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/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD
 * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party
 * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are
 * granted under this license.
 * Copyright (c) 2010-2018, ITU/ISO/IEC
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 *  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 *    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 *  * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may
 *    be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
 *    specific prior written permission.

#include "DepQuant.h"
#include "TrQuant.h"
#include "CodingStructure.h"
#include "UnitTools.h"

#include <bitset>

namespace DQIntern
  /*=====                                                                      =====*/
  /*=====   R A T E   E S T I M A T O R                                        =====*/
  /*=====                                                                      =====*/

  struct NbInfoSbb
    uint8_t   num;
    uint8_t   inPos[5];
  struct NbInfoOut
    uint16_t  maxDist;
    uint16_t  num;
    uint16_t  outPos[5];
  struct CoeffFracBits

  enum ScanPosType { SCAN_ISCSBB = 0, SCAN_SOCSBB = 1, SCAN_EOCSBB = 2 };

  struct ScanInfo
    ScanInfo() {}
    int           sbbSize;
    int           numSbb;
    int           scanIdx;
    int           rasterPos;
    int           sbbPos;
    int           insidePos;
    bool          eosbb;
    ScanPosType   spt;
    unsigned      sigCtxOffsetNext;
    unsigned      gtxCtxOffsetNext;
    int           nextInsidePos;
    NbInfoSbb     nextNbInfoSbb;
    int           nextSbbRight;
    int           nextSbbBelow;

  class Rom;
  struct TUParameters
    TUParameters ( const Rom& rom, const unsigned width, const unsigned height, const ChannelType chType );
      delete [] m_scanInfo;

    ChannelType       m_chType;
    unsigned          m_width;
    unsigned          m_height;
    unsigned          m_numCoeff;
    unsigned          m_numSbb;
    unsigned          m_log2SbbWidth;
    unsigned          m_log2SbbHeight;
    unsigned          m_log2SbbSize;
    unsigned          m_sbbSize;
    unsigned          m_sbbMask;
    unsigned          m_widthInSbb;
    unsigned          m_heightInSbb;
    CoeffScanType     m_scanType;
    const unsigned*   m_scanSbbId2SbbPos;
    const unsigned*   m_scanId2BlkPos;
    const unsigned*   m_scanId2PosX;
    const unsigned*   m_scanId2PosY;
    const NbInfoSbb*  m_scanId2NbInfoSbb;
    const NbInfoOut*  m_scanId2NbInfoOut;
    ScanInfo*         m_scanInfo;
    void xSetScanInfo( ScanInfo& scanInfo, int scanIdx );

  class Rom
    Rom() : m_scansInitialized(false) {}
    ~Rom() { xUninitScanArrays(); }
    void                init        ()                       { xInitScanArrays(); }
    const NbInfoSbb*    getNbInfoSbb( int hd, int vd ) const { return m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[hd][vd]; }
    const NbInfoOut*    getNbInfoOut( int hd, int vd ) const { return m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[hd][vd]; }
    const TUParameters* getTUPars   ( const CompArea& area, const ComponentID compID ) const
      return m_tuParameters[g_aucLog2[area.width]][g_aucLog2[area.height]][toChannelType(compID)];
    void  xInitScanArrays   ();
    void  xUninitScanArrays ();
    bool          m_scansInitialized;
    NbInfoSbb*    m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ][ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ];
    NbInfoOut*    m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ][ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ];
    TUParameters* m_tuParameters         [ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ][ MAX_CU_DEPTH+1 ][ MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE ];

  void Rom::xInitScanArrays()
    if( m_scansInitialized )
    ::memset( m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray, 0, sizeof(m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray) );
    ::memset( m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray, 0, sizeof(m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray) );
    ::memset( m_tuParameters,          0, sizeof(m_tuParameters) );

    uint32_t raster2id[ MAX_CU_SIZE * MAX_CU_SIZE ];

    for( int hd = 1; hd <= MAX_CU_DEPTH; hd++ )
      for( int vd = 1; vd <= MAX_CU_DEPTH; vd++ )
        const uint32_t      blockWidth    = (1 << hd);
        const uint32_t      blockHeight   = (1 << vd);
        const uint32_t      totalValues   = blockWidth * blockHeight;
        const uint32_t      log2CGWidth   = (blockWidth & 3) + (blockHeight & 3) > 0 ? 1 : 2;
        const uint32_t      log2CGHeight  = (blockWidth & 3) + (blockHeight & 3) > 0 ? 1 : 2;
        const uint32_t      groupWidth    = 1 << log2CGWidth;
        const uint32_t      groupHeight   = 1 << log2CGHeight;
        const uint32_t      groupSize     = groupWidth * groupHeight;
        const CoeffScanType scanType      = SCAN_DIAG;
        const SizeType      blkWidthIdx   = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( blockWidth  );
        const SizeType      blkHeightIdx  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( blockHeight );
        const uint32_t*     scanId2RP     = g_scanOrder     [SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blkWidthIdx][blkHeightIdx];
        const uint32_t*     scanId2X      = g_scanOrderPosXY[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blkWidthIdx][blkHeightIdx][0];
        const uint32_t*     scanId2Y      = g_scanOrderPosXY[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blkWidthIdx][blkHeightIdx][1];
        NbInfoSbb*&         sId2NbSbb     = m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[hd][vd];
        NbInfoOut*&         sId2NbOut     = m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[hd][vd];

