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  • /* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD
     * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party
     * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are
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     * Copyright (c) 2010-2018, ITU/ISO/IEC
     * All rights reserved.
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    #include "DepQuant.h"
    #include "TrQuant.h"
    #include "CodingStructure.h"
    #include "UnitTools.h"
    #include <bitset>
    namespace DQIntern
      /*=====                                                                      =====*/
      /*=====   R A T E   E S T I M A T O R                                        =====*/
      /*=====                                                                      =====*/
      struct NbInfoSbb
        uint8_t   num;
        uint8_t   inPos[5];
      struct NbInfoOut
        uint16_t  maxDist;
        uint16_t  num;
        uint16_t  outPos[5];
      struct CoeffFracBits
      enum ScanPosType { SCAN_ISCSBB = 0, SCAN_SOCSBB = 1, SCAN_EOCSBB = 2 };
      struct ScanInfo
        ScanInfo() {}
        int           sbbSize;
        int           numSbb;
        int           scanIdx;
        int           rasterPos;
        int           sbbPos;
        int           insidePos;
        bool          eosbb;
        ScanPosType   spt;
        unsigned      sigCtxOffsetNext;
        unsigned      gtxCtxOffsetNext;
        int           nextInsidePos;
        NbInfoSbb     nextNbInfoSbb;
        int           nextSbbRight;
        int           nextSbbBelow;
      class Rom;
      struct TUParameters
        TUParameters ( const Rom& rom, const unsigned width, const unsigned height, const ChannelType chType );
          delete [] m_scanInfo;
        ChannelType       m_chType;
        unsigned          m_width;
        unsigned          m_height;
        unsigned          m_numCoeff;
        unsigned          m_numSbb;
        unsigned          m_log2SbbWidth;
        unsigned          m_log2SbbHeight;
        unsigned          m_log2SbbSize;
        unsigned          m_sbbSize;
        unsigned          m_sbbMask;
        unsigned          m_widthInSbb;
        unsigned          m_heightInSbb;
        CoeffScanType     m_scanType;
        const unsigned*   m_scanSbbId2SbbPos;
        const unsigned*   m_scanId2BlkPos;
        const unsigned*   m_scanId2PosX;
        const unsigned*   m_scanId2PosY;
        const NbInfoSbb*  m_scanId2NbInfoSbb;
        const NbInfoOut*  m_scanId2NbInfoOut;
        ScanInfo*         m_scanInfo;
        void xSetScanInfo( ScanInfo& scanInfo, int scanIdx );
      class Rom
        Rom() : m_scansInitialized(false) {}
        ~Rom() { xUninitScanArrays(); }
        void                init        ()                       { xInitScanArrays(); }
        const NbInfoSbb*    getNbInfoSbb( int hd, int vd ) const { return m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[hd][vd]; }
        const NbInfoOut*    getNbInfoOut( int hd, int vd ) const { return m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[hd][vd]; }
        const TUParameters* getTUPars   ( const CompArea& area, const ComponentID compID ) const
          return m_tuParameters[g_aucLog2[area.width]][g_aucLog2[area.height]][toChannelType(compID)];
        void  xInitScanArrays   ();
        void  xUninitScanArrays ();
        bool          m_scansInitialized;
        NbInfoSbb*    m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ][ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ];
        NbInfoOut*    m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ][ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ];
        TUParameters* m_tuParameters         [ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ][ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ][ MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE ];
      void Rom::xInitScanArrays()
        if( m_scansInitialized )
        ::memset( m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray, 0, sizeof(m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray) );
        ::memset( m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray, 0, sizeof(m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray) );
        ::memset( m_tuParameters,          0, sizeof(m_tuParameters) );
        uint32_t raster2id[ MAX_CU_SIZE * MAX_CU_SIZE ];
        for( int hd = 1; hd <= MAX_CU_DEPTH; hd++ )
          for( int vd = 1; vd <= MAX_CU_DEPTH; vd++ )
            const uint32_t      blockWidth    = (1 << hd);
            const uint32_t      blockHeight   = (1 << vd);
            const uint32_t      totalValues   = blockWidth * blockHeight;
            const uint32_t      log2CGWidth   = (blockWidth & 3) + (blockHeight & 3) > 0 ? 1 : 2;
            const uint32_t      log2CGHeight  = (blockWidth & 3) + (blockHeight & 3) > 0 ? 1 : 2;
            const uint32_t      groupWidth    = 1 << log2CGWidth;
            const uint32_t      groupHeight   = 1 << log2CGHeight;
            const uint32_t      groupSize     = groupWidth * groupHeight;
            const CoeffScanType scanType      = SCAN_DIAG;
            const SizeType      blkWidthIdx   = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( blockWidth  );
            const SizeType      blkHeightIdx  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( blockHeight );
            const uint32_t*     scanId2RP     = g_scanOrder     [SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blkWidthIdx][blkHeightIdx];
            const uint32_t*     scanId2X      = g_scanOrderPosXY[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blkWidthIdx][blkHeightIdx][0];
            const uint32_t*     scanId2Y      = g_scanOrderPosXY[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blkWidthIdx][blkHeightIdx][1];
