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IntraSearch.cpp 96.4 KiB
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      double    bestCostSoFar = maxCostAllowed;
      bool      lumaUsesISP   = !CS::isDualITree( *cu.cs ) && cu.ispMode;
      PartSplit ispType       = lumaUsesISP ? CU::getISPType( cu, COMPONENT_Y ) : TU_NO_ISP;
      CHECK( cu.ispMode && bestCostSoFar < 0, "bestCostSoFar must be positive!" );
      auto &pu = *cu.firstPU;
        uint32_t       uiBestMode = 0;
        Distortion uiBestDist = 0;
        double     dBestCost = MAX_DOUBLE;
        //----- init mode list ----
          uint32_t  uiMinMode = 0;
          uint32_t  uiMaxMode = NUM_CHROMA_MODE;
          //----- check chroma modes -----
          uint32_t chromaCandModes[ NUM_CHROMA_MODE ];
          PU::getIntraChromaCandModes( pu, chromaCandModes );
          // create a temporary CS
          CodingStructure &saveCS = *m_pSaveCS[0];
          saveCS.pcv      = cs.pcv;
          saveCS.picture  = cs.picture;
          saveCS.area.repositionTo( cs.area );
          if( !CS::isDualITree( cs ) && cu.ispMode )
          if( CS::isDualITree( cs ) )
            if( partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs ) )
              partitioner.splitCurrArea( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs );
                cs.addTU( CS::getArea( cs, partitioner.currArea(), partitioner.chType ), partitioner.chType ).depth = partitioner.currTrDepth;
              } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) );
            cs.addTU( CS::getArea( cs, partitioner.currArea(), partitioner.chType ), partitioner.chType );
          std::vector<TransformUnit*> orgTUs;
          if( lumaUsesISP )
            CodingUnit& auxCU = saveCS.addCU( cu, partitioner.chType );
            auxCU.ispMode = cu.ispMode;
            saveCS.sps = cu.cs->sps;
            saveCS.addPU( *cu.firstPU, partitioner.chType );
          // create a store for the TUs
          for( const auto &ptu : cs.tus )
            // for split TUs in HEVC, add the TUs without Chroma parts for correct setting of Cbfs
            if( lumaUsesISP || pu.contains( *ptu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ) )
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            if( pu.contains( *ptu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ) )
              saveCS.addTU( *ptu, partitioner.chType );
              orgTUs.push_back( ptu );
          if( lumaUsesISP )
          // SATD pre-selecting.
          int satdModeList[NUM_CHROMA_MODE];
          int64_t satdSortedCost[NUM_CHROMA_MODE];
          for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHROMA_MODE; i++)
            satdSortedCost[i] = 0; // for the mode not pre-select by SATD, do RDO by default, so set the initial value 0.
            satdModeList[i] = 0;
          bool modeIsEnable[NUM_INTRA_MODE + 1]; // use intra mode idx to check whether enable
          for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INTRA_MODE + 1; i++)
            modeIsEnable[i] = 1;
          DistParam distParam;
          const bool useHadamard = true;
          pu.intraDir[1] = MDLM_L_IDX; // temporary assigned, just to indicate this is a MDLM mode. for luma down-sampling operation.
          initIntraPatternChType(cu, pu.Cb());
          initIntraPatternChType(cu, pu.Cr());
          xGetLumaRecPixels(pu, pu.Cb());
          for (int idx = uiMinMode; idx <= uiMaxMode - 1; idx++)
            int mode = chromaCandModes[idx];
            satdModeList[idx] = mode;
            if (PU::isLMCMode(mode) && !PU::isLMCModeEnabled(pu, mode))
            if ((mode == LM_CHROMA_IDX) || (mode == PLANAR_IDX) || (mode == DM_CHROMA_IDX)) // only pre-check regular modes and MDLM modes, not including DM ,Planar, and LM
            pu.intraDir[1] = mode; // temporary assigned, for SATD checking.
