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Commit 473d7f5d authored by Karsten Suehring's avatar Karsten Suehring
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Refactor: remove unused SPS parameter in SEI writing

VVC follows the concept that parsing of SEIs shall be independent of parameter sets
parent 3eb64f36
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......@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ void EncGOP::xWriteAccessUnitDelimiter (AccessUnit &accessUnit, Slice *slice)
// write SEI list into one NAL unit and add it to the Access unit at auPos
void EncGOP::xWriteSEI (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, AccessUnit::iterator &auPos, int temporalId, const SPS *sps)
void EncGOP::xWriteSEI (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, AccessUnit::iterator &auPos, int temporalId)
// don't do anything, if we get an empty list
if (seiMessages.empty())
......@@ -437,12 +437,12 @@ void EncGOP::xWriteSEI (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUn
OutputNALUnit nalu( naluType, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId(), temporalId );
m_seiWriter.writeSEImessages(nalu.m_Bitstream, seiMessages, sps, *m_HRD, false, temporalId);
m_seiWriter.writeSEImessages(nalu.m_Bitstream, seiMessages, *m_HRD, false, temporalId);
auPos = accessUnit.insert(auPos, new NALUnitEBSP(nalu));
void EncGOP::xWriteSEISeparately (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, AccessUnit::iterator &auPos, int temporalId, const SPS *sps)
void EncGOP::xWriteSEISeparately (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, AccessUnit::iterator &auPos, int temporalId)
// don't do anything, if we get an empty list
if (seiMessages.empty())
......@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ void EncGOP::xWriteSEISeparately (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages
SEIMessages tmpMessages;
OutputNALUnit nalu( naluType, m_pcEncLib->getLayerId(), temporalId );
m_seiWriter.writeSEImessages(nalu.m_Bitstream, tmpMessages, sps, *m_HRD, false, temporalId);
m_seiWriter.writeSEImessages(nalu.m_Bitstream, tmpMessages, *m_HRD, false, temporalId);
auPos = accessUnit.insert(auPos, new NALUnitEBSP(nalu));
......@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ void EncGOP::xClearSEIs(SEIMessages& seiMessages, bool deleteMessages)
// write SEI messages as separate NAL units ordered
void EncGOP::xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, const SPS *sps, bool testWrite)
void EncGOP::xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, bool testWrite)
AccessUnit::iterator itNalu = accessUnit.begin();
......@@ -500,13 +500,13 @@ void EncGOP::xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& duI
// Buffering period SEI must always be following active parameter sets
currentMessages = extractSeisByType(localMessages, SEI::BUFFERING_PERIOD);
CHECK(!(currentMessages.size() <= 1), "Unspecified error");
xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId, sps);
xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId);
xClearSEIs(currentMessages, !testWrite);
// Picture timing SEI must always be following buffering period
currentMessages = extractSeisByType(localMessages, SEI::PICTURE_TIMING);
CHECK(!(currentMessages.size() <= 1), "Unspecified error");
xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId, sps);
xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId);
xClearSEIs(currentMessages, !testWrite);
// Decoding unit info SEI must always be following picture timing
......@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ void EncGOP::xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& duI
xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId, sps);
xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId);
xClearSEIs(currentMessages, !testWrite);
......@@ -525,13 +525,13 @@ void EncGOP::xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& duI
// Scalable nesting SEI must always be the following DU info
currentMessages = extractSeisByType(localMessages, SEI::SCALABLE_NESTING);
xWriteSEISeparately(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId, sps);
xWriteSEISeparately(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, currentMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId);
xClearSEIs(currentMessages, !testWrite);
// And finally everything else one by one
xWriteSEISeparately(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, localMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId, sps);
xWriteSEISeparately(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, localMessages, accessUnit, itNalu, temporalId);
xClearSEIs(localMessages, !testWrite);
if (!testWrite)
......@@ -549,26 +549,26 @@ void EncGOP::xWriteLeadingSEIMessages (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& du
SEIPictureTiming * picTiming = picTimingSEIs.empty() ? NULL : (SEIPictureTiming*) picTimingSEIs.front();
// test writing
xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered(seiMessages, duInfoSeiMessages, testAU, temporalId, sps, true);
xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered(seiMessages, duInfoSeiMessages, testAU, temporalId, true);
// update Timing and DU info SEI
xUpdateDuData(testAU, duData);
xUpdateTimingSEI(picTiming, duData, sps);
xUpdateDuInfoSEI(duInfoSeiMessages, picTiming, sps->getMaxTLayers());
// actual writing
xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered(seiMessages, duInfoSeiMessages, accessUnit, temporalId, sps, false);
xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered(seiMessages, duInfoSeiMessages, accessUnit, temporalId, false);
// testAU will automatically be cleaned up when losing scope
void EncGOP::xWriteTrailingSEIMessages (SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, const SPS *sps)
void EncGOP::xWriteTrailingSEIMessages (SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId)
// Note: using accessUnit.end() works only as long as this function is called after slice coding and before EOS/EOB NAL units
AccessUnit::iterator pos = accessUnit.end();
xWriteSEISeparately(NAL_UNIT_SUFFIX_SEI, seiMessages, accessUnit, pos, temporalId, sps);
xWriteSEISeparately(NAL_UNIT_SUFFIX_SEI, seiMessages, accessUnit, pos, temporalId);
void EncGOP::xWriteDuSEIMessages (SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, const SPS *sps, std::deque<DUData> &duData)
void EncGOP::xWriteDuSEIMessages (SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, std::deque<DUData> &duData)
if( m_pcCfg->getDecodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled() && m_HRD->getBufferingPeriodSEI()->m_decodingUnitCpbParamsInPicTimingSeiFlag )
......@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ void EncGOP::xWriteDuSEIMessages (SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &ac
// write the next SEI
SEIMessages tmpSEI;
xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, tmpSEI, accessUnit, nalu, temporalId, sps);
xWriteSEI(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, tmpSEI, accessUnit, nalu, temporalId);
// nalu points to the position after the SEI, so we have to increase the index as well
while ((naluIdx < duData[duIdx].accumNalsDU) && nalu!=accessUnit.end())
......@@ -3512,7 +3512,7 @@ void EncGOP::compressGOP( int iPOCLast, int iNumPicRcvd, PicList& rcListPic,
xCalculateAddPSNRs(isField, isTff, iGOPid, pcPic, accessUnit, rcListPic, encTime, snr_conversion, printFrameMSE, &PSNR_Y, isEncodeLtRef );
xWriteTrailingSEIMessages(trailingSeiMessages, accessUnit, pcSlice->getTLayer(), pcSlice->getSPS());
xWriteTrailingSEIMessages(trailingSeiMessages, accessUnit, pcSlice->getTLayer());
printHash(m_pcCfg->getDecodedPictureHashSEIType(), digestStr);
......@@ -3581,7 +3581,7 @@ void EncGOP::compressGOP( int iPOCLast, int iNumPicRcvd, PicList& rcListPic,
xWriteLeadingSEIMessages( leadingSeiMessages, duInfoSeiMessages, accessUnit, pcSlice->getTLayer(), pcSlice->getSPS(), duData );
xWriteDuSEIMessages( duInfoSeiMessages, accessUnit, pcSlice->getTLayer(), pcSlice->getSPS(), duData );
xWriteDuSEIMessages( duInfoSeiMessages, accessUnit, pcSlice->getTLayer(), duData );
m_AUWriterIf->outputAU( accessUnit );
......@@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ protected:
void xUpdateTimingSEI(SEIPictureTiming *pictureTimingSEI, std::deque<DUData> &duData, const SPS *sps);
void xUpdateDuInfoSEI(SEIMessages &duInfoSeiMessages, SEIPictureTiming *pictureTimingSEI, int maxSubLayers);
void xCreateScalableNestingSEI(SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& nestedSeiMessages, const std::vector<uint16_t>& subpicIDs);
void xWriteSEI (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, AccessUnit::iterator &auPos, int temporalId, const SPS *sps);
void xWriteSEISeparately (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, AccessUnit::iterator &auPos, int temporalId, const SPS *sps);
void xWriteSEI (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, AccessUnit::iterator &auPos, int temporalId);
void xWriteSEISeparately (NalUnitType naluType, SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, AccessUnit::iterator &auPos, int temporalId);
void xClearSEIs(SEIMessages& seiMessages, bool deleteMessages);
void xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, const SPS *sps, bool testWrite);
void xWriteLeadingSEIOrdered (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, bool testWrite);
void xWriteLeadingSEIMessages (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, const SPS *sps, std::deque<DUData> &duData);
void xWriteTrailingSEIMessages (SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, const SPS *sps);
void xWriteDuSEIMessages (SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, const SPS *sps, std::deque<DUData> &duData);
void xWriteTrailingSEIMessages (SEIMessages& seiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId);
void xWriteDuSEIMessages (SEIMessages& duInfoSeiMessages, AccessUnit &accessUnit, int temporalId, std::deque<DUData> &duData);
