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EncAppCfg.cpp 266 KiB
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  •   ("LambdaModifier1,-LM1",                            m_adLambdaModifier[ 1 ],                  ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 1. If LambdaModifierI is used, this will not affect intra pictures")
      ("LambdaModifier2,-LM2",                            m_adLambdaModifier[ 2 ],                  ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 2. If LambdaModifierI is used, this will not affect intra pictures")
      ("LambdaModifier3,-LM3",                            m_adLambdaModifier[ 3 ],                  ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 3. If LambdaModifierI is used, this will not affect intra pictures")
      ("LambdaModifier4,-LM4",                            m_adLambdaModifier[ 4 ],                  ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 4. If LambdaModifierI is used, this will not affect intra pictures")
      ("LambdaModifier5,-LM5",                            m_adLambdaModifier[ 5 ],                  ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 5. If LambdaModifierI is used, this will not affect intra pictures")
      ("LambdaModifier6,-LM6",                            m_adLambdaModifier[ 6 ],                  ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 6. If LambdaModifierI is used, this will not affect intra pictures")
      ("LambdaModifierI,-LMI",                            cfg_adIntraLambdaModifier,    cfg_adIntraLambdaModifier, "Lambda modifiers for Intra pictures, comma separated, up to one the number of temporal layer. If entry for temporalLayer exists, then use it, else if some are specified, use the last, else use the standard LambdaModifiers.")
      ("IQPFactor,-IQF",                                  m_dIntraQpFactor,                                  -1.0, "Intra QP Factor for Lambda Computation. If negative, the default will scale lambda based on GOP size (unless LambdaFromQpEnable then IntraQPOffset is used instead)")
      /* Quantization parameters */
      ("QP,q",                                            m_iQP,                                               30, "Qp value")
      ("QPIncrementFrame,-qpif",                          m_qpIncrementAtSourceFrame,   OptionalValue<uint32_t>(), "If a source file frame number is specified, the internal QP will be incremented for all POCs associated with source frames >= frame number. If empty, do not increment.")
      ("QP,q",                                            m_fQP,                                             30.0, "Qp value, if value is float, QP is switched once during encoding")
      ("IntraQPOffset",                                   m_intraQPOffset,                                      0, "Qp offset value for intra slice, typically determined based on GOP size")
      ("LambdaFromQpEnable",                              m_lambdaFromQPEnable,                             false, "Enable flag for derivation of lambda from QP")
      ("DeltaQpRD,-dqr",                                  m_uiDeltaQpRD,                                       0u, "max dQp offset for slice")
      ("MaxDeltaQP,d",                                    m_iMaxDeltaQP,                                        0, "max dQp offset for block")
      ("MaxCuDQPSubdiv,-dqd",                             m_cuQpDeltaSubdiv,                                    0, "Maximum subdiv for CU luma Qp adjustment")
      ("MaxCuChromaQpOffsetSubdiv",                       m_cuChromaQpOffsetSubdiv,                            -1, "Maximum subdiv for CU chroma Qp adjustment - set less than 0 to disable")
      ("FastDeltaQP",                                     m_bFastDeltaQP,                                   false, "Fast Delta QP Algorithm")
      ("LumaLevelToDeltaQPMode",                          lumaLevelToDeltaQPMode,                              0u, "Luma based Delta QP 0(default): not used. 1: Based on CTU average, 2: Based on Max luma in CTU")
    #if !WCG_EXT
      ("LumaLevelToDeltaQPMaxValWeight",                  m_lumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping.maxMethodWeight,        1.0, "Weight of block max luma val when LumaLevelToDeltaQPMode = 2")
      ("LumaLevelToDeltaQPMappingLuma",                   cfg_lumaLeveltoDQPMappingLuma,  cfg_lumaLeveltoDQPMappingLuma, "Luma to Delta QP Mapping - luma thresholds")
      ("LumaLevelToDeltaQPMappingDQP",                    cfg_lumaLeveltoDQPMappingQP,  cfg_lumaLeveltoDQPMappingQP, "Luma to Delta QP Mapping - DQP values")
      ("UseIdentityTableForNon420Chroma",                 m_useIdentityTableForNon420Chroma,                 true, "True: Indicates that 422/444 chroma uses identity chroma QP mapping tables; False: explicit Qp table may be specified in config")
      ("SameCQPTablesForAllChroma",                       m_chromaQpMappingTableParams.m_sameCQPTableForAllChromaFlag,                        true, "0: Different tables for Cb, Cr and joint Cb-Cr components, 1 (default): Same tables for all three chroma components")
      ("QpInValCb",                                       cfg_qpInValCb,                            cfg_qpInValCb, "Input coordinates for the QP table for Cb component")
      ("QpOutValCb",                                      cfg_qpOutValCb,                          cfg_qpOutValCb, "Output coordinates for the QP table for Cb component")
      ("QpInValCr",                                       cfg_qpInValCr,                            cfg_qpInValCr, "Input coordinates for the QP table for Cr component")
      ("QpOutValCr",                                      cfg_qpOutValCr,                          cfg_qpOutValCr, "Output coordinates for the QP table for Cr component")
      ("QpInValCbCr",                                     cfg_qpInValCbCr,                        cfg_qpInValCbCr, "Input coordinates for the QP table for joint Cb-Cr component")
      ("QpOutValCbCr",                                    cfg_qpOutValCbCr,                      cfg_qpOutValCbCr, "Output coordinates for the QP table for joint Cb-Cr component")
      ("CbQpOffset,-cbqpofs",                             m_cbQpOffset,                                         0, "Chroma Cb QP Offset")
      ("CrQpOffset,-crqpofs",                             m_crQpOffset,                                         0, "Chroma Cr QP Offset")
      ("CbQpOffsetDualTree",                              m_cbQpOffsetDualTree,                                 0, "Chroma Cb QP Offset for dual tree")
      ("CrQpOffsetDualTree",                              m_crQpOffsetDualTree,                                 0, "Chroma Cr QP Offset for dual tree")
      ("CbCrQpOffset,-cbcrqpofs",                         m_cbCrQpOffset,                                      -1, "QP Offset for joint Cb-Cr mode")
      ("CbCrQpOffsetDualTree",                            m_cbCrQpOffsetDualTree,                               0, "QP Offset for joint Cb-Cr mode in dual tree")
      ("WCGPPSEnable",                                    m_wcgChromaQpControl.enabled,                     false, "1: Enable the WCG PPS chroma modulation scheme. 0 (default) disabled")
      ("WCGPPSCbQpScale",                                 m_wcgChromaQpControl.chromaCbQpScale,               1.0, "WCG PPS Chroma Cb QP Scale")
      ("WCGPPSCrQpScale",                                 m_wcgChromaQpControl.chromaCrQpScale,               1.0, "WCG PPS Chroma Cr QP Scale")
      ("WCGPPSChromaQpScale",                             m_wcgChromaQpControl.chromaQpScale,                 0.0, "WCG PPS Chroma QP Scale")
      ("WCGPPSChromaQpOffset",                            m_wcgChromaQpControl.chromaQpOffset,                0.0, "WCG PPS Chroma QP Offset")
    #if W0038_CQP_ADJ
      ("SliceChromaQPOffsetPeriodicity",                  m_sliceChromaQpOffsetPeriodicity,                    0u, "Used in conjunction with Slice Cb/Cr QpOffsetIntraOrPeriodic. Use 0 (default) to disable periodic nature.")
      ("SliceCbQpOffsetIntraOrPeriodic",                  m_sliceChromaQpOffsetIntraOrPeriodic[0],              0, "Chroma Cb QP Offset at slice level for I slice or for periodic inter slices as defined by SliceChromaQPOffsetPeriodicity. Replaces offset in the GOP table.")
      ("SliceCrQpOffsetIntraOrPeriodic",                  m_sliceChromaQpOffsetIntraOrPeriodic[1],              0, "Chroma Cr QP Offset at slice level for I slice or for periodic inter slices as defined by SliceChromaQPOffsetPeriodicity. Replaces offset in the GOP table.")
      ("AdaptiveQP,-aq",                                  m_bUseAdaptiveQP,                                 false, "QP adaptation based on a psycho-visual model")
      ("MaxQPAdaptationRange,-aqr",                       m_iQPAdaptationRange,                                 6, "QP adaptation range")
    #if ENABLE_QPA
      ("PerceptQPA,-qpa",                                 m_bUsePerceptQPA,                                 false, "perceptually motivated input-adaptive QP modification (default: 0 = off, ignored if -aq is set)")
      ("WPSNR,-wpsnr",                                    m_bUseWPSNR,                                      false, "output perceptually weighted peak SNR (WPSNR) instead of PSNR")
      ("dQPFile,m",                                       m_dQPFileName,                               string(""), "dQP file name")
      ("RDOQ",                                            m_useRDOQ,                                         true)
      ("RDOQTS",                                          m_useRDOQTS,                                       true)
    #if T0196_SELECTIVE_RDOQ
      ("SelectiveRDOQ",                                   m_useSelectiveRDOQ,                               false, "Enable selective RDOQ")
      ("RDpenalty",                                       m_rdPenalty,                                          0, "RD-penalty for 32x32 TU for intra in non-intra slices. 0:disabled  1:RD-penalty  2:maximum RD-penalty")
      // Deblocking filter parameters
      ("LoopFilterDisable",                               m_bLoopFilterDisable,                             false)
      ("LoopFilterOffsetInPPS",                           m_loopFilterOffsetInPPS,                           true)
      ("LoopFilterBetaOffset_div2",                       m_loopFilterBetaOffsetDiv2,                           0)
      ("LoopFilterTcOffset_div2",                         m_loopFilterTcOffsetDiv2,                             0)
      ("LoopFilterCbBetaOffset_div2",                     m_loopFilterCbBetaOffsetDiv2,                         0)
      ("LoopFilterCbTcOffset_div2",                       m_loopFilterCbTcOffsetDiv2,                           0)
      ("LoopFilterCrBetaOffset_div2",                     m_loopFilterCrBetaOffsetDiv2,                         0)
      ("LoopFilterCrTcOffset_div2",                       m_loopFilterCrTcOffsetDiv2,                           0)
    #if W0038_DB_OPT
      ("DeblockingFilterMetric",                          m_deblockingFilterMetric,                             0)
      ("DeblockingFilterMetric",                          m_DeblockingFilterMetric,                         false)
      // Coding tools
      ("ReconBasedCrossCPredictionEstimate",              m_reconBasedCrossCPredictionEstimate,             false, "When determining the alpha value for cross-component prediction, use the decoded residual rather than the pre-transform encoder-side residual")
      ("TransformSkip",                                   m_useTransformSkip,                               false, "Intra transform skipping")
    Tung Nguyen's avatar
    Tung Nguyen committed
      ("TransformSkipFast",                               m_useTransformSkipFast,                           false, "Fast encoder search for transform skipping, winner takes it all mode.")