            NbInfoSbb*&         sId2NbSbb     = m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[hd][vd];
            NbInfoOut*&         sId2NbOut     = m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[hd][vd];
            sId2NbSbb = new NbInfoSbb[ totalValues ];
            sId2NbOut = new NbInfoOut[ totalValues ];
            for( uint32_t scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
              raster2id[ scanId2RP[ scanId ] ] = scanId;
            for( unsigned scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
              const int posX = scanId2X [ scanId ];
              const int posY = scanId2Y [ scanId ];
              const int rpos = scanId2RP[ scanId ];
                //===== inside subband neighbours =====
                NbInfoSbb&     nbSbb  = sId2NbSbb[ scanId ];
                const int      begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
                int            cpos[5];
                cpos[0] = ( posX < blockWidth -1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
                cpos[1] = ( posX < blockWidth -2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
                cpos[2] = ( posX < blockWidth -1 && posY < blockHeight-1 ? ( raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
                cpos[3] = ( posY < blockHeight-1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
                cpos[4] = ( posY < blockHeight-2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
                for( nbSbb.num = 0; true; )
                  int nk = -1;
                  for( int k = 0; k < 5; k++ )
                    if( cpos[k] != 0 && ( nk < 0 || cpos[k] < cpos[nk] ) )
                      nk = k;
                  if( nk < 0 )
                  nbSbb.inPos[ nbSbb.num++ ] = uint8_t( cpos[nk] );
                  cpos[nk] = 0;
                for( int k = nbSbb.num; k < 5; k++ )
                  nbSbb.inPos[k] = 0;
                //===== outside subband neighbours =====
                NbInfoOut&     nbOut  = sId2NbOut[ scanId ];
                const int      begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
                int            cpos[5];
                cpos[0] = ( posX < blockWidth -1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1           ] : 0 ) : 0 );
                cpos[1] = ( posX < blockWidth -2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2           ] : 0 ) : 0 );
                cpos[2] = ( posX < blockWidth -1 && posY < blockHeight-1 ? ( raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
                cpos[3] = ( posY < blockHeight-1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
                cpos[4] = ( posY < blockHeight-2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
                for( nbOut.num = 0; true; )
                  int nk = -1;
                  for( int k = 0; k < 5; k++ )
                    if( cpos[k] != 0 && ( nk < 0 || cpos[k] < cpos[nk] ) )
                      nk = k;
                  if( nk < 0 )
                  nbOut.outPos[ nbOut.num++ ] = uint16_t( cpos[nk] );
                  cpos[nk] = 0;
                for( int k = nbOut.num; k < 5; k++ )
                  nbOut.outPos[k] = 0;
                nbOut.maxDist = ( scanId == 0 ? 0 : sId2NbOut[scanId-1].maxDist );
                for( int k = 0; k < nbOut.num; k++ )
                  if( nbOut.outPos[k] > nbOut.maxDist )
                    nbOut.maxDist = nbOut.outPos[k];
            // make it relative
            for( unsigned scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
              NbInfoOut& nbOut  = sId2NbOut[scanId];
              const int  begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
              for( int k = 0; k < nbOut.num; k++ )
                nbOut.outPos[k] -= begSbb;
              nbOut.maxDist -= scanId;
            for( int chId = 0; chId < MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; chId++ )
              m_tuParameters[hd][vd][chId] = new TUParameters( *this, blockWidth, blockHeight, ChannelType(chId) );
        m_scansInitialized = true;
      void Rom::xUninitScanArrays()
        if( !m_scansInitialized )
        for( int hd = 0; hd <= MAX_CU_DEPTH; hd++ )
          for( int vd = 0; vd <= MAX_CU_DEPTH; vd++ )
            NbInfoSbb*& sId2NbSbb = m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[hd][vd];
            NbInfoOut*& sId2NbOut = m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[hd][vd];
            if( sId2NbSbb )
              delete [] sId2NbSbb;
            if( sId2NbOut )
              delete [] sId2NbOut;
            for( int chId = 0; chId < MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; chId++ )
              TUParameters*& tuPars = m_tuParameters[hd][vd][chId];
              if( tuPars )
                delete tuPars;
        m_scansInitialized = false;
      static Rom g_Rom;
      TUParameters::TUParameters( const Rom& rom, const unsigned width, const unsigned height, const ChannelType chType )
        m_chType              = chType;
        m_width               = width;
        m_height              = height;
        m_numCoeff            = m_width * m_height;
        const bool      no4x4 = ( ( m_width & 3 ) != 0 || ( m_height & 3 ) != 0 );
        m_log2SbbWidth        = ( no4x4 ? 1 : 2 );
        m_log2SbbHeight       = ( no4x4 ? 1 : 2 );
        m_log2SbbSize         = m_log2SbbWidth + m_log2SbbHeight;
        m_sbbSize             = ( 1 << m_log2SbbSize );
        m_sbbMask             = m_sbbSize - 1;
        m_widthInSbb          = m_width  >> m_log2SbbWidth;
        m_heightInSbb         = m_height >> m_log2SbbHeight;
        m_numSbb              = m_widthInSbb * m_heightInSbb;
    #error "MDCS is not supported" // use different function...