int xWriteVPS (AccessUnit &accessUnit, const VPS *vps);
int xWriteDCI (AccessUnit &accessUnit, const DCI *dci);
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
//! \ingroup EncoderLib
//! \{
void SEIWriter::xWriteSEIpayloadData(OutputBitstream &bs, const SEI& sei, const SPS *sps, HRD &hrd, const uint32_t temporalId)
void SEIWriter::xWriteSEIpayloadData(OutputBitstream &bs, const SEI& sei, HRD &hrd, const uint32_t temporalId)
const SEIBufferingPeriod *bp = NULL;
switch (sei.payloadType())
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ void SEIWriter::xWriteSEIpayloadData(OutputBitstream &bs, const SEI& sei, const
xWriteSEIDecodingUnitInfo(*static_cast<const SEIDecodingUnitInfo*>(& sei), *bp, temporalId);
xWriteSEIScalableNesting(bs, *static_cast<const SEIScalableNesting*>(&sei), sps);
xWriteSEIScalableNesting(bs, *static_cast<const SEIScalableNesting*>(&sei));
xWriteSEIDecodedPictureHash(*static_cast<const SEIDecodedPictureHash*>(&sei));
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ void SEIWriter::xWriteSEIpayloadData(OutputBitstream &bs, const SEI& sei, const
* marshal all SEI messages in provided list into one bitstream bs
void SEIWriter::writeSEImessages(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIMessages &seiList, const SPS *sps, HRD &hrd, bool isNested, const uint32_t temporalId)
void SEIWriter::writeSEImessages(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIMessages &seiList, HRD &hrd, bool isNested, const uint32_t temporalId)
if (g_HLSTraceEnable)
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void SEIWriter::writeSEImessages(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIMessages &seiList
bool traceEnable = g_HLSTraceEnable;
g_HLSTraceEnable = false;
xWriteSEIpayloadData(bs_count, **sei, sps, hrd, temporalId);
xWriteSEIpayloadData(bs_count, **sei, hrd, temporalId);
g_HLSTraceEnable = traceEnable;
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ void SEIWriter::writeSEImessages(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIMessages &seiList
xWriteSEIpayloadData(bs, **sei, sps, hrd, temporalId);
xWriteSEIpayloadData(bs, **sei, hrd, temporalId);
if (!isNested)
......@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ void SEIWriter::xWriteSEIDependentRAPIndication(const SEIDependentRAPIndication&
// intentionally empty
void SEIWriter::xWriteSEIScalableNesting(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIScalableNesting& sei, const SPS *sps)
void SEIWriter::xWriteSEIScalableNesting(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIScalableNesting& sei)
CHECK (sei.m_nestedSEIs.size()<1, "There must be at lease one SEI message nested in the scalable nesting SEI.")
......@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ void SEIWriter::xWriteSEIScalableNesting(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIScalableN
// write nested SEI messages
writeSEImessages(bs, sei.m_nestedSEIs, sps, m_nestingHrd, true, 0);
writeSEImessages(bs, sei.m_nestedSEIs, m_nestingHrd, true, 0);
void SEIWriter::xWriteSEIFramePacking(const SEIFramePacking& sei)
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public:
SEIWriter() {};
virtual ~SEIWriter() {};
void writeSEImessages(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIMessages &seiList, const SPS *sps, HRD &hrd, bool isNested, const uint32_t temporalId);
void writeSEImessages(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIMessages &seiList, HRD &hrd, bool isNested, const uint32_t temporalId);
void xWriteSEIuserDataUnregistered(const SEIuserDataUnregistered &sei);
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ protected:
void xWriteSEIPictureTiming(const SEIPictureTiming& sei, const SEIBufferingPeriod& bp, const uint32_t temporalId);
void xWriteSEIFrameFieldInfo(const SEIFrameFieldInfo& sei);
void xWriteSEIDependentRAPIndication(const SEIDependentRAPIndication& sei);
void xWriteSEIScalableNesting(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIScalableNesting& sei, const SPS *sps);
void xWriteSEIScalableNesting(OutputBitstream& bs, const SEIScalableNesting& sei);
void xWriteSEIFramePacking(const SEIFramePacking& sei);
void xWriteSEIParameterSetsInclusionIndication(const SEIParameterSetsInclusionIndication& sei);
void xWriteSEIMasteringDisplayColourVolume( const SEIMasteringDisplayColourVolume& sei);
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ protected:
void xWriteSEIContentLightLevelInfo(const SEIContentLightLevelInfo& sei);
void xWriteSEIAmbientViewingEnvironment(const SEIAmbientViewingEnvironment& sei);
void xWriteSEIContentColourVolume(const SEIContentColourVolume &sei);
void xWriteSEIpayloadData(OutputBitstream &bs, const SEI& sei, const SPS *sps, HRD &hrd, const uint32_t temporalId);
void xWriteSEIpayloadData(OutputBitstream &bs, const SEI& sei, HRD &hrd, const uint32_t temporalId);
void xWriteByteAlign();
HRD m_nestingHrd;
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