            int64_t sad = 0;
            CodingStructure& cs = *(pu.cs);
            CompArea areaCb = pu.Cb();
            PelBuf orgCb = cs.getOrgBuf(areaCb);
            PelBuf predCb = cs.getPredBuf(areaCb);
            m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParam, orgCb, predCb, pu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA), COMPONENT_Cb, useHadamard);
            distParam.applyWeight = false;
            if (PU::isLMCMode(mode))
              predIntraChromaLM(COMPONENT_Cb, predCb, pu, areaCb, mode);
              predIntraAng(COMPONENT_Cb, predCb, pu, false);
            sad += distParam.distFunc(distParam);
            CompArea areaCr = pu.Cr();
            PelBuf orgCr = cs.getOrgBuf(areaCr);
            PelBuf predCr = cs.getPredBuf(areaCr);
            m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParam, orgCr, predCr, pu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA), COMPONENT_Cr, useHadamard);
            distParam.applyWeight = false;
            if (PU::isLMCMode(mode))
              predIntraChromaLM(COMPONENT_Cr, predCr, pu, areaCr, mode);
              predIntraAng(COMPONENT_Cr, predCr, pu, false);
            sad += distParam.distFunc(distParam);
            satdSortedCost[idx] = sad;
          // sort the mode based on the cost from small to large.
          int tempIdx = 0;
          int64_t tempCost = 0;
          for (int i = uiMinMode; i <= uiMaxMode - 1; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j <= uiMaxMode - 1; j++)
              if (satdSortedCost[j] < satdSortedCost[i])
                tempIdx = satdModeList[i];
                satdModeList[i] = satdModeList[j];
                satdModeList[j] = tempIdx;
                tempCost = satdSortedCost[i];
                satdSortedCost[i] = satdSortedCost[j];
                satdSortedCost[j] = tempCost;
          int reducedModeNumber = 2; // reduce the number of chroma modes
          for (int i = 0; i < reducedModeNumber; i++)
            modeIsEnable[satdModeList[uiMaxMode - 1 - i]] = 0; // disable the last reducedModeNumber modes
          // save the dist
          Distortion baseDist = cs.dist;
          for (uint32_t uiMode = uiMinMode; uiMode < uiMaxMode; uiMode++)
            const int chromaIntraMode = chromaCandModes[uiMode];
            if( PU::isLMCMode( chromaIntraMode ) && ! PU::isLMCModeEnabled( pu, chromaIntraMode ) )
            if (!modeIsEnable[chromaIntraMode] && PU::isLMCModeEnabled(pu, chromaIntraMode)) // when CCLM is disable, then MDLM is disable. not use satd checking
            cs.setDecomp( pu.Cb(), false );
            cs.dist = baseDist;
            //----- restore context models -----
            m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
            //----- chroma coding -----
            pu.intraDir[1] = chromaIntraMode;
            xRecurIntraChromaCodingQT( cs, partitioner, bestCostSoFar, ispType );
            if( lumaUsesISP && cs.dist == MAX_UINT )
            xRecurIntraChromaCodingQT( cs, partitioner );
            if (cs.pps->getUseTransformSkip())
              m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
            uint64_t fracBits   = xGetIntraFracBitsQT( cs, partitioner, false, true, -1, ispType );
            uint64_t fracBits   = xGetIntraFracBitsQT( cs, partitioner, false, true );
            Distortion uiDist = cs.dist;
            double    dCost   = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( fracBits, uiDist - baseDist );
            //----- compare -----
            if( dCost < dBestCost )
              if( lumaUsesISP && dCost < bestCostSoFar )
                bestCostSoFar = dCost;
              for( uint32_t i = getFirstComponentOfChannel( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ); i < numberValidComponents; i++ )
                const CompArea &area = pu.blocks[i];
                saveCS.getRecoBuf     ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getRecoBuf   ( area ) );
                saveCS.getPredBuf     ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf   ( area ) );
                saveCS.getResiBuf     ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getResiBuf   ( area ) );
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                saveCS.getPredBuf     ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf   (area ) );