      ("TransformSkipLog2MaxSize",                        m_log2MaxTransformSkipBlockSize,                     5U, "Specify transform-skip maximum size. Minimum 2, Maximum 5. (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("ChromaTS",                                        m_useChromaTS,                                    false, "Enable encoder search of chromaTS")
      ("BDPCM",                                           m_useBDPCM,                                       false, "BDPCM (0:off, 1:luma and chroma)")
      ("ISPFast",                                         m_useFastISP,                                     false, "Fast encoder search for ISP")
      ("ImplicitResidualDPCM",                            m_rdpcmEnabledFlag[RDPCM_SIGNAL_IMPLICIT],        false, "Enable implicitly signalled residual DPCM for intra (also known as sample-adaptive intra predict) (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("ExplicitResidualDPCM",                            m_rdpcmEnabledFlag[RDPCM_SIGNAL_EXPLICIT],        false, "Enable explicitly signalled residual DPCM for inter (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("ResidualRotation",                                m_transformSkipRotationEnabledFlag,               false, "Enable rotation of transform-skipped and transquant-bypassed TUs through 180 degrees prior to entropy coding (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("SingleSignificanceMapContext",                    m_transformSkipContextEnabledFlag,                false, "Enable, for transform-skipped and transquant-bypassed TUs, the selection of a single significance map context variable for all coefficients (not valid in V1 profiles)")
      ("GolombRiceParameterAdaptation",                   m_persistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag,            false, "Enable the adaptation of the Golomb-Rice parameter over the course of each slice")
      ("AlignCABACBeforeBypass",                          m_cabacBypassAlignmentEnabledFlag,                false, "Align the CABAC engine to a defined fraction of a bit prior to coding bypass data. Must be 1 in high bit rate profile, 0 otherwise")
      ("SAO",                                             m_bUseSAO,                                         true, "Enable Sample Adaptive Offset")
      ("TestSAODisableAtPictureLevel",                    m_bTestSAODisableAtPictureLevel,                  false, "Enables the testing of disabling SAO at the picture level after having analysed all blocks")
      ("SaoEncodingRate",                                 m_saoEncodingRate,                                 0.75, "When >0 SAO early picture termination is enabled for luma and chroma")
      ("SaoEncodingRateChroma",                           m_saoEncodingRateChroma,                            0.5, "The SAO early picture termination rate to use for chroma (when m_SaoEncodingRate is >0). If <=0, use results for luma")
      ("MaxNumOffsetsPerPic",                             m_maxNumOffsetsPerPic,                             2048, "Max number of SAO offset per picture (Default: 2048)")
      ("SAOLcuBoundary",                                  m_saoCtuBoundary,                                 false, "0: right/bottom CTU boundary areas skipped from SAO parameter estimation, 1: non-deblocked pixels are used for those areas")
      ("SAOGreedyEnc",                                    m_saoGreedyMergeEnc,                              false, "SAO greedy merge encoding algorithm")
      ("EnablePicPartitioning",                           m_picPartitionFlag,                               false, "Enable picture partitioning (0: single tile, single slice, 1: multiple tiles/slices can be used)")
      ("MixedLossyLossless",                              m_mixedLossyLossless,                                  false, "Enable encoder to encode mixed lossy/lossless coding ")
      ("SliceLosslessArray",                              cfgSliceLosslessArray, cfgSliceLosslessArray, " Lossless slice array Last lossless flag in the  list will be repeated uniformly to cover any remaining slice")
      ("TileColumnWidthArray",                            cfgTileColumnWidth,                  cfgTileColumnWidth, "Tile column widths in units of CTUs. Last column width in list will be repeated uniformly to cover any remaining picture width")
      ("TileRowHeightArray",                              cfgTileRowHeight,                      cfgTileRowHeight, "Tile row heights in units of CTUs. Last row height in list will be repeated uniformly to cover any remaining picture height")
      ("RasterScanSlices",                                m_rasterSliceFlag,                                false, "Indicates if using raster-scan or rectangular slices (0: rectangular, 1: raster-scan)")
      ("RectSlicePositions",                              cfgRectSlicePos,                        cfgRectSlicePos, "Rectangular slice positions. List containing pairs of top-left CTU RS address followed by bottom-right CTU RS address")
      ("RectSliceFixedWidth",                             m_rectSliceFixedWidth,                                0, "Fixed rectangular slice width in units of tiles (0: disable this feature and use RectSlicePositions instead)")
      ("RectSliceFixedHeight",                            m_rectSliceFixedHeight,                               0, "Fixed rectangular slice height in units of tiles (0: disable this feature and use RectSlicePositions instead)")
      ("RasterSliceSizes",                                cfgRasterSliceSize,                  cfgRasterSliceSize, "Raster-scan slice sizes in units of tiles. Last size in list will be repeated uniformly to cover any remaining tiles in the picture")
      ("DisableLoopFilterAcrossTiles",                    m_disableLFCrossTileBoundaryFlag,                 false, "Loop filtering applied across tile boundaries or not (0: filter across tile boundaries  1: do not filter across tile boundaries)")
      ("DisableLoopFilterAcrossSlices",                   m_disableLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag,                false, "Loop filtering applied across slice boundaries or not (0: filter across slice boundaries 1: do not filter across slice boundaries)")
      ("FastUDIUseMPMEnabled",                            m_bFastUDIUseMPMEnabled,                           true, "If enabled, adapt intra direction search, accounting for MPM")
      ("FastMEForGenBLowDelayEnabled",                    m_bFastMEForGenBLowDelayEnabled,                   true, "If enabled use a fast ME for generalised B Low Delay slices")
      ("UseBLambdaForNonKeyLowDelayPictures",             m_bUseBLambdaForNonKeyLowDelayPictures,            true, "Enables use of B-Lambda for non-key low-delay pictures")
      ("IntraReferenceSmoothing",                         m_enableIntraReferenceSmoothing,                   true, "0: Disable use of intra reference smoothing (not valid in V1 profiles). 1: Enable use of intra reference smoothing (same as V1)")
      ("WeightedPredP,-wpP",                              m_useWeightedPred,                                false, "Use weighted prediction in P slices")
      ("WeightedPredB,-wpB",                              m_useWeightedBiPred,                              false, "Use weighted (bidirectional) prediction in B slices")
      ("WeightedPredMethod,-wpM",                         tmpWeightedPredictionMethod, int(WP_PER_PICTURE_WITH_SIMPLE_DC_COMBINED_COMPONENT), "Weighted prediction method")
      ("Log2ParallelMergeLevel",                          m_log2ParallelMergeLevel,                            2u, "Parallel merge estimation region")
      ("WaveFrontSynchro",                                m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag,                   false, "0: entropy coding sync disabled; 1 entropy coding sync enabled")
      ("EntryPointsPresent",                              m_entryPointPresentFlag,                           true, "0: entry points is not present; 1 entry points may be present in slice header")
      ("ScalingList",                                     m_useScalingListId,                    SCALING_LIST_OFF, "0/off: no scaling list, 1/default: default scaling lists, 2/file: scaling lists specified in ScalingListFile")
      ("ScalingListFile",                                 m_scalingListFileName,                       string(""), "Scaling list file name. Use an empty string to produce help.")
      ("DisableScalingMatrixForLFNST",                    m_disableScalingMatrixForLfnstBlks,                true, "Disable scaling matrices, when enabled, for LFNST-coded blocks")
      ("DisableScalingMatrixForAlternativeColourSpace",   m_disableScalingMatrixForAlternativeColourSpace,  false, "Disable scaling matrices when the colour space is not equal to the designated colour space of scaling matrix")
      ("ScalingMatrixDesignatedColourSpace",              m_scalingMatrixDesignatedColourSpace,              true, "Indicates if the designated colour space of scaling matrices is equal to the original colour space")
      ("DepQuant",                                        m_depQuantEnabledFlag,                                          true, "Enable  dependent quantization (Default: 1)" )
      ("SignHideFlag,-SBH",                               m_signDataHidingEnabledFlag,                                    false,  "Enable sign hiding" )
      ("MaxNumMergeCand",                                 m_maxNumMergeCand,                                   5u, "Maximum number of merge candidates")
      ("MaxNumAffineMergeCand",                           m_maxNumAffineMergeCand,                             5u, "Maximum number of affine merge candidates")
      ("MaxNumGeoCand",                                   m_maxNumGeoCand,                                     5u, "Maximum number of geometric partitioning mode candidates")
    Yan Zhang's avatar
    Yan Zhang committed
      ("MaxNumIBCMergeCand",                              m_maxNumIBCMergeCand,                                6u, "Maximum number of IBC merge candidates")
        /* Misc. */
      ("SEIDecodedPictureHash,-dph",                      tmpDecodedPictureHashSEIMappedType,                   0, "Control generation of decode picture hash SEI messages\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t3: checksum\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t2: CRC\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t1: use MD5\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t0: disable")
      ("TMVPMode",                                        m_TMVPModeId,                                         1, "TMVP mode 0: TMVP disable for all slices. 1: TMVP enable for all slices (default) 2: TMVP enable for certain slices only")
    Brian Heng's avatar
    Brian Heng committed
      ("SliceLevelRpl",                                   m_sliceLevelRpl,                                   true, "Code reference picture lists in slice headers rather than picture header.")
      ("SliceLevelDblk",                                  m_sliceLevelDblk,                                  true, "Code deblocking filter parameters in slice headers rather than picture header.")
      ("SliceLevelSao",                                   m_sliceLevelSao,                                   true, "Code SAO parameters in slice headers rather than picture header.")
      ("SliceLevelAlf",                                   m_sliceLevelAlf,                                   true, "Code ALF parameters in slice headers rather than picture header.")
      ("SliceLevelWeightedPrediction",                    m_sliceLevelWp,                                    true, "Code weighted prediction parameters in slice headers rather than picture header.")
      ("SliceLevelDeltaQp",                               m_sliceLevelDeltaQp,                               true, "Code delta Qp in slice headers rather than picture header.")