        sId2NbSbb = new NbInfoSbb[ totalValues ];
        sId2NbOut = new NbInfoOut[ totalValues ];

        for( uint32_t scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
          raster2id[ scanId2RP[ scanId ] ] = scanId;

        for( unsigned scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
          const int posX = scanId2X [ scanId ];
          const int posY = scanId2Y [ scanId ];
          const int rpos = scanId2RP[ scanId ];
            //===== inside subband neighbours =====
            NbInfoSbb&     nbSbb  = sId2NbSbb[ scanId ];
            const int      begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
            int            cpos[5];
            cpos[0] = ( posX < blockWidth -1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
            cpos[1] = ( posX < blockWidth -2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
            cpos[2] = ( posX < blockWidth -1 && posY < blockHeight-1 ? ( raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
            cpos[3] = ( posY < blockHeight-1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
            cpos[4] = ( posY < blockHeight-2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
            for( nbSbb.num = 0; true; )
              int nk = -1;
              for( int k = 0; k < 5; k++ )
                if( cpos[k] != 0 && ( nk < 0 || cpos[k] < cpos[nk] ) )
                  nk = k;
              if( nk < 0 )
              nbSbb.inPos[ nbSbb.num++ ] = uint8_t( cpos[nk] );
              cpos[nk] = 0;
            for( int k = nbSbb.num; k < 5; k++ )
              nbSbb.inPos[k] = 0;
            //===== outside subband neighbours =====
            NbInfoOut&     nbOut  = sId2NbOut[ scanId ];
            const int      begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
            int            cpos[5];
            cpos[0] = ( posX < blockWidth -1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1           ] : 0 ) : 0 );
            cpos[1] = ( posX < blockWidth -2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2           ] : 0 ) : 0 );
            cpos[2] = ( posX < blockWidth -1 && posY < blockHeight-1 ? ( raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
            cpos[3] = ( posY < blockHeight-1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
            cpos[4] = ( posY < blockHeight-2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
            for( nbOut.num = 0; true; )
              int nk = -1;
              for( int k = 0; k < 5; k++ )
                if( cpos[k] != 0 && ( nk < 0 || cpos[k] < cpos[nk] ) )
                  nk = k;
              if( nk < 0 )
              nbOut.outPos[ nbOut.num++ ] = uint16_t( cpos[nk] );
              cpos[nk] = 0;
            for( int k = nbOut.num; k < 5; k++ )
              nbOut.outPos[k] = 0;
            nbOut.maxDist = ( scanId == 0 ? 0 : sId2NbOut[scanId-1].maxDist );
            for( int k = 0; k < nbOut.num; k++ )
              if( nbOut.outPos[k] > nbOut.maxDist )
                nbOut.maxDist = nbOut.outPos[k];

        // make it relative
        for( unsigned scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
          NbInfoOut& nbOut  = sId2NbOut[scanId];
          const int  begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
          for( int k = 0; k < nbOut.num; k++ )
            nbOut.outPos[k] -= begSbb;
          nbOut.maxDist -= scanId;

        for( int chId = 0; chId < MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; chId++ )
          m_tuParameters[hd][vd][chId] = new TUParameters( *this, blockWidth, blockHeight, ChannelType(chId) );
    m_scansInitialized = true;

  void Rom::xUninitScanArrays()
    if( !m_scansInitialized )
    for( int hd = 0; hd <= MAX_CU_DEPTH; hd++ )
      for( int vd = 0; vd <= MAX_CU_DEPTH; vd++ )
        NbInfoSbb*& sId2NbSbb = m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[hd][vd];
        NbInfoOut*& sId2NbOut = m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[hd][vd];
        if( sId2NbSbb )
          delete [] sId2NbSbb;
        if( sId2NbOut )
          delete [] sId2NbOut;
        for( int chId = 0; chId < MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; chId++ )
          TUParameters*& tuPars = m_tuParameters[hd][vd][chId];
          if( tuPars )
            delete tuPars;
    m_scansInitialized = false;

  static Rom g_Rom;

  TUParameters::TUParameters( const Rom& rom, const unsigned width, const unsigned height, const ChannelType chType )
    m_chType              = chType;
    m_width               = width;
    m_height              = height;
    m_numCoeff            = m_width * m_height;
    const bool      no4x4 = ( ( m_width & 3 ) != 0 || ( m_height & 3 ) != 0 );
    m_log2SbbWidth        = ( no4x4 ? 1 : 2 );
    m_log2SbbHeight       = ( no4x4 ? 1 : 2 );
    m_log2SbbSize         = m_log2SbbWidth + m_log2SbbHeight;
    m_sbbSize             = ( 1 << m_log2SbbSize );
    m_sbbMask             = m_sbbSize - 1;
    m_widthInSbb          = m_width  >> m_log2SbbWidth;
    m_heightInSbb         = m_height >> m_log2SbbHeight;
    m_numSbb              = m_widthInSbb * m_heightInSbb;
#error "MDCS is not supported" // use different function...
    //  m_scanType            = CoeffScanType( TU::getCoefScanIdx( tu, m_compID ) );
    m_scanType            = SCAN_DIAG;
    SizeType        hsbb  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_widthInSbb  );
    SizeType        vsbb  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_heightInSbb );
    SizeType        hsId  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_width  );
    SizeType        vsId  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_height );
    m_scanSbbId2SbbPos    = g_scanOrder     [ SCAN_UNGROUPED   ][ m_scanType ][ hsbb ][ vsbb ];
    m_scanId2BlkPos       = g_scanOrder     [ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ];
    m_scanId2PosX         = g_scanOrderPosXY[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ][ 0 ];
    m_scanId2PosY         = g_scanOrderPosXY[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ][ 1 ];
    int log2W             = g_aucLog2[ m_width  ];
    int log2H             = g_aucLog2[ m_height ];
    m_scanId2NbInfoSbb    = rom.getNbInfoSbb( log2W, log2H );
    m_scanId2NbInfoOut    = rom.getNbInfoOut( log2W, log2H );
    m_scanInfo            = new ScanInfo[ m_numCoeff ];
    for( int scanIdx = 0; scanIdx < m_numCoeff; scanIdx++ )
      xSetScanInfo( m_scanInfo[scanIdx], scanIdx );

