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InterPrediction.cpp 56.5 KiB
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  •     padStr = m_filteredBlockTmp[2 + refList][COMPONENT_Y] + 2 * stridePredMC + 1;
        ::memcpy(padStr - stridePredMC, padStr, sizeof(Pel)*(widthG));
        ::memcpy(padStr + height*stridePredMC, padStr + (height - 1)*stridePredMC, sizeof(Pel)*(widthG));
      const ClpRng& clpRng =>cs->slice->clpRng(COMPONENT_Y);
      const int   bitDepth = clipBitDepths.recon[toChannelType(COMPONENT_Y)];
      const int   shiftNum = IF_INTERNAL_PREC + 1 - bitDepth;
      const int   offset = (1 << (shiftNum - 1)) + 2 * IF_INTERNAL_OFFS;
      const int   limit = ((int)1 << (4 + IF_INTERNAL_PREC - bitDepth - 5));
      int*     dotProductTemp1 = m_dotProduct1;
      int*     dotProductTemp2 = m_dotProduct2;
      int*     dotProductTemp3 = m_dotProduct3;
      int*     dotProductTemp5 = m_dotProduct5;
      int*     dotProductTemp6 = m_dotProduct6;
      xCalcBIOPar(srcY0Temp, srcY1Temp, gradX0, gradX1, gradY0, gradY1, dotProductTemp1, dotProductTemp2, dotProductTemp3, dotProductTemp5, dotProductTemp6, src0Stride, src1Stride, widthG, widthG, heightG);
      int xUnit = (width >> 2);
      int yUnit = (height >> 2);
      Pel *dstY0 = dstY;
      gradX0 = m_gradX0; gradX1 = m_gradX1;
      gradY0 = m_gradY0; gradY1 = m_gradY1;
      for (int yu = 0; yu < yUnit; yu++)
        for (int xu = 0; xu < xUnit; xu++)
          if (m_bioPredSubBlkDist[yu*xUnit + xu] < m_bioSubBlkDistThres)
            srcY0Temp = srcY0 + (stridePredMC + 1) + ((yu*src0Stride + xu) << 2);
            srcY1Temp = srcY1 + (stridePredMC + 1) + ((yu*src1Stride + xu) << 2);
            dstY0 = dstY + ((yu*dstStride + xu) << 2);
            PelBuf dstPelBuf(dstY0, dstStride, Size(4, 4));
            dstPelBuf.addAvg(CPelBuf(srcY0Temp, src0Stride, Size(4, 4)), CPelBuf(srcY1Temp, src1Stride, Size(4, 4)), clpRng);
          int     sGxdI = 0, sGydI = 0, sGxGy = 0, sGx2 = 0, sGy2 = 0;
          int     tmpx = 0, tmpy = 0;
          dotProductTemp1 = m_dotProduct1 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2);
          dotProductTemp2 = m_dotProduct2 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2);
          dotProductTemp3 = m_dotProduct3 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2);
          dotProductTemp5 = m_dotProduct5 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2);
          dotProductTemp6 = m_dotProduct6 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2);
          xCalcBlkGradient(xu << 2, yu << 2, dotProductTemp1, dotProductTemp2, dotProductTemp3, dotProductTemp5, dotProductTemp6, sGx2, sGy2, sGxGy, sGxdI, sGydI, widthG, heightG, (1 << 2));
          if (sGx2 > 0)
            tmpx = rightShiftMSB(sGxdI << 3, sGx2);
            tmpx = Clip3(-limit, limit, tmpx);
          if (sGy2 > 0)
            int     mainsGxGy = sGxGy >> 12;
            int     secsGxGy = sGxGy & ((1 << 12) - 1);
            int     tmpData = tmpx * mainsGxGy;
            tmpData = ((tmpData << 12) + tmpx*secsGxGy) >> 1;
            tmpy = rightShiftMSB(((sGydI << 3) - tmpData), sGy2);
            tmpy = Clip3(-limit, limit, tmpy);
          srcY0Temp = srcY0 + (stridePredMC + 1) + ((yu*src0Stride + xu) << 2);
          srcY1Temp = srcY1 + (stridePredMC + 1) + ((yu*src0Stride + xu) << 2);
          gradX0 = m_gradX0 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2);
          gradX1 = m_gradX1 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2);
          gradY0 = m_gradY0 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2);
          gradY1 = m_gradY1 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2);
          dstY0 = dstY + ((yu*dstStride + xu) << 2);
