#define FULL_NBIT 1 ///< When enabled, use distortion measure derived from all bits of source data, otherwise discard (bitDepth - 8) least-significant bits of distortion
#define RExt__HIGH_PRECISION_FORWARD_TRANSFORM 1 ///< 0 use original 6-bit transform matrices for both forward and inverse transform, 1 (default) = use original matrices for inverse transform and high precision matrices for forward transform
#define FULL_NBIT 0 ///< When enabled, use distortion measure derived from all bits of source data, otherwise discard (bitDepth - 8) least-significant bits of distortion
#define FULL_NBIT 1 ///< When enabled, use distortion measure derived from all bits of source data, otherwise discard (bitDepth - 8) least-significant bits of distortion
#define RExt__HIGH_PRECISION_FORWARD_TRANSFORM 0 ///< 0 (default) use original 6-bit transform matrices for both forward and inverse transform, 1 = use original matrices for inverse transform and high precision matrices for forward transform