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EncAppCfg.cpp 201 KiB
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  •   ("dQPFile,m",                                       m_dQPFileName,                               string(""), "dQP file name")
      ("RDOQ",                                            m_useRDOQ,                                         true)
      ("RDOQTS",                                          m_useRDOQTS,                                       true)
    #if T0196_SELECTIVE_RDOQ
      ("SelectiveRDOQ",                                   m_useSelectiveRDOQ,                               false, "Enable selective RDOQ")
      ("RDpenalty",                                       m_rdPenalty,                                          0, "RD-penalty for 32x32 TU for intra in non-intra slices. 0:disabled  1:RD-penalty  2:maximum RD-penalty")
      // Deblocking filter parameters
      ("LoopFilterDisable",                               m_bLoopFilterDisable,                             false)
      ("LoopFilterOffsetInPPS",                           m_loopFilterOffsetInPPS,                           true)
      ("LoopFilterBetaOffset_div2",                       m_loopFilterBetaOffsetDiv2,                           0)
      ("LoopFilterTcOffset_div2",                         m_loopFilterTcOffsetDiv2,                             0)
    #if W0038_DB_OPT
      ("DeblockingFilterMetric",                          m_deblockingFilterMetric,                             0)
      ("DeblockingFilterMetric",                          m_DeblockingFilterMetric,                         false)
      // Coding tools
      ("CrossComponentPrediction",                        m_crossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag,            false, "Enable the use of cross-component prediction (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("ReconBasedCrossCPredictionEstimate",              m_reconBasedCrossCPredictionEstimate,             false, "When determining the alpha value for cross-component prediction, use the decoded residual rather than the pre-transform encoder-side residual")
      ("SaoLumaOffsetBitShift",                           saoOffsetBitShift[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA],                 0, "Specify the luma SAO bit-shift. If negative, automatically calculate a suitable value based upon bit depth and initial QP")
      ("SaoChromaOffsetBitShift",                         saoOffsetBitShift[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA],               0, "Specify the chroma SAO bit-shift. If negative, automatically calculate a suitable value based upon bit depth and initial QP")
      ("TransformSkip",                                   m_useTransformSkip,                               false, "Intra transform skipping")
    Tung Nguyen's avatar
    Tung Nguyen committed
    #if JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
      ("TransformSkipFast",                               m_useTransformSkipFast,                           false, "Fast encoder search for transform skipping, winner takes it all mode.")
      ("TransformSkipLog2MaxSize",                        m_log2MaxTransformSkipBlockSize,                     5U, "Specify transform-skip maximum size. Minimum 2, Maximum 5. (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("TransformSkipFast",                               m_useTransformSkipFast,                           false, "Fast intra transform skipping")
      ("TransformSkipLog2MaxSize",                        m_log2MaxTransformSkipBlockSize,                     2U, "Specify transform-skip maximum size. Minimum 2. (not valid in V1 profiles)")
    Tung Nguyen's avatar
    Tung Nguyen committed
      ("ImplicitResidualDPCM",                            m_rdpcmEnabledFlag[RDPCM_SIGNAL_IMPLICIT],        false, "Enable implicitly signalled residual DPCM for intra (also known as sample-adaptive intra predict) (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("ExplicitResidualDPCM",                            m_rdpcmEnabledFlag[RDPCM_SIGNAL_EXPLICIT],        false, "Enable explicitly signalled residual DPCM for inter (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("ResidualRotation",                                m_transformSkipRotationEnabledFlag,               false, "Enable rotation of transform-skipped and transquant-bypassed TUs through 180 degrees prior to entropy coding (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("SingleSignificanceMapContext",                    m_transformSkipContextEnabledFlag,                false, "Enable, for transform-skipped and transquant-bypassed TUs, the selection of a single significance map context variable for all coefficients (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("GolombRiceParameterAdaptation",                   m_persistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag,            false, "Enable the adaptation of the Golomb-Rice parameter over the course of each slice")
      ("AlignCABACBeforeBypass",                          m_cabacBypassAlignmentEnabledFlag,                false, "Align the CABAC engine to a defined fraction of a bit prior to coding bypass data. Must be 1 in high bit rate profile, 0 otherwise")
      ("SAO",                                             m_bUseSAO,                                         true, "Enable Sample Adaptive Offset")
      ("TestSAODisableAtPictureLevel",                    m_bTestSAODisableAtPictureLevel,                  false, "Enables the testing of disabling SAO at the picture level after having analysed all blocks")
      ("SaoEncodingRate",                                 m_saoEncodingRate,                                 0.75, "When >0 SAO early picture termination is enabled for luma and chroma")
      ("SaoEncodingRateChroma",                           m_saoEncodingRateChroma,                            0.5, "The SAO early picture termination rate to use for chroma (when m_SaoEncodingRate is >0). If <=0, use results for luma")
      ("MaxNumOffsetsPerPic",                             m_maxNumOffsetsPerPic,                             2048, "Max number of SAO offset per picture (Default: 2048)")
      ("SAOLcuBoundary",                                  m_saoCtuBoundary,                                 false, "0: right/bottom CTU boundary areas skipped from SAO parameter estimation, 1: non-deblocked pixels are used for those areas")
      ("SAOGreedyEnc",                                    m_saoGreedyMergeEnc,                              false, "SAO greedy merge encoding algorithm")
      ("SliceMode",                                       tmpSliceMode,                            int(NO_SLICES), "0: Disable all Recon slice limits, 1: Enforce max # of CTUs, 2: Enforce max # of bytes, 3:specify tiles per dependent slice")
      ("SliceArgument",                                   m_sliceArgument,                                      0, "Depending on SliceMode being:"
                                                                                                                   "\t1: max number of CTUs per slice"
                                                                                                                   "\t2: max number of bytes per slice"
                                                                                                                   "\t3: max number of tiles per slice")
      ("SliceMode",                                       tmpSliceMode,                            int(NO_SLICES), "0: Disable all Recon slice limits, 1: Enforce max # of CTUs, 2: Enforce max # of bytes)")
      ("SliceArgument",                                   m_sliceArgument,                                      0, "Depending on SliceMode being:"
                                                                                                                   "\t1: max number of CTUs per slice"
                                                                                                                   "\t2: max number of bytes per slice")
      ("SliceSegmentMode",                                tmpSliceSegmentMode,                     int(NO_SLICES), "0: Disable all slice segment limits, 1: Enforce max # of CTUs, 2: Enforce max # of bytes, 3:specify tiles per dependent slice")
      ("SliceSegmentArgument",                            m_sliceSegmentArgument,                               0, "Depending on SliceSegmentMode being:"
                                                                                                                   "\t1: max number of CTUs per slice segment"
                                                                                                                   "\t2: max number of bytes per slice segment"
                                                                                                                   "\t3: max number of tiles per slice segment")
      ("LFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag",                        m_bLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag,                       true)