      ("FEN",                                             tmpFastInterSearchMode,   int(FASTINTERSEARCH_DISABLED), "fast encoder setting")
      ("ECU",                                             m_bUseEarlyCU,                                    false, "Early CU setting")
      ("FDM",                                             m_useFastDecisionForMerge,                         true, "Fast decision for Merge RD Cost")
      ("CFM",                                             m_bUseCbfFastMode,                                false, "Cbf fast mode setting")
      ("ESD",                                             m_useEarlySkipDetection,                          false, "Early SKIP detection setting")
      ( "RateControl",                                    m_RCEnableRateControl,                            false, "Rate control: enable rate control" )
      ( "TargetBitrate",                                  m_RCTargetBitrate,                                    0, "Rate control: target bit-rate" )
      ( "KeepHierarchicalBit",                            m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit,                              0, "Rate control: 0: equal bit allocation; 1: fixed ratio bit allocation; 2: adaptive ratio bit allocation" )
      ( "LCULevelRateControl",                            m_RCLCULevelRC,                                    true, "Rate control: true: CTU level RC; false: picture level RC" )
      ( "RCLCUSeparateModel",                             m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel,                           true, "Rate control: use CTU level separate R-lambda model" )
      ( "InitialQP",                                      m_RCInitialQP,                                        0, "Rate control: initial QP" )
      ( "RCForceIntraQP",                                 m_RCForceIntraQP,                                 false, "Rate control: force intra QP to be equal to initial QP" )
      ( "RCCpbSaturation",                                m_RCCpbSaturationEnabled,                         false, "Rate control: enable target bits saturation to avoid CPB overflow and underflow" )
      ( "RCCpbSize",                                      m_RCCpbSize,                                         0u, "Rate control: CPB size" )
      ( "RCInitialCpbFullness",                           m_RCInitialCpbFullness,                             0.9, "Rate control: initial CPB fullness" )
      ("CostMode",                                        m_costMode,                         COST_STANDARD_LOSSY, "Use alternative cost functions: choose between 'lossy', 'sequence_level_lossless', 'lossless' (which forces QP to " MACRO_TO_STRING(LOSSLESS_AND_MIXED_LOSSLESS_RD_COST_TEST_QP) ") and 'mixed_lossless_lossy' (which used QP'=" MACRO_TO_STRING(LOSSLESS_AND_MIXED_LOSSLESS_RD_COST_TEST_QP_PRIME) " for pre-estimates of transquant-bypass blocks).")
      ("TSRCdisableLL",                                   m_TSRCdisableLL,                                   true, "Disable TSRC for lossless coding" )
      ("RecalculateQPAccordingToLambda",                  m_recalculateQPAccordingToLambda,                 false, "Recalculate QP values according to lambda values. Do not suggest to be enabled in all intra case")
      ("HrdParametersPresent,-hrd",                       m_hrdParametersPresentFlag,                       false, "Enable generation of hrd_parameters()")
    Virginie Drugeon's avatar
    Virginie Drugeon committed
      ("VuiParametersPresent,-vui",                       m_vuiParametersPresentFlag,                       false, "Enable generation of vui_parameters()")
      ("SamePicTimingInAllOLS",                           m_samePicTimingInAllOLS,                          true, "Indicates that the same picture timing SEI message is used in all OLS")
    Virginie Drugeon's avatar
    Virginie Drugeon committed
      ("AspectRatioInfoPresent",                          m_aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag,                     false, "Signals whether aspect_ratio_idc is present")
      ("AspectRatioIdc",                                  m_aspectRatioIdc,                                     0, "aspect_ratio_idc")
      ("SarWidth",                                        m_sarWidth,                                           0, "horizontal size of the sample aspect ratio")
      ("SarHeight",                                       m_sarHeight,                                          0, "vertical size of the sample aspect ratio")
      ("ColourDescriptionPresent",                        m_colourDescriptionPresentFlag,                   false, "Signals whether colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics and matrix_coefficients are present")
      ("ColourPrimaries",                                 m_colourPrimaries,                                    2, "Indicates chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries")
      ("TransferCharacteristics",                         m_transferCharacteristics,                            2, "Indicates the opto-electronic transfer characteristics of the source")
      ("MatrixCoefficients",                              m_matrixCoefficients,                                 2, "Describes the matrix coefficients used in deriving luma and chroma from RGB primaries")
      ("ProgressiveSource",                               m_progressiveSourceFlag,                          false, "Indicate that source is progressive")
      ("InterlacedSource",                                m_interlacedSourceFlag,                           false, "Indicate that source is interlaced")
    #if JVET_S0266_VUI_length
      ("NonPackedSourceConstraintFlag",                   m_nonPackedConstraintFlag,                        false, "Indicate that source does not contain frame packing")
      ("NonProjectedConstraintFlag",                      m_nonProjectedConstraintFlag,                     false, "Indicate that the bitstream contains projection SEI messages")
    Virginie Drugeon's avatar
    Virginie Drugeon committed
      ("ChromaLocInfoPresent",                            m_chromaLocInfoPresentFlag,                       false, "Signals whether chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field and chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field are present")
      ("ChromaSampleLocTypeTopField",                     m_chromaSampleLocTypeTopField,                        0, "Specifies the location of chroma samples for top field")
      ("ChromaSampleLocTypeBottomField",                  m_chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField,                     0, "Specifies the location of chroma samples for bottom field")
      ("ChromaSampleLocType",                             m_chromaSampleLocType,                                0, "Specifies the location of chroma samples for progressive content")
      ("OverscanInfoPresent",                             m_overscanInfoPresentFlag,                        false, "Indicates whether conformant decoded pictures are suitable for display using overscan\n")
      ("OverscanAppropriate",                             m_overscanAppropriateFlag,                        false, "Indicates whether conformant decoded pictures are suitable for display using overscan\n")
      ("VideoFullRange",                                  m_videoFullRangeFlag,                             false, "Indicates the black level and range of luma and chroma signals");
      ("SEIBufferingPeriod",                              m_bufferingPeriodSEIEnabled,                      false, "Control generation of buffering period SEI messages")
      ("SEIPictureTiming",                                m_pictureTimingSEIEnabled,                        false, "Control generation of picture timing SEI messages")
      ("SEIDecodingUnitInfo",                             m_decodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled,                     false, "Control generation of decoding unit information SEI message.")
      ("SEIScalableNesting",                              m_scalableNestingSEIEnabled,                      false, "Control generation of scalable nesting SEI messages")
      ("SEIFrameFieldInfo",                               m_frameFieldInfoSEIEnabled,                       false, "Control generation of frame field information SEI messages")
      ("SEIFramePacking",                                 m_framePackingSEIEnabled,                         false, "Control generation of frame packing SEI messages")
      ("SEIFramePackingType",                             m_framePackingSEIType,                                0, "Define frame packing arrangement\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t3: side by side - frames are displayed horizontally\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t4: top bottom - frames are displayed vertically\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t5: frame alternation - one frame is alternated with the other")
      ("SEIFramePackingId",                               m_framePackingSEIId,                                  0, "Id of frame packing SEI message for a given session")
      ("SEIFramePackingQuincunx",                         m_framePackingSEIQuincunx,                            0, "Indicate the presence of a Quincunx type video frame")
      ("SEIFramePackingInterpretation",                   m_framePackingSEIInterpretation,                      0, "Indicate the interpretation of the frame pair\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t0: unspecified\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t1: stereo pair, frame0 represents left view\n"
                                                                                                                   "\t2: stereo pair, frame0 represents right view")
      ("SEIParameterSetsInclusionIndication",             m_parameterSetsInclusionIndicationSEIEnabled,      false, "Control generation of Parameter sets inclusion indication SEI messages")
      ("SEISelfContainedClvsFlag",                        m_selfContainedClvsFlag,                               0, "Self contained CLVS indication flag value")
      ("SEIMasteringDisplayColourVolume",                 m_masteringDisplay.colourVolumeSEIEnabled,         false, "Control generation of mastering display colour volume SEI messages")
      ("SEIMasteringDisplayMaxLuminance",                 m_masteringDisplay.maxLuminance,                  10000u, "Specifies the mastering display maximum luminance value in units of 1/10000 candela per square metre (32-bit code value)")
      ("SEIMasteringDisplayMinLuminance",                 m_masteringDisplay.minLuminance,                      0u, "Specifies the mastering display minimum luminance value in units of 1/10000 candela per square metre (32-bit code value)")
      ("SEIMasteringDisplayPrimaries",                    cfg_DisplayPrimariesCode,       cfg_DisplayPrimariesCode, "Mastering display primaries for all three colour planes in CIE xy coordinates in increments of 1/50000 (results in the ranges 0 to 50000 inclusive)")
      ("SEIMasteringDisplayWhitePoint",                   cfg_DisplayWhitePointCode,     cfg_DisplayWhitePointCode, "Mastering display white point CIE xy coordinates in normalised increments of 1/50000 (e.g. 0.333 = 16667)")
      ("SEIPreferredTransferCharacterisics",              m_preferredTransferCharacteristics,                   -1, "Value for the preferred_transfer_characteristics field of the Alternative transfer characteristics SEI which will override the corresponding entry in the VUI. If negative, do not produce the respective SEI message")
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
      ("SEIErpEnabled",                                   m_erpSEIEnabled,                                   false, "Control generation of equirectangular projection SEI messages")
      ("SEIErpCancelFlag",                                m_erpSEICancelFlag,                                 true, "Indicate that equirectangular projection SEI message cancels the persistence or follows")
      ("SEIErpPersistenceFlag",                           m_erpSEIPersistenceFlag,                           false, "Specifies the persistence of the equirectangular projection SEI messages")
      ("SEIErpGuardBandFlag",                             m_erpSEIGuardBandFlag,                             false, "Indicate the existence of guard band areas in the constituent picture")
      ("SEIErpGuardBandType",                             m_erpSEIGuardBandType,                                0u, "Indicate the type of the guard band")
      ("SEIErpLeftGuardBandWidth",                        m_erpSEILeftGuardBandWidth,                           0u, "Indicate the width of the guard band on the left side of the constituent picture")
      ("SEIErpRightGuardBandWidth",                       m_erpSEIRightGuardBandWidth,                          0u, "Indicate the width of the guard band on the right side of the constituent picture")
      ("SEISphereRotationEnabled",                        m_sphereRotationSEIEnabled,                        false, "Control generation of sphere rotation SEI messages")
      ("SEISphereRotationCancelFlag",                     m_sphereRotationSEICancelFlag,                      true, "Indicate that sphere rotation SEI message cancels the persistence or follows")
      ("SEISphereRotationPersistenceFlag",                m_sphereRotationSEIPersistenceFlag,                false, "Specifies the persistence of the sphere rotation SEI messages")
      ("SEISphereRotationYaw",                            m_sphereRotationSEIYaw,                                0, "Specifies the value of the yaw rotation angle")
      ("SEISphereRotationPitch",                          m_sphereRotationSEIPitch,                              0, "Specifies the value of the pitch rotation angle")
      ("SEISphereRotationRoll",                           m_sphereRotationSEIRoll,                               0, "Specifies the value of the roll rotation angle")
      ("SEIOmniViewportEnabled",                          m_omniViewportSEIEnabled,                          false, "Control generation of omni viewport SEI messages")
      ("SEIOmniViewportId",                               m_omniViewportSEIId,                                  0u, "An identifying number that may be used to identify the purpose of the one or more recommended viewport regions")
      ("SEIOmniViewportCancelFlag",                       m_omniViewportSEICancelFlag,                        true, "Indicate that omni viewport SEI message cancels the persistence or follows")
      ("SEIOmniViewportPersistenceFlag",                  m_omniViewportSEIPersistenceFlag,                  false, "Specifies the persistence of the omni viewport SEI messages")
      ("SEIOmniViewportCntMinus1",                        m_omniViewportSEICntMinus1,                           0u, "specifies the number of recommended viewport regions minus 1")
      ("SEIOmniViewportAzimuthCentre",                    cfg_omniViewportSEIAzimuthCentre,     cfg_omniViewportSEIAzimuthCentre,     "Indicate the centre of the i-th recommended viewport region")
      ("SEIOmniViewportElevationCentre",                  cfg_omniViewportSEIElevationCentre,   cfg_omniViewportSEIElevationCentre,   "Indicate the centre of the i-th recommended viewport region")
      ("SEIOmniViewportTiltCentre",                       cfg_omniViewportSEITiltCentre,        cfg_omniViewportSEITiltCentre,        "Indicates the tilt angle of the i-th recommended viewport region")
      ("SEIOmniViewportHorRange",                         cfg_omniViewportSEIHorRange,          cfg_omniViewportSEIHorRange,          "Indicates the azimuth range of the i-th recommended viewport region")
      ("SEIOmniViewportVerRange",                         cfg_omniViewportSEIVerRange,          cfg_omniViewportSEIVerRange,          "Indicates the elevation range of the i-th recommended viewport region")
      ("SEIRwpEnabled",                                   m_rwpSEIEnabled,                          false,                                    "Controls if region-wise packing SEI message enabled")
      ("SEIRwpCancelFlag",                                m_rwpSEIRwpCancelFlag,                    true,                                    "Specifies the persistence of any previous region-wise packing SEI message in output order.")