  void TUParameters::xSetScanInfo( ScanInfo& scanInfo, int scanIdx )
    scanInfo.sbbSize    = m_sbbSize;
    scanInfo.numSbb     = m_numSbb;
    scanInfo.scanIdx    = scanIdx;
    scanInfo.rasterPos  = m_scanId2BlkPos[ scanIdx ];
    scanInfo.sbbPos     = m_scanSbbId2SbbPos[ scanIdx >> m_log2SbbSize ];
    scanInfo.insidePos  = scanIdx & m_sbbMask;
    scanInfo.eosbb      = ( scanInfo.insidePos == 0 );
    scanInfo.spt        = SCAN_ISCSBB;
    if(  scanInfo.insidePos == m_sbbMask && scanIdx > scanInfo.sbbSize && scanIdx < m_numCoeff - 1 )
      scanInfo.spt      = SCAN_SOCSBB;
    else if( scanInfo.eosbb && scanIdx > 0 && scanIdx < m_numCoeff - m_sbbSize )
      scanInfo.spt      = SCAN_EOCSBB;
    if( scanIdx )
      const int nextScanIdx = scanIdx - 1;
      const int diag        = m_scanId2PosX[ nextScanIdx ] + m_scanId2PosY[ nextScanIdx ];
      if( m_chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA )
        scanInfo.sigCtxOffsetNext = ( diag < 2 ? 12 : diag < 5 ?  6 : 0 );
        scanInfo.gtxCtxOffsetNext = ( diag < 1 ? 16 : diag < 3 ? 11 : diag < 10 ? 6 : 1 );
        scanInfo.sigCtxOffsetNext = ( diag < 2 ? 6 : 0 );
        scanInfo.gtxCtxOffsetNext = ( diag < 1 ? 6 : 1 );
      scanInfo.nextInsidePos      = nextScanIdx & m_sbbMask;
      scanInfo.nextNbInfoSbb      = m_scanId2NbInfoSbb[ nextScanIdx ];
      if( scanInfo.eosbb )
        const int nextSbbPos  = m_scanSbbId2SbbPos[ nextScanIdx >> m_log2SbbSize ];
        const int nextSbbPosY = nextSbbPos               / m_widthInSbb;
        const int nextSbbPosX = nextSbbPos - nextSbbPosY * m_widthInSbb;
        scanInfo.nextSbbRight = ( nextSbbPosX < m_widthInSbb  - 1 ? nextSbbPos + 1            : 0 );
        scanInfo.nextSbbBelow = ( nextSbbPosY < m_heightInSbb - 1 ? nextSbbPos + m_widthInSbb : 0 );

  class RateEstimator
    RateEstimator () {}
    ~RateEstimator() {}
    void initCtx  ( const TUParameters& tuPars, const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID, const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess );

    inline const BinFracBits *sigSbbFracBits() const { return m_sigSbbFracBits; }
    inline const BinFracBits *sigFlagBits(unsigned stateId) const
      return m_sigFracBits[std::max(((int) stateId) - 1, 0)];
    inline const CoeffFracBits *gtxFracBits(unsigned stateId) const { return m_gtxFracBits; }
    inline int32_t              lastOffset(unsigned scanIdx) const
      return m_lastBitsX[m_scanId2PosX[scanIdx]] + m_lastBitsY[m_scanId2PosY[scanIdx]];

    void  xSetLastCoeffOffset ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, const TUParameters& tuPars, const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID );
    void  xSetSigSbbFracBits  ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType );
    void  xSetSigFlagBits     ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType );
    void  xSetGtxFlagBits     ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType );

    static const unsigned sm_numCtxSetsSig    = 3;
    static const unsigned sm_numCtxSetsGtx    = 2;
    static const unsigned sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx  = 2;
    static const unsigned sm_maxNumSigCtx     = 18;
    static const unsigned sm_maxNumGtxCtx     = 21;
    const unsigned*     m_scanId2PosX;
    const unsigned*     m_scanId2PosY;
    int32_t             m_lastBitsX      [ MAX_TU_SIZE ];
    int32_t             m_lastBitsY      [ MAX_TU_SIZE ];
    BinFracBits         m_sigSbbFracBits [ sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx ];
    BinFracBits         m_sigFracBits    [ sm_numCtxSetsSig   ][ sm_maxNumSigCtx ];
    CoeffFracBits       m_gtxFracBits                          [ sm_maxNumGtxCtx ];
  void RateEstimator::initCtx( const TUParameters& tuPars, const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID, const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess )
    m_scanId2PosX       = tuPars.m_scanId2PosX;
    m_scanId2PosY       = tuPars.m_scanId2PosY;
    xSetSigSbbFracBits  ( fracBitsAccess, tuPars.m_chType );
    xSetSigFlagBits     ( fracBitsAccess, tuPars.m_chType );
    xSetGtxFlagBits     ( fracBitsAccess, tuPars.m_chType );
    xSetLastCoeffOffset ( fracBitsAccess, tuPars, tu, compID );

  void RateEstimator::xSetLastCoeffOffset( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, const TUParameters& tuPars, const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID )
    const ChannelType chType = ( compID == COMPONENT_Y ? CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA : CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA );
    int32_t cbfDeltaBits = 0;
    if( compID == COMPONENT_Y && !CU::isIntra(* && !tu.depth )
      const BinFracBits bits  = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( Ctx::QtRootCbf() );
      cbfDeltaBits            = int32_t( bits.intBits[1] ) - int32_t( bits.intBits[0] );
      BinFracBits bits = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( Ctx::QtCbf[compID]( DeriveCtx::CtxQtCbf( compID, tu.depth, tu.cbf[COMPONENT_Cb] ) ) );
      cbfDeltaBits = int32_t( bits.intBits[1] ) - int32_t( bits.intBits[0] );

    static const unsigned prefixCtx[] = { 0, 0, 0, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 };
    uint32_t              ctxBits  [ LAST_SIGNIFICANT_GROUPS ];
    for( unsigned xy = 0; xy < 2; xy++ )
      int32_t             bitOffset   = ( xy ? cbfDeltaBits : 0 );
      int32_t*            lastBits    = ( xy ? m_lastBitsY : m_lastBitsX );
      const unsigned      size        = ( xy ? tuPars.m_height : tuPars.m_width );
      const unsigned      log2Size    = g_aucNextLog2[ size ];
      const bool          useYCtx     = ( m_scanType == SCAN_VER ? ( xy == 0 ) : ( xy != 0 ) );
      const bool          useYCtx     = ( xy != 0 );
      const CtxSet&       ctxSetLast  = ( useYCtx ? Ctx::LastY : Ctx::LastX )[ chType ];
Karsten Suehring's avatar
Karsten Suehring committed
      const unsigned      lastShift   = ( compID == COMPONENT_Y ? (log2Size+1)>>2 : Clip3<unsigned>(0,2,size>>3) );
      const unsigned      lastOffset  = ( compID == COMPONENT_Y ? ( prefixCtx[log2Size] ) : 0 );
      uint32_t            sumFBits    = 0;
      unsigned            maxCtxId    = g_uiGroupIdx[ size - 1 ];
      for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < maxCtxId; ctxId++ )
        const BinFracBits bits  = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetLast( lastOffset + ( ctxId >> lastShift ) ) );
        ctxBits[ ctxId ]        = sumFBits + bits.intBits[0] + ( ctxId>3 ? ((ctxId-2)>>1)<<SCALE_BITS : 0 ) + bitOffset;
        sumFBits               +=            bits.intBits[1];
      ctxBits  [ maxCtxId ]     = sumFBits + ( maxCtxId>3 ? ((maxCtxId-2)>>1)<<SCALE_BITS : 0 ) + bitOffset;
      for( unsigned pos = 0; pos < size; pos++ )
        lastBits[ pos ]         = ctxBits[ g_uiGroupIdx[ pos ] ];

  void RateEstimator::xSetSigSbbFracBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType )
    const CtxSet& ctxSet = Ctx::SigCoeffGroup[ chType ];
    for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx; ctxId++ )
      m_sigSbbFracBits[ ctxId ] = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSet( ctxId ) );

  void RateEstimator::xSetSigFlagBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType )
    for( unsigned ctxSetId = 0; ctxSetId < sm_numCtxSetsSig; ctxSetId++ )
      BinFracBits*    bits    = m_sigFracBits [ ctxSetId ];
      const CtxSet&   ctxSet  = Ctx::SigFlag  [ chType + 2*ctxSetId ];
      const unsigned  numCtx  = ( chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ? 18 : 12 );
      for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < numCtx; ctxId++ )
        bits[ ctxId ] = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSet( ctxId ) );

