VVC Software Development Workflow
It is generally advised to familiarize yourself with the usage of **git** and GitLab. Some sources are:
* https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
* https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/index.html
1. Register
Got to the main page at https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de and select "Register" to register for an account. Fill in all required data.

**It is strongly encouraged to use your company email address to help administrators and CE coordinators verify that you are a JVET member.**
You will receive an email with a confirmation link.
**Note:** Email delivery can take up to 30 minutes.
2. Ask for internal account
Write an email with your user name to the software coordinators to request conversion to an internal account
3. Create a fork of the BMS repository
Go to
Press the "Fork" button close to the top of the man page:

Select your own User workspace as target, e.g.

4. Clone the repository locally and push your changes
If you did not use git before, set up your work environment using the **git config** tool using your name and email address.
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com
Also enable proper automatic handling of line endings:
git config --global core.autocrlf input
For more details see https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup
To clone the (forked) git repository, type
git clone <url>
with the ```<url>``` of the repository that can be found in the web page of your forked repository

Change into the cloned copy of the repository and create a branch for checking in software, e.g.:
cd VVCSoftware_VTM
git checkout -b K0261-SW-Cleanup
Make the required modifications. New files have to be added using the command:
git add <file(s)>
It is good practice to run ```git diff``` before adding the files, such as to check
what changes are actually being added. If listed changes are not the ones you made,
then you shouldn't proceed.
Optionally (for advanced users), automated formatting can then be applied
using the command:
git clang-format
Note that this requires clang-format to be installed on your system. A list of
modified files (if any) is printed. If files are modified, please check the
changes with git diff. If the changes go beyond what you expected
(for example parts that you didn't edit got reformatted), you should revert individual
files with ```git checkout -- <file>```. If the changes look great, stage them with
git add.
Commit the changes to the local repository with:
git commit -a
Make sure to write a proper comment.
If you need to add changes, these can be committed using the `--amend` flag to add them to the previous commit.
Push to the remote repository using the name of the previously created branch, e.g.:
git push --set-upstream origin K0261-SW-Cleanup
5. Create a merge request
Got to the web page of your fork and create a merge request from the menu on the left side:
Select "Merge Requests", then "New merge request", the select your source branch and the master branch of the main repository as target:

Select "Compare branches and continue"
Fill in notes for the software coordinators and submit the merge request.
Keep all other settings as defaults.
6. Modifying a merge request
There may be one or more issues with a merge request resulting in SW coordinators
denying the request and indicating in a comment what needs to be fixed.
A merge request may be updated as follows:
1. Make sure to be in the correct branch.
2. Make the necessary corrections and repeat the git add/commit/push commands described in section 4.
3. The merge request is then automatically updated when the push command is applied.
**Note:** There is no need to close the request, because the existing request will automatically be updated with the changes, after they are pushed.
7. Keeping your fork in sync
To pull changes from the upstream jvet repository into your own fork, first switch to the master branch
git checkout master
Add the upstream repository to the list of remotes using
git remote add upstream https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de/jvet/VVCSoftware_VTM.git
This needs to be done only once. Note that "upstream" in the above command is the name that
your are giving to the remote repository. This name is then used in the pull command:
git pull upstream master
where master is the name of the branch your are pulling.
The pulled changes can then be pushed to the copy of your fork that resides on the server:
git push origin master
If you are currently working on a branch named for example feature1, you can incorporate
the recent changes from master using
git checkout feature1
git rebase master
**Note:** The above "rebase" command works only if the changes in feature1 are committed or stashed. Stash the work-in-progress changes in feature1 (if you are maintaining more than one stash please refer to documentation of stash to ensure stashes are not overwritten), rebase the master and the apply the stash back to your branch.
git checkout feature1
git stash
git rebase master
git stash apply
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