, int GOPid, in
int numRPLCandidates = getRPLCandidateSize(0);
if (POCCurr < numRPLCandidates - m_iGOPSize + 2)
slice->setRPL0idx(POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 2);
slice->setRPL1idx(POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 2);
RPLIdx = POCCurr + m_iGOPSize - 2;
if (POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 0)
slice->setRPL0idx(m_iGOPSize - 2);
slice->setRPL1idx(m_iGOPSize - 2);
RPLIdx = m_iGOPSize - 2;
else if (POCCurr%m_iGOPSize == 1)
slice->setRPL0idx(m_iGOPSize - 1);
slice->setRPL1idx(m_iGOPSize - 1);
RPLIdx = m_iGOPSize - 1;
slice->setRPL0idx(POCCurr % m_iGOPSize - 2);
slice->setRPL1idx(POCCurr % m_iGOPSize - 2);
RPLIdx = POCCurr % m_iGOPSize - 2;
const ReferencePictureList *rpl0 = (slice->getSPS()->getRPLList0()->getReferencePictureList(slice->getRPL0idx()));
const ReferencePictureList *rpl1 = (slice->getSPS()->getRPLList1()->getReferencePictureList(slice->getRPL1idx()));
*slice->getRPL0() = *rpl0;
*slice->getRPL1() = *rpl1;
* slice->getRPL0() = *rplLists[0]->getReferencePictureList(RPLIdx);
*slice->getRPL1() = *rplLists[1]->getReferencePictureList(RPLIdx);
if (!codeRplInSH)