      ("ConstrainedIntraPred",                            m_bUseConstrainedIntraPred,                       false, "Constrained Intra Prediction")
      ("FastUDIUseMPMEnabled",                            m_bFastUDIUseMPMEnabled,                           true, "If enabled, adapt intra direction search, accounting for MPM")
      ("FastMEForGenBLowDelayEnabled",                    m_bFastMEForGenBLowDelayEnabled,                   true, "If enabled use a fast ME for generalised B Low Delay slices")
      ("UseBLambdaForNonKeyLowDelayPictures",             m_bUseBLambdaForNonKeyLowDelayPictures,            true, "Enables use of B-Lambda for non-key low-delay pictures")
      ("PCMEnabledFlag",                                  m_usePCM,                                         false)
      ("PCMLog2MaxSize",                                  m_pcmLog2MaxSize,                                    5u)
      ("PCMLog2MinSize",                                  m_uiPCMLog2MinSize,                                  3u)
      ("PCMInputBitDepthFlag",                            m_bPCMInputBitDepthFlag,                           true)
      ("PCMFilterDisableFlag",                            m_bPCMFilterDisableFlag,                          false)
      ("IntraReferenceSmoothing",                         m_enableIntraReferenceSmoothing,                   true, "0: Disable use of intra reference smoothing (not valid in V1 profiles). 1: Enable use of intra reference smoothing (same as V1)")
      ("WeightedPredP,-wpP",                              m_useWeightedPred,                                false, "Use weighted prediction in P slices")
      ("WeightedPredB,-wpB",                              m_useWeightedBiPred,                              false, "Use weighted (bidirectional) prediction in B slices")
      ("WeightedPredMethod,-wpM",                         tmpWeightedPredictionMethod, int(WP_PER_PICTURE_WITH_SIMPLE_DC_COMBINED_COMPONENT), "Weighted prediction method")
      ("Log2ParallelMergeLevel",                          m_log2ParallelMergeLevel,                            2u, "Parallel merge estimation region")
        //deprecated copies of renamed tile parameters
      ("UniformSpacingIdc",                               m_tileUniformSpacingFlag,                         false,      "deprecated alias of TileUniformSpacing")
      ("ColumnWidthArray",                                cfg_ColumnWidth,                        cfg_ColumnWidth, "deprecated alias of TileColumnWidthArray")
      ("RowHeightArray",                                  cfg_RowHeight,                            cfg_RowHeight, "deprecated alias of TileRowHeightArray")
      ("TileUniformSpacing",                              m_tileUniformSpacingFlag,                         false,      "Indicates that tile columns and rows are distributed uniformly")
      ("NumTileColumnsMinus1",                            m_numTileColumnsMinus1,                               0,          "Number of tile columns in a picture minus 1")
      ("NumTileRowsMinus1",                               m_numTileRowsMinus1,                                  0,          "Number of rows in a picture minus 1")
      ("TileColumnWidthArray",                            cfg_ColumnWidth,                        cfg_ColumnWidth, "Array containing tile column width values in units of CTU")
      ("TileRowHeightArray",                              cfg_RowHeight,                            cfg_RowHeight, "Array containing tile row height values in units of CTU")
      ("LFCrossTileBoundaryFlag",                         m_bLFCrossTileBoundaryFlag,                        true, "1: cross-tile-boundary loop filtering. 0:non-cross-tile-boundary loop filtering")
      ("WaveFrontSynchro",                                m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag,                   false, "0: entropy coding sync disabled; 1 entropy coding sync enabled")
      ("ScalingList",                                     m_useScalingListId,                    SCALING_LIST_OFF, "0/off: no scaling list, 1/default: default scaling lists, 2/file: scaling lists specified in ScalingListFile")
      ("ScalingListFile",                                 m_scalingListFileName,                       string(""), "Scaling list file name. Use an empty string to produce help.")
      ("DepQuant",                                        m_depQuantEnabledFlag,                                          true )
      ("SignHideFlag,-SBH",                               m_signDataHidingEnabledFlag,                                    false )
      ("MaxNumMergeCand",                                 m_maxNumMergeCand,                                   5u, "Maximum number of merge candidates")
      ("MaxNumAffineMergeCand",                           m_maxNumAffineMergeCand,                             5u, "Maximum number of affine merge candidates")
      /* Misc. */
      ("SEIDecodedPictureHash,-dph",                      tmpDecodedPictureHashSEIMappedType,                   0, "Control generation of decode picture hash SEI messages\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t3: checksum\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t2: CRC\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t1: use MD5\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t0: disable")
      ("TMVPMode",                                        m_TMVPModeId,                                         1, "TMVP mode 0: TMVP disable for all slices. 1: TMVP enable for all slices (default) 2: TMVP enable for certain slices only")
      ("FEN",                                             tmpFastInterSearchMode,   int(FASTINTERSEARCH_DISABLED), "fast encoder setting")
      ("ECU",                                             m_bUseEarlyCU,                                    false, "Early CU setting")
      ("FDM",                                             m_useFastDecisionForMerge,                         true, "Fast decision for Merge RD Cost")
      ("CFM",                                             m_bUseCbfFastMode,                                false, "Cbf fast mode setting")
      ("ESD",                                             m_useEarlySkipDetection,                          false, "Early SKIP detection setting")
      ( "RateControl",                                    m_RCEnableRateControl,                            false, "Rate control: enable rate control" )
      ( "TargetBitrate",                                  m_RCTargetBitrate,                                    0, "Rate control: target bit-rate" )
      ( "KeepHierarchicalBit",                            m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit,                              0, "Rate control: 0: equal bit allocation; 1: fixed ratio bit allocation; 2: adaptive ratio bit allocation" )
      ( "LCULevelRateControl",                            m_RCLCULevelRC,                                    true, "Rate control: true: CTU level RC; false: picture level RC" )
      ( "RCLCUSeparateModel",                             m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel,                           true, "Rate control: use CTU level separate R-lambda model" )
      ( "InitialQP",                                      m_RCInitialQP,                                        0, "Rate control: initial QP" )
      ( "RCForceIntraQP",                                 m_RCForceIntraQP,                                 false, "Rate control: force intra QP to be equal to initial QP" )
      ( "RCCpbSaturation",                                m_RCCpbSaturationEnabled,                         false, "Rate control: enable target bits saturation to avoid CPB overflow and underflow" )
      ( "RCCpbSize",                                      m_RCCpbSize,                                         0u, "Rate control: CPB size" )
      ( "RCInitialCpbFullness",                           m_RCInitialCpbFullness,                             0.9, "Rate control: initial CPB fullness" )
      ("TransquantBypassEnable",                          m_TransquantBypassEnabledFlag,                    false, "transquant_bypass_enabled_flag indicator in PPS")
      ("TransquantBypassEnableFlag",                      m_TransquantBypassEnabledFlag,                    false, "deprecated and obsolete, but still needed for compatibility reasons")
      ("CUTransquantBypassFlagForce",                     m_CUTransquantBypassFlagForce,                    false, "Force transquant bypass mode, when transquant_bypass_enabled_flag is enabled")
      ("CostMode",                                        m_costMode,                         COST_STANDARD_LOSSY, "Use alternative cost functions: choose between 'lossy', 'sequence_level_lossless', 'lossless' (which forces QP to " MACRO_TO_STRING(LOSSLESS_AND_MIXED_LOSSLESS_RD_COST_TEST_QP) ") and 'mixed_lossless_lossy' (which used QP'=" MACRO_TO_STRING(LOSSLESS_AND_MIXED_LOSSLESS_RD_COST_TEST_QP_PRIME) " for pre-estimates of transquant-bypass blocks).")