  void RateEstimator::xSetGtxFlagBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, ChannelType chType )
    const CtxSet&   ctxSetPar   = Ctx::ParFlag [     chType ];
    const CtxSet&   ctxSetGt1   = Ctx::GtxFlag [ 2 + chType ];
    const CtxSet&   ctxSetGt2   = Ctx::GtxFlag [     chType ];
    const unsigned  numCtx      = ( chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ? 21 : 11 );
    for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < numCtx; ctxId++ )
      BinFracBits     fbPar = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetPar( ctxId ) );
      BinFracBits     fbGt1 = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetGt1( ctxId ) );
      BinFracBits     fbGt2 = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetGt2( ctxId ) );
      CoeffFracBits&  cb    = m_gtxFracBits[ ctxId ];
      int32_t         par0  = (1<<SCALE_BITS) + int32_t(fbPar.intBits[0]);
      int32_t         par1  = (1<<SCALE_BITS) + int32_t(fbPar.intBits[1]);
      cb.bits[0] = 0;
      cb.bits[1] = fbGt1.intBits[0] + (1 << SCALE_BITS);
      cb.bits[2] = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par0 + fbGt2.intBits[0];
      cb.bits[3] = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par1 + fbGt2.intBits[0];
      cb.bits[4] = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par0 + fbGt2.intBits[1];
      cb.bits[5] = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par1 + fbGt2.intBits[1];


  class Rom
    Rom() : m_scansInitialized(false) {}
    ~Rom() { xUninitScanArrays(); }
    void              init        ()                                  { xInitScanArrays(); }
    const NbInfoSbb*  getNbInfoSbb( int sId, int hId, int vId ) const { return m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[sId][hId][vId]; }
    const NbInfoOut*  getNbInfoOut( int sId, int hId, int vId ) const { return m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[sId][hId][vId]; }
    void  xInitScanArrays   ();
    void  xUninitScanArrays ();
    bool       m_scansInitialized;
    NbInfoSbb* m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[ SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES ][ MAX_CU_SIZE/2+1 ][ MAX_CU_SIZE/2+1 ];
    NbInfoOut* m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[ SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES ][ MAX_CU_SIZE/2+1 ][ MAX_CU_SIZE/2+1 ];

  void Rom::xInitScanArrays()
    if( m_scansInitialized )
    ::memset( m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray, 0, sizeof(m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray) );
    ::memset( m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray, 0, sizeof(m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray) );

    SizeIndexInfoLog2 sizeInfo;
    sizeInfo.init ( MAX_CU_SIZE );
    uint32_t raster2id[ MAX_CU_SIZE * MAX_CU_SIZE ];

    for( uint32_t blockHeightIdx = 0; blockHeightIdx < sizeInfo.numHeights(); blockHeightIdx++ )
      for( uint32_t blockWidthIdx = 0; blockWidthIdx < sizeInfo.numWidths(); blockWidthIdx++ )
        const uint32_t blockWidth   = sizeInfo.sizeFrom( blockWidthIdx  );
        const uint32_t blockHeight  = sizeInfo.sizeFrom( blockHeightIdx );
        const uint32_t totalValues  = blockWidth * blockHeight;
        const uint32_t log2CGWidth  = (blockWidth & 3) + (blockHeight & 3) > 0 ? 1 : 2;
        const uint32_t log2CGHeight = (blockWidth & 3) + (blockHeight & 3) > 0 ? 1 : 2;
        const uint32_t groupWidth   = 1 << log2CGWidth;
        const uint32_t groupHeight  = 1 << log2CGHeight;
        const uint32_t groupSize    = groupWidth * groupHeight;
        if( ((blockWidth>>log2CGWidth)<<log2CGWidth)!=blockWidth || ((blockHeight>>log2CGHeight)<<log2CGHeight)!=blockHeight )
        for( uint32_t scanTypeIdx = 0; scanTypeIdx < SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES; scanTypeIdx++ )
          const CoeffScanType scanType  = CoeffScanType(scanTypeIdx);
          const uint32_t*         scanId2RP = g_scanOrder     [SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx];
          const uint32_t*         scanId2X  = g_scanOrderPosXY[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx][0];
          const uint32_t*         scanId2Y  = g_scanOrderPosXY[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][scanType][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx][1];
          NbInfoSbb*&         sId2NbSbb = m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray           [scanType][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx];
          NbInfoOut*&         sId2NbOut = m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray           [scanType][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx];

          sId2NbSbb = new NbInfoSbb[ totalValues ];
          sId2NbOut = new NbInfoOut[ totalValues ];

          for( uint32_t scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
            raster2id[ scanId2RP[ scanId ] ] = scanId;