      ("SEIRwpPersistenceFlag",                           m_rwpSEIRwpPersistenceFlag,               false,                                    "Specifies the persistence of the region-wise packing SEI message for the current layer.")
      ("SEIRwpConstituentPictureMatchingFlag",            m_rwpSEIConstituentPictureMatchingFlag,   false,                                    "Specifies the information in the SEI message apply individually to each constituent picture or to the projected picture.")
      ("SEIRwpNumPackedRegions",                          m_rwpSEINumPackedRegions,                 0,                                        "specifies the number of packed regions when constituent picture matching flag is equal to 0.")
      ("SEIRwpProjPictureWidth",                          m_rwpSEIProjPictureWidth,                 0,                                        "Specifies the width of the projected picture.")
      ("SEIRwpProjPictureHeight",                         m_rwpSEIProjPictureHeight,                0,                                        "Specifies the height of the projected picture.")
      ("SEIRwpPackedPictureWidth",                        m_rwpSEIPackedPictureWidth,               0,                                        "specifies the width of the packed picture.")
      ("SEIRwpPackedPictureHeight",                       m_rwpSEIPackedPictureHeight,              0,                                        "Specifies the height of the packed picture.")
      ("SEIRwpTransformType",                             cfg_rwpSEIRwpTransformType,               cfg_rwpSEIRwpTransformType,               "specifies the rotation and mirroring to be applied to the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIRwpGuardBandFlag",                             cfg_rwpSEIRwpGuardBandFlag,               cfg_rwpSEIRwpGuardBandFlag,               "specifies the existence of guard band in the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIRwpProjRegionWidth",                           cfg_rwpSEIProjRegionWidth,                cfg_rwpSEIProjRegionWidth,                "specifies the width of the i-th projected region.")
      ("SEIRwpProjRegionHeight",                          cfg_rwpSEIProjRegionHeight,               cfg_rwpSEIProjRegionHeight,               "specifies the height of the i-th projected region.")
      ("SEIRwpProjRegionTop",                             cfg_rwpSEIRwpSEIProjRegionTop,            cfg_rwpSEIRwpSEIProjRegionTop,            "specifies the top sample row of the i-th projected region.")
      ("SEIRwpProjRegionLeft",                            cfg_rwpSEIProjRegionLeft,                 cfg_rwpSEIProjRegionLeft,                 "specifies the left-most sample column of the i-th projected region.")
      ("SEIRwpPackedRegionWidth",                         cfg_rwpSEIPackedRegionWidth,              cfg_rwpSEIPackedRegionWidth,              "specifies the width of the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIRwpPackedRegionHeight",                        cfg_rwpSEIPackedRegionHeight,             cfg_rwpSEIPackedRegionHeight,             "specifies the height of the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIRwpPackedRegionTop",                           cfg_rwpSEIPackedRegionTop,                cfg_rwpSEIPackedRegionTop,                "specifies the top luma sample row of the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIRwpPackedRegionLeft",                          cfg_rwpSEIPackedRegionLeft,               cfg_rwpSEIPackedRegionLeft,               "specifies the left-most luma sample column of the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIRwpLeftGuardBandWidth",                        cfg_rwpSEIRwpLeftGuardBandWidth,          cfg_rwpSEIRwpLeftGuardBandWidth,          "specifies the width of the guard band on the left side of the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIRwpRightGuardBandWidth",                       cfg_rwpSEIRwpRightGuardBandWidth,         cfg_rwpSEIRwpRightGuardBandWidth,         "specifies the width of the guard band on the right side of the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIRwpTopGuardBandHeight",                        cfg_rwpSEIRwpTopGuardBandHeight,          cfg_rwpSEIRwpTopGuardBandHeight,          "specifies the height of the guard band above the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIRwpBottomGuardBandHeight",                     cfg_rwpSEIRwpBottomGuardBandHeight,       cfg_rwpSEIRwpBottomGuardBandHeight,       "specifies the height of the guard band below the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIRwpGuardBandNotUsedForPredFlag",               cfg_rwpSEIRwpGuardBandNotUsedForPredFlag, cfg_rwpSEIRwpGuardBandNotUsedForPredFlag, "Specifies if the guard bands is used in the inter prediction process.")
      ("SEIRwpGuardBandType",                             cfg_rwpSEIRwpGuardBandType,               cfg_rwpSEIRwpGuardBandType,               "Specifies the type of the guard bands for the i-th packed region.")
      ("SEIGcmpEnabled",                                  m_gcmpSEIEnabled,                         false,                                    "Control generation of generalized cubemap projection SEI messages")
      ("SEIGcmpCancelFlag",                               m_gcmpSEICancelFlag,                      true,                                     "Indicate that generalized cubemap projection SEI message cancels the persistence or follows")
      ("SEIGcmpPersistenceFlag",                          m_gcmpSEIPersistenceFlag,                 false,                                    "Specifies the persistence of the generalized cubemap projection SEI messages")
      ("SEIGcmpPackingType",                              m_gcmpSEIPackingType,                     0u,                                       "Specifies the packing type")
      ("SEIGcmpMappingFunctionType",                      m_gcmpSEIMappingFunctionType,             0u,                                       "Specifies the mapping function used to adjust the sample locations of the cubemap projection")
      ("SEIGcmpFaceIndex",                                cfg_gcmpSEIFaceIndex,                     cfg_gcmpSEIFaceIndex,                     "Specifies the face index for the i-th face")
      ("SEIGcmpFaceRotation",                             cfg_gcmpSEIFaceRotation,                  cfg_gcmpSEIFaceRotation,                  "Specifies the rotation to be applied to the i-th face")
      ("SEIGcmpFunctionCoeffU",                           cfg_gcmpSEIFunctionCoeffU,                cfg_gcmpSEIFunctionCoeffU,                "Specifies the coefficient used in the cubemap mapping function of the u-axis of the i-th face")
      ("SEIGcmpFunctionUAffectedByVFlag",                 cfg_gcmpSEIFunctionUAffectedByVFlag,      cfg_gcmpSEIFunctionUAffectedByVFlag,      "Specifies whether the cubemap mapping function of the u-axis refers to the v position of the sample location")
      ("SEIGcmpFunctionCoeffV",                           cfg_gcmpSEIFunctionCoeffV,                cfg_gcmpSEIFunctionCoeffV,                "Specifies the coefficient used in the cubemap mapping function of the v-axis of the i-th face")
      ("SEIGcmpFunctionVAffectedByUFlag",                 cfg_gcmpSEIFunctionVAffectedByUFlag,      cfg_gcmpSEIFunctionVAffectedByUFlag,      "Specifies whether the cubemap mapping function of the v-axis refers to the u position of the sample location")
      ("SEIGcmpGuardBandFlag",                            m_gcmpSEIGuardBandFlag,                   false,                                    "Indicate the existence of guard band areas in the picture")
      ("SEIGcmpGuardBandType",                            m_gcmpSEIGuardBandType,                   0u,                                       "Indicate the type of the guard bands")
      ("SEIGcmpGuardBandBoundaryExteriorFlag",            m_gcmpSEIGuardBandBoundaryExteriorFlag,   false,                                    "Indicate whether face boundaries contain guard bands")
      ("SEIGcmpGuardBandSamplesMinus1",                   m_gcmpSEIGuardBandSamplesMinus1,          0u,                                       "Specifies the number of guard band samples minus1 used in the cubemap projected picture")
      ("SEISubpicLevelInfoEnabled",                       m_cfgSubpictureLevelInfoSEI.m_enabled,             false,            "Control generation of Subpicture Level Information SEI messages")
      ("SEISubpicLevelInfoRefLevels",                     cfg_sliRefLevels,                                  cfg_sliRefLevels, "List of reference levels for Subpicture Level Information SEI messages")
      ("SEISubpicLevelInfoExplicitFraction",              m_cfgSubpictureLevelInfoSEI.m_explicitFraction,    false,            "Enable sending of explicit fractions in Subpicture Level Information SEI messages")
      ("SEISubpicLevelInfoNumSubpics",                    m_cfgSubpictureLevelInfoSEI.m_numSubpictures,      1,                "Number of subpictures for Subpicture Level Information SEI messages")
      ("SEISubpicLevelInfoRefLevelFractions",             cfg_sliFractions,                                  cfg_sliFractions, "List of fractions for Subpicture Level Information SEI messages")
      ("SEISampleAspectRatioInfo",                        m_sampleAspectRatioInfoSEIEnabled,        false, "Control generation of Sample Aspect Ratio Information SEI messages")
      ("SEISARICancelFlag",                               m_sariCancelFlag,                         false, "Indicates that Sample Aspect Ratio Information SEI message cancels the persistence or follows")
      ("SEISARIPersistenceFlag",                          m_sariPersistenceFlag,                    true, "Specifies the persistence of the Sample Aspect Ratio Information SEI message")
      ("SEISARIAspectRatioIdc",                           m_sariAspectRatioIdc,                     0, "Specifies the Sample Aspect Ratio IDC of Sample Aspect Ratio Information SEI messages")
      ("SEISARISarWidth",                                 m_sariSarWidth,                           0, "Specifies the Sample Aspect Ratio Width of Sample Aspect Ratio Information SEI messages, if extended SAR is chosen.")