        //  m_scanType            = CoeffScanType( TU::getCoefScanIdx( tu, m_compID ) );
        m_scanType            = SCAN_DIAG;
        SizeType        hsbb  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_widthInSbb  );
        SizeType        vsbb  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_heightInSbb );
        SizeType        hsId  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_width  );
        SizeType        vsId  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_height );
        m_scanSbbId2SbbPos    = g_scanOrder     [ SCAN_UNGROUPED   ][ m_scanType ][ hsbb ][ vsbb ];
        m_scanId2BlkPos       = g_scanOrder     [ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ];
        m_scanId2PosX         = g_scanOrderPosXY[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ][ 0 ];
        m_scanId2PosY         = g_scanOrderPosXY[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ][ 1 ];
        int log2W             = g_aucLog2[ m_width  ];
        int log2H             = g_aucLog2[ m_height ];
        m_scanId2NbInfoSbb    = rom.getNbInfoSbb( log2W, log2H );
        m_scanId2NbInfoOut    = rom.getNbInfoOut( log2W, log2H );
        m_scanInfo            = new ScanInfo[ m_numCoeff ];
        for( int scanIdx = 0; scanIdx < m_numCoeff; scanIdx++ )
          xSetScanInfo( m_scanInfo[scanIdx], scanIdx );
      void TUParameters::xSetScanInfo( ScanInfo& scanInfo, int scanIdx )
        scanInfo.sbbSize    = m_sbbSize;
        scanInfo.numSbb     = m_numSbb;
        scanInfo.scanIdx    = scanIdx;
        scanInfo.rasterPos  = m_scanId2BlkPos[ scanIdx ];
        scanInfo.sbbPos     = m_scanSbbId2SbbPos[ scanIdx >> m_log2SbbSize ];
        scanInfo.insidePos  = scanIdx & m_sbbMask;
        scanInfo.eosbb      = ( scanInfo.insidePos == 0 );
        scanInfo.spt        = SCAN_ISCSBB;
        if(  scanInfo.insidePos == m_sbbMask && scanIdx > scanInfo.sbbSize && scanIdx < m_numCoeff - 1 )
          scanInfo.spt      = SCAN_SOCSBB;
        else if( scanInfo.eosbb && scanIdx > 0 && scanIdx < m_numCoeff - m_sbbSize )
          scanInfo.spt      = SCAN_EOCSBB;
        if( scanIdx )
          const int nextScanIdx = scanIdx - 1;
          const int diag        = m_scanId2PosX[ nextScanIdx ] + m_scanId2PosY[ nextScanIdx ];
          if( m_chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA )
            scanInfo.sigCtxOffsetNext = ( diag < 2 ? 12 : diag < 5 ?  6 : 0 );
            scanInfo.gtxCtxOffsetNext = ( diag < 1 ? 16 : diag < 3 ? 11 : diag < 10 ? 6 : 1 );
            scanInfo.sigCtxOffsetNext = ( diag < 2 ? 6 : 0 );
            scanInfo.gtxCtxOffsetNext = ( diag < 1 ? 6 : 1 );
          scanInfo.nextInsidePos      = nextScanIdx & m_sbbMask;
          scanInfo.nextNbInfoSbb      = m_scanId2NbInfoSbb[ nextScanIdx ];
          if( scanInfo.eosbb )
            const int nextSbbPos  = m_scanSbbId2SbbPos[ nextScanIdx >> m_log2SbbSize ];
            const int nextSbbPosY = nextSbbPos               / m_widthInSbb;
            const int nextSbbPosX = nextSbbPos - nextSbbPosY * m_widthInSbb;
            scanInfo.nextSbbRight = ( nextSbbPosX < m_widthInSbb  - 1 ? nextSbbPos + 1            : 0 );
            scanInfo.nextSbbBelow = ( nextSbbPosY < m_heightInSbb - 1 ? nextSbbPos + m_widthInSbb : 0 );
      class RateEstimator
        RateEstimator () {}
        ~RateEstimator() {}
        void initCtx  ( const TUParameters& tuPars, const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID, const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess );
        inline const BinFracBits *sigSbbFracBits() const { return m_sigSbbFracBits; }
        inline const BinFracBits *sigFlagBits(unsigned stateId) const
          return m_sigFracBits[std::max(((int) stateId) - 1, 0)];
        inline const CoeffFracBits *gtxFracBits(unsigned stateId) const { return m_gtxFracBits; }
        inline int32_t              lastOffset(unsigned scanIdx) const
          return m_lastBitsX[m_scanId2PosX[scanIdx]] + m_lastBitsY[m_scanId2PosY[scanIdx]];
        void  xSetLastCoeffOffset ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, const TUParameters& tuPars, const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID );
        void  xSetSigSbbFracBits  ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType );
        void  xSetSigFlagBits     ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType );
        void  xSetGtxFlagBits     ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType );
        static const unsigned sm_numCtxSetsSig    = 3;
        static const unsigned sm_numCtxSetsGtx    = 2;
        static const unsigned sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx  = 2;
        static const unsigned sm_maxNumSigCtx     = 18;
        static const unsigned sm_maxNumGtxCtx     = 21;
        const unsigned*     m_scanId2PosX;
        const unsigned*     m_scanId2PosY;
        int32_t             m_lastBitsX      [ MAX_TU_SIZE ];
        int32_t             m_lastBitsY      [ MAX_TU_SIZE ];
        BinFracBits         m_sigSbbFracBits [ sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx ];
        BinFracBits         m_sigFracBits    [ sm_numCtxSetsSig   ][ sm_maxNumSigCtx ];
        CoeffFracBits       m_gtxFracBits                          [ sm_maxNumGtxCtx ];