          for( unsigned scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
            const int posX = scanId2X [ scanId ];
            const int posY = scanId2Y [ scanId ];
            const int rpos = scanId2RP[ scanId ];
              //===== inside subband neighbours =====
              NbInfoSbb&     nbSbb  = sId2NbSbb[ scanId ];
              const int      begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
              int            cpos[5];
              cpos[0] = ( posX < blockWidth -1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
              cpos[1] = ( posX < blockWidth -2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
              cpos[2] = ( posX < blockWidth -1 && posY < blockHeight-1 ? ( raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
              cpos[3] = ( posY < blockHeight-1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
              cpos[4] = ( posY < blockHeight-2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb < groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb : 0 ) : 0 );
              for( nbSbb.num = 0; true; )
                int nk = -1;
                for( int k = 0; k < 5; k++ )
                  if( cpos[k] != 0 && ( nk < 0 || cpos[k] < cpos[nk] ) )
                    nk = k;
                if( nk < 0 )
                nbSbb.inPos[ nbSbb.num++ ] = uint8_t( cpos[nk] );
                cpos[nk] = 0;
              for( int k = nbSbb.num; k < 5; k++ )
                nbSbb.inPos[k] = 0;
              //===== outside subband neighbours =====
              NbInfoOut&     nbOut  = sId2NbOut[ scanId ];
              const int      begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
              int            cpos[5];
              cpos[0] = ( posX < blockWidth -1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+1           ] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1           ] : 0 ) : 0 );
              cpos[1] = ( posX < blockWidth -2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2           ] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2           ] : 0 ) : 0 );
              cpos[2] = ( posX < blockWidth -1 && posY < blockHeight-1 ? ( raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+1+blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
              cpos[3] = ( posY < blockHeight-1                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+  blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
              cpos[4] = ( posY < blockHeight-2                         ? ( raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] - begSbb >= groupSize ? raster2id[rpos+2*blockWidth] : 0 ) : 0 );
              for( nbOut.num = 0; true; )
                int nk = -1;
                for( int k = 0; k < 5; k++ )
                  if( cpos[k] != 0 && ( nk < 0 || cpos[k] < cpos[nk] ) )
                    nk = k;
                if( nk < 0 )
                nbOut.outPos[ nbOut.num++ ] = uint16_t( cpos[nk] );
                cpos[nk] = 0;
              for( int k = nbOut.num; k < 5; k++ )
                nbOut.outPos[k] = 0;
              nbOut.maxDist = ( scanId == 0 ? 0 : sId2NbOut[scanId-1].maxDist );
              for( int k = 0; k < nbOut.num; k++ )
                if( nbOut.outPos[k] > nbOut.maxDist )
                  nbOut.maxDist = nbOut.outPos[k];

          // make it relative
          for( unsigned scanId = 0; scanId < totalValues; scanId++ )
            NbInfoOut& nbOut  = sId2NbOut[scanId];
            const int  begSbb = scanId - ( scanId & (groupSize-1) ); // first pos in current subblock
            for( int k = 0; k < nbOut.num; k++ )
              nbOut.outPos[k] -= begSbb;
            nbOut.maxDist -= scanId;
    m_scansInitialized = true;

  void Rom::xUninitScanArrays()
    if( !m_scansInitialized )
    for( uint32_t blockHeightIdx = 0; blockHeightIdx <= MAX_CU_SIZE/2; blockHeightIdx++ )
      for( uint32_t blockWidthIdx = 0; blockWidthIdx <= MAX_CU_SIZE/2; blockWidthIdx++ )
        for( uint32_t scanTypeIdx = 0; scanTypeIdx < SCAN_NUMBER_OF_TYPES; scanTypeIdx++ )
          NbInfoSbb*& sId2NbSbb = m_scanId2NbInfoSbbArray[scanTypeIdx][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx];
          NbInfoOut*& sId2NbOut = m_scanId2NbInfoOutArray[scanTypeIdx][blockWidthIdx][blockHeightIdx];
          if( sId2NbSbb )
            delete [] sId2NbSbb;
          if( sId2NbOut )
            delete [] sId2NbOut;
    m_scansInitialized = false;

  static Rom g_Rom;

  class RateEstimator
    RateEstimator () {}
    ~RateEstimator() {}
    void initBlock( const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID     compID );
    void initCtx  ( const TransformUnit& tu, const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess );

    inline bool               luma() const { return m_compID == COMPONENT_Y; }
    inline int32_t            widthInSbb() const { return m_widthInSbb; }
    inline int32_t            heightInSbb() const { return m_heightInSbb; }
    inline int32_t            numCoeff() const { return m_numCoeff; }
    inline int32_t            numSbb() const { return m_numSbb; }
    inline int32_t            sbbSize() const { return m_sbbSize; }
    inline int32_t            sbbPos(unsigned scanIdx) const { return m_scanSbbId2SbbPos[scanIdx >> m_log2SbbSize]; }
    inline int32_t            rasterPos(unsigned scanIdx) const { return m_scanId2BlkPos[scanIdx]; }
    inline int32_t            posX(unsigned scanIdx) const { return m_scanId2PosX[scanIdx]; }
    inline int32_t            posY(unsigned scanIdx) const { return m_scanId2PosY[scanIdx]; }
    inline const NbInfoSbb &  nbInfoSbb(unsigned scanIdx) const { return m_scanId2NbInfoSbb[scanIdx]; }
    inline const NbInfoOut *  nbInfoOut() const { return m_scanId2NbInfoOut; }
    inline const BinFracBits *sigSbbFracBits() const { return m_sigSbbFracBits; }
    inline const BinFracBits *sigFlagBits(unsigned stateId) const
      return m_sigFracBits[std::max(((int) stateId) - 1, 0)];
    inline const CoeffFracBits *gtxFracBits(unsigned stateId) const { return m_gtxFracBits; }
    inline int32_t              lastOffset(unsigned scanIdx) const
      return m_lastBitsX[m_scanId2PosX[scanIdx]] + m_lastBitsY[m_scanId2PosY[scanIdx]];

    void  xSetLastCoeffOffset ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, const TransformUnit& tu );
    void  xSetSigSbbFracBits  ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess );
    void  xSetSigFlagBits     ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess );
    void  xSetGtxFlagBits     ( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess );

    static const unsigned sm_numCtxSetsSig    = 3;
    static const unsigned sm_numCtxSetsGtx    = 2;
    static const unsigned sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx  = 2;
    static const unsigned sm_maxNumSigCtx     = 18;
    static const unsigned sm_maxNumGtxCtx     = 21;