      ("RecalculateQPAccordingToLambda",                  m_recalculateQPAccordingToLambda,                 false, "Recalculate QP values according to lambda values. Do not suggest to be enabled in all intra case")
      ("StrongIntraSmoothing,-sis",                       m_useStrongIntraSmoothing,                         true, "Enable strong intra smoothing for 32x32 blocks")
      ("SEIActiveParameterSets",                          m_activeParameterSetsSEIEnabled,                      0, "Enable generation of active parameter sets SEI messages");
      ("VuiParametersPresent,-vui",                       m_vuiParametersPresentFlag,                       false, "Enable generation of vui_parameters()")
      ("AspectRatioInfoPresent",                          m_aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag,                     false, "Signals whether aspect_ratio_idc is present")
      ("AspectRatioIdc",                                  m_aspectRatioIdc,                                     0, "aspect_ratio_idc")
      ("SarWidth",                                        m_sarWidth,                                           0, "horizontal size of the sample aspect ratio")
      ("SarHeight",                                       m_sarHeight,                                          0, "vertical size of the sample aspect ratio")
      ("OverscanInfoPresent",                             m_overscanInfoPresentFlag,                        false, "Indicates whether conformant decoded pictures are suitable for display using overscan\n")
      ("OverscanAppropriate",                             m_overscanAppropriateFlag,                        false, "Indicates whether conformant decoded pictures are suitable for display using overscan\n")
      ("VideoSignalTypePresent",                          m_videoSignalTypePresentFlag,                     false, "Signals whether video_format, video_full_range_flag, and colour_description_present_flag are present")
      ("VideoFormat",                                     m_videoFormat,                                        5, "Indicates representation of pictures")
      ("VideoFullRange",                                  m_videoFullRangeFlag,                             false, "Indicates the black level and range of luma and chroma signals")
      ("ColourDescriptionPresent",                        m_colourDescriptionPresentFlag,                   false, "Signals whether colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics and matrix_coefficients are present")
      ("ColourPrimaries",                                 m_colourPrimaries,                                    2, "Indicates chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries")
      ("TransferCharacteristics",                         m_transferCharacteristics,                            2, "Indicates the opto-electronic transfer characteristics of the source")
      ("MatrixCoefficients",                              m_matrixCoefficients,                                 2, "Describes the matrix coefficients used in deriving luma and chroma from RGB primaries")
      ("ChromaLocInfoPresent",                            m_chromaLocInfoPresentFlag,                       false, "Signals whether chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field and chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field are present")
      ("ChromaSampleLocTypeTopField",                     m_chromaSampleLocTypeTopField,                        0, "Specifies the location of chroma samples for top field")
      ("ChromaSampleLocTypeBottomField",                  m_chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField,                     0, "Specifies the location of chroma samples for bottom field")
      ("NeutralChromaIndication",                         m_neutralChromaIndicationFlag,                    false, "Indicates that the value of all decoded chroma samples is equal to 1<<(BitDepthCr-1)")
      ("DefaultDisplayWindowFlag",                        m_defaultDisplayWindowFlag,                       false, "Indicates the presence of the Default Window parameters")
      ("DefDispWinLeftOffset",                            m_defDispWinLeftOffset,                               0, "Specifies the left offset of the default display window from the conformance window")
      ("DefDispWinRightOffset",                           m_defDispWinRightOffset,                              0, "Specifies the right offset of the default display window from the conformance window")
      ("DefDispWinTopOffset",                             m_defDispWinTopOffset,                                0, "Specifies the top offset of the default display window from the conformance window")
      ("DefDispWinBottomOffset",                          m_defDispWinBottomOffset,                             0, "Specifies the bottom offset of the default display window from the conformance window")
      ("FrameFieldInfoPresentFlag",                       m_frameFieldInfoPresentFlag,                      false, "Indicates that pic_struct and field coding related values are present in picture timing SEI messages")
      ("PocProportionalToTimingFlag",                     m_pocProportionalToTimingFlag,                    false, "Indicates that the POC value is proportional to the output time w.r.t. first picture in CVS")
      ("NumTicksPocDiffOneMinus1",                        m_numTicksPocDiffOneMinus1,                           0, "Number of ticks minus 1 that for a POC difference of one")
      ("BitstreamRestriction",                            m_bitstreamRestrictionFlag,                       false, "Signals whether bitstream restriction parameters are present")
      ("TilesFixedStructure",                             m_tilesFixedStructureFlag,                        false, "Indicates that each active picture parameter set has the same values of the syntax elements related to tiles")
      ("MotionVectorsOverPicBoundaries",                  m_motionVectorsOverPicBoundariesFlag,             false, "Indicates that no samples outside the picture boundaries are used for inter prediction")
      ("MaxBytesPerPicDenom",                             m_maxBytesPerPicDenom,                                2, "Indicates a number of bytes not exceeded by the sum of the sizes of the VCL NAL units associated with any coded picture")
      ("MaxBitsPerMinCuDenom",                            m_maxBitsPerMinCuDenom,                               1, "Indicates an upper bound for the number of bits of coding_unit() data")
      ("Log2MaxMvLengthHorizontal",                       m_log2MaxMvLengthHorizontal,                         15, "Indicate the maximum absolute value of a decoded horizontal MV component in quarter-pel luma units")
      ("Log2MaxMvLengthVertical",                         m_log2MaxMvLengthVertical,                           15, "Indicate the maximum absolute value of a decoded vertical MV component in quarter-pel luma units");
      ("SEIColourRemappingInfoFileRoot,-cri",             m_colourRemapSEIFileRoot,                    string(""), "Colour Remapping Information SEI parameters root file name (wo num ext)")
      ("SEIRecoveryPoint",                                m_recoveryPointSEIEnabled,                        false, "Control generation of recovery point SEI messages")
      ("SEIBufferingPeriod",                              m_bufferingPeriodSEIEnabled,                      false, "Control generation of buffering period SEI messages")
      ("SEIPictureTiming",                                m_pictureTimingSEIEnabled,                        false, "Control generation of picture timing SEI messages")
      ("SEIToneMappingInfo",                              m_toneMappingInfoSEIEnabled,                      false, "Control generation of Tone Mapping SEI messages")
      ("SEIToneMapId",                                    m_toneMapId,                                          0, "Specifies Id of Tone Mapping SEI message for a given session")
      ("SEIToneMapCancelFlag",                            m_toneMapCancelFlag,                              false, "Indicates that Tone Mapping SEI message cancels the persistence or follows")
      ("SEIToneMapPersistenceFlag",                       m_toneMapPersistenceFlag,                          true, "Specifies the persistence of the Tone Mapping SEI message")
      ("SEIToneMapCodedDataBitDepth",                     m_toneMapCodedDataBitDepth,                           8, "Specifies Coded Data BitDepth of Tone Mapping SEI messages")
      ("SEIToneMapTargetBitDepth",                        m_toneMapTargetBitDepth,                              8, "Specifies Output BitDepth of Tone mapping function")
      ("SEIToneMapModelId",                               m_toneMapModelId,                                     0, "Specifies Model utilized for mapping coded data into target_bit_depth range\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t0:  linear mapping with clipping\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t1:  sigmoidal mapping\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t2:  user-defined table mapping\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t3:  piece-wise linear mapping\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t4:  luminance dynamic range information ")
      ("SEIToneMapMinValue",                              m_toneMapMinValue,                                    0, "Specifies the minimum value in mode 0")
      ("SEIToneMapMaxValue",                              m_toneMapMaxValue,                                 1023, "Specifies the maximum value in mode 0")
      ("SEIToneMapSigmoidMidpoint",                       m_sigmoidMidpoint,                                  512, "Specifies the centre point in mode 1")
      ("SEIToneMapSigmoidWidth",                          m_sigmoidWidth,                                     960, "Specifies the distance between 5% and 95% values of the target_bit_depth in mode 1")