      void RateEstimator::initCtx( const TUParameters& tuPars, const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID, const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess )
        m_scanId2PosX       = tuPars.m_scanId2PosX;
        m_scanId2PosY       = tuPars.m_scanId2PosY;
        xSetSigSbbFracBits  ( fracBitsAccess, tuPars.m_chType );
        xSetSigFlagBits     ( fracBitsAccess, tuPars.m_chType );
        xSetGtxFlagBits     ( fracBitsAccess, tuPars.m_chType );
        xSetLastCoeffOffset ( fracBitsAccess, tuPars, tu, compID );
      void RateEstimator::xSetLastCoeffOffset( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, const TUParameters& tuPars, const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID )
        const ChannelType chType = ( compID == COMPONENT_Y ? CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA : CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA );
        int32_t cbfDeltaBits = 0;
        if( compID == COMPONENT_Y && !CU::isIntra(* && !tu.depth )
          const BinFracBits bits  = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( Ctx::QtRootCbf() );
          cbfDeltaBits            = int32_t( bits.intBits[1] ) - int32_t( bits.intBits[0] );
          BinFracBits bits = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( Ctx::QtCbf[compID]( DeriveCtx::CtxQtCbf( compID, tu.depth, tu.cbf[COMPONENT_Cb] ) ) );
          cbfDeltaBits = int32_t( bits.intBits[1] ) - int32_t( bits.intBits[0] );
        static const unsigned prefixCtx[] = { 0, 0, 0, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 };
        uint32_t              ctxBits  [ LAST_SIGNIFICANT_GROUPS ];
        for( unsigned xy = 0; xy < 2; xy++ )
          int32_t             bitOffset   = ( xy ? cbfDeltaBits : 0 );
          int32_t*            lastBits    = ( xy ? m_lastBitsY : m_lastBitsX );
          const unsigned      size        = ( xy ? tuPars.m_height : tuPars.m_width );
          const unsigned      log2Size    = g_aucNextLog2[ size ];
          const bool          useYCtx     = ( m_scanType == SCAN_VER ? ( xy == 0 ) : ( xy != 0 ) );
          const bool          useYCtx     = ( xy != 0 );
          const CtxSet&       ctxSetLast  = ( useYCtx ? Ctx::LastY : Ctx::LastX )[ chType ];
          const unsigned      lastShift   = ( compID == COMPONENT_Y ? (log2Size+1)>>2 : ( tu.cs->pcv->rectCUs ? Clip3<unsigned>(0,2,size>>3) : log2Size-2 ) );
          const unsigned      lastOffset  = ( compID == COMPONENT_Y ? ( tu.cs->pcv->rectCUs ? prefixCtx[log2Size] : 3*(log2Size-2)+((log2Size-1)>>2) ) : 0 );
          uint32_t            sumFBits    = 0;
          unsigned            maxCtxId    = g_uiGroupIdx[ size - 1 ];
          for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < maxCtxId; ctxId++ )
            const BinFracBits bits  = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetLast( lastOffset + ( ctxId >> lastShift ) ) );
            ctxBits[ ctxId ]        = sumFBits + bits.intBits[0] + ( ctxId>3 ? ((ctxId-2)>>1)<<SCALE_BITS : 0 ) + bitOffset;
            sumFBits               +=            bits.intBits[1];
          ctxBits  [ maxCtxId ]     = sumFBits + ( maxCtxId>3 ? ((maxCtxId-2)>>1)<<SCALE_BITS : 0 ) + bitOffset;
          for( unsigned pos = 0; pos < size; pos++ )
            lastBits[ pos ]         = ctxBits[ g_uiGroupIdx[ pos ] ];
      void RateEstimator::xSetSigSbbFracBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType )
        const CtxSet& ctxSet = Ctx::SigCoeffGroup[ chType ];
        for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx; ctxId++ )
          m_sigSbbFracBits[ ctxId ] = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSet( ctxId ) );
      void RateEstimator::xSetSigFlagBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType )
        for( unsigned ctxSetId = 0; ctxSetId < sm_numCtxSetsSig; ctxSetId++ )
          BinFracBits*    bits    = m_sigFracBits [ ctxSetId ];
          const CtxSet&   ctxSet  = Ctx::SigFlag  [ chType + 2*ctxSetId ];
          const unsigned  numCtx  = ( chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ? 18 : 12 );
          for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < numCtx; ctxId++ )
            bits[ ctxId ] = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSet( ctxId ) );
      void RateEstimator::xSetGtxFlagBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType )
        const CtxSet&   ctxSetPar   = Ctx::ParFlag [     chType ];
        const CtxSet&   ctxSetGt1   = Ctx::GtxFlag [ 2 + chType ];
        const CtxSet&   ctxSetGt2   = Ctx::GtxFlag [     chType ];
        const unsigned  numCtx      = ( chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ? 21 : 11 );
        for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < numCtx; ctxId++ )
          BinFracBits     fbPar = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetPar( ctxId ) );
          BinFracBits     fbGt1 = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetGt1( ctxId ) );
          BinFracBits     fbGt2 = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetGt2( ctxId ) );
          CoeffFracBits&  cb    = m_gtxFracBits[ ctxId ];
          int32_t         par0  = (1<<SCALE_BITS) + int32_t(fbPar.intBits[0]);