                cs.picture->getPredBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf   (area ) );
                cs.picture->getRecoBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.getRecoBuf( area ) );
                for( uint32_t j = 0; j < saveCS.tus.size(); j++ )
                  saveCS.tus[j]->copyComponentFrom( *orgTUs[j], area.compID );
              dBestCost  = dCost;
              uiBestDist = uiDist;
              uiBestMode = chromaIntraMode;
          for( uint32_t i = getFirstComponentOfChannel( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ); i < numberValidComponents; i++ )
            const CompArea &area = pu.blocks[i];
            cs.getRecoBuf         ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getRecoBuf( area ) );
            cs.getPredBuf         ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getPredBuf( area ) );
            cs.getResiBuf         ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getResiBuf( area ) );
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            cs.getPredBuf         ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getPredBuf( area ) );
            cs.picture->getPredBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf    ( area ) );
            cs.picture->getRecoBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.    getRecoBuf( area ) );
            for( uint32_t j = 0; j < saveCS.tus.size(); j++ )
              orgTUs[ j ]->copyComponentFrom( *saveCS.tus[ j ], area.compID );
        pu.intraDir[1] = uiBestMode;
        cs.dist        = uiBestDist;
      //----- restore context models -----
      m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
      if( lumaUsesISP && bestCostSoFar >= maxCostAllowed )
        cu.ispMode = 0;
    void IntraSearch::IPCMSearch(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner& partitioner)
      ComponentID compStr = (CS::isDualITree(cs) && !isLuma(partitioner.chType)) ? COMPONENT_Cb: COMPONENT_Y;
      ComponentID compEnd = (CS::isDualITree(cs) && isLuma(partitioner.chType)) ? COMPONENT_Y : COMPONENT_Cr;
      for( ComponentID compID = compStr; compID <= compEnd; compID = ComponentID(compID+1) )
        xEncPCM(cs, partitioner, compID);
      cs.dist     = 0;
      cs.fracBits = 0;
      cs.cost     = 0;
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    void IntraSearch::xEncPCM(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner& partitioner, const ComponentID &compID)
      TransformUnit &tu = *cs.getTU( partitioner.chType );
      const int  channelBitDepth = cs.sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID));
      const uint32_t uiPCMBitDepth = cs.sps->getPCMBitDepth(toChannelType(compID));
      const int pcmShiftRight = (channelBitDepth - int(uiPCMBitDepth));
      CompArea  area    = tu.blocks[compID];
      PelBuf    pcmBuf  = tu.getPcmbuf  (compID);
      PelBuf    recBuf  = cs.getRecoBuf ( area );
      CPelBuf   orgBuf  = cs.getOrgBuf  ( area );
      CHECK(pcmShiftRight < 0, "Negative shift");
      for (uint32_t uiY = 0; uiY < pcmBuf.height; uiY++)
        for (uint32_t uiX = 0; uiX < pcmBuf.width; uiX++)
          // Encode
, uiY) =, uiY) >> pcmShiftRight;
          // Reconstruction
, uiY) =, uiY) << pcmShiftRight;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Intra search
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void IntraSearch::xEncIntraHeader( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const bool &bLuma, const bool &bChroma, const int subTuIdx )
    void IntraSearch::xEncIntraHeader(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const bool &bLuma, const bool &bChroma)
      CodingUnit &cu = *cs.getCU( partitioner.chType );
      if (bLuma)
        bool isFirst = cu.ispMode ? subTuIdx == 0 : partitioner.currArea().lumaPos() == cs.area.lumaPos();
        bool isFirst = partitioner.currArea().lumaPos() == cs.area.lumaPos();
    #if JVET_M0483_IBC
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          if ((!cs.slice->isIntra() || cs.slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag())
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          if( !cs.slice->isIntra()
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            && cu.Y().valid()
            if( cs.pps->getTransquantBypassEnabledFlag() )
              m_CABACEstimator->cu_transquant_bypass_flag( cu );