      ("SEISARISarHeight",                                m_sariSarHeight,                          0, "Specifies the Sample Aspect Ratio Height of Sample Aspect Ratio Information SEI messages, if extended SAR is chosen.")
    Valeri George's avatar
    Valeri George committed
      ("MCTSEncConstraint",                               m_MCTSEncConstraint,                               false, "For MCTS, constrain motion vectors at tile boundaries")
      ("TraceChannelsList",                               bTracingChannelsList,                              false, "List all available tracing channels")
      ("TraceRule",                                       sTracingRule,                               string( "" ), "Tracing rule (ex: \"D_CABAC:poc==8\" or \"D_REC_CB_LUMA:poc==8\")")
      ("TraceFile",                                       sTracingFile,                               string( "" ), "Tracing file")
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
    // film grain characteristics SEI
      ("SEIFGCEnabled",                                   m_fgcSEIEnabled,                                   false, "Control generation of the film grain characteristics SEI message")
      ("SEIFGCCancelFlag",                                m_fgcSEICancelFlag,                                 true, "Specifies the persistence of any previous film grain characteristics SEI message in output order.")
      ("SEIFGCPersistenceFlag",                           m_fgcSEIPersistenceFlag,                           false, "Specifies the persistence of the film grain characteristics SEI message for the current layer.")
      ("SEIFGCModelID",                                   m_fgcSEIModelID,                                      0u, "Specifies the film grain simulation model. 0: frequency filtering; 1: auto-regression.")
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
      ("SEIFGCSepColourDescPresentFlag",                  m_fgcSEISepColourDescPresentFlag,                  false, "Specifies the presence of a distinct colour space description for the film grain characteristics specified in the SEI message.")
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
      ("SEIFGCBlendingModeID",                            m_fgcSEIBlendingModeID,                               0u, "Specifies the blending mode used to blend the simulated film grain with the decoded images. 0: additive; 1: multiplicative.")
      ("SEIFGCLog2ScaleFactor",                           m_fgcSEILog2ScaleFactor,                              0u, "Specifies a scale factor used in the film grain characterization equations.")
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
      ("SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp0",                     m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[0],                       false, "Specifies the presence of film grain modelling on colour component 0.")
      ("SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp1",                     m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[1],                       false, "Specifies the presence of film grain modelling on colour component 1.")
      ("SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp2",                     m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[2],                       false, "Specifies the presence of film grain modelling on colour component 2.")
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
    // content light level SEI
      ("SEICLLEnabled",                                   m_cllSEIEnabled,                                   false, "Control generation of the content light level SEI message")
      ("SEICLLMaxContentLightLevel",                      m_cllSEIMaxContentLevel,                              0u, "When not equal to 0, specifies an upper bound on the maximum light level among all individual samples in a 4:4:4 representation "
                                                                                                                    "of red, green, and blue colour primary intensities in the linear light domain for the pictures of the CLVS, "
                                                                                                                    "in units of candelas per square metre.When equal to 0, no such upper bound is indicated.")
      ("SEICLLMaxPicAvgLightLevel",                       m_cllSEIMaxPicAvgLevel,                               0u, "When not equal to 0, specifies an upper bound on the maximum average light level among the samples in a 4:4:4 representation "
                                                                                                                    "of red, green, and blue colour primary intensities in the linear light domain for any individual picture of the CLVS, "
                                                                                                                    "in units of candelas per square metre.When equal to 0, no such upper bound is indicated.")
    // ambient viewing environment SEI
      ("SEIAVEEnabled",                                   m_aveSEIEnabled,                                   false, "Control generation of the ambient viewing environment SEI message")
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
      ("SEIAVEAmbientIlluminance",                        m_aveSEIAmbientIlluminance,                      100000u, "Specifies the environmental illluminance of the ambient viewing environment in units of 1/10000 lux for the ambient viewing environment SEI message")
      ("SEIAVEAmbientLightX",                             m_aveSEIAmbientLightX,                            15635u, "Specifies the normalized x chromaticity coordinate of the environmental ambient light in the nominal viewing enviornment according to the CIE 1931 definition in units of 1/50000 lux for the ambient viewing enviornment SEI message")
      ("SEIAVEAmbientLightY",                             m_aveSEIAmbientLightY,                            16450u, "Specifies the normalized y chromaticity coordinate of the environmental ambient light in the nominal viewing enviornment according to the CIE 1931 definition in units of 1/50000 lux for the ambient viewing enviornment SEI message")
    Taoran Lu's avatar
    Taoran Lu committed
    // content colour volume SEI
      ("SEICCVEnabled",                                   m_ccvSEIEnabled,                                   false, "Control generation of the Content Colour Volume SEI message")
      ("SEICCVCancelFlag",                                m_ccvSEICancelFlag,                                 true, "Specifies the persistence of any previous content colour volume SEI message in output order.")
      ("SEICCVPersistenceFlag",                           m_ccvSEIPersistenceFlag,                           false, "Specifies the persistence of the content colour volume SEI message for the current layer.")
      ("SEICCVPrimariesPresent",                          m_ccvSEIPrimariesPresentFlag,                       true, "Specifies whether the CCV primaries are present in the content colour volume SEI message.")
      ("m_ccvSEIPrimariesX0",                             m_ccvSEIPrimariesX[0],                             0.300, "Specifies the x coordinate of the first (green) primary for the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("m_ccvSEIPrimariesY0",                             m_ccvSEIPrimariesY[0],                             0.600, "Specifies the y coordinate of the first (green) primary for the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("m_ccvSEIPrimariesX1",                             m_ccvSEIPrimariesX[1],                             0.150, "Specifies the x coordinate of the second (blue) primary for the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("m_ccvSEIPrimariesY1",                             m_ccvSEIPrimariesY[1],                             0.060, "Specifies the y coordinate of the second (blue) primary for the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("m_ccvSEIPrimariesX2",                             m_ccvSEIPrimariesX[2],                             0.640, "Specifies the x coordinate of the third (red) primary for the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("m_ccvSEIPrimariesY2",                             m_ccvSEIPrimariesY[2],                             0.330, "Specifies the y coordinate of the third (red) primary for the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("SEICCVMinLuminanceValuePresent",                  m_ccvSEIMinLuminanceValuePresentFlag,               true, "Specifies whether the CCV min luminance value is present in the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("SEICCVMinLuminanceValue",                         m_ccvSEIMinLuminanceValue,                           0.0, "specifies the CCV min luminance value  in the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("SEICCVMaxLuminanceValuePresent",                  m_ccvSEIMaxLuminanceValuePresentFlag,               true, "Specifies whether the CCV max luminance value is present in the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("SEICCVMaxLuminanceValue",                         m_ccvSEIMaxLuminanceValue,                           0.1, "specifies the CCV max luminance value  in the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("SEICCVAvgLuminanceValuePresent",                  m_ccvSEIAvgLuminanceValuePresentFlag,               true, "Specifies whether the CCV avg luminance value is present in the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("SEICCVAvgLuminanceValue",                         m_ccvSEIAvgLuminanceValue,                          0.01, "specifies the CCV avg luminance value  in the content colour volume SEI message")
      ("DebugBitstream",                                  m_decodeBitstreams[0],             string( "" ), "Assume the frames up to POC DebugPOC will be the same as in this bitstream. Load those frames from the bitstream instead of encoding them." )
      ("DebugPOC",                                        m_switchPOC,                                 -1, "If DebugBitstream is present, load frames up to this POC from this bitstream. Starting with DebugPOC, return to normal encoding." )
      ("DecodeBitstream1",                                m_decodeBitstreams[0],             string( "" ), "Assume the frames up to POC DebugPOC will be the same as in this bitstream. Load those frames from the bitstream instead of encoding them." )
      ("DecodeBitstream2",                                m_decodeBitstreams[1],             string( "" ), "Assume the frames up to POC DebugPOC will be the same as in this bitstream. Load those frames from the bitstream instead of encoding them." )
      ("SwitchPOC",                                       m_switchPOC,                                 -1, "If DebugBitstream is present, load frames up to this POC from this bitstream. Starting with DebugPOC, return to normal encoding." )
      ("SwitchDQP",                                       m_switchDQP,                                  0, "delta QP applied to picture with switchPOC and subsequent pictures." )
      ("FastForwardToPOC",                                m_fastForwardToPOC,                          -1, "Get to encoding the specified POC as soon as possible by skipping temporal layers irrelevant for the specified POC." )
      ("StopAfterFFtoPOC",                                m_stopAfterFFtoPOC,                       false, "If using fast forward to POC, after the POC of interest has been hit, stop further encoding.")