          int32_t         par1  = (1<<SCALE_BITS) + int32_t(fbPar.intBits[1]);
          cb.bits[0] = 0;
          cb.bits[1] = fbGt1.intBits[0] + (1 << SCALE_BITS);
          cb.bits[2] = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par0 + fbGt2.intBits[0];
          cb.bits[3] = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par1 + fbGt2.intBits[0];
          cb.bits[4] = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par0 + fbGt2.intBits[1];
          cb.bits[5] = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par1 + fbGt2.intBits[1];
    559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950
      class Rom
        Rom() : m_scansInitialized(false) {}
        ~Rom() { xUninitScanArrays(); }
        void              init        ()                                  { xInitScanArrays(); }
        const NbInfoSbb*  getNbInfoSbb( int sId, int hId, int vId ) const { return m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[sId][hId][vId]; }
        const NbInfoOut*  getNbInfoOut( int sId, int hId, int vId ) const { return m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[sId][hId][vId]; }
        void  xInitScanArrays   ();
        void  xUninitScanArrays ();
        bool       m_scansInitialized;
        NbInfoSbb* m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[ SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES ][ MAX_CU_SIZE/2+1 ][ MAX_CU_SIZE/2+1 ];
        NbInfoOut* m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[ SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES ][ MAX_CU_SIZE/2+1 ][ MAX_CU_SIZE/2+1 ];
      void Rom::xInitScanArrays()
        if( m_scansInitialized )
        ::memset( m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray, 0, sizeof(m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray) );
        ::memset( m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray, 0, sizeof(m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray) );
        SizeIndexInfoLog2 sizeInfo;
        sizeInfo.init ( MAX_CU_SIZE );
        uint32_t raster2id[ MAX_CU_SIZE * MAX_CU_SIZE ];
        for( uint32_t blockHeightIdx = 0; blockHeightIdx < sizeInfo.numHeights(); blockHeightIdx++ )
          for( uint32_t blockWidthIdx = 0; blockWidthIdx < sizeInfo.numWidths(); blockWidthIdx++ )
            const uint32_t blockWidth   = sizeInfo.sizeFrom( blockWidthIdx  );
            const uint32_t blockHeight  = sizeInfo.sizeFrom( blockHeightIdx );
            const uint32_t totalValues  = blockWidth * blockHeight;
            const uint32_t log2CGWidth  = (blockWidth & 3) + (blockHeight & 3) > 0 ? 1 : 2;
            const uint32_t log2CGHeight = (blockWidth & 3) + (blockHeight & 3) > 0 ? 1 : 2;
            const uint32_t groupWidth   = 1 << log2CGWidth;
            const uint32_t groupHeight  = 1 << log2CGHeight;
            const uint32_t groupSize    = groupWidth * groupHeight;
            if( ((blockWidth>>log2CGWidth)<<log2CGWidth)!=blockWidth || ((blockHeight>>log2CGHeight)<<log2CGHeight)!=blockHeight )
            for( uint32_t scanTypeIdx = 0; scanTypeIdx < SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES; scanTypeIdx++ )
              const CoeffScanType scanType  = CoeffScanType(scanTypeIdx);
              const uint32_t*         scanId2RP = g_scanOrder     [SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx];
              const uint32_t*         scanId2X  = g_scanOrderPosXY[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx][0];
              const uint32_t*         scanId2Y  = g_scanOrderPosXY[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx][1];
              NbInfoSbb*&         sId2NbSbb = m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray           [scanType][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx];
              NbInfoOut*&         sId2NbOut = m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray           [scanType][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx];
              sId2NbSbb = new NbInfoSbb[ totalValues ];
              sId2NbOut = new NbInfoOut[ totalValues ];
              for( uint32_t scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
                raster2id[ scanId2RP[ scanId ] ] = scanId;
              for( unsigned scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
                const int posX = scanId2X [ scanId ];
                const int posY = scanId2Y [ scanId ];
                const int rpos = scanId2RP[ scanId ];
                  //===== inside subband neighbours =====
                  NbInfoSbb&     nbSbb  = sId2NbSbb[ scanId ];
                  const int      begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
                  int            cpos[5];
                  cpos[0] = ( posX < blockWidth -1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
                  cpos[1] = ( posX < blockWidth -2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
                  cpos[2] = ( posX < blockWidth -1 && posY < blockHeight-1 ? ( raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
                  cpos[3] = ( posY < blockHeight-1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
                  cpos[4] = ( posY < blockHeight-2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