      ("SEIToneMapStartOfCodedInterval",                  cfg_startOfCodedInterval,      cfg_startOfCodedInterval, "Array of user-defined mapping table")
      ("SEIToneMapNumPivots",                             m_numPivots,                                          0, "Specifies the number of pivot points in mode 3")
      ("SEIToneMapCodedPivotValue",                       cfg_codedPivotValue,                cfg_codedPivotValue, "Array of pivot point")
      ("SEIToneMapTargetPivotValue",                      cfg_targetPivotValue,              cfg_targetPivotValue, "Array of pivot point")
      ("SEIToneMapCameraIsoSpeedIdc",                     m_cameraIsoSpeedIdc,                                  0, "Indicates the camera ISO speed for daylight illumination")
      ("SEIToneMapCameraIsoSpeedValue",                   m_cameraIsoSpeedValue,                              400, "Specifies the camera ISO speed for daylight illumination of Extended_ISO")
      ("SEIToneMapExposureIndexIdc",                      m_exposureIndexIdc,                                   0, "Indicates the exposure index setting of the camera")
      ("SEIToneMapExposureIndexValue",                    m_exposureIndexValue,                               400, "Specifies the exposure index setting of the camera of Extended_ISO")
      ("SEIToneMapExposureCompensationValueSignFlag",     m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag,               false, "Specifies the sign of ExposureCompensationValue")
      ("SEIToneMapExposureCompensationValueNumerator",    m_exposureCompensationValueNumerator,                 0, "Specifies the numerator of ExposureCompensationValue")
      ("SEIToneMapExposureCompensationValueDenomIdc",     m_exposureCompensationValueDenomIdc,                  2, "Specifies the denominator of ExposureCompensationValue")
      ("SEIToneMapRefScreenLuminanceWhite",               m_refScreenLuminanceWhite,                          350, "Specifies reference screen brightness setting in units of candela per square metre")
      ("SEIToneMapExtendedRangeWhiteLevel",               m_extendedRangeWhiteLevel,                          800, "Indicates the luminance dynamic range")
      ("SEIToneMapNominalBlackLevelLumaCodeValue",        m_nominalBlackLevelLumaCodeValue,                    16, "Specifies luma sample value of the nominal black level assigned decoded pictures")
      ("SEIToneMapNominalWhiteLevelLumaCodeValue",        m_nominalWhiteLevelLumaCodeValue,                   235, "Specifies luma sample value of the nominal white level assigned decoded pictures")
      ("SEIToneMapExtendedWhiteLevelLumaCodeValue",       m_extendedWhiteLevelLumaCodeValue,                  300, "Specifies luma sample value of the extended dynamic range assigned decoded pictures")
      ("SEIChromaResamplingFilterHint",                   m_chromaResamplingFilterSEIenabled,               false, "Control generation of the chroma sampling filter hint SEI message")
      ("SEIChromaResamplingHorizontalFilterType",         m_chromaResamplingHorFilterIdc,                       2, "Defines the Index of the chroma sampling horizontal filter\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t0: unspecified  - Chroma filter is unknown or is determined by the application"
                                                                                                                   "\t1: User-defined - Filter coefficients are specified in the chroma sampling filter hint SEI message"
                                                                                                                   "\t2: Standards-defined - ITU-T Rec. T.800 | ISO/IEC15444-1, 5/3 filter")
      ("SEIChromaResamplingVerticalFilterType",           m_chromaResamplingVerFilterIdc,                         2, "Defines the Index of the chroma sampling vertical filter\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t0: unspecified  - Chroma filter is unknown or is determined by the application"
                                                                                                                   "\t1: User-defined - Filter coefficients are specified in the chroma sampling filter hint SEI message"
                                                                                                                   "\t2: Standards-defined - ITU-T Rec. T.800 | ISO/IEC15444-1, 5/3 filter")
      ("SEIFramePacking",                                 m_framePackingSEIEnabled,                         false, "Control generation of frame packing SEI messages")
      ("SEIFramePackingType",                             m_framePackingSEIType,                                0, "Define frame packing arrangement\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t3: side by side - frames are displayed horizontally\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t4: top bottom - frames are displayed vertically\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t5: frame alternation - one frame is alternated with the other")
      ("SEIFramePackingId",                               m_framePackingSEIId,                                  0, "Id of frame packing SEI message for a given session")
      ("SEIFramePackingQuincunx",                         m_framePackingSEIQuincunx,                            0, "Indicate the presence of a Quincunx type video frame")
      ("SEIFramePackingInterpretation",                   m_framePackingSEIInterpretation,                      0, "Indicate the interpretation of the frame pair\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t0: unspecified\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t1: stereo pair, frame0 represents left view\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t2: stereo pair, frame0 represents right view")
      ("SEISegmentedRectFramePacking",                    m_segmentedRectFramePackingSEIEnabled,            false, "Controls generation of segmented rectangular frame packing SEI messages")
      ("SEISegmentedRectFramePackingCancel",              m_segmentedRectFramePackingSEICancel,             false, "If equal to 1, cancels the persistence of any previous SRFPA SEI message")
      ("SEISegmentedRectFramePackingType",                m_segmentedRectFramePackingSEIType,                   0, "Specifies the arrangement of the frames in the reconstructed picture")
      ("SEISegmentedRectFramePackingPersistence",         m_segmentedRectFramePackingSEIPersistence,        false, "If equal to 0, the SEI applies to the current frame only")
      ("SEIDisplayOrientation",                           m_displayOrientationSEIAngle,                         0, "Control generation of display orientation SEI messages\n"
                                                                                                                   "\tN: 0 < N < (2^16 - 1) enable display orientation SEI message with anticlockwise_rotation = N and display_orientation_repetition_period = 1\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t0: disable")
      ("SEITemporalLevel0Index",                          m_temporalLevel0IndexSEIEnabled,                  false, "Control generation of temporal level 0 index SEI messages")
      ("SEIGradualDecodingRefreshInfo",                   m_gradualDecodingRefreshInfoEnabled,              false, "Control generation of gradual decoding refresh information SEI message")
      ("SEINoDisplay",                                    m_noDisplaySEITLayer,                                 0, "Control generation of no display SEI message\n"
                                                                                                                   "\tN: 0 < N enable no display SEI message for temporal layer N or higher\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t0: disable")
      ("SEIDecodingUnitInfo",                             m_decodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled,                     false, "Control generation of decoding unit information SEI message.")
      ("SEISOPDescription",                               m_SOPDescriptionSEIEnabled,                       false, "Control generation of SOP description SEI messages")
      ("SEIScalableNesting",                              m_scalableNestingSEIEnabled,                      false, "Control generation of scalable nesting SEI messages")
      ("SEITempMotionConstrainedTileSets",                m_tmctsSEIEnabled,                                false, "Control generation of temporal motion constrained tile sets SEI message")
      ("SEITimeCodeEnabled",                              m_timeCodeSEIEnabled,                             false, "Control generation of time code information SEI message")
      ("SEITimeCodeNumClockTs",                           m_timeCodeSEINumTs,                                   0, "Number of clock time sets [0..3]")
