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EncAppCfg.cpp 196 KiB
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  •       msg( DETAILS, "InitalCpbFullness                      : %.2f\n", m_RCInitialCpbFullness);
      msg( DETAILS, "Max Num Merge Candidates               : %d\n", m_maxNumMergeCand );
      msg( DETAILS, "Max Num Affine Merge Candidates        : %d\n", m_maxNumAffineMergeCand );
      msg( DETAILS, "\n");
      msg( VERBOSE, "TOOL CFG: ");
      msg( VERBOSE, "IBD:%d ", ((m_internalBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] > m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA]) || (m_internalBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] > m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA])));
      msg( VERBOSE, "HAD:%d ", m_bUseHADME                          );
      msg( VERBOSE, "RDQ:%d ", m_useRDOQ                            );
      msg( VERBOSE, "RDQTS:%d ", m_useRDOQTS                        );
      msg( VERBOSE, "RDpenalty:%d ", m_rdPenalty                    );
      msg( VERBOSE, "LQP:%d ", m_lumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping.mode     );
      msg( VERBOSE, "SQP:%d ", m_uiDeltaQpRD                        );
      msg( VERBOSE, "ASR:%d ", m_bUseASR                            );
      msg( VERBOSE, "MinSearchWindow:%d ", m_minSearchWindow        );
      msg( VERBOSE, "RestrictMESampling:%d ", m_bRestrictMESampling );
      msg( VERBOSE, "FEN:%d ", int(m_fastInterSearchMode)           );
      msg( VERBOSE, "ECU:%d ", m_bUseEarlyCU                        );
      msg( VERBOSE, "FDM:%d ", m_useFastDecisionForMerge            );
      msg( VERBOSE, "CFM:%d ", m_bUseCbfFastMode                    );
      msg( VERBOSE, "ESD:%d ", m_useEarlySkipDetection              );
      msg( VERBOSE, "TransformSkip:%d ",     m_useTransformSkip     );
      msg( VERBOSE, "TransformSkipFast:%d ", m_useTransformSkipFast );
      msg( VERBOSE, "TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:%d ", m_log2MaxTransformSkipBlockSize);
      msg( VERBOSE, "Slice: M=%d ", int(m_sliceMode));
      if (m_sliceMode!=NO_SLICES)
        msg( VERBOSE, "A=%d ", m_sliceArgument);
      msg( VERBOSE, "SliceSegment: M=%d ",m_sliceSegmentMode);
      if (m_sliceSegmentMode!=NO_SLICES)
        msg( VERBOSE, "A=%d ", m_sliceSegmentArgument);
      msg( VERBOSE, "CIP:%d ", m_bUseConstrainedIntraPred);
      msg( VERBOSE, "SAO:%d ", (m_bUseSAO)?(1):(0));
      msg( VERBOSE, "ALF:%d ", m_alf ? 1 : 0 );
      msg( VERBOSE, "PCM:%d ", (m_usePCM && (1<<m_uiPCMLog2MinSize) <= m_uiMaxCUWidth)? 1 : 0);
      if (m_TransquantBypassEnabledFlag && m_CUTransquantBypassFlagForce)
        msg( VERBOSE, "TransQuantBypassEnabled: =1");
        msg( VERBOSE, "TransQuantBypassEnabled:%d ", (m_TransquantBypassEnabledFlag)? 1:0 );
      msg( VERBOSE, "WPP:%d ", (int)m_useWeightedPred);
      msg( VERBOSE, "WPB:%d ", (int)m_useWeightedBiPred);
      msg( VERBOSE, "PME:%d ", m_log2ParallelMergeLevel);
      const int iWaveFrontSubstreams = m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag ? (m_iSourceHeight + m_uiMaxCUHeight - 1) / m_uiMaxCUHeight : 1;
      msg( VERBOSE, " WaveFrontSynchro:%d WaveFrontSubstreams:%d", m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag?1:0, iWaveFrontSubstreams);