                  for( nbSbb.num = 0; true; )
                    int nk = -1;
                    for( int k = 0; k < 5; k++ )
                      if( cpos[k] != 0 && ( nk < 0 || cpos[k] < cpos[nk] ) )
                        nk = k;
                    if( nk < 0 )
                    nbSbb.inPos[ nbSbb.num++ ] = uint8_t( cpos[nk] );
                    cpos[nk] = 0;
                  for( int k = nbSbb.num; k < 5; k++ )
                    nbSbb.inPos[k] = 0;
                  //===== outside subband neighbours =====
                  NbInfoOut&     nbOut  = sId2NbOut[ scanId ];
                  const int      begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
                  int            cpos[5];
                  cpos[0] = ( posX < blockWidth -1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1           ] : 0 ) : 0 );
                  cpos[1] = ( posX < blockWidth -2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2           ] : 0 ) : 0 );
                  cpos[2] = ( posX < blockWidth -1 && posY < blockHeight-1 ? ( raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
                  cpos[3] = ( posY < blockHeight-1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
                  cpos[4] = ( posY < blockHeight-2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
                  for( nbOut.num = 0; true; )
                    int nk = -1;
                    for( int k = 0; k < 5; k++ )
                      if( cpos[k] != 0 && ( nk < 0 || cpos[k] < cpos[nk] ) )
                        nk = k;
                    if( nk < 0 )
                    nbOut.outPos[ nbOut.num++ ] = uint16_t( cpos[nk] );
                    cpos[nk] = 0;
                  for( int k = nbOut.num; k < 5; k++ )
                    nbOut.outPos[k] = 0;
                  nbOut.maxDist = ( scanId == 0 ? 0 : sId2NbOut[scanId-1].maxDist );
                  for( int k = 0; k < nbOut.num; k++ )
                    if( nbOut.outPos[k] > nbOut.maxDist )
                      nbOut.maxDist = nbOut.outPos[k];
              // make it relative
              for( unsigned scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
                NbInfoOut& nbOut  = sId2NbOut[scanId];
                const int  begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
                for( int k = 0; k < nbOut.num; k++ )
                  nbOut.outPos[k] -= begSbb;
                nbOut.maxDist -= scanId;
        m_scansInitialized = true;
      void Rom::xUninitScanArrays()
        if( !m_scansInitialized )
        for( uint32_t blockHeightIdx = 0; blockHeightIdx <= MAX_CU_SIZE/2; blockHeightIdx++ )
          for( uint32_t blockWidthIdx = 0; blockWidthIdx <= MAX_CU_SIZE/2; blockWidthIdx++ )
            for( uint32_t scanTypeIdx = 0; scanTypeIdx < SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES; scanTypeIdx++ )
              NbInfoSbb*& sId2NbSbb = m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[scanTypeIdx][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx];
              NbInfoOut*& sId2NbOut = m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[scanTypeIdx][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx];
              if( sId2NbSbb )
                delete [] sId2NbSbb;
              if( sId2NbOut )
                delete [] sId2NbOut;
        m_scansInitialized = false;
      static Rom g_Rom;
      class RateEstimator
        RateEstimator () {}
        ~RateEstimator() {}
        void initBlock( const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID     compID );
        void initCtx  ( const TransformUnit& tu, const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess );
        inline bool               luma() const { return m_compID == COMPONENT_Y; }
        inline int32_t            widthInSbb() const { return m_widthInSbb; }
        inline int32_t            heightInSbb() const { return m_heightInSbb; }
        inline int32_t            numCoeff() const { return m_numCoeff; }
        inline int32_t            numSbb() const { return m_numSbb; }
        inline int32_t            sbbSize() const { return m_sbbSize; }
        inline int32_t            sbbPos(unsigned scanIdx) const { return m_scanSbbId2SbbPos[scanIdx >> m_log2SbbSize]; }
        inline int32_t            rasterPos(unsigned scanIdx) const { return m_scanId2BlkPos[scanIdx]; }
        inline int32_t            posX(unsigned scanIdx) const { return m_scanId2PosX[scanIdx]; }
        inline int32_t            posY(unsigned scanIdx) const { return m_scanId2PosY[scanIdx]; }
        inline const NbInfoSbb &  nbInfoSbb(unsigned scanIdx) const { return m_scanId2NbInfoSbb[scanIdx]; }
        inline const NbInfoOut *  nbInfoOut() const { return m_scanId2NbInfoOut; }
        inline const BinFracBits *sigSbbFracBits() const { return m_sigSbbFracBits; }
        inline const BinFracBits *sigFlagBits(unsigned stateId) const
          return m_sigFracBits[std::max(((int) stateId) - 1, 0)];
        inline const CoeffFracBits *gtxFracBits(unsigned stateId) const { return m_gtxFracBits; }
        inline int32_t              lastOffset(unsigned scanIdx) const
          return m_lastBitsX[m_scanId2PosX[scanIdx]] + m_lastBitsY[m_scanId2PosY[scanIdx]];