            m_CABACEstimator->cu_skip_flag( cu );
            m_CABACEstimator->pred_mode   ( cu );
          m_CABACEstimator->isp_mode      ( cu );
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          if( CU::isIntra(cu) )
            m_CABACEstimator->pcm_data( cu, partitioner );
            if( cu.ipcm )
        PredictionUnit &pu = *cs.getPU(partitioner.currArea().lumaPos(), partitioner.chType);
        // luma prediction mode
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        if (isFirst)
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          if ( !cu.Y().valid())
            m_CABACEstimator->pred_mode( cu );
          m_CABACEstimator->intra_luma_pred_mode( pu );
      if (bChroma)
        bool isFirst = partitioner.currArea().Cb().valid() && partitioner.currArea().chromaPos() == cs.area.chromaPos();
        PredictionUnit &pu = *cs.getPU( partitioner.currArea().chromaPos(), CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA );
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        if( isFirst )
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          m_CABACEstimator->intra_chroma_pred_mode( pu );
    void IntraSearch::xEncSubdivCbfQT( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const bool &bLuma, const bool &bChroma, const int subTuIdx, const PartSplit ispType )
      const UnitArea &currArea = partitioner.currArea();
              int subTuCounter = subTuIdx;
      TransformUnit &currTU = *cs.getTU( currArea.blocks[partitioner.chType], partitioner.chType, subTuCounter );
      CodingUnit    &currCU = *;
    void IntraSearch::xEncSubdivCbfQT(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const bool &bLuma, const bool &bChroma)
      const UnitArea &currArea = partitioner.currArea();
      TransformUnit &currTU    = *cs.getTU( currArea.blocks[partitioner.chType], partitioner.chType );
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    #if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
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      uint32_t currDepth           = partitioner.currTrDepth;
      const bool subdiv        = currTU.depth > currDepth;
      ComponentID compID = partitioner.chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ? COMPONENT_Y : COMPONENT_Cb;
      const bool chromaCbfISP = currArea.blocks[COMPONENT_Cb].valid() && currCU.ispMode && !subdiv;
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      if( partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs ) )
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        CHECK( !subdiv, "TU split implied" );
        CHECK( subdiv && !currCU.ispMode && isLuma( compID ), "No TU subdivision is allowed with QTBT" );
      if( bChroma && ( !currCU.ispMode || chromaCbfISP ) )
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        CHECK( subdiv, "No TU subdivision is allowed with QTBT" );
        const uint32_t numberValidComponents = getNumberValidComponents(currArea.chromaFormat);
        const uint32_t cbfDepth = ( chromaCbfISP ? currDepth - 1 : currDepth );
        for (uint32_t ch = COMPONENT_Cb; ch < numberValidComponents; ch++)
          const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(ch);
          if( currDepth == 0 || TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, compID, currDepth - 1 ) || chromaCbfISP )
          if( currDepth == 0 || TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, compID, currDepth - 1 ) )
            const bool prevCbf = ( compID == COMPONENT_Cr ? TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, COMPONENT_Cb, currDepth ) : false );
            m_CABACEstimator->cbf_comp( cs, TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, compID, currDepth ), currArea.blocks[compID], cbfDepth, prevCbf );
            m_CABACEstimator->cbf_comp( cs, TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, compID, currDepth ), currArea.blocks[compID], currDepth, prevCbf );
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    #if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
        if (!currCU.ispMode && isLuma( compID ) && currDepth == 0 && bLuma) m_CABACEstimator->emt_cu_flag( currCU );
        if( currDepth == 0 && bLuma ) m_CABACEstimator->emt_cu_flag( currCU );
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        if( partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs ) )