      msg( VERBOSE, " ScalingList:%d ", m_useScalingListId );
      msg( VERBOSE, "TMVPMode:%d ", m_TMVPModeId     );
      msg( VERBOSE, " DQ:%d ", m_depQuantEnabledFlag);
      msg( VERBOSE, " SignBitHidingFlag:%d ", m_signDataHidingEnabledFlag);
      msg( VERBOSE, "RecalQP:%d ", m_recalculateQPAccordingToLambda ? 1 : 0 );
      if( m_profile == Profile::NEXT )
        msg( VERBOSE, "\nNEXT TOOL CFG: " );
        msg( VERBOSE, "Affine:%d ", m_Affine );
        if ( m_Affine )
          msg( VERBOSE, "AffineType:%d ", m_AffineType );
        msg(VERBOSE, "SubPuMvp:%d+%d ", m_SubPuMvpMode & 1, (m_SubPuMvpMode & 2) == 2);
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
    Karsten Suehring committed
        msg( VERBOSE, "DualITree:%d ", m_dualTree );
        msg( VERBOSE, "LargeCTU:%d ", m_LargeCTU );
        msg( VERBOSE, "IMV:%d ", m_ImvMode );
        msg( VERBOSE, "BIO:%d ", m_BIO );
        msg( VERBOSE, "DisMDC:%d ", m_DisableMotionCompression );
        msg( VERBOSE, "MTT:%d ", m_MTT );
        msg( VERBOSE, "AltDQPCoding:%d ", m_AltDQPCoding );
        msg( VERBOSE, "LMChroma:%d ", m_LMChroma );
        msg( VERBOSE, "EMT: %1d(intra) %1d(inter) ", m_EMT & 1, ( m_EMT >> 1 ) & 1 );
        msg(VERBOSE, "CompositeLTReference:%d ", m_compositeRefEnabled);
        msg( VERBOSE, "GBi:%d ", m_GBi );
        msg( VERBOSE, "GBiFast:%d ", m_GBiFast );
        msg( VERBOSE, "LADF:%d ", m_LadfEnabed );
        msg(VERBOSE, "MHIntra:%d ", m_MHIntra);
        msg( VERBOSE, "Triangle:%d ", m_Triangle );
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
        msg(VERBOSE, "CPR:%d ", m_CPRMode);
      msg( VERBOSE, "WrapAround:%d ", m_wrapAround);
      if( m_wrapAround )
    Philippe Hanhart's avatar
    Philippe Hanhart committed
        msg( VERBOSE, "WrapAroundOffset:%d ", m_wrapAroundOffset );
    Philippe Hanhart's avatar
    Philippe Hanhart committed
      // ADD_NEW_TOOL (add some output indicating the usage of tools)
      msg( VERBOSE, "\nFAST TOOL CFG: " );
      if( m_LargeCTU )
        msg( VERBOSE, "LCTUFast:%d ", m_useFastLCTU );
      msg( VERBOSE, "FastMrg:%d ", m_useFastMrg );
      msg( VERBOSE, "PBIntraFast:%d ", m_usePbIntraFast );
      if( m_ImvMode == 2 ) msg( VERBOSE, "IMV4PelFast:%d ", m_Imv4PelFast );
      if( m_EMT ) msg( VERBOSE, "EMTFast: %1d(intra) %1d(inter) ", ( m_FastEMT & m_EMT & 1 ), ( m_FastEMT >> 1 ) & ( m_EMT >> 1 ) & 1 );
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
    Karsten Suehring committed
      msg( VERBOSE, "AMaxBT:%d ", m_useAMaxBT );
      msg( VERBOSE, "E0023FastEnc:%d ", m_e0023FastEnc );
      msg( VERBOSE, "ContentBasedFastQtbt:%d ", m_contentBasedFastQtbt );
      msg( VERBOSE, "NumSplitThreads:%d ", m_numSplitThreads );
      if( m_numSplitThreads > 1 )
        msg( VERBOSE, "ForceSingleSplitThread:%d ", m_forceSplitSequential );
      msg( VERBOSE, "NumWppThreads:%d+%d ", m_numWppThreads, m_numWppExtraLines );
      msg( VERBOSE, "EnsureWppBitEqual:%d ", m_ensureWppBitEqual );
      msg( VERBOSE, "\n\n");
      msg( NOTICE, "\n");
      fflush( stdout );
    bool confirmPara(bool bflag, const char* message)
      if (!bflag)
        return false;
      msg( ERROR, "Error: %s\n",message);
      return true;
    //! \}