        void  xSetLastCoeffOffset ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, const TransformUnit& tu );
        void  xSetSigSbbFracBits  ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess );
        void  xSetSigFlagBits     ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess );
        void  xSetGtxFlagBits     ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess );
        static const unsigned sm_numCtxSetsSig    = 3;
        static const unsigned sm_numCtxSetsGtx    = 2;
        static const unsigned sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx  = 2;
        static const unsigned sm_maxNumSigCtx     = 18;
        static const unsigned sm_maxNumGtxCtx     = 21;
        ComponentID       m_compID;
        ChannelType       m_chType;
        unsigned          m_width;
        unsigned          m_height;
        unsigned          m_numCoeff;
        unsigned          m_numSbb;
        unsigned          m_log2SbbWidth;
        unsigned          m_log2SbbHeight;
        unsigned          m_log2SbbSize;
        unsigned          m_sbbSize;
        unsigned          m_sbbMask;
        unsigned          m_widthInSbb;
        unsigned          m_heightInSbb;
        CoeffScanType     m_scanType;
        const unsigned*   m_scanSbbId2SbbPos;
        const unsigned*   m_scanId2BlkPos;
        const unsigned*   m_scanId2PosX;
        const unsigned*   m_scanId2PosY;
        const NbInfoSbb*  m_scanId2NbInfoSbb;
        const NbInfoOut*  m_scanId2NbInfoOut;
        int32_t           m_lastBitsX      [ MAX_TU_SIZE ];
        int32_t           m_lastBitsY      [ MAX_TU_SIZE ];
        BinFracBits       m_sigSbbFracBits [ sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx ];
        BinFracBits       m_sigFracBits    [ sm_numCtxSetsSig   ][ sm_maxNumSigCtx ];
        CoeffFracBits     m_gtxFracBits                          [ sm_maxNumGtxCtx ];
      void RateEstimator::initBlock( const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID )
        CHECKD( tu.cs->sps->getSpsRangeExtension().getExtendedPrecisionProcessingFlag(), "ext precision is not supported" );
        const CompArea& area  = tu.blocks[ compID ];
        m_compID              = compID;
        m_chType              = toChannelType( m_compID );
        m_width               = area.width;
        m_height              = area.height;
        m_numCoeff            = m_width * m_height;
        const bool      no4x4 = ( ( m_width & 3 ) != 0 || ( m_height & 3 ) != 0 );
        m_log2SbbWidth        = ( no4x4 ? 1 : 2 );
        m_log2SbbHeight       = ( no4x4 ? 1 : 2 );
        m_log2SbbSize         = m_log2SbbWidth + m_log2SbbHeight;
        m_sbbSize             = ( 1 << m_log2SbbSize );
        m_sbbMask             = m_sbbSize - 1;
        m_widthInSbb          = m_width  >> m_log2SbbWidth;
        m_heightInSbb         = m_height >> m_log2SbbHeight;
        m_numSbb              = m_widthInSbb * m_heightInSbb;
        m_scanType            = CoeffScanType( TU::getCoefScanIdx( tu, m_compID ) );
        m_scanType            = SCAN_DIAG;
        SizeType        hsbb  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_widthInSbb  );
        SizeType        vsbb  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_heightInSbb );
        SizeType        hsId  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_width  );
        SizeType        vsId  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_height );
        m_scanSbbId2SbbPos    = g_scanOrder     [ SCAN_UNGROUPED   ][ m_scanType ][ hsbb ][ vsbb ];
        m_scanId2BlkPos       = g_scanOrder     [ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ];
        m_scanId2PosX         = g_scanOrderPosXY[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ][ 0 ];
        m_scanId2PosY         = g_scanOrderPosXY[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ][ 1 ];
        m_scanId2NbInfoSbb    = g_Rom.getNbInfoSbb( m_scanType, hsId, vsId );
        m_scanId2NbInfoOut    = g_Rom.getNbInfoOut( m_scanType, hsId, vsId );
      void RateEstimator::initCtx( const TransformUnit& tu, const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess )
        xSetSigSbbFracBits  ( fracBitsAccess );
        xSetSigFlagBits     ( fracBitsAccess );
        xSetGtxFlagBits     ( fracBitsAccess );
        xSetLastCoeffOffset ( fracBitsAccess, tu );
      void RateEstimator::xSetLastCoeffOffset( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, const TransformUnit& tu )
        int32_t cbfDeltaBits = 0;
        if( m_compID == COMPONENT_Y && !CU::isIntra(* && !tu.depth )
          const BinFracBits bits  = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( Ctx::QtRootCbf() );
          cbfDeltaBits            = int32_t( bits.intBits[1] ) - int32_t( bits.intBits[0] );
          BinFracBits bits = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( Ctx::QtCbf[m_compID]( DeriveCtx::CtxQtCbf( m_compID, tu.depth, tu.cbf[COMPONENT_Cb] ) ) );
          cbfDeltaBits = int32_t( bits.intBits[1] ) - int32_t( bits.intBits[0] );
        static const unsigned prefixCtx[] = { 0, 0, 0, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 };
        uint32_t              ctxBits  [ LAST_SIGNIFICANT_GROUPS ];