    ComponentID       m_compID;
    ChannelType       m_chType;
    unsigned          m_width;
    unsigned          m_height;
    unsigned          m_numCoeff;
    unsigned          m_numSbb;
    unsigned          m_log2SbbWidth;
    unsigned          m_log2SbbHeight;
    unsigned          m_log2SbbSize;
    unsigned          m_sbbSize;
    unsigned          m_sbbMask;
    unsigned          m_widthInSbb;
    unsigned          m_heightInSbb;
    CoeffScanType     m_scanType;
    const unsigned*   m_scanSbbId2SbbPos;
    const unsigned*   m_scanId2BlkPos;
    const unsigned*   m_scanId2PosX;
    const unsigned*   m_scanId2PosY;
    const NbInfoSbb*  m_scanId2NbInfoSbb;
    const NbInfoOut*  m_scanId2NbInfoOut;
    int32_t           m_lastBitsX      [ MAX_TU_SIZE ];
    int32_t           m_lastBitsY      [ MAX_TU_SIZE ];
    BinFracBits       m_sigSbbFracBits [ sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx ];
    BinFracBits       m_sigFracBits    [ sm_numCtxSetsSig   ][ sm_maxNumSigCtx ];
    CoeffFracBits     m_gtxFracBits                          [ sm_maxNumGtxCtx ];

  void RateEstimator::initBlock( const TransformUnit& tu, const ComponentID compID )
    CHECKD( tu.cs->sps->getSpsRangeExtension().getExtendedPrecisionProcessingFlag(), "ext precision is not supported" );

    const CompArea& area  = tu.blocks[ compID ];
    m_compID              = compID;
    m_chType              = toChannelType( m_compID );
    m_width               = area.width;
    m_height              = area.height;
    m_numCoeff            = m_width * m_height;
    const bool      no4x4 = ( ( m_width & 3 ) != 0 || ( m_height & 3 ) != 0 );
    m_log2SbbWidth        = ( no4x4 ? 1 : 2 );
    m_log2SbbHeight       = ( no4x4 ? 1 : 2 );
    m_log2SbbSize         = m_log2SbbWidth + m_log2SbbHeight;
    m_sbbSize             = ( 1 << m_log2SbbSize );
    m_sbbMask             = m_sbbSize - 1;
    m_widthInSbb          = m_width  >> m_log2SbbWidth;
    m_heightInSbb         = m_height >> m_log2SbbHeight;
    m_numSbb              = m_widthInSbb * m_heightInSbb;
    m_scanType            = CoeffScanType( TU::getCoefScanIdx( tu, m_compID ) );
    m_scanType            = SCAN_DIAG;
    SizeType        hsbb  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_widthInSbb  );
    SizeType        vsbb  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_heightInSbb );
    SizeType        hsId  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_width  );
    SizeType        vsId  = gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( m_height );
    m_scanSbbId2SbbPos    = g_scanOrder     [ SCAN_UNGROUPED   ][ m_scanType ][ hsbb ][ vsbb ];
    m_scanId2BlkPos       = g_scanOrder     [ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ];
    m_scanId2PosX         = g_scanOrderPosXY[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ][ 0 ];
    m_scanId2PosY         = g_scanOrderPosXY[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ m_scanType ][ hsId ][ vsId ][ 1 ];
    m_scanId2NbInfoSbb    = g_Rom.getNbInfoSbb( m_scanType, hsId, vsId );
    m_scanId2NbInfoOut    = g_Rom.getNbInfoOut( m_scanType, hsId, vsId );

  void RateEstimator::initCtx( const TransformUnit& tu, const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess )
    xSetSigSbbFracBits  ( fracBitsAccess );
    xSetSigFlagBits     ( fracBitsAccess );
    xSetGtxFlagBits     ( fracBitsAccess );
    xSetLastCoeffOffset ( fracBitsAccess, tu );

  void RateEstimator::xSetLastCoeffOffset( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, const TransformUnit& tu )
    int32_t cbfDeltaBits = 0;
    if( m_compID == COMPONENT_Y && !CU::isIntra(* && !tu.depth )
      const BinFracBits bits  = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( Ctx::QtRootCbf() );
      cbfDeltaBits            = int32_t( bits.intBits[1] ) - int32_t( bits.intBits[0] );
      BinFracBits bits = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( Ctx::QtCbf[m_compID]( DeriveCtx::CtxQtCbf( m_compID, tu.depth, tu.cbf[COMPONENT_Cb] ) ) );
      cbfDeltaBits = int32_t( bits.intBits[1] ) - int32_t( bits.intBits[0] );