          xAddBIOAvg4(srcY0Temp, src0Stride, srcY1Temp, src1Stride, dstY0, dstStride, gradX0, gradX1, gradY0, gradY1, widthG, (1 << 2), (1 << 2), (int)tmpx, (int)tmpy, shiftNum, offset, clpRng);
        }  // xu
      }  // yu
    void InterPrediction::bioSampleExtendBilinearFilter(Pel const* src, int srcStride, Pel *dst, int dstStride, int width, int height, int dim, int fracX, int fracY, bool isLast, const ChromaFormat fmt, const ClpRng& clpRng)
      Pel const* pSrc = NULL;
      Pel*       pDst = NULL;
      int vFilterSize = NTAPS_BILINEAR;
      int widthTmp = 0;
      int heightTmp = 0;
      for (int cand = 0; cand < 4; cand++)  // top, left, bottom and right
        if (cand == 0)  // top
          pSrc = src;
          pDst = dst;
          widthTmp = width;
          heightTmp = dim;
        else if (cand == 1)  // left
          pSrc = src + dim*srcStride;
          pDst = dst + dim*dstStride;
          widthTmp = dim;
          heightTmp = height - 2 * dim;
        else if (cand == 2)  // bottom
          pSrc = src + (height - dim)*srcStride;
          pDst = dst + (height - dim)*dstStride;
          widthTmp = width;
          heightTmp = dim;
        else if (cand == 3)  // right
          pSrc = src + dim*srcStride + width - dim;
          pDst = dst + dim*dstStride + width - dim;
          widthTmp = dim;
          heightTmp = height - 2 * dim;
        if (fracY == 0)
          m_if.filterHor(COMPONENT_Y, pSrc, srcStride, pDst, dstStride, widthTmp, heightTmp, fracX, isLast, fmt, clpRng, 1);
        else if (fracX == 0)
          m_if.filterVer(COMPONENT_Y, pSrc, srcStride, pDst, dstStride, widthTmp, heightTmp, fracY, true, isLast, fmt, clpRng, 1);
          PelBuf tmpBuf = PelBuf(m_filteredBlockTmp[0][COMPONENT_Y], Size(width, height));
          tmpBuf.stride = width;
          m_if.filterHor(COMPONENT_Y, pSrc - ((vFilterSize >> 1) - 1) * srcStride, srcStride, tmpBuf.buf, tmpBuf.stride, widthTmp, heightTmp + vFilterSize - 1, fracX, false, fmt, clpRng, 1);
          JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE( false );
          m_if.filterVer(COMPONENT_Y, tmpBuf.buf + ((vFilterSize >> 1) - 1) * tmpBuf.stride, tmpBuf.stride, pDst, dstStride, widthTmp, heightTmp, fracY, false, isLast, fmt, clpRng, 1);
          JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE( true );
    bool InterPrediction::xCalcBiPredSubBlkDist(const PredictionUnit &pu, const Pel* pYuvSrc0, const int src0Stride, const Pel* pYuvSrc1, const int src1Stride, const BitDepths &clipBitDepths)
      const int     width = pu.lwidth();
      const int     height = pu.lheight();
      const int     clipbd = clipBitDepths.recon[toChannelType(COMPONENT_Y)];
      const uint32_t distortionShift = DISTORTION_PRECISION_ADJUSTMENT(clipbd);
      const int     shift = std::max<int>(2, (IF_INTERNAL_PREC - clipbd));
      const int     xUnit = (width >> 2);
      const int     yUnit = (height >> 2);
      m_bioDistThres = (shift <= 5) ? (((32 << (clipbd - 8))*width*height) >> (5 - shift)) : (((32 << (clipbd - 8))*width*height) << (shift - 5));
      m_bioSubBlkDistThres = (shift <= 5) ? (((64 << (clipbd - 8)) << 4) >> (5 - shift)) : (((64 << (clipbd - 8)) << 4) << (shift - 5));
      m_bioDistThres >>= distortionShift;
      m_bioSubBlkDistThres >>= distortionShift;
      DistParam cDistParam;
      Distortion dist = 0;
      for (int yu = 0, blkIdx = 0; yu < yUnit; yu++)
        for (int xu = 0; xu < xUnit; xu++, blkIdx++)
          const Pel* pPred0 = pYuvSrc0 + ((yu*src0Stride + xu) << 2);
          const Pel* pPred1 = pYuvSrc1 + ((yu*src1Stride + xu) << 2);
          m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(cDistParam, pPred0, pPred1, src0Stride, src1Stride, clipbd, COMPONENT_Y, (1 << 2), (1 << 2), 0, 1, false, true);