          partitioner.splitCurrArea( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs );
        else if( currCU.ispMode && isLuma( compID ) )
          partitioner.splitCurrArea( ispType, cs );
          xEncSubdivCbfQT( cs, partitioner, bLuma, bChroma, subTuCounter, ispType );
          subTuCounter += subTuCounter != -1 ? 1 : 0;
          xEncSubdivCbfQT( cs, partitioner, bLuma, bChroma );
        } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) );
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    #if !JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
        if (!currCU.ispMode && isLuma( compID ) && currDepth == 0 && bLuma && TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, COMPONENT_Y, 0) ) m_CABACEstimator->emt_cu_flag( currCU );
        if( currDepth == 0 && bLuma && TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, COMPONENT_Y, 0 ) ) m_CABACEstimator->emt_cu_flag( currCU );
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          bool previousCbf       = false;
          bool lastCbfIsInferred = false;
          if( ispType != TU_NO_ISP )
            bool rootCbfSoFar = false;
            uint32_t nTus = currCU.ispMode == HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? currCU.lheight() >> g_aucLog2[currTU.lheight()] : currCU.lwidth() >> g_aucLog2[currTU.lwidth()];
            if( subTuCounter == nTus - 1 )
              TransformUnit* tuPointer = currCU.firstTU;
              for( int tuIdx = 0; tuIdx < nTus - 1; tuIdx++ )
                rootCbfSoFar |= TU::getCbfAtDepth( *tuPointer, COMPONENT_Y, currDepth );
                tuPointer = tuPointer->next;
              if( !rootCbfSoFar )
                lastCbfIsInferred = true;
            if( !lastCbfIsInferred )
              previousCbf = TU::getPrevTuCbfAtDepth( currTU, COMPONENT_Y, partitioner.currTrDepth );
          if( !lastCbfIsInferred )
            m_CABACEstimator->cbf_comp( cs, TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, COMPONENT_Y, currDepth ), currTU.Y(), currTU.depth, previousCbf, currCU.ispMode );
          m_CABACEstimator->cbf_comp( cs, TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, COMPONENT_Y, currDepth ), currTU.Y(), currTU.depth );
    void IntraSearch::xEncCoeffQT( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const ComponentID compID, const int subTuIdx, const PartSplit ispType )
    void IntraSearch::xEncCoeffQT(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const ComponentID &compID)
      const UnitArea &currArea  = partitioner.currArea();
           int subTuCounter     = subTuIdx;
      TransformUnit &currTU     = *cs.getTU( currArea.blocks[partitioner.chType], partitioner.chType, subTuIdx );
      TransformUnit &currTU     = *cs.getTU( currArea.blocks[partitioner.chType], partitioner.chType );
      uint32_t      currDepth       = partitioner.currTrDepth;
      const bool subdiv         = currTU.depth > currDepth;
      if (subdiv)
        if (partitioner.canSplit(TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs))
          partitioner.splitCurrArea(TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs);
        else if(>ispMode )
          partitioner.splitCurrArea( ispType, cs );
          xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, compID, subTuCounter, ispType );
          subTuCounter += subTuCounter != -1 ? 1 : 0;
        } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) );
      if( currArea.blocks[compID].valid() )
        if( TU::hasCrossCompPredInfo( currTU, compID ) )
          m_CABACEstimator->cross_comp_pred( currTU, compID );
        if( TU::getCbf( currTU, compID ) )
          m_CABACEstimator->residual_coding( currTU, compID );
    uint64_t IntraSearch::xGetIntraFracBitsQT( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const bool &bLuma, const bool &bChroma, const int subTuIdx, const PartSplit ispType )
    uint64_t IntraSearch::xGetIntraFracBitsQT( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const bool &bLuma, const bool &bChroma )
      xEncIntraHeader( cs, partitioner, bLuma, bChroma, subTuIdx );
      xEncSubdivCbfQT( cs, partitioner, bLuma, bChroma, subTuIdx, ispType );
      xEncIntraHeader( cs, partitioner, bLuma, bChroma );
      xEncSubdivCbfQT( cs, partitioner, bLuma, bChroma );
        xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, COMPONENT_Y, subTuIdx, ispType );
        xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, COMPONENT_Y );
        xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, COMPONENT_Cb, subTuIdx, ispType );
        xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, COMPONENT_Cr, subTuIdx, ispType );
        xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, COMPONENT_Cb );
        xEncCoeffQT( cs, partitioner, COMPONENT_Cr );
      uint64_t fracBits = m_CABACEstimator->getEstFracBits();
      return fracBits;
    uint64_t IntraSearch::xGetIntraFracBitsQTSingleChromaComponent( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const ComponentID compID )
      if( compID == COMPONENT_Cb )
        //intra mode coding
        PredictionUnit &pu = *cs.getPU( partitioner.currArea().lumaPos(), partitioner.chType );
        m_CABACEstimator->intra_chroma_pred_mode( pu );
        //xEncIntraHeader(cs, partitioner, false, true);
      CHECK( partitioner.currTrDepth != 1, "error in the depth!" );
      const UnitArea &currArea = partitioner.currArea();
      TransformUnit &currTU = *cs.getTU( currArea.blocks[partitioner.chType], partitioner.chType );
      //cbf coding
      m_CABACEstimator->cbf_comp( cs, TU::getCbfAtDepth( currTU, compID, partitioner.currTrDepth ), currArea.blocks[compID], partitioner.currTrDepth - 1 );
      //coeffs coding and cross comp coding
      if( TU::hasCrossCompPredInfo( currTU, compID ) )
        m_CABACEstimator->cross_comp_pred( currTU, compID );
      if( TU::getCbf( currTU, compID ) )
        m_CABACEstimator->residual_coding( currTU, compID );
      uint64_t fracBits = m_CABACEstimator->getEstFracBits();
      return fracBits;
    uint64_t IntraSearch::xGetIntraFracBitsQTChroma(TransformUnit& currTU, const ComponentID &compID)
      if( TU::hasCrossCompPredInfo( currTU, compID ) )
        m_CABACEstimator->cross_comp_pred( currTU, compID );
      if( TU::getCbf( currTU, compID ) )
        m_CABACEstimator->residual_coding( currTU, compID );
      uint64_t fracBits = m_CABACEstimator->getEstFracBits();
      return fracBits;
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    #if JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
    void IntraSearch::xIntraCodingTUBlock(TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const bool &checkCrossCPrediction, Distortion& ruiDist, const int &default0Save1Load2, uint32_t* numSig, std::vector<TrMode>* trModes, const bool loadTr)
    void IntraSearch::xIntraCodingTUBlock(TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const bool &checkCrossCPrediction, Distortion& ruiDist, const int &default0Save1Load2, uint32_t* numSig )
    Tung Nguyen's avatar
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      if (!tu.blocks[compID].valid())
      CodingStructure &cs                       = *tu.cs;
      const CompArea      &area                 = tu.blocks[compID];
      const SPS           &sps                  = *cs.sps;
      const PPS           &pps                  = *cs.pps;
      const ChannelType    chType               = toChannelType(compID);
      const int            bitDepth             = sps.getBitDepth(chType);
      PelBuf         piOrg                      = cs.getOrgBuf    (area);
      PelBuf         piPred                     = cs.getPredBuf   (area);
      PelBuf         piResi                     = cs.getResiBuf   (area);
      PelBuf         piOrgResi                  = cs.getOrgResiBuf(area);
      PelBuf         piReco                     = cs.getRecoBuf   (area);
      const PredictionUnit &pu                  = *cs.getPU(area.pos(), chType);
      const uint32_t           uiChFinalMode        = PU::getFinalIntraMode(pu, chType);
      const bool           bUseCrossCPrediction = pps.getPpsRangeExtension().getCrossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag() && isChroma( compID ) && PU::isChromaIntraModeCrossCheckMode( pu ) && checkCrossCPrediction;
      const bool           ccUseRecoResi        = m_pcEncCfg->getUseReconBasedCrossCPredictionEstimate();
      const bool           ispSplitIsAllowed    = CU::canUseISPSplit( *, compID );
      //===== init availability pattern =====
      PelBuf sharedPredTS( m_pSharedPredTransformSkip[compID], area );
      if( default0Save1Load2 != 2 )