        for( unsigned xy = 0; xy < 2; xy++ )
          int32_t             bitOffset   = ( xy ? cbfDeltaBits : 0 );
          int32_t*            lastBits    = ( xy ? m_lastBitsY : m_lastBitsX );
          const unsigned      size        = ( xy ? m_height : m_width );
          const unsigned      log2Size    = g_aucNextLog2[ size ];
          const bool          useYCtx     = ( m_scanType == SCAN_VER ? ( xy == 0 ) : ( xy != 0 ) );
          const bool          useYCtx     = ( xy != 0 );
          const CtxSet&       ctxSetLast  = ( useYCtx ? Ctx::LastY : Ctx::LastX )[ m_chType ];
          const unsigned      lastShift   = ( m_compID == COMPONENT_Y ? (log2Size+1)>>2 : ( tu.cs->pcv->rectCUs ? Clip3<unsigned>(0,2,size>>3) : log2Size-2 ) );
          const unsigned      lastOffset  = ( m_compID == COMPONENT_Y ? ( tu.cs->pcv->rectCUs ? prefixCtx[log2Size] : 3*(log2Size-2)+((log2Size-1)>>2) ) : 0 );
          uint32_t            sumFBits    = 0;
          unsigned            maxCtxId    = g_uiGroupIdx[ size - 1 ];
          for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < maxCtxId; ctxId++ )
            const BinFracBits bits  = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetLast( lastOffset + ( ctxId >> lastShift ) ) );
            ctxBits[ ctxId ]        = sumFBits + bits.intBits[0] + ( ctxId>3 ? ((ctxId-2)>>1)<<SCALE_BITS : 0 ) + bitOffset;
            sumFBits               +=            bits.intBits[1];
          ctxBits  [ maxCtxId ]     = sumFBits + ( maxCtxId>3 ? ((maxCtxId-2)>>1)<<SCALE_BITS : 0 ) + bitOffset;
          for( unsigned pos = 0; pos < size; pos++ )
            lastBits[ pos ]         = ctxBits[ g_uiGroupIdx[ pos ] ];
      void RateEstimator::xSetSigSbbFracBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess )
        const CtxSet& ctxSet = Ctx::SigCoeffGroup[ m_chType ];
        for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx; ctxId++ )
          m_sigSbbFracBits[ ctxId ] = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSet( ctxId ) );
      void RateEstimator::xSetSigFlagBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess )
        for( unsigned ctxSetId = 0; ctxSetId < sm_numCtxSetsSig; ctxSetId++ )
          BinFracBits*    bits    = m_sigFracBits [ ctxSetId ];
          const CtxSet&   ctxSet  = Ctx::SigFlag  [ m_chType + 2*ctxSetId ];
          const unsigned  numCtx  = ( m_compID == COMPONENT_Y ? 18 : 12 );
          for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < numCtx; ctxId++ )
            bits[ ctxId ] = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSet( ctxId ) );
      void RateEstimator::xSetGtxFlagBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess )
        const CtxSet&   ctxSetPar   = Ctx::ParFlag [     m_chType ];
        const CtxSet&   ctxSetGt1   = Ctx::GtxFlag [ 2 + m_chType ];
        const CtxSet&   ctxSetGt2   = Ctx::GtxFlag [     m_chType ];
        const unsigned  numCtx      = ( m_compID == COMPONENT_Y ? 21 : 11 );
        for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < numCtx; ctxId++ )
          BinFracBits     fbPar = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetPar( ctxId ) );
          BinFracBits     fbGt1 = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetGt1( ctxId ) );
          BinFracBits     fbGt2 = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetGt2( ctxId ) );
          CoeffFracBits&  cb    = m_gtxFracBits[ ctxId ];
          int32_t         par0  = (1<<SCALE_BITS) + int32_t(fbPar.intBits[0]);
          int32_t         par1  = (1<<SCALE_BITS) + int32_t(fbPar.intBits[1]);
          cb.bits[0]  = 0;
    #if JVET_L0274
          cb.bits[1]  = fbGt1.intBits[0] + (1 << SCALE_BITS);
          cb.bits[2]  = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par0 + fbGt2.intBits[0];
          cb.bits[3]  = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par1 + fbGt2.intBits[0];
          cb.bits[4]  = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par0 + fbGt2.intBits[1];
          cb.bits[5]  = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par1 + fbGt2.intBits[1];
          cb.bits[1]  = par0 + fbGt1.intBits[0];
          cb.bits[2]  = par1 + fbGt1.intBits[0];
          cb.bits[3]  = par0 + fbGt1.intBits[1] + fbGt2.intBits[0];
          cb.bits[4]  = par1 + fbGt1.intBits[1] + fbGt2.intBits[0];
          cb.bits[5]  = par0 + fbGt1.intBits[1] + fbGt2.intBits[1];
          cb.bits[6]  = par1 + fbGt1.intBits[1] + fbGt2.intBits[1];
      /*=====                                                                      =====*/
      /*=====   D A T A   S T R U C T U R E S                                      =====*/
      /*=====                                                                      =====*/
      enum ScanPosType { SCAN_ISCSBB = 0, SCAN_SOCSBB = 1, SCAN_EOCSBB = 2 };
      struct ScanInfo
        const int     sbbSize;
        const int     numSbb;
        int           scanIdx;
        int           rasterPos;
        int           lastOffset;
        unsigned      sigCtxOffsetNext;
        unsigned      gtxCtxOffsetNext;
        int           insidePos;
        int           nextInsidePos;
        NbInfoSbb     nextNbInfoSbb;
    #if JVET_L0274
        bool          eosbb;
        ScanPosType   spt;