          m_bioPredSubBlkDist[blkIdx] = cDistParam.distFunc(cDistParam);
          dist += m_bioPredSubBlkDist[blkIdx];
      return (dist >= m_bioDistThres);
    void InterPrediction::xAddBIOAvg4(const Pel* src0, int src0Stride, const Pel* src1, int src1Stride, Pel *dst, int dstStride, const Pel *gradX0, const Pel *gradX1, const Pel *gradY0, const Pel*gradY1, int gradStride, int width, int height, int tmpx, int tmpy, int shift, int offset, const ClpRng& clpRng)
      g_pelBufOP.addBIOAvg4(src0, src0Stride, src1, src1Stride, dst, dstStride, gradX0, gradX1, gradY0, gradY1, gradStride, width, height, tmpx, tmpy, shift, offset, clpRng);
      int b = 0;
      for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 4)
          b = tmpx * (gradX0[x] - gradX1[x]) + tmpy * (gradY0[x] - gradY1[x]);
          b = ((b + 1) >> 1);
          dst[x] = ClipPel((int16_t)rightShift((src0[x] + src1[x] + b + offset), shift), clpRng);
          b = tmpx * (gradX0[x + 1] - gradX1[x + 1]) + tmpy * (gradY0[x + 1] - gradY1[x + 1]);
          b = ((b + 1) >> 1);
          dst[x + 1] = ClipPel((int16_t)rightShift((src0[x + 1] + src1[x + 1] + b + offset), shift), clpRng);
          b = tmpx * (gradX0[x + 2] - gradX1[x + 2]) + tmpy * (gradY0[x + 2] - gradY1[x + 2]);
          b = ((b + 1) >> 1);
          dst[x + 2] = ClipPel((int16_t)rightShift((src0[x + 2] + src1[x + 2] + b + offset), shift), clpRng);
          b = tmpx * (gradX0[x + 3] - gradX1[x + 3]) + tmpy * (gradY0[x + 3] - gradY1[x + 3]);
          b = ((b + 1) >> 1);
          dst[x + 3] = ClipPel((int16_t)rightShift((src0[x + 3] + src1[x + 3] + b + offset), shift), clpRng);
        dst += dstStride;       src0 += src0Stride;     src1 += src1Stride;
        gradX0 += gradStride; gradX1 += gradStride; gradY0 += gradStride; gradY1 += gradStride;
    void InterPrediction::xBioGradFilter(Pel* pSrc, int srcStride, int width, int height, int gradStride, Pel* gradX, Pel* gradY)
      g_pelBufOP.bioGradFilter(pSrc, srcStride, width, height, gradStride, gradX, gradY);
      Pel* srcTmp = pSrc + srcStride + 1;
      Pel* gradXTmp = gradX + gradStride + 1;
      Pel* gradYTmp = gradY + gradStride + 1;
      for (int y = 0; y < (height - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE); y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < (width - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE); x++)
          gradYTmp[x] = (srcTmp[x + srcStride] - srcTmp[x - srcStride]) >> 4;
          gradXTmp[x] = (srcTmp[x + 1] - srcTmp[x - 1]) >> 4;
        gradXTmp += gradStride;
        gradYTmp += gradStride;
        srcTmp += srcStride;
      gradXTmp = gradX + gradStride + 1;
      gradYTmp = gradY + gradStride + 1;
      for (int y = 0; y < (height - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE); y++)
        gradXTmp[-1] = gradXTmp[0];
        gradXTmp[width - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE] = gradXTmp[width - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE - 1];
        gradXTmp += gradStride;
        gradYTmp[-1] = gradYTmp[0];
        gradYTmp[width - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE] = gradYTmp[width - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE - 1];
        gradYTmp += gradStride;
      gradXTmp = gradX + gradStride;
      gradYTmp = gradY + gradStride;
      ::memcpy(gradXTmp - gradStride, gradXTmp, sizeof(Pel)*(width));
      ::memcpy(gradXTmp + (height - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE)*gradStride, gradXTmp + (height - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE - 1)*gradStride, sizeof(Pel)*(width));
      ::memcpy(gradYTmp - gradStride, gradYTmp, sizeof(Pel)*(width));