      ("SEITimeCodeTimeStampFlag",                        cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeStampFlag,          cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeStampFlag,         "Time stamp flag associated to each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeFieldBasedFlag",                       cfg_timeCodeSeiNumUnitFieldBasedFlag,  cfg_timeCodeSeiNumUnitFieldBasedFlag, "Field based flag associated to each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeCountingType",                         cfg_timeCodeSeiCountingType,           cfg_timeCodeSeiCountingType,          "Counting type associated to each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeFullTsFlag",                           cfg_timeCodeSeiFullTimeStampFlag,      cfg_timeCodeSeiFullTimeStampFlag,     "Full time stamp flag associated to each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeDiscontinuityFlag",                    cfg_timeCodeSeiDiscontinuityFlag,      cfg_timeCodeSeiDiscontinuityFlag,     "Discontinuity flag associated to each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeCntDroppedFlag",                       cfg_timeCodeSeiCntDroppedFlag,         cfg_timeCodeSeiCntDroppedFlag,        "Counter dropped flag associated to each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeNumFrames",                            cfg_timeCodeSeiNumberOfFrames,         cfg_timeCodeSeiNumberOfFrames,        "Number of frames associated to each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeSecondsValue",                         cfg_timeCodeSeiSecondsValue,           cfg_timeCodeSeiSecondsValue,          "Seconds value for each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeMinutesValue",                         cfg_timeCodeSeiMinutesValue,           cfg_timeCodeSeiMinutesValue,          "Minutes value for each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeHoursValue",                           cfg_timeCodeSeiHoursValue,             cfg_timeCodeSeiHoursValue,            "Hours value for each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeSecondsFlag",                          cfg_timeCodeSeiSecondsFlag,            cfg_timeCodeSeiSecondsFlag,           "Flag to signal seconds value presence in each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeMinutesFlag",                          cfg_timeCodeSeiMinutesFlag,            cfg_timeCodeSeiMinutesFlag,           "Flag to signal minutes value presence in each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeHoursFlag",                            cfg_timeCodeSeiHoursFlag,              cfg_timeCodeSeiHoursFlag,             "Flag to signal hours value presence in each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeOffsetLength",                         cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetLength,       cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetLength,      "Time offset length associated to each time set")
      ("SEITimeCodeTimeOffset",                           cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetValue,        cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetValue,       "Time offset associated to each time set")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionInfo",                             m_kneeSEIEnabled,                                 false, "Control generation of Knee function SEI messages")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionId",                               m_kneeSEIId,                                          0, "Specifies Id of Knee function SEI message for a given session")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionCancelFlag",                       m_kneeSEICancelFlag,                              false, "Indicates that Knee function SEI message cancels the persistence or follows")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionPersistenceFlag",                  m_kneeSEIPersistenceFlag,                          true, "Specifies the persistence of the Knee function SEI message")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionInputDrange",                      m_kneeSEIInputDrange,                              1000, "Specifies the peak luminance level for the input picture of Knee function SEI messages")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionInputDispLuminance",               m_kneeSEIInputDispLuminance,                        100, "Specifies the expected display brightness for the input picture of Knee function SEI messages")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionOutputDrange",                     m_kneeSEIOutputDrange,                             4000, "Specifies the peak luminance level for the output picture of Knee function SEI messages")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionOutputDispLuminance",              m_kneeSEIOutputDispLuminance,                       800, "Specifies the expected display brightness for the output picture of Knee function SEI messages")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionNumKneePointsMinus1",              m_kneeSEINumKneePointsMinus1,                         2, "Specifies the number of knee points - 1")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionInputKneePointValue",              cfg_kneeSEIInputKneePointValue,   cfg_kneeSEIInputKneePointValue, "Array of input knee point")
      ("SEIKneeFunctionOutputKneePointValue",             cfg_kneeSEIOutputKneePointValue, cfg_kneeSEIOutputKneePointValue, "Array of output knee point")
      ("SEIMasteringDisplayColourVolume",                 m_masteringDisplay.colourVolumeSEIEnabled,         false, "Control generation of mastering display colour volume SEI messages")
      ("SEIMasteringDisplayMaxLuminance",                 m_masteringDisplay.maxLuminance,                  10000u, "Specifies the mastering display maximum luminance value in units of 1/10000 candela per square metre (32-bit code value)")
      ("SEIMasteringDisplayMinLuminance",                 m_masteringDisplay.minLuminance,                      0u, "Specifies the mastering display minimum luminance value in units of 1/10000 candela per square metre (32-bit code value)")
      ("SEIMasteringDisplayPrimaries",                    cfg_DisplayPrimariesCode,       cfg_DisplayPrimariesCode, "Mastering display primaries for all three colour planes in CIE xy coordinates in increments of 1/50000 (results in the ranges 0 to 50000 inclusive)")
      ("SEIMasteringDisplayWhitePoint",                   cfg_DisplayWhitePointCode,     cfg_DisplayWhitePointCode, "Mastering display white point CIE xy coordinates in normalised increments of 1/50000 (e.g. 0.333 = 16667)")
      ("SEIPreferredTransferCharacterisics",              m_preferredTransferCharacteristics,                   -1, "Value for the preferred_transfer_characteristics field of the Alternative transfer characteristics SEI which will override the corresponding entry in the VUI. If negative, do not produce the respective SEI message")
      ("SEIGreenMetadataType",                            m_greenMetadataType,                                  0u, "Value for the green_metadata_type specifies the type of metadata that is present in the SEI message. If green_metadata_type is 1, then metadata enabling quality recovery after low-power encoding is present")
      ("SEIXSDMetricType",                                m_xsdMetricType,                                      0u, "Value for the xsd_metric_type indicates the type of the objective quality metric. PSNR is the only type currently supported")
      ("TraceChannelsList",                               bTracingChannelsList,                              false, "List all available tracing channels")
      ("TraceRule",                                       sTracingRule,                               string( "" ), "Tracing rule (ex: \"D_CABAC:poc==8\" or \"D_REC_CB_LUMA:poc==8\")")
      ("TraceFile",                                       sTracingFile,                               string( "" ), "Tracing file")
      ("DebugBitstream",                                  m_decodeBitstreams[0],             string( "" ), "Assume the frames up to POC DebugPOC will be the same as in this bitstream. Load those frames from the bitstream instead of encoding them." )
      ("DebugPOC",                                        m_switchPOC,                                 -1, "If DebugBitstream is present, load frames up to this POC from this bitstream. Starting with DebugPOC, return to normal encoding." )
      ("DecodeBitstream1",                                m_decodeBitstreams[0],             string( "" ), "Assume the frames up to POC DebugPOC will be the same as in this bitstream. Load those frames from the bitstream instead of encoding them." )
      ("DecodeBitstream2",                                m_decodeBitstreams[1],             string( "" ), "Assume the frames up to POC DebugPOC will be the same as in this bitstream. Load those frames from the bitstream instead of encoding them." )
      ("SwitchPOC",                                       m_switchPOC,                                 -1, "If DebugBitstream is present, load frames up to this POC from this bitstream. Starting with DebugPOC, return to normal encoding." )
      ("SwitchDQP",                                       m_switchDQP,                                  0, "delta QP applied to picture with switchPOC and subsequent pictures." )
      ("FastForwardToPOC",                                m_fastForwardToPOC,                          -1, "Get to encoding the specified POC as soon as possible by skipping temporal layers irrelevant for the specified POC." )
      ("StopAfterFFtoPOC",                                m_stopAfterFFtoPOC,                       false, "If using fast forward to POC, after the POC of interest has been hit, stop further encoding.")
      ("ForceDecodeBitstream1",                           m_forceDecodeBitstream1,                  false, "force decoding of bitstream 1 - use this only if you are realy sure about what you are doing ")
      ("DecodeBitstream2ModPOCAndType",                   m_bs2ModPOCAndType,                       false, "Modify POC and NALU-type of second input bitstream, to use second BS as closing I-slice")
      ("NumSplitThreads",                                 m_numSplitThreads,                            1, "Number of threads used to parallelize splitting")
      ("ForceSingleSplitThread",                          m_forceSplitSequential,                   false, "Force single thread execution even if taking the parallelized path")
      ("NumWppThreads",                                   m_numWppThreads,                              1, "Number of threads used to run WPP-style parallelization")
      ("NumWppExtraLines",                                m_numWppExtraLines,                           0, "Number of additional wpp lines to switch when threads are blocked")
    Tobias Hinz's avatar
    Tobias Hinz committed
    #if JVET_M0055_DEBUG_CTU
      ("DebugCTU",                                        m_debugCTU,                                  -1, "If DebugBitstream is present, load frames up to this POC from this bitstream. Starting with DebugPOC-frame at CTUline containin debug CTU.")
