- Make sure to use proper comments in commits. Use one line for the short summary, followed by an empty line and then a detailed description (if necessary)
- Gitlab will take over summary and text body into the merge request description, if the branch has only one commit
For merge requests:
- Make sure to set a proper title for the merge request, that allow software coordinators to identify the contents of the request
- For tool integrations use the document number as a prefix, e.g.: "JVET-M0471: Long deblocking filters"
- For bug fixes refer to the bug ID in the mantis tracker, but also add a short summary, e.g. "Fix #178: Avoid referencing encoder parameter in low level MC function"
- If your merge request is not finalized, mark it as "Work in Progress", by adding "WIP:" to the beginning of the subject line. Add some explanation to the description, why the request in WIP
### Bug reporting
- All bugs should be filed in the bug tracker located at https://jvet.hhi.fraunhofer.de/trac/vvc
- If a fix is available, the fix should be submitted as merge request. A reference to the merge request should be added to the bug report.
Got to the main page at https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de and select "Register" to register for an account. Fill in all required data.