      ::memcpy(gradYTmp + (height - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE)*gradStride, gradYTmp + (height - 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE - 1)*gradStride, sizeof(Pel)*(width));
    void InterPrediction::xCalcBIOPar(const Pel* srcY0Temp, const Pel* srcY1Temp, const Pel* gradX0, const Pel* gradX1, const Pel* gradY0, const Pel* gradY1, int* dotProductTemp1, int* dotProductTemp2, int* dotProductTemp3, int* dotProductTemp5, int* dotProductTemp6, const int src0Stride, const int src1Stride, const int gradStride, const int widthG, const int heightG)
      g_pelBufOP.calcBIOPar(srcY0Temp, srcY1Temp, gradX0, gradX1, gradY0, gradY1, dotProductTemp1, dotProductTemp2, dotProductTemp3, dotProductTemp5, dotProductTemp6, src0Stride, src1Stride, gradStride, widthG, heightG);
      for (int y = 0; y < heightG; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < widthG; x++)
          int temp = (srcY0Temp[x] >> 6) - (srcY1Temp[x] >> 6);
          int tempX = (gradX0[x] + gradX1[x]) >> 3;
          int tempY = (gradY0[x] + gradY1[x]) >> 3;
          dotProductTemp1[x] = tempX * tempX;
          dotProductTemp2[x] = tempX * tempY;
          dotProductTemp3[x] = -tempX * temp;
          dotProductTemp5[x] = tempY * tempY;
          dotProductTemp6[x] = -tempY * temp;
        srcY0Temp += src0Stride;
        srcY1Temp += src1Stride;
        gradX0 += gradStride;
        gradX1 += gradStride;
        gradY0 += gradStride;
        gradY1 += gradStride;
        dotProductTemp1 += widthG;
        dotProductTemp2 += widthG;
        dotProductTemp3 += widthG;
        dotProductTemp5 += widthG;
        dotProductTemp6 += widthG;
    void InterPrediction::xCalcBlkGradient(int sx, int sy, int    *arraysGx2, int     *arraysGxGy, int     *arraysGxdI, int     *arraysGy2, int     *arraysGydI, int     &sGx2, int     &sGy2, int     &sGxGy, int     &sGxdI, int     &sGydI, int width, int height, int unitSize)
      g_pelBufOP.calcBlkGradient(sx, sy, arraysGx2, arraysGxGy, arraysGxdI, arraysGy2, arraysGydI, sGx2, sGy2, sGxGy, sGxdI, sGydI, width, height, unitSize);
      int     *Gx2 = arraysGx2;
      int     *Gy2 = arraysGy2;
      int     *GxGy = arraysGxGy;
      int     *GxdI = arraysGxdI;
      int     *GydI = arraysGydI;
      // set to the above row due to JVET_K0485_BIO_EXTEND_SIZE
      Gx2 -= (BIO_EXTEND_SIZE*width);
      Gy2 -= (BIO_EXTEND_SIZE*width);
      GxGy -= (BIO_EXTEND_SIZE*width);
      GxdI -= (BIO_EXTEND_SIZE*width);
      GydI -= (BIO_EXTEND_SIZE*width);
      for (int y = -BIO_EXTEND_SIZE; y < unitSize + BIO_EXTEND_SIZE; y++)
        for (int x = -BIO_EXTEND_SIZE; x < unitSize + BIO_EXTEND_SIZE; x++)
          sGx2 += Gx2[x];
          sGy2 += Gy2[x];
          sGxGy += GxGy[x];
          sGxdI += GxdI[x];
          sGydI += GydI[x];
        Gx2 += width;
        Gy2 += width;
        GxGy += width;
        GxdI += width;
        GydI += width;
    #if JVET_L0256_BIO
    void InterPrediction::xWeightedAverage(const PredictionUnit& pu, const CPelUnitBuf& pcYuvSrc0, const CPelUnitBuf& pcYuvSrc1, PelUnitBuf& pcYuvDst, const BitDepths& clipBitDepths, const ClpRngs& clpRngs, const bool& bioApplied )
    void InterPrediction::xWeightedAverage( const PredictionUnit& pu, const CPelUnitBuf& pcYuvSrc0, const CPelUnitBuf& pcYuvSrc1, PelUnitBuf& pcYuvDst, const BitDepths& clipBitDepths, const ClpRngs& clpRngs )
      const int iRefIdx0 = pu.refIdx[0];
      const int iRefIdx1 = pu.refIdx[1];
      if( iRefIdx0 >= 0 && iRefIdx1 >= 0 )
    #if JVET_L0646_GBI
        if(>GBiIdx != GBI_DEFAULT )
    #if JVET_L0256_BIO
          CHECK(bioApplied, "GBi is disallowed with BIO");
          pcYuvDst.addWeightedAvg(pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, clpRngs,>GBiIdx);
    #if JVET_L0256_BIO