      ("EnsureWppBitEqual",                               m_ensureWppBitEqual,                       true, "Ensure the results are equal to results with WPP-style parallelism, even if WPP is off")
      ("EnsureWppBitEqual",                               m_ensureWppBitEqual,                      false, "Ensure the results are equal to results with WPP-style parallelism, even if WPP is off")
      ( "ALF",                                             m_alf,                                    true, "Adpative Loop Filter\n" )
      TExt360AppEncCfg::TExt360AppEncCfgContext ext360CfgContext;
      m_ext360.addOptions(opts, ext360CfgContext);
      for(int i=1; i<MAX_GOP+1; i++)
        std::ostringstream cOSS;
        opts.addOptions()(cOSS.str(), m_GOPList[i-1], GOPEntry());
      po::ErrorReporter err;
      const list<const char*>& argv_unhandled = po::scanArgv(opts, argc, (const char**) argv, err);
      if (m_compositeRefEnabled)
        for (int i = 0; i < m_iGOPSize; i++)
          m_GOPList[i].m_POC *= 2;
          m_GOPList[i].m_deltaRPS *= 2;
          for (int j = 0; j < m_GOPList[i].m_numRefPics; j++)
    1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740
      for (list<const char*>::const_iterator it = argv_unhandled.begin(); it != argv_unhandled.end(); it++)
        msg( ERROR, "Unhandled argument ignored: `%s'\n", *it);
      if (argc == 1 || do_help)
        /* argc == 1: no options have been specified */
        po::doHelp(cout, opts);
        return false;
      if (err.is_errored)
        if (!warnUnknowParameter)
          /* error report has already been printed on stderr */
          return false;
      g_verbosity = MsgLevel( m_verbosity );
       * Set any derived parameters
      m_inputFileWidth = m_iSourceWidth;
      m_inputFileHeight = m_iSourceHeight;
      m_ext360.setMaxCUInfo(m_uiCTUSize, 1 << MIN_CU_LOG2);
      if (!inputPathPrefix.empty() && inputPathPrefix.back() != '/' && inputPathPrefix.back() != '\\' )
        inputPathPrefix += "/";
      m_inputFileName   = inputPathPrefix + m_inputFileName;
      m_framesToBeEncoded = ( m_framesToBeEncoded + m_temporalSubsampleRatio - 1 ) / m_temporalSubsampleRatio;
      m_adIntraLambdaModifier = cfg_adIntraLambdaModifier.values;
        //Frame height
        m_iSourceHeightOrg = m_iSourceHeight;
        //Field height
        m_iSourceHeight = m_iSourceHeight >> 1;
        //number of fields to encode
        m_framesToBeEncoded *= 2;
      if( !m_tileUniformSpacingFlag && m_numTileColumnsMinus1 > 0 )
        if (cfg_ColumnWidth.values.size() > m_numTileColumnsMinus1)
          EXIT( "Error: The number of columns whose width are defined is larger than the allowed number of columns." );
        else if (cfg_ColumnWidth.values.size() < m_numTileColumnsMinus1)
          EXIT( "Error: The width of some columns is not defined." );
          for(uint32_t i=0; i<cfg_ColumnWidth.values.size(); i++)
      if( !m_tileUniformSpacingFlag && m_numTileRowsMinus1 > 0 )
        if (cfg_RowHeight.values.size() > m_numTileRowsMinus1)
          EXIT( "Error: The number of rows whose height are defined is larger than the allowed number of rows." );
        else if (cfg_RowHeight.values.size() < m_numTileRowsMinus1)
          EXIT( "Error: The height of some rows is not defined." );
          for(uint32_t i=0; i<cfg_RowHeight.values.size(); i++)
      /* rules for input, output and internal bitdepths as per help text */
      if (m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] == 0)
        m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] = m_inputBitDepth      [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] == 0)
        m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] == 0)
        m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] = m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] == 0)
        m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_inputBitDepth      [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] == 0)
        m_inputBitDepth      [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = m_inputBitDepth      [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_outputBitDepth     [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] == 0)
        m_outputBitDepth     [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] = m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_outputBitDepth     [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] == 0)
        m_outputBitDepth     [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = m_outputBitDepth     [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      m_InputChromaFormatIDC = numberToChromaFormat(tmpInputChromaFormat);
      m_chromaFormatIDC      = ((tmpChromaFormat == 0) ? (m_InputChromaFormatIDC) : (numberToChromaFormat(tmpChromaFormat)));
      CHECK( !( tmpWeightedPredictionMethod >= 0 && tmpWeightedPredictionMethod <= WP_PER_PICTURE_WITH_HISTOGRAM_AND_PER_COMPONENT_AND_CLIPPING_AND_EXTENSION ), "Error in cfg" );
      m_weightedPredictionMethod = WeightedPredictionMethod(tmpWeightedPredictionMethod);
      CHECK( tmpFastInterSearchMode<0 || tmpFastInterSearchMode>FASTINTERSEARCH_MODE3, "Error in cfg" );
      m_fastInterSearchMode = FastInterSearchMode(tmpFastInterSearchMode);
      CHECK( tmpMotionEstimationSearchMethod < 0 || tmpMotionEstimationSearchMethod >= MESEARCH_NUMBER_OF_METHODS, "Error in cfg" );
      if (extendedProfile >= 1000 && extendedProfile <= 12316)
        m_profile = Profile::MAINREXT;
        if (m_bitDepthConstraint != 0 || tmpConstraintChromaFormat != 0)
          EXIT( "Error: The bit depth and chroma format constraints are not used when an explicit RExt profile is specified");
        m_bitDepthConstraint           = (extendedProfile%100);
        m_intraConstraintFlag          = ((extendedProfile%10000)>=2000);
        m_onePictureOnlyConstraintFlag = (extendedProfile >= 10000);
        switch ((extendedProfile/100)%10)
          case 0:  tmpConstraintChromaFormat=400; break;
          case 1:  tmpConstraintChromaFormat=420; break;
          case 2:  tmpConstraintChromaFormat=422; break;
          default: tmpConstraintChromaFormat=444; break;
        m_profile = Profile::Name(extendedProfile);
      if (m_profile == Profile::HIGHTHROUGHPUTREXT )
        if (m_bitDepthConstraint == 0)
          m_bitDepthConstraint = 16;
        m_chromaFormatConstraint = (tmpConstraintChromaFormat == 0) ? CHROMA_444 : numberToChromaFormat(tmpConstraintChromaFormat);
      else if (m_profile == Profile::MAINREXT)
        if (m_bitDepthConstraint == 0 && tmpConstraintChromaFormat == 0)
          // produce a valid combination, if possible.
          const bool bUsingGeneralRExtTools  = m_transformSkipRotationEnabledFlag        ||
                                               m_transformSkipContextEnabledFlag         ||
                                               m_rdpcmEnabledFlag[RDPCM_SIGNAL_IMPLICIT] ||
                                               m_rdpcmEnabledFlag[RDPCM_SIGNAL_EXPLICIT] ||
                                               !m_enableIntraReferenceSmoothing          ||
                                               m_persistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag     ||
          const bool bUsingChromaQPAdjustment= m_diffCuChromaQpOffsetDepth >= 0;
          const bool bUsingExtendedPrecision = m_extendedPrecisionProcessingFlag;
          if (m_onePictureOnlyConstraintFlag)
            m_chromaFormatConstraint = CHROMA_444;
            if (m_intraConstraintFlag != true)
              EXIT( "Error: Intra constraint flag must be true when one_picture_only_constraint_flag is true");
            const int maxBitDepth = m_chromaFormatIDC==CHROMA_400 ? m_internalBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] : std::max(m_internalBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA], m_internalBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA]);
            m_bitDepthConstraint = maxBitDepth>8 ? 16:8;
            m_chromaFormatConstraint = NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT;
                                           m_chromaFormatIDC==CHROMA_400 ? m_internalBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] : std::max(m_internalBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA], m_internalBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA]),
        else if (m_bitDepthConstraint == 0 || tmpConstraintChromaFormat == 0)
          EXIT( "Error: The bit depth and chroma format constraints must either both be specified or both be configured automatically");
          m_chromaFormatConstraint = numberToChromaFormat(tmpConstraintChromaFormat);
        m_chromaFormatConstraint = (tmpConstraintChromaFormat == 0) ? m_chromaFormatIDC : numberToChromaFormat(tmpConstraintChromaFormat);
        m_bitDepthConstraint     = ( ( m_profile == Profile::MAIN10 || m_profile == Profile::NEXT ) ? 10 : 8 );
      m_inputColourSpaceConvert = stringToInputColourSpaceConvert(inputColourSpaceConvert, true);
      switch (m_conformanceWindowMode)
      case 0:
          // no conformance or padding
          m_confWinLeft = m_confWinRight = m_confWinTop = m_confWinBottom = 0;
          m_aiPad[1] = m_aiPad[0] = 0;
      case 1:
          // automatic padding to minimum CU size
          int minCuSize = m_uiMaxCUHeight >> (m_uiMaxCUDepth - 1);
          if (m_iSourceWidth % minCuSize)
            m_aiPad[0] = m_confWinRight  = ((m_iSourceWidth / minCuSize) + 1) * minCuSize - m_iSourceWidth;
            m_iSourceWidth  += m_confWinRight;
          if (m_iSourceHeight % minCuSize)
            m_aiPad[1] = m_confWinBottom = ((m_iSourceHeight / minCuSize) + 1) * minCuSize - m_iSourceHeight;
            m_iSourceHeight += m_confWinBottom;
            if ( m_isField )
              m_iSourceHeightOrg += m_confWinBottom << 1;
              m_aiPad[1] = m_confWinBottom << 1;
          if (m_aiPad[0] % SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0)
            EXIT( "Error: picture width is not an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
          if (m_aiPad[1] % SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0)
            EXIT( "Error: picture height is not an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
      case 2:
          m_iSourceWidth  += m_aiPad[0];
          m_iSourceHeight += m_aiPad[1];
          m_confWinRight  = m_aiPad[0];
          m_confWinBottom = m_aiPad[1];
      case 3:
          // conformance
          if ((m_confWinLeft == 0) && (m_confWinRight == 0) && (m_confWinTop == 0) && (m_confWinBottom == 0))
            msg( ERROR, "Warning: Conformance window enabled, but all conformance window parameters set to zero\n");
          if ((m_aiPad[1] != 0) || (m_aiPad[0]!=0))
            msg( ERROR, "Warning: Conformance window enabled, padding parameters will be ignored\n");
          m_aiPad[1] = m_aiPad[0] = 0;
      if (tmpSliceMode<0 || tmpSliceMode>=int(NUMBER_OF_SLICE_CONSTRAINT_MODES))
        EXIT( "Error: bad slice mode");
      m_sliceMode = SliceConstraint(tmpSliceMode);
      if (tmpSliceSegmentMode<0 || tmpSliceSegmentMode>=int(NUMBER_OF_SLICE_CONSTRAINT_MODES))
        EXIT( "Error: bad slice segment mode");
      m_sliceSegmentMode = SliceConstraint(tmpSliceSegmentMode);
      if (tmpDecodedPictureHashSEIMappedType<0 || tmpDecodedPictureHashSEIMappedType>=int(NUMBER_OF_HASHTYPES))
        EXIT( "Error: bad checksum mode");
      // Need to map values to match those of the SEI message:
      if (tmpDecodedPictureHashSEIMappedType==0)
      // allocate slice-based dQP values
      m_aidQP = new int[ m_framesToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1 ];
      ::memset( m_aidQP, 0, sizeof(int)*( m_framesToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1 ) );
      if (m_qpIncrementAtSourceFrame.bPresent)
        uint32_t switchingPOC = 0;
        if (m_qpIncrementAtSourceFrame.value > m_FrameSkip)
          // if switch source frame (ssf) = 10, and frame skip (fs)=2 and temporal subsample ratio (tsr) =1, then
          //    for this simulation switch at POC 8 (=10-2).