        const bool bUseFilteredPredictions = IntraPrediction::useFilteredIntraRefSamples( compID, pu, true, tu );
        initIntraPatternChType( *, area, bUseFilteredPredictions );
        //===== get prediction signal =====
        if( compID != COMPONENT_Y && PU::isLMCMode( uiChFinalMode ) )
            xGetLumaRecPixels( pu, area );
          predIntraChromaLM( compID, piPred, pu, area, uiChFinalMode );
          predIntraAng( compID, piPred, pu, bUseFilteredPredictions );
        // save prediction
        if( default0Save1Load2 == 1 )
          sharedPredTS.copyFrom( piPred );
        // load prediction
        piPred.copyFrom( sharedPredTS );
      DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_PRED, "@(%4d,%4d) [%2dx%2d] IMode=%d\n", tu.lx(),, tu.lwidth(), tu.lheight(), uiChFinalMode );
      //DTRACE_PEL_BUF( D_PRED, piPred, tu,>predMode, COMPONENT_Y );
    Taoran Lu's avatar
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      const Slice           &slice = *cs.slice;
    Taoran Lu's avatar
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      bool flag = slice.getReshapeInfo().getUseSliceReshaper() && (slice.isIntra() || (!slice.isIntra() && m_pcReshape->getCTUFlag()));
      bool flag = slice.getReshapeInfo().getUseSliceReshaper() && (slice.isIntra() || (!slice.isIntra() && m_pcReshape->getCTUFlag()) || (slice.getSliceType() == P_SLICE && slice.getSPS()->getIBCMode()));
      if (flag && slice.getReshapeInfo().getSliceReshapeChromaAdj() && isChroma(compID))
    Taoran Lu's avatar
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        const Area area = tu.Y().valid() ? tu.Y() : Area(recalcPosition(tu.chromaFormat, tu.chType, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, tu.blocks[tu.chType].pos()), recalcSize(tu.chromaFormat, tu.chType, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, tu.blocks[tu.chType].size()));
        const CompArea &areaY = CompArea(COMPONENT_Y, tu.chromaFormat, area );
        PelBuf piPredY;
        piPredY = cs.picture->getPredBuf(areaY);
        const Pel avgLuma = piPredY.computeAvg();
        int adj = m_pcReshape->calculateChromaAdj(avgLuma);
      //===== get residual signal =====
      piResi.copyFrom( piOrg  );
    Taoran Lu's avatar
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      if (slice.getReshapeInfo().getUseSliceReshaper() && m_pcReshape->getCTUFlag() && compID==COMPONENT_Y)
        CompArea      tmpArea(COMPONENT_Y, area.chromaFormat, Position(0, 0), area.size());
        PelBuf tmpPred = m_tmpStorageLCU.getBuf(tmpArea);
      piResi.subtract( piPred );
      if (pps.getPpsRangeExtension().getCrossComponentPredictionEnabledFlag() && isLuma(compID))
        piOrgResi.copyFrom (piResi);
      if (bUseCrossCPrediction)
        if (xCalcCrossComponentPredictionAlpha(tu, compID, ccUseRecoResi) == 0)
        CrossComponentPrediction::crossComponentPrediction(tu, compID, cs.getResiBuf(tu.Y()), piResi, piResi, false);
      //===== transform and quantization =====
      //--- init rate estimation arrays for RDOQ ---
      //--- transform and quantization           ---
      TCoeff uiAbsSum = 0;
      const QpParam cQP(tu, compID);
    Taoran Lu's avatar
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      flag =flag && (tu.blocks[compID].width*tu.blocks[compID].height > 4);
      if (flag && isChroma(compID) && slice.getReshapeInfo().getSliceReshapeChromaAdj() )
    Taoran Lu's avatar
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        int cResScaleInv = tu.getChromaAdj();
        double cResScale = round((double)(1 << CSCALE_FP_PREC) / (double)cResScaleInv);
        m_pcTrQuant->setLambda(m_pcTrQuant->getLambda() / (cResScale*cResScale));
        piResi.scaleSignal(cResScaleInv, 1,>cs->slice->clpRng(compID));
      double diagRatio = 0, horVerRatio = 0;
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    #if JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
      if( trModes )
        m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN( tu, compID, cQP, trModes, CU::isIntra( * ) ? m_pcEncCfg->getIntraMTSMaxCand() : m_pcEncCfg->getInterMTSMaxCand(), ispSplitIsAllowed ? &diagRatio : nullptr, ispSplitIsAllowed ? &horVerRatio : nullptr );
    Tung Nguyen's avatar
    Tung Nguyen committed
        m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN( tu, compID, cQP, trModes, CU::isIntra( * ) ? m_pcEncCfg->getIntraMTSMaxCand() : m_pcEncCfg->getInterMTSMaxCand() );