      ("ForceDecodeBitstream1",                           m_forceDecodeBitstream1,                  false, "force decoding of bitstream 1 - use this only if you are realy sure about what you are doing ")
      ("DecodeBitstream2ModPOCAndType",                   m_bs2ModPOCAndType,                       false, "Modify POC and NALU-type of second input bitstream, to use second BS as closing I-slice")
      ("NumSplitThreads",                                 m_numSplitThreads,                            1, "Number of threads used to parallelize splitting")
      ("ForceSingleSplitThread",                          m_forceSplitSequential,                   false, "Force single thread execution even if taking the parallelized path")
      ("NumWppThreads",                                   m_numWppThreads,                              1, "Number of threads used to run WPP-style parallelization")
      ("NumWppExtraLines",                                m_numWppExtraLines,                           0, "Number of additional wpp lines to switch when threads are blocked")
    Tobias Hinz's avatar
    Tobias Hinz committed
      ("DebugCTU",                                        m_debugCTU,                                  -1, "If DebugBitstream is present, load frames up to this POC from this bitstream. Starting with DebugPOC-frame at CTUline containin debug CTU.")
      ("EnsureWppBitEqual",                               m_ensureWppBitEqual,                      false, "Ensure the results are equal to results with WPP-style parallelism, even if WPP is off")
      ( "ALF",                                             m_alf,                                    true, "Adaptive Loop Filter\n" )
      ( "CCALF",                                           m_ccalf,                                  true, "Cross-component Adaptive Loop Filter" )
      ( "CCALFQpTh",                                       m_ccalfQpThreshold,                         37, "QP threshold above which encoder reduces CCALF usage")
      ( "ScalingRatioHor",                                m_scalingRatioHor,                          1.0, "Scaling ratio in hor direction" )
      ( "ScalingRatioVer",                                m_scalingRatioVer,                          1.0, "Scaling ratio in ver direction" )
      ( "FractionNumFrames",                              m_fractionOfFrames,                         1.0, "Encode a fraction of the specified in FramesToBeEncoded frames" )
      ( "SwitchPocPeriod",                                m_switchPocPeriod,                            0, "Switch POC period for RPR" )
      ( "UpscaledOutput",                                 m_upscaledOutput,                             0, "Output upscaled (2), decoded but in full resolution buffer (1) or decoded cropped (0, default) picture for RPR" )
    Vadim Seregin's avatar
    Vadim Seregin committed
      ( "MaxLayers",                                      m_maxLayers,                                  1, "Max number of layers" )
      ( "TargetOutputLayerSet,p",                         m_targetOlsIdx,                              -1, "Target output layer set index" )
      ( "MaxSublayers",                                   m_maxSublayers,                               7, "Max number of Sublayers")
      ( "AllLayersSameNumSublayersFlag",                  m_allLayersSameNumSublayersFlag,           true, "All layers same num sublayersflag")
      ( "AllIndependentLayersFlag",                       m_allIndependentLayersFlag,                true, "All layers are independent layer")
      ("AllowablePredDirection",                          m_predDirectionArray, string(""),                "prediction directions allowed for i-th temporal layer")
      ( "LayerId%d",                                      m_layerId,                    0, MAX_VPS_LAYERS, "Max number of Sublayers")
      ( "NumRefLayers%d",                                 m_numRefLayers,               0, MAX_VPS_LAYERS, "Number of direct reference layer index of i-th layer")
      ( "RefLayerIdx%d",                                  m_refLayerIdxStr,    string(""), MAX_VPS_LAYERS, "Reference layer index(es)")
      ( "EachLayerIsAnOlsFlag",                           m_eachLayerIsAnOlsFlag,                    true, "Each layer is an OLS layer flag")
      ( "OlsModeIdc",                                     m_olsModeIdc,                                 0, "Output layer set mode")
      ( "NumOutputLayerSets",                             m_numOutputLayerSets,                         1, "Number of output layer sets")
      ( "OlsOutputLayer%d",                               m_olsOutputLayerStr, string(""), MAX_VPS_LAYERS, "Output layer index of i-th OLS")
      ( "NumPTLsInVPS",                                   m_numPtlsInVps,                               1, "Number of profile_tier_level structures in VPS" )
      ( "AvoidIntraInDepLayers",                          m_avoidIntraInDepLayer,                    true, "Replaces I pictures in dependent layers with B pictures" )
      ( "MaxTidILRefPicsPlus1",                           m_cfgVPSParameters.m_maxTidILRefPicsPlus1,   -1, "Maximum temporal ID for inter-layer reference pictures plus 1, 0 for IRAP only" )
        ("TemporalFilter",                                m_gopBasedTemporalFilterEnabled,          false,            "Enable GOP based temporal filter. Disabled per default")
        ("TemporalFilterFutureReference",                 m_gopBasedTemporalFilterFutureReference,   true,            "Enable referencing of future frames in the GOP based temporal filter. This is typically disabled for Low Delay configurations.")
        ("TemporalFilterStrengthFrame*",                  m_gopBasedTemporalFilterStrengths, std::map<int, double>(), "Strength for every * frame in GOP based temporal filter, where * is an integer."
                                                                                                                      " E.g. --TemporalFilterStrengthFrame8 0.95 will enable GOP based temporal filter at every 8th frame with strength 0.95");
      TExt360AppEncCfg::TExt360AppEncCfgContext ext360CfgContext;
      m_ext360.addOptions(opts, ext360CfgContext);
      for(int i=1; i<MAX_GOP+1; i++)
        std::ostringstream cOSS;
        opts.addOptions()(cOSS.str(), m_GOPList[i-1], GOPEntry());
      for(int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_OLSS; i++)
        std::ostringstream cOSS1;
        opts.addOptions()(cOSS1.str(), m_levelPtl[i], Level::NONE);
        std::ostringstream cOSS2;
        opts.addOptions()(cOSS2.str(), m_olsPtlIdx[i], 0);
      po::ErrorReporter err;
      const list<const char*>& argv_unhandled = po::scanArgv(opts, argc, (const char**) argv, err);
      m_resChangeInClvsEnabled = m_scalingRatioHor != 1.0 || m_scalingRatioVer != 1.0;
        m_framesToBeEncoded = int( m_framesToBeEncoded * m_fractionOfFrames );
      if (m_resChangeInClvsEnabled && !m_switchPocPeriod)
        m_switchPocPeriod = m_iFrameRate / 2 / m_iGOPSize * m_iGOPSize;
      //Check the given value of intra period and decoding refresh type. If intra period is -1, set decoding refresh type to be equal to 0. And vice versa
      if( m_iIntraPeriod == -1 )
        m_iDecodingRefreshType = 0;
      if( !m_iDecodingRefreshType )
        m_iIntraPeriod = -1;
      m_bpDeltasGOPStructure = false;
      if(m_iGOPSize == 16)
        if ((m_GOPList[0].m_POC == 16 && m_GOPList[0].m_temporalId == 0 )
            && (m_GOPList[1].m_POC == 8 && m_GOPList[1].m_temporalId == 1 )
            && (m_GOPList[2].m_POC == 4 && m_GOPList[2].m_temporalId == 2 )
            && (m_GOPList[3].m_POC == 2 && m_GOPList[3].m_temporalId == 3 )
            && (m_GOPList[4].m_POC == 1 && m_GOPList[4].m_temporalId == 4 )
            && (m_GOPList[5].m_POC == 3 && m_GOPList[5].m_temporalId == 4 )
            && (m_GOPList[6].m_POC == 6 && m_GOPList[6].m_temporalId == 3 )
            && (m_GOPList[7].m_POC == 5 && m_GOPList[7].m_temporalId == 4 )
            && (m_GOPList[8].m_POC == 7 && m_GOPList[8].m_temporalId == 4 )
            && (m_GOPList[9].m_POC == 12 && m_GOPList[9].m_temporalId == 2 )
            && (m_GOPList[10].m_POC == 10 && m_GOPList[10].m_temporalId == 3 )
            && (m_GOPList[11].m_POC == 9 && m_GOPList[11].m_temporalId == 4 )
            && (m_GOPList[12].m_POC == 11 && m_GOPList[12].m_temporalId == 4 )
            && (m_GOPList[13].m_POC == 14 && m_GOPList[13].m_temporalId == 3 )
            && (m_GOPList[14].m_POC == 13 && m_GOPList[14].m_temporalId == 4 )
            && (m_GOPList[15].m_POC == 15 && m_GOPList[15].m_temporalId == 4 ))
          m_bpDeltasGOPStructure = true;
      else if(m_iGOPSize == 8)
        if ((m_GOPList[0].m_POC == 8 && m_GOPList[0].m_temporalId == 0 )
            && (m_GOPList[1].m_POC == 4 && m_GOPList[1].m_temporalId == 1 )
            && (m_GOPList[2].m_POC == 2 && m_GOPList[2].m_temporalId == 2 )
            && (m_GOPList[3].m_POC == 1 && m_GOPList[3].m_temporalId == 3 )
            && (m_GOPList[4].m_POC == 3 && m_GOPList[4].m_temporalId == 3 )
            && (m_GOPList[5].m_POC == 6 && m_GOPList[5].m_temporalId == 2 )
            && (m_GOPList[6].m_POC == 5 && m_GOPList[6].m_temporalId == 3 )
            && (m_GOPList[7].m_POC == 7 && m_GOPList[7].m_temporalId == 3 ))
          m_bpDeltasGOPStructure = true;
        m_bpDeltasGOPStructure = false;
    Hendry's avatar
    Hendry committed
      for (int i = 0; m_GOPList[i].m_POC != -1 && i < MAX_GOP + 1; i++)
        m_RPLList0[i].m_POC = m_RPLList1[i].m_POC = m_GOPList[i].m_POC;
        m_RPLList0[i].m_temporalId = m_RPLList1[i].m_temporalId = m_GOPList[i].m_temporalId;
        m_RPLList0[i].m_refPic = m_RPLList1[i].m_refPic = m_GOPList[i].m_refPic;
        m_RPLList0[i].m_sliceType = m_RPLList1[i].m_sliceType = m_GOPList[i].m_sliceType;
        m_RPLList0[i].m_isEncoded = m_RPLList1[i].m_isEncoded = m_GOPList[i].m_isEncoded;
        m_RPLList0[i].m_numRefPicsActive = m_GOPList[i].m_numRefPicsActive0;
        m_RPLList1[i].m_numRefPicsActive = m_GOPList[i].m_numRefPicsActive1;