          const int  src0Stride = pu.lwidth() + 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE + 2;
          const int  src1Stride = pu.lwidth() + 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE + 2;
          const Pel* pSrcY0 = m_filteredBlockTmp[2][COMPONENT_Y] + 2 * src0Stride + 2;
          const Pel* pSrcY1 = m_filteredBlockTmp[3][COMPONENT_Y] + 2 * src1Stride + 2;
          bool bioEnabled = xCalcBiPredSubBlkDist(pu, pSrcY0, src0Stride, pSrcY1, src1Stride, clipBitDepths);
          if (bioEnabled)
            applyBiOptFlow(pu, pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, iRefIdx0, iRefIdx1, pcYuvDst, clipBitDepths);
            pcYuvDst.bufs[0].addAvg(CPelBuf(pSrcY0, src0Stride, pu.lumaSize()), CPelBuf(pSrcY1, src1Stride, pu.lumaSize()), clpRngs.comp[0]);
        pcYuvDst.addAvg(pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, clpRngs, bioApplied);
        pcYuvDst.addAvg( pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, clpRngs );
    #if JVET_L0124_L0208_TRIANGLE
        if(>triangle )
          pcYuvDst.copyFrom( pcYuvSrc0 );
        pcYuvDst.copyClip( pcYuvSrc0, clpRngs );
      else if( iRefIdx0 < 0 && iRefIdx1 >= 0 )
    #if JVET_L0124_L0208_TRIANGLE
        if(>triangle )
          pcYuvDst.copyFrom( pcYuvSrc1 );
    void InterPrediction::motionCompensation( PredictionUnit &pu, PelUnitBuf &predBuf, const RefPicList &eRefPicList 
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR
      , const bool luma, const bool chroma
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    Xiaozhong Xu committed
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR
      // dual tree handling for CPR as the only ref
      if (!luma || !chroma)
        if (!luma && chroma)
          xChromaMC(pu, predBuf);
        else // (luma && !chroma)
          xPredInterUni(pu, eRefPicList, predBuf, false
    #if JVET_L0256_BIO
            , false
            , luma, chroma);
      // else, go with regular MC below
            CodingStructure &cs = *pu.cs;
      const PPS &pps            = *cs.pps;
      const SliceType sliceType =  cs.slice->getSliceType();
      if( eRefPicList != REF_PIC_LIST_X )
        if( ( ( sliceType == P_SLICE && pps.getUseWP() ) || ( sliceType == B_SLICE && pps.getWPBiPred() ) ) )
          xPredInterUni         ( pu,          eRefPicList, predBuf, true 
    #if JVET_L0256_BIO
            , false
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR     
            , true, true
          xWeightedPredictionUni( pu, predBuf, eRefPicList, predBuf, -1, m_maxCompIDToPred );
          xPredInterUni( pu, eRefPicList, predBuf, false 
    #if JVET_L0256_BIO
            , false
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR     
            , true, true
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR
        if (pu.mergeType != MRG_TYPE_DEFAULT_N && pu.mergeType != MRG_TYPE_CPR)
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
          xSubPuMC( pu, predBuf, eRefPicList );
        else if( xCheckIdenticalMotion( pu ) )
          xPredInterUni( pu, REF_PIC_LIST_0, predBuf, false 
    #if JVET_L0256_BIO
            , false
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR     
            , true, true
    void InterPrediction::motionCompensation( CodingUnit &cu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList 
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR
      , const bool luma, const bool chroma
      for( auto &pu : CU::traversePUs( cu ) )
        PelUnitBuf predBuf = cu.cs->getPredBuf( pu );
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
        motionCompensation( pu, predBuf, eRefPicList 
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR
          , luma, chroma