    static const unsigned prefixCtx[] = { 0, 0, 0, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 };
    uint32_t              ctxBits  [ LAST_SIGNIFICANT_GROUPS ];
    for( unsigned xy = 0; xy < 2; xy++ )
      int32_t             bitOffset   = ( xy ? cbfDeltaBits : 0 );
      int32_t*            lastBits    = ( xy ? m_lastBitsY : m_lastBitsX );
      const unsigned      size        = ( xy ? m_height : m_width );
      const unsigned      log2Size    = g_aucNextLog2[ size ];
      const bool          useYCtx     = ( m_scanType == SCAN_VER ? ( xy == 0 ) : ( xy != 0 ) );
      const bool          useYCtx     = ( xy != 0 );
      const CtxSet&       ctxSetLast  = ( useYCtx ? Ctx::LastY : Ctx::LastX )[ m_chType ];
Karsten Suehring's avatar
Karsten Suehring committed
      const unsigned      lastShift   = ( m_compID == COMPONENT_Y ? (log2Size+1)>>2 : Clip3<unsigned>(0,2,size>>3) );
      const unsigned      lastOffset  = ( m_compID == COMPONENT_Y ? prefixCtx[log2Size] : 0 );
      uint32_t            sumFBits    = 0;
      unsigned            maxCtxId    = g_uiGroupIdx[ size - 1 ];
      for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < maxCtxId; ctxId++ )
        const BinFracBits bits  = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetLast( lastOffset + ( ctxId >> lastShift ) ) );
        ctxBits[ ctxId ]        = sumFBits + bits.intBits[0] + ( ctxId>3 ? ((ctxId-2)>>1)<<SCALE_BITS : 0 ) + bitOffset;
        sumFBits               +=            bits.intBits[1];
      ctxBits  [ maxCtxId ]     = sumFBits + ( maxCtxId>3 ? ((maxCtxId-2)>>1)<<SCALE_BITS : 0 ) + bitOffset;
      for( unsigned pos = 0; pos < size; pos++ )
        lastBits[ pos ]         = ctxBits[ g_uiGroupIdx[ pos ] ];

  void RateEstimator::xSetSigSbbFracBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess )
    const CtxSet& ctxSet = Ctx::SigCoeffGroup[ m_chType ];
    for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < sm_maxNumSigSbbCtx; ctxId++ )
      m_sigSbbFracBits[ ctxId ] = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSet( ctxId ) );

  void RateEstimator::xSetSigFlagBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess )
    for( unsigned ctxSetId = 0; ctxSetId < sm_numCtxSetsSig; ctxSetId++ )
      BinFracBits*    bits    = m_sigFracBits [ ctxSetId ];
      const CtxSet&   ctxSet  = Ctx::SigFlag  [ m_chType + 2*ctxSetId ];
      const unsigned  numCtx  = ( m_compID == COMPONENT_Y ? 18 : 12 );
      for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < numCtx; ctxId++ )
        bits[ ctxId ] = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSet( ctxId ) );

  void RateEstimator::xSetGtxFlagBits( const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess )
    const CtxSet&   ctxSetPar   = Ctx::ParFlag [     m_chType ];
    const CtxSet&   ctxSetGt1   = Ctx::GtxFlag [ 2 + m_chType ];
    const CtxSet&   ctxSetGt2   = Ctx::GtxFlag [     m_chType ];
    const unsigned  numCtx      = ( m_compID == COMPONENT_Y ? 21 : 11 );
    for( unsigned ctxId = 0; ctxId < numCtx; ctxId++ )
      BinFracBits     fbPar = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetPar( ctxId ) );
      BinFracBits     fbGt1 = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetGt1( ctxId ) );
      BinFracBits     fbGt2 = fracBitsAccess.getFracBitsArray( ctxSetGt2( ctxId ) );
      CoeffFracBits&  cb    = m_gtxFracBits[ ctxId ];
      int32_t         par0  = (1<<SCALE_BITS) + int32_t(fbPar.intBits[0]);
      int32_t         par1  = (1<<SCALE_BITS) + int32_t(fbPar.intBits[1]);
      cb.bits[0]  = 0;
#if JVET_L0274
      cb.bits[1]  = fbGt1.intBits[0] + (1 << SCALE_BITS);
      cb.bits[2]  = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par0 + fbGt2.intBits[0];
      cb.bits[3]  = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par1 + fbGt2.intBits[0];
      cb.bits[4]  = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par0 + fbGt2.intBits[1];
      cb.bits[5]  = fbGt1.intBits[1] + par1 + fbGt2.intBits[1];
      cb.bits[1]  = par0 + fbGt1.intBits[0];
      cb.bits[2]  = par1 + fbGt1.intBits[0];
      cb.bits[3]  = par0 + fbGt1.intBits[1] + fbGt2.intBits[0];
      cb.bits[4]  = par1 + fbGt1.intBits[1] + fbGt2.intBits[0];
      cb.bits[5]  = par0 + fbGt1.intBits[1] + fbGt2.intBits[1];
      cb.bits[6]  = par1 + fbGt1.intBits[1] + fbGt2.intBits[1];

  /*=====                                                                      =====*/
  /*=====   D A T A   S T R U C T U R E S                                      =====*/
  /*=====                                                                      =====*/

  enum ScanPosType { SCAN_ISCSBB = 0, SCAN_SOCSBB = 1, SCAN_EOCSBB = 2 };

  struct ScanInfo
    const int     sbbSize;
    const int     numSbb;
    int           scanIdx;
    int           rasterPos;
    int           lastOffset;
    unsigned      sigCtxOffsetNext;
    unsigned      gtxCtxOffsetNext;
    int           insidePos;
    int           nextInsidePos;
    NbInfoSbb     nextNbInfoSbb;
#if JVET_L0274
    bool          eosbb;
    ScanPosType   spt;