        m_RPLList0[i].m_numRefPics = m_GOPList[i].m_numRefPics0;
        m_RPLList1[i].m_numRefPics = m_GOPList[i].m_numRefPics1;
        m_RPLList0[i].m_ltrp_in_slice_header_flag = m_GOPList[i].m_ltrp_in_slice_header_flag;
        m_RPLList1[i].m_ltrp_in_slice_header_flag = m_GOPList[i].m_ltrp_in_slice_header_flag;
    Hendry's avatar
    Hendry committed
        for (int j = 0; j < m_GOPList[i].m_numRefPics0; j++)
          m_RPLList0[i].m_deltaRefPics[j] = m_GOPList[i].m_deltaRefPics0[j];
        for (int j = 0; j < m_GOPList[i].m_numRefPics1; j++)
          m_RPLList1[i].m_deltaRefPics[j] = m_GOPList[i].m_deltaRefPics1[j];
      if (m_compositeRefEnabled)
        for (int i = 0; i < m_iGOPSize; i++)
    Hendry's avatar
    Hendry committed
          m_RPLList0[i].m_POC *= 2;
          m_RPLList1[i].m_POC *= 2;
          for (int j = 0; j < m_RPLList0[i].m_numRefPics; j++)
            m_RPLList0[i].m_deltaRefPics[j] *= 2;
          for (int j = 0; j < m_RPLList1[i].m_numRefPics; j++)
            m_RPLList1[i].m_deltaRefPics[j] *= 2;
      for (list<const char*>::const_iterator it = argv_unhandled.begin(); it != argv_unhandled.end(); it++)
        msg( ERROR, "Unhandled argument ignored: `%s'\n", *it);
      if (argc == 1 || do_help)
        /* argc == 1: no options have been specified */
        po::doHelp(cout, opts);
        return false;
      if (err.is_errored)
        if (!warnUnknowParameter)
          /* error report has already been printed on stderr */
          return false;
      g_verbosity = MsgLevel( m_verbosity );
       * Set any derived parameters
      m_inputFileWidth = m_iSourceWidth;
      m_inputFileHeight = m_iSourceHeight;
      m_ext360.setMaxCUInfo(m_uiCTUSize, 1 << MIN_CU_LOG2);
      if (!inputPathPrefix.empty() && inputPathPrefix.back() != '/' && inputPathPrefix.back() != '\\' )
        inputPathPrefix += "/";
      m_inputFileName   = inputPathPrefix + m_inputFileName;
      if( m_temporalSubsampleRatio < 1)
        EXIT ( "Error: TemporalSubsampleRatio must be greater than 0" );
      m_framesToBeEncoded = ( m_framesToBeEncoded + m_temporalSubsampleRatio - 1 ) / m_temporalSubsampleRatio;
      m_adIntraLambdaModifier = cfg_adIntraLambdaModifier.values;
        //Frame height
        m_iSourceHeightOrg = m_iSourceHeight;
        //Field height
        m_iSourceHeight = m_iSourceHeight >> 1;
        //number of fields to encode
        m_framesToBeEncoded *= 2;
    Mitsuru Katsumata's avatar
    Mitsuru Katsumata committed
        CHECK( m_numSubPics > MAX_NUM_SUB_PICS || m_numSubPics < 1, "Number of subpicture must be within 1 to 2^16" )
        if (!m_subPicSameSizeFlag)
          CHECK(cfg_subPicCtuTopLeftX.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of SubPicCtuTopLeftX values must be equal to NumSubPics");
          CHECK(cfg_subPicCtuTopLeftY.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of SubPicCtuTopLeftY values must be equal to NumSubPics");
          CHECK(cfg_subPicWidth.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of SubPicWidth values must be equal to NumSubPics");
          CHECK(cfg_subPicHeight.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of SubPicHeight values must be equal to NumSubPics");
          CHECK(cfg_subPicCtuTopLeftX.values.size() != 0, "Number of SubPicCtuTopLeftX values must be equal to 0");
          CHECK(cfg_subPicCtuTopLeftY.values.size() != 0, "Number of SubPicCtuTopLeftY values must be equal to 0");
          CHECK(cfg_subPicWidth.values.size() != 1, "Number of SubPicWidth values must be equal to 1");
          CHECK(cfg_subPicHeight.values.size() != 1, "Number of SubPicHeight values must be equal to 1");
        CHECK( cfg_subPicCtuTopLeftX.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of SubPicCtuTopLeftX values must be equal to NumSubPics");
        CHECK( cfg_subPicCtuTopLeftY.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of SubPicCtuTopLeftY values must be equal to NumSubPics");
        CHECK( cfg_subPicWidth.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of SubPicWidth values must be equal to NumSubPics");
        CHECK( cfg_subPicHeight.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of SubPicHeight values must be equal to NumSubPics");
    Mitsuru Katsumata's avatar
    Mitsuru Katsumata committed
        CHECK( cfg_subPicTreatedAsPicFlag.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of SubPicTreatedAsPicFlag values must be equal to NumSubPics");
        CHECK( cfg_loopFilterAcrossSubpicEnabledFlag.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of LoopFilterAcrossSubpicEnabledFlag values must be equal to NumSubPics");
        if (m_subPicIdMappingExplicitlySignalledFlag)
          CHECK( cfg_subPicId.values.size() != m_numSubPics, "Number of SubPicId values must be equal to NumSubPics");
        m_subPicCtuTopLeftX                 = cfg_subPicCtuTopLeftX.values;
        m_subPicCtuTopLeftY                 = cfg_subPicCtuTopLeftY.values;
        m_subPicWidth                       = cfg_subPicWidth.values;
        m_subPicHeight                      = cfg_subPicHeight.values;
        m_subPicTreatedAsPicFlag            = cfg_subPicTreatedAsPicFlag.values;
        m_loopFilterAcrossSubpicEnabledFlag = cfg_loopFilterAcrossSubpicEnabledFlag.values;
        if (m_subPicIdMappingExplicitlySignalledFlag)
          for (int i=0; i < m_numSubPics; i++)
            m_subPicId[i]                   = cfg_subPicId.values[i];
    Mitsuru Katsumata's avatar
    Mitsuru Katsumata committed
        uint32_t tmpWidthVal = (m_iSourceWidth + m_uiCTUSize - 1) / m_uiCTUSize;
        uint32_t tmpHeightVal = (m_iSourceHeight + m_uiCTUSize - 1) / m_uiCTUSize;
        if (!m_subPicSameSizeFlag)
          for (int i = 0; i < m_numSubPics; i++)
            CHECK(m_subPicCtuTopLeftX[i] + m_subPicWidth[i] > tmpWidthVal, "Subpicture must not exceed picture boundary");
            CHECK(m_subPicCtuTopLeftY[i] + m_subPicHeight[i] > tmpHeightVal, "Subpicture must not exceed picture boundary");
          uint32_t numSubpicCols = tmpWidthVal / m_subPicWidth[0];
          CHECK(tmpWidthVal % m_subPicWidth[0] != 0, "subpic_width_minus1[0] is invalid.");
          CHECK(tmpHeightVal % m_subPicHeight[0] != 0, "subpic_height_minus1[0] is invalid.");
          CHECK(numSubpicCols * (tmpHeightVal / m_subPicHeight[0]) != m_numSubPics, "when sps_subpic_same_size_flag is equal to, sps_num_subpics_minus1 is invalid");
        for(int i = 0; i < m_numSubPics; i++)
          CHECK(m_subPicCtuTopLeftX[i] + m_subPicWidth[i] > (m_iSourceWidth + m_uiCTUSize - 1) / m_uiCTUSize, "Subpicture must not exceed picture boundary");
          CHECK(m_subPicCtuTopLeftY[i] + m_subPicHeight[i] > (m_iSourceHeight + m_uiCTUSize - 1) / m_uiCTUSize, "Subpicture must not exceed picture boundary");
    Mitsuru Katsumata's avatar
    Mitsuru Katsumata committed
        // automatically determine subpicture ID lenght in case it is not specified
        if (m_subPicIdLen == 0)
          if (m_subPicIdMappingExplicitlySignalledFlag)
            // use the heighest specified ID
            auto maxIdVal = std::max_element(m_subPicId.begin(),m_subPicId.end());
            m_subPicIdLen = ceilLog2(*maxIdVal);
            // use the number of subpictures
            m_subPicIdLen = ceilLog2(m_numSubPics);
        CHECK( m_subPicIdLen > 16, "SubPicIdLen must not exceed 16 bits" );
        CHECK(m_resChangeInClvsEnabled, "resolution change in CLVS and subpictures cannot be enabled together");
    #if JVET_S0221_NUM_VB_CHECK
      if (m_virtualBoundariesPresentFlag)
        if (m_iSourceWidth <= 8)
          CHECK(m_numVerVirtualBoundaries != 0, "The number of vertical virtual boundaries shall be 0 when the picture width is less than or equal to 8");
        if (m_iSourceHeight <= 8)
          CHECK(m_numHorVirtualBoundaries != 0, "The number of horizontal virtual boundaries shall be 0 when the picture height is less than or equal to 8");
      if (m_cfgSubpictureLevelInfoSEI.m_enabled)
        CHECK (m_numSubPics != m_cfgSubpictureLevelInfoSEI.m_numSubpictures, "NumSubPics must be equal to SEISubpicLevelInfoNumSubpics" );
        if (m_cfgSubpictureLevelInfoSEI.m_explicitFraction)
          m_cfgSubpictureLevelInfoSEI.m_fractions = cfg_sliFractions.values;
          m_cfgSubpictureLevelInfoSEI.m_refLevels = cfg_sliRefLevels.values;
          CHECK (cfg_sliRefLevels.values.size() * m_cfgSubpictureLevelInfoSEI.m_numSubpictures != cfg_sliFractions.values.size(), "Number of subpicture level fractions must be equal to the numer of subpictures times the number of reference levels.");
      if (m_costMode != COST_LOSSLESS_CODING && m_mixedLossyLossless)
        m_mixedLossyLossless = 0;
        msg(WARNING, "*************************************************************************\n");
        msg(WARNING, "* Mixed lossy lossles coding cannot enable in lossy costMode *\n");
        msg(WARNING, "* Forcely disabled  m_mixedLossyLossless *\n");
        msg(WARNING, "*************************************************************************\n");
      if (!m_mixedLossyLossless && cfgSliceLosslessArray.values.size() > 0)
        msg(WARNING, "*************************************************************************\n");
        msg(WARNING, "* Mixed lossy lossles coding is not enabled *\n");
        msg(WARNING, "* ignoring the value of SliceLosslessArray *\n");
        msg(WARNING, "*************************************************************************\n");
      if (m_costMode == COST_LOSSLESS_CODING && m_mixedLossyLossless)
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cfgSliceLosslessArray.values.size(); i++)
          m_sliceLosslessArray[i] = cfgSliceLosslessArray.values[i];
      if( m_picPartitionFlag )
        // store tile column widths
        for(uint32_t i=0; i<cfgTileColumnWidth.values.size(); i++)
        // store tile row heights
        for(uint32_t i=0; i<cfgTileRowHeight.values.size(); i++)
        // store rectangular slice positions
        if( !m_rasterSliceFlag )
          for(uint32_t i=0; i<cfgRectSlicePos.values.size(); i++)