    void InterPrediction::motionCompensation( PredictionUnit &pu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList /*= REF_PIC_LIST_X*/ 
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR
      , const bool luma, const bool chroma
      motionCompensation( pu, predBuf, eRefPicList 
    Xiaozhong Xu's avatar
    Xiaozhong Xu committed
    #if JVET_L0293_CPR
        , luma, chroma
    #if JVET_L0256_BIO
    int InterPrediction::rightShiftMSB(int numer, int denom)
      int     d;
      int msbIdx = 0;
      for (msbIdx = 0; msbIdx<32; msbIdx++)
        if (denom < ((int)1 << msbIdx))
      int shiftIdx = msbIdx - 1;
      d = (numer >> shiftIdx);
    #if JVET_L0124_L0208_TRIANGLE
    rlliao's avatar
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    void InterPrediction::motionCompensation4Triangle( CodingUnit &cu, MergeCtx &triangleMrgCtx, const bool splitDir, const uint8_t candIdx0, const uint8_t candIdx1 )
      for( auto &pu : CU::traversePUs( cu ) )
        const UnitArea localUnitArea( cu.cs->area.chromaFormat, Area( 0, 0, pu.lwidth(), pu.lheight() ) );
    rlliao's avatar
    rlliao committed
        PelUnitBuf tmpTriangleBuf = m_triangleBuf.getBuf( localUnitArea );
        PelUnitBuf predBuf        = cu.cs->getPredBuf( pu );
    rlliao's avatar
    rlliao committed
        triangleMrgCtx.setMergeInfo( pu, candIdx0 );
        PU::spanMotionInfo( pu );
        motionCompensation( pu, tmpTriangleBuf );
    rlliao's avatar
    rlliao committed
        triangleMrgCtx.setMergeInfo( pu, candIdx1 );
        PU::spanMotionInfo( pu );
        motionCompensation( pu, predBuf );
    rlliao's avatar
    rlliao committed
        weightedTriangleBlk( pu, PU::getTriangleWeights(pu, triangleMrgCtx, candIdx0, candIdx1), splitDir, MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE, predBuf, tmpTriangleBuf, predBuf );
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    rlliao committed
    void InterPrediction::weightedTriangleBlk( PredictionUnit &pu, bool weights, const bool splitDir, int32_t channel, PelUnitBuf& predDst, PelUnitBuf& predSrc0, PelUnitBuf& predSrc1 )
    rlliao's avatar
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      if( channel == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA )
    rlliao's avatar
    rlliao committed
        xWeightedTriangleBlk( pu, pu.lumaSize().width, pu.lumaSize().height, COMPONENT_Y, splitDir, weights, predDst, predSrc0, predSrc1 );
    rlliao's avatar
    rlliao committed
      else if( channel == CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA )
        xWeightedTriangleBlk( pu, pu.chromaSize().width, pu.chromaSize().height, COMPONENT_Cb, splitDir, weights, predDst, predSrc0, predSrc1 );
        xWeightedTriangleBlk( pu, pu.chromaSize().width, pu.chromaSize().height, COMPONENT_Cr, splitDir, weights, predDst, predSrc0, predSrc1 );
        xWeightedTriangleBlk( pu, pu.lumaSize().width,   pu.lumaSize().height,   COMPONENT_Y,  splitDir, weights, predDst, predSrc0, predSrc1 );
        xWeightedTriangleBlk( pu, pu.chromaSize().width, pu.chromaSize().height, COMPONENT_Cb, splitDir, weights, predDst, predSrc0, predSrc1 );
        xWeightedTriangleBlk( pu, pu.chromaSize().width, pu.chromaSize().height, COMPONENT_Cr, splitDir, weights, predDst, predSrc0, predSrc1 );
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    void InterPrediction::xWeightedTriangleBlk( const PredictionUnit &pu, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, const ComponentID compIdx, const bool splitDir, const bool weights, PelUnitBuf& predDst, PelUnitBuf& predSrc0, PelUnitBuf& predSrc1 )
      Pel*    dst        = predDst .get(compIdx).buf;
      Pel*    src0       = predSrc0.get(compIdx).buf;
      Pel*    src1       = predSrc1.get(compIdx).buf;
