Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- JVET-S0257-SwSupportOf360SEI
- VTM-10.0-noSIMD
- add_ubuntu_2004
- alf_names
- autobuild-ubuntu2204
- bossen-Y0155
- bossen-Y0155-v2
- build-update-2025
- cfg_update_after_1899
- change_conf_win_default
- clang-format-test
- clean_whitespace
- cleanups
- conf_window_cleanup
- conf_window_fix
- confwin_fix_check
- const_sei_unreg_fix
- ctu_size_change_ibc_fix
- dec_cc_alf_aps_check
- dec_output_layer
- Tags 20
- VTM-23.8
- VTM-23.7
- 2nd-edition-DIS
- VTM-23.6
- VTM-23.5
- VTM-23.4
- 2nd-edition-CD
- VTM-23.3
- VTM-23.2
- VTM-23.2rc1
- VTM-23.1
- VTM-23.0
- VTM-22.2
- VTM-22.1
- VTM-22.0
- VTM-22.0rc1
- VTM-21.2
- VTM-21.1
- VTM-21.0
- VTM-20.2
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