          // if ssf=10, fs=2, tsr=2, then for this simulation, switch at POC 4 (=(10-2)/2): POC0=Src2, POC1=Src4, POC2=Src6, POC3=Src8, POC4=Src10
          switchingPOC = (m_qpIncrementAtSourceFrame.value - m_FrameSkip) / m_temporalSubsampleRatio;
        for (uint32_t i = switchingPOC; i<(m_framesToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1); i++)
          m_aidQP[i] = 1;
      // handling of floating-point QP values
      // if QP is not integer, sequence is split into two sections having QP and QP+1
      m_iQP = (int)( m_fQP );
      if ( m_iQP < m_fQP )
        int iSwitchPOC = (int)( m_framesToBeEncoded - (m_fQP - m_iQP)*m_framesToBeEncoded + 0.5 );
        iSwitchPOC = (int)( (double)iSwitchPOC / m_iGOPSize + 0.5 )*m_iGOPSize;
        for ( int i=iSwitchPOC; i<m_framesToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1; i++ )
          m_aidQP[i] = 1;
      for(uint32_t ch=0; ch<MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; ch++)
        if (saoOffsetBitShift[ch]<0)
          if (m_internalBitDepth[ch]>10)
            m_log2SaoOffsetScale[ch]=uint32_t(Clip3<int>(0, m_internalBitDepth[ch]-10, int(m_internalBitDepth[ch]-10 + 0.165*m_iQP - 3.22 + 0.5) ) );
      CHECK( lumaLevelToDeltaQPMode >= LUMALVL_TO_DQP_NUM_MODES, "Error in cfg" );
      if (m_lumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping.mode)
        CHECK(  cfg_lumaLeveltoDQPMappingLuma.values.size() != cfg_lumaLeveltoDQPMappingQP.values.size(), "Error in cfg" );
        for(uint32_t i=0; i<cfg_lumaLeveltoDQPMappingLuma.values.size(); i++)
          m_lumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping.mapping[i]=std::pair<int,int>(cfg_lumaLeveltoDQPMappingLuma.values[i], cfg_lumaLeveltoDQPMappingQP.values[i]);
      if ( m_LadfEnabed )
        CHECK( m_LadfNumIntervals != cfg_LadfQpOffset.values.size(), "size of LadfQpOffset must be equal to LadfNumIntervals");
        CHECK( m_LadfNumIntervals - 1 != cfg_LadfIntervalLowerBound.values.size(), "size of LadfIntervalLowerBound must be equal to LadfNumIntervals - 1");
        m_LadfQpOffset = cfg_LadfQpOffset.values;
        for (int k = 1; k < m_LadfNumIntervals; k++)
          m_LadfIntervalLowerBound[k] = cfg_LadfIntervalLowerBound.values[k - 1];
      // reading external dQP description from file
      if ( !m_dQPFileName.empty() )
        FILE* fpt=fopen( m_dQPFileName.c_str(), "r" );
        if ( fpt )
          int iValue;
          int iPOC = 0;
          while ( iPOC < m_framesToBeEncoded )
            if ( fscanf(fpt, "%d", &iValue ) == EOF )
            m_aidQP[ iPOC ] = iValue;
      if( m_masteringDisplay.colourVolumeSEIEnabled )
        for(uint32_t idx=0; idx<6; idx++)
          m_masteringDisplay.primaries[idx/2][idx%2] = uint16_t((cfg_DisplayPrimariesCode.values.size() > idx) ? cfg_DisplayPrimariesCode.values[idx] : 0);
        for(uint32_t idx=0; idx<2; idx++)
          m_masteringDisplay.whitePoint[idx] = uint16_t((cfg_DisplayWhitePointCode.values.size() > idx) ? cfg_DisplayWhitePointCode.values[idx] : 0);
      if( m_toneMappingInfoSEIEnabled && !m_toneMapCancelFlag )
        if( m_toneMapModelId == 2 && !cfg_startOfCodedInterval.values.empty() )
          const uint32_t num = 1u<< m_toneMapTargetBitDepth;
          m_startOfCodedInterval = new int[num];
          for(uint32_t i=0; i<num; i++)
            m_startOfCodedInterval[i] = cfg_startOfCodedInterval.values.size() > i ? cfg_startOfCodedInterval.values[i] : 0;
          m_startOfCodedInterval = NULL;
        if( ( m_toneMapModelId == 3 ) && ( m_numPivots > 0 ) )
          if( !cfg_codedPivotValue.values.empty() && !cfg_targetPivotValue.values.empty() )
            m_codedPivotValue  = new int[m_numPivots];
            m_targetPivotValue = new int[m_numPivots];
            for(uint32_t i=0; i<m_numPivots; i++)
              m_codedPivotValue[i]  = cfg_codedPivotValue.values.size()  > i ? cfg_codedPivotValue.values [i] : 0;
              m_targetPivotValue[i] = cfg_targetPivotValue.values.size() > i ? cfg_targetPivotValue.values[i] : 0;
          m_codedPivotValue = NULL;
          m_targetPivotValue = NULL;
      if( m_kneeSEIEnabled && !m_kneeSEICancelFlag )
        CHECK(!( m_kneeSEINumKneePointsMinus1 >= 0 && m_kneeSEINumKneePointsMinus1 < 999 ), "Inconsistent config");
        m_kneeSEIInputKneePoint  = new int[m_kneeSEINumKneePointsMinus1+1];
        m_kneeSEIOutputKneePoint = new int[m_kneeSEINumKneePointsMinus1+1];
        for(int i=0; i<(m_kneeSEINumKneePointsMinus1+1); i++)
          m_kneeSEIInputKneePoint[i]  = cfg_kneeSEIInputKneePointValue.values.size()  > i ? cfg_kneeSEIInputKneePointValue.values[i]  : 1;
          m_kneeSEIOutputKneePoint[i] = cfg_kneeSEIOutputKneePointValue.values.size() > i ? cfg_kneeSEIOutputKneePointValue.values[i] : 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < m_timeCodeSEINumTs && i < MAX_TIMECODE_SEI_SETS; i++)
          m_timeSetArray[i].clockTimeStampFlag    = cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeStampFlag        .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeStampFlag        .values [i] : false;
          m_timeSetArray[i].numUnitFieldBasedFlag = cfg_timeCodeSeiNumUnitFieldBasedFlag.values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiNumUnitFieldBasedFlag.values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].countingType          = cfg_timeCodeSeiCountingType         .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiCountingType         .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].fullTimeStampFlag     = cfg_timeCodeSeiFullTimeStampFlag    .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiFullTimeStampFlag    .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].discontinuityFlag     = cfg_timeCodeSeiDiscontinuityFlag    .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiDiscontinuityFlag    .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].cntDroppedFlag        = cfg_timeCodeSeiCntDroppedFlag       .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiCntDroppedFlag       .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].numberOfFrames        = cfg_timeCodeSeiNumberOfFrames       .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiNumberOfFrames       .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].secondsValue          = cfg_timeCodeSeiSecondsValue         .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiSecondsValue         .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].minutesValue          = cfg_timeCodeSeiMinutesValue         .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiMinutesValue         .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].hoursValue            = cfg_timeCodeSeiHoursValue           .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiHoursValue           .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].secondsFlag           = cfg_timeCodeSeiSecondsFlag          .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiSecondsFlag          .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].minutesFlag           = cfg_timeCodeSeiMinutesFlag          .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiMinutesFlag          .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].hoursFlag             = cfg_timeCodeSeiHoursFlag            .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiHoursFlag            .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].timeOffsetLength      = cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetLength     .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetLength     .values [i] : 0;