      int32_t strideDst  = predDst .get(compIdx).stride  - width;
      int32_t strideSrc0 = predSrc0.get(compIdx).stride  - width;
      int32_t strideSrc1 = predSrc1.get(compIdx).stride  - width;
      const char    log2WeightBase    = 3;
      const ClpRng  clipRng           =>slice->clpRngs().comp[compIdx];
      const int32_t clipbd            =;
      const int32_t shiftDefault      = std::max<int>(2, (IF_INTERNAL_PREC - clipbd));
      const int32_t offsetDefault     = (1<<(shiftDefault-1)) + IF_INTERNAL_OFFS;
      const int32_t shiftWeighted     = std::max<int>(2, (IF_INTERNAL_PREC - clipbd)) + log2WeightBase;
      const int32_t offsetWeighted    = (1 << (shiftWeighted - 1)) + (IF_INTERNAL_OFFS << log2WeightBase);
      const int32_t ratioWH           = (width > height) ? (width / height) : 1;
      const int32_t ratioHW           = (width > height) ? 1 : (height / width);
      const Pel*    pelWeighted       = (compIdx == COMPONENT_Y) ? g_trianglePelWeightedLuma[splitDir][weights] : g_trianglePelWeightedChroma[predDst.chromaFormat == CHROMA_444 ? 0 : 1][splitDir][weights];
      const int32_t weightedLength    = (compIdx == COMPONENT_Y) ? g_triangleWeightLengthLuma[weights] : g_triangleWeightLengthChroma[predDst.chromaFormat == CHROMA_444 ? 0 : 1][weights];
            int32_t weightedStartPos  = ( splitDir == 0 ) ? ( 0 - (weightedLength >> 1) * ratioWH ) : ( width - ((weightedLength + 1) >> 1) * ratioWH );
            int32_t weightedEndPos    = weightedStartPos + weightedLength * ratioWH - 1;
            int32_t weightedPosoffset =( splitDir == 0 ) ? ratioWH : -ratioWH;
      const Pel*    tmpPelWeighted;
            int32_t x, y, tmpX, tmpY, tmpWeightedStart, tmpWeightedEnd;
      for( y = 0; y < height; y+= ratioHW )
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        for( tmpY = ratioHW; tmpY > 0; tmpY-- )
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          for( x = 0; x < weightedStartPos; x++ )
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            *dst++ = ClipPel( rightShift( (splitDir == 0 ? *src1 : *src0) + offsetDefault, shiftDefault), clipRng );
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          tmpWeightedStart = std::max((int32_t)0, weightedStartPos);
          tmpWeightedEnd   = std::min(weightedEndPos, (int32_t)(width - 1));
          tmpPelWeighted   = pelWeighted;
          if( weightedStartPos < 0 )
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            tmpPelWeighted += abs(weightedStartPos) / ratioWH;
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          for( x = tmpWeightedStart; x <= tmpWeightedEnd; x+= ratioWH )
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            for( tmpX = ratioWH; tmpX > 0; tmpX-- )
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              *dst++ = ClipPel( rightShift( ((*tmpPelWeighted)*(*src0++) + ((8 - (*tmpPelWeighted)) * (*src1++)) + offsetWeighted), shiftWeighted ), clipRng );
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          for( x = weightedEndPos + 1; x < width; x++ )
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            *dst++ = ClipPel( rightShift( (splitDir == 0 ? *src0 : *src1) + offsetDefault, shiftDefault ), clipRng );
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          dst  += strideDst;
          src0 += strideSrc0;
          src1 += strideSrc1;
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        weightedStartPos += weightedPosoffset;
        weightedEndPos   += weightedPosoffset;
    void InterPrediction::cacheAssign( CacheModel *cache )
      m_cacheModel = cache;
      m_if.cacheAssign( cache );
      m_if.initInterpolationFilter( !cache->isCacheEnable() );
    //! \}