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        tu.mtsIdx = trModes->at(0).first;
      m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN( tu, compID, cQP, uiAbsSum, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx(), loadTr, &diagRatio, &horVerRatio );
    Tung Nguyen's avatar
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      m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN(tu, compID, cQP, uiAbsSum, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx(), loadTr);
      m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN(tu, compID, cQP, uiAbsSum, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx(), ispSplitIsAllowed ? &diagRatio : nullptr, ispSplitIsAllowed ? &horVerRatio : nullptr);
    Tung Nguyen's avatar
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      m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN(tu, compID, cQP, uiAbsSum, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx());
    Tung Nguyen's avatar
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      if (!>ispMode && isLuma(compID) && ispSplitIsAllowed &&
    #if JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS
        tu.mtsIdx == 0
        m_intraModeDiagRatio        .push_back(diagRatio);
        m_intraModeHorVerRatio      .push_back(horVerRatio);
      DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_TU_ABS_SUM, "%d: comp=%d, abssum=%d\n", DTRACE_GET_COUNTER( g_trace_ctx, D_TU_ABS_SUM ), compID, uiAbsSum );
      //--- inverse transform ---
      if (uiAbsSum > 0)
        m_pcTrQuant->invTransformNxN(tu, compID, piResi, cQP);
      //===== reconstruction =====
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      if (flag && uiAbsSum > 0 && isChroma(compID) && slice.getReshapeInfo().getSliceReshapeChromaAdj() )
        piResi.scaleSignal(tu.getChromaAdj(), 0,>cs->slice->clpRng(compID));
      if (bUseCrossCPrediction)
        CrossComponentPrediction::crossComponentPrediction(tu, compID, cs.getResiBuf(tu.Y()), piResi, piResi, true);
    Taoran Lu's avatar
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      if (slice.getReshapeInfo().getUseSliceReshaper() && m_pcReshape->getCTUFlag() && compID == COMPONENT_Y)
        CompArea      tmpArea(COMPONENT_Y, area.chromaFormat, Position(0,0), area.size());
        PelBuf tmpPred = m_tmpStorageLCU.getBuf(tmpArea);
        piReco.reconstruct(tmpPred, piResi, cs.slice->clpRng(compID));
    Taoran Lu's avatar
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      piReco.reconstruct(piPred, piResi, cs.slice->clpRng( compID ));
      //===== update distortion =====
    #if WCG_EXT
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      if (m_pcEncCfg->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled() || (m_pcEncCfg->getReshaper()
        && slice.getReshapeInfo().getUseSliceReshaper() && (m_pcReshape->getCTUFlag() || (isChroma(compID) && m_pcEncCfg->getReshapeIntraCMD()))))
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled() )
    Taoran Lu's avatar
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        const CPelBuf orgLuma = cs.getOrgBuf( cs.area.blocks[COMPONENT_Y] );
    Taoran Lu's avatar
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        if (compID == COMPONENT_Y)
          CompArea      tmpArea1(COMPONENT_Y, area.chromaFormat, Position(0, 0), area.size());
          PelBuf tmpRecLuma = m_tmpStorageLCU.getBuf(tmpArea1);
          ruiDist += m_pcRdCost->getDistPart(piOrg, tmpRecLuma, sps.getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)), compID, DF_SSE_WTD, &orgLuma);
          ruiDist += m_pcRdCost->getDistPart(piOrg, piReco, bitDepth, compID, DF_SSE_WTD, &orgLuma);
        ruiDist += m_pcRdCost->getDistPart( piOrg, piReco, bitDepth, compID, DF_SSE );
    void IntraSearch::xRecurIntraCodingLumaQT( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const double bestCostSoFar, const int subTuIdx, const PartSplit ispType )
            int   subTuCounter = subTuIdx;
      const UnitArea &currArea = partitioner.currArea();
      const CodingUnit     &cu = *cs.getCU( currArea.lumaPos(), partitioner.chType );
            bool  earlySkipISP = false;
    void IntraSearch::xRecurIntraCodingLumaQT( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner )
      const UnitArea &currArea = partitioner.currArea();