          m_timeSetArray[i].timeOffsetValue       = cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetValue      .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetValue      .values [i] : 0;
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
      m_reshapeCW.rspFps = m_iFrameRate;
      m_reshapeCW.rspIntraPeriod = m_iIntraPeriod;
      m_reshapeCW.rspPicSize = m_iSourceWidth*m_iSourceHeight;
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
      m_reshapeCW.rspFpsToIp = std::max(16, 16 * (int)(round((double)m_iFrameRate /16.0)));
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
      m_reshapeCW.rspBaseQP = m_iQP;
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
      g_trace_ctx = tracing_init(sTracingFile, sTracingRule);
      if( bTracingChannelsList && g_trace_ctx )
        std::string sChannelsList;
        g_trace_ctx->getChannelsList( sChannelsList );
        msg( INFO, "\n Using tracing channels:\n\n%s\n", sChannelsList.c_str() );
    #if ENABLE_QPA
      if (m_bUsePerceptQPA && !m_bUseAdaptiveQP && m_dualTree && (m_cbQpOffsetDualTree != 0 || m_crQpOffsetDualTree != 0))
        msg( WARNING, "*************************************************************************\n" );
        msg( WARNING, "* WARNING: chroma QPA on, ignoring nonzero dual-tree chroma QP offsets! *\n" );
        msg( WARNING, "*************************************************************************\n" );
      if( ( m_iQP < 38 ) && ( m_iGOPSize > 4 ) && m_bUsePerceptQPA && !m_bUseAdaptiveQP && ( m_iSourceHeight <= 1280 ) && ( m_iSourceWidth <= 2048 ) )
      if( ( ( int ) m_fQP < 38 ) && ( m_iGOPSize > 4 ) && m_bUsePerceptQPA && !m_bUseAdaptiveQP && ( m_iSourceHeight <= 1280 ) && ( m_iSourceWidth <= 2048 ) )
        msg( WARNING, "*************************************************************************\n" );
        msg( WARNING, "* WARNING: QPA on with large CTU for <=HD sequences, limiting CTU size! *\n" );
        msg( WARNING, "*************************************************************************\n" );
        m_uiCTUSize = m_uiMaxCUWidth;
        if( ( 1u << m_quadtreeTULog2MaxSize ) > m_uiCTUSize ) m_quadtreeTULog2MaxSize--;
        if( ( 1u << m_tuLog2MaxSize         ) > m_uiCTUSize ) m_tuLog2MaxSize--;
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
    Karsten Suehring committed
      const int minCuSize = 1 << MIN_CU_LOG2;
      m_uiMaxCodingDepth = 0;
      while( ( m_uiCTUSize >> m_uiMaxCodingDepth ) > minCuSize )
    Karsten Suehring's avatar
    Karsten Suehring committed
      m_uiLog2DiffMaxMinCodingBlockSize = m_uiMaxCodingDepth;
      m_uiMaxCUWidth = m_uiMaxCUHeight = m_uiCTUSize;
      m_uiMaxCUDepth = m_uiMaxCodingDepth;
      // check validity of input parameters
      if( xCheckParameter() )
        // return check failed
        return false;
      // print-out parameters
      return true;
    // ====================================================================================================================
    // Private member functions
    // ====================================================================================================================
    bool EncAppCfg::xCheckParameter()
      msg( NOTICE, "\n" );
      if (m_decodedPictureHashSEIType==HASHTYPE_NONE)
        msg( DETAILS, "******************************************************************\n");
        msg( DETAILS, "** WARNING: --SEIDecodedPictureHash is now disabled by default. **\n");
        msg( DETAILS, "**          Automatic verification of decoded pictures by a     **\n");
        msg( DETAILS, "**          decoder requires this option to be enabled.         **\n");
        msg( DETAILS, "******************************************************************\n");
      if( m_profile==Profile::NONE )
        msg( DETAILS, "***************************************************************************\n");
        msg( DETAILS, "** WARNING: For conforming bitstreams a valid Profile value must be set! **\n");
        msg( DETAILS, "***************************************************************************\n");
      if( m_level==Level::NONE )
        msg( DETAILS, "***************************************************************************\n");
        msg( DETAILS, "** WARNING: For conforming bitstreams a valid Level value must be set!   **\n");
        msg( DETAILS, "***************************************************************************\n");
      bool check_failed = false; /* abort if there is a fatal configuration problem */
    #define xConfirmPara(a,b) check_failed |= confirmPara(a,b)
      if( m_profile != Profile::NEXT )
        THROW( "Next profile with an alternative partitioner has to be enabled if HEVC_USE_RQT is off!" );
        xConfirmPara( m_numWppThreads > 1, "WPP-style parallelization only supported with NEXT profile" );
        xConfirmPara( m_LMChroma, "LMChroma only allowed with NEXT profile" );
        xConfirmPara( m_ImvMode, "IMV is only allowed with NEXT profile" );
    Yu Han's avatar
    Yu Han committed
        xConfirmPara(m_IBCMode, "IBC Mode only allowed with NEXT profile");
    #if JVET_M0253_HASH_ME
        xConfirmPara( m_HashME, "Hash motion estimation only allowed with NEXT profile" );
        xConfirmPara( m_useFastLCTU, "Fast large CTU can only be applied when encoding with NEXT profile" );
    Tung Nguyen's avatar
    Tung Nguyen committed
    #if JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
        xConfirmPara( m_MTS, "MTS only allowed with NEXT profile" );
        xConfirmPara( m_MTSIntraMaxCand, "MTS only allowed with NEXT profile" );
        xConfirmPara( m_MTSInterMaxCand, "MTS only allowed with NEXT profile" );
        xConfirmPara( m_EMT, "EMT only allowed with NEXT profile" );
        xConfirmPara( m_FastEMT, "EMT only allowed with NEXT profile" );
    Tung Nguyen's avatar
    Tung Nguyen committed
        xConfirmPara( m_compositeRefEnabled, "Composite Reference Frame is only allowed with NEXT profile" );
        xConfirmPara( m_GBi, "GBi is only allowed with NEXT profile" );
        xConfirmPara( m_GBiFast, "GBiFast is only allowed with NEXT profile" );
        xConfirmPara( m_Triangle, "Triangle is only allowed with NEXT profile" );
    #if JVET_M0147_DMVR
        xConfirmPara(m_DMVR, "DMVR only allowed with NEXT profile");
        // ADD_NEW_TOOL : (parameter check) add a check for next tools here
        if( m_depQuantEnabledFlag )
          xConfirmPara( !m_useRDOQ || !m_useRDOQTS, "RDOQ and RDOQTS must be equal to 1 if dependent quantization is enabled" );
          xConfirmPara( m_signDataHidingEnabledFlag, "SignHideFlag must be equal to 0 if dependent quantization is enabled" );
      if( m_wrapAround )
        xConfirmPara( m_wrapAroundOffset == 0, "Wrap-around offset must be greater than 0" );