        // store raster-scan slice sizes
          for(uint32_t i=0; i<cfgRasterSliceSize.values.size(); i++)
        m_rectSliceFixedWidth = 0;
        m_rectSliceFixedHeight = 0;
      m_numSubProfile = (uint8_t) cfg_SubProfile.values.size();
      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < m_numSubProfile; ++i)
        m_subProfile[i] = cfg_SubProfile.values[i];
      /* rules for input, output and internal bitdepths as per help text */
      if (m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] == 0)
        m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] = m_inputBitDepth      [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] == 0)
        m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] == 0)
        m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] = m_MSBExtendedBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
        m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_inputBitDepth      [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] == 0)
        m_inputBitDepth      [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = m_inputBitDepth      [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_outputBitDepth     [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] == 0)
        m_outputBitDepth     [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ] = m_internalBitDepth   [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      if (m_outputBitDepth     [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] == 0)
        m_outputBitDepth     [CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = m_outputBitDepth     [CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA  ];
      m_InputChromaFormatIDC = numberToChromaFormat(tmpInputChromaFormat);
      m_chromaFormatIDC      = ((tmpChromaFormat == 0) ? (m_InputChromaFormatIDC) : (numberToChromaFormat(tmpChromaFormat)));
      CHECK( !( tmpWeightedPredictionMethod >= 0 && tmpWeightedPredictionMethod <= WP_PER_PICTURE_WITH_HISTOGRAM_AND_PER_COMPONENT_AND_CLIPPING_AND_EXTENSION ), "Error in cfg" );
      m_weightedPredictionMethod = WeightedPredictionMethod(tmpWeightedPredictionMethod);
      CHECK( tmpFastInterSearchMode<0 || tmpFastInterSearchMode>FASTINTERSEARCH_MODE3, "Error in cfg" );
      m_fastInterSearchMode = FastInterSearchMode(tmpFastInterSearchMode);
      CHECK( tmpMotionEstimationSearchMethod < 0 || tmpMotionEstimationSearchMethod >= MESEARCH_NUMBER_OF_METHODS, "Error in cfg" );
      if (extendedProfile == ExtendedProfileName::AUTO)
        if (xAutoDetermineProfile())
          EXIT( "Unable to determine profile from configured settings");
        switch (extendedProfile)
          case ExtendedProfileName::NONE:                      m_profile = Profile::NONE; break;
          case ExtendedProfileName::MAIN_10:                   m_profile = Profile::MAIN_10; break;
          case ExtendedProfileName::MAIN_444_10:               m_profile = Profile::MAIN_444_10; break;
          case ExtendedProfileName::MAIN_10_STILL_PICTURE:     m_profile = Profile::MAIN_10;     m_onePictureOnlyConstraintFlag = true; break;
          case ExtendedProfileName::MAIN_444_10_STILL_PICTURE: m_profile = Profile::MAIN_444_10; m_onePictureOnlyConstraintFlag = true; break;
            EXIT( "Unable to determine profile from configured settings");
        m_chromaFormatConstraint       = (tmpConstraintChromaFormat == 0) ? m_chromaFormatIDC : numberToChromaFormat(tmpConstraintChromaFormat);
        if (m_bitDepthConstraint == 0)
          if (m_profile == Profile::MAIN_10 || m_profile == Profile::MAIN_444_10)
            m_bitDepthConstraint = 10;
          else // m_profile == Profile::NONE
            m_bitDepthConstraint = 16; // max value - unconstrained.
            m_bitDepthConstraint = 8+15; // max value - unconstrained.
        CHECK(m_bitDepthConstraint < m_internalBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA], "MaxBitDepthConstraint setting does not allow the specified luma bit depth to be coded.");
        CHECK(m_bitDepthConstraint < m_internalBitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA], "MaxBitDepthConstraint setting does not allow the specified chroma bit depth to be coded.");
        CHECK(m_chromaFormatConstraint < m_chromaFormatIDC, "MaxChromaFormatConstraint setting does not allow the specified chroma format to be coded.");
        CHECK(m_chromaFormatConstraint >= NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, "Bad value given for MaxChromaFormatConstraint setting.")
        CHECK(m_bitDepthConstraint < 8 || m_bitDepthConstraint>16, "MaxBitDepthConstraint setting must be in the range 8 to 16 (inclusive)");
      m_inputColourSpaceConvert = stringToInputColourSpaceConvert(inputColourSpaceConvert, true);
      m_rgbFormat = (m_inputColourSpaceConvert == IPCOLOURSPACE_RGBtoGBR && m_chromaFormatIDC == CHROMA_444) ? true : false;
      // Picture width and height must be multiples of 8 and minCuSize
      const int minResolutionMultiple = std::max(8, 1 << m_log2MinCuSize);
      CHECK(((m_iSourceWidth% minResolutionMultiple) || (m_iSourceHeight % minResolutionMultiple)) && m_conformanceWindowMode != 1, "Picture width or height is not a multiple of 8 or minCuSize, please use ConformanceMode 1!");
      switch (m_conformanceWindowMode)
      case 0:
          // no conformance or padding
          m_confWinLeft = m_confWinRight = m_confWinTop = m_confWinBottom = 0;
          m_aiPad[1] = m_aiPad[0] = 0;
      case 1:
          // automatic padding to minimum CU size
          if (m_iSourceWidth % minResolutionMultiple)
            m_aiPad[0] = m_confWinRight  = ((m_iSourceWidth / minResolutionMultiple) + 1) * minResolutionMultiple - m_iSourceWidth;
            m_iSourceWidth  += m_confWinRight;
          if (m_iSourceHeight % minResolutionMultiple)
            m_aiPad[1] = m_confWinBottom = ((m_iSourceHeight / minResolutionMultiple) + 1) * minResolutionMultiple - m_iSourceHeight;
            m_iSourceHeight += m_confWinBottom;
            if ( m_isField )
              m_iSourceHeightOrg += m_confWinBottom << 1;
              m_aiPad[1] = m_confWinBottom << 1;
          if (m_aiPad[0] % SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0)
            EXIT( "Error: picture width is not an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
          if (m_aiPad[1] % SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC) != 0)
            EXIT( "Error: picture height is not an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling");
      case 2:
          m_iSourceWidth  += m_aiPad[0];
          m_iSourceHeight += m_aiPad[1];
          m_confWinRight  = m_aiPad[0];
          m_confWinBottom = m_aiPad[1];
      case 3:
          // conformance
          if ((m_confWinLeft == 0) && (m_confWinRight == 0) && (m_confWinTop == 0) && (m_confWinBottom == 0))
            msg( ERROR, "Warning: Conformance window enabled, but all conformance window parameters set to zero\n");
          if ((m_aiPad[1] != 0) || (m_aiPad[0]!=0))
            msg( ERROR, "Warning: Conformance window enabled, padding parameters will be ignored\n");
          m_aiPad[1] = m_aiPad[0] = 0;
      if( m_conformanceWindowMode > 0 && m_subPicInfoPresentFlag )
        for(int i = 0; i < m_numSubPics; i++)
          CHECK( (m_subPicCtuTopLeftX[i] * m_uiCTUSize) >= (m_iSourceWidth - m_confWinRight * SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC)),
              "No subpicture can be located completely outside of the conformance cropping window");
          CHECK( ((m_subPicCtuTopLeftX[i] + m_subPicWidth[i]) * m_uiCTUSize) <= (m_confWinLeft * SPS::getWinUnitX(m_chromaFormatIDC)),
    	  "No subpicture can be located completely outside of the conformance cropping window" );
          CHECK( (m_subPicCtuTopLeftY[i] * m_uiCTUSize) >= (m_iSourceHeight  - m_confWinBottom * SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC)),
              "No subpicture can be located completely outside of the conformance cropping window");
          CHECK( ((m_subPicCtuTopLeftY[i] + m_subPicHeight[i]) * m_uiCTUSize) <= (m_confWinTop * SPS::getWinUnitY(m_chromaFormatIDC)),
              "No subpicture can be located completely outside of the conformance cropping window");
      if (tmpDecodedPictureHashSEIMappedType<0 || tmpDecodedPictureHashSEIMappedType>=int(NUMBER_OF_HASHTYPES))
        EXIT( "Error: bad checksum mode");
      // Need to map values to match those of the SEI message:
      if (tmpDecodedPictureHashSEIMappedType==0)
      // allocate slice-based dQP values
      m_aidQP = new int[ m_framesToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1 ];
      ::memset( m_aidQP, 0, sizeof(int)*( m_framesToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1 ) );
      if (m_qpIncrementAtSourceFrame.bPresent)
        uint32_t switchingPOC = 0;
        if (m_qpIncrementAtSourceFrame.value > m_FrameSkip)
          // if switch source frame (ssf) = 10, and frame skip (fs)=2 and temporal subsample ratio (tsr) =1, then
          //    for this simulation switch at POC 8 (=10-2).
          // if ssf=10, fs=2, tsr=2, then for this simulation, switch at POC 4 (=(10-2)/2): POC0=Src2, POC1=Src4, POC2=Src6, POC3=Src8, POC4=Src10
          switchingPOC = (m_qpIncrementAtSourceFrame.value - m_FrameSkip) / m_temporalSubsampleRatio;
        for (uint32_t i = switchingPOC; i<(m_framesToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1); i++)
          m_aidQP[i] = 1;
      // handling of floating-point QP values
      // if QP is not integer, sequence is split into two sections having QP and QP+1
      m_iQP = (int)( m_fQP );
      if ( m_iQP < m_fQP )
        int iSwitchPOC = (int)( m_framesToBeEncoded - (m_fQP - m_iQP)*m_framesToBeEncoded + 0.5 );
        iSwitchPOC = (int)( (double)iSwitchPOC / m_iGOPSize + 0.5 )*m_iGOPSize;
        for ( int i=iSwitchPOC; i<m_framesToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1; i++ )
          m_aidQP[i] = 1;
      CHECK( lumaLevelToDeltaQPMode >= LUMALVL_TO_DQP_NUM_MODES, "Error in cfg" );